Mail Paul Mail. Collect all letters from different boxes in one

To date, this is perhaps the most popular postal services. And when considering one or another resource, it would be no discount on the fact that another mail address from another service can be connected to each box.

After all, go for each mailbox And it is not always convenient to check mail. Therefore, for convenience, the possibility of adding a mailbox to an existing address was created. Then all mail will be collected in one place, in one mailbox. Today, just we learn how to organize the collection of mail from other boxes.

Let's start with Mail RU

How to add a box in Mail ru

Mail RU mail service provides the ability to add a third-party mailbox to your main.

In order to add another mailbox, go to your Mail RU Mail Account and at the top right click at your address.

And click on the button " to add a mail box».

After entering the data, click " To come in».

The result of our actions appeared folder with our name and surname, there and letters from Yandex Mail will be delivered. And you will disappear need to enter the mailbox from Yandex to check the new mail.

Now we will do something like in Yandex mail.

How to add a mailbox to Yandex?

To add a box from another postal service in the Yandex system, we also go to your Yandex Mail Account

And click on the gear icon and choose the item " Mail collection from other boxes».

Go to the settings " Mail collection" Now we will add a box from Mail RU. We enter our electronic box, password to it and click " Enable collector»

At the next stage, you can specify a label for letters with Mail. All letters from mail service Will come to the "Inbox" folder. Old letters let them notice as read. Next, re-indicate the password and click " Save changes».

All, we connected an additional mailbox to Yandex mail. If in the future you do not want to receive more letters from the connected box, it can be turned off at any time.

Similarly, you can add other boxes.

To go between basic and added boxes, use the main menu, then select the box you need.

How to add a box to Gmail?

Mail Ot google companies Also makes it possible to connect additional 5 mailboxes.

And choose the item ""

Go to the tab " Accounts and imports"And click on the reference" Add mail account»

In a new window, enter the address of the box, which we will add. We click Further».

Then, in turn, specify the password from the added drawer, then change the POP server on pOP3.mail. ru. Tick \u200b\u200bthe checkbox, which is responsible for the copies of the received letters being saved on the server. It will be your priest in the case if something happens to google account Your letters will be saved on the Mail RU server. For the convenience of recognition on what box a letter came, add a label to all incoming letters from Mail RU

After that, click " Add Account».

On the next page We do not change anything like this, unless you can ask your username. We enter the password OT. mail box and click " Add Account».

After that, your added mailbox will receive a letter with confirmation code. You can confirm in two ways: go through the link in the letter or copy the code from the letter and paste in the field. Click " Confirm».

Now the settings have changed. As we can see below, our added postal address that can be changed or deleted has appeared on the screenshot.

You can also set the default box from Mail RU to send letters by clicking on the appropriate link.

And here letters from the mailbox Mail enhow successfully entered the box from Google. As we see, all letters are marked with the label that we specified in the process of adding a box.

And when creating a new letter, you can choose from which box you need to send a letter.

Also to collect letters in one place can be used special programs - Post clients. The most popular is " The Bat. " But this program Paid. Among free - Mozilla Thunderbird.. About what, read on our website.

Write in the comments if you use mail clients or a letter collector, as we described today.

And on this let me finish. Good luck and success to all!

We should strive not to understand us all sorts, but to ensure that we cannot be understood.

As you act on the network, I have accumulated a lot of mail accounts, some of which, I actively use for different purposes. I do not use mail programs, but to enter and check mail in each box - for a long time, so I decided to adjust the mail collection in one place. In this post, I will tell you how to configure the collection of mail from different boxes on the same Gmail account.

Most of my accounts on Yandex and Gmail for the domain. Mail from most accounts, has long been going on a single Gmail account, but not all, and periodically come to enter and check other mail accounts. Plus sending letters on behalf of another account, configured by a simple scheme when the mail is sent via the domain and the Gmail account, and not through the mail server where another box is located. In general, I decided to organize everything and configure everything, collect mail from all active Accounts In one place, on the same domain is screwed to Gmail, which has long taken to be specifically for these purposes.

