What to do skype inverted image. What to do if the camera in ASUS Skype is upside down? Upside down webcam image on laptop

Hello everyone, Dear friends! Recently I was approached with the question: “After installing the Windows 7 operating system and installing all the necessary drivers on the Asus K50IJ laptop, the webcam in Skype program began to render my image upside down.

Those. I see the interlocutor normally, but he has me upside down. How to flip the webcam in skype on my Asus K50IJ? "

Rotating the webcam on the Asus K50IJ laptop

So, the archive with the Chicony program will help solve this problem, but you need to remove it before installing it. old driver.

Action plan

  1. We open Device Manager Imaging devices .
  2. Click on Integrated camera (you may have a different name) and remove the driver.
  3. Downloading Chicony () and run 2 files in turn: PNPINST64.EXE and DRVINST.EXE .
  4. We reboot the laptop and enjoy the result.

After the performed actions, I was able to turn the webcam image on the Asus K50IJ laptop to its normal position. If for some reason you cannot do this, feel free to contact the technical support of the Asus company. I got a reply within 2 business days.

Thank you all and good luck!

Hello, friends! Today we will be analyzing a rather popular glitch. Skype programs- upside down image. This is not even a glitch of the program itself, if you look deeper. This is more to blame for the developers of webcams and laptops, on which this very image is inverted.

80 percent of the time this problem arises from the owners of ASUS laptops. Tied in with this in this article, and I will focus more on this company.

How to flip the skype image back by reinstalling the drivers

Basically, the inverted image problem is solved by reinstalling the drivers on the webcam. It is precisely because of the incorrect driver that you see yourself upside down on Skype. The fact is that after installing the operating system, Windows installs drivers for the hardware it knows, and the database might contain an incorrect driver.

In this regard, we need to remove the old driver, download the new one and install it. Let me show you briefly how this is done.

First, we need a device manager. Who does not know how to get to him - he is looking for him in Windows search(via "Start"). We hammer in the corresponding request there and click on the desired result:

We get into the device manager and find our camera there in the section "Sound, video and gaming devices". We click on the device twice with the left mouse button:

In the next window, go to the "Driver" tab. There are buttons to update or remove the webcam driver. That is, we can, if we have a new driver, either immediately update it, or delete the old one and install a new one.

Where to get a webcam driver

Usually all drivers are downloaded from the manufacturer's official website. You can also rummage in your drawers and look for the disk that came with the laptop with drivers.

As long as we have agreed to devote more time to ASUS laptops, let me show you where on the site and how you can quickly find drivers for the model you need.

Follow the link http://www.asus.com/ru/support/. In the search box, we drive in the required model of our laptop:

The database contains our laptop, go to the "Drivers and Utilities" tab and download the driver we need.

Also, if you do not know where else you can find and install drivers for the operating system, so as not to spread a bunch of text here, I add a few videos for you, see if it will come in handy.

Image upside down on an ASUS laptop. Another solution.

If you are downloading the fifth driver in a row and nothing helps, then in this case there is another solution. You will have to correct one of the driver files yourself.

  • You need to take one of the drivers that matches your camera and unpack it into some folder.
  • Next, we find in the folder a file with the extension .inf and open it through notepad
  • In this file, using the search, we find the following value Flip, 0x00010001, 1.
  • Change the last value 1 to 0
  • We save this file with the same notepad and go to the task manager. We update the webcam driver, indicating the path to the driver we fixed.

This method is a little confusing, but it works and helps in most cases.

Flip the image in the program settings

Perhaps, everything is not so bad for you and the point is not at all in the drivers. It may be enough just to flip the camera image directly in its settings. Let's do it now and do it.

Launch skype and in the top menu of the program, click "Tools - Options ...":

Further, depending on the cameras, the windows and parameters may differ, but the point is that you need to find an item such as "U-turn" or "Rotation" and play with the degrees, after you achieve the desired result, save the settings.

Everyone, dear friends. Feel free to ask something or share your experience in the comments.

Quite often, such a problem arises when the camera on a laptop points upside down. Why is this happening and how to fix it? We offer three effective ways who will definitely help you. Don't worry, the suggested methods are suitable for both PCs and laptops, regardless of the manufacturer.

