How to remove a password on the hard disk. Relief password on hard disk

Ata Password on a hard disk is usually put in two cases:

1. The user itself sets the password and forgets it (it is possible to put another user, or the child is quite by chance), but the fact remains the fact that someone pains a hard disk in a laptop or computer manually.

2. HAVE HAVE HAVE (HDD) or BIOS motherboard laptop sets a password to a storage device due to a system failure (such cases also have been). These failures occur usually due to electrical power problems.

So do not be surprised if you suddenly have your hard disk with any Siago: here two options see above.

To remove ATA Pasword with hard disk Samsung in 5 minutes must produce several simple stepsis not completely difficult, but so that the password is cleared special program To remove it, which works very simply (you can get the program by making a request for its receipt on our website by reference. After receiving a request, I will send you a program to the specified mail or send a link to Yandex or Google cloud where the program will lie.) In I can't lay out free access to the program, it is very rare and closed, thanks in advance for understanding.

The program works for all major hard drive manufacturers:

Samsung, Hitachi, WD, Seagate - Checked personally (if you didn't manage the key from the first time, you may incorrectly entered the error code, try the key again should consist of 8 characters as in Fig. 4., when entering the code, the layout should Being in English, if it didn't work out the first time, try again and once again, usually no more than three times you need to hold this procedure to get the right key to unlock the hard disk.)

In order to remove / reset the ATA password from the hard disk, Figure 1, 2, 3. It is enough to turn on the laptop 3 times enter the wrong password and get a code that is generated by the system.

Next, run the program, the one that I threw you on your request on any other computer and enter the code that received the wrong password when entering three times. Figure 4.

The password reset program from the hard disk generates a discharge key. You enter this key instead of password on your locked hard drive and all! A storage device is unlocked, forever 😉 well, or until the next random password.

So we summarize:

1. Pass the program for resetting the hard disk password.

2. Pour the code (we enter the password is incorrect three times)

3. Will the code in the program and get the unlock key.

4. For the received key in the password input field - the password is reset.

As you can see a password reset procedure from a hard disk, it is very simple, you don't even need to pull out a hard disk, you do not need to disassemble anything, for no matter what batteries you do not need to climb (still it does not help). All you need is a special password discharge program on hard drives you can get from me.

The HDD passport is the information that is sewn at the factory, which characterizes the HDD family and its individual features.
It includes a family name, model name, a unique serial number, an integrated microcode version, logical parameters (geometry), interface parameters and much more.

The passport is required to properly identify the device.
If the Winchesters passport for some reason is lost, the HDD becomes unsuitable, because no program can use it for its intended purpose.

The passport is given when the key is pressed.

That's what we get from there (from top to bottom):

The full name of the model and the version of the built-in microcode;
. HDD serial number;
. Number of available physical sectors (LBA);
. The volume of the disk in bytes;
. CHS parameters - number of cylinders, logical heads, sectors (relevant only for hard drives< 8,4 Гб).
. Smart. (status).
Enabled / Disabled - Displays whether SMART monitoring is enabled in the drive itself.
. Errlog. - Internal error logging.
. SelfTest. - Internal samotest (usually it is a surface test at a time when it does not appeal from outside).
If something from this is present in the drive, "[...] Present" will appear in the passport.
Keep in mind that on some hard drives, samystet can be disconnected in the passport, but really attend and work.
. Disk cache state.
The program makes an attempt to determine its size if it fails, reports "Unknown Size";
. Look Ahead. - Pre-election of reading.
May be turned on or off.
The disconnected pre-election indicates that or the hard drive is very old (does not support this function, or it is disabled with utilities / merchandise).
Winchester with a disconnected pre-election works very slowly, and usually it is immediately noticeable when working with files.
. Write. - Recording caching.
Exercises a deferred buffer recording to disk to speed up file operations.
May be turned on or off.
All modern hard drives are incorporated by default.
. Supported modes. This is the most interesting part of the passport.
It indicates which technical capabilities of this HDD model.
Here is the decryption of cuts:

. . HPA. - Host Protected Area: Winchester supports the possibility of changing physical volume.
. . Chs. - Cylinder / Head / Sector: Disk space addressing mode (occurring from FDD and first HDD drives), which allows you to contact separately to the heads, sectors and tracks.
In modern drives, logical CHS geometry is left for compatibility with old programs and BIOS.
. . LBA - Logical Block Addressing: Winchester supports addressing logical blocks, which is a de facto standard for modern HDD, OS and BIOS.
. . Pio. - PROGRAMMABLE INPUT / OUTPUT: Software input output, data exchange mode between Winchester and rAMimplemented with the participation of the Central PC processor.
It is characterized by simplicity of sales, reliability and versatility, but takes out processor time, which makes this mode unsuitable for multi-diplocked systems.
. . DMA - Direct Memory Access: Winchester supports direct access to memory, which allows you to unload cPU PC when exchanging disk.
As well as LBA, this mode is the norm, and not an exception for modern HDD.
In brackets are limited modes in which the hard drive can use DMA.
. . AAM. - Automatic Acoustic Management: Winchester allows you to programmatically control the level of acoustic noise.
This is achieved by changing the positioning speed of the heads.
. . APM. - Advanced Power Management: Winchester has built-in power management tools, which allows the system more economical and, in some cases, improve the reliability of the screw (due to smaller heat and parking of the heads).
For desktop systems is lowactively.
. . DLMC. - Download Microcode: Winchester allows you to update the "firmware" by loading an external microcode (applied by HDD manufacturers and branded PCs as indgisted firmware).
. . FLC - Flush Cache: Winchester supports forced cache reset to disk.
Probably, this command is designed to reduce the risk of data loss with a sudden power outage.
. . SMS. - SET MAX Security Support: Laziness to describe this garbage.
If you are interested, read the ATA standard.
. . DCO. - Device Configuration Overlay: Winchester supports the configuration of the set of some functions at the request of the user.
These include switching on and off SMART, support for addressing 48 bits, AAM, change of limit modes DMA, etc. (See also section "Restoring a disk configuration").

. Current Aam Value: Present value installed level noise. 128 means that the minimum level, 0 maximum.
The program allows you to change this value arbitrarily, adjusting the noise.
AAM status is remembered even after turning off the power.
Nearby is the value recommended by the manufacturer.
. Current APM Value: The current value of the power saving mode.
As with AAM, 128 means minimal power consumption, 0 maximum.
In Winchesters for desktop PC it is almost always equal to 0, mobile can have different values \u200b\u200bset by energy saving utilities.
Unfortunately, the APM value is not saved after turning off the power, so its adjustment is not provided in Victoria.
However, many branded utilities for HDD are able to switch the APM "forever" using technological commands.
. Current Power Mode.: Current power consumption mode.
Actually says whether this moment HDD shaft.
Convenient for quiet hard drives, the more program allows you to stop the shaft at any time.
. Security Erase Time.: The time for which the disk security subsystem is able to erase all the information and remove the password.
It is usually commensurate with the verification time, i.e. Information is erased without interface and with the highest possible speed.
Interestingly, some HDD models in the passport on this place are recorded 0.
In this case, the erase time on the screen is not displayed.
It will not be displayed in the absence of security options in the HDD tested.
. Security (status).

. . ON.: Winchester Passed ATA password (the presence of a password installed on the screw also indicates the PWD light bulb at the top of the screen);
. . Off: The hard drive is not set a password;
. . High, Maximum: The level of secrecy password installed (see chapter about passwords);
. . Frozen.: Winchester in the Freeze-Lock state (the password system works, but temporarily blocked);
. . Expired.: Password tried unsuccessfully shooting 5 times.
As a result, HDD blocked the password system until the power is turned off;
. . Locked.: The password is set, there is no access to information.
. . Unlocked: Winchester is open, there is access to information.
In this case, the password can be set if the HDD is temporarily open by the Unlock command.
. . Not Supported: Winchester has no system password protection.

