What is included in IT technologies. Information Technology

2.1 Definition of information technology

Technologywhen translated from Greek (techne) means art, skill, skill, and this is nothing more than processes.

A process should be understood as a certain set of actions aimed at achieving a set goal. The process should be determined by the strategy chosen by the person and implemented using a combination of various means and methods.

The concept of technology means a complex of knowledge about the methods, methods of labor, sets of material and technical factors, ways of combining them to create a product or service.

In relation to industrial production, the concept of industrial industrial technology is used.

The application of the concept of technology to information processes led to the emergence of the concept of information technology as a body of knowledge about the methods of automated processing of information using computers to automate management activities.

AT modern society The main technical means of information processing technology is a personal computer, which significantly influenced both the concept of construction and use of technological processes, and the quality of the resulting information. The introduction of a personal computer in the information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication determined a new stage of development information technology and, as a result, changing its name by adding one of the synonyms: “new”, “computer” or “modern”.

Information technology (IT), like any other technology, can be divided into two distinct components:

Hardware. This part of information technology includes the physical structure, configuration of computers, systems and other equipment.

Software. It is a set of rules, guidelines and algorithms necessary to ensure the performance of technical equipment. This may also include programs, agreements, standards and rules of use aimed at coordinating individual tasks and the process as a whole.

A significant role is played by the so-called algorithmic (intelligent) support. It, depending on the intentions, expected results and goals, should justify the feasibility of using and deploying technical and software, as well as its configuration in each specific case.

Information technology is a set of methods and software and hardware tools combined in a technological chain that provides the collection, processing, storage, distribution and display of information in order to reduce the complexity of the processes of using information resources, as well as increase their reliability and efficiency.

2.2.Evolution of information technology

Information processing has a long history of development, going back to the invention of the first abacus and printing machine. The modern term information technology arose in the late 1970s. and came to mean the processing of information using computer technology. The development of computer technology took place in several stages, each of which was the result of innovative technological solutions and led to the creation of a new generation of computers. Evolutionary processes affected both hardware and software. Achievements in the field of information technology, of course, reflected in their application in the economy. And if at the stages of the formation of computer technology their use was limited to scientific and technical calculations, mainly in the military direction, then as information technologies improved, various areas of the economy became areas of use, and then entertainment.

Computers of the first generation, created on the basis of electric vacuum tubes, had low performance and, as a result, limited application. The invention of transistors and their mass production led to the emergence of second-generation computers. The high performance of such computers, as well as significant advances in the development of software, made it possible to use them in economic activity for processing and storing economic information.

From the mid 1960s. for the production of computers, electronic circuits of medium and high degrees of integration began to be used, which marked the beginning of the third stage in the development of computer technology. New technical solutions based on microprocessors formed the basis for the creation of the first personal computers, which were characterized by small size and low cost. The production of computers acquires an industrial scale during this period, and the development operating systems and software contributes to an increase in the number of users of computer technology and the expansion of areas of its application. High functionality and affordable price ensured the introduction of computer technology in almost every department of enterprises to solve such local problems as accounting and data processing.

The modern generation of computers originated in the mid-1970s. 20th century and exists to this day. The basis of these computers were large and extra-large integrated circuits (LSI and VLSI) and microprocessors.

In parallel with hardware, software (software) was also formed, both system and applied, which also passed several generations in its evolution. The first generation of software were basic programming languages ​​that only computer scientists knew. The procedurally oriented languages ​​FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL of the second generation of programming languages ​​made it possible to join the development application programs scientists and specialists from various fields of science and technology. The third stage in software development is characterized by the use of advanced operating systems (OS), database management systems (DB) and structured programming languages ​​such as Pascal. The fourth generation is marked by the development and application of object-oriented languages, software for distributed computer systems, advanced graphical interface and integrated programming environment, as well as advanced software tools to work with databases. The fifth generation is focused on knowledge processing, support for network architectures and technologies.

The widespread use of computer technology, the need to exchange data between remote computers became the impetus for the creation and development computer networks. At the initial stage, a variety of non-standard devices were used, capable of providing connections only for those computers for which they were designed, and in the mid-1980s. standard technologies for connecting computers to a network were established - Ethernet, Arcnet, Token Ring, which greatly simplified the process of creating network structures.

Models for the organization of calculations and information processing were also improved. Since the 1950s the centralized computing model was used, when non-intelligent terminals were connected to a powerful computer, and users worked in a split-time mode. Subsequently, the centralized model could also include personal computers as intelligent terminals. In the 1980s distributed computing model, one of the most popular versions of which is called the "client-server" architecture, has become widespread.

All advances in IT have been used in business process management in enterprises and organizations. At the same time, integrated with organizational solutions and aimed at meeting the needs of business, they formed a class of economic information systems for managing economic objects (enterprises, banks, trade organizations, government agencies etc.).

