After the update does not turn on the computer. What to do if the computer stops working after the update

Stable work personal computer Or a laptop depends on the serviceability of the operating system for which updates appear with regular frequency. But for windows users 10 appeared a problem that is as follows: after windows updates 10 does not start the system. The reluctance can include several reasons. To begin with, it is necessary to determine what caused a malfunction.

Causes of lack of Windows 10

No operating system boot seen on black display screen. This is accompanied by a lack of:

  • cursor on the screen;
  • reactions to keyboard keystroke.

There may be two reasons for:

  1. Failure to work the video card or integrated video chip.
  2. Malicious software missed antivirus.

Failure to work hardware video systems

One of the reasons graphic interface The laptop display is the installation in the graphics settings of the second monitor, which is transmitted to the signal. The impression is that the computer is faulty, although in fact everything is in order. To eliminate the problem, you need to do the following:

Virus in the operating system

Malicious software missed by antivirus, even as Kaspersky, leads to a replacement of the executive file responsible for the standard load. To solve the problem, you need to do the following:

Windows 10 does not work after updating

After installing Windows 10 update, it does not work, and it is required to reboot or disable power.. In this case, you can roll back to the source settings. This option is suitable only if the computer does not disable the creation of recovery points on the computer. For this you need:

  1. Reboot the operating system using the "Reset" button.
  2. During the transition to download BIOS. You should press the "F8" key. This will launch the recovery menu.
  3. In the menu that appears, select "Diagnostics".
  4. The window will appear. Additional settings"In which choose" System Restore ".
  5. In the information window that appears, click "Next".
  6. The system will propose to choose a relevant recovery point. Click "Next". In the future, you need to agree to the execution of rollback.

Freezes windows 10 after updating

After operating a computer or laptop for some time, it starts to hang or load a long time. Many of the many programs that run in automatic mode together with the operating system. To remove them from autoload, you can use diagnostic and cleaning programs or load a computer in safe mode To eliminate the download of unnecessary services and drivers:

The procedure performed significantly reduces system start time. You can also clean the system from various garbage, which accumulates when starting and stopped software and surfing on the Internet. If after windows installations 10 does not start Windows, the reason for this may be a damaged or defective operating system. At the same time, the incompatibility of the components of the computer disappears, because before installing the installation, compatibility is inspected.

Yesterday I had to work a little, after updating Windows 7 of 14.08.13 Many computers have problems with the launch of the programs and the operating system itself. When you turn on, multiple messages with updates have constantly appeared, which could not be installed, after which the changes to roll back and restart the computer.

But even after successful inclusion, the performance of the system was completely broken and, if any appeal to installed programs immediately appeared message " Error initializing an application (0xc0000005). To exit the application, click OK».

As it turned out later, most likely these problems were caused by the update of KB2859537, which became available on the network, being not fully tested.

Not having time to fully assess the current situation i had to reinstall Windows On multiple computers before I found some options on the Internet to eliminate the consequences of this automatic update.

Perhaps someone with this problem still has to face, so I decided to publish here some notes that will help get rid of problems without reinstalling the operating system.

And so, if you have become a happy owner of the problem after updating Windows 7, follow the instructions below to get rid of the so-called illness.

1 way.

We go to the launch - Control Panel - Programs and Components - View installed updates And we are looking for update KB2859537. After that, press the Delete button.

2 way.

If after the first for some reason it did not work.
Open the command line (Start - All Programs - Standard - Command Line or COMBINATION OF WIN + R keys and in the window that appears, enter CMD)

Before us, a command line window appeared in which we enter the command:
wUSA.EXE / UNINSTALL / KB: 2859537

After that reboot. I have helped this option to solve the problem.

Another wayI found on "Habré" as follows.

  1. We go through the control panel to the program section and components.
  2. On the left, select the "View Installed Updates" tab.
  3. Filter by date in the update list, set today (either per day, when you found the problem. In my case, this is 08/14/13).
  4. Scroll list is filtered by update date down to the "Microsoft Windows" section.
  5. Delete all updates in this section.
  6. Reboot, rejoice in life

If you have appeared problems after updating Windows 7The above instructions will help you restore the computer's performance, without reinstalling Windows.

Windows does not start after the update Usually on pirate copies and assemblies, therefore, as I wrote earlier, it is necessary to disconnect this option on time.
Hello everyone, today on the blog for the I will describe with how much it is still fighting errors when loading the operating system arising after the update.

Of course, Ideally need to go to the use of the licensed OSThen, without fear, you can enable Microsoft software update service. But if you already stand "cripple", you can't call broken windows otherwise, then before I was looking for a way in such cases windows startup Through the F8 key and further starting the system in "Safe mode", or "Last Successful Configuration".

But you can also try to enter the F8 with the following selection of item. "Troubleshooting Computer". Next, by direct dialogue with a computer through pop-up windows ( System recovery parameters), choose a language, enter the password if it was installed when installing the OS and click "System Restore".

Hitting the window "Restoration system files and parameters »We go" Next "where you choose in the window "Computer recovery to previous state" "Windows Update Center. In the next window, click on the "Finish" button, thereby confirming your hard intention.

Usually, the error disappears when the OS has managed to create a recovery point after reinstalling the OS. If not, but the operating system is already loaded, apply the recovery from the archive you created.

We should not forget that in operating system Windows 7 also has the archiving service and the OS can be restored from this backup. Therefore, immediately after installing the OS, take care of creating such a copy and arrange it on local disk "D".

I also want to add that when entering Windows through the "Safe Mode", we will have a limited list of running programs. Therefore, to start the restoration of the OS, we will have to take advantage.

