Windows 7 error codes 0x00000050. Removing temporary files

Errors occurring in the software of the Windows operating system are the most sensitive for the user. Errors in programs also cause a lot of inconvenience and can lead to distortion or complete loss of valuable data, but still they do not block the operation of the entire system. Windows errors have their own gradation: from completely harmless, to those after which further work on the computer becomes impossible.

The last type of problem is bsod with stop code 0x00000050. Bsod means completely blocking Windows and the appearance of the so-called blue screen of death, such as, for example, as in this figure:

No amount of keyboard and mouse manipulation will help to correct the situation when the bsod blue screen of death occurs. The Windows kernel is not capable of handling these types of exceptions on the fly. When an error like 0x00000050 occurs, the system resets to HDD dump random access memory computer, but it is unlikely that the information contained in it will help the computer user - this is information for decryption by professionals. We will look for simpler recipes for dealing with this error than analyzing the contents of the dump - recipes that are understandable to mere mortals.

Who is guilty?

First of all, we will find out what is the cause of the error and the appearance of the blue screen of death. According to information confirmed, among other things, by the Microsoft support service, the reason for the error is the absence of the data requested by the system in RAM. Windows cannot handle this exception, since the data is not only absent in memory, but also guaranteed to be absent in the cache hard disk... There's a so-called resident zero (nonpaged pool) and Windows doesn't find anything better than to expose the bsod blue screen.

Loss of data can be caused by the following circumstances:

  • Malfunctions of computer hardware, for example, problems with memory sticks.
  • Errors that occur in Windows resident software - in services and other similar services.
  • Incorrect work antivirus software.
  • Damage file system NTFS.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons. Do I need to find out a detailed picture of what happened? Accurately identify the diagnosis leading to the blue screen with the above error code? Or is it possible to do with other means? How to fix the state of affairs without involving specialists?

What to do?

There is no single recipe, no universal behavior algorithm in this situation.

If the error occurred immediately after installing new hardware, - most likely, Windows has nothing to do with it. Try to disconnect this hardware and see if the screen with the given exception code comes up? If everything works fine, refer to the equipment description or take it for repair.

  • If the system does not work normally even after rebooting and continues to display a screen with an error code, try to select the option when starting the computer Load Last Known Good Configuration... To get a list of options, while the computer boots, you need to hold down the "F8" key.
  • In order to fix damage to NTFS, you can run one of the special programs scanning and treatment hard drives... There are many of them on the web. The most popular such utilities are programs for Windows: "Norton Disk Doctor", "Paragon Hard Disk Manager" and others.

And only if none of the above helps, take the computer to the workshop. This means that the breakdown is caused by a serious cause, and it is better not to bother with it yourself.

Errors in the software of the windows operating system are the most sensitive for the user. Errors in programs also cause a lot of inconvenience and can lead to distortion or complete loss of valuable data, but still they do not block the operation of the entire system. Windows errors have their own gradation: from completely harmless, to those after which further work on the computer becomes impossible.

The last type of problem is bsod with stop code 0x00000050. Bsod means complete blocking windows work and the appearance of the so-called blue screen of death, such as, for example, as in this figure:

No amount of keyboard and mouse manipulation will help to correct the situation when the bsod blue screen of death occurs. The windows kernel is not capable of handling these types of exceptions on the fly. If an error like 0x00000050 occurs, the system dumps a dump of the computer's RAM to the hard drive, but the information it contains is unlikely to help the computer user - this is information for decryption by professionals. We will look for simpler recipes for dealing with this error than analyzing the contents of the dump - recipes that are understandable to mere mortals.

Who is guilty?

First of all, we will find out what is the cause of the error and the appearance of the blue screen of death. According to information confirmed, among other things, by the Microsoft support service, the reason for the error is the absence of the data requested by the system in RAM. windows cannot handle this exception, since the data is not only absent in memory, but also guaranteed to be absent in cache hard disk. There is a so-called resident zero (nonpaged pool) and windows does not find anything better than to expose the bsod blue screen.

