Prohibited emoticons. Where to get hidden smiles Skype: Step by step instructions

There was a small cross, associated with fraud and spam sending on user accounts.

And most people have led such a simple divorce method due to . Yes, you did not hear - in Skype there are smiles that are not displayed. And what to see them - just enter a special code.

Secret smiles in Skype:

: -B: TMI :: FUBAR :: ROCK: etc.

These emoticons are only 14, how to withdraw them in Skype you will see at the end of the article.

Now I want to tell you about howcounting accounts and send spam on Skype. In most cases, after sending spam through your account, it can be automatically blocked by the system.

It is quite unpleasant if you consider that you have not been sent anything. One day, sitting at your own, you get on Skype message approximately the following content:

"Hello! Want to have such secret smiles like (DRUNK) (Rock) (Mooning) (BUG) (BANDIT) and others!? Then download them yourself, at the address below! (Next is the link) "

Many trusting users, envying the opportunity to purchase new smiles Nakhalyava - immediately click on the link, and run. And they absolutely do not care that Skype begins to swear and report that some kind of program is trying to gain access, they think that it is necessary!

After installing, they quickly climb into Skype, in order to look at new secret smiles, and, naturally, do not find anything!

In fact, you are not installed not an addition from secret emoticons, but a malicious code that is embedded in your Skype, and from you I begin to report messages with spam to your friends, exactly the same you got. At the same time, the author malicious code Can get a login and password from your account and calmly "back it".

Therefore, be careful if we come to the strange messages. This concerns not only messages from strangers, but also from your correspondence friends. Since their account could turn into the effects of malicious code. So, if you get a suspicious link from your friend - do not be lazy to ask if he sent it.

Here is a list of Skype secret emoticons:

(first goes smiley, then code - register in the program together with brackets, then a short description)

(Finger) - Well, just very indecent

(Bandit) - Bandyuga.

: -B (Mooning) - Oh, what do we show us here ??

(Toivo) - a man with a dog.

(Headbang) - Punch the wall head.

(smoking) - puff

: Rock: (Rock) - Rockn Rod is cool!

(DRUNK) - Bug in the board.

(BUG) - Zho-Mute.

: TMI: (TMI) - Stop Tonnet.

(SWEAR) - Crow Mat.

: FUBAR: (FUBAR) - You are not all at home.

(Poolparty) - I'll go swimming.

(Heidy) is a squirrel who gnaws nuts.

(WTF) - "What The Fuck?"

(Zilmer) - Uncle with Fotik

(O) - time

(WFH) - I work at home

(MP) - Phone

(E) - You have come a letter

(~) - film

(Punch) - Blow

(Hollest) - Women's feet

(Flag: Country Quotation) - for example by - Belarus, LT - Lithuania, RU - Russia.

PS: If you know any other schemes of deception or other secrets of the Skype program, please share with the people. You can leave the info right in the comments.

And most people have led such a simple divorce method due to secret Smileys B. skype . Yes, you did not hear

Sometimes my mood is not so easy to express in words even to myself, not to mention the interlocutor. At such a case, the remedy for years has been proven for years - emoticons for Skype. In addition, these little funny pictures make it possible to significantly diversify and revive any text dialogue or chat.

Emoticons exist for a long time - hardly from the very appearance of the opportunity to communicate through the correspondence online. Over time, users themselves expanded emoticon options, "roses", "surprise", "beer" and the like appeared. Some of them are walking and still.

Application developers for communication took into account the needs of users in emoticons and very soon introduced their graphic implementation. Now it is unlikely that at least one communication program costs without emoticons. Moreover, the number and types of them multiply regularly. No exception and Skype.

A monkey (Monkey)

Smileys in Skype

Smileys in Skype can be divided into two types:

  1. traditional;
  2. "Hidden."

There are also two ways to insert them into the message:

  • through the emoticon menu;
  • from the keyboard.

How to put a smiley in skype

The most obvious way is the choice in the list of emoticons. For this in the upper right corner text field You need to click on a smiling face, after which a rather extensive list of available emoticons will open. At the same time, they are divided into groups. IN recent versions You can insert as traditional yellow facery and unusual. For example, smiley monkey.

