Jack button for android. Multifunctional button for smartphone Klick

Smartphones and tablets on the Android operating system have already quite well in favor and have an incredible amount of possibilities that sometimes the search and the necessary application or function occupies indecent time. In order to alleviate the fate of the user in all this nightmare, a special accessory Klick Quick Button under a 3.5 mm connector was developed.

Almost 99.99% of smartphones and tablets of working Android have an audio 3.5 mm connector (and maybe even one), but how often do you listen to music or watch movies using headphones?

If you want to improve the functionality of your mobile device and plus it to protect it from getting inside dust, then you should pay attention to the button - Klick Quick Button. You can buy a "magic button" in chinese stores Gearbeast and Aliexpress from $ 0.40 cents per piece.
This "device" of 1.5 cm in size is inserted into the audio connector and has only one button, which will soon significantly improve the use of Android in everyday tasks.

It is over the presence of the same button not any effect on the functionality. operating systemSo that everything earned the application with which you can hang various actions on the number of presses and duration. Most of these applications are in the store Google Play.But judging by estimates, many of them are garbage.
Worthy option for installation in this moment is the Keycut program. In the future, we consider what the keycut is possible and the KLICK Quick Button button is possible.
After you installed the Keycut application insert the Klick Quick Button button and get two requests. The first query is the "magic button", answer the Yes "Yes" and the second that we do not want to buy a unlock key to increase the functionality of the application, you can press "Cancel".
Further without leaving, you should immediately activate the ability to trigger the button when the device is blocked - the check mark opposite "Enable the screen".
Returning to the main application menu, you can see two main tabs, "short press" and "long press". You can hang up to 9 different functions and applications, only 3 long.
Each of these major tabs have a submenu:

  • application
  • Personal
  • Switches
  • Buttons
  • Systemic

You can see them starting to create any action on pressing the button. Now briefly, what exactly allows these submenu and what functionality is melted.

Applications - Launch any any set or built-in application on your Android. And also choose any action ( activiti) Applications, such as the camera shutter, and hang label With the route home or to work.

Personal - It has originally weak functionality (you need to buy unlock), allows you to make a screenshot or say which is now an hour. Switches - Allows you to quickly enable or disable Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or translate the device into a silent mode and back. Buttons - Block Android, start and stop music, as well as switching tracks. Systemic - The most less functional submenu will allow you to quickly get to the download menu or quick settings menu. Should I buy Klick Quick Button? If you are very rarely listening to music or watch video, you rarely insert headphones to listen to multimedia, but you want to improve and enrich the user experience use AndroidThe purchase of Klick Quick Button will be the right decision!

On the wave of universal delight bought a button for a smartphone. It really seemed interesting to me to fulfill various actions by the ABC Morse, and not including the screen.

As a result, it turned out that on the one hand the buttons work, and on the other - it is not very convenient to use. I am not quite sure that the problem is in the button, since the cockroaches and the smartphone has enough.

However, one of the purchased buttons disintegrated during the extraction process from the phone, and I considered it a sufficient basis for the post. So then there will be an analysis of the contents of the button on the rattletly destroying technique.

First, in honor of Friday, a little about the pricing policy. I bought the buttons, as follows from the field with a price, for $ 0.85 each. Yes, I know what could be erupted and still save, but now it's not about that.

So here is a Friday picture: a harsh Chinese discount of 67% OFF after the traditional unreal lift price

I also know that this is a copy of a certain original button, probably KLICK. I won't talk about the original - I did not hold in my hands. And the functionality of this button goes away.


First, you need the APP to work, download which is available on the link to the QR code almost automatically, or manually - by reference. The link, perhaps, will not lead, because after downloading Avast on the smartphone complained that there could be a virus.

Color range "Covers" - buttons buttons

So I did not put the "native" APP. And used pretty simple and concise, programming it for three functions on a single, double and triple pressing. All of them, by the way, are nicely recognized, and the functions, respectively, are executed.

Button holder on designer's plan creparates her to the headphone wire

If insert the button when launched programShe will ask that it was inserted: headphones or a button, and if you open the program, the programmed actions are immediately visible.

If you insert without starting the Appa, the button will turn on and disable the player player by default. Moreover, if a Bluetooth headset is connected, the sound will be in it, and otherwise - without sound.

In the opposite direction, too, somehow worked. When a Bluetooth headset was connected and the buttons APP runs, then sometimes a single pressing of the headset button called the event programmed on a single press "smart" button. For the most curious: no, double and triple touch The headset does not work because it is at the iron level double press Interprets as a command on the resetting of the last dialed number.

