How to open your own cashback service. Launching your cashback service

It is important to know that all cashback services do not work directly with online stores, but through a CPA network in which all possible stores are already collected and you only need to connect them.

The cashback service itself works according to the following principle:

  • Sends information about the user's purchase to the online store;
  • The online store transfers the earnings to the cashback service, and it displays this earnings to the user in the form of a cashback.

As you can see, the principle of operation itself is very simple, and the service is only an intermediary between the buyer and the store, taking away part of the earnings that the store transferred.

How to create your own cashback service?

Now let's move on to creating such a service. And if the principle of operation itself can be characterized in two points, then the service itself should have much more functions and capabilities.

Create a service yourself?

If you are an experienced programmer, then this is quite possible. If you know programming at an amateur level and know how to create the maximum site on wordpress, then this is beyond your power.

What functions should a cashback service have?

  • Use one or more CPA through which purchases will be recorded and automatically updated;
  • Add offers (stores), both automatically and manually, as well as add a description, logo, rates and personal rates to each store;
  • User's personal account, which will display the balance, purchase statistics, the ability to withdraw cashback, etc.;
  • An affiliate program must be present;
  • Think over how to withdraw cashback to users who have requested a payment.

These are the main points. Also, it is advisable to take into account the ability to leave comments, add coupons and promo codes, conduct an e-mail newsletter, attach a loyalty program and browser extensions, keep a blog, the ability to give out bonuses, as well as promo codes for increased cashback. In addition, it is advisable to attach notifications and tickets.

In principle, you can look at any top-end service and it will immediately become clear what functions should be and how it is implemented.

Order or buy a ready-made cashback service?

If you have no or insufficient programming experience, then you can order a service from others or buy a ready-made service on various CMS, scripts or engines. I want to say right away that if you do not have at least $ 2000, then it will be difficult to launch the cashback service and you may only lose money.

  1. You can order development on freelance or in a web studio, but this will not give you a guarantee that they will do everything right and that you will not have any problems in the further work of the service. To develop a cashback service, you will need from $ 2000 and more. If you have a budget of at least $ 5,000 and you know from whom you can order a high-quality development of the service, then you can safely think about this option and the further opening of the service.
  2. You can buy ready-made on various CMS, scripts or engines. You can find more than a dozen of these solutions on the Internet, but they are all of low quality, since their goal is to sell as many solutions as possible and not to make them with high quality, although there is a CMS hotcashback that is made at a good level, at an affordable price and with good support (more on that below). So it is important to know that buying only one solution is not enough, for a successful launch you will still need to refine it, and revision can be more expensive than the solution itself, so we advise you to think carefully before buying, because according to statistics, many close and stop working and you might just lose money.
  • Hotcashback - official site - (order only from their office site, so as not to get caught by scammers). This is the most adequate solution and with good technical support. The cost of the solution is $ 1200, and for $ 1600 you can order a solution with a unique design and this is very cool. We believe that each cashback service should have its own unique design in order to compete normally in the market. Also, this price includes installation, configuration and those. support, which means you will not need to spend your time and energy on launching, the developers of this CMS will do everything for you, and will also tell you what to do. Automatic loading purchases, stores, rates from partner networks, data security and its own development based on the Yii2 Framework makes this CMS unique and the best among other options.
  • Kupitrix is ​​a working solution for that has all the basic functions and runs on CMS Bitrix. The site contains information that the price is from 69,000 rubles, but in addition to this, you will need to purchase a license for Bitrix. Official site of the developers: On this decision works, you can see how everything works for them (although getcashback is different from the template version). You can order development from developers for an additional fee additional functions... You can also purchase a browser extension for a fee. Based on this, the price of a full-fledged solution will be 100+ thousand rubles, and in order to compete at least a little in the cashback market, you will still need to spend 100+ thousand rubles for revision, and this is not counting advertising. Of course, you can start for 69,000, but there is little sense from this. Of the significant shortcomings, we can note the poor tech. support that does not respond or reacts for a long time to problems and improvements
  • Megatron also works for CMS Bitrix and looks quite attractive in appearance. Has all the basic functions to work with. Price for this moment is 49,000 rubles and this price includes a Bitrix license, as well as support and communication with developers at the time of launch and further development of the project. The worker on this solution is. The website of the developers is, you can find more details on their website. Also recently, the developers have provided a browser extension that can be obtained for free along with a solution for 49,000 rubles. The price is attractive, but the developers are problematic (at least it used to be so), they sold a sufficient number of solutions and did not respond to the requests of buyers, because the main goal was to sell the solution. Therefore, every second project on their solution was closed. To compete successfully, you need to spend 2 or even 3 times more on revision, excluding advertising.

The rest of the solutions are not quite suitable for the CIS market or are unfinished and crude:

  • is a good option, but information is scarce. Price and demo version only on request, there may be difficulties with cooperation. In general, the option is not bad, but there are better options for businessmen from the CIS (cupitrix or megatron);
  • is also quite a good option, but the solution is not very well designed and there may be problems with further cooperation with programmers;
  • is a working version and costs only $ 200, but there are already +100,500 such services and for a more or less sane project this is not suitable - maximum for a hobby.
  • is a good option starting from $ 300, but the solution is crude and there are a lot of problems, even in Personal Area do not enter;
  • is complete nonsense, just waste your money, nerves and time.