So it happened that I never used postal programsI don't like me. Gmail, I think is much more convenient. Nothing needs to be downloaded to your computer, convenient search, convenient grouping of letters in chains and not only. In short, I didn't even think about working with mail, I used, and I will use Gmail. Plus also in the fact that you can access the mail archive from any computer. About how to make a gmail for a domain, you can read in the post.

And so, to the point. Below I will give instructions, as I configured the mail collection in one place, on the Gmail account for the domain.

What did I need?

  1. Mail collection from different boxes / accounts on one Gmail account.
  2. Be able to send letters on behalf of another account and do not fill the address .
  3. Mark letters obtained on different accounts.

Everything. I don't need anything else.

Let's start in order.

1. Mail collection from different boxes / accounts on one Gmail account

There are several ways here.

1) Configure mail shipping from another box / account to your main account

Most developed postal services have such an opportunity. I have accounts for Yandex and Gmail, so I will describe the mail forwarding setting for these mailers.

Shipment / mail collection from another account Gmail

Go to the account from which we want to send mail, in the settings \u003d\u003e shipment and POP / IMAP

Mark "Enable POP for all letters", choose what you need to make sent letters. I have to "save a copy of the letters in the incoming". Enter the address to which you want to send mail.

After that, on the added email, the confirmation code comes. Enter the code.

Then choose to send to the added address and action with letters after shipment:

Everything. Now all letters will be sent to the email you specified.

Shipment / mail collection with Yandex

Go to Setup \u003d\u003e Mail Processing Rules \u003d\u003e Create Rule.

Create a "Send to" rule and mark "Save a copy when sending". Click to create a rule.

After that, the email specified to ship comes with a link with reference. Go on the link and click "Enable Rule".

Everything. Now all mail from the Yandex account will be sent to the email you specified.

2) Collect mail using gmail mail collector

This method, personally, I use only mail collection if:

  • there is no way to configure mail forwarding from another drawer / account
  • if you need to collect all the existing mail from another drawer / account

Why only in these cases?


Firstly, there is a limit, and you can collect mail only with 5 accounts, no more. This is a restriction for a free account, on the commercial version, as far as I know, there is no such restriction, but I can be wrong.

Secondly, time delay. Google himself chooses the time through which it will collect your mail from another account. You can, of course, check your hands in the mail settings, choose the desired account And click Check, but this is not that. If you configure shipment from another post account, then the letters will come instantly.

How to set up mail collection using gmail collector

Go settings \u003d\u003e Accounts \u003d\u003e Get mail from other accounts \u003d\u003e Add your postcant account

Adop the email from which you want to collect mail. Enter the data and choose the necessary actions. Data for different mail servers - different. Need to clarify. For most major mail mailings, Yandex, Mail, the desired settings are entered by default correctly.

In detail, setting up sending letters on behalf of another account is described below, when considering item 2 - "to be able to send letters on behalf of another account and not fall." After that, Gmail will collect mail from the added mailbox.

2. Be able to send letters on behalf of another account and not fall

In order to configure the possibility of sending mail on behalf of another account, go to the settings \u003d\u003e Accounts \u003d\u003e Add other address email.

Enter the address and the desired name that will be specified when sending a letter.

Here are 2 options, simple and more complicated:

  • send through gmail mail On the domain (more simple setting)
  • send via SMTP servers mailers on which the account is located (recommended for professional domains)

I used to do not want to be mashed with the setting and I chose the first option. But at the first option, the recipient, as I understand it, will see that the letter sent completely from another domain, and perhaps you can see real address Sender.

With the second variant, the mail is sent from the server on which another account is located. At the same time, as far as I know, the address and domain is not poured, but the addresses and domain are displayed, on behalf of which sent a letter. Therefore, I choose the second option.

Select a "secure connection using TLS" recommended by Gmail. Enter the SMTP server address. For Yandex it is port 25. This is all indicated by default. I put the port and the other, it seemed also worked. For Gmail - Port 587. For other mail services, you need to specify the SMTP server address.