Economic information systems have also undergone significant changes in their development. If in the 50s computer technology was used mainly for processing significant amounts of information, then the 60s. marked by the beginning of a comprehensive automation of enterprise management and the integration of information support based on databases. The full-scale use of automated control systems dates back to the 70s, when, on the basis of third-generation electronic computers, it became possible to create computer systems with a distributed terminal network. 80s marked by widespread use personal computers managerial employees, the creation of a large set of automated jobs. However, it should be noted that this kind of local (“island”) automation did not contribute to improving the efficiency of management at enterprises and organizations. Only in the 90s. The development of telecommunication technologies has led to the creation of flexible local and global networks and, as a result, to the development and implementation of integrated systems that have provided a real opportunity for collective work of both the direct executors of business operations and managers who make management decisions.

2.3.Structure of information technology

The structure of information technology includes the following procedures: collection and registration of data; preparation of information arrays; processing, accumulation and storage of data; formation of result information; data transfer from sourcesoccurrence to the place of processing, and the results (calculations) - to consumers of information for acceptance management decisions.

As a rule, economic information is subject to all transformation procedures, but in some cases, some procedures may be missing. The sequence of their execution also varies, while some procedures may be repeated.. The composition of the conversion procedures and the features of their implementation largely depend on the economic entity that conducts automated information processing. Consider the features of the implementation of the main procedures for converting information.

Collection and registration of information occur differently in different economic entities. This procedure is most complicated in automated management systems. processes industrial enterprises, firms, where the collection and registration of primary accounting information reflecting the production and economic activities of the facility. This procedure is no less complicated in the financial authorities, where the registration of the movement of cash resources takes place.

Particular importance is attached to the reliability, completeness and timeliness of primary information. At the enterprise, information is collected and recorded when performing various business operations (receiving finished products, receiving and dispensing materials, etc.), in banks - when performing financial and credit operations with legal entities and individuals. Accounting data may appear at workplaces as a result of counting the number of machined parts that have been assembled assemblies, products, identifying defects, etc. In the process of collecting factual information, measurements, counting, weighing material objects, counting banknotes, obtaining temporal and quantitative characteristics of the work of individual performers are carried out. The collection of information, as a rule, is accompanied by its registration, i.e. fixing information on a material carrier (document, machine carrier), entering it into a PC. Recording in primary documents is mainly carried out manually, so the collection and registration procedures remain the most time-consuming, and the process of document flow automation is still relevant. In the conditions of automation of enterprise management, special attention is paid to the use of technical means for collecting and registering information that combines operations quantitative measurement, registration, accumulation and transmission of information via communication channels, input directly into a computer to form the necessary documents or accumulate the received data in the system.

Transfer of information carried out in various ways: using a courier, sending by mail, delivery by vehicles, remote transmission through communication channels using other means of communication. Remote transmission via communication channels reduces the time of data transmission, however, its implementation requires special technical means, which increases the cost of the transmission process. It is preferable to use technical means of collection and registration, which, automatically collecting information from sensors installed at workplaces, transfer it to a computer for further processing, which increases its reliability and reduces labor intensity.

It can be remotely transmitted as primary information from its places occurrence , and the resultant in the opposite direction. In this case, the result information is recorded by various devices: displays, scoreboards, printing devices. The flow of information through communication channels to the processing center is mainly carried out in two ways: on a computer carrier or directly by entering into a computer using special software and hardware.

Remote transmission of information using modern communication tools is constantly evolving and improving. This method of information transfer is of particular importance in multilevel intersectoral systems, where the use remote transmission significantly speeds up the passage of information from one level of control to another and reduces the overall processing time.

Machine coding - the procedure for machine representation (recording) of information on machine media in codes adopted in a PC. This encoding of information produced by transferring data from primary documents to magnetic disks,information from which is then entered into the PC for processing.

Recording information on machine media is carried out on a PC as an independent procedure or as a result of processing.

The storage and accumulation of economic information is caused by its repeated use, the use of conditionally permanent, reference and other types of information, the need to complete the primary data before processing them. Storage and accumulationinformation is carried out in information bases, on machine media in the form of information arrays, where the data are located according to the order established in the design process.

Directly related to storage and accumulation data search, those. selection of the necessary data from the stored information, including the search for information to be corrected or replaced. The information search procedure is carried out automatically on the basis of a request for the necessary information compiled by the user or the PC.

Processing of economic information is carried out on a PC, as a rule, in a decentralized manner, in places where primary information arises, where automated workplaces are organized for specialists of a particular management service (department financially - technical supply and sales, chief technologist department, design department, accounting department, planning department, etc.). Processing, however, can be carried out not only autonomously, but also in computer networks, using a set of PC software and information arrays for solving functional problems.

AT In the course of solving problems on a computer, in accordance with the computer program, result reports are formed, which are printed by a machine on paper or displayed on a screen.

The printing of summaries can be accompanied by a replication procedure if the document with the result information needs to be provided to several users.

Decision-making in an automated system of organizational management, as a rule, is carried out by a specialist with or without the use of technical means, but in the latter case, based on a thorough analysis of the resulting information obtainedon a PC. The decision-making task is complicated by the fact that the specialist has to look for the most acceptable solution from the set of feasible solutions, minimizing the loss of resources (temporary, labor, material, etc.). Thanks to the use of personal computers and terminal devices, the analyticity of the processed information is increased, and a gradual transition to automation of the development of optimal solutions in the process of the user's dialogue with the computer system is ensured. This is facilitated by the use of new technologies of expert decision support systems.