Well, plus settings

In general, you can hang on the hang button: photo shoot, voice recorder, video recording, flashlight, memory cleaning, screen lock button, button of the main screen, call by number, SMS and start application

At the same time, the photo shooting occurs completely unnoticed, without turning on the screen, backlight and sound. My flashlight turned on and no longer turned off - I had to restart the phone. Starting an application - as a clock. But the rest, I repent, did not check.

In general, from the advantages - I can turn on the radio in the morning, without unlocking, and even without opening the cover of the phone. Of the minuses: on my Mijue M880, IKEY APP after restarting the phone does not start. Moreover, if after rebooting, start the APP when the button is inserted, the button does not work until "reboot" and it.

Those. The button must be removed, insert, say the program that the button is inserted, and only after that - to use. Actually, it is a multiple reboot of the button caused by a multiple reboot of the phone due to the Files of MicroSD, and led to the breakdown of this button itself.

Indeed, she just scattered into parts: plug, upper ring and, actually, round "button". And the last I, in fact, did not see after separation from the main plug - it happened in the subway, and all fell on the floor.

Round part and imperceptible, but available to her ring pressed into the top of the plug

Only the biggest fragment remained in the hands - the plug. For a while he was lying in the pocket of the jacket, and did not guessed that he would become a star Mysku. And here you are.

So, the deadly number.

To begin with, probably, about so the creators of Klick represented her rich inner world:

Those. Microelectronics, fee, contacts, practically nanotechnology. But we know that in China, the technique is going with the use of primary means and materials. First of all, the razor of the Okkama.

To find out what kind of extra entities cut off the target tool, I used first tweezers, and then at all pliers.

That's what I have left, and why it all started

From above

You can see a three-pin plug with a plastic insert, permeated with a certain pin. At first I thought it was the physical button on which the decorative round insert was pressed. But in reality, everything turned out to be much more prosaic, but about it below.

The first part of the plug surrendered to the bottom of the plug under the delicate Natius. It turned out that this is just a stub, in no way connected with two top contacts


Then came the queue of medium contact. It was just that he didn't want to give up, she threw a feat. Well, I made him a boring black pliers - crumbbed and broke. However, it did not bring facilitations - neither to him.

But it became clear that the secret is not in the second link, but in the first. Since it is clear that the second contact through the insulator goes upstairs

Based on the degree of miniaturization, it would be assumed that these are genuine nanotechnology - after all, it was necessary to somehow stipulate to shove at least some elements in the upper section.

So I had to use the last remedy - the most terrifying pliers built into any self-respecting pliers. Surprisingly, they rather smoothly smiled the remnants of the plug.



And here I understood a lot. There is no spoon no nanotechnology. There are no buttons. The top spring is part of the "button" (as long as it was in place) is simply elastic plate, closing the upper and medium plug contacts. Actually, this event and records Android, passing it to the appropriate appa.

The report graduated. All with a great and terrible black Friday and good night! The session of the answers - in the morning :)

I plan to buy +23. Add to favourites I liked the review +59 +110

Hello members of the forum! Today I will tell about a couple useful for smartphone lotions. It is in this review that it will be about a multifunctional button, which is inserted into a 3.5mm-connector for headphones. In the store it is positioned in the Smart Gadgets section for phones.

A little story. This button walked with other devices in one parcel, and reached the record 11 days by the Mail of Singapore. The parcel was sent from Singapore, as it seems to me, because of what was in the same package. The small devigor was packed separately, into a silicone vacuum package with a hermetic clasp, about these places bayji. The package also had a booklet with QR codes, while moving on which you can download the "Klick" application (about it below). Also, the button was inserted into a special fastening, so as not to lose, and this fastening with ease can be hung on the headphone cord, or just on the rope on the neck.

Now about the functionality. Immediately how this button got into my hands, I put it on the phone. And, of course, nothing happened. The phone identified it as headphones. Then I scanned the code on the booklet, and went to the Google Play shop, where I downloaded the "Klick 360" app, and it turned out to be my first mistake. The application in Chinese, how to change the language I did not find it. Then by google search Play I found and downloaded the "Klick" application. It is in English, but everything is extremely clear.

As soon as the application has been established, I inserted the button again. The phone asked me, the headphones is, or a cartoon. I confirmed that the button and immediately opened the application menu.

In general, this button is configured to four positions: 1 pressing, 2 clicks, 3 presss, as well as long press. On any of these actions, you can configure any function of the phone, or the launch of any application, from the installed. And unlock the screen and light up the backlight is not necessary!

It was somehow not by myself when I read customer reviews on the site. They wrote that half of the functions does not work or slows down. I checked on HTC EVO 3D and Galaxy S3 - everything works.