After that, the code added to the added email. Enter the code and confirm the email.

Everything. Now you can send letters on behalf of another account.

3. Mark letters sent to different email addresses

In order to easily navigate, where and what letters, create shortcuts for each account or account group and setting the filters.

Create labels for letters

Go to the settings \u003d\u003e Labels and create a shortcut.

Create a filter for letters

Go to the settings \u003d\u003e Filters \u003d\u003e Create a new filter and create a filter.

When creating a filter, there are many settings. I create a filter by addressee to whom the letter is addressed.

I only need to mark the letter with a label, so I choose only "Apply a shortcut", I choose a shortcut and click "Create a Filter". Everything. Now all the letters addressed to the specific email will be labeled.

Thus, I now receive letters with more than 20 different accounts and have the opportunity to respond on behalf of these accounts, do not pass the main address from one place. Now I do not need to go to different accounts to check the mail and answer that it saves a lot of time. Perhaps you will be useful to such a solution and the instruction will help.

Gmail taxis!)

There is something to add - Write!

Last time I started a series of articles on the collection of mail from several different boxes, created even on different services, into one main box, which the user constantly controls and it is easier for him to work alone with it, rather than separately look through all its electronic boxes. Read more about the need to collect mail and its implementation on the Gmail service, read.

I plan this series of articles yet on 3 articles. Today I will talk about setting up a mail collection in an equally well-known mail service - Yandex.

Mail collection from other accounts to Yandex is configured as simply as in other services.

The process of setting up mail collection in the Yandex service.

To connect the ability to collect all the mail in your box on Yandex from any of your accounts on the same or other mail services first log in to your account on Yandex, which will be the main one. It is in it that will collect mail from other boxes.

Open the mail settings section and select "Mail Collection from Other Boxes".

You can collect mail from any boxes located on any mail services, and not just from your post office located on the same Yandex service!

In the example, this article will show the process of collecting letters from mail

Enter the full email address from which you will collect letters and password from it, and then click "Enable Collector".

If you specify the right login and password from the mail, then the next window will appear about a successful connection and here you can make some settings for the collection of letters. For example, you can assign a label to collected letters, as well as display old sent letters as read. Mark the options you need. After that below, specify the password from your second mail again and click "Save Changes". Mail will begin to assemble minutes after 10 minutes.

In this settings window you will not be able to select a separate folder to collect letters from the connected box. Initially, the "Inbox" folder will be indicated and it does not change. This is due to the fact that initially mail is going to iMAP protocol And this protocol copies the fully structured folder structure with the mail connected.

If the 2 options to force all the same mail to be sorted by folders:

    Change mail collection settings and put the POP3 protocol, instead of IMAP (which is defined initially);

    Configure later filtering letters, i.e. create a condition in which the mail received will fall into the folder you need, bypassing the "incoming".

The second option, I think more preferable, especially for beginners, so as not to pick up in the configuration settings with another mail.

Now all the letters entering the mail connected by you will be flogged into the current, which is your main. And then there is no need to enter separately into the second mail to verify new letters in it.

How to see separately all the letters collected from the connected mail?

After adding mail, you will see a label with its name to the left under the folders for letters. Example:

By clicking on this label, you will see separately all letters from the connected box.

How to change the settings or disable mail collection from a specific box?

If you need to change anything in the mail collection settings from the added box, then you can do it there in the Yandex Mail settings, through the "Mail Collection from other boxes" section.

If you need to turn off or turn on the mail collection again From a specific connected box, press the "ON switch" / Off " In the list of connected boxes.

If you want to open mail collection settingsClick on the box name, then click on the "Set up" link. As a result, the same settings window will open as when mail connected ().


In conclusion, I would like to note that usually with the collection of email to the Yandex service there are no problems and nothing needs to be configured in the second mail (which connect). But there is a very capricious service named Gmail :) Here when it is connected (and not only to Yandex, but even to myself) very often, problems arise and is connected with the increased security of this Google mail. No, I do not argue, security is good! But sometimes it reaches the level of the maratism, for example, when Gmail blocks connecting to its own second gmail box, and the login to both is executed from one computer and one IP :)) about such problems with connecting google mail I will tell in a separate article.