2.4. Technological support of information technologies

Informative the aspect of considering the elements of AIT allows you to identify subsystems that provide the technology of functioning.

TechnologicalAIT software consists of subsystems that automate user information services, problem solving using computers and other technical control tools in established operating modes.

Mandatory elements of information technology support are information, linguistic, technical, software, mathematical, legal, organizational and ergonomic.

Information support (IS) is a set of design decisions on the volume, placement, forms of organization of information circulating in AIT. It includes a set of indicators, reference data, classifiers and codifiers of information, unified documentation systems specially organized for automatic maintenance, information arrays on appropriate media, as well as personnel ensuring the reliability of storage, timeliness and quality of information processing technology.

Linguistic support (LS) combines a set of language tools for formalizing a natural language, building and combining information units in the course of communication between AIT personnel and computer technology. With the help of linguistic support, communication between a person and a machine is carried out. LO includes information languages ​​for describing structural units information base AIT (documents, indicators, details, etc.); control and manipulation languages data AIT information base; language means of information retrieval systems; language tools for automation of design AIT; special-purpose conversational languages ​​and other languages; a system of terms and definitions used in the development and operation of automated control systems.

Technical support (TO) is a complex of technical means (technical means of collecting, registering, transmitting, processing, displaying,reproduction of information, office equipment, etc.), ensuring the operation of AIT. The central place among all technical means is occupied by a PC. The structural elements of technical support, along with technical means, are also methodological and guidance materials, technical documentation and personnel servicing these technical means.

Software (SW) includes a set of programs that implement the functions and tasks of AIT and ensure the stable operation of hardware complexes. As part of the softwaresoftware includes system-wide and special programs, as well as instructive and methodological materials on the use of software tools and personnel involved in its development and maintenance for the entire period life cycle AIT.

General system software includes programs designed for a wide range of users and designed to organize the computing process and solve common problems of information processing. They allow you to expand the functionality of the computer, automate the planning of the sequence of computational work, monitor and control the process processing data, as well as automate the work of programmers. Special software is a set of programs developed during the creation of AIT for a specific functional purpose. It includes packages of application programs that organize data and process it when solving functional problems.

Mathematical software (MO) is a set of mathematical methods, models and algorithms for processing information used in solving functional problems and in the process of automating the design work of AIT. Mathematical security includes tools for modeling management processes, methods and tools for solving typical management problems, methods for optimizing the studied management processes and decision-making (methods of multicriteria optimization, mathematical programming, mathematical statistics, queuing theory, etc.). The technical documentation for this type of AIT software contains a description of tasks, assignments for algorithmization, economic and mathematical models of tasks, textual and control examples of their solution. The staff consists of specialists in the organization of facility management, task managers, specialists in computational methods, AIT designers.

Organizational support (OS) is a set of documents regulating the activities of AIT personnel in the conditions of AIS functioning. In the process of solving management problems, this type of support determines the interaction of employeesmanagement services and personnel of AIT with technical means and among themselves. Organizational support is implemented in various methodological and guidance materials on the stages of development, implementation and operation of AIS and AIT, in particular, during a pre-project survey, the formation of a technical assignment for design and a feasibility study, the development of design solutions in the design process, the choice of automated tasks, standard design solutions and application programs (PPP), the introduction of the system into operation.

Legal support (LbA) is a set of legal norms governing legal relationswhen creating and implementing AIS and AIT. Legal support at the stage of development of AIS and AIT includes regulations related to contractual relations between the developer and the customer in the process of creating AIS and AIT, with legal regulation of various deviations during this process, and also due to the need to provide the development process of AIS and AIT with various types of resources. Legal support at the stage of functioning of the AIS and AIT includes determining their status in specific branches of public administration, the legal provision on the competence of the AIS and AIT units and the organization of their activities, the rights, duties and responsibilities of personnel, the procedure for creating and using information in the AIS, the procedures for its registration, collection, storage, transfer and processing, the procedure for the acquisition and use of electronic computing equipment and other technical means, the procedure for the creation and use of mathematical and software.

Ergonomic support (EE) as a set of methods and tools used at different stages of the development and operation of AIT is designed to create optimal conditions for highly efficient and error-free human activity in AIT, for its fastest development. The composition of the ergonomic support of AIT includes: a set of various documentation containing ergonomic requirements for workplaces, information models, working conditions for personnel, as well as a set of the most appropriate ways to implement these requirements and to carry out an ergonomic examination of the level of their implementation; a set of methods, educational and methodological documentation and technical means that provide justification for the formulation of requirements for the level of training of personnel, as well as the formation of a system for the selection and training of AIT personnel; a set of methods and techniques that ensure high efficiency of human activity in AIT.

AIS and AIT implement the solution of functional management tasks, the totality of which constitutes the so-called functional part of the economic activity. object like systems. The composition, order and principles of interaction of functional subsystems, tasks and their complexes are established on the basis of and taking into account the achievement of the goal of functioning facing the economic object. The main principles of decomposition - the allocation of independent functional subsystems of task complexes - are: the relative independence of each of them, i.e. the presence of a specific control object; the presence of an appropriate set of functions and functional tasks with a clearly defined local goal of functioning; minimization of the composition of the elements included in the subsystem; the presence of one or more local criteria that contribute to the optimization of the subsystem operation mode and are consistent with the global criterion for optimizing the functioning of the AIS and the system as a whole.