6. Disk software reset

Performed key.
This operation stops internal hDD work (If it was engaged in processing a command or a scholarship) and brings the interface to the default state (cleans the registers after the previous command and makes readiness to take the next one).
We need to diagnose the drive, interrupting the dependent firmware of the hard drive, etc.
It is performed immediately after pressing the button.
It also works and directly during disk operations (for example, reading).
A sign of a successful reset will be the included indicator Amnf..

Most recently had to face a terrible situation. Winchester was born, though on the 8GB of just, but still this is also money (:
When you turn on the computer and define devices, stumbled on the hardware definition, the computer issues a message.

HDD Locked. Please Enther The Password

Introducing the problem, I found a lot of interesting information regarding wanted screws. After reading everything below, I did what is even lower (:

Solutions exist paid (expensive and 2 options with the preservation of information (more expensive) and without it - cheaper).

Wizard Passwords for HDD. Master ATA Password.

Contrary to widespread misconception, it is impossible to "wage" or "block" using a master password. Master password can only be changed. Master Password can unlock the drive in case the user password is forgotten, but it is possible only if the level of protection "High" was set. If the protection level is "Maximum", you can unlock the drive only knowing the user-password. If the protection level is "maximum", the User password is unknown, but the master password is known, then it is possible to unlock the drive with the destruction of all data using the Security Erase Unit ATA command. This is implemented in the MHDD (FASTERASE command), however, this procedure in MHDD works only with USER passwords.

Thus, the drive blocked with the level of protection "High" can be unlocked using either Master or password user. If the level of protection "Maximum", then unlock
The drive can only be using the password user or the master password, but with the destruction of all data.

Manufacturers install factory master passwords, and if they do not change them in advance, then they can be used to unlock a salary drive, whose protection level "HIGH".

You can install the User-password by submitting the PWD command to MHDD. This establishes the level of protection "HIGH". The ability to install another level in MHDD is not available for security reasons. Also, the entered password is displayed in the MHDD.log file. After installing the password, the drive must be turned off.

Unlocking the drive, saved with the level of protection "High" is possible using User or Master Password. If the password is unknown, then, in general, unlock the drive is impossible, although there are two ways:

1. If the password is not encrypted by the drive itself, it can be tried to read it from the surface using technological commands;
2. It is possible to unlock using specially designed methods.

If the password is known, then the order of unlocking the drive in MHDD is:
1. Submit the Unlock command, select the user password, and enter the password. This temporarily removes the storage lock (before power off).
2. Submit the DISPWD command, select the user password, and enter the password again. It completely removes blocking.

According to the ATA / ATAPI standard, you cannot suppress the DISPWD command, without unlocking the drive by the Unlock command.

If the password is unknown, and the protection level of "Maximum", then without special means it is not necessary. If the password is unknown, and the level of protection "HIGH", and the master password has not changed, that is, the ability to unlock the drive, knowing the factory master password.

List of famous Master passwords:

Winchesters Fujitsu: Thirty two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces to the password request.

Seagate Winchesters: The word "seagate" without quotes, with a capital letter, supplemented 25 spaces up to 32 simavols. In the MHDD to the password request, you must enter the word seagate, and then 25 spaces. Also, the Council from one of the site visitors: if the password does not fit - try to enter the word seagate and 25 points.

Winchesters Maxtor: The phrase "MAXTOR INIT Security Test Step" - the register is important! At the end of the phrase - one space. Password length - 31 symbol.

SAMSUNG Winchesters: 32 characters "T". In MHDD, you must enter 32 symbols T to the password request.

Winchesters Western Digital: The phrase "wdcwdcwdcwdcwdcwdcwd", without quotes.

IBM Winchesters:
DTTA series: "CED79ijufnatit", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, you should enter the phrase given to the password request, and then 18 spaces.
DJNA Series: "von89ijufsunaj", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, you should enter the phrase given to the password request, and then 18 spaces.
DPTA series: "von89ijufsunaj", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In MHDD, you should enter the phrase given to the password request, and then 18 spaces.
DTLA Series: "Ram00ijufotselet", complemented by spaces up to 32 characters. In the MHDD to the password request, you must enter the shown the phrase and then 16 spaces.