Loss of data can be caused by the following circumstances:

  • Malfunctions of computer hardware, for example, problems with memory sticks.
  • Errors occurring in resident software providing windows- in services and other similar services.
  • Incorrect operation of anti-virus programs.
  • Damage to the NTFS file system.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons. Do I need to find out a detailed picture of what happened? Accurately identify the diagnosis leading to the blue screen with the above error code? Or is it possible to do with other means? How to fix the state of affairs without involving specialists?

What to do?

There is no single recipe, no universal behavior algorithm in this situation.

If the error occurred immediately after installing new hardware, - most likely, windows had nothing to do with it. Try to disconnect this hardware and see if the screen with the given exception code comes up? If everything works fine, refer to the equipment description or take it for repair.

  • If the system does not work normally even after rebooting and continues to display a screen with an error code, try to select the "Load last good configuration" option when starting the computer. To get a list of options, while the computer boots, you need to hold down the "F8" key.
  • In order to fix damage to NTFS, you can run one of the special programs for scanning and cleaning hard drives. There are many of them on the web. The most popular such utilities are programs for windows: "Norton Disk Doctor", "Paragon Hard Disk Manager" and others.

And only if none of the above helps, take the computer to the workshop. This means that the breakdown is caused by a serious cause, and it is better not to bother with it yourself.

Blue screen error 0x00000050 in windows 10

One of the most common errors in windows 10 is the blue screen of death with the code 0x00000050 and the message PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA. This problem occurs for several reasons, but you can determine the exact one from the error message or by removing information from a small memory dump using the BlueScreenView program.

See also: Error 80200053 when installing windows 10 and methods of its elimination

Causes of Error 0x00000050 PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA

If the error with code 0x00000050 in windows 10 occurred on your PC once, it is worth restarting the PC in safe mode and perform a system restore. It is not recommended to take drastic measures.

If the PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA error recurs regularly, it is worth determining the cause of its occurrence. Among the most common, it is worth highlighting:

  • Installation of new equipment, including virtual drives;
  • Automatic update of drivers or installation of new software;
  • Installing an antivirus program or a conflict between the built-in defender and antivirus;
  • Viral damage to the system;
  • Changing settings, editing the registry;
  • PC power problems;
  • Damage to the hard disk and RAM strips.

In order to simplify the work of fixing the error, it is worth writing out the error message and looking for the damaged file on the network. It is often listed below the error code.

Often the error is caused by files such as applecharger.sys, win32k.sys, ntoskrnl.exe, hal.dll.

You can fix the PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA error in windows 10 different ways... Let's highlight some of them.

  • Blue Screen of Death often appears on windows 10 due to the uTorrent program running. If you have this software is in startup, it is worth excluding it from the list and restarting the PC.

  • PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA error in windows 10 occurs on Gigabyte motherboards. However, the reason for this error is the proprietary On / Off Charge program. It is worth restarting your PC in safe mode and removing this software. It is not compatible with windows 10.
  • If exe, win32k.sys, ntfs.sys, or hal.dll are listed in the memory dump as an erroneous file, you should temporarily disable the paging file and see if the error appears again. If not, you can enable the swap file again.
  • In windows 10, the 0x00000050 error can be caused by the tm.sys or tcpip.sys file. This means that the bridge between the connections is not specified correctly. To fix the error, press "Win + R" and enter "ncpa.cpl".

We make sure that there is no extra network bridge in the list of connections. If it is present, delete it and restart the PC.

It is also worth updating the drivers for the network card and Wi-Fi adapter.

  • If the blue screen of death with the PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA error occurs when the system exits sleep mode, it is worth disabling Windows 10 fast startup and restarting the system.
  • The sys. It belongs to the ATI Radeon driver. Through the device manager, you need to update it and reboot.
  • On some motherboards, updating windows 7 or 8 to windows 10, error 0x00000050 occurs. Worth updating BIOS version after making a copy of the working version.
  • In cases where the blue screen of death appears when installing windows 10, it is worth removing one of the RAM sticks and trying again.

