Darknet (DarkNet) - what is looking for and find on the other side of the Internet. How does a Tor browser

Google indexes only a small part of the Internet. According to some estimates, the network contains 500 times more content than that Google returns in search results. References that Google and other search engines are returned when entering a request, are called a "surface website", while all other content not subject to search is called as " deep Network" or " invisible network».

Most of this information is hidden simply because the overwhelming majority of users do not consider it relevant. Most of it is removed from databases, as Google is either not interested in it, or is forbidden to scan. Content of iPhone applications, files in your account Dropbox, magazines, judicial records and data of private social networking profiles are all examples that Google are not indexed, but still exist on the Internet.

Deepweb vs Darknet

Darknet (Darknet) - a private network, the connections of which are installed only between trusted pearts, sometimes nameable as "friends" using non-standard protocols and ports. Darknet differs from other distributed peer-to-peer networks, since the file sharing occurs anonymously (as IP addresses are not available publicly), and, therefore, users can communicate without special concerns and state intervention.

Deep web is often confused with DarkNet, also called a dark network, black web and a black network. Simply put, a deep network is all the information stored on the Internet, which is not indexed search engines. You do not need special tools to access the deep network; You just need to know where to look. Specialized search engines, catalogs and wiki files can help users find the data they need.

Many of the best common search engines of deep search on the Internet closed or were purchased, for example, AllThereWeb and CompletePlanet. However, some tools still work:

  • DeeperWeb is a deep google search engine.
  • WWW virtual library is the original index on the Internet, more directory than search engine.
  • SURFWAX - Indexes RSS feeds

Specialized search engines are usually better to search for information in a deep network than common. For example, if you are looking for a court matter, use the search for state or national reports. If you need academic logs, try Google Scholar or J-Store. The more specific your search is, the better, otherwise you just get the same search results as in Google. If you need a specific file type, for example, excel file or PDF, find out how to specify a search for this type of file (for example, enter "File Type: PDF" to your DeeperWeb request).

The dark network is a small part of the deep web, which is specially hidden. To access websites and data in a dark network usually need a special tool. The most common types of sites in the dark network are the markets where illegal goods are bought and sold, such as drugs, firearms and stolen credit card numbers. The darkest angles are used to hire killers, human trafficking, as well as the exchange of child pornography. However, the dark network contains content and data to which you can access anonymously. For example, it can be a blog, forum, chat or private gaming server.

The beauty of darkness is anonymity. Users are free from curious governments and corporations.

Dark web and Tor are often used by journalists and informants for exchanging confidential information, including Edward Snowden itself. For example, Ashley Madison Data Dump was sent to the site available only to Tor users.


Dark network is not one centralized place. Just like the surface network, it is scattered among servers around the world. The most common way to access a dark network is through Tor, abbreviated for The Onion Router. DarkNet Websites URL are often added using ".onion" instead of ".com" or ".org", indicating that they are only available for TOR users.

Tor is a network of volunteer relays through which the Internet connection is being transferred. The connection is encrypted, and all traffic bounces between the relay located worldwide.

So how to get to the TOR network? The easiest way is to download and install Tor Browser. It was created on the basis of browser Firefox., so you can view web pages as well as on any other web browser, except that all traffic is automatically routed via the TOR network. Be sure to download Tor Browser from the official site so as not to risk loading malicious programs, spyware or any other virus to your device. Unitedularly browser TOR is available only in Windows, Mac and Linux, so many experts advise not to use third-party mobile browsers that use Tor Network.

Dark Network Travel

Now you can safely view a dark network, but if you plan to do something more, you need to take several precautions. If you are planning to make a purchase in the dark network market, for example, to buy forbidden medicines that can save a dying mother, you need to create a fake personality. This means creating an encrypted email With the new email address, the use of a pseudonym, creating anonymous wallet of bitcoins, disconnecting JavaScript in Tor Browser, research suppliers and much more.

Obviously, the search for these websites is the first task, as they will not be displayed in the results google search. Several search engines that index sites.onion include onion.city, onion.to and Notevil.

Reddit is also a valuable resource for finding a dark network or a deep website you are looking for.

We cannot emphasize that safety and anonymity are of paramount importance for those who are on DarkNet websites. Your Internet provider and government may not be able to view your activity on the TOR network, but they know that you are in the Tor network, and this is enough to pay attention to you. In fact, the recent decision Supreme Court The United States meant that simply using Tor was a sufficient weighty cause for the FBI to withdraw any computer.