Hitachi Winchesters, DK23AA, DK23BA, DK23CA series: Thirty-two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces to the password request.

Winchesters Toshiba., All Series: Thirty two spaces. In MHDD, you must enter 32 spaces to the password request.

Below are User-passwords installed in certain situations with various popular programs:
MHDD. Versions 3.x occurs when an internal error occurs: 32 letters "A" or 32 letters "B" (large Latin).
HDDL., happens with an unsuccessful attempt to quickly erasing: "Fuck".
HRT.: 32 characters with code 0. In order to enter such a password in MHDD, it is enough to press the password request ENTER.
HDD ERASE 4.0.: While cleaning the disk installs the IDRIVE password - it can be removed it!

That's just prog HDD ERASE 4.0. I got a screw, all because I was after the end of the Erise's ending, the car rebatched ...

However, this would not be a problem if people had not forgotten these most established codes. If you first encountered such a situation and do not know how to remove a password from a hard disk on a laptop, then this article is intended for you.


If you installed the code on the internal media and forgotten, then you cannot even load the OS installed on your PC. That is, the ability to use a laptop or a computer for direct purpose will be simply absent. In such a situation, the user remains only to delete the set password because there is no other access to the computer.

Online service

There are several ways to remove the password with HDD, and one of them is the famous online service. BIOS PASSWORD REMOVAL FOR LAPTOPS».

In order to get rid of forgot Code By using it, it is necessary:

  • Enter it incorrectly 3 times (any combination of numbers or letters).
  • After that, a special code should appear in the window.
  • Copy the figures received.
  • We introduce the same combination on the site, according to the above link.

After a few seconds after entering the combination of numbers in a specially reserved line, you will receive a code that will help reset the password from your drive.

It should be clarified that this program Suitable for all models and manufacturers of Winchesters (Seagate, Hitachi, Toshiba, WD, etc.). Moreover, it does not matter what operating system Installed on your computer or laptop, because This service is considered universal.


You can only remove the password from the hard disk in the BIOS only if the cipher was originally installed via BIOS.

All you need to use the standard default settings option:

Thus, we dropped the password with HDD.

Second way

The following option is free, specially created for a variety of hard disk operations.

To begin, it is necessary to get acquainted with the scheme of the password protection of the drive:

  • Winchester can have a high or maximum level protection.
  • Using the MHDD application, you can set a user protection level.
  • Master password installed by the manufacturer can only be changed.
  • The application of the master password makes it possible to unlock the disk exclusively at a high level of protection.
  • In the case of the maximum level of protection, the hard drive can be unlocked only if the user code is installed.
  • If the maximum level of protection is set and there is no user password, you can unlock the drive only by destroying all data using the Security Erase Unit Ata command.

Given the above information to remove the password from the hard disk, follows:

Thus, you can extremely remove the previously forgotten cipher entered.

Third way

Also remove the password from the hard disk will help the program HDD_PW.exe (18Kb). In order to remove the code with it, you want to do the following:

  • Find out the error code (when loading clicking F2 and enter the wrong combination of numbers three times, after which a special code appears on the screen)
  • Run the MS-DOS application.
  • Select the name of the utility in the window that opens.
  • On the gap to enter the error code that has learned earlier and add via space 0.
  • By pressing "input", several passwords will appear before you, one of which is necessarily suitable.

After entering the code, be sure to change it to the new and write down.

When implementing such steps on the 64-bit system, you may have some difficulties. The system can issue a mistake due to the inconsistency of the utility. In this situation it is necessary:

  • Download DosBox, Install and Run.
  • Mount the disk "with" command "Mount C C: /".
  • After that, when you start, press "F2", we recruit 3 times the wrong cipher and do the same actions.

To exclude the likelihood of such situations, it is recommended to get rid of the cipher, turning it off in the PC settings. If you need an acute in it, you should write it in a notebook or any other place so that I don't have to reset again.

