Failed to establish a Skype Mac connection. Failed to establish a connection in Skype

The article describes why there is no connection in Skype, because of which a similar error occurs, and it is possible to eliminate it.


Skype is a very popular program, to do without which it is very difficult now in our time. It can be found almost on any computer, and with different operating systems, and with the arrival in our life mobile gadgets The versions for them were also released. But what is the reason for this distribution?

The thing is that Skype allows you to share free calls And video calls with anyone! But only if there is this program on the device of the second subscriber. You can also call for ordinary city and cell phonesBut for this you already need to replenish the score, for such calls are paid.

But sometimes "Skype" works not as good as I would like, and unpleasant mistakes arise. One of them is a loss of communication. In the article, we will analyze the question of why there is no connection in Skype.

the Internet

Skype is rightfully considered to be very economical in terms of traffic by the program, and for its work it is not necessary to have a huge connection speed. But nevertheless there is a limit, and sometimes the speed may not be enough. Most often it happens when used mobile Internet, weak channel or overloaded, if it is public. Due to the last factor, there may be losses of packages, which serve the cause of the error.

Lack of internet

Answering the question of why there is no connection in Skype, it is worth mentioning, at first glance, a banal cause is the absence of the Internet. But many users do not pay attention to it. In this case, you need to check the connection settings, correct the password, are the cables connected to the ports, or simply restart the router. Most often it helps.


If the question arose about why there is no connection in Skype, it is also worth checking the antivirus. Rarely, but still it happens that it blocks the access of the program to the network, which is why it cannot connect with its servers. Usually they sin with these little-known or simply "weak" defensive programs that are unable to determine the legitimacy of access to the Internet of a particular installed software.

If this is not the case, it is possible to check the settings of the antivirus for the erroneous cutting of Skype in system rights.


Another reason why "Skype" writes "no connection", there may be a firewall. This is a special program that monitors all system Internet access and controls the reverse stream from the network to the computer. It is possible, due to incorrect setup or too aggressive protection policies, it blocks the "Skype" Internet access. For example, built-in firewall in operating systems windows family Each time launch new program Shows a notification in which the user can solve, limit it in rights or not.


Malicious software can also cause various errors. Of course, they all pursue some benefit of the creators of the virus. It is purposefully creating programs that no one will. But this can occur when the computer is too much clogged with "garbage" and malicious software and simply cannot function normally.

Restrictions in rights

Another reason why "Skype" cannot establish a connection may be restricted in the rights of a specific user. This often happens at workplaces where guide decides to prohibit access to the entertainment resources of the Internet, social networks And so on. Sometimes the Skype servers are erroneously or deliberately.


Help in solving this problem can be deleted with subsequent new installation programs.

Few, the program for communication with the help of the Internet causes as many fair stors and complaints like Skype. But, although in most cases reproaches are justified, sometimes they are associated with simple inability, contact software And its settings (unfortunately, such skills are not vaccinated with school bench both in other countries). Here is one of the typical situations after the update or the program refuses to connect to the network, it gives something about the connection error and in general, does not respond to any complex manipulations with the mouse and keyboard. What to do? How to establish a connection with Skype? What reasons does it turn out to work? Maybe you should change the Skype settings?

Cause First: Wrong Skype Settings

Run the Skype connection settings with the Internet is not so difficult. Skype program has understandable interfaceAt least personally for me. Therefore, when I ran into such a problem after, I had to do the following:

  1. Open Skype.
  2. Find at the top of the window that opened the Tools tab and click on it.
  3. Next, choose Skype - settings, and click additionally.
  4. In the window that appears, the connection on the count and install the settings, as shown in the figure (so as not to figure it out for a long time, the necessary circles).

Attention! Do not forget to remove the check box "For additional incoming connections, use ports." It is extreme important setting Influencing that during the conversation did not hang a video hanging!

Cause Second: "Started Anti-Virus", blocks the work of Skype

Designed to prevent your computer from entering the system. malicious programs or prevent their activities with files and folders. Therefore, after installation, it practically receives administrator rights in your computer. Some, begin to behave so independently that it is necessary to temporarily disable anti-virus software to install any new program. If the settings are made correctly and still missing Skype and the Internet connection, try to do the following:

  • Temporarily suspend Anti-Virus. It will be necessary not just to close it, but to truly get out of the program so that it stops work.
  • If it does not help, make sure that in the installed firewall, in the settings, there are exceptions regarding the Skype blocking. And even better if already installed reliable antivirus And completely disable it. Moreover, even Microsoft developers believe that their firewall is clearly not one of the best. If the problem is allowed and settings are set correctly, you can heat the tea cup and continue to communicate with friends on Skype.

