ICT and the displacement of play activity. The use of ICT in gaming activities

Questionnaire for ICT educators.
When working with the table, you need to put a + sign in the "Answer" column opposite the correct answer. There may be several correct answers. For each correct answer, 1 point is awarded. Maximum points - 20
No. p/pQuestion Answer options Correct answer
1 Decipher the abbreviation ICT a) information and communication technologies b) information and computer
technologies c) information collective
technologies 2 Decipher the abbreviation ESM a) electronic
results b) electronic
educational resources 3 Decipher the abbreviation DER a) centralized educational resources b) targeted educational outcomes c) digital
educational resources 4 Is the website address for preschool teachers correct?
http://dohcolonoc.ru/a) yes b) no 5 Is the statement true:
“ICT (information and communication technology) is a wide range of digital technologies used to create, transmit and disseminate information, as well as to provide services ( cellular, e-mail, Internet, computer equipment, etc.)? a) yes b) no 6 Is the statement true: “EER (electronic educational resources) are specially formed blocks of various information resources intended for use in the educational process, presented in electronic (digital) form and functioning on the basis of ICT tools”? a) yes b) no 7 Is the statement true: “Information and communication technologies significantly expand the opportunities for parents, teachers and specialists in the field of preschool education”? а) yes b) no 8 Is the statement true: “Pedagogical educational institutions teachers must have ICT competencies necessary and sufficient for the implementation of the GEF of preschool education”? a) yes b) no 9 What knowledge and skills should a preschool teacher have in accordance with the requirements for the position of an educator, provided for in the Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section "Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Educational Workers"? a) the basics of working with text editors b) the basics of working with spreadsheets c) the basics of working with email and browsers d) the basics of working with multimedia equipment 10 In what ways can ICT be used? a) when organizing the educational process with children b) when interacting with parents c) in the process of methodical work in nature)? a) yes b) no 12 Is the statement true: “ICT cannot be combined with children's play activities”? a) yes b) no 13 Is the statement true: “Textual EERs contain predominantly textual information”? a) yes b) no 14 Is the statement true: “Sound EORs contain a digital representation of sound information in a form that allows listening to it”?
a) yes b) no 15 Is the statement true: “Network EERs are available to a potentially unlimited range of users through telecommunication networks”? a) yes b) no 16 Is the following statement true: “Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of bright reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner”? a) yes b) no 17 What is the name of the tour that can be done with the help of ICT? a) informational b) virtual c) electronic 18 What is the name of a device designed to display text and graphic information on the screen? a) keyboard) mouse c) monitor 19 What is the name of the device for fixing on paper information found on the Internet or created by a teacher or a child? a) keyboard) printer c) monitor 20 What should be paid special attention to prevent diseases when working with a computer? a) for the prevention of visual impairment b) for the prevention of postural disorders c) for the prevention of diseases of the hands

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, artistic and aesthetic development involves the development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual, natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around us; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; the perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulation of empathy for the characters of works of art; the implementation of independent creative activity of children (graphic, constructive-model, musical, etc.).
At senior preschool age, it is very important to evoke and maintain positive emotions in a child, a joyful mood for emotional perception and a positive psychological mood. The mood, behavior and performance of the little man mainly depend on how much you like it, how much it is interesting, whether this activity gives pleasure or not. Therefore, it is necessary to include music in the child's play activity. Music enriches the emotional experience of a preschool child, serves as a means of effective development of all the child's personal qualities. Planning and organization of the musical and educational process using information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT) should take into account the availability of the necessary equipment for classes, entertainment: the presence of a computer or laptop, software required DVDs or CDs, music center, music speakers, interactive whiteboard, optical device (projector), the presence of a projection screen. The presence of an interactive whiteboard allows the teacher and pupils to combine computer and traditional methods organization of the musical educational process. However, at the present stage in the educational process, preschool educational institutions do not use enough ICT as an information resource in the organization of musical and gaming activities for children of senior preschool age. The foregoing determines the relevance of the topic of the work.
The object of the study is the process of using ICT in the musical play activities of older preschool children in the process of music lessons.
The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for the use of ICT in the musical and play activities of older preschool children in the process of music lessons.
The purpose of the study is to study the possibilities of using ICT in the musical and play activities of older preschool children in music classes.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set in the work:
1. To reveal the theoretical aspects of the organization of musical and gaming activities of children of senior preschool age in music classes.
2. To analyze the possibilities of using ICT in the organization of musical and gaming activities of older preschool children in music classes in the process of experimental work.
3. Determine the pedagogical conditions for the use of ICT in the musical play activities of older preschool children in the process of music lessons based on the results of experimental and pedagogical work.
Hypothesis: it has been suggested that the game is the most natural and natural form of life of preschool children. Therefore, the use of ICT in musical and gaming activities in preschool educational institutions seems appropriate and will contribute to the disclosure of their creative potential, the development of musical abilities, as well as the creation of an emotionally positive atmosphere in the group.
The following methods were used in the work: theoretical methods: analysis and generalization of the content of pedagogical, psychological literature, methodological sources; hypothesis building, modeling, quantitative and qualitative analysis of factual material; empirical methods: observation, experiments; methods mathematical statistics for processing and interpreting the received data.
The methodological basis of the study was the scientific works of N.A. Vetlugina, L.S. Vygotsky, T.S. Komarova, E.V. Sereda, N.V. Uvarina, D.B. Elkonina and others. The game as the leading activity of a child of preschool age was comprehensively considered by such scientists as L.S. Vygotsky, E.V. Sereda, N.V. Uvarina, D.B. Elkonin and others. A.A. Lyublinskaya, V.S. Mukhina revealed the peculiarity of play activity in each of the periods of preschool childhood. T.D. Antonova, Yu.V. Terentyeva, D.B. Elkonin revealed the methodological aspects of enrichment with music plot children's games. K.K. Sokolova, R.O. Yurchik, N.G. Yakovleva and others substantiated the need to use ICT in the organization of musical and gaming activities of preschoolers in music classes. N.G. Yakovleva compiled a card index of plot children's games using musical accompaniment for children of senior preschool age through the use of ICT.
Research base:
Research structure. The purpose and objectives determined the structure of the thesis. It consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and appendices. The total volume is 70 pages.[...]