2.5. Classification of information technologies

Information technology can currently be classified according to a number of criteria, in particular, according to:

  • method of implementation in AIS;
  • degree of coverage of management tasks;
  • the class of implemented technological operations;
  • type user interface;
  • method of building a computer network;
  • serviced subject areas.

According to the method of implementation of AIT in AIS, traditionally established and new information technologies are distinguished. If traditional AIT existed in conditions of centralized data processing, before the mass use of PCs, and were focused mainly on reducing labor intensity in the formation of regular reporting, then new information technologies are associated with information support control process in real time.

New information technology - a technology that is based on the use of computers, the active participation of users (non-professionals in the field of programming) in the information process; high level friendly user interface; wide use of application packages for general and problematic purposes, the possibility for the user to access remote databases and programs thanks to computer networks.

According to the degree of AIT coverage of management tasks, electronic data processing is distinguished, when data is processed using a computer, without revising the methodology and organization of management processes, certain economic tasks are solved that provide partial automation of management activities. In the second case, computing facilities, including supercomputers and PCs, are used for the integrated solution of functional problems, the formation of regular reporting and work in the information and reference mode for the preparation of management decisions. This may also include AIT decision support. They provide for the widespread use of economic and mathematical methods, models and PPP for analytical work and the formation of forecasts, the preparation of business plans, reasonable estimates and conclusions on the studied processes of production and economic practice. This group also includes the currently widely implemented AIT, which received the names of electronic office and expert decision support. These two variants of AIT are focused on using the latest achievements in the field of integrating the latest approaches to automating the work of specialists and managers, creating the most favorable conditions for them to perform professional functions, high-quality and timely information services using a full automated set of management procedures implemented in a particular workplace. and the office as a whole.

An electronic office provides for the presence of integrated application software packages, including specialized programs and information technologies that provide a comprehensive implementation of the tasks of the subject area.

Currently, electronic offices are becoming more widespread, the equipment and employees of which can be located in more than one room. The need to work with documents, materials, databases of a particular organization or institution at home, in a hotel and in vehicles has led to the emergence of AIT virtual offices. Such AITs are based on the operation of a local network connected to a territorial or global network. Thanks to this, the subscriber systems of the employees of the institution, regardless of where they are located, are included in the common network for them.

Automated information technologies of expert support form the basis for the automation of the work of analysts. These workers, apart from analytical methods and models for the study of emerging situations in market conditions for the sale of products, services, the financial situation of an enterprise, firm, financial and credit organization are forced to use the experience of assessing situations accumulated and stored in the system, i.e. information that constitutes the knowledge base in a particular subject area. Information processed according to certain rules makes it possible to prepare reasonable decisions for behavior in the financial and commodity markets, to develop a strategy in the areas of management and marketing.

According to the class of technological operations implemented, AIT are considered essentially in the program aspect and include: text processing, spreadsheets, automated data banks, processing of graphic and sound information, multimedia systems, expert systems and artificial intelligence, online search for information in external databases, hypertext systems, automation of programming technology, etc.

According to the type of user interface, AIT can be considered from the point of view of the user's access to information and computing resources. So, batch AIT excludes the user's ability to influence the processing of information while it is being reproduced in automatic mode. This is due to the organization of processing, which is based on the execution of a programmatically specified sequence of operations on data previously accumulated in the system and combined into a package. In contrast to the batch dialog AIT provides an unlimited opportunity for the user to interact with the information resources stored in the system in real time, while obtaining all the necessary information for solving functional problems and making decisions. The network AIT interface provides the user with means of teleaccess to geographically distributed information and computing resources thanks to advanced communication facilities, which makes such AIT universally widely used and multifunctional.

There is a trend towards consolidation various types information technologies into a single computer-technological complex, which is called integrated. A special place in it belongs to the means of communication, which provide not only extremely wide technological possibilities for automating management activities, but also being the basis for creating various network options for AIT (local, multi-level distributed, global computer networks, e-mail, digital integrated service networks). All of them are focused on the technological interaction of a set of objects formed by devices for transmitting, processing, accumulating, storing and protecting data, and are integrated computer data processing systems of great complexity with practically unlimited operational capabilities for implementing management processes in the economy.

Integrated computer data processing systems are designed as a complex information technology and software complex. It supports a unified way of presenting data and interaction of users with system components, provides information and computing needs of specialists that arise in the course of their professional work. Particular importance in such systems is given to the protection of information during its transmission and processing.

The most widely used in the protection of economic information are hardware-software methods, in particular, the use of a communication system selected for its protective properties and quality of service, which guarantees the safety of information in the process of transmission and delivery to its addressee; encryption and decryption of data by subscribers of public networks (telephone, telegraph) upon agreement of users on common technical means, encryption algorithms, etc.

