CHKDSK recovery. How to run the CHKDSK program - Restore Hard Disk

Chkdsk (chkdsk.exe) is a command-line utility in Windows-systems that checks the disk volumes for problems and errors with the file system. This tool may also try to correct all the errors found. For example, CHKDSK can fix problems associated with the presence of poor sectors lost clusters, as well as lost files and directories. By the way, I recently wrote about the features of the work c. However, automatic check file System The chkdsk utility, with an incorrect reboot of a PC, annoying some users. And in principle, such a check can be turned off (although it is not recommended - after all, you lose control of the integrity of your file system).

To disable automatic check disk when download windows, Go to the following registry key:


IN right panel double click on the key Bootexecute.. The default value of this key is AutoCheck AUTOCHK *

* means that each disc is checked for consistency (integrity, consistency). Just add the "/ K: C" parameter before *. Parameter / K disables automatic scan C drive: when booting Windows. So, the final value of the BootExecute registry key should look like this:

autoCheck AUTOCHK / K: C *

If you want to disable the scan and on other disks (for example, on the disks C: and D :), use the following key:


If you want to return everything back, simply replace the parameter value to:

autoCheck AUTOCHK *

In the event that you did not find the specified key in the registry, it is possible to disable the disc check when the utility can be downloaded. chkntfs. (key / x). For this discover command line With administrator rights and type the command:

chkntfs / x d: E:

After that restart the PC. The specified command will exclude D: and E discs: from the automatic disc check procedure when loading. If you need to exclude other disks, simply change the command by specifying the corresponding disk name.

The chkntfs / d command returns the original settings (all the disks of the system are checked when booting, and the CHKDSK is started only for disks with errors).

In any case, when disconnecting the discs when loading, it is necessary to periodically check them manually. You can check the disk status in this way:

Message F: Is Not Dirty It suggests that there are no errors on the disk and it does not need check.

Chkdsk - standard application for check hard disk On errors, detect damaged sectors on hard disk, fix file system errors. CHKDSK application (abbreviated from Check Disk - "Disk Check") built into operating system Windows.

The CHKDSK.exe program finds file system errors, failed BAD-Sectors on the hard disk, eliminates the detected faults. If the disc check on the file system errors has revealed faults, the CHKDSK check is started when the computer is turned on.

When using chkdsk.exe in different windows versions, There are some differences:

  • In operating room windows system XP CHKDSK service program finds file system errors and corrects damaged sectors on the disk.
  • In Windows 10, Windows1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, when settings, the default, the CHKDSK application finds the file system errors, but does not correct them. To correct file system errors and checking the disc sectors, you must manually set specific parameters.

Problems in the Windows operating system affect its performance. File system errors occur in the following situations:

  • Due to the cessation of power supply - with a sudden disconnection of the computer, an unexpected system failure may occur (to prevent such situations, use UPS - uninterrupted power sources).
  • In case of infection with a system of malicious software.
  • Due to the malfunction of the computer equipment.

Damaged sectors may appear on the hard disk surface. When checking the disk with using chkdsk., Files of the hard disk sectors are marked as damaged, the system no longer reads and does not write information from faulty disc sectors. The system will try to restore data from damaged sectors (clusters, directories), if possible.

Checking the CHKDSK disk starts in two modes:

If the computer is not loaded due to problems, check hDD You can using the installation DVD with the Windows operating system. After loading from removable media, in the system restore parameters, select the command prompt to start checking the disk to errors.

In this manual, I will show the use of the CHKDSK application on the example of the Windows 10 operating system.

Check CHKDSK to troubleshoot a file system in a graphical interface

The easiest option for checking the file system on errors: Start the CHKDSK program in the graphics interface to the system.

Follow these steps:

  1. Run the conductor.
  2. Right-click on the local disk on which you want to check.
  3. In the "Properties: Local disk (X :)" window, log in to the "Service" tab.
  4. In the "Check for Error" section, click the "Check" button.
  1. In the "Check error checkup window that opens, select" Check Disk ", despite the fact that the operating system writes that it is not detected when checking the disk.

Windows 7 available additional options Checks, for their launch, you must install flags in front of the items:

  • Automatically correct system errors.
  • Check and restore damaged sectors.
  1. The scanning process begins, which will take some time. Check time depends on size local disk and on the amount of data on the disk.

During checking file system errors, the status is scanned:

  • The basic file system structure is checked.
  • File name relationships are checked.
  • Safety descriptors are checked.
  • The USN magazine is checked.
  1. After the verification process is completed, information on its result will appear. IN this caseThe disk successfully verified, errors are not detected. If errors are found, you will be offered to eliminate them.

For details, click on the "Show Details" link.

In the Event Viewer window, click on "Details".

In the "Event Properties" window, in the General tabs and "details" details are available on the result of the disc check.

