Which is better: MacBook or Tablet? What to choose: MacBook Air or iPad? – price, release and withdrawal

Hello friends! IN Lately Apple is increasingly promoting to the masses the idea that the new iPads will create a full-fledged replacement for laptops. At the same time, the performance level of tablets exceeds many laptops. In this post we will try to figure out whether an iPad can replace a MacBook and for what tasks? Let's look at device capabilities, ease of use, software capabilities and iOS.

Can iPad tablet replace MacBook?

For many users, this question may seem incorrect. After all, a tablet was created for some tasks, and a full-fledged laptop for others. However, as I already mentioned at the beginning, the capabilities of tablets have increased significantly, and it is sometimes difficult to decide which device to choose. Especially for those who are used to mobility, work from any convenient place. In this case, the tablet format gives a feeling of greater freedom and comfort. But is it possible to do the same work on it as on a laptop?

Looking ahead, I will say that there are still opportunities tablet computer coupled with the iOS operating system, they are significantly inferior to a full-fledged laptop. The iPad copes with some tasks perfectly and can give a MacBook a run for its money. Especially when it comes to the work of an artist, surfing the Internet, and quick communication on social networks. Drawing with using Apple Pencil is a pleasure! But when it comes to other everyday tasks, the tablet is inferior in this area. Let's list the main reasons why the iPad cannot replace the MacBook.

Inability to fully use peripherals and external drives

This means that the USB-C port on the iPad (Pro) is a rather meaningless connector, since you won’t be able to directly connect a printer, scanner or other office equipment. Of course you can use it wireless technologies, but you must agree - the ability to quickly connect with a cord is important required device. In addition, it is impossible to connect to the iPad external drive or a flash drive, for example, to dump files there.

Inconvenient work with files on iPad

Even with latest updates iOS, where the “Files” application appeared, working with data on a tablet remains quite inconvenient. If you're used to the fast and functional Finder on a MacBook, you'll feel uncomfortable on the iPad. Alternatively, use online storage iCloud, DropBox, Google Drive, where you can create folders, sort and quickly find necessary files.

Limited number of applications and their functionality

Yes, now there are more and more specialized applications for the iPad, however, their number and variety cannot be compared with software for macOS. In addition, most applications cannot interact with each other, and their functionality is quite limited. As a result, in order to perform even a simple operation that could be done on a MacBook in a few clicks, you have to use several applications in turn.

Safari browser on iPad can't compare to desktop version

Since the tablet is mainly used for surfing the Internet, the browser capabilities are very important. Unfortunately, its functionality is much more limited than the computer version. For example, simply copying and pasting a link will require several clicks, whereas on a laptop you can use keyboard shortcuts. At the same time, it is impossible to set another browser as default; you will have to constantly switch.


As follows from the above, the iPad tablet cannot fully replace the MacBook. This mainly concerns professional activity, where you need a comfortable keyboard and the ability to work with complex programs, while quickly switching between them. On the other hand, if you connect external keyboard, use the iPad for drawing, surfing the Internet, playing games, quickly taking photos and videos - the tablet can satisfy almost any request. Of course, it is ideal to have both devices at once, then each of them can be used for its intended purpose. Finally, if you need to install programs, macOS, repair and configure a MacBook, I recommend a good

Apple CEO Tim Cook once said that the only equipment he takes with him on business trips and trips is iPad Pro, iPhone and Apple Watch. The head of the company is confident that the 12.9-inch tablet with a Smart Keyboard can be an ideal replacement for laptops and computers for many users. “They will start using it and realize that they no longer need to use anything else other than the iPad Pro and their phones,” the Apple CEO concluded. The iXbt reviewer agrees with Tim Cook - for him, the iPad Pro has truly become the main mobile device along with a smartphone.

