What is an audio stream index in Format Factory. How to convert video and audio - Format Factory

If you need to change the format of any file, most users seek help to the program. Format Factory. ("Format Factory"). This is because this application has a widest, according to the standards of converter programs, tools and convenient interface. This article will describe in detail how to use the Format Factory program.

How to change format

"Format factory" is wide famous program To convert a huge amount of formats. It can work with both video and audio files. So, we turn directly to how to use the factory of formats.

You will be interested:

As mentioned, interface software It is quite simple, however, due to the extensive toolkit, a regular user may have difficulty using it. From the description of the Format Factory program it becomes clear that its basic function is the conversion of formats. Accordingly, the instructional instruction manual will be logically start using this option. So, to change the file format, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

  • Run the application.
  • On the left side of the window that appears all possible file extensions will be listed. You need to choose where you want to recode any file on your computer. After that, click the left mouse button on the corresponding icon. Suppose we want to change the ISO format on the CSO in the "Format Factory". How to use this opportunity? Just on the panel, select CSO format.
  • A window will appear in which you need to add directly to the conversion file itself. To do this, click the "Add File" button.
  • In the window that appears file Manager "Explorer" Open the folder with this file, in our case file iso.Select it and click the Open button.
  • In the "End Folder" field, specify the directory to which the modified file will be added.
  • Click the "OK" button.
  • In the main program window, click "Start".
  • And this is a very good idea - to develop such a program that would directly exile described the contents of any file. At the entrance, it has any source. At the output, it is not enough that reproducing the contents of this file, this is not necessarily. At the exit, the most important thing, a deleted description of the entire contents - it turns out an excellent tool for analyzing the format and its study.

    It is absolutely optionally, of course, the file is convened from one format to another. First, it is already a narrower task. And secondly, it has already been largely solved, for example, programs such as Format Factory, one of the best in its class, especially free to distribution.

    Format Factory Characteristics

    The conversation about this tool becomes doubly more relevant in the light of the last days - MP3 format developers refuse rights to it, no longer charge for its use, will not support it and refine, in general, they will be allowed in free swimming. And this is about MP3, who for many years was considered leading in the field of sound on PC. Any disk on any computer can be said without exaggeration, contains hundreds of resources in this format.

    Now the format value increases even more increases, because the conversion from MP3 to the recommended more perfect AAC is one of the most common features in Format Factory.

    In addition, Fuxer \u200b\u200bknows the following audio formats (by itself, can translate from one to another): WMA, FLAC, MMF, AMR, M4A, M4R, OGG, MP2, WAV, WavPack.

    Among the FF video formats used, and this is perhaps a more valuable type of transformations, at least more exciting: MP4 (passion of all Apple product lovers), AVI (perhaps the most common video format), 3GP, MKV, WMV, MPG, VOB, FLV , SWF (internet superance format), MOV, GIF, RMVB, FLL, WEBM.

    But FF does not stop on multimedia formats. It is subject to many graphic. As a Form At Factory converter for graphics, the program knows: jpg (most popular), PNG (brilliant alternative to GIF), ICO, BMP, GIF, TIF, PCX (even obsolete, but they should not be given a tribute to), TGA, Webp .

    Among other features of the Software described, we note:

    We also celebrate the environment in which this software created:

    • developer: Free Time;
    • target working operating system: Windows (but the popularity of the program is so large that it is necessary to expect the appearance of its versions and under other systems);
    • availability of versions on 62 world languages;
    • the first issue took place on March 1, 2008;
    • on May 1, 2017, version was released;
    • distribution nature: free of charge;
    • developer site: PcFreetime.com.

    We work in Format Factory

    Create installation parameters of the program:

    • distribution Name (one file): ffsetup.exe;
    • distribution size: 46 MB;
    • fitting Position: C: \\ Program Files \\ FormatFactory \\;
    • startup option: from the main menu and from the desktop;
    • volume B. set version: 154 MB - 147 files - 12 folders;
    • file executable: formatfactory.exe.