How to manage cashback service?

  • One person can manage in his free time if up to 5000 active users are registered;
  • One person can manage a cashback service with an 8-hour work schedule if there are up to 25,000 active users;
  • If you have more than 25 thousand active users, then it's time to think about the employment of a person in technical support, and in the future also the development of the company and staff;

What are the main responsibilities?

  1. Answer questions in those. support;
  2. Make payments;

What are the secondary responsibilities?

  1. Add stores, descriptions to them;
  2. Track activity in social networks;
  3. Advertise your cashback service;
  4. Conduct SEO optimization;
  5. Maintain a blog for the service (publish news and articles);
  6. Withdraw money from the CPA grid and maintain a balance for payments to users of their cashback;
  7. Conduct various promotions and contests;
  8. Follow the comments and in case of negative ones - promptly solve the problem.

I will not provide any ideal scheme, because everyone has their own lifestyle, free time, desire and experience in Internet marketing, SEO, and in general on the Internet. So, for everyone it will be better the way he decides and plans, but the main thing is that there is a desire and motivation to create and develop, then everything will work out.

How profitable is it?

The main purpose of creation is profit. But it is important to know that the profitability of this area is very blurred and it all depends on how you promote your service. Let's consider profitability if you have 25,000 active users.


  • Order development or buy a ready-made service - $ 1,200;
  • For the service to work, you need VPS server- $ 25 per month;
  • Domain name of the service (as it will be called) - $ 10 per year;
  • Advertising costs to reach 20,000 users - $ 4,000.


It all depends on how much you will keep for yourself. More realistic figures in these conditions is 75% to give to the user and 25% to keep for yourself.

On average, one active user can bring you about $ 0.20 per month. Therefore, 25,000 active users will bring you about $ 5,000.

These are very vague numbers and in fact, everything may turn out differently, but in the big picture everything looks like this.

As a result, you can go to profit in a month and a half. Cool, isn't it? But do not forget that 25,000 users will not fall from the sky. To do this, you may need at least half a year or even 2 years. And to be a little realistic, the creation of a cashback service is undoubtedly a profitable business, but after a while, perhaps a long time.

Underwater rocks

  • Users are very difficult to acquire and take a lot of time and money;
  • Your income is directly related to the profitability of people and no matter how cool your service is. No money - no shopping
  • Fairly high competition in this area;
  • Problems can arise if you don't understand even a little about programming, internet marketing and SEO;
  • In the early stages, it is difficult to gain the trust of users.


Everything will be profitable if you understand this and 80% success lies in how and with what methods you promote. For a good start, $ 3,000 may well be enough. As you have already noticed, the main amount will be spent on advertising and the creation of a cashback service, and only a small part on its technical support. For example, if you do not plan a sharp start and you have a main job, but in the future you want to move to your business, then opening a cashback service will be an excellent option, because you can spend $ 150 per year to make it work.

Launching your cashback service

4.6 (91.11%) 9



Hello! In this article, we will tell you about cashback for Aliexpress and how to use it when buying on Ali.

Today you will learn:

  • What is a cashback service;
  • Which partner "Aliexpress" gives the most savings;
  • How to withdraw cashback from services;
  • How to get the maximum cashback with the help of banks.

What is cashback from "Aliexpress"

Not so long ago, a huge virtual trading platform of Chinese, and not only, stores became available to Russian Internet users - Aliexpress... Simply put, Aliexpress is a virtual shopping mall that brings together products of various categories from hundreds of manufacturers.

Everyone knows that goods from China are an order of magnitude cheaper than other foreign or Russian products, but few people know that you can save even more on Aliexpress if you use special sites that allow you to get some of the money from your order. Today we will prove that making purchases with cashback is much more profitable than without it.

Cashback - return of a certain percentage to the buyer from a one-time order. Simply put, you get a discount on the product, the amount of which is returned to the account in your account on Aliexpress after a certain time after payment.

TOP cashback services for Aliexpress

  • Reliability;
  • The amount of benefit;
  • Additional conditions and pitfalls;
  • The number of ways to withdraw funds;
  • The minimum amount to withdraw funds;
  • Number of partner stores.

After describing the best Cashback pages, a small comparison table awaits you.

Letyshops is the best cashback service

We have been using this service for a long time and can safely recommend it! This is the most profitable of all the options presented.

Go and register

Letishops provides its users with a refund of five percent of the order value. Not so much, if not for one "but". Letyshops has a large number of various bonuses in the form of promotional codes that increase your savings up to 30%!

In addition, if you accumulate a certain amount of returned money, then the percentage of money savings from the following purchases will increase as follows:

  • Accumulated five hundred bonuses - you get a 10% refund additionally on your next purchases;
  • Accumulated three thousand bonuses - get + 20% return on your next purchases;
  • Accumulated ten thousand bonuses - get + 30% return on your next purchases.

Thus, by making purchases for ten thousand in Russian currency, you will accumulate five hundred rubles available for withdrawal, and your percentage of profit on subsequent orders will increase by 10%. That is, having made the next purchase for 1,000 rubles through Letyshops, you will receive one hundred and fifty rubles back.

Another advantage of Letishops is a large number of ways to withdraw the accumulated.