I used to almost always carry a laptop with me. You could say that I simply couldn’t imagine leaving the house without a laptop (going to the store to buy bread or walking with a child, of course, doesn’t count). Write a text, access the Internet comfortably, answer emails, etc. - a smartphone, of course, is not suitable for all this. A regular tablet with a diagonal of 9-10 inches is already a good option for the Internet and reading mail, but not a very convenient solution for writing texts longer than “ok”. In general, the laptop seemed to me for the time being an indispensable companion.

For these purposes, I used a 13-inch MacBook Pro Retina of the very first generation. I bought it back in 2013, and since then it has served faithfully. However, there are some nuances. First of all, the duration battery life is no more than six hours (this is if you just work in the text). It is clear that you can change the battery, and then this indicator will be better. But here we come to the second problem. Working without the Internet is often simply impossible. And street Wi-Fi is extremely unreliable and, as a rule, slow. Therefore, you have to distribute the Internet from a smartphone. Which, naturally, eats up the smartphone’s battery very quickly. It turns out that you have to worry not only about the laptop battery, but also about the charge of your smartphone. Moreover, if you don’t keep track of the latter, you will be left not only without the Internet, but also without the possibility of communication. And given that the batteries modern smartphone enough for about a day active use, and this does not take into account such high-load things as Internet distribution, you will think ten times before you enable Wi-Fi Tethering.

Well, one last thing: the laptop is still a bit heavy. Carrying it around all day, you begin to understand the owners MacBook Air and other ultrabooks. But, as it turns out, there is an even more convenient and universal solution: the 12.9-inch iPad Pro with LTE support and Apple keyboard Smart Keyboard.

In my case, the standard scenario for using this combination is as follows: I get on the tram (yes, I go to work by tram or trolleybus), take out the iPad Pro with a SIM card inserted into it, and then, depending on my mood and need, I can I can check my email and social media feeds, I can surf the Internet, or I can work on an article (by the way, I’m writing this article on it). With a diagonal of 12.9 inches, the screen space here is almost the same as on the MacBook Pro 13.3″. The photo below shows a comparison of the size of 9.7-inch and 12.9-inch tablets.

Of course, at first I was worried: will I be able to fully work on a mobile OS? What if you need to use Dropbox? What if you need to format the text in a special way? As it turned out, almost everything is possible, and, moreover, this configuration is superior to a conventional laptop in all respects, while typing on the Smart Keyboard is no less convenient than on a MacBook (well, maybe just a little).

But the advantages are very significant. Here are the 6 main ones:

  1. The iPad Pro, even with the keyboard cover, is noticeably lighter than the MacBook Pro.
  2. It is significantly more compact (both in thickness and in other parameters)
    If you don’t play games on it, but use it specifically for the Internet and writing texts, it has significantly longer battery life than a laptop.
  3. If you suddenly need to charge it (at work, at a meeting, etc.), find someone lightning cable and the charger is 2A lighter than a suitable charger for a MacBook.
  4. You can insert a SIM card into it and thereby solve the issue of Internet access (provided that you have a version with LTE support).
  5. The iPad Pro unlocks instantly, unlike the MacBook or any other laptop.
  6. If you want to read or look at photos, the iPad Pro can be positioned vertically. Moreover, the keyboard cover can be removed or not.

The fifth point is worth saying in more detail. I admit, I didn’t use the SIM card slot in the iPad for quite a long time - I felt sorry for spending money (even if it was 150-200 rubles) on a separate SIM card. Everything changed with the appearance of a tariff from one of the operators, which allows you to connect up to four SIM cards to one account. For all four users - a common package of minutes, SMS and Internet traffic. Moreover, practice has shown that without limiting oneself in the use mobile internet(neither on a tablet nor on a smartphone), I don’t spend even half of the limit in a month. True, I don’t watch videos via LTE, and I download and update applications only via Wi-Fi, but, in my opinion, this is quite natural (especially when Wi-Fi available both at home and at work). It turns out that you can use high-speed Internet on your tablet absolutely free.

