We restore the Language Panel in Windows XP. Disappeared language panel what to do

Sometimes it happens that the keyboard layout icon disappears on the taskbar. The loss of the icon may indicate that your system is present malicious programOr you accidentally pressed somewhere, and it disappeared. But consider several ways to restore the language panel. In normal cases, only a reboot can help.


1. Press the right mouse button on the taskbar. In the menu that appears, select " Toolbar».
2. Put a tick on " Language bar».

Languages \u200b\u200band regional standards

1. Press " Start» → « Control Panel» → « language and regional standards" In the menu that appears, go to the tab " Languages"And click on the button" More details» → « Language bar».
2. Expose a tick on " Display language panel on the desktop", Click" Apply».

If the tick B. this moment present, but you do not see the language panel - remove the checkbox and press the button " OK» → « Apply" Then we put a tick - sometimes, it helps.


Perhaps the process is not launched. ctfmon.exe."Who is responsible for the language panel and must be downloaded with Windows.
1. Go to the Task Manager (" Ctrl + Alt + Del"), Go to the" Processes».
2. We are looking for a process ctfmon.exe.. To speed up the process, you can change the layout into English and click the " c.»To see all the processes starting with the letter" c.».
3. If the file has not turned out, then go to the folder C: \\% Systemroot% \\ System32
C: \\ - Where Windows installed
% Systemroot% - The folder in which Windows is installed (usually called Windows, i.e. will be C: \\ Windows\\ System32).
4. We are looking for our file here (you can use the Task Manager reception).
5. If there is a file, run it, otherwise we restore (how to do it below).
1. Insert the installation disk with Windows
2. Press " Start» → « Perform" In the window we enter the following command:

3. Click on the button " OK" Now we are waiting.
Also, this team will check other system files Windows and restore them if they are not detected.

Now, if you lost your disc / use a pirate copy, etc. That we do the following:
1. We are looking for a file on the Internet ctfmon.exe. For your Windows (for Windows XP you can download).
By the way, today, many viruses are hiding under ctfmon.exe. Therefore, do not accidentally download the virus from the Internet.
2. We put the file to the folder with Windows.
3. Run.

So, if the taskbar has earned using this method, then we look if our file is in autoload.
1. Press " Start» → « Perform»→ write" "→ put a tick ctfmon.exe. → « Apply» → « OK." The next time you start Windows, the file must be in autoload.

This article continues a series of materials that know more about you with nuances and the peculiarities of a large number of systemic windows processes. For the normal use of the computer, such knowledge is not always needed, but if you have problems or abnormal behavior of your PC, knowledge of the features of Windows processes will help to diagnose and eliminate the problem.

In this article you will find the answer to the question what is CTF-download CTFMON.EXE, how to disable ctfmon.exe And is it worth doing at all.

What is ctfmon.exe

Ctfmon.exe., also known as CTF bootis the standard component of Windows to which the developers laid certain responsibilities. The process exists from the time of Windows XP and is responsible for the so-called "alternative user input" ( Alternative User. Input) And the Office Language Panel. In addition, the CTF loader is responsible for the operation of speech recognition systems, input from the pen or touch keyboard. Since the main method of input to the computer is the keyboard and mouse, touch, voice and other input methods refer to the alternative class. It is for them that Ctfmon.exe is responsible. It is also associated with Office components, but still displayed on computers even without Microsoft's office package, since it is responsible for a number of other tasks. In the official windows description The following is:

Provides the functioning of the pen and handwritten input for the touch keyboard and handwriting panel.

CTF loader in its natural habitat.

If you use one of alternative input methods, then you should not touch the CTF loader. This process does not load the computer in any way and does not consume resources so much to turn off it for saving the power of the process, memory or disk. Just leave it alone and let him do his job.

CTF loader - virus?

No, this is not a virus. This is a system process that runs from the system executable file located in at least system folder. It's easy enough to make sure that.

If the file is located in the correct directories and does not contain strange signatures of the description, then you do not need to fear for the security of the CTF-boot process. Another thing is if the file is located outside the System32 / Syswow64 folder or has unknown signatures. This may indicate a virus infection or other malicious software (excessive and continuous consumption of computer resources, too, can also be an indicator that Ctfmon.exe is not the process for which he gives out). In this case, refer to the services of your anti-virus software. We also recommend that you always keep the antivirus (standard Windows Defender With this wonderful can cope) and update Windows to the latest versions.

How to disable CTF bootloader

Suppose you do not use alternative input methods. In this case, the CTF bootloader is not needed in principle, but we still do not advise you to turn it off. As mentioned above, it is extremely unlikely that the CTFMON.exe process will cause some problems. Nevertheless, if it is very necessary (for example, the process for some strange reasons still began to load your computer strongly), there is an option in the system that allows you to get rid of the CTF loader. To disable ctfmon.exe, do the procedure described below.

For reference: All actions with your computer you perform at your own risk. The authors of articles are not responsible for negligent behavior with a computer, its components or operating system.

For your information: The instruction must be executed on behalf of the administrator. If yours account It does not have appropriate access rights, you will need to enter the administrator password. Alternatively, you can try.

Keep in mind that disabling the CTF loader will turn off part windows components. You will not be able to open a flat keyboard, you will not be able to use speech recognition systems, you will not be able to use the pen and other sensory entry features. For example, pressing the button of the touch keyboard in the notification area will result in an even account. Alternative methods may not be needed in everyday life, but at a certain point can be useful, so we recommend that you think twice before turning off Ctfmon.exe. Not broken - do not finish. This is a universal rule that applies to computers with their operating system. If the PC is working normally, and the CTF loader does not cause problems, it is not necessary to disable it.