VPN via Tor against Tor via VPN

VPN allows the user to encrypt all Internet traffic, and direct it through the server. VPN in combination with TOR additionally increases the security and anonymity of the user. Tor - provides anonymity, and VPN is confidentiality. The combination of them reduces the risk, but there is an important difference in how these 2 instruments interact. Let's first discuss TOR via VPN.

If you connect to VPN and run Tor Browser, you use Tor via VPN, This is the most common method. All Internet traffic of your device first enters the VPN server, and then it jumps through the TOR network before getting into the end item. Your Internet provider sees only encrypted VPN traffic and will not know what you use Tor. In this way, you can access web sites .ONion.

Tor via VPN requires you to trust the VPN provider, which can see that you are using TOR and save the metadata logs, although in fact it cannot see the contents of your encrypted traffic through Tor. Traffic logs contain the content of your online traffic, such as search queries And the web sites you visit, while session logs contain metadata, such as yours, when entering VPN and how much data was transmitted. Traffic magazines are more important than session magazines, but also one, and the other is bad for anonymity.

Tor Over VPN also does not protect users from malicious Tor output nodes. Since TOR nodes consist of volunteers, not all of them play according to the rules. The final relay before your traffic goes to the target site, called node output. The output node decrypts your traffic and, thus, can steal your personal information or introduce malicious code. In addition, Tor Tor nodes are often blocked by websites that they do not trust them, and Tor Over VPN can also do nothing with it.

Then there is less popular VPN via Torwho recommends the official Tor Project website. In this case, the order of two tools are changing in places: Internet traffic first passes through the TOR network, and then via VPN. This means that the VPN supplier does not see your real IP AddressAnd VPN protects you from these bad output nodes.

A large drawback is that your Internet provider will know what you use Tor. Some consider VPN OVER TOR safer because it supports anonymity throughout the entire process.

The main drawback is the speed due to the presence of all nodes through which your traffic passes. The TOR itself significantly limits the bandwidth. Add a VPN to it, even though even quickly, will make it even slower, so please throw back on the back of the chair and wait ...


I2P - Alternative Anonymous Tor Network. But, unlike Tor, it cannot be used to access the public Internet. I2P can only be used to access hidden services specific to the I2P network. Also, I2P cannot be used to access sites.onion, because it is a fully separate network from Tor. Instead, I2P uses its own brand of hidden sites called "Eeppsites".

Why is it worth using i2P instead of TOR? From disadvantages: The I2P network is less popular, and cannot be used to access ordinary websites and not so easy to use. Both networks use a peer routing structure in combination with multi-level encryption to view confidential and anonymous.

However, I2P has several advantages. It is much faster and more reliable than Tor for a number of technical reasons. The structure of the peer-to-peer network routing is more advanced, and it does not rely on a trusted directory to obtain information about the route. I2P uses unidirectional tunnels, so the interceptor can capture only outgoing or inbound traffic, not both.

To configure I2P, you need more time from the user than to set TOR. I2P must be downloaded and installed, after which the configuration is performed through the router console. Then you need to adjust separate applications To work with I2P, for example, in a web browser, you must configure the proxy server settings.


Like I2P, FreeNet is an autonomous network on a network that cannot be used to access sites in a public network. It can only be used to access the content loaded in FreeNet, which is a peer-to-peer distributed data storage. Unlike I2P and TOR, you do not need a server to accommodate content. As soon as you download something, it remains there indefinitely, even if you stop using FreeNet.

FreeNet allows users to connect in one of the 2 modes:

  1. Mode Darknet. Allows you to specify who your friends on the network, and only connect and share content with them. This allows groups of people to create closed anonymous networks, consisting exclusively of the people they know and which they trust.
  2. Mode OpenNet.which automatically assigns peer-to-peer networks. Unlike the DarkNet mode, OpenNet uses several centralized servers in addition to a decentralized peer-to-peer network.

The configuration is pretty simple. Just download, install and run. When you open your browser, FreeNet will be ready and works through your web interface. Please note that for anonymous use of the FreeNet network you must use a separate browser.

We tell about unusual professions, outstanding hobbies and experiments that not everyone will decide to repeat.

