Creating a loading flash drive using Ultraiso. How to make a loading USB flash drive Win 7 Ultraiso

Increasingly, USB drives are used more and more likely to install or reinstall the operating system. They are not only convenient in transportation, but also more functional than CDs (for example, there is no connector for disk in the netbook).

Sometimes in the process of installing a new software, a driver error may occur: "The required driver for the optical drive disk" is not found. " In this case, you should connect the flash card to another nest. Usually this problem There are new PC users equipped with 2.0 and 3.0 users. USB ports. The newer port is not supported by Windows 7. It is possible to determine it by coloring in blue.

We will tell you how to create a bootable USB flash drive in several ways.

What we need to create a boot flash drive

To create a loading flash drive, we need such things:

  1. Disc with the Windows 7 recorded OS or its image.
  2. Empty flash drive, size of 4 GB.
  3. Settings that make it possible to work with a flash card to bios.

In case of absence boot disk OS can be downloaded on the Internet. Use only proven sites.

Format flash drive

As for the memory card, it must be completely cleaned. To do this, resort to formatting. Save important files before proceeding to this process. Formatting itself can be implemented both during the recording of the boot file and before.

To clean the USB flash drive, connect the USB to the computer. In the My Computer folder, right-click on the icon of the desired removable disk. Click "Format".

When specifying the parameters, select the NTFS file system. You can also change the name of the removable disk (Tom label). No other indicators should be changed.

USBA can be formatted using command line. To do this, write it in it: Format H: / FS: NTFS / Q / V: My_Fleshka and press ENTER.

Selection of boot in BIOS

To select the download from the flash card, log in to the BIOS. Usually for this you should press delete or F2.

Initially, you need to make sure that the USB controller is turned on. Status can be checked in the Integrated Peripherals tab. Opposite the USB Controller and USB Controller 2.0 should be enable.

Command line

Record Windows 7 bootable flash drive using the command line is the easiest way that does not provide additional software downloads. However, you will need to inscribe enough a large number of Tasks.

Open the command line using a Win + R - CMD combination. Through ENTER fit the following tasks:

  1. Diskpart. This command makes it possible to manage objects through the command line.
  2. LIST DISK. After entering this command, you will have a list of disks. Determine the one of them that is your flash drive. As a rule, it is located after hard disks. In addition, you can learn it in size.
  3. SELECT DISK #. Instead # Write a number under which the flash drive is.
  4. Clean. Deletes all the information from the selected media.
  5. CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY. Creates a primary partition.
  6. Select Partition 1. Selection of the created partition for subsequent work with it.
  7. Active. Enabling the section.
  8. Format FS \u003d NTFS. This command formats the USB flash drive in the desired system.
  9. ASSIGN. A new disk will be created. If necessary, he can be assigned a letter by adding letter \u003d.N..
  10. Exit.
  11. Next, simply transfer the OS files to the removable media and you can proceed to work.

This method is difficult only large quantity commands. You could see that the formatting process of the flash drive is included in the description of the steps. If you have done it before, just lower these items.

Note that the files that you transfer to the USB flash drive must be unpacked. The program will not be a working if you simply transfer file.iso.


The utility is designed to develop and edit disk images. Make Windows 7 Ultraiso bootable USB flash drive is quite simple. To do this, you just need to download and install the program. You can purchase a full certified version or use the possibility of free test mode.

Install the program on the PC using the installation wizard. On behalf of the administrator, run the application by pressing the trial period. Next follow such an algorithm:


This application is located in common access And works on the principle of Ultraiso. It suggests official developer Microsoft.

Go to the Start menu and run the program. Find the image of the desired software. Click Browse, select File and click Next.

A window will be displayed, which will ask you about the preferred medium - a flash card or disk. Choose USB Device..

Click Begin Copying. In the event of a pop-up window, select Erase USB Device - yes.

When the process is completed, the flash drive can be used.


The advantage of this program is that it should be just downloaded and run. Installation is not required. Creating a flash drive with Windows 7 occurs in one step.

In the main window, check the inscription image of the disk. In the same string, press ... and select an image.

In the bottom line, specify the detachable device data. Click OK.

If this operating system is already installed on your device, a pop-up window will appear before you, requesting a disk overwriting permission. Agree with action.

The loading flash drive will be created.

Modern laptops are increasingly equipped with a drive to work with CDs. And such devices as low-bill drives are not found at all. Refusal from the drive allows you to make mobile device lighter and more subtle. But, at the same time, users face some difficulties in the work. For example, in order to install Windows 7 to the device without a drive, you have to create bootable flash drives. In this material, we will tell about how to write the image of Windows 7 on the USB flash drive via Ultraiso.

Step # 1. Open the image of Windows 7 in the Ultraiso program.

In order to record the image of Windows 7 on a USB flash drive through the program you need to first open this image. To do this, launch Ultraiso, open the "File" menu and select "Open".

As a result, you will appear standard window To select a file. Here you need to choose ISO file. So Windows 7, which you want to record on the USB flash drive.

After that, the Ultraiso interface will appear files from the selected disk image. These files are better not to touch, otherwise boot flash drive may not work.