Fixing BSOD error STOP 0 × 00000050

A blue screen is a type of error that can sometimes take a huge amount of time to fix without reinstalling the system. In addition to this, there are a lot of similar errors on a blue background and, accordingly, the reasons for their appearance can also be completely different and even in some cases simply unexpected.

As a rule, to eliminate them universal way Unfortunately no. And usually, in practice, the user has to go through many reasons for the appearance of a blue screen until he finds the very root of evil.

This error also includes the blue screen with the code 0x00000050, which will be discussed in this article. As I said earlier, unfortunately, when this particular error appears, you will have to try more than one option until you find something that will help you fix it.

The first thing to pay attention to when BSOD error 0x00000050

Usually, the source of the BSOD STOP error (0 × 00000050) is driver curves or their incorrect installation, there is still an option that this is a hardware malfunction, for example, damaged RAM - memory or video card.

In addition, this BSOD appears and if some program (for example, antivirus) does not work correctly or system files are damaged, and much more.

Perhaps I won't say anything new, but the first thing to do is to remember, after which an error appeared, for example, it can be:

  • Connecting new equipment;

    In such a situation, you can try to disable this device and check the system operation without it. Also, for example, if it is a video card, reinstall the driver or try to install an earlier version of it.

  • Installing an antivirus;

    Having discovered that problems with the system appeared after installing the anti-virus software, it makes sense to check the operation of the system without it, temporarily disabling or removing the antivirus.

  • After installing the driver; It is not uncommon for a blue screen to appear after installing or updating drivers, and this can be, both with a clean installation of software, and with it automatic update across windows Update or Driver Pack. In this case, you can roll back the driver or uninstall it altogether.

    You can find out which file is failing from the description of the BSOD error or using programs that allow you to view Dump files (blue screen reports).

    Then search the Internet for information about what the damaged file is responsible for.

  • Damage system settings;

    If you, for example, recently edited the registry or disabled any system services and noticed that the STOP 0x00000050 error began to appear periodically. Then, most likely you will have to use the system restore function, which you will find in the control panel.

  • Installing updates;

    Oddly enough, but system updates can sometimes not only speed up your windows, but also cause a BSOD error. Here, in principle, everything is simple, we delete the last installed updates manually or roll back the system until they were installed on your computer.

  • Iron problems;

    Most often, in such a situation, problem areas are: hard drives or RAM. In such a situation, for sure, checking the RAM memory and HDD will help you. If this is the reason for the RAM, just disconnect the damaged module, if the HDD, then most likely you will have to replace it.

  • Viruses;

    Well, what about without viruses, then I think, and everything is clear, I should check my system for viruses.

Trying to fix BSOD 0 × 00000050

Of course, it will not be superfluous to try the simplest options that can really help fix this error.

The first of these is loading with the latest operating parameters of the system. Usually, when such errors appear, it is recommended to use this parameter first. The chance of fixing the error, of course, is not great, but it's still worth trying.

Let me remind you that you can find it in the additional boot menu, which can be accessed by pressing the F8 key at the beginning of the computer startup.

Then, in the list that appears, select the "Load with the last good configuration" item.

The second option would be to check the file system.

In order to start it, you should open a command line, of course, with administrator rights and enter the chkdsk / f / r command there.

A notification will appear stating that the check will be performed the next time the system is rebooted. Accordingly, we put "Y", confirming the execution of the command, press "Enter" and restart the computer.

The third option is to disable the paging file. Most often it helps when an error related to files appears

To disable the paging file, open the computer properties, go to the "Advanced" tab, open the "Performance" settings, again the "Advanced" tab. After that, in the "Virtual memory" section, click on the "Change" button.

In the window that appears, mark the item "Without swap file", save the changes by clicking "Set" and restart the computer. Then, for some time, we check whether the blue screen will pop up again or not. If everything is in order, then you can turn the paging files back on, perhaps the error will not bother you anymore.