1.1. The essence of the concept of "musical gaming activity" in preschool educational institutions

Gaming activity is currently recognized the most important factor the formation of the aesthetic culture of the child (T.S. Komarova, D.B. Elkonin and others). Modern researchers proceed from the position that the game is a form and way of figurative reflection of reality, acceptance and preservation of the artistic experience of the people. So, the researcher of children's play D.B. Elkonin believed that the game teaches to navigate the phenomena of culture, spirituality in general and use them appropriately. At the same time, it should be noted that the creation of a general philosophical and aesthetic theory of the game has not yet been completed.
The idea of ​​using the game in education belongs to the long-standing and firmly established theoretical achievements of pedagogical science. The phenomenon of the game is a multidimensional phenomenon. Its various aspects are studied by philosophy, cultural studies, psychology, pedagogy, aesthetics, art history and other sciences. Hence the variety of accents in the definitions of the concept of the game: the original school of behavior (S.N. Kaidash), the instinctive self-education of developing inclinations (I.V. Koshmina), the way of orienting in cultural phenomena with the help of cult symbols (D. Elkonin), the mechanism of self-organization and self-learning (T.S. Komarova), the ability to produce a variety of ideas and ideas (A.M. Novikov), a set of ways a child interacts with the world, discovering and knowing it and finding one’s place in it (B.M. Runin). But with all the variety of approaches to the phenomenon of the game, with all the differences in theories of its origin, the recognition of the socializing, teaching, developing functions of the game, its huge pedagogical potential remains common for them.
Researchers of children's play (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin and others) note that in the game such abilities of the human personality are formed that affect the aesthetic nature of the attitude to the environment and, in general, the aesthetic worldview. It is in the game that the child animates inanimate objects, the ability to transform into another person, to see the richness of relationships in objects and objects, as well as faith in fiction, illusion without losing a sense of reality. Consequently, play behavior is very closely intertwined with art.
As you know, among all types of musical activity of children, musical perception is the leading one. The consideration of the game as a system-forming factor of the pedagogical process in musical education is based on the playful nature of musical perception. The theoretical analysis of the process of musical perception puts the problem of its development in the context of the listener's playing activity. Comparing musical perception and playing activity, we find a number of general principles: firstly, the predominance of the emotional principle in the game and in the perception of music. The complexity and originality of emotions in the game are compared in many studies with artistic emotions (L.S. Vygotsky, V.N. Druzhinin, etc.). The game is not limited to pure action - the subjective emotional state of its participants brings meaningfulness to the game, becomes a source of pleasure, enjoyment caused by the game.[...]

Galina Vinogradova
Consultation for educators "Possibilities of using ICT in play activities"

Opportunities for using ICT in gaming activities

Prepared by Vinogradova G. Yu, senior educator MBDOU"Kindergarten of combined type No. 20", Sergiev Posad

In the conditions of modern development of society and production impossible imagine a world without information resources, no less significant than material, energy and labor. Contemporary informational space requires computer skills not only in elementary school, but also in preschool childhood. Today, information technology is expanding parenting opportunities, educators and specialists in the field of early learning. Possibilities of use modern computer allow the most complete and successful implementation of the development of the child's abilities.

Unlike conventional technical teaching aids, information and communication technologies allow not only to saturate the child large quantity ready, strictly selected, properly organized knowledge, but also to develop intellectual, creative abilities, and, which is very important in early childhood, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge.

Computer ability reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphic image, sound, speech, video, memorize and process data with great speed allows specialists to create new means for children activities, which are fundamentally different from all existing games and toys.

The computer can enter a child's life through play. The game is one of the forms of practical thinking. In the game, the child operates with his knowledge, experience, impression, displayed in a public form. game ways actions, game signs, acquiring meaning in the semantic field of games. It is this ability that is the main psychological basis for introducing a preschooler into the game - a computer, as game tool. During play activities of a preschooler, With using computer facilities him develops: theoretical thinking, developed imagination, the ability to predict the result of an action, design qualities of thinking, etc., which lead to a sharp increase in the creative abilities of children. Compared with traditional forms of education and development of preschoolers, the computer has a number of benefits:

Presentation of information on a computer screen game form is of great interest to children;

Carries a figurative type of information understandable to preschoolers;

Movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of the child for a long time;

Problematic tasks, encouragement of the child with their correct solution by the computer itself are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children;

Provides opportunity individualization of education;

The child himself regulates the pace and number of game learning tasks;

In the course of its activities at the computer, a preschooler gains self-confidence, that he can do a lot;

Allows you to simulate such life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life (rocket flight, high water, unexpected and unusual effects);

The computer is very "patient", never scolds the child for mistakes, but waits for him to correct them himself.

Computer games help consolidate children's knowledge; they can use for individual lessons with children who are ahead of their peers in intellectual development or lagging behind them; for the development of mental abilities necessary for intellectual activities: perception, attention, memory, thinking, development of fine motor skills.

The ability of children to replace a real object in the game playful with the transfer of real meaning to it, real action - playful, replacing it with an action, underlies the ability to meaningfully operate with symbols on a computer screen. From this follows the conclusion that computer games should be inextricably linked with regular games

The child enters the plot of the games, learns their rules, subordinating his actions to them, and strives to achieve results. In addition, almost all games have their own heroes who need help to complete the task. Thus, the computer helps to develop not only intellectual ability child, but nurtures volitional qualities, such as independence, composure, concentration, perseverance, and also introduces the child to empathy, helping the heroes of the games, thereby enriching his attitude to the world around him.

However, it is dangerous for a child to fixate on a computer game. Collective participation in the game helps to avoid this dependence. It helps to organize using an interactive whiteboard, which helps the child to see himself as if from the outside, to observe the actions of partners in the game. Children get used to assessing the situation without completely immersing themselves in the virtual world one on one with the computer.

Working with an interactive whiteboard allows you to use in educational activities didactic games and exercises, communicative games, problem situations, creative tasks. Usage ID in joint and independent activities child is one of the effective ways to motivate and individualize learning, develop creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background.

The use of an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten allows children to develop the ability to navigate the information flows of the world around them, master practical skills in working with information, develop versatile skills, which contribute to the conscious assimilation of knowledge by preschoolers and increase the child's level of readiness for school.

Any teacher and parent is concerned about a completely logical question about possible negative impact computer technology on the child's body.

Hygienic requirements for the organization of classes with using computers, equipment of classrooms, safety of operated computers are set out in the sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions"; sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 "Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work."

As a result of studies conducted at different times, it was revealed that the maximum allowable duration gaming lessons on the computer for children of six years should not exceed 10-15 minutes.