Step number 2. Connect a flash drive to a computer and start recording image of windows 7.

Further you need to connect a flash drive to a computer to which you plan to record the image of Windows 7 through Ultraiso. To do this, simply connect the USB flash drive to any port and wait until the system determines it. After connecting the flash drive, go back to the Ultraiso program. Now you need to open the "Self-loading" menu and select the item "Write a hard disk image".

After that, a window will open to record the disk image. Here you need to choose a USB flash drive to which you want to burn the image of Windows 7. Select the desired USB flash drive, and click on the "Write" button.

After that, the Ultraiso program will warn about removing all data from the flash drive and in the case of the user's consent, the image of the image of Windows 7 on the USB flash drive will start.

Step number 2. Wait until Ultraiso finishes recording the image.

It's no secret that optical drives in the form of CD or DVD discs strongly pass positions in terms of their popularity due to the presence of inexpensive USB flash drives An impressive capacity and high-speed Internet access. A prominent part of new computers, laptops, netbooks ... are not even equipped with appropriate drives. Today we will look at how to install windows 7 from flash drives. In other words - we are interested in the process of creating boot flash drive.

So, there are several programs for writing a distribution Windows 7 on the USB flash driveBut we will not use specialized software, but use the usual utility to work with ISO images - " Ultraiso." Surely you have already had to create, edit and record ISO'Shniki - this program can all and is a universal tool for working with disk images. The program interface is very simple, resembles a "dual conductor", in one part of which navigating files and folders of your computer or laptop , and the second part displays the structure and contents of the folder open or created disc image. Everything is intuitive, there is a Russian version of the program, so you should not have problems with its use.

How to burn windows 7 image on a flash drive:

1. Download, install and run Ultraiso.. Insert USB flash drive to computer.

2. We find the conductor the corresponding ISO image, click on it with the right mouse button and choose " To open with >>> Ultraiso." You can find an image through the menu " File >>> Open"From the Ultraiso itself - no difference.

3. In the menu of the Used utility, select the item " Write image hard disk »From the top menu" ".

4. In the window that appears, select a flash drive to which you need write the image of Windows 7 (This is done in the Disk Drive drop-down list). Recording Method Select "USB-HDD +" (though, it should initially stand such). Those who wish can put a mark at the Checking point in order to compare the comparison procedure recorded on the distribution and source ISO file after recording.

5. It remains only to press the button " Record»To get the loading flash drive.

That's actually all - the procedure is "easy to disgrace." On the above presented screenshots Viden the whole process. It is worth doing this once and further questions about record the image of Windows 7 on the USB flash drive You should not have. It is worth noting that before recording the distribution all available on USB Flash. Drive information will be destroyed.

Further installing Windows 7 from the boot flash drive goes according to the usual scenario, with the only difference that in the BIOS you need to choose flash drive as a primary boot device. More add, perhaps, nothing - success in speed windows installation 7 (high-speed compared to the use of a DVD disk).

You can use regular windows tools, for example, recovery, but it does not always succeed, so it's much easier to remove old system And put a new one.

To restore the disk or.

Consider the process of creating an image on the example windows records 8, although the "seven" and the remaining OS are written as well.

Step 1. Getting started

To make further actions, you will need to run the program on behalf of the administrator, otherwise the system simply will not give anything.

After you have opened the program, you must press the "Open" menu as shown in the first screenshot and proceed to creating the Ultraiso bootable flash drive.

The example shows prepared. The files themselves are easy to find on the Internet, in particular, on torrent trackers. The extension must be the ISO, and not exe.

Once you confirmed the choice of image by pressing the "Open" button, the list of files used in the right window of the program will be displayed.

Do not delete anything and do not rename so that there are no errors in the following installation.

Step 2. Preparing the image to write

Returns a pop-up window again, once again warning that the data will be deleted. We agree with this and go further.

It begins the most interesting - the immediate entry of the OS. The Multi-loading flash drive Ultraiso began to create , what will take some time.

The program itself works quite quickly and promptly, but the system often slows down the entire creation process. Be patient.

Upon completion of the process in the logs, a notification will be displayed "Record is completed"! This means that our flash drive is ready Windows 8. Ready to use.

Because in Ultraiso services we no longer need, the program can be closed.

When the flash drive is secondary to connect to the PC, approximately such an inscription should appear, as shown in the screenshot.

Nowadays, the use of discs is no longer popular, since many PCs and laptops are released even without a drive. For this reason, the question of how to make a Windows 7 bootable USB flash drive (Ultraiso or another program will be used - to solve you), relevant, more than ever. Let's figure it out that you need to have to create it and for which a similar boot flash drive may be needed.

Possible and problems

The use of such an operating system as "Windows" may be accompanied by various unexpected problems and problems. Operations often begins to work with serious failures, and sometimes even stops loading. It is impossible to insure themselves from this, as well as to predict such a state of affairs.

It happens that problems with the Operations are eliminated by the usual system restore function. To do this, just run it, if, of course, you did control Points Save, and this system has been running. If there is no way to run recovery, then Windows 7 will be able to save the situation. Of course, you can run from the disk with Windows, but the flash drive is more convenient and mobile. Especially since in netbooks, for example, there is no drive.