What is noteworthy, absolutely all emoticons are free, unlike some other services for communication. If you do not want to get straightened through numerous pictures, you can enter the name of the emoticon, enclosing it into ordinary round brackets. After sending a message, the interlocutor will see the appropriate picture.

Icon Name Keyboard shortcuts
Smile 🙂 :=) 🙂
Sad 🙁 :=(🙁
Laugh 😀: \u003d D 😀: D: \u003d D: -D
Steep 8 \u003d) 😎 B \u003d) B-) (COOL)
Podmigivayu 😉 😉 ;=)
Surprising 😮: \u003d O: O: \u003d O: -o
Crying faces ;(;-(;=(
Potoney (SWEAT) (: |
No words 😐 :=| 😐
Kiss :* :=* :-*
Cunning 😛: \u003d P 😛: P: \u003d P :-P
Kulachka (yn)
Red (blush): $: - $: \u003d $: "\u003e
Doubt :^)
Sleepy | -) i-) i \u003d) (snooze)
I'm bored |(|-(|=(
In love (InLove)
Evil grin ] :)\u003e :) (grin)
Yawa (Yawn)
Nausea (PUKE): &: - &: \u003d &
Well, of course! (DOH)
Evil :@ :[Email Protected] :[Email Protected] x (x- (x \u003d (x (x- (x \u003d (
It's not me! (WASNTME)
Holiday Party)
What to do? (FacePalm)
Worried : S: -s: \u003d s: s: -s

It remains only to remember the names of the most frequently used emoticons when communicating. Fortunately, this is not so difficult. Their names are hidden not at a set of wisdom code, as in some social networks, and have, as a rule, completely human names. For example, monkey in Skype As the emoticon is set by a set from the keyboard (monkey), and, for example, a sheep - (Sheep). To get the freshest emoticons, install and

Test messages, when communicating in social networks and messengers, do not transmit the completeness of the emotional state of the interlocutor. Therefore, the developers of the Creating a universal base of thematic pictures corresponding to the current mood of the person. Today we will talk about what is smiley Skype, Consider the features of their appearance, varieties.

Smiley in a new way

In the process of narration, we will look at What is emoticon and emoji in Skype, But for the convenience of perception, we break a further narration into several logical blocks.


If we speak simple language, the above term implies a static or animated picture. It is used as smile, to give greater emotion to text report.

With the release of each update, the standard database of emoticons expands, which adds the raisins to the standard phrases "We optimized the operation of the system, eliminated many bugs."

How to use smili:

The further procedure is not associated with difficulties - the average user will find the use of a set of emoticons.


Contrary to universal error, the project under consideration supports animated images and even fragments of popular films.

The principle of adding objects remains unchanged, but the system implements preview MOZI added so that the user does not have failed.

Hidden Smiley Skype

The developers have provided the presence of hidden emoticons in Skype, the activation of which is only after entering a certain phrase. Below you will find a complete secret of secret emoticons.

In order to send a hidden smile, copy its code and insert the message in the window, then send this message to the interlocutor. The entered code is converted to the smile:

Table of hidden smiles Skype

SmileDescription SmileSmile code
Xmas Sarcastic (Xmassarcastic)
Yelochka (ChristmasStree)
Car (car)
Sparkler (Sparkler)
Confidentially (Confidential)
Notebook (PC)
Kakashushki (Poo)
Games (Games)
Umbrella (Umbrella)
bug (BUG)
Female (Woman)
Man (MAN)
Demonstration of Yagoditz (Mooning)
Santa Claus (DedMoroz)
let's meet (Letsmeet)
Yes, you went (Finger)
Old (AULD)
Good (Lang)
Time (SYNE)
Party in the pool (HRV)
In the toilet (onthelooo)
Matryoshka skier (Matreshka)
Nile (Neil)
Unsuccessful feed (Tennisfail)
Need to run (RUN)
Musical Mishka (Mishka)
Can talk? (Canyoutalk)
I'm bored (Tauri)
Kury (smoke)
Red Square (Noviygod)
New Year's car (Xmascar)
New Year's crying
New Year's heart (Xmasheart)
New Year's woman (Xmaswoman)
New Year's woman (xmaswoman1)
New Year's woman (xmaswoman2)
New Year's woman (xmaswoman3)
New Year's woman (xmaswoman4)
New Year's woman (xmaswoman5)
New Year's man (Xmasman)
New Year's man (xmasman1)
New Year's man (xmasman2)
New Year's man (xmasman3)
New Year's man (Xmasman4)
New Year's man (xmasman5)
Xbox (XBOX)
Windows 10. (Win10)
Word. (Word)
Excel (Excel)
Access. (Access)
ONENOTE. (OneNote)
Publisher. (Publisher)
PowerPoint. (PowerPoint)
Skype for business (SkypeBiz)
SharePoint. SharePoint)
Outlook. (Outlook)
Onedrive. (ONEDRIVE)
Microsoft. (Microsoft)
Internet Explorer. (Internexplorer)
GroupMe (GroupMe)
Bing. (Bing)
What's happening?
What the hell? (WTF)
Man with a dog (toivo)
Hanukkah (Hanukkah)
Camera (Camera)
Photographer (Zilmer)
Teacher (Malthe)
Snail (SNAIL)
Good luck (GL)
Stop (STOP)
Snow angel (Snowangel)
Snowman (Snegovik)
Skype (SS)
Santa Huligan. Santamooning)
Plane (JET)
Drink (DRUNK)
Hourglass (W8)
Caution, spoiler! (LLSSHOCK)
Island (ISLAND)
Sheep (Sheep)
Wedding ring (Ring)
Lyalya, I do not listen to you (Lala)
I work from the house (@h)

