NFC technology radius action. NFC in the phone: what is it, how and where to use the NFC function

Hello everyone, we will look at what NFC is. This technology has appeared in smartphones for a long time, but many users undeservedly deprive it with attention. Why is needed? What does she know how and where is NFC applied? All these questions will be the answer in this article. First we will understand what this strange abbreviation NFC means. It decryls as Near Field Communication, which is translated as a commemoration of the near field or near contactless communication.

The distance at which the NFS technology does not exceed 10 centimeters. And the maximum transfer rate is only 424 kbps. The central frequency of the NFC is equal to 13.56 MHz. Development of technology was carried out since 2004, and the first specification of the standard was approved in 2006. And at the same time, the first device with support for NFC - Nokia 6131 came out.

In a nutshell, the principle of NFC technology can be described as follows. Each device has an induction coil, which generates an electromagnetic field. On another device there is another such coil, in it, under the influence of the field of the first coil, electricity occurs, which is later converted into a signal. Devices in turn generate electromagnetic fields and exchange them. This mode of operation is called active. And there is a passive mode, this is when only one device generates an electromagnetic field. Thus work cards or RFID tags.

Now let's wonder why NFC is in a smartphone. The first and, perhaps, the most common application is the transfer of files. There is one common myth, many think that the transmission is conducted directly by NFC. But in fact, the data is sent either by Bluetooth, or by Wi-Fi Direct.

NFC acts as a reliable identifier for devices. For example, Google transmission technology android data BIN uses bluetooth for data transmission, but that everything worked as needed, devices first need to see each other by NFC. Samsung has its own implementation of SBIN, it transmits data at times faster due to the fact that it works already on Wi-Fi.

The second use of NFC, which has become becoming increasingly popular - it is non-contact payments. On the this moment A number of banks and electronic wallets have learned to work with NFC in smartphones. As a result, now using NFS, you can pay for public transport, lunch in a cafe or shopping in the supermarket. This method of payment is good because it is completely at hand. If you can still forget the card, then we do not part with the phone even in a dream.

In order for all this magic to earn, we need three things.

  1. Obviously smartphone with NFC chip
  2. Special software for payment and storage (details of the payment system card).
  3. The terminal in the store accepting contactless payment.

Probably, you suggests the question: "How long is the NFS payments?". Could any be able to spend a transaction remotely without your knowledge? Well, judge yourself. In order to make a payment, the phone must be reduced to a distance of about 5 centimeters to the terminal, while the smartphone must be unlocked. And the likelihood that these two conditions will at least be adjusted by a fraudster, strive for zero. But even if the stars do not comply with your favor, then a limit on the maximum payment amount will be on the protection of your wallet. In most payment systems and wallets, it is set to 10-15 bucks by default. The threshold can be removed if desired.

In addition to payments, NFC allows you to quickly establish a conjugation with peripheral devices. You can track in seconds to smartphone Bluetooth Headphones, column or even TV. For example, Sony has television models to which the NFC phone can be connected. If desired, a list of unusual things that can be connected by NFC can be continued for a very long time, and I will give only a few examples. The first comes to mind the door lock with the NFC chip that can be opened from the smartphone, which is very convenient. You can also use the NFC ring for this.

You just program the necessary algorithm of actions and tie it to the label. They sat in the car, put the phone to the label and your smartphone did everything you need. Such scenarios can come up with a whole bunch of both work for work. Fortunately, these tags are very not expensive on Aliexpress. Most likely, this article describes not all methods of use of NFC and if you somehow unusually use this technology, share your ideas in the comments.

The NFC combination (NEAR Field Communication - Middle Field Communications) is increasingly found in the specifications of modern smartphones and tablets. In this article we will try to consider this interface from the point of view of practical use, so that readers will be able to independently conclude about the need for its availability in their phone.

In testing, we used two models of smartphones, which have already been discussed in detail on our resource: Acer Cloudmobile S500 and Sony Xperia Acro s. We also want to note that most of the information, including the described programs and scenarios of use, will only apply only to Android smartphones. It is this operating system today the most "friendliness" when it comes to working with NFC.