Caution! Correctly set the settings in the antivirus so that it can cooperate with Skype can be independently. For users who have any computer skills, it is usually not particularly difficult. Newbies, it is better to contact more experienced colleagues for help.

Cause Third: New owner Skype

After Skype has a new owner, the problems with the connection began to complain much more often. This is mainly due to the fact that the old versions of the program cannot work with Windows 7.8 and on. Solve this problem is simply enough to update Skype. To do this, you may have to delete the installed version and put Skype 6.16, 6.18 or 6.20. They eliminated conflicts due to operating system And more modern and accurate settings are installed.

And last. Make sure that you yourself have not turned off Skype from the connection, putting the network status "not online". It blocks the possibility of talking and receiving messages and in cases with older people (and how experience shows not only with them) can really take place. In the settings Skype is better to put "online" or "invisible."

Perform necessary settings In Skype, you can also independently use the appiled instructions.

When access to the worldwide network, some applications may still not access the Internet. When you start Skype, you need to enter accountHowever, this is not always possible. The user in such a situation first checks the availability of connection and makes sure that everything is in order. To fix it, you need to know because of what happens and how to act to solve the problem.

Exists a large number of Different applications for communication via the Internet. However, Skype is still very popular. In some cases, when working, problems arise with a compound. Sometimes it happens that Skype does not connect, although the Internet is there. At first glance, it seems incomprehensible, but there are several reasons why it is impossible to work with Skype. In order for this program to earn in normal mode, it is necessary to determine what exactly led to problems.

When skype application Works, it uses an Internet connection. Without connecting to the network, the program cannot perform its functions. Trying to implement it, Skype does not see the Internet and gives an error message.

When the client enters its username and password, entering the program, the data on it is sent to the server where the correctness of their input is checked. If they are scored correctly and the server confirmed this, the user is given the opportunity to enter the program. Otherwise, a message is issued that this account is not registered or an incorrectly entered password.

At the same time, this situation is possible when it failed to contact the server. In this situation, the user can see information about the impossibility of connecting. In newer versions, the message is as follows: "Unfortunately, it was not possible to connect to Skype."

In some cases, after trying to contact the server, the application shows the input screen.

What causes the problem

If the user turned on Skype, but what to do - you need to accurately install, which led to the problem. After the appearance of information about what arose to the worldwide network, first of all, it is necessary to check whether the computer has a connection with the Internet.

The computer can be connected using different ways. It can be use wireless network, 3G / 4G USB modem or wired connection. The easiest way to learn about connecting is to press the icon in the tray. If you click on the left key, then the connection information will appear. About the connection can be judged by availability on this icon. yellow triangle or red cross. In the first case, we are talking about communication problems, and in the second - about the absence of connection. If these icons are not, then this means that the connection with the Internet is normal.

Then you need to consider the list of possible reasons and check each of them. About them more detailed further.

Important!Another verification method is the start of the browser. If at the same time it appears homepageCommunication with the World Network is established.

In the case when problems are detected with the fact that Skype does not start and there is no connection to the Internet on Windows XP, 7, 8, or 10, then you must first ensure the connection to the Internet, and then make an attempt to run the program.

Cause 1. Outdated version of the program

In some cases, if Skype writes "no connection", while the Internet is connected, then the reason can be supposed to be used by an outdated version of the program. If the user has not performed updates for a long time, then it has an outdated version in which the error later can be corrected. In order to exclude this cause, you need to load and install the latest version. This can be done as follows.

When starting Skype, the program screen appears. Despite the message about the absence of communication with the worldwide network, the user has access to the main menu, which is located horizontally at the top of the screen. The extreme right point is called "Help". You need to click on it with left mouse button.

In the list that appears, you need to select an item related to checking the availability of updates on the program website. If the program can, it will connect and will offer to update. In this case, you need to agree and give the command to download.

It is impossible to exclude the situation that the program will not be able to conduct an update. In this case, it is necessary to uninstall it, download a new version of the application from and install it on your computer.

After it is installed a new version Programs, you need to start Skype again. Perhaps now he can work in normal mode.

Important!Working on Windows XP, you can not always use the newest option. In this case, you need to install one of the previous versions. If Skype does not connect to the Internet in Windows 10, then the latest version is necessary for operation.