Table of flags of countries in Skype

FlagCountrySkype code
Abkhazia (Flag: AB)
Andorra (Flag: AD)
United Arab Emirates (Flag: AE)
Afghanistan (Flag: AF)
Antigua and Barbuda (Flag: AG)
Anguilla (Flag: AI)
Albania (Flag: Al)
Armenia (Flag: AM)
Antille Islands (Flag: AN)
Angola (Flag: AO)
Antarctic (Flag: AQ)
Argentina (Flag: Ar)
American Samoa (Flag: AS)
Austria (Flag: AT)
Australia (Flag: AU)
Aruba (Flag: AW)
Aland Islands (Flag: AX)
Azerbaijan (Flag: AZ)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (Flag: BA)
Barbados (Flag: BB)
Bangladesh (Flag: BD)
Belgium (Flag: BE)
Burkina Faso (Flag: BF)
Bulgaria (Flag: BG)
Bahrain (Flag: BH)
Burundi (Flag: BI)
Benin (Flag: BJ)
Bermuda (Flag: Bm)
Brunei (Flag: BN)
Bolivia (Flag: BO)
Brazil (Flag: BR)
Bahamas (Flag: BS)
Butane (Flag: BT)
Bouw Island (Flag: BV)
Botswana (Flag: BW)
Belarus (Flag: BY)
Belize (Flag: BZ)
Canada (Flag: CA)
Coconut Islands (Flag: CC)
Republic of Congo (Flag: CD)
Central African Republic (Flag: CF)
Congo (Flag: CG)
Switzerland (Flag: CH)
Cat-d "Ivoire (Flag: Ci)
Cook Islands (Flag: CK)
Chile (Flag: Cl)
Cameroon (Flag: Cm)
China (Flag: CN)
Colombia (Flag: CO)
Costa Rica (Flag: CR)
Cuba (Flag: Cu)
Cape Verde (Flag: CV)
Island of Christmas (Flag: CX)
Cyprus (Flag: CY)
Czech Republic (Flag: CZ)
Germany (Flag: DE)
Djibouti (Flag: DJ)
Denmark (Flag: DK)
Dominica (Flag: DM)
Dominican Republic (Flag: DO)
Algeria (Flag: DZ)
Ecuador (Flag: EC)
Estonia (Flag: EE)
Egypt (Flag: EG)
West Sahara (Flag: EH)
Eritria (Flag: ER)
Spain (Flag: ES)
Ethiopia (Flag: ET)
European Union (Flag: EU)
Finland (Flag: Fi)
Fiji (Flag: FJ)
Falkland Islands (Flag: FK)
Micronesia (Flag: FM)
Faroe islands (Flag: FO)
France (Flag: FR)
Gabon (Flag: GA)
Great Britain (Flag: GB)
Grenada (Flag: GD)
Georgia (Flag: GE)
French Guiana (Flag: GF)
Ghana (Flag: GH)
Gibraltar (Flag: Gi)
Greenland (Flag: GL)
Gambia (Flag: GM)
Guinea (Flag: GN)
Guadelife (Flag: GP)
Equatorial Guinea (Flag: GQ)
Greece (Flag: GR)
South George and South Sandwich Islands (Flag: GS)
Guatemala (Flag: GT)
GUAM. (Flag: GU)
Guinea-Bisau. (Flag: GW)
Guyana (Flag: GY)
Hong Kong (Flag: HK)
Herd Island and McDonald Island (Flag: HM)
Honduras (Flag: HN)
Croatia (Flag: HR)
Haiti (Flag: HT)
Hungary (Flag: HU)
Indonesia (Flag: ID)
Ireland (Flag: IE)
Israel (Flag: IL)
India (Flag: In)
British Territory in the Indian Ocean (Flag: IO)
Iraq (Flag: IQ)
Iran (Flag: IR)
Iceland (Flag: IS)
Italy (Flag: IT)
Jamaica (Flag: jm)
Jordan (Flag: JO)
Japan (Flag: Jp)
Kenya (Flag: KE)
Kyrgyzstan. (Flag: KG)
Cambodia (Flag: KH)
Kiribati (Flag: Ki)
Comoros (Flag: KM)
Saint Christopher and Nevis (Flag: KN)
North Korea (DPRK) (Flag: KP)
South Korea (Republic of Korea) (Flag: Kr)
Kuwait (Flag: KW)
Cayman islands (Flag: KY)
Kazakhstan (Flag: KZ)
Laos (Flag: LA)
Lebanon (Flag: LB)
Saint Lucia (Flag: LC)
Liechtenstein (Flag: LI)
Sri Lanka (Flag: LK)
Liberia (Flag: LR)
Lesotho (Flag: Ls)
Lithuania (Flag: LT)
Luxembourg (Flag: LU)
Latvia (Flag: LV)
Libya (Flag: LY)
Morocco (Flag: MA)
Monaco (Flag: MC)
Moldova (Flag: MD)
Montenegro (Flag: ME)
Madagascar (Flag: MG)
Marshall Islands (Flag: MH)
Macedonia (Flag: MK)
Mali. (Flag: ML)
Myanmar (Flag: mm)
Mongolia (Flag: Mn)
Macau (Flag: Mo)
Northern Mariana Islands (Flag: MP)
Martinique (Flag: MQ)
Mauritania (Flag: MR)
Montserrat (Flag: MS)
Malta (Flag: MT)
Mauritius (Flag: MU)
Maldives (Flag: MV)
Malawi (Flag: MW)
Mexico (Flag: MX)
Malaysia (Flag: My)
Mozambique (Flag: MZ)
Namibia (Flag: NA)
New Caledonia (Flag: NC)
Niger (Flag: Ne)
Norfolk Island (Flag: NF)
Nigeria (Flag: NG)
Nicaragua (Flag: Ni)
Netherlands (Flag: NL)
Norway (Flag: NO)
Nepal (Flag: NP)
Nauru (Flag: NR)
Niue Island (Flag: NU)
New Zealand (Flag: NZ)
Oman (Flag: OM)
Panama (Flag: PA)
Peru (Flag: PE)
French polynesia (Flag: PF)
Papua New Guinea (Flag: PG)
Philippines (Flag: pH)
Pakistan (Flag: PK)
Poland (Flag: PL)
Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (Flag: PM)
Islands Pitcairn. (Flag: PN)
Puerto Rico (Flag: PR)
State Palestine (Flag: PS)
Portugal (Flag: PT)
Palau (Flag: PW)
Paraguay (Flag: PY)
Qatar (Flag: QA)
Reunion. (Flag: Re)
Romania (Flag: RO)
Serbia (Flag: RS)
Russia (Flag: RU)
Rwanda (Flag: RW)
Saudi Arabia (Flag: SA)
Solomon islands (Flag: SB)
Seychelles (Flag: SC)
Sudan (Flag: SD)
Sweden (Flag: SE)
Singapore (Flag: SG)
Saint Helena Island (Flag: SH)
Slovenia (Flag: Si)
Svalbard Islands and Jan Mayen (Flag: SJ)
Slovakia (Flag: SK)
Sierra Leone (Flag: SL)
San Marino (Flag: SM)
Senegal (Flag: SN)
Somalia (Flag: SO)
Suriname (Flag: SR)
South Sudan (Flag: SS)
Sao Tome and Principe (Flag: ST)
Salvador (Flag: SV)
Syria (Flag: SY)
Swaziland. (Flag: SZ)
Terks and Caicos (Flag: TC)
Chad (Flag: TD)
French South and Antarctic Territories (Flag: TF)
Togo (Flag: TG)
Thailand (Flag: TH)
Tajikistan (Flag: TJ)
Tokelau (Flag: TK)
Timor-Leste. (Flag: TL)
Turkmenistan (Flag: TM)
Tunisia (Flag: TN)
Tonga (Flag: To)
Turkey (Flag: TR)
Trinidad and Tobago (Flag: TT)
Tuvalu (Flag: TV)
Taiwan (Flag: TW)
Tanzania (Flag: TZ)
Ukraine (Flag: UA)
Uganda (Flag: UG)
External small islands (Flag: UM)
United States of America (Flag: US)
Uruguay (Flag: UY)
Uzbekistan (Flag: Uz)
Vatican (Flag: VA)
Saint-Vincent and Grenadines (Flag: VC)
Venezuela (Flag: ve)
Virgin Islands (Flag: VG)
Virgin Islands (Flag: VI)
Vietnam (Flag: VN)
Vanuatu (Flag: VU)
Wallis and Futuna (Flag: WF)
Samoa (Flag: WS)
Yemen (Flag: YE)
Mayotta (Flag: YT)
South Africa (Flag: ZA)
Zambia (Flag: ZM)
Zimbabwe (Flag: ZW)