Driver problem

Most often, users encounter this problem on Skype. It occurs due to drivers and their incorrect installation. In our situation, this is the case when:

    1. They are installed automatically during Windows installation;
    2. The installation used special driver-pack (as an option, Driver Pack Solution);

To check what drivers are on your device, you need to:

  1. Go to " ";
  2. Find a webcam;
  3. Right-click on it and select "Properties";
  4. In the window that opens, go to the "Driver" tab and carefully look at the supplier and the development date;

If the supplier is Microsoft and the date is no longer relevant, then the reason for the inverted image is precisely in them. How to fix it? In such a situation, you need to open the website of the manufacturer of the laptop or web device and download from there current version absolutely free.

Display setting

If you have the necessary drivers on your computer, or after reinstalling them, nothing has changed, and the webcam still shoots upside down, then in this case, you should look for a solution in its settings. If you don’t know how to set it up, then don’t worry - everything is simple enough!

To quickly get into the settings of the web device, you need to:

  1. Open skype;
  2. Go to Tools / Options / Video;
  3. Click "Camera settings" under your picture;

After you complete the above steps, a new window will open. In this window, you need to find the image rotation function, which is present in most devices. In English, it is called Flip Vertical, which means "flip vertically", or Rotate (rotation).

Different laptop manufacturers such as Acer, Toshiba, Asus, Hp, Lenovo and for different models cameras, the webcam settings window may look different.

This is the easiest way, however, to implement it you will need skype, which most users have. If you are not one of them, then there is another option - special program, with which you can manage the webcam. It is usually downloaded to the computer along with the drivers. In it you will find exactly the same function of rotation or vertical display, which was described above.

Application of third-party programs

If the above methods did not help you set up the camera, and you still do not know how to flip the camera image back, then only a special one remains. software... The ManyCam utility, which you can download for free on the Internet, is guaranteed to solve this problem.

The installation process is simple enough that even an inexperienced user can handle it. The utility is suitable for everyone Windows versions Xp, Vista 7, 8, 10. Moreover, it is fully translated into Russian. After you have installed and run it, you need:

Now your skype image will be normal, and you will always know what to do if the webcam is not showing correctly.

Hello everyone!

Yesterday I agreed to speak with my mother and sister on Skype. Mom has just come to Moscow to visit my sister Rimma and her husband Kamil.

Rimma gave birth to her first child, a boy, two months ago. They named him Karim.

I have an idea: who will be the first to guess why they named Karim, then a prize of 50 rubles for wmr webmoney wallet.

So. We phoned yesterday, and I have an inverted image on my skype!

It was not possible to fix this problem in a couple of minutes, so we decided that it was possible to communicate like this

We talked - everything is fine! But I could not leave it just like that and decided to fix this DLNP. Initially I thought that I would solve this problem in a couple of minutes, but in the end it took more than an hour.

So, in this article I will tell you how to flip a webcam image in skype.

Basic ways

It was in this sequence that I tried all the methods. Only the last method helped me. And I really didn't want to use it: I don't like installing programs on my laptop unnecessarily.

Settings in Skype itself

This is the easiest option. Even in the process of talking on Skype, I tried to flip the image in this way.

What do we have to do:

You may be more fortunate. And you, with one tick, will solve the problem. But I was out of luck.

Internet connoisseurs say it depends on the webcam model or driver.

Installing the driver from the official website

This option is also quite simple, but it already takes a little more time and there are several nuances.

First, you need to find out the Pid ID for your camera. To find it out:

And one more thing: remove the old driver through the device manager.


For example, I have an ASUS laptop.

  1. I go to the official ASUS website.
  2. I indicate the model of my laptop N50Vc
  3. I indicate operating system(Windows 7, for some reason Windows 10 is not listed)
  4. I open the tab with drivers for the webcam
  5. seeking required driver by Pid identifier (I use the combination Ctrl keys+ F to search)
  6. Download it and install it
  7. I restart my computer

That's all. This will help someone, but it did not help me ...

Registry Editing (RegEdit)

This method is already more interesting, at least for me, because I do not like to climb the registry and in general I do not really understand this. But I found the instructions on YouTube, everything is simple and clear there.

You will need the RegEdit application. it standard application... You can run it either through the Run command or through the search.

By the way, this is what I like about my windows 10: by searching next to the Start button, you can quickly find any application.