In some cases, to fix the STOP error 0x00000050, you just need to clear TEMP folder located along the following path:

But please note that this option helps in rare cases, if the problem was caused due to the incorrect operation of a program or a malicious file.

Finally, such express solutions include checking the RAM using your own utility windows, which you will find in the "Administration" and select there the item "Checker memory windows».

Well, or alternatively, you can use some third-party application.

A few more options for fixing BSOD STOP 0x00000050

AppleCharger.sys - given error very often manifests itself on motherboards from Gigabyte, if the proprietary On / Off Charge utility was installed in the system. The reason may be the usual incompatibility of this software with your OS. To prevent the appearance of a blue screen, you just need to uninstall this program.

atikmdag.sys - The failure is related to the ATI Radeon driver. And this happens with Radeon, very often. In this case, you need to completely remove the device driver, both through "Programs and Features", and in the device manager. Then we try to install the most recent driver, or an earlier version, depending on the situation.

- the appearance of an error involving these files is usually associated with swap files. I already wrote about this a little higher.

Ready-made solutions from Microsoft

Also, in addition to the solutions described above, on the Microsoft website you can find several ready-made solutions that can easily remove the blue screen with the STOP 0x00000050 error.

It should be noted that they are not universal and refer to the case when the error is caused by a specific file.

Fixing error 0x00000050 - hotfix for windows 8 when the file "storport.sys" fails.

PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA fixes - for windows 7 OS (Reason: srvnet.sys)

To fix it, just click on the button "The patch is available for download", agree to the user agreement and download the hotfix to your computer.

Then we launch it and check the result.

In general, if you had to face a blue screen and a STOP 0x00000050 error, I hope these tips will help you cope with this problem. If nothing works, then you can describe your problem in the comments, I will try to help you with something.

Also, one should not exclude the fact that in some cases it will be easiest to simply reinstall the system, or in the end you will have to invite a wizard to you for a more thorough diagnosis of the computer.

Find out! - Error 0x00000050 in windows 7 - How to fix error 0x00000050 in windows 7 - Video

The 0x00000050 error message in windows 7 occurs when the requested data cannot be found in memory. The system checks the page file, but the missing information is indicated as being impossible to write to it.

How to fix error 0x00000050 in windows 7

If this is not the cause of the error, pay attention to the faulty system services. Disable them and update again. If you see an error when system startup, restart your PC, in the text mode menu press F8, then - Load the last good configuration.

The cause may also be antivirus software: turn it off and see if that fixes the error. Disabling BIOS memory caching often helps to cope with the problem. To find out exactly what caused the crash, analyze the error messages in EventViewer.


Repair of computers and laptops in Kharkov

Details Posted on 22 July 2012 Posted by ITcom Master

At booting windows a blue screen appears with BSOD error 0x00000050. Reinstall windows does not help, after 2-3 days the situation repeats, this blue screen appeared. STOP 0x50 appears when the requested data is not found in memory. The system generates a so-called page fault or page fault, which normally means that the system is looking for data in the paging file.

But if an error occurs and the data is being determined by the system as being in a resident, nonpaged pool, therefore, the data could not be written to disk in the paging file. The windows operating system does not find the required data and therefore cannot continue to work.

Error 0x00000050 can be caused by faulty components, malfunctioning system services, antivirus software incompatible with windows, and a damaged NTFS file system.

If bsod error 50 occurs after installing a new device, remove it to check if the error is repeated.

In 85% of cases, the error is created by defective RAM modules (RAM or RAM).

In case of incorrectly working system services, try to use the last successfully loaded configuration. If the problem is caused by damaged NTFS volume, running Chkdsk programs/ f / r. In some cases, disabling memory caching in the BIOS helps.