Already a long time gained a lot of popularity, and they enjoy almost every person sitting on the Internet.

Of course, in this messenger there is a system of emoticons, over the design of which the team of artists truly tried.

All of them are called through a special window, however, in Skype there are also hidden images that cannot be used without knowing the special team.

It is this article that this article is devoted to the smiley.

What is smiley

Smiley is an expression that went from the English word Smile. - That eats, smile.

In fact, this is a small emotion image, with which you can specify that the user feels at the moment.

If earlier similar images were made using typographic symbols and letters, now each forum has its own set of pictures, with which the expression of emotions has become easier.

Their basic function is to simplify text Communication. It is obvious that in the chat window it is impossible to express the entire emotion palette, which is still experiencing a person, therefore, to simplify such situations and use pictures of different states.

Yes, it is much easier instead of writing "I am in complete bewilderment" to send a characteristic smile - and people will understand.

At the same time, the images are most often made of a small face of pixels.

In Skype, emoticons are distinguished by their good details, big sizes And even animation - and use their pleasure, because they look much colorful classic.

Examples of using smile

Unlike other services, such as, in Skype there are two ways to insert emoticons.

First - With the help of entering its code, when you text ascribe some emotion or phrase, which in the correspondence window already changes to the image.

It is convenient if you do not want to tear your hands from the keyboard, and remember well all the combinations that cause pictures.

Second The method is using a special window that is called by pressing the emoticon in the corner of the text editor. There you can find the desired image and insert it into your message.

In addition, it is there that you can see how the emoticon will look like in the message - when you have a hovering, an increased and animated version of the picture will be shown in all its glory.

As mentioned above, not the entire set in the smile call window. Initially, there were more of them, but many of the images were deleted at the request of users.

But this does not apply to hidden pictures, which were always in the system, but it was possible to call them only with certain codes.

Below is a table with codes to ordinary smiley, as well as what they mean.

Some combinations are used by people constantly, thanks to which they automatically change to emoticons, but some will have to really remember, or long search in the list of Skype emotions.