Cause 2. Connection unit is blocked by firewall

When connecting various programs to the Internet, the firewall checks whether such a connection is allowed. If not, it is blocked. A situation is possible when Skype cannot connect to the Internet due to the fact that the firewall is incorrectly configured.

It must be checked and, if necessary, fix.

To do this, you need to perform the following:

  1. Press the Start button in the lower left corner of the screen.
  2. In the menu that opens, select the control panel.
  3. It is necessary to go to the section that refers to the safety of the operating system.

  1. In the Select Windows Firewall menu.
  2. It is necessary to configure the parameters by specifying the disabling the action of this program for the home, working and public network.

In some cases it can help set the desired connection.

Cause 3. Port 80 uses multiple applications

When installing Skype, listens port 80 for incoming HTTP connections.

However, sometimes there is a situation where other programs also use this opportunity. To check it, you need to run command line And dial the Netstat -A -B command.

As a result, a list of ports used and programs that work with them will be issued. Using this port occurs by default and is determined when installing the program. However, it is possible to enter the settings and install another port for using Skype.

Cause 4. The ability to connect can be blocked by Windows

Sometimes the fact that Skype does not see the Internet connection is associated with the contents. system File Host. You need to know that when installing the system, it contains only one line: "LocalHost -". If there is there additional InformationIt can cause Skype blocking. To correct this situation, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to Catalog "% System_Disk% \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Drivers".
  2. View the mentioned file.
  3. If there are additional strings, it is necessary to adjust.

Important!To fix you need to delete all the lines besides the one that was originally.

To do this, first need to do backup, then delete additional data and save the changes made.

Perhaps after that the program will work fine.

Cause 5. Change password

The password use allows you to prevent the use of the attackers account. However, sometimes it takes his loss or password becomes known to third parties. In this case, you need to visit and pass the password recovery procedure. However, you need to remember that too simple password It is not recommended to use. In order to protect against hacking, you need to use reliable password. To do this, it is recommended to use large and small letters in it, numbers and punctuation marks.

Cause 6. The connection is blocked by antivirus

Important!It is necessary that an antivirus program will work on the computer, which will protect against malware.

However, sometimes antivirus can block useful program. It determines the danger of the program using complex algorithms and sometimes they may be unnecessarily suspicious. Skype program received on the manufacturer's website cannot be dangerous to the computer. So that the antivirus does not block her work, it is necessary to stop working it on time and try to run Skype. How to deactivate depends on which antivirus program is used.

Bug fixes "Skype cannot establish a connection"

To determine the source, you need to check possible reasons. However, there are funds that help in most cases.

Method 1: Reinstall

If one of the old versions of the application is used, it may be one of the reasons why Skype does not connect if there is an Internet. In this case, it can help its reinstallation. To do this, after starting Skype, you must go to the main menu and in the "Help" section Select the update check.

After that, the program will contact your site and will offer to renovate. We must answer consent and fulfill this procedure. As a result, the latest version will be installed and, perhaps, the program will be able to work in normal mode.

Method 2: Reset Internet Explorer Settings

The application of the application under consideration depends on the program settings Internet Explorer.. Sometimes it is necessary to reset them in order for Skype to earn. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Run IE, in the main menu, go to the service item, and then in the "browser properties". On the Advanced tab, click on the left mouse button on the "Reset" button.
  2. Microsoft released special utility To reset Internet Explorer settings. It can be downloaded from the official site. After starting, you need to follow the instructions of the built-in wizard. Before pressing the "Reset" button, you need to put a mark on the "Delete Personal Settings" option.

Important!By applying one of the proposed methods, you can restore the factory settings of the application. Perhaps it will help to establish the work of Skype.

Method 3: Deleting program files

If it is difficult to find the reason that Skype does not see the Internet, you can completely delete the program, and then re-install. To do this, go to the control panel and the installation and removal section. Then it is necessary to carry out uninstallation. Distribution of applications Download from the site of the program and carry out the installation by following the instructions.

Restoring Skype can be carried out in one of the proposed methods. To do this, you need to check possible causes and correct the one you need.

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Skype does not connect to the Internet: causes trouble and what to do in this case

Often, users face the situation when skype program Writes an error: "No connection." Often the problem occurs after updating the application, as well as due to incorrectly executed settings. Skype work problems appear on all versions of operating systems. It is important to competent configuration of the connection parameters.

No connection occurs due to the following two main reasons:

  1. illiterate connection settings in the browser;
  2. exhibited offline mode In network connections.

And also, before starting work, it is necessary to determine the functioning of the Internet with the rest of the programs. Perhaps there is no problem in Skype, but the reason is in the connection of the computer. Of course, the reason can be the usual inattention of the user, for example, problems with the provider or Wi-Fi-router defects.