Some may say: “Well, why use the Internet, you can do without it if you spend half an hour on a tram.” But, as I felt from my own experience, having a normal Internet, which you have by default and to use which you don’t need to take out your smartphone and make other bodily movements, is so convenient and pleasant that in the end you just get a completely different feeling from work. You can easily work with the cloud, you can check some information on the Internet at any time, etc. Not to mention how this saves you on long trips - for example, from Moscow to St. Petersburg. While on the road, the connection is unstable, so if you need to send some kind of letter or text, it is very advisable to do it exactly at the moment when the device picks up 3G/4G. If you wait until 3G/4G appears on your smartphone, then you will turn on Wi-Fi distribution, then proceed to connect the laptop to this Wi-Fi networks, then most likely by the time all this is completed, the train will have already left the zone of reliable reception.

So that the picture is not so rosy, I will add a few, albeit small, but still fly in the ointment.

  • Sometimes you really miss a mouse (or at least a touchpad, like on a laptop).
  • Not all web interfaces are well designed for touch use (this applies, first of all, to admin panels and similar work services)
  • Some sites automatically launch mobile version when logging in from iOS and they don’t allow me to select desktop. As a result, everything on the screen is very, very large.
  • It is clear that a laptop is a more universal solution. If you were given a flash drive at a presentation, then from your laptop you can immediately view its contents and send the necessary files to your colleagues, whereas with an iPad you are helpless.
  • There are still some nuances with file formats and certain restrictions. Let's say a document with complex formatting without installed Word for iPad you won’t be able to fully edit. Just like for some reason I can’t save the Pages file to any Dropbox folder other than the root one (for some reason it gives an error).
  • The main problem: the iPad Pro is expensive. Of course, it is cheaper than the MacBook Pro, but I still would not recommend buying it instead of the MacBook, since the MacBook is a universal thing. It can even be used as a desktop computer. And the iPad Pro is not only impossible to use as a PC, but also in some mobile use scenarios it turns out to be not the most convenient solution - for example, if you need to professionally process photos/videos, make presentations, etc. Therefore, the iPad Pro is still a device in addition to the MacBook Pro, and not instead of it.

In the end it all comes down to 1) financial opportunities 2) intended use case. If the possibilities allow, and the use case is close to mine (every day on the road for an hour in ground transport, with the ability to sit down), then an iPad Pro with LTE support is an ideal thing. Alternatively, you can buy an inexpensive Windows laptop for long business trips and other situations in which a full-fledged OS is needed on the road, and spend most of your money on an iPad Pro, which will be a device for everyday mobile use (of course, we assume that you have a desktop PC at work).

Personally, I haven't used my MacBook much for the last month - now, when I leave the house, I take my iPad Pro with me. And when I get home, the iPad Pro becomes a great tool for entertainment: reading, games, YouTube videos, the Internet, social networks - all this is more fun on it than on a laptop, because you can lounge on the couch in a comfortable position and interact with content more intuitively. That’s how this very specific thing, which at first seemed cumbersome and not very clear in purpose, gradually became my main mobile device along with my smartphone.

3 years ago, it would never have occurred to anyone to consider a laptop and a tablet as equals when choosing a work tool. But in 2015 year Apple presented two innovative devices: MacBook - a compact laptop with one universal USB-C port - and iPad Pro - a tablet for content creation.

In this material, we will compare them according to key parameters and help you choose a device that is suitable for your tasks.

Weight, dimensions

The 12.9-inch iPad Pro is Apple's largest tablet. The increased diagonal is necessary for convenient work in graphic editors and video editors. With a thickness of 6.9 mm, the device weighs 723 grams. Dimensions: 305×220 mm.

MacBook, after the cessation of sales of the MacBook Air with an 11-inch display, has become the most compact laptop in the manufacturer’s portfolio. The device weighs 920 grams, while its thickness at its thinnest point is only 3.6 mm and increases to 13 mm closer to the rear end. Dimensions: 280×196 mm.

If mobility is a priority for you, for which you are willing to sacrifice the versatility and flexibility of the operating system for desktop computers, then yours iPad selection Pro 12.9. Even with a removable keyboard cover, the tablet will be noticeably lighter and more compact than a laptop.