BSOD error options 0x00000050

  1. memory address that made the error
  2. access type (0x00000000 = read operation, 0x00000001 = write operation)
  3. if the parameter is not 0, then this is the instruction address referring to the memory address in the first parameter

Errors 0x10000050 and 0x00000050

Basically, the same thing, the only difference is in the dump recording and they say that a failure occurred when working with a page of virtual memory. This can happen for the following reasons. Most likely there is a broken memory strip, for example, memtest86 + is checked, and errors on the hard disk, the surface of the hard drive is checked, for example, using Victoria, and later the file system itself. An error can be caused by incompatibility of memory sticks, overclocking, poor power supply, errors of the hard disk controller, as well as the transmission interface, processor overheating (-> the error occurs in the cache memory), inoperability of the MP power supply stabilizer.

Error 0x00000050 related to HaxDoor virus infection

The HaxDoor virus spawns a hidden process. In addition, the virus hides files and registry keys. The name of the executable file of the HaxDoor virus can vary, but most often it appears under the name Mszx23.exe. Most variants of this virus install the Vdmt16.sys or Vdnt32.sys driver on the computer. This driver is used to hide the process spawned by the virus. Some variants of the HaxDoor virus can restore this file after it has been deleted.

The following viruses have been reported from antivirus software manufacturers.

  • Symantec: Backdoor.Haxdoor.D
  • PandaLabs: HAXDOOR.AW
  • F-Secure: Backdoor.Win32.Haxdoor,
  • Sophos: Troj / Haxdoor-AF, Troj / Haxdoor-CN, Troj / Haxdoor-AE
  • Kaspersky Lab:
  • McAfee: BackDoor-BAC

Often, when a user sees a blue screen of death (BSOD), the STOP 0x00000050 PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA error may be present. Usually, the message also indicates the file that caused the error. If there is no such information or the user did not have time to view it, then it will be possible to find it in the memory dump (if they are not disabled).

There are a few main reasons the appearance of such a failure:

  1. RAM problems... The most common reason. If a new RAM was recently inserted into the computer, then the reason may lie in it, you should try to start the device without it. If the computer has just been purchased, then you can take turns delivering the RAM and turning on the computer until the error disappears. In this way, you can find a faulty bar.
  2. Video card failure... Unfortunately, you can only check by rearranging it to another computer or by putting it on your own exactly working one.
  3. May occur due to motherboard however, such errors are extremely rare for this reason.
  4. Failure due to poorly installed or wrong driver... If the installation was performed shortly before the error occurred, the utility should be rolled back to the previous version.
  5. You can also, conversely, update all utilities to the latest version, which is available on the manufacturer's website. This is especially true for the motherboard and video card.
  6. Possibly custom antivirus blocked the work of some important driver. It should be turned off and worked in normal mode... If the error is no longer there, then it is worth installing another security software.
  7. Filesystem crash... Utilities for checking the disk will help here, you can also use the built-in Windows.

General solutions

Load Last Known Good Configuration

Often failures occur in the system, which are not permanent, but interfere with work. In some cases, when the software is to blame for everything, a banal reboot followed by rollback to good configuration.

Necessary pressf8 right after the loading screen. This will take you to the boot selection menu. Here it is worth choosing the section " Load Last Known Good Configuration". After that, the OS will start loading. If this way helped to solve the problem, then it was a single software failure, if not, then you will have to act further.

Checking the hard drive for errors

As mentioned above, problems can arise due to problems with the master drive or due to damage to the file system. To check it is worth using the built-in utility. Would need to pushWin +R and enter the operator in the window that appears chkdsk<имя_диска>/ f /r... Most often, the command takes the form chkdsk c: / f /r... The same command can be entered in command line launched with administrator rights.

System failures can also occur when incorrect work paging file, which also stores data for quick access... It can be damaged or the part of the disk on which it is recorded can fail. It is best to disable it for testing.

First, the user will have to right-click on the computer and go to its properties. Then you have to go to an additional item and select a section there called " Performance". It will meet again " Additionally", There you need to click, after that a section will open in which you will need" Virtual memory", And then click on" Change».

Here it is worth choosing the bottom item, which will disable the file. This may slow down the computer, however, the error should disappear.