Many users use email, in this form, in which it is represented immediately after registration, without contributing to any settings. If you are using "Yandex.It" and at the same time do not bring any settings, I suggest you read the post to the end, I am sure you will find something useful for yourself!

As you already understood, it will be about email, which is provided by the well-known Russian IT company Yandex. As part of this post, I will tell about the basic settings "Yandex.poshy" which will allow more convenient and more efficient to use her " Web. interface»

What to get into the "Yandex.pox" settings log in to your mail and on the left under the folders there is no particularly notable link "Set up" this is what you need. After you go to the mail settings, there will be navigating the settings.

As I said above, it will be about the basic mail settings from Yandex. And everyone with a consecutor to consider I see no sense or simply consider some of them not particularly necessary.

By the way, Yandex.Things have excellent and free, let's say, the ability to connect your own domain and get a mailbox of the form " Your [email protected]."And at the same time use Web interface Yandex mail!

If anyone does not understand, then simple wordsIt turns out that everyone has the opportunity to start Yandex mail, but already for the place of the usual " yandex. ru"Will be your domain. In my opinion, an excellent idea, how do you think?
Of course, you can use the postal service of your hosting provider and get a box with your domain. I usually do not use these services of your hosting, for some reason.

If you are interested, how to connect your domain to Yandex mail , I do not miss, in one of the following posts I will tell you how to do it! without leaving the page.

Settings Yandex.pocities

Let's return to the topic of the post and in order to analyze the basic mail settings as they use, and for what they need.

Information about sending : This section should pay attention if you wish that your mail recipients have seen your photo. You can write your unique signature that the recipient will see at the bottom of your letter. And also choose from what address your letters will be sent.

To download your photo, click the Upload portrait button and select the previously prepared picture or your photo.

If you do not have a photo at hand, you can take a picture with a webcam. Slightly above, on the same page, you can specify your name in the field " Your name"Now the recipients of your letters will see Vishka.

In the same section, you can change the address of the sender, or rather its domain. I think it will be useful if you live in Russia, but, for example, in Ukraine. In this case, you can change "" to "" (like the Ukrainian zone, honestly, not really understand it) or choose, shorter ""

If you change this parameter to "", the letters will come from the address "Your @" to me how the inhabitant of the Russian Federation does not make sense to change something, and leave, as it was!

And the last of this section is a signature. Here you can specify, for example, contact details, by mail addresses, ICQ number, site address and other, which consider it necessary. The signature can be issued as you like, change the color of the text and everything in this spirit.

You can create such signatures several, for example, for each address your own unique signature. Now this signature will always be displayed at the end of each of my letter sent!

Mail collection from other boxes : If you have other mailboxes, and you use them, then you can raise the entire mail in one box. It is done quite simple. You need to specify the email address and its password to the appropriate fields.

After turning on the collector, simply save the settings, not touching any TDD lanes. About this little below. Now all letters from the address " [Email Protected]"I will come to" [Email Protected]"Sometimes it is convenient, you do not need to constantly go to the first box to check it ...

Folders and labels : In my opinion, this is the most interesting and necessary for convenient work With Mail Setup. You can create a folder with the name, such as "important letters" and collect letters to this folder with an important address for you.

After the folder is created, select it with one click of the right mouse button and click the "Create Rule" button. This form will open.

Fill in the field "From whom" specify in it E-mail address. In my case from the address " [Email Protected]"All letters will fall into the" Important Letters "folder thanks to which, losing important letters will be more difficult if they come to all letters to the" Incoming "folder, they are easily lost among spam.

As for the "labels"that's where, you can create different labels for different addresses, for example, create a label "Important" and assign it a red color. To do this, click on the button "New Tag"

After creating a label, you can edit it if you need to change the color or name of the label, as well as the most important thing to set the rule label, just like with the folders.