At one click, I set up the flashlight on, two - cameras. Three - return to the main menu, and for long pressing - opening an application VKontakte. By the way, the press is accompanied by vibration.

The button almost does not drink, and also creates protection against foreign objects in the headphone connector.

On the video, which is lower, I showed the operation of the button and application.

Samoa useful feature I find fast inclusion Cameras and especially flashlight. Imagine the situation: Come in the dark entrance, and except the flash of the phone to highlight with nothing. You start unlocking the phone, then in the settings to search for the application "Flashlight", and only then turn on. At the same time, you look at the screen and in the dark there is nothing more visible. And then I took out the phone from the pocket, pressed - and the flashlight immediately burns. At the same time, it is not even necessary to unlock the screen and light the backlight. It turns off the same. The same story and a camera.

Today I ordered 10 more pieces, only already on AlieXpress, there is wholesale cheaper. On souvenirs to friends and sell someone at work - the most! I advise you to buy!

In the same premise, I came another plug under the headphones. Only there the infrared diode sticks out and with it (and with the help of specials) can be controlled different deviceshaving a remote d / y. If you have time to remove the video today, lay out in the next review.

Thank you all for your attention! Waiting for your questions below.

link to this button (not reform)

Comparative overview of four solutions

In modern mobile OS question quick access to key settings The phone can be considered already solved. Sword from below or from above, touch the desired icon - and you have already turned on the vibrating alert, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and a lot more. But to commit these simple operations always have to switch attention to the smartphone. Sometimes it is completely inappropriate: for example, at an important meeting or exam. Today we will look at several simple gadgets that can solve this problem through the use of a 3.5-millimeter headphone jack, which are equipped with all modern mobile devices.

Packaging and equipment

Four gadgets fell on testing: the famous Chinese company Xiaomi, and.

The originality of the packaging is different only IKEY - blister in the form of the Android logo

In the extensive configuration of gadgets, it makes no sense: these buttons themselves look like a bonus from some generous seller of Chinese smartphones. Thus, by the way, one of them came to us - a pleasant surprise was. IKEY and 360 Klick are supplied as it is. Mi Key has a clothespin for headphone cable. Logical solution: You can always have everything you need to use audio outputs in two scenarios.

Design and operation

All buttons look approximately the same - as ordinary connectors for the audio connector. The lack of one ring is allocated only by KLICK (extreme right).

In the color of the buttons there is a little more variety. IKEY and 360 Klick - Golden, Klick - Silver, Mi Key is black.

Go to the most interesting - use. Here all gadgets combines compatibility: supported exclusively Android. For testing, we used the Sony Xperia C smartphone and the Ramos I10 Pro tablet, the overview of which is scheduled for the near future.

Already at the beginning of the test, the issue of compatibility with Sony Xperia C has risen. The audio entrance of this smartphone is truncated on the one hand, in favor of the caserity of the hull:

Analysis of all gadgets using the tester showed that the button pressing the contact of the microphone and the "land" (1 and 2 in the diagram)

The photos of the buttons in the profile clearly can be clearly seen that the two left accessories, with golden tips (IKEY and 360 KLICK) have a wider gap between the contacts connected by pressing. For this reason, they are not compatible with a truncated Sony Xperia C audio entry. With another pair of buttons such a problem did not occur. The Ramos I10 Pro tablet is compatible with all four accessories, since its 3.5 mm connector is not truncated.

It turns out that all accessories under consideration by us are, in principle, interchangeable, and the problem can only be in the trifles described above. Therefore, nothing prevents the installation of one of the listed buttons and at the same time use the application from another. This was confirmed when testing. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the applications that work unaccomplished accessories ..


Software for IKEY from the official site as an APK file. The uncomplicated application has an English interface.

ikey can recognize a single, double and triple click. The list of assignable functions is very extensive. Clearing memory works without problems. For the Send Message command, the text and addressee of the message is immediately assigned - it is well suited for emergency situations. Photo, video and audio obtained using IKEY are recorded in separate folders created by the device.

The set of settings is small, but needs an explanation. If IKEY does not work when the screen is turned off, sometimes empties the option "Enhanced Mode". But the manufacturer warns that more energy is spent. You can set the speed of multiple clicks, in the range from 0 to 1000 ms. But in reality, configure the normal perception of double / triple clicks this helps badly. In order for IKEY at least occasionally perceived them correctly, it is necessary to establish a large gap, at least half a second. But in this case, the meaning is partially lost in the accessory, because the time to activate the function begins to leave more. Only a single click will be triggered with one hundred percent probability.

The most "branded" accessory from four, Xiaomi Mi Key, by default, for some reason only has an application in Chinese. Fortunately, the manufacturer's work completed, and as a result, even Russian appeared.