Designation Combination
Smile :=)
Sadness :=(; :- (
Laugh : \u003d D; : D; : \u003d D; : -d.
Cool 8 \u003d); B \u003d); B-); (COOL)
Wink ;=)
Surprise : \u003d O; : O; : \u003d O; : -O.
Cry ;(; ;- (; ;=(
Heat (SWEAT); (: |
Quiet surprise :=| ;
Kisses :* ; :=* ; :-*
Hitch : \u003d P; : p; : \u003d p; :-p.
Greeting (yn)
Embarrassment (blush); : $; : - $; : \u003d $; : "\u003e
Doubt :^)
Drowsiness | -); I-); I \u003d); (Snooze)
Boredom |(; |- (; |=(
Love (InLove)
Ominous smile ] :); \u003e :); (grin)
Yawn (Yawn)
Now it is nervous! (PUKE); : &; : - &; : \u003d &
Heck! (DOH)
Anger :@ ; :[Email Protected] ; :[Email Protected] ; x (; x- (; x \u003d (x (; x- (x \u003d (x- (; x \u003d (
Of course, this is not me! (WASNTME)
Holiday Party)
Shame for another (FacePalm)
Excitement : S; : -S; : \u003d S; : s; : -s; : \u003d S.
Enjoyment (mm)
Diligent student 8- | ; B- | ; 8 | ; B | 8 \u003d | ; B \u003d | ; (NERD)
I will not tell anyone : X; : -X; : #; : - #; : \u003d x; : \u003d X; : \u003d #
Greeting (HI); (Wave)
Satan (Devil)
Angel (Angel)
Envy Envy
Wait! (wait)
Embrace (BEAR); (HUG)
beauty (makeup); (Kate)
Gentleman (MOUSTACHE)
Hichkanny (Giggle); Chuckle)
Applause (CLAP)
Reflection (THINK); : \u003d?
Respect (Bow)
Extremely funny! (rofl)
Put! (WHEW)
High five! (Highfive)
Good mood (happy)
Crooked smile (smirk)
Consent (NOD)
Disagreement Shake)
Expectation (Waiting)
Emo, first option (EMO)
Thumbs up (y); (Y); (OK)
Finger down (n); (N)
Shake your hand (Handshake)
Image of heart (h); (H); (L); (L)
Shut up the ears (Lalala)
I can not watch it (TMI)
Squirrel (Heidy)
Flower image (f); (F)
It is rainy (Rain); (London); (ST)
Sunny (SUN)
Notes (Music)
Image of coffee (COFFEE)
Pizza image (PIZZA); (PI)
Image of money (CASH); (Mo); ($)
Muscul image (Muscle); (FLEX)
Image of cake (^); (Cake)
Image of beer (Beer)
Image of cocktail (D); (D)
Dance! (Dance); \\ O /; \\: D /; \\: D /
Ninja (Ninja)
Image of stars (*)
Tumbleweed (tumbleweed)
Thief (Bandit)
Hard Rock (Rock)
I do not know what to do (Headbang); (BangHead)
Boxer (Punch)
Chatter {!LANG-af0244c71ef5ad2ebd534415f8090624!}
{!LANG-b7b462e1344ffb0457bd7d5b6f148211!} {!LANG-4107542db924dc90546ed49efddbf303!}
Reflection {!LANG-f515a9f4f53bb216b7daf35ec2cebff2!}
{!LANG-ee82976ef180188dd6341a0ac36bdfbc!} {!LANG-c94365664fce60d442a2f2407c5615b8!}
{!LANG-b01a16c61a5f0c71078bd6d77067d9d8!} {!LANG-3f514c7ced40bd68e725b9982bc1b119!}
{!LANG-9a05f5d262963b4226143197b8971692!} {!LANG-46b62b30c40315b41d38a8feef1f8e4f!}
{!LANG-90a6ac3f5316dcfb74b213ec7830bdb3!} {!LANG-db4c2f4f017b436ea125563d6ee627d8!}
{!LANG-c784290d17a7839ab5dee86a3ee701e5!} {!LANG-7b9f781155ff9773ef185009180c8c06!}
{!LANG-9b10c0d7864359b5f1ebe1b5165fbd86!} {!LANG-bd7069895db42a96b3c80517edba3b26!}
Holiday {!LANG-188218566052f08a2b4bc6ed66fb65c8!}
{!LANG-0e19587014d61034b318521ccd9e3282!} {!LANG-89d78987d7710a38f8264686bd5c8377!}
{!LANG-bc6f8082f4cda9b1dd7b731d1ee7ef4d!} {!LANG-a2651846462fc7c7320abc13e6dc3366!}
{!LANG-f9eff5dcbd475582bd9dd7d1fd15d88f!} {!LANG-0083323dd9772846e44b1f1b74d27917!}
{!LANG-48f418d018475ff341c293e249e8984d!} {!LANG-51a8c9bdb494992abc5f7c1e7112a570!}
{!LANG-d9c71f1278a26d04ed893165f34add03!} {!LANG-84813f7ef8c2020f6a888c103addd83a!}
{!LANG-1f237677a5c23dddfbc8afe603fb6514!} {!LANG-a7b3e1146ffbdd815d57e74858e39d61!}
{!LANG-44ecd587bd73b31e44a1ab973e530637!} {!LANG-c2e38e58cd5532548dd1a5729b2040b6!}
{!LANG-be4fdcdcd9048ac050f4b97c950fc986!} {!LANG-7d37f1cd42ea8aa06a258d9d82118bd5!}
{!LANG-eb005fe9e898be2f9d03bcfdd2cebe01!} {!LANG-3d030c570138efd90da4fa00e2a0db93!}
{!LANG-dab49e012edf922975d439ea6e45ad28!} {!LANG-7a3586d5457c2780736d546d98806f2c!}
{!LANG-60cba288219a2de433eb994f8b41f48c!} {!LANG-911603f8f02ddeeb589b0fa57f408707!}
{!LANG-711201ba62545c5dbaa4fc28f9a87da4!} {!LANG-01a0d8688af96c94bcca39f8ce87f2eb!}
{!LANG-98f3820fa418c997003724e65f0e3878!} (Monkey)
{!LANG-f1fa1116cc460531ae48e814cdcc75b7!} {!LANG-d9dc8313e9967f4af4950a6bb4ac60a0!}