To maintain a stable level of performance and maintain health, the conditions in which classes are held at the computer are of great importance. They can only be carried out in the presence tutor or teacher who is responsible for the safety of the child.

When a child interacts with a personal computer, the chair must necessarily have a back. The child should sit at the computer so that the line of sight (eye to screen) was perpendicular to the screen and fell on its central part. The optimal eye distance to the screen is 55-65 cm. It is unacceptable for two or more children to work on one monitor at the same time, since this sharply worsens the conditions for viewing the image on the screen.

Unlike a personal computer, an interactive whiteboard is a group work tool. A teacher working with children of any age is faced with the fact that the image on the interactive whiteboard perceived differently than on a monitor, and the arrangement of interactive elements that is convenient for working with a mouse can be inconvenient when using an interactive whiteboard. Complete usage interactive whiteboard assumes that actions on its surface (moving objects, drawing, etc.) performed not only by the teacher, but also by children.

Interactive pages, with which only the teacher works, are free from many of the limitations typical for preschool institutions. It is much easier for children sitting at some distance from the board to cover its surface with their eyes, observing the actions. educator or by doing the task orally.

An interactive whiteboard is a large enough screen that a small child standing next to it cannot look at it in its entirety in order to find the images needed to complete the task. The images themselves should not be too large, otherwise they will be bad. perceived from a close distance.

Despite the fact that preschools try to place the board as low as possible, height does not allow children use its entire surface. With this in mind, pictures for moving or connecting with lines, fields for writing in and places for pictures should be located at the bottom of the board (lower half or third, depending on the age of the children). Images with which the child works independently should be placed closer to each other. Otherwise, children, especially younger ones, will not be able to draw a line long enough to be connected or dragged to the right place without “dropping”.

After working with a computer or ID, to relieve static and neuro-emotional stress, you can use ordinary physical exercises, mainly for the upper body (jerks with hands, turns, "chopping wood" etc., outdoor games. To relieve eye strain, visual gymnastics is recommended. Even with its short duration (1 min, but carried out regularly, it is an effective measure for the prevention of fatigue. The effectiveness of visual gymnastics is explained by the fact that when performing special exercises, periodic switching of vision from near to far is ensured, tension is removed from the muscles of the eyes, and regenerative processes of accommodation are activated. apparatus of the eye, as a result of which the function of vision is normalized.Visual gymnastics is carried out after 5 minutes of work for five-year-olds and after 7-8 minutes for six-year-old children The duration of visual gymnastics both during and after the lesson is 1 minute.

Informatization of general education in our country already has its own history and traditions. The computer is actively entering our lives, becoming a necessary and important attribute not only life activity of adults but also a means of teaching and developing children. Usage modern computers in work with preschool children is just beginning. Currently, this is due to the need for significant changes in the system of preschool education. The success of these changes is associated with the renewal of the scientific, methodological and material base of the preschool institution. One of important conditions updates is usage new information technologies.

achievements. The development of networks is leading to new forms of pedagogy focused on joint work, using all the interoperability of these networks (such as Web 2.0). We must figure out how social networks can improve teaching and learning, as well as use the most advanced technologies to create "improved and augmented pedagogy". The main improvement made possible by ICT is the possibility of personalization and individualization of learning. We must create a personalized pedagogy based on the individual learning parameters of each student - a pedagogy management system!

The future is digital citizenship

In a digital society, the issue of digital citizenship is acute. Education should prepare the citizens of such a society. There is a big risk of a digital divide – not in terms of technology or availability of digital devices, but mainly in terms of gaining access to knowledge and gaining digital competencies.

The issues raised by the digital society are mainly issues of pedagogy and politics. They are connected with the goals of a digital society based on knowledge, with human communications - the most important side of relationships in a digital society.

Of course, the future will be completely different when teachers become natives of the digital society. However, the pace of real change is so fast that we cannot predict what new concepts and patterns will emerge in our society, so the gap between new and previous generations will remain. Changing generations is the main characteristic of the digital society.

It is required to constantly look for answers to the questions: what is our vision of the pedagogy of the digital society, what strategies do we need to implement the basic educational values?

Natives of the Digital Society – New Citizens of Digital Societies . Define and analyze major changes, and not only technological, occurring in the digital society. Analyze the competencies of the new generation: the competencies they already have and which they need to acquire. Analyze and take into account what knowledge is available in the digital society, what knowledge is in demand for the natives of the digital society, and how this knowledge is developing.

Digital societies lead to information societies and knowledge societies. The humanitarian aspects of the knowledge society should be remembered and taken into account, and the humanitarian aspects of digital societies should be developed. In order to create teaching and learning strategies for the natives of the digital society, we must define not only digital characteristics, but also their social, economic and humanitarian content.

Natives of the digital society are engaged in networking, collaboration and collective intelligence . Teaching and learning strategies should take into account these principles. Networks must be introduced into schools, and schools must operate on the principle of networks.

The natives of the digital society are learning in a new way. Launch research projects on how natives of the digital society acquire knowledge. What will they study? Why? How? Where? Alone or in a group? How can we set "individual learning parameters" for a native of the digital society?

The natives of the digital society need to be taught in a different way. Create and test new pedagogic models for digital natives, bridging the growing gap between technology and pedagogy. Involve the students themselves in the process of developing appropriate methods and pedagogical strategies.

Define political aspects for the natives of the digital society. What political development is the knowledge society undergoing? How is this reflected in the education of the natives of the digital society? What values ​​should be developed in such a society?

5.2. ICT in preschool education

Pre-school education and upbringing is a right recognized by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, according to which all children of pre-school age have the right to care, development, education, protection and security. As the first of the six Education for All (EFA) goals, the development

and Improving early childhood care and education plays a key role in realizing other EFA goals (for example, general primary education), as well as in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

V In 2010, UNESCO IITE launched a project on the use of ICT in preschool education, the results of which are reflected in the review “ICT in preschool education: existing experience and recommendations” (2011), as well as in the policy brief “ICT in the care and education of preschool children » (2012).

V different countries concepts early childhood education and preschool education may refer to different age groups of children, covering ages from 3 to 6-7 years, i.e. preschoolers.