At the rights of anonymity, the 27-year-old programmer Vova from Kiev (name changed at the request of the hero) agreed to tell the BZ, as he orders the forbidden goods in Darknet and passes entire quests to get it. He actively does shopping there for the last two years, although the darcnet itself began to be interested in early in the early 2000s.

BZ does not call for buying forbidden goods or perform any illegal actions, but only in general terms talks about the phenomenon that is in the network.

How it all arranged

Darknet is an underground Internet that exists on the basis of the main one. You can go to it only with the help of special programs. They apply to non-profit organizations. The most popular - Tor. It combines a program and browser together - all this is presented as a Tor browser, that is, a whole package of programs: a router that allows you to enter the darket, and special firefox versionwhere all possibilities are disabled or limited to identify humans.

What is needed in order to go to darket? Actually, Tor browser, which can be downloaded for free for any platform, and links to the necessary directories.

The DuckDuckGo search engine is popular with popularity, which, unlike Google, does not collect and does not save any user data.

But its search opportunities for Darknet are still limited, and many sites can only know their exact address.

Darcnet resources are located in the domain zone .ONion. To enter many sites, you should log in. But for this you do not need to enter your contact details - mail, telephone, social network. It is enough to come up with a login and password. What they are more random, the better.

In Darknet, everything is arranged in the same way as in the usual - there are news sites, markets, different imageboards of type 4chan, sites that trade in some product and the like. The main distinguishing feature is that most sites are doing something illegal here. If this is the news, the prohibited, product is counterfeit or illegal, discussions on the forums relevant.

What is for sale

We go to one of the largest Markets of Darknet - Alphaba Market. On the left is the panel on which all groups of goods are listed. For example, Fraud (fraud) is guides on hacking, security, social engineering. Next - the sale of drugs, which, in fact, is about 70% of all goods. You can also buy accounts in social networks or logins and passwords from them, personal information and scans of passports, a variety of documents - from social spectacle numbers to the driver's license.

In the Guides & Tutorials section - instructions, how to do anything. For example, drug production - the method of cooking is described here. Such guides are paid and free. The latter is, as a rule, collecting information that can arrive and in by the usual internet. An example of a paid guide is the ability to use Amazon Refund, that is, the instruction, how to behave correctly in order to get a refund for some product. Cost - 9 dollars.

On this site you can buy counterfeit goods - clothing, electronics; Keys for games; Books that are difficult to find in the usual Internet; Logins and passwords for many sites.

Now a popular topic - Life-time passwords on pornography sites: you buy for 5 dollars a password that gives access to different pornographic sites as soon as their owner closes access, contact the seller and it gives you another password. While there are such offices, you can get passwords for them as much as you like. Pornames are the most sought-after, then the sites of Netflix films, Hulu, then - news publications are closed, access. For example, The New York Times.

As bought

In Darknet, you need to pay not ordinary money, but cryptocompany. There are several species, our hero uses bitcoins. That is, bitcoins buys for real money.

One Bitcoin now costs about a thousand dollars.

One of his last purchases is LSD. He was sent in the usual letter. A cardboard is inserted into the envelope, inside which the blotters soldered into the opaque package - dietary paper with high-absorbing properties covered with edible paints. They are 25 small "brands", this is LSD.

The mailing address seller received in encrypted form using a special GNUPG program. Encryption keys after the end of the transaction are destroyed. In general, all communication is destroyed as soon as possible, or is not preserved at all if it is jabber chats. This is done so that the owner of the forum or special services could see the correspondence. For delivery usually goes 20-40 days.

It is very desirable to check the new product, says Vova, and for this there are special sets - reagents. They can be ordered directly from Amazon or find analogues in Darknet. The presence of LSD can be partially confirmed by Erlich's test. He and other tests are not aimed at some kind of substance and do not give 100% warranty. However, a positive result indicates the presence of the necessary substances.

Seals can be bought on CNG sites. The goods are mostly more expensive here, and the choice is at times less. One of the most popular ways of delivery are bookmarks.

After payment for the goods you send photos or coordinates on the map, where there is "treasure". Then the quest begins - to find and climb.

Sometimes the card is thrown inaccurate. The city had a case: sent a map of ordinary streets and photographs of a transformer box. Like, the goods are laid under it. Photo taken at night. The guy was peering for a long time in the coordinates on the map, but I did not find anything like. I had to go to the place and bypass several courtyards in search of the cherished transformer. Found.