Designation Combination
{!LANG-5da1f3d57bb6f37e892c34cb4b8c4735!} {!LANG-785d41af9b7f7d6a5d2810c50988cdf4!}
{!LANG-1fccda60935ab3b28bde26063fa40322!} {!LANG-5376314aca142462d044c4e9bb82bdd5!}
{!LANG-d6cb360f8f5ebad0cff38e52f317818e!} {!LANG-62e736886cbe94a1c59d5e1df3777396!}
{!LANG-386104a2838e98b159c461966e41ea46!} {!LANG-6e010e404699e38f2c8b9371376802c6!}
{!LANG-3a306bfe0b9b22e65b927f0151a564a8!} {!LANG-824c642f67a9cd508274c073355afe07!}
{!LANG-6f0245a5d9b8780428656e41d758a2c7!} {!LANG-b399d1bde514e2bb10493c73c78247c4!}
{!LANG-e2004d7ca47bcb5a542067386c7242a5!} {!LANG-cf6f3f7cc426cdd8ea849cb22f6ede34!}
{!LANG-527623894b1c94297c42194de59cf57d!} {!LANG-ed3e318a302e5eb8057fa30d53034fcd!}
{!LANG-33b3f508c8cc95501884178956ed587b!} {!LANG-79916dddcafffaed73742ea3152696ca!}
{!LANG-4cfdbf12bdea5a6fbe455d65d5900b51!} {!LANG-c2101d47c56de1c971be93365b5bd3e3!}
{!LANG-7917b5ec88c43900eb34419f6f49a53a!} {!LANG-55931c31bd1a367aac87a982296137c7!}
{!LANG-b2104593d5a1b9cad71d79529fee935e!} {!LANG-f86c5fa243c22408405afa77b250653f!}
{!LANG-8afb266807650956fce201d7188e18bc!} {!LANG-91a4ff6c926706889fb04814a830aaf4!}
{!LANG-aba63bd118cbe16c899ea8547ea3582e!} {!LANG-415b68ce2734deaf3696f0ae4a49a4e1!}
{!LANG-08fd14eac1b987691f27f77663cbcf8a!} {!LANG-71a9b9895478618b38d4030be6c48c9d!}
{!LANG-5581fc742365807b911eba6a8b9ec077!} {!LANG-2e0f3ccd90d2fc890d3edce9fd3e8629!}
{!LANG-77136347b5318fdbee747d8959fd7a24!} {!LANG-502aec27f26e44610f2975a5c7b9b31c!}
{!LANG-e9bf390718c135a395d57e78305cf23c!} {!LANG-b9be55439792e6e24489818dc2f4c884!}
{!LANG-aa96917c5025eb99e31339ccde38c8f1!} {!LANG-e12a7d86df74c3e6292832cd4b203701!}
{!LANG-c93cb9ffc091bd73949e92092bf0c38f!} {!LANG-6573385e8ba4e553ffba3a916eed8eef!}
{!LANG-f4545d3ea657f9be6cdb9df7bf9252d3!} {!LANG-4802df6f9c4f9cd49cf158648757f794!}
{!LANG-bef3a8cdf5eb45ba453b1a15db3b9d6d!} {!LANG-c4936cac108b6870a9014e96af028d20!}
Hourglass {!LANG-17bdc3745265b91460515628e4c2f80d!}
{!LANG-3c85f46cbc5844aaa51ff7817a09c212!} {!LANG-51adf47c1ca641e4ad10ff871c65c263!}
{!LANG-6032791cb51461c5afb65258fbc48d36!} {!LANG-38972fc2599acb2b4ecaacbd230dd339!}
{!LANG-f7ccf0bd3a057186bb6f24e901b462db!} {!LANG-00c561c13c2ab9521d0fe8aed784a364!}
{!LANG-ca61e9511c43cc255dd1a77631874d00!} {!LANG-0a8817a3177daf197ee81e6d14e53809!}
{!LANG-29e060640fc3bded106d7189eddade80!} {!LANG-382664544c435d5d6517876c897564a0!}
{!LANG-66a91021fe1d063cf205d34fd17632a5!} {!LANG-d91fe3e569c94638eacc37c36e9cb960!}
{!LANG-5d0fc7ed5b0d7249346af5511c2e68fb!} {!LANG-695ba8a63e46b27e5da12a72cd74e842!}
{!LANG-30fc58df7860593cb94cf9405ce7c7db!} {!LANG-2adc794f7fa654ca83e44985c67498d6!}