    We draw attention to the fact that the package includes the Picosmos Tools package. It can be downloaded separately or complete with Formatfactory.

    How to work in this program, even a novice user will understand with ease. Of course, there is a menu, but it is a nominal character, there are the most common teams - exit, help.

    All work is focused in choosing the left conversion formats that are collected in groups:

    1. Video - here the Mobile and SWF lines cause the greatest interest.
    2. Audio - hereby pay attention to AAC.
    3. The photo is here, among other things, the Picosmos Tools tools are collected (if this application has not previously been established, the procedure for its establishment will begin with the transition to the site of its loading).
    4. Documents - the program is not specifically designed to work with documents, but the conversion from PDF to HTML may be interested in many.
    5. ROM / DVD / CD / ISO - here we convert DVDs in video, audio-CD to files, even ISO in CSO and back, and in addition, Bluray disk in MKV.
    6. Utilities - these special funds are of particular interest, they allow you to combine into one two videos, sound, one video and one sound file.; Get about file detailed information.

    So, to the question of how to use the program, answer:

    Questions how to convert video or how to use Format Factory, by and large here are not relevant at all - everything is done extremely simple and logical.

    For example, if we want to combine two audio files to one, and both have a piece of the middle (and who interferes in this situation, first take 10 seconds (from the 20th to the 30th) from the same 10 from the other, get file, then take 10 seconds (from the 90th to the 100th) from the first and the same 10 from the second, get the file again, and eventually combine these two new files received - the field for the creation of the installation is unreasonable, there would be a fantasy) . For this:

    1. Go to "Utilities".
    2. Select "Combine Audio".
    3. Select file format file in the window that opens. You can merge the files of one format.
    4. Select the files themselves - "Add File".
    5. For each of the selected select the range of the merge - "Set the range".
    6. And then, after exiting the settings window, run the process with the "Start" button. Note, if the transformation sometimes passes and for quite a long time, then the association is a rather fast process, everything is done literally for 30-40 seconds (although, of course, it also depends on the duration of the combined pieces).

    Format Factory program - very useful tool For anyone who is interested in computer audio and video formats, who works with graphics at the conversion level. But it is a special interest for those who are looking for creativity in work, but it seems to be too complex those receptions that offer programs of a commercial plan, for example, from Adobe.

    In the arsenal everyone computer user It should simply be such a useful and delirious program as Format Factory. This is an extremely powerful converter with a fairly pleasant interface and a whole set of indispensable functions.

    How to use the Format Factory program?:

    Features and Filling Format Factory

    Of course, today there are many programs for conversion, but, as a rule, the interface suffers from others, among others with the functionality of the problem. Concerning Format Factory., then this is a very decent distribution, and free.

    For example, among the possibilities there is a conversion of all the most popular audio formats ( MP3, WMA, AMR, OGG, AAC, WAV, MMF, M4A, M4R, MP2, FLAC) and video files ( MP4, 3GP, MPG, AVI, WMV, FLV, SWF, VOB), as well as image conversion ( JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, ICO, GIF, TGA, PCX).

    The advantage of the application is that the program can restore damaged files. Also updated version It can work with multimedia formats supported by players, cameras and mobile phones.

    For image conversion exist additional functionsFor example, rotation or addition of a watermark.

    DVD and CD can be copied to any other format. Without problems creates CSO and ISO images.

    It is capable of extracting audio tracks, apply audio on video.

    Removing audio tracks is possible using the audio and conversion tab further into MP 3 format.

    It is possible to replace the audio track one to another and connect different video or audio files.

    Built-in utility Media-File Info Allows you to extract detailed information about the file.

    And finally, there is a batch processing and disconnecting the computer after the completion of the work. Real Format Factory!

    On start, attention ... went

    Before you start work, you must download the program to your computer. For this you need to go to the website . Developer's website interface The choice offers several download options: with the main server, programs torrent or auxiliary service cnet.