Example of a real card sent by the store

It happens that instead of a card can come simply address. Somehow the voyage sent the address - in Poznyakov. The goods were immediately near the entrance, under the ramp. Probably the seller just put the goods near his house, photographed and sent. Moreover, there was a concierge, the courtyard is open, people walk. I had to somehow dug and pick up. Waiting for the night is not an option, because the goods can pick up someone else. Sometimes places are reused, it depends on the stores - people who hide these things. In general, search for bookmarks - always very stressful and stressful. Sometimes Vova does it himself, more often - with friends who cover it.

Many have heard the term "Darknet", but what he means, few knows. This is a branched anonymous network, where every visitor can remain unnoticed if desired. Hackers live here, the location or personality of which is completely impossible to calculate. At all times of its existence, not only ordinary users were interested in this network, but also the authorities different countries. If you want to know how to get to the network Darknet - read this article.

What is darket?

By definition from the Internet encyclopedia, the darcnet is a hidden or dark network, the connection of which occurs between the two computers, and not both in the global, between servers. For connectivity, non-standard ports and protocols are used here. Based on various VPN tunnels that are not associated with each other. In order to enter DarkNet, you need to use a special browser, about this below.

Darknet has a peer network type. The exchange of information between the two users is carried out in full anonymity, to get into the dummy using an ordinary browser will not work. This makes it possible to escape from the persecution by the authorities, communicate to any, including prohibited topics, discuss interracial relations, religion, and so on. An anonymous network has long become a refuge for various illegal organizations, hackers, weapons and drug trafficking.

Sometimes the term "darket" is used for general concept Definitions of anonymous network nodes may refer to "underground" technologies that relate to illegal activities. In any case, every experienced Internet user will answer you that the stay in the network will darket insecable. Often you can hear advice, which is not here to agree with any suggestions in the form of advertising, and even more so - download files. Using only one software For stay B. anonymous network Not enough to stay completely unnoticed.

How to go to the DarkNet Hidden Network

For parents whose children are often on the Internet, there is good news - from an ordinary browser and global Network Access to darcnet does not seem possible. In order to get into a dark network, you need to use special browsers.

The thing is that the hidden network always uses other data transfer protocols that differ from the standard. Sites here either either otherwise, for example, .i2p or.onion. And in the names of the sites, characteristic characters are used more often - http://slpwlkryjujyjhct.onion, this site is a shop of various products.

To access the sites with domain names. Monion use the Tor browser.

This is a special browser, data transfer here is carried out using the server proxy circuits. Proxy server allows users to hide a valid IP address by replacing the address of the user to your own. Thus, through a number of intermediaries in the form of Proxy servers, a high level of anonymity is achieved. But, as already mentioned, this is not enough for the authorities to establish your personality.

There is a darket and their search engines, the quality of their work is far from Google and Yandex, but for starters it is enough. There are also reference catalogs where you can get addresses of popular forums, chat rooms and shops. Visitors are categorically not recommended to pay attention to sites with shocking content.

Consider popular catalogs and other resources in Darknet:

It is also necessary to know that the audience in the darket is not so extensive as in the global network. Italy is in the first place in the number of users around the world - just less than 200 thousand. Approximate indicators of visitors in France, Spain and Holland. In Russia, the network is used from 50 to 100 thousand Internet users.

Other features Darknet

Unlike the global network, the DuckDuckGo search engine is in great demand. Here he is preferred due to the features of his work. This search engine does not collect any information about the user and does not follow its actions.

Experts say that the whole Internet is divided into 3 main parts - darket, dipnet and global network. With two of them we are already familiar. Dipnet is a part of the network that is based on the pages not indexed by search engines. That is, pages that are not displayed in the search for search when requesting Google or Yandex. You can get on such pages from an ordinary browser.

At the same time, the global network, oddly enough, takes only about 4%. There are assumptions that deep and shadow networks are not at all the global network layer, but are presented in the form of individual branches. In turn hidden networks They are divided into several separate, and to get into a certain darket, you need to download the appropriate software.

Darknet, Darknet, Darkweb and still with a dozen synonyms - all this name is the same, namely, the combination of websites hidden from the eyes of ordinary Internet users. You will not find them through your favorite search engine, it is hidden from strange eye part of the network. Here there are their laws and rules that have nothing to do with generally accepted, and sometimes generally violating them. The fact that such a damn it is and what you need to know anyone who wants to get there, I will try to tell.