You can transfer money to:

Speaking of Letishop, one cannot fail to mention the number of stores with which he cooperates - there are more than 900 of them! The most popular of them and the percentage for each: Ebay (1.4%), M.Video (1.75%), Svyaznoy (5%), Ulmart (5%), Ozon (7%).

A nice part of working with Letyshops is the browser extension. Now you can see the dynamics of price changes for the desired product and check the seller's reliability before buying. The tool works in Aliexpress and Gearbest, but this list will expand soon.

Authorization through official networks or direct registration in the portal. In the first case, you need to choose a social network through which you would like to visit Letishops and log in to it. In the second case, you will need to enter your email in the form field and come up with a password.

In the process of registering your personal account, you will be offered to read “ Useful information”, We strongly recommend that you do this. This way you will avoid mistakes in working with the partner site and get your benefits.

The main disadvantage of Cashback Letyshops is the need for a sufficiently large amount of accumulated refunds for the transfer. You need to collect five hundred rubles in profit to get them.

But if you are going to make purchases on the Asian site or from other Letyshops partners, then this resource provides the most profitable cashback at the moment.

Kopikot is also one of the best cashbackers

Go and register on Kopikot.

Kopikot returns 5.5% of orders on Aliexpress. In addition, you can get money from purchases in the following stores: Booking (4%), eBay (1.5%), Lamoda (4%), Svyaznoy (5%), Ozon (6%), BonPrix (5%) , Asos (3%).

You can transfer money to:

  • Bank card of any bank;
  • Electronic wallets;
  • Your account is with a mobile operator.

A nice "welcome" from Kopikot will be 100 bonuses that are provided to each new user. You can create a personal account both through authorization in social networks, and directly.

The minimum amount saved for a transfer from the portal is five hundred rubles.

ePN Cashback

ePN Cashback takes an honorable third place in our rating. In fact, ePN offers higher return on purchases than Letyshops.

The minimum project savings is 8%.

You can also increase your winnings by using gift certificates. To do this, you need to buy gift Certificate and the product for it, then ePN pays a double benefit of 16%. However, since March 7, 2017, Aliexpress has suspended work with gift certificates.

The number of ways to withdraw funds from ePN Cashback is quite large:

  • Electronic wallets;
  • Your account with a mobile operator;
  • Epayments.

Cashbacker works with a much smaller number of sales representatives than Letyshops.

To place orders through the portal, you need to create a personal account. To do this, you need to enter your mail and come up with a password.

The minimum withdrawal amount is $ 0.2 (the service charges cashback in US currency).


Our third place is AliBonus. This portal guarantees you to get back 6-8% of the purchase. In fact, the company promises savings of 10%, but it's almost impossible to get hold of it.

The resource cooperates only with Aliexpress. There are no additional conditions and promotional codes.

You can transfer your benefits to:

  • Bank card of any bank;
  • Electronic payment systems (WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex.Money, PayPal);
  • Your account is with a mobile operator.

The minimum withdrawal amount corresponds to 300 bonuses.

Registration is carried out only after installing a special extension on your computer or mobile device.

After installing the extension, go to the service website and go through the registration procedure: enter your email and come up with a password. Then shop in Chinese trading platform from your AliBonus account.

Offers its users to return up to 10% of purchases on Ali.

Cash4brands is universal and cooperates with many online stores, including: Ebay (0.3% -1%), Gearbest (2%), (1%), Banggood (3%), Ozon (0.6% -6%), M.Video (0.5% -2%), Asos (2% -6%), Citilink (0.25%), Booking (3%).

The service also offers a fairly large number of withdrawal methods:

  • Bank card of any bank;
  • Electronic payment systems;
  • Your account is with a mobile operator.

The biggest plus in this project is the absence of a minimum amount for withdrawing funds. You can even withdraw 1 kopeck from the portal.

You can register on the portal using social networks or directly. In the first case, you will only need to log in to the social network, and in the second, enter your email and come up with a password.

Ebates closes the top five cashback resources. It offers a 5% benefit on Ali. Cooperates with many stores, among which the following can be distinguished: Ebay, M.Video, Svyaznoy.

The nice thing is that upon registration you will already receive 300 bonuses. The same amount must be accumulated in order to withdraw them from Ebates.

As soon as you go to the Ebates website, you will be presented with a registration form. Log in via Facebook or register directly.

You can transfer funds to:

  • Bank card of any bank;
  • Electronic payment systems;
  • Your account is with a mobile operator.

Dronk cashback

The benefit that Dronk Cashback will give you from purchases on aliexpress is 8%. This portal appeared relatively recently, but has already earned the trust of users.

The main advantage of the resource is the increased comfort of use. The portal searches for grocery items in several stores at once and offers the most profitable offer... Plus, it automatically displays your savings from purchase to checkout.

The Dronk Cashback project interacts with such sites as: Gearbest, Banggood, DX, Tinydeal, OTTO.

You can transfer money to the usual payment systems ( bank cards, electronic payment systems) and a mobile phone.

The smallest amount of accumulated withdrawal is 200 bonuses.

Closes the eight best cashback services Promokodi. With it, you will receive 7% of what you buy on the Chinese trading platform.