At first glance, it may seem that numerous wireless interfaces today already cover all possible popular tasks and scripts, so that another option is simply not needed. However, if you look at the development modern technologiesthen it can be noted that more and more attention is paid to energy consumption issues, especially if we are talking about mobile devices. In particular, version 4.0 of the well-known Bluetooth family of the Bluetooth family is just focused on reducing the cost of battery charge. The second point, which is worth mentioning, is that there is not a large range of work for each task. It happens even on the contrary - I want to explicitly limit the distance between the interacting devices. In addition to the obvious reduction in consumption, it also affects safety. And about the volume of transmitted data, you can also make a similar remark. So the idea of \u200b\u200ban unprecedented wireless interface operating on small distances And different low power consumption is quite eligible for existence.

For the starting point of reference in the history of NFC development, it is possible to take 2004 when Nokia, Philips and Sony announced the creation in order to develop and standardize the interface of the interaction of various touch-based devices. However, the first versions of the specifications were created a little earlier. Perhaps, according to modern standards, the technology can be considered very young (if not considering the RFID history), but it is already quite often found in real products and services. In particular, at the end of February, Mobile World Congress 2013, many stands and demonstrations were devoted to this topic.

Such a sign can be found on devices with NFC technology

The formal features of the interface are as follows: work at a distance of several centimeters, the maximum information exchange rate is about 400 kbps, the full-duplex data exchange is supported, the operating frequency is 13.56 MHz, the connection time does not exceed 0.1 s, the operation mode is point-point. It can be seen that these parameters are radically distinguished by NFC from other popular wireless interfaces.

If we talk about the device, except for active controllers in NFC there are passive options (they are usually called tags) that are powered by a wireless method from the active controller. One example is modern maps for travel on urban transport. Tags are simply a data warehouse, the volume of which usually does not exceed 4 KB. Most often, only read mode is provided for them, but there are options and recording support.

One of the simplest options for passive NFC label

Compact controller size and its low consumption allows you to implement NFC even in such small designs as SIM cards or MicroSD memory cards. However, for full-fledged work it is necessary to use a special antenna. In the phones, it is usually located on the back of the battery cover or built into rear panelIf the device does not imply a removable battery.

NFC antenna is often placed on back cover Smartphone

A small radius of actions can negatively affect the use of tablets - find the right place for "applying" may not be as simple as I would like. To solve this problem, some manufacturers make the location of the antenna with a special sign. As for the range, in our case, the connection worked at a distance of no more than four centimeters - both between phones and with a passive label.

From the point of view of security, the developers did not sell elements of protection against intercept and attack relay. It certainly makes it difficult to implement safe decisionsBecause it requires a higher level protection from the application applications. Note that such a well-known protocol as TCP / IP actually behaves similarly. So from a practical point of view, the loss of the phone is more dangerous, without further protection with the configured payment systems programs than the interception of communications.

Perhaps the most important thing is that today you need to know about NFC, this is that the interface itself does not give any real practical use scenarios or solutions. In contrast, for example, from Bluetooth, whose profiles are clearly described how to transfer the file, how to connect a headset or provide network access, NFC is only the base, and direct work scenarios are provided with additional softwarewhich works through it. On the one hand, it opens up ample opportunities for developers, and on the other, it is a problem for them when ensuring the interaction of different applications and devices.

Interestingly, any programs installed on a smartphone or tablet can register in operating system As event handlers associated with NFC, and then with an external "call" you will see the standard menu "What do you want to make this action?". Since some NFC use scenarios imply a convenient automation of actions, it is desirable not to overload the device with such utilities.

The NFC Forum is trying to help with this uncertainty, offering standardizing protocols for specific scenarios (in particular NDEF to store short messages on Tags and SNEP (Simple NDEF Exchange Protocol) to exchange information between devices), however, the practical definition of compatible devices is usually difficult to make detailed information. from the manufacturer and diagnostic tools. Another assistant acts here google Companywhich suggested in recent versions Android Own android development Beam. It allows you to exchange some types of information between compatible devices.

Android beam

First you need to make sure that both devices have included NFC, active Android Beam, and their screens are unlocked. On those models that we tested, NFC works only if the screen is turned on and the device is fully unlocked. But perhaps, another algorithm will be used in other devices. In any case, the active interface requires a very little battery power to work, and while the described approach looks quite reasonable. One of the options for simplifying the work is to disable the lock screen. In this case, it will simply turn on the smartphone to identify the label. Another inconvenience is the need to confirm the operation to touch the screen after the devices will find each other. It is not always easy to do without a connection disruption, especially when both devices are on the weight in the hands of two different people.