What is Darcnet

Modern Internet can be compared with a huge city. The Edak Megapolis, where there are a lot of quarters in which good-order citizens live - sites. A high level of culture reigns here, the order is particularly vigilant. In addition, there are both the working quarters, where with the culture easier, and do not condemn for the strong expressions and the spread of not too decent materials. However, as in any other city, there is a place that is hidden from other people's eyes, where his rules also reign and laws that are not at all similar to generally accepted, and sometimes they violate them. There are usually the darkest matters on the entire Internet. So it is not at all by chance that this place was called DarkNet, that is, in Russian the dark network.

Darknet is the most closed department of world web, where even search robots do not come. The usual Internet user is also unlikely to come here by chance, although the one who truly needs to be here will fall, where he needs without much difficulty. The more Internet censorship develops, the more darket becomes in demand and the more comfortable tools are becoming to work with it. Content in Darknete is intentionally not indexed. And if on the rest of the Internet the owners of sites are trying to increase the rating of the site and increase its attendance, then in the dark segment they try to make the site as less noticeable for users as possible for users, especially for law enforcement. This uses encryption, special software, as well as non-standard domain names and protocols. All this allows you to hide the IP address of the server on which sites are located. That is, the possibility of visiting the site by all users, but to find out who the owner of this site is practically impossible.

Darknet is a private network in which the connection between users occurs with the use of non-standard protocols and ports, which makes it possible to achieve a high degree of anonymity due to hiding IP addresses.

History Darcnet

The history of Darcnet originates from the 70s of the last century. Exactly when the preimage was developed modern Internet - ARPANET network. Already at that time, the military department decided to develop a network "for their own." Almost before the new century, this closed network was known only to the limited number of people. The first information about it appeared on the Internet, when it became known about the invention of the The Onion Router system (Tor), which allowed the connection with a plurality of proxy servers to establish a connection that will be protected from listening and tracking, since all data is transmitted encrypted.

By the way, the ONION extension, which is used in the DarkNet network addresses, took exactly from the name new technology. Despite the fact that the onion routing system extends freely and anyone can download absolutely legally necessary software, protection and safety is on the very high level. According to statistics, the number of TOR participants in the world more than 10 million people.

How to get into darket

Almost all Darknet sites, to encrypt data and hiding their accessories, use TOR technology. It allows the user to reliably save its anonymity in the network, hide your identity and change the location. The same happens with sites located in the Tor network. To get to such a site, you need to use the same TOR-encryption tool as a special browser. However, not all sites in DarkNet use TOR network. There are those who enjoy alternative technologies, for example, I2P, although the principle of user interaction and the site remains the same. To visit the desired website, you need to use the same encryption tool as a web page hidden from foreign eyes.

However, the Tor technology is the most common on the dark side of the Internet, which means that if you want to get into DarkNet, you will need Tor Browser download and install on your computer. You can do it without difficulty, from the official site. For more convenient use, it is better to choose a version in Russian. Working with Top browser is almost identical to working with any other, understand the subtleties in just a couple of hours.

Torch or Fess search engines

As I wrote above, the contents of the Darcnet are not indexed by the familiar search engines. Nevertheless, users of such sites have not remained without a convenient service. The most famous google analogues And Yandex in Darknet are Torch, Grams or Fess. According to its functional features, they are similar. True, users note that GRAMS the results of issuing strongly sought. But Torch generally slightly sorts the issued sites. The first in extradition may be not large sites, but absolutely random Pages. But to Fess complaints of all. True, it also needs to be remembered that in the dark part of the network all the most interesting is on the forums, on non-infectious forums.

Catalogs of Godnotab and HD Wiki

The solution to this problem in the public Internet was found even until the search engines appeared, and it is called - reference catalogs. A kind is a selection of useful links, from which the user chooses the desired one. The most famous are HD Wiki for the English-speaking audience, as well as Godnotab for those who, except Russian, do not know other languages. True, when working with catalogs, you need to remember that part of the links will be non-working due to the fact that site owners often change their location and domain name For even greater anonymity. Often these are sites that produce selling illegal goods and services.