The received information about checking the disk on file system errors can be copied to a notebook or another text editor For further study.

How to run chkdsk (disk check) on the command prompt

CHKDSK command to check hard disk with specified parameters Performed from the command line:

  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator. Read how to find the command prompt in Windows
  2. To check the system partition ( system Disc) In the command line interpreter window, enter the command:
  1. Press the Enter key.
  2. The command prompt window will appear about the impossibility message to execute the chkdsk command due to the fact that the specified volume is used by the system process. To start checking the system disk after rebooting the system, press the "Y" key, and then press the Enter key.
  3. During the reboot of the system wid check and recovery of the system disk.

The approximate command template is as follows: ["CHKDSK" (application name)], space, [letter of a test disc with a colon ("C:", "D:", "F:", etc.), path, or File Name], Space, [Command Parameters].

Command parameters have the following values:

  • / F - Checking the file system and automatic fixed errors found.
  • / R is to search for damaged sectors on disk, content restoration (the command requires a mandatory key / F, an example: "CHKDSK C: / F / R").
  • / V - show full paths of files, displaying file names on disk, in the NTFS file system - show cleaning messages.
  • / X - disable disc before checking, descriptors of this disk will not be checked (mandatory key / f must be installed, the example of the command: "CHKDSK C: / F / X").
  • / I - carrying out a less strict check of index elements, CHKDSK conducts faster, but less thorough check.
  • / C - skipping cycles inside the folder structure.
  • / L: Size - changing the size of the log to the value specified in kilobytes.
  • / B - Reset the results of the check, re-check for previously found damaged hard sectors Disc (key / r required, sample command: "Chkdsk C: / F / R / B").

In most cases, to verify the file system and eliminate the damaged sectors on the hard disk, it is sufficient to use the Flags "F" and "R".

How to disable disc check in CHKDSK when booting windows

In some cases, checking the disk starts when the computer is turned on, before loading the Windows operating system. In most cases, it is necessary to wait for the end of the check, the re-launch will not follow.

Permanent disk check each time the system starts, signals the presence of problems and the need to eliminate them. You may think about replacing the hard disk. There are programs, for example, which constantly monitor the status of the computer's disks.

To disable the CHKDSK start when Windows is loaded, you can use 2 methods: Changing values \u200b\u200bin the operating system registry, or use the command prompt.

Disabling disc check on the command line:

  1. Run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator.
  2. In the command line interpreter window, enter the command ("C:" - the name of the disk on which you want to disable the launch of the disc check when loading the system), and then click on the Enter key:
chkntfs / x s:
  • If you want to turn off the check on multiple disks, add the corresponding letters of disks to the command via spaces, for example, "chkntfs / x s: D:".
  • Using the "CHKNTFS / D" command, you can return the original settings.

Turn off the automatic disc check when the operating system is loaded in the following way:

  1. Run the registry editor (enter "Regedit" in the search field, execute the command).
  2. Complete along the way:
  1. Click on the SESSION MANAGER parameter.
  2. Find the BootExecute parameter, click on it with the left mouse button.
  3. In the Editing Multi-Strokes window, the default value is displayed.

  1. To disable disc check during windows startup, Before the asterisk, add the parameter:
AutoCheck AUTOCHK / K: C *
  1. To turn off the check on several sections, add the letters of the disks through the space. Example for disks "C:" and "D:":

Conclusions Articles

The CHKDSK system application built into the Windows operating system is used to check the file system on errors and to detect the damaged sectors on the hard disk of the computer. Using the utility, you can fix the system errors and eliminate the negative impact (disable recording and reading) on \u200b\u200bthe system due to the presence of faulty hard disk sectors.

CHECK DISK service program (chkdsk.exe)it is used to check the disk on errors and damaged sectors. This utility is teamwork windows strings Checks the integrity of both basic and dynamic disks. It is used to check and correct errors detected on NTFS volumes and older formats as FAT, FAT32.

Check Disk. Can find and fix many types of errors. The utility is primarily looking for inconsistency in the file system and the metadata associated with it. One way to which Check Disk finds errors is a comparison of the volume bit card with disk sectors assigned to files.

Many users have a question - How to run chkdsk? For this you need:

CHKDSK command parameters

Chkdsk [Tom [[path] file name]]] where

  • Tom - Specifies the connection point, the name of the volume or the letter of the test disk with the colon.
  • file name - Files being checked for fragmentation (FAT / FAT32 only).
  • / F. - Correction of disk errors.
  • / V. - for FAT / FAT32: output the full path and name of each file on the disk. For NTFS: Displaying Cleaning Messages (if available).
  • / R. - Search for damaged sectors and restoring surviving contents (requires / f).
  • / L: size - Only for NTFS: Set the log file size (in KB). If the size is not specified, the current size value is displayed.
  • / X. - Pre-disconnection of volume (if necessary). All open descriptors for this volume will be invalid (requires / f)
  • / I. - Only for NTFS: Less strict check of index elements.
  • / C. - Only for NTFS: Skip the cycles check inside the folder structure.
  • / B. - Only for NTFS: Re-evaluation of damaged clusters on the disk (requires / R)
  • Parameters / i or / c reduce the execution time of the CHKDSK by passing some volume checks.