In the event that you have lenovo laptop And when starting, the "ENTER HDD PASSWORD" message is displayed on the screen, the method disassembled in this video will help you:\u003dDKLZJRTYTEQ&t\u003d174s.

Situations with blocked laptops on password BIOS and HDDs arise mainly for the following reasons: installed and can not remember the password or relatives decided to play with the laptop, installed and forgotten. When replacing HDD ( hard disks) Password requests are also possible. What to do in this situation to the usual user?

There are available ways to solve this problem that you can try to implement yourself and more complex cases in which without the help of a specialist of service companies with special equipment can not do, we will continue about these two versions.

For this we need:

  • Find out the manufacturer and accurate laptop model, they are on the label under the battery compartment or right on the bottom of its body (bottom). Write this data;
  • To find out which tips in the form of codes gives a laptop on the screen, if any, with several unsuccessful password input attempts in the query window. Record these codes.

The laptop and codes model are our source data, then we start searching for the manufacturers of laptops and forums of help, both paid and free, solutions options: Special utility programs, tables with response codes (ASUS), Universal Password Master Laptop Manufacturers . Each manufacturer of laptops has its own specifics and we will tell about it below.

The exceptions are Lenovo's laptops (most models) and some Hewlett-Packard models for which the manufacturer in case of such an incident offers only one solution - replacement motherboardBut we will talk about it in the second version.

The specificity of the Password Master from laptop manufacturers is as follows:


Wizard password, to unlock a laptop, look at the password table by date, which will appear after entering 3 incorrect passwords. The date format is such, for example, 07-07-08.


Utility for generating passwords BIOS SONY, calculates the master password for 7 last digits serial number Laptop you want to enter the utility in the field.


After 3 attempts to print a password, a laptop shows a message System Disabled.where 12345678901A1234.service code From sixteen letters and numbers. The program will show the master password for the entered service tag that is printed after the utility is launched. Fig.3. Download utility.


2 utilities are offered to obtain a password wizard, depending on what an error message is issued a laptop.


The device for laptops Dell has two episodes: 595B and D35B. After 3 incorrect password inputs, the laptop issues System Disabled.where 12abc1a.- Service code (seven letters and numbers). The program itself calculates the master password for the installed tag service, after the utility is launched.

Hewlett-Packard and Compaq

A utility is offered for some Hewlett-Packard and Compaq laptop models.

After 3 input attempts in the password, the laptop will show a message System Disabled.where ABC1234ABC.- Service code (10 arbitrary letters and numbers). The program will calculate the wizard password for the entered service tag that needs to be printed after the utility is launched.


A utility is offered for some Hewlett-Packard and Acer laptop models with BIOS InsyDeh20. After 3 unsuccessful password input attempts, the laptop will display a message. System Disabled.where 12345678 - Service code (arbitrary letters and numbers). The program will calculate the master password for the entered service tag that needs to be printed after the utility is launched.


Offered a utility for laptops with installed Phoenix Bios.. After 3 password input attempts a message appears System Disabled [*]where * - Service code (arbitrary letters and numbers). The program calculates the master password for the entered service tag that needs to be printed after the utility is launched.

Apply for help from specialists

Start recommended from handling technical support (Support) The company's laptop manufacturer, go to their official website and write a letter. The advantage will be the presence of a check and warranty, make photos of these documents and attach to the letter. Describe in detail the problems that have arisen, the laptop model and codes that gives the laptop, send and wait for the answer. Answer options are usually two: can send a master password that immediately unlock the laptop, it is the best way or offer to contact the local corporate Service-Centre.

If in response to the letter was offered to contact the corporate service, then call them, we clarify the problem solving options: a password-removed wizard or need to take a laptop to them.


Before putting a password in a laptop on the BIOS and HDD, read the above password removal options in the case of a force majeure situation so as not to be without a working laptop and for understanding existing ways Solutions to this task, their cost, specifically for your model laptop.