Removing temporary files

This method will only be useful if the crash was caused by viruses or some of the running utilities. Worth walking along the way C: \ Users \ YOUR_USER_NAME \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ and completely clear the last directory, then restart your computer.

Using the RAM Checker

It is also worth checking the RAM to the end; it may not be enough to simply push and pull out the strips. To do this, you can use and standard utility, which is located in the Administration section and is called " Memory CheckerWindows».

There are many third party utilities, which can easily carry out the same check, if the user prefers one of them, then you can safely use it, as long as it is downloaded from a reliable source.

Solving specific options for the error

Often, this error can occur when using torrent programs and especially uTorrent, which likes to install itself in autorun. Usually the reason is a firewall, which blocks the program. The user can disable it or add torrent to exceptions and open all the necessary ports. You can use another client, for example, BitTorrent, with it such problems occur less often.

If BSOD points to AppleCharger.sys, the reason may be a proprietary program from the manufacturer of the motherboard Gigabyte boards, which is called On / Off Charge... It should be erased, you can do this through the control panel, after which the failure should disappear.

For seven and eight, pointing to files win32k.sys, hal.dll, ntfs.sys, ntoskrnl.exe indicates a problem with the paging file. It should be turned off and operated without it. After that, it will be possible to activate this option again, how this is done was described above.

When pointing to files tcpip.sys, tm.sys it is worth updating the driver first network card and wi fi. Usually this data indicates a network bridge failure, to check this, press Win + R and enter ncpa.cpl... In the list that opens, you should look for network bridges. If they are there and the user does not need them, then they must be deleted.

When pointing to atikmdag.sys, the failure can be caused by ATI Radeon driver... This sometimes happens when the device wakes up from sleep mode. If so, then you need to disable the mode quick launch... If not, then you should uninstall the driver and download it from the manufacturer's website.

If you suspect that the error is caused by another driver, you can use the site to download a memory dump. It will analyze and show the user the device that caused the failure. After that, it can be found in device manager and remove it. Then it will remain to download latest version programs from the developer's site and install it.

If the installation fails, you can try first clean installation of the system from another drive, if this does not help, then you should get the RAM from the device. However, it must be disabled. You can then insert the planks one at a time until an error occurs. This will help identify defective hardware.

Every user of a computer running a Windows operating system is suspicious of the appearance of the so-called blue "screen of death", which indicates a critical disruption in the operation of the OS. One of the most common occurrences is the "STOP: 0x00000050" error. In Windows 7, it is believed that it occurs much more often than in other systems, however, other modifications are not immune from such a failure. In particular, this applies to versions XP and 8. In Windows 10, it practically does not manifest itself, however, given the recent failure of computers around the world after the last April update (04/30/2018), it is worth seriously thinking about eliminating such a problem ... Let's look at the most common causes of such a failure and the most effective troubleshooting tools.

What is Windows 7 or other systems?

Unfortunately, the most common situation is the appearance of a blue screen simply with a stop code, without any description of the problem. If after the code there is a link to a specific file (most often a driver), you can start correcting the situation immediately (the reason is known). But usually you have to find out the cause of the failure yourself, and it is not always possible to do it yourself.

However, if you receive error 0x00000050 when Windows startup 7, you can preliminarily use a small utility called BlueScreenView, which has an AppCrashView link. After clicking on it, a list of everything that could cause the failure will be given. However, it is believed that this error mainly refers not to the hardware, but to the software, but the installed "hardware" equipment cannot be discounted either. It may very well be that it is simply not designed to work in this operating system or has physical damage.

The main reasons for the appearance of s in Windows 7

As for the main reasons that could theoretically cause the appearance of such a failure, the following are distinguished among them:

  • problems with hardware and installed, outdated, missing or inappropriate drivers;
  • incorrect installation of updates;
  • errors on the hard disk (in system partition);
  • problems with the functioning of virtual memory and the components responsible for it;
  • too much a large number of temporary files in user directories;
  • antiviruses and firewalls;
  • irregularities in the operation of the ramps.