In addition, the resource cooperates with such online stores as KupiVip (3.42%), Technosila (up to 10%), Quelle (up to 30%), Svyaznoy (up to 10%), GearBest (up to 4%), M. Video (1.37%), Sportmaster (2%).

The accumulated withdrawal takes place to plastic cards of banks, electronic payment systems and an account with a mobile operator.

The smallest amount accumulated for the transfer corresponds to five hundred rubles.

Registration is carried out either through Yandex and My World, or directly by filling in the fields “ Email”And“ password ”.

Comparative table of cashback services

For myself, I would choose 3 services:

  • Letishops;
  • Copicot;
  • ePN Cashback.

It is in this order of priority, based on our experience.

Cashback percentage Minimum withdrawal amount, rubles Additional terms
Lety Shops 3 (maximum of all) 500 The ability to use promotional codes that increase savings up to 30%, as well as the use of a cumulative cashback system that increases cashback up to 30%
ePN Cashback 2 5 It is possible to use a promotional code that increases savings up to 16%
AliBonus 2 300 You need to install an extension for registration
2 1 No
2 300 300 bonuses upon registration, verified partner
from 2 500 100 bonuses upon registration, the ability to use promotional codes that increase your cashback and income.
Dronk cashback 1,5 200 100 bonuses upon registration
1,5 500 No

Benefits for buyers, store and services

The amount of such a discount with sites that provide money back from purchases on Aliexpress, on average, is 6-8% of the total cost of the ordered product.

Many buyers do not believe in receiving savings from third-party sites, they are afraid of deception and loss of their money. But we want to assure you that these fears are unjustified.

The reason is that it is not only the customer who wins. A resource that provides customers with cashback in a certain amount plays the role of a means of promotion here.

The company attracts new clients to Ali, for which the trading platform pays him a commission in a certain amount. The share of commissions depends on how much "Aliexpress" is interested in this service as a partner.

After you have made a payment through a site that provides a discount on "Aliexpress" goods, the site will receive its commissions, some of which will be returned to you.

Why return a part of an order to Aliexpress? To attract new buyers. Aliexpress practically does not spend money on advertising. Virtual partners do it for him, which is several times cheaper than an independent advertising campaign.

How to choose a cashback service

Stage 1. The main thing when choosing is not to chase too high a return rate. Remember that your discount when ordering on "Ali" through partner sites cannot be more than 10%, as it will be unprofitable for the store.

The exceptions are “special” days when the trading floor raises the percentage to 12-15 as an exception.

Stage 2. When choosing a cashbacker, pay close attention to the conditions for obtaining the promised discount in the form reverse direction of money. As a rule, the refund amount that you will receive from the ordered product will depend on the total amount of the one-time order through the cashback service. The more you pay, the more money you get back.

But it also happens that the portal returns the share back only when buying certain items. Therefore, in order not to feel cheated, be sure to check the partner's terms and conditions.

Also pay attention to the withdrawal methods. These can be e-wallets, accounts cellular operators, bank cards or all at once.

Stage 3. See what is the smallest bonus you can monetize. It can range from 1 to 2000 rubles.

Stage 4. Check reviews on the internet. This way you can quickly identify scammers.

How to use Aliexpress cashback service

Now that we have decided on the cashbacker, we need to understand how to translate the difference.

It's really easy to work with resources. To do this, copy the link of the product page on the international trading platform and paste it into a special search field on the partner's portal. The resource will find this product with guaranteed savings.

Some portals display several similar products from different stores at once so that you can choose the most advantageous offer for you.

The second way to make a purchase through cashback resources is associated with installing a special plugin (most cashbackers have this).

So, in order to download the plugin to your device, you need to register in the cashback project, and then log in to your personal account. On the service page, find the Plugin tab and select the browser you use most often. You will be taken to the extension installation page.

After downloading it, go to "Aliexpress" and select a product to buy the selected product with savings, select the plugin icon in the browser and click on it. In the window that appears, you will see the amount of the discount and the button "Continue" or "Proceed to purchase", click on it.

Then we follow the instructions. In this case, you can get cashback through the mobile application.

All purchases must be made through a cashbacker. With the direct registration of the product on "Ali", you will not get the difference, even if you are registered in any resource.

How to get cashback from banks when buying on Aliexpress

Not everyone knows, but in addition to the cashback of Ali's partner sites, some banks, for example, Tinkoff and Sberbank, provide a discount in the form of a percentage of purchases. Here's another .

Additional cashback from Tinkoff

To get the difference from purchases on Aliexpress from Tinkoff Bank, you need issue a Tinkoff card.

A Tinkoff debit card will bring you an additional income of 8%, provided that the account has an amount of up to RUB 300,000, if larger amount the percentage increases. But at the same time, you must spend at least 3,000 rubles a month, if you spend less, then your income will be halved.

You can cash out for free if you withdraw an amount from 3,000 to 150,000 rubles, with a lesser or greater amount of withdrawal, you will give 2% of the commission.

As for the winnings from purchases on Aliexpress, 2% of each purchase will be transferred to you. You can spend cashback on goods worth more than 500 rubles.

Cashback from purchases from Sberbank

Sberbank also provides benefits from purchases. In this case, you do not need to get a special card, any plastic from Sberbank, which can be used to pay for goods on Aliexpress, will do. The program that allows you to save money on Aliexpress is called “Thank you from Sberbank”.