V The project involved pilot institutions of preschool education (PE) from Brazil, Hungary, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Chile. Based on the results of the project, “The Opportunities of Information and Communication Technologies in Preschool Education” were identified (publication in English, Russian and Slovak). The IITE study used three sources of information: data from 17 DL centers around the world; reviews of specialized literature on how ICT can influence learning processes in distance learning institutions and how they can be integrated into a wide range of distance learning methods; professional experience involved experts and data from research projects relevant to DL in the ICT context. Despite considerable differences, all 17 educational centers that participated in the scoping study share an important common feature: they are all pioneering ECE institutions in their countries or regions, leading the way in integrating ICT into preschool education. Such a targeted selection of distance learning centers was based on the recommendations of educational authorities

and research centers of the respective countries. The selected sample of institutions presents a compelling picture of real innovation trends in the use of ICTs in early childhood education.

The analysis of the real situation in these centers covered questions about the equipment available to them, the teaching staff and competence of teachers in the field of ICT, the priorities of institutions, their activities and methods of work, strategies and pedagogical attitudes, conclusions regarding the path traveled and plans for further development.

Summing up the results obtained during the implementation of the project, a general strategy for integrating ICT into preschool education has been formed, which consists of eight successive stages (steps). These recommendations may also be useful to heads of VET institutions, as well as consultants to local education authorities.

Eight steps strategy for integrating new ICTs into early childhood education

1. Build on existing opportunities.

2. Define your role.

3. Formulate goals and objectives.

4. Create an ICT environment.

5. Promote the professional development of staff.

6. Integrate, observe, reflect.

7. Build partnerships and networks.

8. Plan for further development.

Below is a description of the integration steps and recommendations for optimizing each step.

ICT in preschool and primary education

Build on existing opportunities

We are currently witnessing an unprecedented attention to the quality of preschool education as part of the education system. More and more children are exposed to the computer before they enter school and even before they enter ECE and experience both the positive and negative impacts of ICTs. Preschool education cannot ignore this phenomenon. Efficient procedures and strategies must be sought in early childhood education in order to use ICT more effectively, efficiently and practically to achieve the goals that we always set in education when there are good reasons for using ICT.

When you decide to start integrating ICT into play and learning for children in your ECE institution, you will be faced with a number of questions. In search of answers to them, try to expand and deepen your understanding of the context and develop the available opportunities:

Familiarize yourself with the government-created framework for ICT mastering and policy documents related to ICT at all stages of education, especially in pre-school. Many countries have recently developed (or are currently developing) a strategy for the use of ICT in early childhood education or other concept papers.

Develop your own ICT skills. You will need this during their integration process for several reasons. For example, you will have to develop a training plan for the staff of your DO and monitor its implementation. Also, keep in mind that developing ICT skills is a lifelong process.

Study quality sources – the academic literature on the use of ICTs in early childhood education and sources that offer practical considerations on how to proceed. This is not easy, since there are few such sources. Try to find new sources in your own language. Use them to discover the opportunities that ICTs offer for early childhood education.

Look for examples of correct and effective methods of work at home and abroad.

Look for new contacts. There may be other DOs in your area that are starting and reflecting on the same process.

All these complex transformations will give you and your colleagues a lot of additional work, many questions and problems will arise, your work will be criticized, but at the same time, new ways of teaching children will open up before you, new knowledge about technologies that you will receive with the help of ICT. If you believe in child development-centered early learning, if you are willing to understand the new possibilities that ICTs provide, and are determined to discover appropriate ways to use them in play and learning, you can confidently say that the transition process in your organization is already has begun.

Define your role

You may be working in an DO organization where steps have already been taken to integrate ICT into its operations. If you decide to make this process more efficient and energetic, it is useful to pay closer attention to the analysis of your situation, to think about what place you personally occupy in this process.

In the process of ICT integration, the following aspects can be identified and studied:

Motivation and initialization. Who initiates the process and why? It is possible to distinguish external (parents, local authorities or representatives of institutions more high level education, researchers, etc.) and internal initiators (the impetus usually comes from the head of the DL institution or from its leading teachers). We have presented examples of both types of motivation and their combination.

niya. It cannot be said that one type of motivation is better than another. However, it can be argued that without intrinsic motivation, the chances of success are very small.

Goals set by people initiating the integration process. Are there any official documents related to the content of education that you are going to follow? Are your goals clearly stated? Are your goals formulated in more detail than in the official documents that define the content and educational planning? What would be impossible without new technologies (and a new pedagogical approach)?

What types of ICT do you use? Do you only use one or two technologies (eg computer and digital camera, computer and educational software, robot turtles)? Do you realize that ICTs are a wide range of resources, that they give us many different opportunities to gain new experiences that are necessary for the integrated development of children?

How do you use ICT tools to support learning and play?Do you use ICTs as an additional and optional entertainment for children or integrate them into the process you have planned as a tool to achieve your own goals?

What kind of teachers do you have? How well do they know ICT? And you yourself? How many of your educators (and to what extent) are willing to learn and motivated to learn, willing to discuss, discover and innovate? Are you able to create a learning community atmosphere in your DL institution?

Who supports you? Who provides you with financial support? Do your parents and education authorities support you? State policy in the field of ICT?

For what purposes (other than administrative) does your DL institution use ICT?

Do you use ICT for and with preschoolers, to support preschool learning, or to support older children? To plan development and activities, to analyze, to create electronic portfolios, to communicate with their parents?

How do you analyze, evaluate and plan to continue this process?How much attention do you pay to reflection on your situation, the development of your students with the use of ICT, on the social, intellectual, creative and emotional development of children? What tools (internal and external) do you use?

The above questions will allow you to think about the various aspects of the use of ICT in DL. These questions can be used as a kind of methodology to improve understanding of the current situation in the ICT integration process.

Formulate goals and objectives

The process of integrating ICT into education should have a clear focus, and professionals should have a relatively clear understanding of the reasons that encourage the staff of the institution to get involved in this process. This transition is a gigantic investment of forces and resources, a huge burden of personal participation (both the leader and his subordinates). Obviously, goals, strategies and vision play an important role in such a situation. One should not expect, however, that one will be able to find the only and best strategy. There are numerous plans and effective methods of action. It is necessary to choose the strategy that corresponds to the traditions and capabilities of a particular DL institution. Try to study and analyze the successes achieved with the strategies you like and the failures:

Keep your goals and strategies simple and keep them simple as you will have to explain them to other people with a different level of ICT knowledge and win their attention and support.

Keep your goals and strategies flexible. The more you know and understand ICTs, the more you will understand the possibilities that the use of technologies for educational purposes opens up, and the better you will be able to formulate goals and means to achieve them.

When setting goals, think about what aspects of learning, play and development you consider especially important for ECE and how to support children's development in these areas with the help of ICT.