What's the first thing to do?

Based on the above reasons, we will consider the appearance in Windows 7. How to fix the situation using the simplest methods known to all? Elementary!

When starting a computer or laptop, first of all, use the start menu, called by pressing the F8 key, in which you should select the boot of the last good configuration. On Windows 10, you can revert the use of the F8 key by running the command bcdedit / set (current) bootmenupolicy legacy in the Shell. It is possible that the appearance of error 0x00000050 in Windows 7 (x64 or x86) was associated with short-term failures in the operation of the operating system itself, for example, due to damage system registry, due to accidental or deliberate disabling by the user of some important system services, etc.

Problems with updates

Problems with installing service packs are no less common. Most experts agree that many of the update packages developed just for the seventh Windows versions, are incomplete, due to which, even with their correct installation, the system stops working. The solution to fix the "STOP: 0x00000050" error in Windows 7 after the upgrade is to remove the bad packages.

To do this, use the section of programs and components, where you go to the list of the last installed updates. You need to delete them one by one, each time restarting the computer. When the faulty package is found, in the "Update Center" you need to set a manual search for available updates and exclude from the list the one that caused the blue screen.

Note: you can remove any package with the help of special uninstaller programs, which sometimes looks more preferable.

Troubleshooting Hardware Issues

With computer hardware, it’s not that simple either. Very often, the appearance of error 0x00000050 in Windows 7 is associated with incorrect installation new hardware to the motherboard. To begin with, it is worth checking at least the tightness of the contacts, as well as reading the technical documentation and finding out if it is compatible with the seventh modification of Windows. Of course, this is unlikely, but when using devices from little-known manufacturers without declared support from Microsoft, everything is possible.

Reinstalling Drivers

One of the stumbling blocks can be called the drivers released for the hardware used on computers. They are most capable of provoking the appearance of blue screens (and not necessarily just the described failure). Nevertheless, in Windows 7, the error 0x00000050 on a laptop and a stationary computer terminal is in most cases associated with them.

The easiest way to fix the problem in this situation is to reinstall the driver (for drivers, when a blue screen appears, the name of the faulty file is usually indicated in the error description). It is not recommended to use the standard "Device Manager" for reinstalling or updating the control software, since the system still installs, as it seems to it, the most suitable driver, which may not fully ensure the correct operation of the device.

It is better to immediately remove the device, and then install the driver from the original disk, which should be included in the kit upon purchase. computer technology... If such a disk is not available, you can use programs to automatic search and installing updated or missing drivers. For example, the Driver Booster utility looks pretty good in this regard, but for it to work, you must have active connection to the Internet, since the search will be carried out directly on the websites of equipment manufacturers and software developers.

With laptops, things are even easier. In this case, you can simply visit the manufacturer's Internet resource and set a full system test, after which the missing drivers will be installed automatically, or recommendations for downloading the necessary software will be given.

If none of the options suits, in the "Device Manager" through the properties item of the selected device, you can go to the information tab, select the equipment ID from the drop-down list, copy the longest string containing the DEV and VEN identifiers, and then search for them driver on the Internet, download it to your computer and install it yourself.

Note: Drivers for installation are usually supplied in EXE and INF formats. For an executable file, run as administrator is used, for an information file - the installation item from the RMB menu on the file. For INF files or other non-executable formats, you can also apply a standard driver update through Device Manager, but specifying where the file is saved or looking for software on this computer.

Hard drive problems

Often, error 0x00000050 in Windows 7 can also appear due to failures associated with hard disk... Check system partition (C drive) standard means called from "Explorer" is not recommended. In this situation, it is better to start the command console as an administrator and check the disk by executing the chkdsck / f / r command.

Swap File Actions

Companion components responsible for the functioning of virtual memory can also cause the described failure. This, however, does not concern the paging file itself, but the files ntoskrnl.exe, ntfs.sys, hal.dll and win32k.sys.