Anyone can use the program. To do this, go to your personal account in the Internet Bank (Sberbank-online) and register in the program. It will take you no more than 2 minutes and will not require any investment.

The savings from purchases on Aliexpress will be only 0.5%. However, the partners of the “Thank you from Sberbank” program are hundreds of different shops, entertainment establishments and catering establishments, so participation in the program will definitely not be superfluous.

How to get cashback back from Sberbank? Very simple. You can spend bonuses from Sberbank in the same partner stores, you cannot withdraw funds. Bonuses are active for 36 months, after which they expire.

More than 6 months ago we have launched a service for the development of a Cashback service under your control. More details can be found in our old blog - "Turnkey Cashback Service".

And now, on the wave complete renovation and improvements to the Openmall platform - we are releasing another additional version or variant of the Cashback service. In the first version, the emphasis was on creating showcases of goods from suppliers with a Cashback connection, while the second version will allow you to connect more than 700 partners and much cheaper. If desired, both versions can be combined into one and successfully combined.

Also, the new version of the Cashback service will already be on the new platform, more progressive and variable for improvements.

Another of the main advantages of the new platform is the ability to radically change the design, access to the design code, the ability to order any modifications to the site, the ability to install for an additional fee on the client's hosting.

In honor of the launch new version project - we are holding a promotion- the cost of creating and configuring the Cashback service for the new version of everything 295 $ (base price 395 $).

What do you get:

The site has the ability to install translators in different languages. And also the texts on the site can be translated into any language. You can create a service targeting Western and American markets and other countries.

Also additionally it will be possible to order any improvements on the site for a fee. We can develop any modules for you individually, or add more stores with cashback. There are options for developing an individual design and much more.

Now let's briefly talk about what is "Cashback" and how it will be beneficial for you.

The principle of Cashback service is very simple. The client registers in your Cashback service, looks for a store or partner from which he wants to buy goods (for example, let's take Aliexpress), clicks on a link on your website and goes to the partner's website.

In turn- Aliexpress sees that a customer has bought a product from your website and charges you an affiliate commission of up to 18% (depending on the product). And you, as the owner of the cashback site, give part of this reward to your client.

Let's take an example:

  1. For example, a client named Marina, chose a product on Aliexpress - a women's jacket and on - a mobile phone.
  2. Marina will go to your website, will insert links to these products, follow a special link that your site will generate and pay for purchases on these sites.
  3. As soon as Marina receives the parcels and confirms their receipt - Aliexpress and Ozon will charge you a reward (for example, you will receive $ 6 from Aliexpress and $ 4 from
  4. In the site settings, you, as the owner, you can distribute profit shares (for example, in your settings it costs 70% to the client and 30% to you). Thus, from Our example - Marina is charged - 70% of $ 6 and 70% of $ 4 - total
  5. Marina saved money using your website, $ 7, and you, in turn, earned $ 3 (while you did not waste time processing an order, communicating with a supplier, etc.).
  6. Now imagine if you have 100 such customers a day, and as a rule they will come to you again for other purchases and recommend them to their friends.

Thus, you get a closed and mutually beneficial business.

Since with such a scheme, all three parties benefit:

  • To the client it is profitable to buy through your service, as it will be cheaper for him than buying directly on Aliexpress or in other stores;
  • For partner stores(for Aliexpress, Ozon, Bangood, GearBest, etc., this is beneficial in that your service brings them clients for whom partners do not bear advertising costs, so Aliexpress and others pay you a reward.
  • It is beneficial for you, because you offer benefits and savings to the client, receive a part of the reward, from which your profit is formed, and also get a business that is relatively easy to promote.

Another benefit for you is that you do not need to essentially accept money from customers, you do not need to be responsible for delivery and many other nuances when working with regular internet shop. With the help of the Cashback site, you will mainly be engaged only in promoting and consulting your clients.

How to order and connect a catalog.

  1. If you are not yet registered in the new Openmall Admin Panel - register using the link- and log into your account.

  2. At the top right there will be a button "Top up account"- top up your account with $ 295 (promotional price until the end of the month)+ $ 25 for the first month service. After that, inform our technical support managers in free form about your intention to connect the Cashback service and your login in the Openmall system. Support e-mail - [email protected] or Skype - open_mall(Dmitry Tikhomirov).

  3. By default, in the package you can connect no more than 20 partners to choose from. But for an additional fee, you can connect more than 600 stores and receive a cashback. The cost of adding is 5 $ for one site. Among them are Lamoda,,, M-video, Yulmart and many others. The entire list of partners can be viewed here -.

  4. Tell our managers in any convenient way your login in system. (skype: open_mall, e-mail: [email protected] )

  5. After that- within 5-10 working days, they will install an online store for you and connect a cashback service on your domain and give you all the instructions for working. Since the service is new and only recently launched, it may take some time after creating the site (about 1-2 weeks) to debug some functions and connect Cashback statistics from partners.