The next step must be selected one of the applications on the machine from which the transmission is planned. In particular, it can be:

  • Google Chrome - transmitting the current open reference;
  • YouTube client - video transmission (as reference);
  • Google Maps - transfer of place or route;
  • Contacts - Transfer of contact card;
  • Google Play. - application transmission;
  • Gallery - Transfer photos.

Next, bring the device to each other. When a partner is detected, you will hear the signal on the sender device, and the image on the desktop will decrease. At this point, you need to touch the screen image and keep your finger until you hear the second signal - about successful transmission.

We tried the options listed on the list, and almost all of them really work. Even the fact that our devices were issued by different manufacturers, did not prevent them from finding a common language. But somewhat comments are still worth doing. There are no problems with routes to Google Maps, and the option with the place is not very interesting, since only the current map is transmitted. The point marked on the screen of the source phone, does not fall to the recipient. The situation is corrected by using the Address application, which transmits the data correctly. When sending contacts, photography is lost, because from a technical point of view, the transmission format corresponds to text files VCF. If we talk about applications, you can not only be installed on the phone, but also just open cards on Google Play. Similarly, books and other content from the store are supported. Naturally, we are talking about the transfer of references, and not yourself loaded or even more bought items. With sending photos, a problem has been discovered: the Sony apparatus turned out to be unable to work with this type of data. The official formulation sounds like "The recipient device does not support the transfer of large amounts of data through Android Beam." Here's the first sign of the youth of the interface or insufficient detail technical specifications devices. Formally, we have in two devices and NFCs, and Android Beam, and in practice, their real capabilities differ significantly, and it is possible to learn about it only as a result of checking. What to say about less famous manufacturers - their embodiment of this technology can be completely unpredictable.

By the way, as for the most android works Beam. In the description of the technology, it is indicated that Bluetooth connection is used to transfer data after the initial matching of NFC settings. Considering that all working formats assumed a really small amount of transmitted data, they were enough for them and the NFC speed, but for photographs it would be clearly not enough. So it can be assumed that in SONY just not implemented to switch to a more high-speed interface. To understand whether this problem is programmed (we will remind that Android 4.0.4) or hardware is installed on this device, it is not possible.

We also tried to send their own music and video in the same way from the corresponding applications, but nothing appeared on the receiver.

Reading and writing tags

The Android Beam described uses the ability to transfer and process short information messages. However, in reality, they can not only be transmitted from the phone, but also to read with passive labels. In a sense, this technology is similar to known QR codes, which are read by the camera phone. At the same time, useful information (for example, a link to the site page) is literally several tens of bytes. Tags can be used by companies, for example, to promote their goods or services. Given the compact size of the passive label (more precisely, comparable to a sheet of paper thickness - due to antenna, the area will still be a significant, not less than five-tone coin), it can be placed almost anywhere: on a box with a commodity, in a magazine, on information Rack and other places.

NFC passive labels can be made in the form of keychains

If we talk about my own manufacture of labels, then this is a completely feasible scenario. To do this, you need to purchase clean workpieces and using a special program for the phone to write on them the required information. For example, we bought several different options: the sticker of the minimum thickness, protected by plastic and keychains. All of them had a very small amount of memory - only 144 bytes (there are options and 4 KB on the market). The number of rewriting cycles was not indicated, but for most application scenarios, this parameter is not critical. You can recommend NXP SEMICONDUCTORS - Taginfo and Tagwriter to work with tags.

The first will allow you to read the data from the label and decrypt information on the NDEF standard, and the second will help create your own tags. At the same time, several NDEF breeding are supported: contact, link, text, SMS, postal message, telephone number, Bluetooth connection, geographical location, link to local file, launch application, URI. Please note that when creating a record, you need to take into account the volume of stored data. For example, a contact photo can occupy a few kilobytes, messages or text can also be easily exit for 144 bytes. By the way, the NFC Taginfo program of NFC Research Lab with a special plugin can read and show you a color photo from a biometric passport. With the amount of data at one and a half dozen kilobytes, their reading on NFC takes about 20 seconds. Additional level Protection In this case, it is ensured by the need to indicate some passport details to read data from the chip.