In this case, you can try to completely deactivate the use of the paging file. Despite the fact that Windows developers do not recommend doing this, as practice shows, there is nothing wrong with this (of course, provided that resource-intensive applications that are demanding on system resources are not used on the computer).

Removing temporary files

Another reason for the appearance of error 0x00000050 in Windows 7 is the overflow of the temporary TEMP files folder located in the user directory along the Users \ User_Name \ AppData \ Local path, where Users is the users folder in the system partition (on drive C), User_Name is the name of the registered user. The AppData catalog can be hidden, so you must first enable the display of hidden objects through the view menu in Explorer. In the final directory, you just need to select all the existing files and delete them. If for some reason the objects are not deleted, you can use the Unlocker utility.

Fixing security software problems

Finally, as strange as it sounds, sometimes the problem of the appearance of a blue screen with the indicated error may be related to the installation of antivirus programs and firewalls. Even more surprising is the fact that very often this failure is associated with antivirus products"Kaspersky Lab". The fix is ​​to completely remove the antivirus from the system using special utilities the antivirus software developer itself, or uninstall using specialized programs like iObit Uninstaller that are capable of automatically removing both the main and residual application components in the form of files, folders and registry keys.

Troubleshoot memory problems

If none of the above helps, it may very well be that the problem lies in the inoperability of the RAM bars.

To fix, you can apply the built-in Windows tool check or use the Memtest86 + application. True, it will be quite problematic for an ordinary user to deal with this utility. But you can simply remove the memory strips from the slots of the motherboard one by one with a constant reboot of the system, and when a non-working one is found, replace it.

Ready-made tools from Microsoft

It remains to add that on the official website technical support Microsoft Corporation, you can find ready-to-use specialized utilities that allow you to fix the error. Only when loading the necessary applet should you choose the correct version of your operating system, taking into account its bitness, and also pay attention to what kind of failure can be fixed.

Note: if any of the described methods cannot be used due to the inability to boot the system in normal mode, you need to start Windows in safe mode.

The Stop 0x00000050 error can occur if we have installed some kind of defective (out of order, incorrectly working) equipment. The error occurs in Windows systems XP and Windows 7. Most often, it is the defects of the random access memory (RAM) or video cards that cause bsod, in which case the memory lady will be indicated system fileigdpmd64.sys, ntfs.sys, win32k.sys or ntoskrnl.exe... Installing a faulty system service can also cause error 0x00000050.

Often, an error is initiated when installing software, for example, Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Stop error can also occur due to damage to the NTFS system

How to deal with this error? The first thing to do is to eliminate the devices that conflict with the system. These are most likely the devices that you recently connected to personal computer... After removing them and working in the system for a while, you will see if the problem is gone or the "screen of death" pops up again.

If the error persists, you should immediately eliminate the faulty system services. Disable them and make sure that they are not causing the error. Then the services are worth updating. In the event that an error appears during computer startup, you need to press the key when restarting it. F8 and in the menu that appears, you will be presented with a list of system boot options. Should choose Load Last Known Good Configuration... This method is very effective, especially if a driver or service was added to the system one by one at a time when the PC was started.

To solve the problem with the installation of antivirus software, you should disable the program, making sure that the error is fixed. If the matter is really in the antivirus program, then update it, reinstall it, or simply change the antivirus program to.

If you think it's a damaged NTFS system. To do this, you should run the command Chkdsk / f / r with the help of which it will be possible to detect and then fix various disk errors. Before you start scanning disk partitions, you must restart operating system... If you are using a SCSI drive, it is a good idea to make sure that there are no problems between the drive itself and the SCSI controller.

Get help Event Viewer(Windows event log), which will identify exactly which device or driver caused the error.

You can also try to fix the crash by disabling memory caching in the BIOS.

Error 0x00000050 is extremely common and can be caused by various malfunctions. If it appears, analyze what you have been doing with your computer lately, what devices you connected and what programs you installed. This is already 70% of the success. And then the matter is small, carefully and carefully check all the reasons that could cause this failure. This is not the easiest and not the fastest, but it will save you from unplanned