Reinstalling the system - solving the problem

There are no cases when a serious problem can be eliminated only to reinstall your OS (it will also be suitable for the Windows 7 bootable flash drive) if the function has not been turned on reserve copy "WINDOVS" and data. The disk or flash drive can also be applied to restore, and to reinstall, and to install the system.

Advantages of flash drive

Most often, of course, the distribution with the operating system is written to a regular DVD. But, you see, now it is not relevant. Yes, and stored the image of the OS on a similar disk is quite difficult due to the fact that it can be easily damaged by any mechanical exposure. Only one small scratch can lead to the fact that the disc will not be subject to recovery, which means that your system is also. Windows 7 boot flash ( ISO Image On it) will be a way out of this situation. Installing the Windows System from a USB flash drive is no different from the usual installation process from the disk.

The USB drive with the image of the OS is better protected from various kinds of damage than dVD disk. In addition, the flash drive is less than the size, easily moved without any problems and damage.

Main question

And, of course, the main thing is to make the Windows 7 boot flash drive. Ultraiso is one of the programs that will help easily and quickly create an image of any disk. Except her, there are also other applications for these purposes. But we will talk, as you already understood about the Ultraiso program.

Tricks Programs

This program is paid, but nevertheless has some trial free application. You can use free version Ultraiso, but with one restriction - the size of the file of your image should not exceed 300 MB. Yes, this is such a tricky program. The boot flash drive of Windows 7, undoubtedly, in these megabytes will not fit. So the solution will be portable (Portable) version of Ultraiso.

Rules for creating an image for a flash drive in Ultraiso

So, we approached the main issue of this article. To how created USB loading Windows 7 USB flash drive using Ultraiso. By the way, in the same way you can write on it and the image of the current Windows 8.

To create a bootable flash drive in this program you need to start it to start it with administrator rights. After that, click "Open" at the top of the Ultraiso program window panel. Next in the conductor window that opens, you need to select the image of the Windows Operations for its further record on the flash drive.

In the window called "Open ISO File", you must select the image of your operating system and click on the "Open" button. If you are interested in how to make the Windows 7 boot flash drive, ultraiso will provide you with the opportunity to choose the image of Windows 7, as well as any other: "Vista", XP, Eight. Next in the program window, in the right-hand side, the image of the necessary operating system occurs. Now connect your USB flash drive to a PC via a USB connector, if this has not yet been done.

Facilities flash drive and its formatting

It is important to note that the flash drive to record the image of the popular Operational "Windows 7" or "G8" should have a capacity of not less than 4 GB, and also be formatted in file System FAT32. In order to also use the UTRAISO program directly before entering the image.


Remember that if there are any data you need on the flash drive, and you do not want to lose them irretrievably, then before formatting, copy them somewhere. After all, this procedure will delete all the data from it.

Further steps to create

After that, in the program window, click on the "Self-loading" button, and then in context menu Select the item offering the hard image. Then, after the window appears with the name "Write a disk image", you must make sure proper choice Disc to form a boot flash card with an operating system. You must be sure that the flash drive disk is located on the correct letter of the alphabet.

Next, in the "Recording Method" item, press "USB-HDD +", and then go to the formatting of the drive or directly recording the image of the Operations "Windows 7". If the flash drive was formatted in advance, before writing the image, then you simply click "write down". If you are in advance you first click on "format".

Formatting process in ultraiso

So let's consider the steps for in this program. In the formatting window, you need to select the FAT32 file system, and then click "Start". In the warnings window, click OK. Formatting, as already mentioned, destroys all the data on the flash drive.

After completing this process, a window will appear, in which you will be reported on the successful end of the operation. Press OK again and close the formatting window.

The next step is to go to the Write Disk Image tab and click "write" to start creating a flash drive with a way. You will see a "Tip" window that warns that all data from the card will be deleted. Press "Yes." Now the Operations Recording Process began. The USB flash drive speed directly depends on the capabilities of your PC. Through time, the image will be recorded, which you will learn from the Write Disk Image tab, where the notification will appear that the record has been completed. Well, you learned how to make the Windows 7 bootable USB flash drive. Ultraiso can be closed, it has already fulfilled your business.

Latest strokes

After all of the foregoing and performed, you need to open the "Explorer" and make sure that the image of the Windows Operations is really recorded on the drive. If you open the USB flash drive, you will see the image image there. As mentioned earlier, the process of creating an image of another version of the OS is no different from this. In order to establish an OPERATION, in the BIOS, you will need to enable the priority of the OS boot priority from the USB drive.

Now you are not afraid of any failures and malfunctions, because there will always be a working boot flash drive with a system for restoring or reinstalling Windows "Willov", which will allow you not to waste time in search of a new image when any problems occur. The last fact is very important in our dynamic time when each second in the account. In addition, a similar solution will be relevant for those who earn at installations and reinstallations. operating systems. Agree, because the flash drive is much more convenient with you, and USB outputs are in each PC.