Go along: Start → All Programs → Standard → Command line, and Writing a team rstrui.exe., Press ENTER.


Specialists advise immediately enter the "Command Line" and finding the last update to remove it. But I think that for novice users it will be difficult and better to try to try everything standard methods Windows 7 recovery.

Thus, if windows does not start after the update, I think that by using the above described prompts, some option will lead you to the desired result.
And if you decide, then clicking on the link, you can get information on this topic.

After the next update windows system 10 began cyclically reboot. Namely, after welcome windows 10, appear inscriptions: an attempt to restore the previous version of Windows ... Restoration of the previous windows version ... loaded, loaded, after it is turned off, reboots and again the same picture.

Attempts to eliminate

Opportunities to enter the F8 to safe mode.

Uploaded to S. installation disk Windows 10 and running the system recovery

i tried to use the tools " Windows restoration Using the recovery point and "Troubleshooting Windows Loading Mercury.

But received a message that the system is not selected.

I decided to activate the launch in secure mode through the command line.

bCDEDIT / SET (DEFAULT) SafeBoot Minimal - For the next boot in safe mode.

Team bCDEDIT / DELETEVALUE (DEFAULT) SAFEBOOT -to cancel the download in safe mode.

But the system issued a message. "Unable to open the download configuration data. Could not find the requested system device "


Most likely, when updating, the BCD loader configuration was damaged.


So, to restore the bootloader configuration (BCD), you must boot from the original installation disk from Windows 10 (or the recovery disk or specially prepared boot flash drive) and open the command line window: choosing System Restore -\u003e Diagnostics -\u003e Command Line.Above the screenshots.

Start DiskPart:

Withdraw a list of disks in the system:

Select the disk on which Windows 10 is installed (if hDD In the system one, its index will be zero):

Withdraw the list of sections in the system:

We define the EFI section, it can be done in size 100-450 MB and has file System FAT32. We remember the letter and the index assigned to the EFI section and section with installed windows 10. If the letters from the EFI section is not, then we will assign a hidden EFI section an arbitrary drive letter:

assign Letter \u003d V:

Complete work with DiskPart:

Let's go to the bootloader directory ( boot) On a hidden section. Depending on the situation, the catalog may be in different folders. You need to find a folder boot. As a rule, it is possible to go through this command:

cD / D V: \\ EFI \\ Microsoft \\ Boot \\

Using the utility bCDBoot.exe. Recoop the BCD repository by copying the download environment files from the system directory:

bCDBOOT C: \\ Windows / L RU-RU / S V: / F All

It is necessary to note that the Windows section can have another letter, it can be seen in DiskPart.

Reboot your computer.

By setting the next update to the tenth windows, the user often encounters a situation when, after turning off the computer, it stops loaded. In this instruction, we will offer several options what to do if Windows 10 is not started after updating.

Delete update via Safe Mode

The first thing you need to do is delete that update, after which the system stopped turning on. But how to do that? You can try to run in safe mode and delete.
This mode is a special boot option using which, you can download the OS without drivers, in a minimum configuration.

SafeMode is commonly used by experts to eliminate various problems with the performance of the system.

To download the PC in safe mode you will need:

  1. After Windows 10 tries to automatically restore the system, it will give a message that it failed and offered to go to the section additional parameters.
  2. Select it and in the next window click "Troubleshooting" " .
  3. After that, choose.
  4. Click on the button "Reload" .
  5. Using the button 4 keypad, select Simple Safe Mode.

After the computer boots in this mode, you will need to remove latest updates. To do this, do the following:

  1. Click on the button "Start" And go B. "Parameters" or use the keyboard combination "Win + I" .
  2. Go to section "Update and Security" .
  3. After that B. "Windows Update Center" and further in.
  4. Click "View update log" .
  5. Open the link.
  6. A list of installed updates will appear.
  7. Lay the latter by using sorting by the date of installation and delete them.
  8. Confirm your action by clicking on the button. "Yes" .

If you need to delete a great update, for example from the series CreatorsUpdate.The operation will look a little different:

It will be prompted to download and install the latest updates and see if they solve the problem.

The removal process begins, and as a result, the system will be returned to the state when the update has not yet been installed.

System rollback to restore Windows

If for any reason you will not be able to delete the updates in the above methods, then you can try to roll back the system, using the recovery point, which is usually created automatically before each update.

Using the boot disk or flash drive

To load using the installation disk, you will need to connect it to the computer and press the button during the download. "F2" (for laptops) or "F8" . This will cause a menu in which the user will need to select the disk from which the computer will be downloaded. Note DVD drive or flash drive and click "ENTER" . Next, a window will appear on the monitor where you need to select the option. See with hard disk

After that, you will fall into the same menu that was described in the previous version of the system rollback. If you have backup copyYou can restore Windows to its help or take advantage of the auxiliary utilities - for example. It can restore the bootloader and reserved system partition. This should be done, you will need to run the command line and specify which disk is located windows folder. Usually it is a C or D disc.

IN command line We enter the following text:

BCDBoots: \\ Windows(where with this disk on which the windows is installed).

In most cases, this will be quite enough to eliminate the error. But additionally, you can update the boot records of the disk and the backup partition.
To do this, enter the following command:

we are waiting for messages about the completion of the operation and enter the second command:

In addition, you can run the system of restoring system files by Script SFC.exe. and clicking "ENTER" . The operation will last long enough and interrupt this process It is categorically not recommended.

If the methods described did not help you, then it remains only. We hope that the listed ways will help you return the computer to the working condition. Good luck!