It is also important to find out what and why is not included in your goals. Training in the use of com-

ICT in preschool and primary education

computer and other ICT tools would be the wrong task. Of course, children will acquire and develop such skills and knowledge, but in the course of achieving different goals. For preschool children, it is enough to master ICT through use in other activities. The study of ICT itself is included in school education.

Undoubtedly, giving children access to ICTs as a reward for successful completion of other tasks or good behavior cannot be the goal of your strategy. On the contrary, one should look for strategies that, firstly, it will allow the use of ICT in various types of daily activities and solve problems in a more effective, adequate and motivated way, and secondly, it will clarify new, previously impossible goals, which will create new opportunities to support children who need self-expression, communication and cooperation in problem solving.

Create an ICT environment

Familiarize yourself with the rules that govern all aspects of the use of ICT in the DL institution and follow them.

Regardless of whether such rules exist or not, and no matter how complex or brief, remember that the safety of children, from all the points of view discussed in the previous chapters, is the highest priority.

Depending on your initial goals, select and procure appropriate ICT tools. Do not use old equipment that they want to give you (or be careful with it). Be aware of the potential health hazards of ICTs, especially older monitors with cathode ray tubes.

Create a selection ICT space. If you are not restricted by any rules, choose a classroom (or all classrooms) as the location for this space and install ICT devices or create a computer corner there. Remember to prioritize: (a) safety; (b) functionality and practicality (these principles will make it easier for you to integrate equipment into various activities); (c) manageability (be humble, you don't need much to start with); (d) location (it is necessary to freely observe all students and what is happening in the computer corner); (e) flexibility (your needs will evolve and the space should allow for further changes).

If possible, connect the ICT corner to the Internet.

If possible, install new age-appropriate furniture in the computer lab or ICT corner. All wires, connectors and sockets must be completely hidden from children and inaccessible to them. Alternatively, you can choose a simple and temporary solution, and then, after several weeks or months of observing the functionality of the space, finally arrange the furniture. be content good decision, do not look for absolutely optimal.

Pay special attention to proper lighting, which should be easily adjustable.

In addition to all the technical requirements for ICTs and their use, the corner must meet all the requirements for preschool spaces.

If you are installing interactive whiteboards, pay special attention to the height of their placement, which should allow children to work with the boards on their own. Think carefully about the placement of the projector and the direction of its beam.

Establish rules of use for colleagues, but especially for children (the same as you may have introduced for other areas, other equipment or certain situations). Make these rules clear, visible and understandable not only to children, but also to their parents.

Promote staff professional development

Don't wait for what you are and yours fellow educators learn ICT in a few days at refresher courses. Keep in mind: ICT proficiency is a lifelong process of personal development.

elevation. If necessary, think of effective ways to increase their motivation.

Develop a personal strategy for planning, monitoring and evaluating the long-term development of your employees.

Strive to create and maintain an educational community environment in your institution where people value knowledge, learn from each other daily, and support each other.

If your organization is involved in some larger project, this can help a lot: under such projects, professional development programs for all educators are common.

As outlined in a report by the New Zealand Council for Educational Research (2004), successful approaches to effective teacher development in ICT have the following features to consider when choosing ICT training programs for your educators. As a rule, such training courses:

involve teachers in setting goals, planning advanced training and professional retraining;

take place in the working classes;

provide for cooperation in small groups;

rely on the knowledge and experience of teachers;

are based on a specific project within which teachers plan to carry out their activities;

linked to pedagogical theory;

provide time and opportunity for experimentation and reflection on new experiences;

provide training in the use of ICT based on a real need.

V In the structure of advanced training programs in the field of ICT for preschool education, various areas and levels of planned results can be distinguished:

mastery programsbasic skills working on a computer using basic tools for communication, writing messages, browsing the Internet, etc.;

programs aimed at masteringadvanced skills use of ICT, including various tools of self-expression and communication;

programs advanced level, as a rule, combining modules for the development of various ICTs of choice with the study of new pedagogical approaches;

programs exchange of innovative experience designed for leaders working in preschool education, and providing internships in the most advanced institutions of preschool education.

For educators, consulting with each other, discussing and exchanging teaching techniques, observing the work of colleagues with children, encouraging collegiality and support, promoting quality teaching is a professional development strategy.

V In this regard, the acquisition of basic and advanced skills provides for such forms of training as:

one-time modules conducted outside the DO institution, within a few hours, one day or several working days;

regular courses during certain period once a week or once a month;

regular in-house courses organized at your DO institution; selfeducation;

mutual training of colleagues within the framework of the establishment of distance education.

Advanced skills (optional) and the exchange of innovative experience are best formed within the framework of training events:

seminars and open classes organized by one DL institution to demonstrate certain activities, tools, techniques, etc. colleagues from other kindergartens;

videoconferences, remote seminars, discussions on specific modules reflecting the specifics of the use of ICT in a DL institution;

active involvement of teachers in various educational networks.

Integrate, Observe, Reflect

Start with the simplest methodological techniques and minimum equipment ICT corner (with

ICT in preschool and primary education

use digital camera, graphics tablets for drawing pictures or using programmable toys).

After gaining some experience and testing the functionality of your ICT corner, focus on the first attempts to integrate ICT into different types activities in your curriculum. The level of integration will gradually increase, and you will use ICT to support the main goals of a particular activity more and more effectively:

Use a variety of scenarios and ways to organize the work of a group of children.

Try to describe the experience gained in using new ICTs and analyze the transition to new ways and pedagogies in order to achieve your goals more successfully.

Develop your teaching skills, as well as ways to document your work in a group - for children and their parents, but also for a deeper analysis and evaluation of the results. As with other activities, do it in collaboration with colleagues.

Integrate more and more ICT tools and tools, expand the arsenal of opportunities, scenarios and forms of work.

Use ICT when working with children both indoors and outdoors.

Develop the skills to integrate ICT into the activities of the whole group (broken into teams).

Learn to observe how children develop their ability to use ICTs. Watch how they manage to use ICT in their development in all its manifestations.

Reflect on achievements and improvement, observe the development of the group as a whole, teams and individual children. Improve your reflection practice.

Continually collect the best examples of your work, for example in the form of an e-portfolio. These documents will be required by colleagues, parents and yourself for in-depth analysis and planning for further development.

In order to better understand the role, appropriate formats and benefits of integrating ICT into the learning process in distance learning, ongoing research is needed. Along with scientists dealing with theoretical problems of education, DL practitioners can make a significant contribution in the form of daily observations and reflections on the experience of children, as well as in the form of formalized results of their own research.