    If the program is not installed on the computer, the developers recommend downloading and install patch.

    Unfortunately, the converter does not work with a 64-bit system.

    Installation - there is nothing easier

    Installation occurs fast enough: the distribution first requests the choice of installation site, then the need to install Ask Toolbar. and search ASK. default and also make homepage A SK.com and a new tab page, you can refuse, removing the check mark.

    Then there is a confirmation of the launch of the program and setting codecs. Installation of codecs B. this case It is desirable, however, if there is confidence in the inappropriateness of this function, you can refuse. The check mark opposite "Inside Codecs" means that the program will set its codecs and work only with them.

    A few seconds of expectation and everything is ready.

    Setup - Everyone decides that he needs

    After launch opens working window Applications, however, it is better not immediately to work, but configuring the interface for yourself. Because the following, what needs to be done is to configure the program using the button " Settings».

    The first tab in the window that opens involves general application settings.

    « End folder"- You can set a specific folder or give the command to save the results to the source folder of the output file.

    « Field of conversion"- the action that the program should execute after conversion. Two options are offered to choose from: either turn off the computer, or open the file folder. Option " Open the final folder"- Clearly without unnecessary words.

    But as for the function " Turn off PC"The function can be useful when there is no time to wait for the conversion process, for example, there is a need to delete. After completing the work, the application itself turns off the computer itself.

    « Sounds"- Play sounds at a certain point of application actions. The following tab allows you to hide the program in the tray and check the update version.

    Next are the tabs " Font», « Extensions», « RMVB.», « H 264.», « DivX», « XVID», « WMV 2." Each of them stops not allowing the format of the article. What settings to make the user will be able to figure out himself. Briefly: in the tab " Font»Configured the type of font and its color," Extensions»Allows all other are configured to install options for file encoding.

    Knowledge is not only the theory, but also practice

    To understand how to work with the program, you need to proceed to action. In the principle of working with the application there is nothing complicated. However, at first, it is likely that several attempts will have to do in order to get the desired result.

    On the left side in the panel in the "Accordion" menu, all possible results are visible.

    To download the source file, select the desired format. A new window will open, the source file is loaded into the interface, after which it is possible to configure the recording settings and correct the convertible source.

    After saving all the settings using the "button" OK"The new window opens, from which, in principle, the conversion process begins.

    At the bottom, the string is displayed which file is source, and where it can be found after the conversion process is completed. Button " Click to Start.", Actually, is the command to write. If you wish, you can run the function of using multiple threads or connect the PC shutdown option after the record is completed.

    During conversion, the application indicates the percentage of processing. To control the record there are buttons " Stop"And" Pause».

    After the conversion process is completed, you can open the file and enjoy ready-made creation.

    I would like to note that the process of converting images and audio files is no different from the video conversion. At the same time, files are converted by Format Factory. Virtually no loss, and the speed is at the highest level, however, it all depends on the computer.


    As can be seen, the application is quite functional, with its help you can solve a wide range of tasks. The interface is simple. Newbie needs only to deal with the settings. Some experiments and media files can be "clicking like seeds".

    How to convert files to Format Factory:

    How to reduce video size without loss of quality in Format Factory:

    If you need to change the format of any file, most users seek help to the Format Factory program ("Format Factory"). This is due to the fact that this application has a broadest, on the standards of converter software, toolkit and a convenient interface. This article will describe in detail how to use the Format Factory program.

    How to change format

    "Format factory" is a well-known program for converting a huge amount of formats. It can work with both video and audio files. So, we turn directly to how to use the factory of formats.