An example of disk analysis without CHKDSK error correction

You can check the integrity of the disk by entering the name of the command and the letter of the disk with the colon. For example, to check the integrity of the disk C, enter:

If the index checks will be found lost filesCheck DISK will restore them as they are. Usually, the recovered files are stored with the extension.chk in the root directory of the corresponding disk. At the end of Check Disk displays a report where it reports whether the free space has been mistakenly noted as used, and if yes, it recommends correcting the error by running CHECK DISK with key / f.

An example of a disk error correction using CHKDSK

Analyzing the disk, you check it, but in reality do not fix anything. To check the disk and eliminate any problems detected, you need to specify the / f key, after which Check Disk will search and correct errors:

  • cHKDSK / F C:

Check Disk can not restore the volumes that are in use. If that is used, Check Disk requests whether you want the volume to be checked when the computer is then loaded. Key / R. Specifies the search for poor disk sectors and restore readable information, and key / X. - Forced disabling NTFS volume if necessary.

Check Disk can display more detailed information about the progress key / V.. For NTFS volumes, you can limit index checks by setting key / I., and skip the cycles check inside folder structures, specifying key / S..

The following lesson helps you cancel the constant launch of the Chkdsk utility when booting Windows 10/8/7. Although the disc check will be very useful because it periodically checks the presence of errors and system failures. But when you turn on your computer, you will receive the default 8 unnecessary seconds to check the disk. Check Disk Utility or chkdsk.exe utility in Windows 10/8/7 is used to check for disk and file system errors.

In such cases, you can cancel the planned DSKCHK when loading. To cancel the disk check, you need to first determine if any disk has all the scheduled checks. Once you define, you can simply press any key to skip the disc check to the next restart session.

If you come across different problems, starting from blue Screen And the inability to open, save files or folders, you must run the CHKDSK program. In the case of a sharp stop of the OS or if it finds problems with the file system, then check the disk to start working and automatically. There may also be cases when you may find that this disk checkout utility runs automatically each time Windows starts. You can schedule it to start it once, or your Windows can decide to schedule its launch. But instead of working only once, it continues to work every time the computer is turned on when Windows is loaded.

Automatic disc check starts each time starting

If the disk check or the CHKDSK program, the tool is embedded in Windows, starts with each download, here are a few things you can try.

1. First of all, let it start completely at all.

2. Now, you need to open the registry editor and go to the next registry key:


In the right pane, you will see the BootExecute parameter. Here you need to change its value with AutoCheck AUTOCHK * /. On AutoCheck AUTOCHK *

3. Open the command prompt in Windows, and enter the following command and press ENTER:


This team will ask for a disc, and more than likely, she will tell you that he is dirty.

Next, enter the chkntfs / x G command: so as not to check the specific disk (G) for the next reboot. Next, manually reboot the computer, it should not run the CHKDSK program, and delivers you directly to the Windows desktop.

As soon as Windows is fully loaded, enter another CHKDSK / F / R G: command to the command prompt. This command should go through five stages of scanning and install which bit "dirty". Finally, enter the FSUTIL DIRTY QUERY G command: and press ENTER. Windows will confirm that this disc is clean.

You can run CHKDSK / R or CHKDSK / F commands from the command line to check the hard disk for errors. But if you entered the CKDSK / R and CHKDSK / F command, then it may take a lot of time on your computer with Windows 10.8.7.

Hope this decision will help you!

In today's article, consider the built-in tool in Windows "Disc Check".

The disk check utility scans your hard disk to find and eliminate problems. This tool is not difficult to use and can help solve some problems, as well as prevent data loss in the future. The disk check (CHKDSK) performs several functions, depending on the launch:

  • Scanning the integrity and metadata of the file system on a disk volume, and correct any logical error file system that it finds. Errors can include damaged entries in the main table of files volume (MFT), bad security descriptors related to files, or overwhelmed time stamping, or file information about individual files.
  • It can scan each sector on the disc of disc in search of bad sectors. Bad sectors may appear due to poor data recording, or due to physical damage disk. Disk check (CHKDSK) is trying to repair a bad record on bad sectors and mark physically damaged poor sectors so that they are not used in the future.

Many resources are recommended to run a disc check (CHKDSK) once a few months for scheduled maintenance. Also, if your computer has rebooted after failure or loss of nutrition - it is recommended to start CHKDSK. Sometimes Windows starts this utility, but that rarely happens.