Note that the automatic processing of read tags depends on the content. In particular, it is sometimes necessary for additional confirmation for the implementation of the effect. For example, in the case of SMS, a completed message form opens, but the user must confirm actually. But the recorded Web link can immediately open in the browser. Any automation is related to the loss of control, so that the described capabilities should be used carefully, since the attackers can redirect you to the fake site instead of the original. We did not find the regular settings of the OS to limit such a autorun (if only not to turn off the NFC itself).

Another important moment When using labels in public places - protection against overwriting. When recording the label, you can put the defense flag that will block all attempts to change the information, but it will be impossible to remove it. So the label will be used in the future read-only mode. For home use, this is not very critical in most cases.

We mention a few more programs for recording tags:

Using ready-made labels to manage the device

One of the active participants of the NFC implementation process is sony. The SMART Connect program supports work with original Sony marks is pre-installed in its devices. If you wish, using the SmartTag Maker utility you can create them yourself from pure blanks. For the system operation, the NDEF URI format is used with encoding the number of the label in the text link. In total, the system provides up to eight labels, which are designated as "house", "office", "car", "bedroom", "listen", "Play", "Activity", "Watch".

Option original Sony SmartTags marks

The SMART Connect program itself works not only with NFC labels, but also with other telephone connected to the telephone, including headsets, power supply, bluetooth devices. It is quite convenient that regular settings are already well complyed with the scenarios specified above. In this case, the user can reprogram all the schemes; Each of them indicates a set of condition and actions.

As a condition, you can use the identification of the label or connection of the device, you can additionally limit the operating time of the circuit. A set of action is wide enough, it includes the start of the application, opening the link in the browser, launching music, adjust the volume and mode, connect the Bluetooth audio device, sending SMS., Call, Wireless Interface Management, Brightness Adjustment and Other Actions. Moreover, they can also be assigned to the output from this mode, which is carried out on re-identifying the tag, on a new event / label or after the specified time interval.

But in fact, it is not necessary to use Sony's branded labels - you can find use and ready-made marks that do not allow rewriting information. For example, it can be used transport cards. The fact is that each of them has its own unique identifier that can be born to certain actions. special programs. Operations such as a change in the profile can act as a possible reaction, enable / disable interfaces and many others.

The Play Store store has several utilities for this scenario, we mention a couple of them:

Recall that you should not install several similar programs at once. Amenities from such a mode will not be added, because when a label is detected on the phone screen, a dialog box will occur with a program selection for processing it.

During the search for programs to work with the labels, we also met with another class utilities that may be interesting if the recorded marks are presented. These programs use their own original format of records, which can only work with themselves. At the same time, a set of possible actions is almost no different from those described above:

Recall that in currently Reading the label is carried out only with unlocked apparatus. So the script "came home put the phone on the bedside table - automatically switched profile, disabled the call and Bluetooth, set up the alarm" will require a user of some actions. Such behavior still limits the capabilities of programs.

Information exchange between devices

With the exception of Android Beam, the scenarios described above involve the operation of one phone with a label or specialized terminal. If we say about the direct connection of the devices among yourself, then the main question here is compatibility. Of course, in the case of the products of one manufacturer, especially large, it has the ability to simply install the appropriate program in the firmware. But if the devices are released by different manufacturers, you will have to use the same utilities. And it is not at all the fact that your partner will have the same program as you have.

Considering that the NFC's own speed is very small, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi is usually used to quickly transfer files, and NFC only works at the steps to match the connection and communication parameters. To check this scenario, we tried several programs for transmitting files with the stated NFC support.

SEND! File TRANSFER (NFC) in free version Allows you to exchange photos, music and video files. NFC or QR codes can be used to establish communication. Transmission is carried out via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi (in case both devices have support for Wi-Fi Direct, which used phone Sony It turned out). As a result, we managed to see the speed at 65 kb / s, which, of course, too little even for photos.

Blue NFC, as it is clear from the name, also simplifies the file sharing via Bluetooth, replacing the inclusion, search and conjugation steps with an NFC information exchange. The speed of work is not very large - at the level of the program mentioned above.

File Expert HD also uses Bluetooth, but the speed is already 100-200 kb / s. True, justice it is worth noting that there are many other file sharing modes in this program.