The main component of an automated information system is information technology (IT), the development of which is closely related to the development and operation of IS.

Concept " technology ”translated from Greek means art, skill, skill. Technology, as a process, means the sequence of a series of actions in order to process something. The technological process is implemented by various means and methods.

The process of material production involves the processing of resources in order to obtain material products (goods). When it comes to information technology, the role of resources is played by data.

Information technology is a process that uses a set of means of methods for collecting, processing and transmitting primary information to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, i.e. information product.

The information product is used, in particular, for decision making. Exist the difference between the concepts "information system" and "information technology" .

Information technology is a process consisting of clearly regulated operations for the transformation of information (collection of data, their registration, transmission, storage, processing, use).

A computer information system is a human-machine information processing system for the purpose of organizing, storing and transmitting information. For example, technology that works with text editor, is not an information system.

Information technology consists of stages, each of them includes operations, and the latter consists of elementary actions, such as pressing a key, choosing a position in a menu, and so on.

In information technologies of economic systems, office programs, including: spreadsheet processors; word processors; DBMS; integrated packages, etc.

Information technology has gone through several stages. Each stage is defined by technique, software products, which are used, i.e. the level of scientific and technological progress in this area.

The concept is currently used new information technology ". This concept implies:

1. Use of personal computers and PC networks.

2. Availability of communication facilities.

3. The presence of interactive (interactive) work with a computer.

4. Availability of an integration approach.

5. Flexibility of data change processes and problem setting.

6. Organic "embedding" of computers in the existing management technology at the enterprises.

The main goal of automated information technology is to obtain information of a new quality through the processing of primary data, on the basis of which optimal management decisions are developed. This is achieved through the integration of information, ensuring its relevance and consistency, the use of modern technical means for the introduction and operation of qualitatively new forms of information support for the activities of the management apparatus.

Information technology copes with a significant increase in the volume of processed information and leads to a reduction in the time it takes to process it. IT is the most important part of the use process information resources in management. Automated information systems for information technology is the main environment, the constituent elements of which are the means and methods for data transformation. Information technology is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations on information circulating in the IS.

Information technology depends on many factors, which are systematized according to the following classification criteria (Table 1.1):

the degree of centralization of the technological process;

type of subject area;

degree of coverage of management tasks;

class of implemented technological operations;

user interface type;

way to build a network.

By degree of centralization of the technological process IT in management systems is divided into:


decentralized and

Combined technologies.

Centralized technologies are characterized by the fact that the processing of information and the solution of the main functional tasks of an economic object are carried out in an IT processing center - a central server organized at an enterprise computer network or in an industry or territorial information and computing center.

Decentralized technologies are based on the local application of computer technology installed at users' workplaces to solve a specific task of a specialist. Decentralized technologies do not have a centralized automated data storage, but provide users with communication tools for exchanging data between network nodes.

Table No. 1.1 - Classification of information technologies


Information technology- this is a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data to obtain information of a new quality about the state of an object, process or phenomenon. The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its analysis by a person and the adoption of a decision on the basis of it to perform an action.

The introduction of a personal computer into the information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication determined a new stage in the development of information technology. New information technology is an information technology with a "friendly" user interface, using personal computers and telecommunications. The new information technology is based on the following basic principles.

  1. Interactive (dialog) mode of work with a computer.
  2. Integration with other software products.
  3. Flexibility in the process of changing data and setting tasks.

Common types of programs are used as information technology toolsny products: word processors, publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, electronic calendars, functional information systems.

The main types of information technology include the following.

  1. Information technology for data processing is designed to solve well-structured problems, the algorithms for solving which are well known and for which all the necessary input data are available. This technology is used at the level of performing activities of low-skilled personnel in order to automate some routine, constantly recurring operations of managerial work.
  2. Management information technology is designed to provide information services to all employees of enterprises involved in making management decisions. Here, information is usually presented in the form of regular or special management reports and contains information about the past, present and possible future of the enterprise.
  3. The information technology of the automated office is designed to complement the existing communication system for the personnel of the enterprise. Office automation involves the organization and support of communication processes both within the company and with the external environment based on computer networks and other modern means of transmitting and working with information.
  4. Decision support information technology is designed to develop a management decision that occurs as a result of an iterative process in which a decision support system (computing link and control object) and a person (control link that sets the input data and evaluates the result) participate.
  5. The information technology of expert systems is based on the use of artificial intelligence. Expert systems enable managers to receive expert advice on any issues about which knowledge has been accumulated in these systems.

Information technologies (IT) are processes that use a set of tools and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product). Information technology is a process consisting of clearly regulated rules for performing operations, actions, stages of varying degrees of complexity on data stored in computers.

Definition of information technology - IT adopted by UNESCO

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, IT is a complex of interrelated, scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods for the effective organization of the work of people involved in the processing and storage of information; computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as the social, economic and cultural problems associated with all this. IT itself requires complex training, high initial costs and knowledge-intensive technology. Their introduction should begin with the creation of software, the formation of information flows in specialist training systems.

Informational resources

Informational resources- this is an organized set of documented information, including databases and knowledge, arrays. Information resources include printed, handwritten, electronic publications that contain regulatory and reference documents on legislation, the political, social sphere, industries, etc.