Build partnerships and networks

As you organize the innovation process, don't be alone. Build communities of practice, a network of people united by the same goals, sentiments and problems (or join such communities). Form various partnerships and networks. Within your DL institution, on the basis of building, expanding and sharing knowledge, initiate and support the cooperation of educators in your organization. They must believe in the transformation, identify with it and support it. This usually means that teachers will have to work harder, and while transformation creates challenges, it also generates motivation for self-development.

Try to form (individually or in a group) clear visions for the future and development plans that generate new approaches to learning with the help of ICTs. Build cooperation with the parents of your students on the basis of a joint effort, since any change is impossible until you have the approval and support of the parents. It is necessary to explain to them the meaning of your ideas and goals. Find out what children do with ICT at home and try to use this information in preschool. Later, you will be able to influence parental choices regarding “ICT home policy”. Learn from your parents and teach them at the same time. Think about different forms of cooperation with parents.

Maintain communication and cooperation with other education specialists (based on the exchange of experience, accumulation and dissemination of knowledge), other DO organizations. Learn from them and teach them at the same time. If possible, share your experience, all the teaching (learning) resources created by your teachers. Strengthen cooperation with local education authorities. Strive to establish cooperative relationships with research institutions-

which are actively engaged in the use of ICT in preschool education. Such cooperation will give you interesting connections and scientific and methodological assistance, the opportunity to take part in projects, find ICT on the advice of a specialist.

Collaborate with primary schools where children from your preschool will go. Such teamwork will be mutually beneficial.

Plan for further development

As the leader of such an important transformation, you must look into the future, beyond today's problems, and project a common direction of development.

Watch closely how the integration of ICT is changing the climate in groups, how relationships and communication between you and your teachers develop, how they collaborate with each other in the new environment. Constantly observe the process as a whole, reflect on all its aspects, evaluate them and plan the next steps.

Study current trends in early childhood education, especially in the use of ICT. (a) Read specialized literature on the topic. (b) Be active participants in communication with other institutions of distance learning and innovative educators. In many countries, it is now believed that best practices in the application of ICTs are not concentrated in universities or ETC teacher training centers, but in innovative ECE institutions. Thus, the most convenient way to disseminate this experience is to organize open events and attend them at other DO institutions. (c) Describe your experience. If you want to get acquainted with the results of the work of other DL teachers, write about your own ideas and successes, share them, spread them.

During the application of ICTs, many DL institutions are not even aware of the existence of a number of new ICTs. Think about what types of ICT tools are used in your institution and which are not.

Ask yourself questions:

What will your children benefit from expanding the spectrum of ICTs?

What new forms of ICT integration could we adopt, what new forms of team management (scenarios) could we apply?

What are the biggest hurdles we need to overcome?

How can these obstacles be avoided or reduced?

Are our partnerships and networks developing well?

Is our work visible to everyone who is interested in it?

Is there sufficient space dedicated to ICT in your facility, eg ICT corners?

Can these rooms be functionally improved?

Can you make them safer, more interesting, more relevant to your educational goals?

Can ICT be used in a way that supports innovation that How should it be reflected in the DL curriculum?

Models for integrating ICT into preschool education

The potential of ICT for young children can only be productively exploited if new technologies are integrated into early childhood education along with other daily activities, but do not replace them.

Educators and decision makers are interested in understanding the positive role of ICT in the care and education of preschool children. Unfortunately, only a small amount of systematic research. The key areas of early childhood education that ICT can help are:

communication and collaboration;

cognitive development of children;

ICT in preschool and primary education

development of creative abilities of children;

use in development role-playing games;

the formation of attitudes and the development of learning skills.

In order for ICTs to make a positive contribution to early childhood education, they must be used in accordance with their most effective methods learning. This application should support their creativity and self-confidence (Hayes and Whitbread, 2006).

Although there is still a lack of experience and significant discoveries in this area, we can already conclude that using the potential of ICT in the integrated development of children requires the full integration of new technologies into everyday life. game process and learning activities. Don't just add them to your existing equipment as new toys and aids.

In the leading innovation centers of distance education, computers and other ICTs are part of the educational process along with many other activities. New digital technologies should not be seen as a substitute for traditional practices. In any case, the use of ICTs should not come at the expense of any outdoor or indoor activities. Physical exercises and outdoor games (running, climbing, jumping), use

toys on wheels, building toys help develop gross motor skills (Siraj-Blatchford and Whitbread, 2006).

Designing the introduction of ICT in preschool education can be considered from several models.

"Macro Perspective". This model is focused on the ICT policy for distance learning in various types of educational standards. Of course, public policy often develops only after some isolated and exceptionally innovative DL centers demonstrate some experience and thus draw attention to new opportunities that are used for wide dissemination.

Model "Development Center". This model works at the regional or district level. For example, an innovative initiative of several distance learning institutions in the same community or in a specific area managed by the relevant education administration or educational institution. The advantage is that all institutions involved are closely related (in a geographical or partnership sense) and usually have similar conditions and interact to jointly learn and stimulate each other.

"Micro perspective". In preschool education, this is the most important level of all, where the whole process of integration takes place. This level accumulates

most of the practical know-how in the use of ICTs, and five key aspects of development can be identified.

The Micro Perspective model includes the mandatory components described below. Members. While children, teachers, heads of institutions of preschool education and elementary school, education-

Parents are obvious participants in this process, it is essential to organize close cooperation with parents, as well as to involve them in the process of transformation. Later we will consider another vital important aspect concerning teachers, namely their concomitant professional development.

incentives. This aspect was discussed in detail in the previous section: we understand the importance of early childhood education and recognize the enormous potential of ICTs in achieving the goals that meet the expectations and requirements of the 21st century.

Variety of ICTs. It would be a mistake to interpret the concept of ICT in education as computerization or computer training. On the contrary, we should highlight the fact that ICTs include the widest range of digital tools, working conditions and procedures that could be used to comprehensively support all areas related to child development. When planning ICT equipment, such an overarching goal should be taken into account and the so-called development compliance our choice (see next section).

ICT space. An important problem is the organization of space with ICT not only directly indoors, in a specially designated place, but also to use mobile tools (cameras, tablet PCs, etc.) in the fresh air.

Management of the educational ICT environment. It is necessary to develop, implement and evaluate the productive management of ICT activities in the children's group, to integrate ICT into work plans for individual small groups of children, large groups and entire classes. Class management also includes security concerns.