Depending on the configuration, the MacBook comes with processors Intel Core m3, m5 or i7 and 8 GB random access memory. The built-in Intel HD Graphics 5300 video card is responsible for video processing.

If the first version of the laptop, introduced three years ago, had difficulty running heavy applications, the 2017 version will allow you to work comfortably even in video editors and applications for professional graphics processing when processing relatively small projects. But the device is primarily positioned as a fashion product, so if you need a laptop to work in resource-intensive applications, the MacBook Air 13 is more suitable. This laptop is equipped with powerful fifth-generation Intel Core i5 or i7 processors and powerful Intel graphics HD Graphics 6000.

The updated version of iPad Pro 12.9, introduced in the summer of 2017, is equipped with 4 GB of fast RAM and an innovative 64-bit A10X Fusion processor with six processing cores. This is the first processor built on the 10-nanometer process technology, which is used in consumer electronics. This combination of equipment allows you to easily process videos with 4K resolution, render complex 3D models and work with “heavy” documents.

There is an opinion among users that there are no professional applications for iPad. This is partly true. There are tens of thousands of programs created for iOS, but before purchasing, make sure that App Store there will be programs for your tasks.


Both devices are equipped with best-in-class display modules, however iPad screen Pro features a number of exclusive technologies that make it stand out against the MacBook's display in a direct comparison.

The MacBook screen is based on an IPS matrix with a diagonal of 12 inches and a resolution of 2304x1440. The iPad is equipped with a 12.9-inch IPS display with a resolution of 2732x2048 pixels. It is optimized for touch control, supports the wide color gamut used in the film industry, and supports True Tone technology (automatically adjusts white balance according to ambient lighting).

Battery life

Both MacBook and iPad Pro can be used for a full workday. For the laptop, 9 hours of battery life are stated, for the tablet - 10 hours. Moreover, each device can be charged using a USB power bank.

Purpose, software platform

Each device is designed to perform a limited range of tasks, which is determined not only by the form factor, but also software platform. You can buy a MacBook to work with documents, type text, and create multimedia content. The excellent display is suitable for photo and video editing even without an external monitor.

On the other hand, more and more professional applications for creating content appear in the App Store every month, so the iPad Pro can already compete with laptops when performing most tasks, and in the future it can become no less universal. However, nowadays the MacBook is more functional. If having macOS-specific apps that don't yet have analogues in the App Store is important to you, you should choose a MacBook.


The MacBook has a large trackpad with support for Force Touch (pressure sensing) technology, which makes interacting with macOS easier. The device is equipped with a universal USB-C port, which allows you to connect peripheral equipment and is simultaneously used for recharging. If necessary, you can connect an external monitor to the laptop.

The iPad Pro provides the user with a built-in cellular module that allows you to use the mobile Internet, cool (especially by tablet standards) cameras and a powerful audio system consisting of four stereo speakers. When used in conjunction with the proprietary Smart Keyboard, the device turns into an analogue of a compact laptop. And if available Apple Pencil it will replace the graphics tablet.

The MacBook keyboard boasts high-quality backlighting and a clear click, and the tablet keyboard is protected from moisture and dust.


The 12.9-inch iPad Pro can be purchased for $800 equivalent (the price of the younger version without a cellular module with 64 GB of internal memory).

The price of a MacBook starts at $1,300 equivalent (version with dual-core Intel processor Core M3 and 256 GB of internal memory). Just like buying an iPhone, it’s not a cheap pleasure.

At first glance, buying an iPad Pro seems more profitable. But without branded accessories - Smart Keyboard and Apple Pencil - it will not be able to compete with the MacBook in terms of functionality. Therefore, you need to add their prices to the cost of the device - $100 and $170. As a result, the cost of devices is almost equal.


iPad Pro is suitable for users for whom mobility is a top priority and for whom the capabilities of the iOS platform are sufficient. If you do a lot of work on the go, use a stylus, and need to be able to access apps and content within seconds, then the iPad Pro is your choice. Of course, if the iOS apps cover your needs.