Highlight the label and click the "Create Rule" button after that specify the address to which you want to assign this label. I pointed out the same " [Email Protected]»Now letters from this address will come to the" Important Letters "folder and they will be labeled" Important "looks like this:

Agree, such a letter will be difficult to lose or remove not read?

In general, with the help of labels and folders, you can bring an incredible order in your mail. For example, I have a folder "Subscriptions to blogs" where I add mailing, from blogs to which signed with different labels "Blog Vasi" and others ... So, I am much easier to rake and read all the newsletters.

Mail Processing Rules : In this section, you have the opportunity to add addresses electronic boxes In the black and white list. If you got a "spammer" or various non-understandable mailing and other spam, add addresses to the blacklist.

To delete an address from a black list, it was suddenly added by mistake, check it with a check mark and click the "Delete from the list" button from the rest of the letters to you will not come.

If letters fall into spam and you disagree with it, then use the White List and add addresses to it that fall into spam.

Addresses that are located in the White list will fall into the "Inbox" folder bypassing the "Spam" folder

Safety : There is a great opportunity with which you can bind your number mobile phone to Yandex.Moy. It is necessary for two things. In cases of lost password from mail, it can be easily restored via SMS. And to all this, you will get another email address of this kind "Your phone [email protected]". Such an address is much easier to report, for example by phone.

It is much easier to dictate your own number than to explain how your email address is written correctly.

To bind number to mail, do the following. On the Safety page, click on the link " Phone numbers»On the next page, enter your mobile phone number through" +7 "

On the following page, enter the confirmation code and the current password from the mail.

After that click the confirm button. On this phone number will be tied to your mail, and you can already use the new drawer "[email protected]"

As for other Yandex. Good settings, then you can note the possibility remove advertising from mail. To do this, simply remove the checkboxes on the page. Other parameters"I don't touch other settings, or they have nothing to do!

On this I will complete the post about the setup of Yandex. Goods, thanks for your attention. I hope from this topic you learned for yourself useful information And questions about the setting of Yandex. You will no longer disturb you.
Do not forget how I said above, I will write a post on how to "fasten" your domain to mail from Yandex.

In Gmail you can receive letters from several mail accounts. Select one of the options:

  • Import all messages (old and new). Take advantage of this way if you are going to receive letters to another address (including Gmail's address). There are insignificant delays between entering letters to another mailbox and their imports in Gmail.
  • Get only old posts. Suitable for those who recently switched to Gmail.
  • Forward only new posts. Select this option if you want to instantly receive new messages from another box.

How to import all letters

You can import all old and new letters from another account.

Note. From another account you can transfer only letters. Folders and labels are impossible to import.

Step 1. Change the settings in the external account

Yahoo, Outlook or other service

Make sure in your postal service There are access via the POP protocol. Then change the settings in Gmail.

Another account Gmail

Step 2. Change Gmail settings

Error "server refused to access POP3 protocol"

  • If you use two-step authentication, Enter the application password.
  • If you use Gmail in an organization or educational institution In the "POP server" field, enter and select Port 110.
  • If you use Google MX records In a corporate or academic account, in the "POP-server" field, enter and select Port 995.
  • If you do not manage to enterTry turning on access for unreliable applications . Also, maybe you will need disable code or word protection.

These advice.

Other errors

If you encountered other errors, click Show error information And do the following:

  • If POP is disabledInclude it in the account settings from which you import letters.
  • If POP is unavailableMost likely your email service does not support access to this protocol. In this case, you can import old letters and enable automatic shipment of new ones.

If you have problems with letters, take advantage of these tips.

If you need to get only old messages

If you switched to Gmail recently, transfer old letters from the box to which you used before.

Important! If you are using Gmail at work or in an educational institution, and the import option is not available, perhaps your administrator has disabled this feature.

We will send letters from the old account to your new Gmail address within 30 days so that you can gradually notify your contacts about the address change.

How to Disable Mail Import

If you only need to enable shipment of new letters

From another Gmail address. Configure automatic shipping.

From Yahoo, Outlook or other service. Find the instructions for setting the auto tracks on the Internet.