We have rates and options for every taste and budget

You can additionally order advertising rates. Which will immediately allow you to set up advertising campaigns

Tariff price

  • Yandex Direct (+ YAN)
  • Google adwords
  • Retargeting
  • Marketing Tips
  • Groups in social networks
  • SSL certificate
  • Articles for the site (4-6 pcs.)
  • Multilingual site
  • Basic SEO setup
  • Email marketing
  • Mail for domain

Start (installments possible)

$ 440 Per Month

  • Credit Card Requirement
  • Diskspace
  • Subdomains
  • Email Addresses
  • MySQL Databases
  • Google AdWords Credits
  • Remote Desktop Widge
  • Message from Users List
  • Google Adwords Voucher
  • Scheduled Lock Screen
  • Customisable Toolbar

Pro (installments possible)

$ 890 Per Month

  • Credit Card Requirement
  • Diskspace
  • Subdomains
  • Email Addresses
  • MySQL Databases
  • Google AdWords Credits
  • Remote Desktop Widge
  • Message from Users List
  • Google Adwords Voucher
  • Scheduled Lock Screen
  • Customisable Toolbar

VIP (installments possible)

$ 1390 Per Month

  • Credit Card Requirement
  • Diskspace
  • Subdomains
  • Email Addresses
  • MySQL Databases
  • Google AdWords Credits
  • Remote Desktop Widge
  • Message from Users List
  • Google Adwords Voucher
  • Scheduled Lock Screen
  • Customisable Toolbar

You can also order different services separately. You can also order different services separately.

  • 90 $ Credit Card Requirement
  • 250 $ Diskspace
  • 49 $ Subdomains
  • 45 $ Email Addresses
  • 60-120 $ MySQL Databases
  • $ 25 Google AdWords Credits
  • from $ 10 Remote Desktop Widge
  • from 25 $ Message from Users List
  • 30 $ Google Adwords Voucher
  • from 15 $ Scheduled Lock Screen
  • $ 45 Customisable Toolbar


If you want to get a free domain, then it will look like -
For example
Instead of vika - you can choose any word, if it is not already used by our other clients.
Instead of

To pay - register at
At the top right there will be a button Replenish an account
Write the required amount from 195 $ depending on the selected tariff and go further,
and then invoice will be issued in rubles or hryvnia
Select a payment method and the account should be replenished.
If you have any difficulties - write.

We have been developing cashback services since 2013, over the years we have made dozens of various cashback services that make a profit. We are not afraid difficult tasks and over the years, we have implemented the most daring ideas, integrations and modules for cashback services, such as: integrations with the MLM portal, integration of the cashback service with our own CPA network, integration of the cashback service with the collection service semantic core, integration with the service for creating product showcases, a cashback landing page generator, a product landing page generator and many other modules, integrations and ideas.

We help promote cashback services, we have not only tools but also cases for promoting cashback services that will allow you to effectively place ads on social networks, transfer any audience of your projects to a cashback service, modules and cases for promoting cashback services in search networks.

Kupitrix works with any CPA networks

More than 10 modules for the cashback service.

An individual approach to solving your problems.

List of modules for Cashback service:

Kupitrix: cashback is made on a modular basis, we make any functionality in the form of separate modules and / or add-ons to modules for your tasks. Below is a list of modules available for purchase.

Standard modules that are available for sale to everyone:

  • Kupitrix module: cashback - basic version, has all the functions of conventional cashback services.
  • Kupitrix browser plug-in: extensions
  • Module Kupitrix: Collections - creating product landing pages for MF and LF requests.
  • Kupitrix module: hasoffers - integration of cashback service with your own CPA network

Additional modules for those who already make money and want to increase conversion and traffic flow are available only for cashback services with a turnover of 50,000 rubles / day or more.

  • Kupitrix module: Products - product showcase with cashback
  • Module Kupitrix: Hot products - showcase of products from the Tmall category of the Aliexpress platform
  • Kupitrix Module: Marketing - Internal Marketing Organization
  • Kupitrix module: Landing page generator - generator landing pages for advertising in social networks
  • Kupitrix module: Social network - a social network within the cashback service
  • Kupitrix module: Mobile applications - mobile applications for iOS and Android
  • Module Kupitrix: Consulting - organization of massive cashback payments to users
  • Kupitrix module: Semantics - selection keywords for site pages, traffic forecast with search engines, recommendations
  • Module Kupitrix: Travel - search for tickets, tours within the cashback service, creation of travel landing pages.

Promotion of cashback service in search engines and social networks.

In the basic package, we offer tools for attracting traffic from search engines and cases for increasing conversions from advertising on social networks. In the first month of testing promotion tools on 5 sites, our clients earned more than 1,000,000 rubles in total. We offer working tools and cases for SEO and SMM promotion.

Examples of cashback sites on the ready-made solution Kupitrix: cashback.

We periodically publish projects on Kupitrix: cashback on the 1C-Bitrix website. Unfortunately, not all projects have been published yet, someone does not want to publish their projects. You can view and read the description of the projects by clicking on the link to the picture.

Cashback service design development

You can send your own design or a ready-made template for your cashback service, we will collect the cashback service on your template.

  • Affiliate program for users with a percentage for the paid cashback of the invited user.
  • Automatic download of purchases made by users.

Cashback is reward for purchases, which our service pays you, for the fact that you make purchases according to the rules in the stores presented on our website.

The word "cashback" came to us from English and literally sounds like "cash back". Now this term is usually used to refer to a type of cash back bonus program used by to attract customers and increase their loyalty. It has been used for a long time in the banking sector (cashback from purchases with credit cards) and relatively recently in Internet commerce.