    As mentioned, the software interface is quite simple, however, due to an extensive toolkit, a regular user may have difficulty using it. From the description of the Format Factory program it becomes clear that its basic function is the conversion of formats. Accordingly, the instructional instruction manual will be logically start using this option. So, to change the file format, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

    1. Run the application.
    2. On the left side of the window that appears all possible file extensions will be listed. You need to choose where you want to recode any file on your computer. After that, click the left mouse button on the corresponding icon. Suppose we want to change the ISO format on the CSO in the "Format Factory". How to use this opportunity? Just on the panel, select CSO format.
    3. A window will appear in which you need to add directly to the conversion file itself. To do this, click the "Add File" button.
    4. In the "Explorer" file manager that appears, open the folder with this file, in our case the ISO file, select it and click Open.
    5. In the "End Folder" field, specify the directory to which the modified file will be added.
    6. Click the "OK" button.
    7. In the main program window, click "Start".

    Immediately after that, the conversion process will start. Wait for his end, after which you open the previously selected folder. It will contain a modified file. This is how simply you can change the extension of any file, but this is just the first stage of the manual, how to use Format Factory.

    How to trim video

    In addition to simple conversion, in the format factory program you can also trim the video. This is very useful featureSince the need disappears in the installation of heavy video edits, which have a huge number of all sorts, in essence speaking, unnecessary functions. In addition, this action You can produce right at the time of conversion:

    1. Select the format to which you want to convert a roller. If you do not want to do this, then select the source.
    2. In a new window, add an entry. Recall that this is done by pressing the "Add File" button.
    3. Click on the "Clip" button.
    4. After that, a window will appear in which you can cut up too much. To do this, in the "Set range" section, enter the "start time" and "end time" of the original entry. For convenience, you can view the record itself right in the same window.
    5. Click the "OK" button.

    How to reduce video size

    Although the description of the "Format factory" does not specify the ability to compress the video, it is still present. By the way, this manipulation is relatively simple:

    1. As in previous cases, open the program, select the format for conversion and add an entry.
    2. By adding a program entry, click the Settings button.
    3. In the window that appears, find the Bitrate string and from the drop-down list opposite it select the value. What it will be lower, the less will be "weigh" the file at the output. But it is worth considering that its quality will also decrease.

    After actions done, it remains to click the "OK" button, select the folder to save the file and press the "OK" button again.

    How to rotate the video

    If you need to turn in any way a video, then you need to do the following:

    1. Open the program, select the format in which you are going to convert the roller, add the original entry and click the "Settings" button.
    2. In the window that appears, scroll the list of parameters to the very end.
    3. In the "Advanced" section, click on the drop-down list "Rotate".
    4. Choose which way you need to turn the picture.
    5. You can also cut it up horizontally or vertically and even make deinterlace.

    After that, you will need to apply the changes by clicking "OK", specify the folder to output and click the "OK" button to start the conversion.

    How to cut a soundtrack from video

    In the conversion settings, it is possible to remove the audio track from the video. It is done very simple:

    1. Select the source video format.
    2. Add a roller from which to remove the sound.
    3. Click the Settings button.
    4. In the list of parameters, find the item "No Sound".
    5. In the drop-down list on the contrary, select "Yes".

    After that, as when using the options described above, you can only apply the selected parameter, specify the directory in which the file is placed and press the "OK" button.

    How to extract the soundtrack from the video

    Did you find a video, whose video is not interesting to you, and the sound itself is important? Using Format Factory, can easily remove MP3 from any video:

    1. Open the program.
    2. In the "Audio" section, select the sound format you want to get at the output.
    3. Click "Add File" and select the video from which you want to extract music.
    4. Click the "Clip" button.
    5. Specify the recording fragment from which the sound needs to be removed.
    6. Specify the folder to save and click OK.
    7. In the main application window, click on the Start button.

    After that, the process of extraction of the composition will begin. As a result, you will receive an audio file without a video.

    How to connect two video

    You already know a lot about how to use Format Factory, but this program is not exhausted. Consider another feature of this converter - combining two different videos. In contrast to previous manipulations, this action is not performed in the conversion settings window. That you need to do:

    1. Run the format factory application.
    2. In the "Video" section on the left sidebar, click on the "Combine Video" icon.
    3. In the window that appears, click the Add File button.
    4. In the file manager window that opens, go to the video folder, select those files you want to merge, and click Open.
    5. Now you need to specify the format in which they will be converted. Recall that if you wish, you can leave the original. The selection occurs in the corresponding drop-down list at the top of the window.
    6. Just like in previous cases you can ask extra options Convertible recording.
    7. After making all the preparations, click OK.