There are already websites of DL institutions that present the experience, knowledge and practices that educators share with local professionals and international communities. They usually clearly state their learning process and development strategy, ICT strategy, including security issues; sometimes they offer expertise or collaboration, various resources, methodologies, and so on.

As an example, we can visit the website of the Homerton Children's Center in the UK (www.homerton.cambs.sch.uk ). The experience gained on this website can be extremely useful for those who are currently shaping their national strategies for ICT in ECE or articulating the role of ICT in early childhood education and play activities ( www.ictearlyyears.e2bn. org/gallery.html).

Issues of Implementation of ICT Integration Models in Preschool Education

Safety. While many educators point to diverse and effective forms of integrating ICT into preschool play and learning, many early childhood education professionals express concerns about safety. And despite the fact that in most cases there is no reason for concern, many authors and experts agree on the need for ED educators to be aware of the controversy surrounding the use of ICT.

v education of young children, and awareness of the need to care for health and development. According to (Byron, 2008), (New Zealand Educational Research Council, 2004)

and (Stephen and Plowman, 2003) most security issues can be classified into groups:

negative physical impact

the degree of support for the learning process, as well as the cognitive, social and emotional development of children,

exposure to harmful content,

displacement of ICT as an important play and learning activity.

We must take these issues into account. However, most of the writers who warn us of all the risks and dangers are often referring to solitary computer game play and may not have an actual understanding of current trends in many innovative DL institutions. As Adams and Brindley (Hayes and Whitebread, 2006) put it, the model of the passive child in front of the monitor persists until he is brought into interaction with some form.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

In the structure of the basic competencies of the personality of a modern preschooler, an important role is played by the information component, which is due to the realities of life. The modern life activity of a preschool child, the world of electronic toys, a social environment filled with information tools and media - all this actualizes the information experience of children. The information competence of a preschooler is the basis, elements of knowledge, skills and value attitude to information and information processes, allowing the child to be included in the types available to him information activities: cognitive, game, etc.
The development of information competence of a modern preschooler can be facilitated by information and communication technologies (ICT), which are a powerful tool for the development of the child's emerging intelligence - the base underlying the ability to learn. Accelerating the early development of children makes the introduction of ICTs in pre-school childhood a reality. Modern research indicates the possibility of mastering a computer by children at the age of three to six years, since at this age the child's thinking develops intensively, and the computer can act as a special intellectual tool for solving problems of various types of activities. The most important thing for the effective use of a computer is a developed logical, algorithmic and systems thinking. All this can be formed in preschool children, with the help of a detailed series of educational games and tasks.
V modern world almost from birth, a child sees various technical devices around him, they are very attractive to the child. Society lives in a world of constant multiplication of information flows, constant invention of devices for processing this information. A computer helps a person to solve practical problems. The "tomorrow" of today's children is the information society. And the child must be psychologically prepared for life in information society. Computer literacy is now becoming necessary for every person. Cultivating the right attitude towards technical devices, first of all, falls on the shoulders of parents, but also makes qualitatively new demands on preschool education - the first link in lifelong education. The success of the implementation of positive changes for society is associated with the use of information technology in a preschool institution.
The use of multimedia technologies in the educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and most urgent problems in domestic preschool pedagogy.
The most effective form of organizing work with a computer in kindergarten is to conduct media classes using multimedia presentations. It makes it possible to optimize the pedagogical process, individualize the education of children with different levels cognitive development and significantly increase the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical activities.
Implementation of ICT in the educational process kindergarten has many advantages:

  • presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way is of great interest to children;
  • carries a figurative type of information understandable to preschoolers;
  • movements, sound, animation attracts the attention of the child for a long time;
  • problematic tasks, encouraging the child with their correct solution by the computer itself are a stimulus for the cognitive activity of children;
  • provides an opportunity for individualization of training;
  • the child himself regulates the pace and number of learning tasks to be solved;
  • in the course of his activities at the computer, the child gains self-confidence, that he can do a lot;
  • the computer is very "patient" in its relationship with the child, never scolds him for mistakes, but waits for him to correct the shortcomings himself, which creates the necessary "success situation" in the learning process;
  • makes it possible to expand the use of electronic learning tools, as they transmit information faster than using traditional means;
  • allow you to make adjustments during the lesson, to perform joint work of children in interaction, to carry out an interactive relationship between the child and the teacher;
  • using a computer, you can simulate such life situations that cannot or are difficult to show in class or see in everyday life (for example, reproduction of animal sounds; nature, transport, etc.);
  • classes using information and communication technologies encourage children to search and cognitive activities, including searching on the Internet on their own or together with their parents;

The use of computer technology in the educational process gives us the following opportunities:

  • The computer is a means of equalizing the possibilities of children.
  • The system itself provides control, correction, and makes it possible to self-check.
  • Expansion of professional contacts of teachers and improvement of the quality of children's education.
  • Improving the quality of demonstration materials-illustrations, the possibility of displaying video clips.
  • Close contact in the chain teacher-child-parent.
  • Individualization of the educational process in terms of pace, speed, content.
  • High speed updating the didactic material on the screen saves time in the classroom.
  • An effective game tool for practicing reading skills, counting, etc., developing the creative abilities of preschoolers.
  • Efficiency of management and the possibility of compact storage of large amounts of information in text and figurative form.

The purpose of the work when using ICT in organized educational activities (OOE) is to improve the quality of education through the active introduction of information technologies into the educational process.

The tasks of our work:

  • develop and test the technology of multimedia support of the educational process;
  • create a thematic piggy bank of multimedia presentations;
  • increase the use of information and computer technologies with the subjects of the educational space: administration, teachers, parents, pupils.
  • increasing the cognitive motivation of pupils;
  • enrichment of horizons and vocabulary;
  • development of skills appropriate for the age of the child;
  • development of spatial thinking;
  • acceleration of assimilation by the child of the given material;
  • creating a positive emotional mood;

The main requirements that a teacher must comply with when conducting OOD using computers:

  • OOD should be clearly organized and include repeated switching of children's attention to another type of activity;
  • at OOD, children should not only receive some information, but develop a certain skill in working with it or get the final product (the product must be obtained in one OOD, without transferring part of the work, since children lose motivation in the process of long-term work);
  • it is not recommended to use programs that promote the use of physical force against characters on the OOD, software, on the one hand, should critically react to the wrong actions of the child, and on the other hand, the reaction should not be very sharp;
  • before the OOD, specialized training should be carried out - socially-oriented motivation of the child's actions.