As of the spring of 2013, it can be said that NFC technology is already confident in modern smartphones top and middle level. Indirectly interest in it can be assessed by the number of programs in the Play Store: only free projects have several hundred. Given the dominance in the market (especially in terms of the number of models) Android platform, it is it that is today the most popular for NFC devices. In ios. full-time for NFC is not provided, but Windows Phone 8 has significantly limited features of working with NFC for third-party applications.

The NFC technology itself has several features that allow it to take a unique position:

  • contactless data transmission;
  • work only in small distances;
  • the ability to exchange information with other devices or passive labels;
  • low cost value;
  • low power consumption;
  • low speed data transmission.

Currently, three most relevant options for using NFC can be noted for smartphones and tablets: data exchange between devices (contacts, applications, links, photos and other files), reading labels with special information and change modes / settings / device profiles, quick pairing with peripheral devices (for example, headsets). In the first case, you can try to work with standard Program Android Beam or establish alternative options. They can be useful if you need high metabolic speeds (via Wi-Fi), but require the presence of the same program on each device.

Passive tags can be used almost everywhere - from posters to magazines and tags on products. They can write information about the product, link to the site, wi-Fi settings, Contact details, geographical coordinates or another small amount of data. Distribution of such a method for sharing information directly depends on the number of compatible devices from users. This scenario can be compared with common QR codes, which today, perhaps, is still easier from the point of view of implementation and more popular.

For change system settings You can use with some programs even the labels without the possibility of recording, so many users will be able to try in the case such a scenario. True, it should be noted that in this case the set of options will be recorded in specific deviceAnd with its transfer to another device there may be difficulties. Most of the utilities of this purpose still require their own recorded labels, which allows them to store all the required information in the encoded form directly in the label (or cloud), so that it is enough to have the same program on it on the other machine.

We did not consider this article such scenarios of using NFC, as payment systems, electronic wallets and microplates, tickets and coupons, transport cards and skipping. These topics, especially the first, deserve separate consideration. We will try to return to them in the presence of readers and distribute such solutions.

Initially, NFC technology (NEAR Field Communication) has received maximum distribution as a technology to perform contactless payments. You can apply a smart card with built-in as a travel in public transport, as a "smart" business card, as a payment card in institutions retail Or as a non-contact card-key.

What is NFC?

If you translate the name of the Near Field Communication technology from English, then we will get the phrase "Communication of the Middle Field". This can be deciphered as wireless connection At short distances. Thus, two NFC compatible devices can easily communicate with each other if they are nearby. Indeed - "Dilutoff" NFC technology is just a couple of centimeters.

Key opportunities use

  1. Of course, the very first thing that comes to mind is the transmission of data between smartphones.
  2. Instant "mating" with Bluetooth accessories that support NFC.
  3. Also with NFC, you can turn your device into a real virtual wallet.
  4. Another use of NFC - tags. Small cards can be programmed through programs and customize profiles, run a variety of applications.

Smartphones with NFC.

Recently, this excellent technology is increasingly used in devices such as smartphones: almost all large manufacturers It began to equip their high and medium-sized models of NFC-adapters.

In Android OS, NFC technology support appeared in Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich - its built-in Beam option allows you to exchange various files between devices. In most modern devices On the Android OS platform, NFC adapters have already been built.

How to use nfc in the phone


  • If your smartphone has a NFC adapter, you need to enable it to use it for exchanging information between other NFC devices.
  • Go to Settings menu - Wireless Networks - more ...
  • Tick \u200b\u200bthe checkbox "Allow the exchange of information when combining a smartphone with another device"
  • This automatically activates the Android Beam option.
  • In case Android Beam does not turn on automatically, then simply click on it and then select "Yes" to activate it.

Data exchange via NFC

When you activated NFC, you can apply it to transmit information. For successful data exchange, netbooks and tablets pay attention to the following:

In addition to exchanging data between smartphones, you can use your device for reading or writing information from NFC labels and smart cards that are equipped with an NFC chip.

NFC chips are very compact, they can be built anywhere - in bracelets, product labels, business cards, stickers, price tags and other items. They may contain information about the person, the URL address, product data and even different commands that your smartphone must perform when taking such labels.

To read information from NFC-tags, you, of course, will require a special application.