After turning on the computer, the CTF-boot processer will disappear in the task manager, and in the Task Manager on the TabletInputService service tab, it will be displayed with the mark stopped.

Sometimes ctfmon.exe errors and other system errors EXE may be associated with problems in the Windows registry. Several programs can use the ctfmon.exe file, but when these programs are removed or changed, sometimes "orphaned" (erroneous) EXE registry entries remain.

In principle, this means that while the actual path to the file could be changed, its incorrect former location is still recorded in the Windows registry. When Windows tries to find a file on this incorrect link (on the location of the files on your computer), CTFMon.exe error may occur. In addition, malware infection could damage the registry entries associated with MSDN Disc 2085. Thus, these damaged EXE registry entries must be corrected to fix the problem at the root.

Editing the Windows registry manually to delete the ctfmon.exe key errors is not recommended if you are not a PC service specialist. Errors allowed when editing the registry can lead to the inoperability of your PC and put irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma, delivered not in the place, can prevent the download of the computer!

Because of this risk, we strongly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as %% Product %% (Developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any ctfmon.exe-related registry problems. Using the registry cleaner, you can automate the process of finding damaged registry entries, links to missing files (for example, calling ctfmon.exe errors) and non-working links within the registry. Before each scanning is automatically created backup copy, allowing you to cancel any changes to one click and protecting you from possible damage to the computer. The most pleasant thing is that the resolution of the registry errors can dramatically increase the speed and performance of the system.

A warning: If you are not an experienced user PC, we do not recommend editing the Windows registry manually. Incorrect use The registry editor can lead to serious problems and demand reinstalling Windows. We do not guarantee that the results resulting wrong use Registry editor can be eliminated. You use the registry editor at your own risk.

Before manually restoring the Windows registry, you need to back up, exporting a portion of the registry associated with CTFMON.exe (for example, MSDN Disc 2085):

  1. Click on the button To begin.
  2. Enter " command." in lock search ... do not press ENTER!
  3. Holding the keys Ctrl-Shift. on the keyboard, click ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit." and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the ctfmon.exe-related key (eg. MSDN Disc 2085) you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File Choose Export.
  10. In the list Save B. Select the folder to which you want to save the MSDN Disc 2085 key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter the name of the backup file, for example, "MSDN Disc 2085 backup".
  12. Make sure in the field Export range Selected value Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension.reg..
  15. You now have a backup of your ctfmon.exe-related registry entry.

The following steps with manual editing of the registry will not be described in this article, since it is highly likely to damage your system. If you want to get more information about editing the registry manually, please read the links below.

Sometimes there is a situation when language will disappear The panel that markedly complicates the choice of language, both for experienced and for a novice user.

Even if a person does not use the panel to actually switch, he still looks at her to understand what language he will now be printed.

Disappeared language panel What to do?

The main reason for which disappears language bar On the computer are violations in software. Most often these changes in the settings that have occurred without your participation while you downloaded new program From an informal site. But if this fate you still overtook you and the switching panel disappeared, then before rushing to reinstall Windows, let's try multiple manual ways - it will help you save time and nerves!

5 ways to return the language panel.

  1. Enable in the control panel
  2. Check, changing regional standards
  3. Correction using the CTFMON.EXE file
  4. Manual changes in the registry
  5. Replace the standard panel on convenient program « Punto Switcher.»

So, turn on in the control panel. This is the easiest event from the simplest failures or non-acceptable use, usually occurs due to the inattentive press of the buttons. To fix pressing the right mouse button on the tool output panel at the bottom of the desktop

In the drop-down menu, select the panel string and watch whether the check mark is a tick opposite the inscription Language panel

If everything is in order, then go to the next stage.

Check the correct settings are in regional standards.

To do this, press the Start button (in the lower left corner) and select the control panel

Going to the control panel, we are looking for a heading "Language and regional settings"

In the window that opens, select the "Language and Keyboard" tab, now press the "Change keypad" button

Before us turned out the "Languages \u200b\u200band Text Input Services" window. Carefully learn all the settings in this window. First, we look at how many languages \u200b\u200bin our layout, here you need to remember that the language panel is displayed at least 2 languages, if less, we use the Add button. If everything is fine, then look at what language is worth the default, they say that sometimes changing one to another, the panel may appear, although I myself did not meet it. After that, choose the tab "Language panel" (from above)

In this window, the line must be highlighted "fixed in the taskbar" and do not forget to press the Apply button after that.

The registry editor opens

Now maximum attention, you need to move through the registry files strictly by names

Movement branches on the left side of the registry:

When you got to the last branch "Run", click on it with the right mouse button, select "Create", then the "String parameter" and name it "ctfmon.exe" should turn out how in the picture below, but that's not all.

Now click on the file that has just created two times the left mouse button and set it the value "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Ctfmon.exe", click OK. Should work out like in the picture

Reboot your computer and check, the language panel should already appear, but if it does not appear, perhaps you have no file "Ctfmon.exe"

If you didn't work out, you should not be upset, you can simply replace a boring language selection panel to the excellent Punto Switcher program, it will completely replace the standard language panel.

Although main opportunity Programs is B. automatic switching layouts, well, for example, you injured ")