Here's the instruction:

  1. Go to the RegEdit application.
  2. Go to the Edit menu, then Search
  3. We are looking for the word Flip (you need to find the autoflip parameter, flip_horizontal, flip_vertical or something like that)
  4. Click on the found parameter
  5. Change the value from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1
  6. Ready

But I could not change this parameter, an error was thrown. I don't know what the reason is. Launched RegEdit as administrator. It didn't work, so let's move on

Editing the .inf file in the driver folder

I would call this method a hybrid of the previous two.

Here is his algorithm:

  1. download the driver from the official website
  2. unpack the archive
  3. find the file with the extension .inf in the folder and open it
  4. search for the word "flip"
  5. replace values ​​from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1
  6. save changes
  7. remove the old driver
  8. Install the new driver
  9. Restart your computer

But it didn't help me either: - (

I had to turn to the last way which I was originally trying to avoid on purpose.

ManyCam program

I just downloaded this program on the Internet, I could not find any official site.

Readers, I remind you: be careful when downloading anything from the Internet. Necessarily with updated databases.

By the way, my Windows 10 did not trust this ManyCam program, I had to take responsibility and install it anyway.

This method helped me.

Now this miracle program hangs in my tray.


As you may have noticed, there are quite a few ways to flip a webcam image, but they do not give a 100% guarantee of success. Therefore, try and you will definitely succeed.

Hope this article solved your camera problem. I shared my experience. If you liked my experience, then share the article in social networks with your friends and comrades, maybe they have the same problem.

Also, to update my blog in order to receive my articles in the mail in the future, which will teach you many of the intricacies of the Internet and, of course, make money on the Internet.

Bye everyone and see you soon!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Sometimes, when making a Skype call, there is such a problem that the image is flipped. This is not very convenient, and therefore you need to know what to do in such a situation. The article will tell you in detail how to fix the problem that has arisen.

Why there might be an upside-down image in Skype

First, you should figure out what is the cause of the breakdown, and only then eliminate it.

Firstly, a malfunction sometimes occurs due to a malfunction of the drivers that are responsible for the operation of the camera. V this case the camera of the device is not working properly or may stop working altogether.

The second problem is when the image settings go astray.

Having dealt with the causes of the problems, you need to start solving them.

How to Replace Wrong Standard Drivers for Asus Laptops

If there are any problems with the driver, it is worth replacing the standard driver for your laptop model.

First you need to clearly define your laptop model. Typically, the device itself is marked with the model designation. If, for some reason, there is no marking, then take a look necessary information on the box or instructions. As a last resort, use the Internet.

After determining the model, go to the official website Asus computers and find your laptop there. Now you need to find a special driver for the webcam and download it from the site. Often, after downloading an installation package, the installation process starts automatically. When the driver update is complete, restart the laptop.

If after rebooting the device the camera still shows an inverted image, then something was done wrong. The wrong driver may have been installed, or the cause of the malfunction is completely different. Try another method to solve the problem.

Maybe it's the camera settings

If after reinstalling the drivers, the problem persists, then it should be solved in a different way.

In the event that the camera is displaying an inverted image, you can correct the problem by adjusting the settings. To do this, you need to perform the following manipulations:

    1. Go to the main menu of the program and open the “Tools” tab.
    2. Now go to the settings section. A window with various sections will open in front of you.
    3. Select the first tab “General”.
    4. A window with several types of settings will open.
    5. You need to select the “Video Settings” tab. A camera icon and two buttons will appear in front of you: “Change avatar”, “Webcam settings”.
    6. Open the camera settings tab.
    7. In the window that opens, click on the “Camera control” tab. A couple of sliders will be shown here, some of them can be moved up and down. This will allow you to change the settings you want.
    8. You need to find the slider labeled “Reversal”.
  1. In the event that the icon is active, it will look bright, try moving it from side to side. This can be done with the right mouse button. If everything is done correctly, the camera image will rotate in parallel with the operation of the slider. Leave the slider in the desired position when rotating the image to the correct position.
  2. It is worth focusing attention on certain inscriptions: "Image mirror flip", "Image vertical flip" - this is the mirror and vertical position of the "image", which is shown by the computer camera. If necessary, you will need to put a mark, tick in front of the desired inscription, in order for the image to acquire a normal position.
  3. In the event that this slider is not in the active state, you need to look for another problem.