The MacBook is addressed to buyers who are not ready to put up with the limitations of iOS, but also do not want to sacrifice mobility. Desktop operating system in theory, it will allow you to solve any problem. In addition, this device embodies the latest developments in Apple computing, which provides a positive user experience.

Just recently, Apple introduced a new version of the MacBook Air. Perhaps the most important news about it is that the price has been reduced by $100. $899 does not allow us to classify a laptop with an 11.6-inch screen as budget. But with its aluminum body and powerful processor, the new MacBook Air is a tempting purchase.

On the other hand, the elder iPad Air(128 GB) costs $100 less than the Air MacBook with exactly the same capacity internal memory. If you buy it for a tablet good keyboard, dollars per hundred, then the price of both devices is almost equal.

Are these devices interchangeable? What to choose today - MacBook Air or iPad?

Both the laptop and the Apple tablet have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at them in more detail.

The younger MacBook Air is equipped with an 11.6-inch display with a resolution of 1368 x 768 pixels. The amount of RAM is 4 GB. User and application files share 128GB of space solid state drive. The battery life, according to the manufacturer, is 9 hours. What distinguishes a laptop from a tablet? comfortable keyboard and trackpad. But the display is not touch-sensitive.

iPad buyers get a compact device with a 9.7-inch display. Although the iPad's screen diagonal is smaller compared to the MacBook Air, the number of pixels here is noticeably higher (2048 x 1536). This provides a clearer image. But during work, you usually don’t notice this difference.

The amount of internal memory on the older iPad Air is the same as on the laptop in question – 128 GB. RAM is four times less (1 GB). Without recharging, the tablet can work up to 10 hours. The main input method for iPad is touch screen. The tablet can be equipped with a wireless keyboard and, if necessary, turned into small laptop. The lack of a trackpad and the headache of connecting a mouse affect the efficiency of many tasks (editing text or images).

Both devices have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules. You can connect headphones to them or use the built-in speakers and microphone. But for physical connection peripherals on iPad Air can only use Lightening. Things are different on the MacBook Air: 2 USB port 3, Thunderbolt and SDXC memory card slot.

Both devices are convenient to use for working outside the office. Light weight and size, good battery life contribute to this. In terms of weight, the iPad is half the weight of a laptop. But by equipping the tablet with a keyboard and a case, we will reduce this difference to a minimum.

In this comparison I have not yet touched upon the differences in software. The MacBook Air runs on a full-fledged “computer” operating system OS X, and the iPad has mobile iOS. The latter imposes noticeable restrictions on the use Apple tablet as a working tool. Of course, it all depends on what exactly you need to do on your digital device. But I was never able to create a normal work environment for myself on the iPad Air.

A lightweight tablet helps me solve many related tasks on the road: email, communication via Skype and Viber, news, notes, calendar. But lately I have almost completely transferred them to my smartphone. Therefore, when choosing which of the two Airs to upgrade: MacBook or iPad, I give preference to the laptop. He, along with the smartphone, calmly takes on all the tasks that were assigned to the tablet.

Apple presented to the market both a compact and very powerful iPad Pro, devoid of the previous charging problem that plagued the Apple Pencil. Therefore, the Cupertino team's sales prospects are extremely bright. This development Apple significantly increases the autonomy of its brainchild, the display of which, moreover, is different highest quality functioning, so in great demand among consumers. Equally ideal option can be for work Apple Macbook or Apple iPad Pro. But which one is better to choose? The answer to this question requires a scrupulous comparison of the characteristics of each device.

iPad Pro vs Macbook: which is the best choice?

To compare the potential of both devices, a global approach is important, which will allow you to see best qualities and don't miss out anymore weak sides both one and the other model. But each buyer must determine his priorities himself, taking into account his tasks and requests. Only then will you be able to understand which is better - the Apple iPad Pro or Macbook Air, which is more suitable for you and which characteristics will be more relevant for you.