Didactic principles of application of computer technologies:

  • the principle of scientificity determines the content, requires the inclusion of not only traditional knowledge, but also the fundamental provisions of science.
  • the principle of systematicity and consistency is associated both with the organization of educational material and with the system of actions of the student to master it: the perception of information from the screen, the explanations of the educator, and independent work.
  • the principle of gradual overcoming of difficulties provides for the transition from the general availability of a task for a certain age group to the principle of individual accessibility. The tasks are subject to special requirements: they must be interesting and varied, within the power of everyone, but with a gradually increasing degree of complexity.
  • the principle of strength reinforces the assimilation of knowledge and the development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers.
  • the principle of continuity provides for the preservation of the connection between the stages of training - different in content and methods of implementation.
  • the principle of visibility is also called the principle of interactive visibility. With objects presented in computer form, you can carry out various actions, study not only their static image, but also the dynamics of development in various conditions, isolate the main patterns of the object or phenomenon under study, or consider them in detail. The processes simulated by a computer can be diverse in form and content, demonstrate physical, social, historical, environmental and other phenomena of reality.
  • the principle of multimedia implies the ability to broadcast audiovisual information in any form (text, graphics, animation, etc.), to implement an interactive dialogue between a child and a computer.
  • the principle of cognition of communication is new in essence and is inherent only in computer learning. It consists in organizing a dialogue between the computer and the child. It is no coincidence that computer learning systems are called interactive (dialogue). The dialogue between a person and a PS has its own characteristics, it can be defined as the exchange of information between a computer system and a user, carried out using an interactive terminal according to certain rules.
  • the principle of activating the cognitive activity of children makes it possible to include computer technologies in the organizational scheme of the lesson to broaden their horizons, intellectual enrichment.
  • the principle of interdisciplinary connections contributes to the holistic perception of the knowledge system, the formation of logical thinking. The amount of educational material can be successfully mastered by pupils more with the help of the logic of thinking than memory, consciously, creatively, in a generalized way, and not mechanically and fragmentarily. Assimilation of knowledge requires the use of information from other sections of the program, based on a system of concepts.

Main forms of using ICT:

1. Direct application in the educational process.
2. Application of ICT in leisure and entertainment activities.
3. Organization of work with the parents of pupils not only in the group, but also in the family.

In our work we use the following teaching methods:

  • The demonstration method is used to visualize the studied objects, phenomena, processes in order to study them by preschoolers.
  • The method of illustrations allows the display of objects, processes, phenomena in their symbolic image (photographs, drawings).
  • The didactic method helps children master subject-productive, playful, musical, constructive, visual and other activities that are basic.
  • Verbal (conversation, story, retelling) with slides.

The following technologies are used in the learning process:

  • gaming;
  • personality-oriented;
  • socio-gaming,
  • health-saving.

Forms of organizing the activities of students:

  • group,
  • individual

One is required for group lessons. Personal Computer(laptop), multimedia projector, speakers, screen.
The use of multimedia presentations allows you to make the lesson emotionally colored, interesting, they are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good effectiveness of the lesson.
In an individual lesson, one or more computers are used, which are used by several pupils at the same time. The child independently performs the task and after that passes a competence test on this topic.
We use multimedia presentations in our practice in various educational areas: "Cognition", "Speech development",

Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Fiction”, “ Physical education", which allows us to:
. significantly reduce the time for the formation and development of language and speech means, communication skills.
. develop memory and concentration, which are so necessary for further success in elementary school.
. the development of higher mental functions - attention, memory, verbal-logical thinking, emotional-volitional sphere.

Interaction with teachers and parents

Work with teachers includes conversations, consultations on improving ICT competence, conducting master classes, workshops, showing open classes using multimedia presentations
The use of information technology in working with parents provides an opportunity to conduct various consultations, parent meetings, recreational activities using ICT; design information stands, group documentation in a colorful and aesthetic form. It contributes to the creation of a workable system of support for family education, the activation of the pedagogical and cultural consciousness of parents, the participation of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten.

Benefits of using ICT in interaction with parents:

  • minimizing the time of access to information of communication subjects;
  • the ability to demonstrate any documents, photographic materials;
  • providing an individual approach to the subject of communication;
  • optimal combination individual work with group;
  • growth in the volume of information;
  • prompt receipt of information.

Expected results:

  • skills building learning activities: the ability to accept and set an educational and cognitive task, the ability to hear and follow instructions, the ability to plan their own activities and work according to algorithms, the ability to control the course of activities and evaluate the results of their own activities;
  • the formation of ideas and knowledge in various educational areas of the program: mathematics and logic, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic activities of children, personal safety rules;
  • development sensory capabilities child. Preschoolers will acquire independence, self-discipline, concentration, perseverance; will be attached to empathy, cooperation, co-creation;
  • development of basic mental processes: memory, attention, imagination, thinking.

It is important to observe the conditions for preserving the health of the child:

  • Children under 5 are not recommended to use a computer. Children of five to seven years of age can "communicate" with the computer no more than 10-15 minutes a day 3-4 times a week.
  • It is desirable that the monitor be a liquid crystal or plasma.
  • It is necessary to include games in classes aimed at preventing visual impairment and developing visual-spatial relations.
  • Regularly carry out gymnastics for the eyes: during work, it is necessary to periodically transfer the child’s gaze from the monitor every 1.5-2 minutes. for a few seconds, just as important is the change of activity during the lesson.
  • For frontal lessons, we use a multimedia projector, the distance from the screen to the chairs on which the children sit is 2-2.5 meters.

Educational area "Cognition" (acquaintance with the natural world)
The presented games can be used in organized educational activities in the educational field "Cognition" and "Speech Development" on the studied lexical topics, as well as on individual lessons to consolidate the learned material. Games can be offered to parents for the development of children's cognitive abilities, logical thinking, attention, memory. Presentation 1
Educational area "Speech development"
The presented games can be used in organized educational activities in the educational field "Speech Development" and "Cognition" on the studied lexical topics, as well as in individual lessons to consolidate the studied material. Games can be offered to parents for the development of children's speech, logical thinking, attention, memory. Presentation 2
Math Games
The presented games can be used in organized educational activities in the educational field "Cognition" (development of elementary mathematical concepts), as well as in individual lessons to consolidate the studied material. Games can be offered to parents for the development of children's speech, logical thinking, attention, memory.