Ways to eliminate the problem

First you need to see the correctness of the proxy settings. In case of normal operation, proxy and at the same time if Skype has no connection, then it is simply not enough that is not enough for a signal at all.

You must try to turn off the proxy. To do this, you need to open "Internet Explorer" and holding the "Alt" key to click on "X". In the appeared window, enter the "Observer Properties". Then go to the connection page and enter "Network Settings".

Check if there is no mark in the "Use proxy for local connections", If so, then it is required to deactivate it.

Each time after performing adjustments in the settings, you need to save the changes made. Next click "Alt" and in the displayed window log in to the "File". Similarly, there, too, should not be noted "work autonomously", otherwise you just need to remove the mark.

Skype locks with different programs

Often Skype is blocked by firewall. An application should be added to the list of permitted utilities.

It happens that blocked by antivirus. It is necessary to temporarily suspend work protective program And open Skype.

Sometimes it helps to perform a simple reboot of the PC, after which Skype normally connects to the Internet.

Problem with Windows settings

The latest version of the OS allows permission to give individual applications Connect to the network. Computer owners sometimes make changes to these settings and for ignorance prohibit Skype access to the Internet.

To fix it, you need to hold "Win" to click on "I". Then in the window that opens, click on the "Changing Computer Settings" and enter "Privacy". In the displayed menu, provide skype access to the chamber and microphone.

Skype Skype Connection Settings

This can be analyzed by Skype. It is necessary to open the settings and enter the appropriate tab in this program.

  1. remove Skype and install a more recent version;
  2. perform a complete system check antivirus program and if necessary, remove threats (often it happens that it helps);
  3. to update the platform .NET or Java.
  4. update or, on the contrary, put previous version browser.


Why is it recommended to install skype from an official source? Otherwise, the risk of presence in the application of viral utilities, which can be caused by the absence of Skype with the Internet. In addition, the advantage of the original application is that there is no need to perform settings, everything will work by default.

it does not connect what to do, it will be relevant, it always seems. Indeed, despite the fact that the Skype program is generally very good, she, as, however, and all other applications, cannot avoid failures and problems in work.

What to do if Skype does not connect

Generally speaking, the reasons for this may be mass. And what is called "for the eyes" something defined in this case It is very difficult to advise. It is about the same as answering the question: I broke my computer. What should I do?..

Nevertheless, you can describe the most typical problems when connecting and solving them:

  • Internet connection problems. Perhaps this is precisely this is in the overwhelming majority causes the reason for refusing. Skype implies the beginning of work only in the case of a confident connection with the Internet. So first of all it is necessary to check the availability of Internet connections on your device;
  • Often, problems with sound or video drivers are often caused. Therefore, it is necessary to update them to the most relevant version;
  • Oddly enough, sometimes the user forgets his password or login and cannot enter the account. In this situation, you can resort to password recovery tools. The corresponding link appears in the window when Skype is connected to the network;
  • Often users are knocked down software settings Skype. For example, in the case of working with multiple webcams, you forget to switch between video and sound devices. You need to check what kind of device "responds" by image and sound. This is done in the menu: Tools - Settings - Sound Settings or Video Settings;
  • Sometimes network functions Skype is blocked by antivirus or network screens. Of course, it should not be turned off. Need to add Skype to the list of allowed or trusted programs;
  • Skype may refuse to work in the event that its update is required. You can check the update directly from the program itself: Help - check availability of updates;
  • You can try to roll back the system to the nearest absolute work point of the recovery.

You can also suggest reinstall Skype full. This implies preliminary full removal from hard disk Total for Skype. You can, of course, manually clean the system from unnecessary filesand then clean the registry. But faster and safer it with third-party utilities. Perfectly copes with this, for example, free CCleaner. After that you will need to download the most last version Skype and install it.

If working on a computer internet Browser Explorer, then you can do the following. In its properties, go to the tab "Additionally" And select the checkbox next to TSL 1.0. Some users helped.

Will not be superfluous and check if network settings programs. You can reach them if you make a transition to items: Tools - Settings - Tab Optional - Connection section.

In short, if Skype does not connect, this problem is completely solved. As a universal method, you can advise you to ask for help in customer support. In your letter, it is necessary to compress, but at the same time, it is possible to describe the essence of the problem, as well as how to attach an error message screenshot - if such occurs. It is also necessary to report the configuration of your PC and the operating system, as well as the version of your Skype.