Payment with NFC

Advantages of payments using NFC technology:

  • Speed \u200b\u200b- the payment on NFC is always faster than the payment of a bank card or cash, especially if the amount is small.
  • Comfort - one smartphone is able to replace one or more plastic cards. The smartphone becomes a communicator, and a wallet.
  • Tytecting - settlements in transport, payment of travel in buses, metro and other public transport.
  • PEER-TO-PEER NFC transaction - In the future, this is the ability to maintain the exchange of data on the NFC between two devices.

Of course, the question of security arises. However, like a plastic bank card, it is possible to quickly block the lost telephone with NFC technology - both and a tied bank card. True and to use the smartphone, you need a PIN code for the phone, as well as a PIN code for transactions. In the PayPass system, the default PIN card query occurs for sums from 1000 rubles, but this plan can always be reduced.

Development prospects

As communication technology, NFC has an extensive spectrum of application that can expand. Thus, with NFC, you can implement the following contactless technologies: Control of access to the room, payments through a smartphone - in particular in stores and public transport, a variety of solutions in the field of health, consumer electronics, information exchange programs.

Amazing opportunities open in the sphere of e-commerce - a device that supports NFC can act as a travel ticket, a discount coupon, a wallet, a landing coupon. NFC Tags in stores allow you to quickly get more information about the product and other stores with this product. You can install in the gallery, a museum or exhibition hall - when reading such a label, you will receive the necessary information about the object.

NFC has become quite common thanks to the growth of online payment systems, such Samsung Pay and Android Pay.. Especially if it concerns even the middle class phones. Probably you heard this term before, but what is NFC in the smartphone? In this article, I will summarize what it is, as it works, and for which it can be used.

NFC means "Near Field Communication", which is translated as "near contactless communication". As it is clear from the title, it provides a short connection between devices. This requires at least one transmitting device and one to receive a signal. Devices used on the NFC standard are divided into passive and active.

Passive NFC devices Small transmitters who can send to other NFC devices without having to have a power source. However, they cannot process any information sent from other sources, and cannot be connected to other passive components. These are usually interactive signs on the walls or advertisements.

NFC active devices can be sent and obtain data, and can also interact with each other, as well as with a passive device. Smartphones today are the most common form of the active NFC device. An example of technology can be called public transport card readers and payment terminals.

Now that we know what it is, let's find out how it works NFC in the phone.
Very simple, just like Bluetooth and WiFi, as well as other wireless signals. NFC works on the principle of sending information on radio waves. Near Field Communication - another standard for wireless transmission data. This means that devices must adhere to certain specifications to properly communicate with each other. The technology used in NFC is based on RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), which uses electromagnetic induction to transmit information.

Of course there is one significant difference between NFC and Bluetooth / WiFi. The first can use to induce electrical currents within passive components, as well as for data transmission. Instead, they can feed from the electromagnetic field created by the active NFC component when it is included in the range. Unfortunately, NFC technology lacks enough inductance for charging a smartphone, but charging Qi has the same principle.

On the other hand, read or write mode is one-sided data transfer. Active device, such as your smartphone, connects to another device to read the information from it.

The last mode of operation is the emulation of the card. The NFC device here are smart or contactless credit cards, with their help you can pay for public transport or pay for shopping in stores.

Compare with Bluetooth

Although I answered the question "What is NFC?". Let's compare it with other wireless technologies? Someone may think that NFC is not needed, since there is a Bluetooth. Nevertheless, there are several important technological differences between them, and NFC has significant advantages. The main argument in favor of NFC is that it consumes much less energy than Bluetooth. This makes NFC ideal for passive devices, such as advertising labels, which I wrote above, as they can work without the main power source.

However, low power consumption has one serious drawback. In particular, the transmission range is much shorter than Bluetooth. The NFC range is about 10 cm, and Bluetooth can transmit data to 10 meters or more. Another disadvantage is that NFC is slower than Bluetooth. It transmits data at a maximum speed of 424 kbps., Compared with 2.1 Mbit / s at Bluetooth 2.1 or about 1 Mbps at Bluetooth Low Energy.

But NFC has the most important advantage: a faster connection. Thanks to the inductive communication and lack of manual pairing, prior to the start of information exchange passes less than one tent of the second. Although modern Bluetooth also connects quite quickly, NFC still remains very convenient in certain situations, for example, when mobile payment.