The main advantages of Macbook Air

The new “air” MacBook has a list of undeniable advantages. For example, its strengths are:

  • Longer service life;
  • High quality optimal design;
  • Reliable dense protective packaging of the goods.

The list goes on with other options that make macOS attractive. In particular, Flycut and Alfred bring a harmonious combination of fluidity and speed to your workflow. Attempts to recreate such capabilities in Windows do not provide the same ideal quality, performance and autonomy that are offered in the original Apple. So if you're unsure whether to choose an iPad Pro or a Macbook Air, consider the latter's 12 hours of battery life on a single charge.

Benefits of the new iPad Pro

At the same time, iPad Pro with each new version It is improving more and more and gaining advantages in its favor. For many, it may be a more fun and effective choice. This is very promising universal machine, which serves as the main tool in creating jobs and ways of doing things. The most current advantages that attract attention to the iPad Pro in the first place are:

  • Using a display with an intensive refresh rate, smooth and fast picture changes, and True Tone color settings;
  • New Apple Pencil 2, which attaches magnetically to the side of the tablet and charges completely wirelessly;
  • LTE, which enhances data transmission speeds, runs on GSM/EDGE and UMTS/HSPA, which increase throughput.

In the question of which is better - iPad Pro or Macbook Air, it is worth paying attention to the use of LTE. Adding it to your computer is truly a feature-transforming upgrade. And if Wi-Fi suddenly disappears at the most crucial moment, you won’t even notice it, since the laptop will automatically switch to cellular communication. This allows you to work from anywhere without being tied to credentials wireless network and configuring the mobile hotspot, which ultimately leads to increased productivity.

After the modernization of the device by Apple, the laptop is increasingly becoming secondary. It turns on only when needed big screen and a comfortable keyboard. This is due to the constant functioning of , its connection to most popular communication-related applications, social networks and even work.

iPad Pro Vs Macbook Air: comparison of operating systems

Today is the arithmetic mean between the promising iOS and the archaic macOS. The iPad was initially perceived as a "huge iPhone." However, today this has become more of an advantage. After all, on the iPhone with its iOS extension, like common platform for iPad, more and more are being developed current applications. iOS is the operating system of the future, and not only for Apple, but macOS is the operating system of yesterday's Apple. On iOS, unlike the conservative macOS, there are more useful applications for:

  • Writer's and any other text work, which is greatly facilitated by iA Writer;
  • Photographers and others who work with images, thanks to real Photoshop;
  • Gamers for whom iOS offers more wide choose digital entertainment.

Comparison of Macbook Air and iPad Pro: the devil is in the details

If you're weighing the potential Macbook Air or iPad Pro, what to choose It's better to tell you the details. After all, the solution to such a dilemma often lies on the surface. So, the iPad Pro is more familiar, its reliability has been proven over the years. But the “air” MacBook is more aimed at growth and the future. Apple specialists were able to strategically implement this voltage in their products. Thus, the Mac line does not use LTE, Face ID or touch display options. For unknown reasons, ports are limited to mobile devices, because, for example, in latest version The iPad Pro is weakly held in the connector, and USB-C port does not support flash drive. A “professional” iPad with an 11” screen easily fits in a pocket or a special compartment in a bag. But an “airy” 13.3” MacBook will not fit into them, but it will lie more stable on your lap when working, providing greater convenience and, accordingly, typing speed.


A common feature of both types of devices is Apple prices. If the MacBook Air 2018 with a reserve of 512 gigabytes will cost at least 1.6 thousand dollars, then the iPad Pro, 11”, with LTE, keyboard folio and the same level of storage will cost 1.5 thousand dollars. Although the comparison here is in favor of the latter, you better think carefully when analyzing the Apple Macbook or iPad Pro what to choose for work. And if you still have doubts, you can always resolve them by contacting professional help consultants of the top online store Kokos.