DarkNet currency

The main currency of the Darknet is cryptocurrency Bitcoin. The popularity of this is due to the specifics of the cryptodeneg, payments that cannot be traced, as well as the people of their sending and receiving. Although Bitcoin is far from the only currency that is bought in the hidden part of the global web web. Ethereum, which invented Vitalik Biderin, Zcash, Monero and a number of other cryptocurrency are also actively used. In any case, if you have gathered something to buy in DarkNet your cryptococheries must be needed.

Darknet sites

Sites in Darknet not so much. According to different estimates about 4-8 thousand. In addition, not all of them are related to the sale of illegal goods or illegal actions. In the dark part of the world cobweb there are quite useful libraries, tanets and just forums on which freedom of speech is not a simple sound. In any case, I repeat, a random person just does not fall here, and the one who comes - does it consciously. I want to introduce you to the most popular resources of this part of the Internet.


Hydra is a Russian-speaking anonymous trading platform, which, in fact, has become a social network for all related to drug business. More than 90% of goods selling here are drugs. Anyone can register can find out username and password. The site has a chat where users can communicate. Placing messages about the sale of paid, but this does not disfigure the sellers of a specific product. Three sections are the greatest interest in the forum: FAQUE - where the details and secrets are revealed, how drug business works, Hyperlab - recipes for the preparation of all kinds of drugs and work - where you can find vacancies of sellers and small couriers.


This name is the most popular and informative DarkNet Forum in Russian. His specialization is protection and self-defense. The main sections of the forum are a weapon where books are presented, as well as instructions on arms and its manufacture, self-defense on the production of explosives, self-defense lessons and sabotage. In part of the security forum, many materials on the methods of wiretapping, surveillance, their detection and protection. The Information Protection section tells about encryption methods, special programs and utilities to anonymize their behavior on the network.


Russian-speaking platform, which allows you to buy or sell cryptocurrency. The only difference from ordinary exchangers, which are fully in the open segment of the network, is an increased anonymity. In particular, the exchange does not need authorization, confirmation of transactions and, moreover, you can pay for cryptocurrency from the terminals. Works on the site well technical supportthat helps solve all problematic issues.


The rates industry reached Darcnet. TOTET is a Russian-speaking tote on which you can bet on certain events. The only difference from other toters is that rates are made in Bitcoins. This means that the rates are made anonymously and to track the winner is impossible.


Yes, there is in the darkenet and the most big mirror social network. Why do you need it? The service is very popular in countries where Facebook is prohibited. For example, in China and other countries where the government restricts access to some sites.


This is one of the largest markets of the dark side of the Internet. The site is completely English-speaking, and even even the registration is free on it, very difficult - you need to fill out two dozen fields. Trading on the site is mainly for bitcoins, and the range of the products presented, is hardly the widest in everything darcnet. Here you can buy drugs, medicines, the turnover of which is legally prohibited, personal data bases, anonymous bank cards, jewels, weapons and much more.


Anonymous mail server. Darkweb, which is in great demand. True, the demand for it is mainly very specific users - hackers, extortionists, spies, as well as spam services. The letter can be sent only to another address on the TOR network. In order to send letters on mailboxes An open segment of the Internet, have to use additional software that however, few people stop.

Secrets Darcnet

Naturally, shed light on everything without exception secrets of the Darcnet for one article is impossible. The word "Dark" implies that all sites of this segment are hidden from strangers and quickly get into the most hidden sections just so do not work out. They are not indexed by the search engines even the DarkWeb itself, so that the personal approach will be required here, and sometimes the invitation of the participant in the community already enjoying the authority.

In short, all as in the criminal world, from which, as from his secrets it is better to stay away. In addition, we should not forget that in this network segment the user is practically protected. The attackers can follow them using embedded webcams and microphones. Use the power of their computers for unauthorized mining or DDoS attacks. And of course it is worth remembering that TOR-technology is invented by military, which still can use it for their own purposes.

DarkNet is a very interesting and so dangerous thing, so it will not be a big exaggeration to say that most people are not needed. In the open segment you can easily find most of what is hidden in Darknet, unless of course you are looking for a drug trafficking job. In addition, there is a huge number of divorces and deceptions, and no one guarantees the user's rights. Yes, and the preservation of anonymity is also under a big question, because otherwise the creators shopping areasNobody who sells illegal goods and services would never have found, and from time to time such loud arrests occur.