Receiving cashback means getting back a reward from part of the money spent in the store - a fixed amount or some percentage of the cost.

Where does cashback come from?

Cashback is our commission for your purchases. Cashback is our earnings(obtained through partnerships with stores), which we gladly pass on to you if you make purchases correctly and do not violate the terms of our service.

Does cashback from purchases mean more expensive purchases in these stores?

This is a big misconception because all prices at the store remain exactly the same as if you just went there and made a purchase without even knowing that you can get cashback for it. Cashback is already included in the store's advertising budget. This is the money that stores spend on marketing and advertising on the Internet. Our service gives you the opportunity to be both a buyer - the one to whom the store's advertising is directed and, at the same time, the recipient of the costs of this advertising. Stores pay us an advertising commission for your purchases - we pass it on to you. This is the whole elegance of the cashback service idea.

What is the right way to shop to get cashback?

You make all your purchases as usual. All you need to do to get cashback is go to the store site through the site using the "Get cashback" button and after that checkout. But, please note - adding a product to the cart is usually required after the transition. After the order is placed, a program is triggered on the store's website that monitors cashback and through our technology partner ( partner network) sends us information about the amount of the order and the amount of the commission. We credit it to your account as cashback!

How should I pay for my purchase?

You can pay for your purchase both online and in cash immediately or upon receipt of the order. Cashback should be tracked some time after the store system processes your order. Cashback will be in the "pending" status until the store can confirm that the order has been paid for, successfully received and cannot be returned.

How fast is cashback tracked?

As a rule, the speed with which information about purchases comes to us from stores is less than an hour, but the exact time may depend on a particular store. You can find more information on the page of each store at the bottom of the right column. Please note that if we usually receive notifications of purchases from a particular store in a few minutes or an hour, sometimes notifications from the same store may be delayed for a period of up to several days. No worries..

How quickly can I withdraw my confirmed cashback?

After the store has changed the status of the tracked purchase to confirmed (indicating that the cashback will be paid), you and we (equally impatiently) begin to wait for the actual payment. Stores usually pay a commission every week, sometimes once a month - this usually depends on the store itself. From our side, delays as such do not exist - the cashback will receive the status "available and ready to pay" on the same day when the payment from the store arrives at our account. On average, the time from purchase to cashback available for withdrawal on your account, is about 6-8 weeks. Some stores pay cashback much faster. For example, cashback from can be on your available balance in 2 weeks.

How can I withdraw the received cashback?

We offer convenient cashback withdrawal to credit cards Visa / Mastercard(it is enough to indicate the card number) or through many electronic payment systems, such as Webmoney, QIWI, Yandex.Money, Paypal and even Bitcoin... Soon we will add the ability to withdraw cashback on mobile phones.

Is cashback tax deductible?

When you receive cashback, you get back some of your own money, which you probably paid taxes with earlier. Cashback in this sense is not your profit, but only a discount received with a slight delay. The RF Ministry of Finance agrees with these arguments.

Do many stores allow you to receive cashback?

Surprisingly - yes! In most stores where you love to shop every day, now knowing about our service, you can make them smarter and cheaper. To see the whole store list, select " Catalog A-Z" in the menu "All Stores" or use the search form by name and / or site.

For what reason, after 7 days, cashback may not be tracked?

Tracking, or tracking cashback, is a rather complex chain in which several links are involved at once. For you, as the beginning of this chain, the most important thing is to make sure that your browser ( Internet Explorer, Google chrome etc.) does not block cookies from advertising sites. Cookies are small text files that sites save on your computer for a variety of auxiliary purposes, including tracking cashback. If you have any ad blocker installed, such as Adblock, you definitely need to disable its when using the site. The purchases of users who purposefully block advertising on the Internet cannot be tracked and cashback will not be received.

There are also other, mainly technical aspects for which cashback may not be tracked, such as errors in the purchase tracking code on the store's website or an unstable customer's Internet connection. Fortunately, this rarely happens!

Please, never make a purchase based on the amount of the promised cashback! Always treat cashback as a bonus for a purchase, because - even though we always try our best to receive commission from stores - cashback cannot be guaranteed.

Are there any tips to improve the likelihood of tracking your cashback correctly?

In order to maximize the chances of correct tracking of your purchase, make sure that:

1. You doing purchase immediately after the transition to the store's website via the website.
(if you went to the store's website, looked at the product, added / removed it from the cart, closed the store's website, left for lunch, returned the next day and completed the purchase, then there is a high probability that such a purchase will not be tracked!)

2. You do not open any other sites with coupons, discounts, cashback after going to the store's website through the website and before your order is fully completed.

3. You do not use in your order promotional codes and discount coupons that are not published at the time of order on our website. Attention: the codes that the store sends you in mailing lists will most likely cancel the opportunity to receive cashback. Use at your own risk.

4. You do not use in order loyalty cards and / or get points bonus programs(, Malina, Kukuruza, Sberbank "Thank you", Tinkov and the like). Cashback cannot be paid out together with others outside bonus points and discounts! Accumulating points and bonuses from the stores themselves usually not affected for the opportunity to get cashback, but we do not guarantee crediting if used.