{!LANG-d37c7b59614fda0903c2e896aa890426!} {!LANG-c57d3ac244d882e679a3c827f768b132!}{!LANG-dd3a21c5b8e277859ef49fbc71847fe7!}



1. {!LANG-9cd6cb0f69ca551694b7372ddcf75ea6!}



2. {!LANG-22d2192f867a1383bee909e6400b4cba!}


{!LANG-f5bb9c14bc5c915c26e1f250dc3c16c8!} {!LANG-9a56c922454e140abe286a7f5d890c43!}{!LANG-e0d9e5fab469e6cc180971970389d922!}

3. {!LANG-a6621449146f43bc212a2bdfc14fbe20!}

{!LANG-0963b2426a4f530bac8ce69f494f51a5!} {!LANG-d241ed446445a725f6362568f61cc6c3!}{!LANG-17e60d48f2629833e560715b12dd2285!}


{!LANG-4ce2010817cc0da51cb8a7042e89e9a5!} {!LANG-0a425df1ed3575282c84ef8d51d56242!}{!LANG-f02c95b1311dd556acb78aec4cfae3c5!}











{!LANG-3031304d1b5b0f06bd0a20cbc8e41e09!} {!LANG-c1b0ab7ecfdf59092e4b629b44825856!}{!LANG-1a908dfa8a6ccb204f0799d0e3b367bb!} {!LANG-95fbf0b1c4b0eef6564362ddca739e33!}{!LANG-a273e9c7821394041f7ff571a29286c7!}












{!LANG-c2e92ef7cb81cc39b33de8c3ed5beeb6!} {!LANG-5bd0e37def8e3331cf52e88441e3a205!}{!LANG-a85386d0212e997d2c44459f58fdf786!}





{!LANG-f6e55bb345445383b3fd14f77cbb2332!} {!LANG-7e0c9abca611242eb9873b910e7a9992!}{!LANG-7c65f23e00f0d98b9efcc28906fe5137!}








{!LANG-b14754d77b2f3191b9d09b4c740210c2!} {!LANG-d557ad9546766e4ad8c1ca8abb37daaf!}{!LANG-ea22482b33dcb7a4b255beefcb239179!}