Samsung Pay, Android Pay and even Apple Pay use NFC technology, although Samsung Pay works a little different than others. Bluetooth is very convenient for file transfer, headphones and other gadgets. I assume that NFC will always be relevant thanks to mobile payments.


Now, I answered the question "What is NFC?", But if you do not understand something or you have any other questions on this wireless technology. Specify them in the comments below.

About how to enable NFC, read in.

NFC is decrypted as Near Field Communication or literally "Middle Communication". This technology is used to transmit data between devices up to 10 cm. Communication is maintained by induction of the magnetic field.

NFC can work in active and passive modes. For the first, it is necessary that both devices have their own power source, and for the second enough and one. In the latter case, one of the devices receives its operating power from the electromagnetic region of the other.

The NFC chip itself has quite compact dimensions, which allows you to install it in smartphones, audio colors, tablets and other mobile gadgets.

For which NFC can be used

In comparison with technology, NFC has a very high speed Connection settings between devices. At the same time, the rate of data transmission itself in active communication mode is quite low. That is why NFC smartphones are usually used only to transfer contacts, links, notes, as well as coordinates on the map.

When transferring large files, the technology is used only to connect devices, and the contents are sent via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. This concerns even the transfer simple video Or documents through the "Send" function.

You can find out the exact location of the chip antennas in the instructions for the device. However, in most cases they are derived to the back of the case. Therefore, smartphones when connected via NFC, you need to lean over the rear panels to each other.

Passive communication mode can be used to read information from programmable NFC chips or so-called tags. They do not have its own power source, and activation comes from the electromagnetic field of the reader.

Main appointment of labels - Getting for more information About product or some event. In some trading networks, the NFC labels are already replaced by barcodes. Leaning the smartphone, the buyer can get detailed information, shelf life and storage conditions.

Also labels are used to automate various actions on the smartphone - enable applications, changing the sound profile, sending messages and so on. For example, you can program the label to start the navigator and attach it in the machine. As soon as you put your smartphone on it, the gadget will start automatically.

Programmers are programmed through special applications on a smartphone, such as NFC Tools.

NFC gadgets can be used to emulate smart cards used as skipping, key or travel. However, with the arrival in Russia payment systems Android Pay, and Samsung Pay the main purpose of the NFC chip in the smartphone was the emulation of bank cards for contactless payments.

To pay for goods with NFC, it is enough to simply bring the smartphone to the terminal at the checkout. The main thing is to pre-bind your bank card To the payment system accessible to your smartphone.

The greatest coverage on devices has Android Pay, since it, unlike similar applications, Apple and Samsung, is not sharpened under the device of a particular manufacturer. However, any of these payment systems can be used without fear and risk.

None of them at the time of payment does not transmit the card number to the terminal itself. Instead, it uses the so-called token - a digital encrypted identifier that is generated automatically when the map is activated. It is he who will be read as the main props.

As far as NFC is safe

The devices with NFC can simultaneously receive, and transmit data, which allows them to detect contradictions if the resulting signal does not match the transmitted.

The risk of interception of your data is extremely small, especially considering the minimum radius of technology. The same Bluetooth, operating within tens of meters, is much more vulnerable to external intervention.

It concerns this and payment details: the token generated for contactless payment will not allow attackers to gain access. Yes, and the very fact of interception of an encrypted identifier looks unrealistic.

In addition, when contactless payment requires confirmation through the reading of a fingerprint, password or scanning face. Without all this purchase does not implement. So, even if the smartphone is stolen, to use it as a payment instrument no one can.

Once the support of this technology had only expensive flagships, but now you can buy a smartphone with NFC at a price of less than 10,000 rubles. In any case, it concerns devices on Android. Among the most accessible can be noted Nokia 3, Samsung Galaxy J5, Motorola Moto. G5S.

In the apple ecosystem, the cheapest smartphone with apple support Pay is an iPhone SE, which today stands just less than 20,000 rubles. More and more dear modelsStarting with iPhone 6, NFC chip has also possess.

If you do not know whether there is NFC in your Android-smartphone, you can check this through the search for settings. Typically related functions are available in the sections of connections or wireless networks. Also nFC icon Must be present in the list of quick launch icons in the curtain from above.