    After that, you only have to press the "Start" button and wait for the completion of the conversion process, which, depending on the size of the files, can last for quite a long time. So we considered the last in this article, but not the latest general function of the program.


    On this, perhaps, you can finish a kind of guide on how to use Format Factory. Obviously, the program has a huge number of functions that are convenient and fairly easy to apply in practice. Note that the program supports 66 languages, including Russian. Following the foregoing instructions, it will work out without difficulty performing various manipulations with multimedia files.

    In this lesson, we will learn to convert the files using the FormatFactory program. Consider this process on the example of converting your video file to 3GP format. This multimedia container was specifically designed for use in mobile phones. Video in 3GP format has a significantly smaller size than in other formats, however, the image quality is also suffering. However, the format remains popular among telephone and smartphone users due to the possibility of saving the memory of the mobile device.

    To start the conversion, go to the FormatFactory program. In the field of formats of the main window in the "Video" section, select the "All in 3GP" function. You will then see the add file window.

    The header line will indicate the selected conversion order, and slightly below the left part of the window - the default program of the video size of the finished converted file and the video compression standard. To make changes to the settings, click the "Set" button, after which the video setup window opens. Pay attention to the active area on which the size and standard of video compression is duplicated. It can be called an area fast settings. By clicking on this button and choosing in the drop-down list from the proposed size and compression standard options, you can quickly select the desired format for your mobile device.

    If the standard options do not suit you, you can use the settings wizard. This window indicates a large number of A variety of settings, manage which is desirable only to experienced users. So, in the "Audio" and "video stream" sections, you can set the desired parameters of codecs, video size, bitrate, the number of frames per second, aspect ratio, the volume of the file and the parameters "Audio Stream". Related to the bitrate control sections - reducing it the quantity will reduce the size ready FileHowever, the quality of the video will suffer.
    Also, the settings wizard allows you to add additional subtitles to the converted video file and watermarks. In order to use this feature, click on the "Additional Subtitles" row or "water" in the appropriate sections and by clicking on the Troyathem icon, select the desired file. On your computer. After that click "Open".

    You can change the angle of the image in the "Advanced" section. After completing the configuration process, click on the "OK" button.

    Now you need to add the file to the program you want to convert to view mobile device. To do this, click on the "File" button and select the desired video on your computer, then click the "Open" button - the file will be added to Formatfactory. The file name will be indicated in the file window, its volume, video duration and image size.

    Note - the Formatfactory program makes it possible to convert only the necessary part of the video, and not a video file completely. This is especially convenient if you want to cut your favorite moment from the filming record or TV shows. To select the desired part of the video file, click on the "Settings" button, which is activated after adding the file. Next to it depicts pictogram films with scissors. The main part of the window that opened is the screen that displays the added video file. Using the slider, select the desired start time video and click the "Start Time" button, then select the desired ending file and click "Start Time". Using the "Crop" function, you can even choose the desired part of the video - that is, trim up unnecessary subtitles, icons or just unwanted objects. To do this, simply check the box in front of the "CROP" item to the right of the screen from the video and specify the desired part of the picture - just hold left button Mice and create the desired field.
    After editing is edited, click on the "OK" button.

    Now you need to decide where the converted file will be saved. The program will offer you the default location. You can agree with it or by clicking on the drop-down list, select the "folder" item and specify the path to the desired folder. To go to the conversion process, click the "OK" button at the top of the file add window.

    The file was added to the main window of the program. To start the conversion, click the Start button. Depending on the volume of the file, the conversion may take quite a long time. You can track the conversion step in the Status column in the File field.