5. Your the order is placed completely online, without phone calls from / to the store and the help of an assistant during the ordering process(often happens when choosing the "1-click" purchase mode). You can pay for an order placed on the Internet upon receipt.

6. If the store's website has already been opened in another window and / or if you have already added purchases to the cart - you need to empty the cart, close the site and re-select the purchase after going through the site.

7. After you have made an order, do not rush to close the confirmation page, leave it open for a few more minutes. In case of especially large purchases, save a copy of the screen / page to your disk and do not delete it until the cashback is correctly tracked on your account. In case of a lost cashback, this saved information can be useful for order confirmation.

8. Shopping from mobile devices have a habit of getting lost more often than purchases from a computer. If you are buying from a phone or tablet, we recommend switching to a computer whenever possible. Some stores give out a light version of their website to mobile users and this version, unfortunately, does not always contain a code for tracking cashback. We try to warn users about these stores when trying to navigate from mobile devices.

9. On your computer (in the browser you are using) are not installed browser extensions that can block the attribution of commission from the store in our favor. Such extensions can be toolbar "s / addons" from other cashback services or even some seemingly harmless extensions. For example, we came across extensions (for example - AliExpress Tools) that promised to make the shopping process on Aliexpress more convenient and at the same time secretly appropriated all cashback for these users. Also, VPN / TOR / Proxy / Socks extensions and anonymous browsing modes often interfere with the correct tracking of cashback.

10. When making a purchase, you (and your IP address) are located in the country served by the store. For example, cashback for purchases in the Russian Yulmart store is not provided if at the time of ordering the buyer is not located in Russia. Other stores may have similar restrictions.

11. If you often lose cash back, use a separate, "clean" browser (Firefox, Chrome, Opera) for all purchases with cash back without any personal settings and add-ons / extensions.

What is the reason why a store may decline cashback?

Information about the purchase and your cashback, which was correctly tracked and transmitted to us by the store, at the first stage is just information. In fact, money (that is, our commission or your cashback) is paid by the store only when your purchase has been fully confirmed and is non-refundable.

Since many stores are required to accept returns for purchases within a certain period (usually 30 days), cashback will remain in an "unconfirmed status" until this time expires. As soon as the store employees can check this order, having determined that the order has not been returned and this is already final, the cashback status will be changed to "confirmed". (Also, for example, hotel reservations become confirmed only after you have actually spent the entire stay at the hotel and have successfully checked-out). The order will be rejected by the store if you returned the purchase or did not take into account any of the conditions, on which the store agreed to pay us a commission. These conditions can be found in the "Important - about purchases" section on the individual page of each of the stores.

The use of a promotional code (discount code) that is not published on our website or on the store's website is the most common reason why a store rejects tracked cashback. Please keep this in mind when making a purchase, and if you have any of your own promotional code and decide to use it, be prepared for the fact that the cashback may be declined.

What should I do if the cashback is not tracked or the store has mistakenly rejected the purchase?

As practice shows, there is a small percentage of purchases, information about which may be lost by the store or our technology partner after a successful order. Unfortunately, the cashback tracking technology is not flawless. We will do our best to help your purchase, which meets all the conditions, to be found and paid for. If the cashback was rejected by the merchant by mistake and you have a payment confirmation that we can provide to the merchant as proof of purchase, we will contact the merchant with a request to appeal the rejected amount. For genuine purchases, most stores are ready to meet us and, upon request, search and confirm cashback. Unfortunately, there is a percentage of stores that are not very willing, if not at all ready, to search for and enroll transactions that were not automatically tracked. We will display statistics for each store, which includes the percentage of untracked transactions and the percentage of successful bids. This way, you will be able to make an informed shopping decision at each particular store. In order to apply for a search for an untracked cashback or for an incorrectly rejected cashback, please use the appropriate item in the "Question about your purchase" section.

What does 100% cashback website mean?

This means that the entire amount that the stores have to pay us for advertising and attracting you to make a purchase, we give you to a penny. Most others only give you 50-80%. Therefore, our rates are usually twice as high.

Do I understand correctly that by giving 100% of your commission, you leave nothing for yourself ?!

Yes it's true. But do not think that this is such a cunning deception that we are a charity organization or, the remaining option - our creators have gone crazy. No, of course, we need to somehow recoup the work of this site and its staff. V currently, we earn from the service fee(holding once a year € 5 for those users whom we helped save over 30 euros for the current year of using the service), as well as on additional advertising and bonuses that stores sometimes give us upon reaching certain turnovers. Compared to the "folk" who keep from 30 to 50% of your cashback, we make do with modest earnings and do not spend your funds on advertising. Rich experience, economical approach to work and maximum automation allows us to remain the most generous cashback on Runet and, at the same time, provide first-class service, following our mission - to create maximum savings online shopping for our users.
We do our best to fulfill this mission and succeed in our business. Thank you for your support and appreciate it!

For stores, being in our catalog is a very good advertisement. As a popular resource, our site is visited by tens of thousands of serious shopping users. Stores acting as advertisers are very interested in the fact that users recognize and do not forget, on the contrary - they remember them more often (increasing loyalty). Each store has its own budget for online advertising and these funds are spent different ways... If the desired result is achieved for the store, it does not matter at all who the final recipient of its advertising costs is - we (as an advertising platform) or you (as a direct customer).