Information resources are divided into:

state (information resources of state business entities, which are formed as a result of their activities; information resources of authorities and management at all levels)

non-state (those resources that are created by non-state entities in the interests of the life of society)

There are several types of access to information resources:

· automated information systems to support government decisions;

5. automated systems programmable decision making.

Corporate information systems

The term "KIS" appeared relatively recently and means modern automated control systems.

KIS- a complex system that provides users with a set of software tools of different functional content to automate various aspects of management activities.

KIS- management ideology that combines the business strategy of the enterprise and advanced information technologies that provide information for making management decisions.

The CIS structure consists of:

Application software;

Platform software;

operating system;


The software of CIS systems is divided into the following classes:

1.local CIS (organized to work in the local network of a small enterprise-1C, BEST)

2.small CIS (they are low cost, flexible in adapting to the needs of users, but mainly configured for desktop DBMS (Access, Foxpro, Clipper). Small CIS include Galaktika, Parus packages)

3. medium CIS (have a long life cycle, can turn into large CIS, have security tools and accompany software -

4. large CIS (characterized by the scale and solution of complex tasks, focused on global and wireless networks, have a territorial distribution)

According to their functional purpose, CIS are divided into

financial and managerial (for accounting, sales, personnel records, etc.)

manufacturing (focused on one or more industries)

Requirements for corporate information systems.

performance and throughput;

Level and scalability;

Reliability and non-failure operation;


The cost of installation, maintenance and development.

Analysis of the efficiency of the corporate network is carried out in the following areas:

network infrastructure;

print file servers and web servers;

Application servers

the architecture of directory services; management model;

· system of internal corporate standards;

The most obvious way to improve performance is to develop faster hardware modules, for example, creating multiprocessor systems, using new hardware architectures, the most modern computers and supercomputers. Other effective way performance improvement is the construction of multiprocessor systems. To date, many methods have been developed to improve the reliability of computer systems:

· redundant array of low-cost RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) significantly reduces the risk of system downtime due to HDD failures, one of the least reliable components of modern computers;

special software that regulates the coordinated use of cluster-wide resources, performs mutual health monitoring and ensures the exchange of specific "cluster" information between its nodes;

Creation of servers with fault-tolerant hardware component;

· specialized fault-tolerant DBMS Oracle, Sybase, Informix and Teradata.

Compatibility and scalability of corporate inform. technologies.

The ability to effectively increase productivity, throughput, volumes of stored and processed data by increasing the number and power of processors, volumes of external and random access memory and other computing system resources. This platform property is commonly referred to as scalability. Scalability is ensured by the architecture and design of the computer, as well as OS and DBMS software tools. Modern information systems, as a rule, are complex complexes that include products and technologies from different manufacturers - for example, Novell NetWare, UNIX, AS / 400, mainframes, etc. They are built on various technologies (such as terminal mode , client-server, file-server, etc.) use different formats presentation and storage of data, etc.

The use of heterogeneous "components" in the CIS can cause difficulties both in solving the problems of enterprise management or information exchange, and in managing these components themselves, their support and administration. All this makes it necessary to resolve issues of compatibility of various systems. To avoid these problems, when building systems, the standard of profiles must be observed. open systems- these are the rules for constructing software and data exchange protocols that allow using heterogeneous environments and developing the system regardless of software and hardware.

Software classification

ON- a set of programs that make it possible to ensure the operation of a computer from the moment it is turned on to the moment it is turned off and to carry out automated processing of information on it.


1.by functional purpose:

Hardware software standalone computers and computer networks;

· Software for applied tasks of various subject areas and software development technologies, or system software;

· Application software packages (APP);

· Programming tools.

2. under the terms of distribution:

· Commercial software;

"free" software: public domain programs (public domain freeware), free programs(freeware), shareware (shareware).

Computer networks and their classification

KS- this is a set of several computers or computing systems, interconnected by means of communication in order to effectively use computing and information resources in the performance of information and computing work.

According to the territorial location, CSs are divided into:

local CS - LAN-networks (Local area Network) - provide top speed exchange of information between computers;

· global computer networks, WAN-networks (Wide Area Network) - allow organizing interaction between computers over long distances;

· Regional COPs, MAN-networks (Metropolitan Area Network) - designed to serve the territory of a large city.

Corporate network- a closed computer network, which may include LAN segments - networks of small, medium and large departments of a corporation, combined with the central office MAN and WAN CS and using network technologies global CS.

Local computer networks. Computer network architecture

The local network represents several personal computers connected by data transmission channels.

Local networks are:

o peer-to-peer, i.e. all personal computers are equal and perform the same functions;

o client-server architecture, which provides for the allocation of personal computers to perform special functions (administration, network management, file server with a central database, print server, server remote access, email server).

The network architecture is characterized by topology - this is a logical scheme for connecting network nodes with communication channels. Each topology is characterized by an access method - a protocol. The protocol includes three main components - an address for identifying nodes, delivery rules, and the messages themselves.