The Xiaomi button already supports up to ten pages and considers the number of clicks taken.

In the Mi Key application, it is possible to create a quick command menu that will be called with the number of clicks. Also available compilation of scenarios from several actions.

Although Xiaomi Mi Key saves a photo in standard folder Android, meaning in this, alas, no, because as a result, shots are obtained similar to the left. Beyard causes the option "In real time": it seems that without it, the button reacts with an intentional delay. However, even this does not help Xiaomi Mi Key: single pressures are perceived perfectly, and already double almost do not work, as in the case of IKEY.


The Klick application can be with a Play Store. The gadget is able to perceive not only short, but also long pressing. To unlock this feature, you need to select the "Long Press" highlighted string and in the processing window that appears for processing to press Always and Iklick.

Available teams are less than competitors, but among them there are very useful. "SOS" sends the preset SMS indicating the current location of the smartphone. "Camera" allows you to choose whether to make an instant snapshot or simply run the appropriate application.

For quick call A set of "Switches" switches is available. In the settings, you can add more two more gestures that combine long and short pressing.

The Klick application cannot be configured to configure the time interval for multiple clicks. And despite this, it perceives them more stable than the competitors discussed above. Single and double click read without problems, but the triple only sometimes. In order for the device to react to a long pressing, it takes at least 7 seconds, and even in this case, the triggering is not guaranteed.

360 Klick.

The most "Chinese" gadget from the entire four. application downloads From the official site and has an exclusively Chinese interface. The search for translations on the forum did not lead to anything. But the basic functions are understandable, in general, and without translation.

We tried all settings, but more than a single / double click utility could not offer us. So Fuepalm Logo Football World Cup in this case It looks appropriate. According to the functionality of the 360 \u200b\u200bKlick application, it is inferior to competitors, but two pre-installed gestures is not recognized as bad - according to our observations, slightly less stable than Klick.


Quick access buttons for the audio connector, of course, in some circumstances can add a smartphone / tablet needed functionality by making it much more convenient to use. But it is not worth these hopes for them: in the founded four, only Klick distinguished himself as stability in recognizing more than one click. To use with this application, buy a button of the same manufacturer: how we were convinced, all of them are usually interchangeable.

However, before buying, we advise you to check that the audio part of your device has a suitable, standard form, and the selected application supports it. Otherwise, 2-10 dollars spent on the gadget will not be so sorry as the time spent on the choice.

Some time ago, an interesting project appeared on Kickstarter. Hang any functions for single pressing, as well as a double and triple click. Idea feedback Through the headphone nest is not Nova, for a long time there are a different pocket players on a headphone conductor there are control panels. But this, apparent at first glance, the solution appeared only now.

Everything is good or late in the field of view of the Chinese industry, after which clones appear various quality. Of course, you have the right to support developers and order a miracle button from their site, but I decided to first try the Chinese version called "Klick". On the boundless expanses of online stores from the subway, I met other names - "Smart Button", "One Click Button", "IKEY" and the like, the essence does not change. I liked the name "Klick", so I made it in the title of the article.

The device is really the simplest - metal plug and spring-loaded button. If it is interesting, then on the project authors of the project there is a photo with the design options of the buttons that were rejected in the development process.

The button is installed in the smartphone or tablet in the headphone socket. Simply insert a button to it until you stop and all, the mechanical part of the device is ready for operation.

If you use a phone with headphones, then at this time the button can be removed and removed into a special silicone holder, which is attached to the wire for headphones.

But without a software part, the button is useless. When buying an original multifunction button from official manufacturers, you will be provided with a unique serial, which is activated by the official application. But third-party developers software They did not remain aside, so there are several applications to work with similar devices in the market. I tried almost all of them, most of all I liked the utility 360 SmartKey.. In the original it is in Chinese, but at the end of the article you can download its Russified option.

After installation, the program tracks the connection of any device into the headphone socket, as well as pressing the button. As soon as you insert the headphones or a multifunction button into the smartphone, the program can immediately appear on the screen that you are connected. If headphones, you choose headphones icon, in this case they will work as conceived. If you paste the button, select its icon, immediately after that the program starts to monitor its presses. Approximately the same principle work all other programs.

In the program itself, the actions that must be performed with one or more presses on the button are configured. It can be a snapshot from the camera, turning on the voice recorder, flashlight, blocking or unlocking the device, launching some application and much more. The list of available actions differs depending on the program being used. What is the most pleasant, all actions can be performed even with a blocked smartphone. In this way, you can take photos without attracting attention (the smartphone lies in the breast pocket, only the camera sticks out), unnoticed for the interlocutor, turn on the voice recorder, secretly send messages or make calls.