Disk check (CHKDSK) works almost equally in all versions of Windows.

How to check the disk from Windows.

To check disc: Open the conductor \u003d\u003e Click on the disk you want to check the right mouse button and select "Properties"

In the "Service" tab in the "Check for Error", click "Check". In Windows 7, everything is also done, only instead of "check" you need to click "Check".

In Windows 8 and 10, you can write "Now the disk check is not required. We did not find errors on this disk .." You can simply close the window or still scan by clicking on "Check Disk". First, checking without attempts to repair, restart the computer without necessary. If any error is found - you will be offered a reboot option to correct the problem.

If no errors find - the window will pop up with the inscription "The disk successfully verified. Windows successfully believed the disk. Errors are not detected." Click "Close".

In Windows 7, when you click "Check" you will be offered to choose extra options Disc Checks: Automatically correct system errors, check and restore damaged sectors. To fully check with the recovery of damaged sectors - check the ticks in both parameters and click "Run".

When you select "Check and restore damaged sectors" - the Windows system will not be able to check until the disk is used, you will need a reboot. Select "Disk check schedule" To check started after restarting the computer, you can also click "Cancel" canceling the test.

After rebooting the computer, the disc check will be valid, it can last for a long time.

How to cancel the scheduled disk check.

From the command line, you can check the disk check after restarting the computer or not. You can also cancel the test using the command or after the restart before starting the check, below describe how.

To check the verification is assigned after a reboot or not:, one of the ways is to click on the "Start" menu with the right mouse button and select "Command Line (Administrator)"

Enter the command chkntfs C:and press ENTER. If the check is assigned after a reboot - you will see the inscription "Start CHKDSK was assigned manually for Tom C: with the next reboot."

If the check is assigned to the next to restart the computer - you can cancel it by entering the command chkntfs / x c: And pressing ENTER. Check will be canceled, without notifications about it.

You can also cancel the scheduled check after restarting the computer before it starts. That is, if we turn on the computer and writes that the check will start and the return time report - you can cancel by pressing the key X.

How to use chkdsk command in the command line.

Checking disk It is possible to start using the command line, both in the Windows system itself and C if the system is not loaded.

If you are simple and execute the command Chkdsk.- The search for errors will begin and as a result it will be reported on errors, if there are, but nothing will be corrected.

If you want to restore logical file system errors during scanning - you need to execute the command cHKDSK / F C:If you run this command from the downloaded Windows, you will be offered to schedule check after a reboot.

If you want to check the disk for damaged sectors - run the command cHKDSK / R C:

When you use the CHKDSK / R command to check - it takes a more thorough check, it is recommended to run periodically, but it takes the most time.

There are also other parameters of the launch of CHKDSK:

C: \\ Windows \\ Syste M32\u003e CHKDSK /?

Checking the disc and output of the report.

CHKDSK [TOM [[PATH] Name_Fa]]]]]

volume of a disc (with a colon after it), connection point or volume name.

file file names checked for fragmentation (FAT / FAT32 only).

/ F fixes disk errors.

/ V For FAT / FAT32: Displays the full path and name of each file on the disk. For NTFS: Displays the cleaning messages (if available).

/ R is looking for damaged sectors and restore the surviving information (requires / F, when not specified / Scan).

/ L: Size NTFS only: Specifies the size of the log file (in KB).

If the size is not specified, the current value is displayed.

/ X pre-turns off the volume (if necessary).

All open descriptors for this volume will be invalid (require / f).

/ I Only for NTFS: Performs less strict check of the index elements.

/ C For NTFS only: skips checks in the folder structure.

/ B Only for NTFS: Repeated damaged clusters in the volume (requires / R).

/ Scan for NTFS: Performs a proactive scan of volume.

/ FORCEOFFLINEFIX only for NTFS (you want to use "/ Scan"): cancels the recovery in the connected state; All the problems found are added to the recovery queue. offline mode (For example, "Chkdsk / Spotfix").

/ Perf Only for NTFS (must be used with "/ Scan"): uses more system resources for speedy scanning. This may adversely affect the manufacturer of other tasks performed in the system.

/ Spotfix only for NTFS: Point correctly corrects errors in tom.

/ SDCleanUp Only for NTFS: Collects unnecessary data descriptor data as garbage (requires / f).

/ Offlinescanandf ix launches autonomous check and correction of volume.

/ Freeorphanedcha Ins Only for FAT / FAT32 / EXFAT: Frequently lost cluster chains instead of restoring their contents.

/ MarkClean for FAT / FAT32 / EXFAT only: marks how clean, if damage has not been detected, even if the / f parameter was not specified.

The / i or / c parameter reduces the execution time of the CHKDSK by passing some volume checks.

I hope the CHKDSK feature will help you solve hard disk problems. Today, everything, if there are additions - Write comments! Good luck to you 🙂