The following topologies are distinguished:

bus - a cable connecting nodes into a network forms a broken line (computers are connected to one common cable, through which information is exchanged between computers);

star - network nodes are connected to the center of the cable-beams (provides for the connection of each computer with a separate cable to a common device, called a hub, which is located in the center of the network);

ring - nodes are connected in a network of a closed curve (data are transmitted along the ring from one computer to another, as a rule, in one direction);

· Mixed topology - a combination of the topologies listed above.

Global networks and their characteristics

Global computer networks, WAN-networks (Wide Area Network) - allow you to organize interaction between computers over long distances. These networks operate on relatively low speeds and can cause significant delays in the transmission of information. Global networks can span thousands of kilometers and are integrated with national networks.

WAN Architecture

Internet is an association of many international and national computer networks distributed in different countries. It was developed in 1969 by the US Department of Defense and was called Arpanet. Email to.

European global network- CompuServe

Internet structure:

NSFNet US Science Foundation Network

UUCPNet international e-mail network

EUNet European Internet

USEnet international e-mail network and newsgroups

· Nodal computers Internet-hosts, each node station serves a certain number of subscribers. Each subscriber has its own address.

· The transmission protocol on the Internet is called TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

Connection through a provider organization (for example, Belarusian - Beltelecom, Belsonet, Solo, Unibel, Atlanttelecom, etc.)

There are 3 ways to connect to the Internet:

1. via dial-up telephone line (via modem). In this case, the user is connected to the Internet at the time of work.

2. via a dedicated telephone line. It means permanent connection, receiving and transmitting a message over a digital line.

3. via satellite - Direc PC is the exchange of information in the request-response mode.

Most computers on the Internet have not only an IP address (the personal number of each computer on the Internet), but also their own name. The service that translates computer names into their IP addresses is called the Domain Name Service (DNS). Domain is a symbolic name that uniquely identifies a region on the Internet:

Country domain - ".ru"

Government domain - ".gav"

· Domain of military authorities - ".mil"

Organizations providing network operation - ".net"

· Domain information sites - ".info"

· Domain of professional organizations - ".pro"

Business website domain - ".biz"

Airline website domain - ".aero"

· Domain of sites of cooperative organizations - ".coop"

· Domain of personal websites and addresses Email- ".name"

Museum domain - ".museum"

Main modern technologies Internet works are as follows:

1. hypertext markup language HTML documents(HyperText Markup Language);

2. a universal way of addressing resources in the URL network (Universal Resource Locator);

3. protocol for the exchange of hypertext information HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol);

4. Universal Gateway Interface CGI (Common Gateway Interface).

Information Security Methods

There are the following universal (general) methods for ensuring information security:

1. Identification and authentication;

2. Access control to resources;

3. Registration and analysis of events occurring in the IS;

4. Control of the integrity of IP objects;

5. Data encryption;

6. Reserving resources and components involves: organizing regular rescue procedures and backup storage of critical data, installing and periodically checking backup data processing devices, training specialists who can replace system administrators, registering systems and storing storage media in strictly defined places, issuing them to authorized persons with the necessary marks in the registration documents

Identification is the process of recognizing elements of a system, usually by means of a predetermined identifier or other unique information; each subject or object of the system must be uniquely identifiable.

Authentication- this is an authentication of the identity of a user, process, device or other component of the system (usually performed before access is allowed); as well as checking the integrity and authorship of data during storage or transmission to prevent unauthorized modification. Authentication is usually performed before access is granted.

Under the control of access to resources, we will understand the restriction of the possibilities of using the resources of the system by programs, processes or other systems (for the network) in accordance with the rules of access control

There are four main ways in which subjects can share access to shared objects:

· Physical - subjects refer to physically different objects (devices of the same type, data sets on different media, etc.).

· Temporary - subjects with different access rights to the object receive it at different time intervals.

Logical - subjects get access to a shared object within a single operating environment, but under the control of access control tools that model a virtual operating environment "one subject - all objects", in this case, separation can be implemented different ways: Dividing the original object, dividing with copying the object, etc.

· Cryptographic - all objects are stored in encrypted form, access rights are determined by the presence of a key to access the object.

Information Security Tools

To organize a continuous process of ensuring information security, the following are organized:

Information security services;

Information security project.

The computer security service is created to organize the qualified development of an information security system and ensure its functioning, training users and personnel in the rules of secure information processing; organization of checks of the reliability of the functioning of the protection system; distribution between users of the necessary security details; taking measures in case of NSD attempts to obtain information and in case of violations of the rules for the functioning of the protection system, etc.

To organize and ensure the effective functioning integrated system computer security, organizational and administrative documents should be developed that define the procedure and rules for ensuring the security of information and documents that define responsibility for the exchange of electronic documents.

Information security projects define the firm's information security strategy, the authority of operating and maintenance personnel, the mode of identification and authentication of users (i.e., which keys will be used), the correctness of access attempts, and access control. Developed using CASE - tools.

Organizational and economic support of information security

Organizational arrangements- these are organizational, technical and organizational and legal measures for the creation and operation of equipment (projects to protect information systems, are developed for large corporate networks using social technologies)

Organizational measures include:

obstruction - a physical barrier to access

access control through system resources

identification of users, confirmation of registration authority

disguise - a method of protecting communication channels during information processing

regulation - prescribing the conditions for processing, storing, transferring protected information

coercion - a method of complying with safety norms and rules

motivation - creation of conditions not to violate the conditions of compliance with information security

The best results in IP protection are achieved with a systematic approach to security issues and the integrated use of various protection measures at all stages of the system life cycle, starting from the moment of its design.

The main tasks to be solved by these organizational measures:

management of user access to IP resources;

protection of data transmitted over communication channels;

registration, collection, storage, processing and issuance of information about all events occurring in the system and related to its security;

control over the work of users of the system by the administration;

control and maintenance of the integrity of critical resources of the protection system and the environment for the execution of application programs;

· providing a closed environment of verified software in order to protect against uncontrolled introduction of potentially dangerous programs into the system, as well as the introduction and spread of computer viruses;

management of the means of the protection system.

Communications and information technology is a relatively new industry in the Russian economy. This industry can be called new based on the fact that modern communication services are fundamentally different from the services provided 25-30 years ago. An interesting fact is that the total volume of communication services in monetary terms is increasing every year, mainly due to the provision of new services, such as mobile services. But at the same time, the volume of seemingly obsolete postal services remains at the same level and even grows slightly, occupying about 8% of the communications market.

At the end of 2014, the total volume of communication services amounted to 1,654 billion rubles. Compared to 2013, this amount increased by 0.5%. Mobile services occupy the largest share in the turnover. mobile communications– 38.7%. This term refers to services for the provision of radiotelephone mobile communications and public mobile satellite radio communications for various subscribers. The most striking example is the provision of cellular services by various operators.

Of the total volume of communication services rendered, 55% were provided to the population. In monetary terms, this amounts to 909.1 billion rubles. Characteristically, the share of communication services rendered to the population has practically not changed over the past 6 years. Since 2009, this figure has been in the range of 54-56%. This trend indicates a uniform development of the communications and information technology services market.

The very structure of communication services for the population has a slightly different form than the general one. This is primarily due to the fact that the population is practically not provided with special communication services and there are completely no services for connecting networks and passing traffic. The first type of communication is the delivery of various valuable goods, weapons, cash, etc. And the second type of service is provided telephone operators and internet providers.

As for other types of services, the population was provided from the total:

  • Mobile communication services - 86% (553.2 billion rubles);
  • Documentary communication services - 60.5% (192.6 billion rubles);
  • Local Services telephone connection– 59.9% (83 billion rubles);
  • Radio and TV broadcasting services - 43.4% (36.2 billion rubles);
  • Postal services - 19.4% (26.1 billion rubles);
  • Long-distance and international telephone communication services - 24.7% (17.9 billion rubles)

More than 750 thousand people work in the communications and information technology industry. At the end of 2014, the average salary in the industry amounted to 31,900 rubles. This is 700 rubles less than the average salary in all sectors of the economy in Russian Federation for the past year.

According to the results of 2013, 96.13 billion rubles were allocated from the budgets of the Russian Federation at all levels for the development of communications and information technologies. Of which: from the federal budget - 41.89 billion rubles. (43.6%) and from the consolidated budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 54.24 billion rubles. (56.4%).

2014 was marked by the closure of a large-scale state program"Creation of technoparks in the Russian Federation in the field of high technologies." The program was launched in March 2006 with the aim of accelerating the development of high-tech sectors of the economy. The result of this program was the construction of 12 technoparks on the territory of the Russian Federation, which will house more than 800 companies working in the field of high technologies. The total volume of investments exceeded 30.4 billion rubles. Of these, 13.4 billion were allocated from the federal budget and 17 billion from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The total turnover of resident companies in 2014 amounted to 40.5 billion rubles, and over the entire period of the program implementation, the total revenue exceeded 130 billion rubles. As a result of the program implementation, more than 18.5 thousand jobs were created.

Postal service

The operator of the Russian postal network is the Russian Post State Company. This organization employs a little less than half of all employees employed in the field of communications and information technology. According to data for 2014, the staff of Russian Post amounted to 342 thousand people. The company's average annual turnover is 120 billion rubles.

Despite the fact that postal communications are gradually being replaced by more modern information technologies and means of communication, the dependence of the Russian population on postal services is very high. This is especially true for residents of rural areas and hard-to-reach areas of the country. At the end of 2014, the mail sent and delivered:

  • Printed publications - 1,050 million pieces.
  • Letter correspondence - 1,650 million pieces.
  • Parcels - 73 million pieces.
  • Money postal transfers - 69.mln. things
  • Pensions and benefits - 409 million pieces.

As can be seen from the diagram, since 2010 there has been a decrease in the number of postal services provided in these segments. This is due primarily to the vigorous activity of banking institutions in these market segments. But the decrease in services for the delivery of printed publications and correspondence is directly related to the increase in the influence of the Internet.

At the end of 2014, the total cost of postal services amounted to 134.3 billion rubles. At the same time, only 26.1 billion rubles of services were rendered to the population. In the total turnover of postal services, the largest share is occupied by operations with the receipt, forwarding and delivery of funds - more than 34%.