WINDOVS XP does not start. How to start restoring Windows XP when problems occur

Unfortunately, it is sometimes possible to meet quite serious problems with the inclusion of computers and the start of operating systems, although nothing foreshadowed before a certain moment of trouble. It happens that but most often the computer turns on, but does not start operating system. It is about such situations further and will be discussed. Consider issues related to why the computer is not loaded, and what to do in such situations. There are several universal solutions.

The computer turns on, but the operating system is not launched: reasons

Among all possible situations where there are failures at the download stage, several typical cases can be distinguished.

There are three options here:

  • black screen appears;
  • bSOD blue screen occurs;
  • the operating system starts, but cannot fully boot.

In the first case, when the computer does not start (loading does not turn on), messages indicating physical or software problems may occur on the black screen. In the simplest case, when nothing serious happens, the system can report that, for example, there is no keyboard (for stationary PC). The simplest solution will be its connection and reboot.

If the computer turns on, but the download does not start, and instead, warnings about the black screen appear on the black screen. software failures Or missing files, the reasons for such behavior of the system can be quite a lot. Among them, first of all, it is possible to highlight problems with the hard drive, damage to the operating system (random or intentional removal of system components or registry entries), the effects of viruses, incorrect records of the boot sector, RAM conflicts, etc. By the way, if the blue screen pops up, it is more related to the "RAM" or the newly installed device drivers, which cause the appearance of conflicts is no longer on the program, but at the physical level.

What if the computer is not loaded, and the operating system does not start at the above reasons? Depending on the situation there are several solutions. They may seem sufficiently complicated to the uninituable user, but in certain situations, only them can be applied to the resuscitation of the system. Therefore, it will have to spend time and strength.

The computer turns on, but not loaded: what to do first?

So, let's start with the simplest. Suppose that a short-term technical failure occurred in the system, for example, with incorrect completion of the work or voltage drops.

As a rule, almost all today used Windows modifications usually automatically activate the start if this does not happen, before starting the system you have to use the F8 key to call the additional boot menu (another method is used in Windows 10).

The computer turns on, but does the operating system be launched? It is not worth upset. Here, in the simplest version, you can select the load string of the last workable configuration. If everything is in order with the system components, the system will boot without problems. If this does not help, you have to use the troubleshooting section, and sometimes even attempting to boot in safe mode can be confused.

Possible viral infection

Unfortunately, viruses can cause such situations. What if the computer does not turn on? Methods for solving exactly this problem are reduced to use the powerful which could be verified for threats before the start of the OS itself.

Among the entire variety of antiviral software, it is worth noting the disk utilities that start directly from the optical medium or USB device, have their own boot records and even graphic interface like Windows. One of the most powerful funds can be called Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Its use can guarantee almost one hundred percent detection of viruses even hiding in RAM.

Conflicts of RAM

Now let's see what to do if the computer is not loaded, and the blue screen appears instead. As already mentioned, most often this indicates problems with drivers and RAM. Drivers do not yet touch, and let's look at the "RAM".

The proposed solution on the subject of the time that the computer is not loaded, is mainly calculated on stationary PCs. In this situation, delete all memory bar, and then insert them alternately and check the download. Perhaps some of them is the link that fails. This may be observed when the planks of different manufacturers are added.

If the system can be able to download at least somehow using the same safe mode, "RAM" immediately should check the MemTest86 + utility, which will help to identify the true cause of malfunctions.

The system does not see the hard disk

Now the worst situation when the computer is not loaded. The reasons and methods of their elimination can be associated with a hard disk.

Winchester may have problems and software, and physical nature, although sometimes it's not even in this. The problem can be completely banal: the user in bIOS settings The priority of loading from a removable device, for example, with optical diskwhich B. this moment Located in the drive, but the system is not. It should just extract and repeat the download.

On the other hand, another problem is that the computer does not start (the start of the system is not turned on), it may be related to the fact that the bootloader and recording of the corresponding sector is damaged. The decision of this situation will be told a little later. But in the simplest case, you can try to restore disk data using Recovery utilities.

Sometimes it helps and change the BIOS input / output / output settings. Here you need to find a section associated with the hard drive setting, and in the SATA configuration parameters deactivate the use of AHCI mode.

Finally, the Winchester may have and purely physical damage, and here it is not necessary to do without interference.

Using the installation disk

Many users clearly underestimate the help that the installation or system can be provided in solving problems associated with situations when the computer is turned on, but the operating system is not loaded.

First, almost any kit includes the so-called recovery console, with which you can eliminate a variety of software failures, and secondly, you can use the command line. This is, by the way, the most effective method. Next will understand how it works.

Bootmgr loader problems

It is believed that the most common problem is when the computer turns on, but the operating system does not start, is damage windows bootloader (Boot Manager). In this case, the system just writes that there is no system section (it simply does not see the Winchester).

Correct this problem can be started with boot disk and transition to K. command line In the recovery console, to call which you should press the "R" key. Next, you first need to use the disk check command, and then correct (restore) boot records.

The whole sequence is as follows:

  • cHKDSK C: / F / R;
  • Bootrec.exe / fixmbr;
  • Bootrec.exe / fixboot.

After entering the commands, the punctuation marks are not set, and the input key is pressed. If for some reason, the execution of these positive effect commands was not haunted, as an option, you can use the full rewriting of the boot sector, which is made by the bootrec.exe / rebuildbcd command. If a hDD has no physical damage, It should work, as they say, on all one hundred.

You can apply some third-party utilities. The most suitable program looks like a means called MBRFIX, which is included in the Hiren's Boot CD boot kit. After its call, for example, for Windows 7, provided that it is this system that is installed, and only on one disk (there is no partition to sections), the following should be prescribed:


It will deliver the user from the need to make changes to boot records, and the download will be restored.

Problems with access to the NTLDR file

When the message appears that this component The system does not have, first apply the fixation of the download, as in the past case.

However, if the result is reached, it will not be necessary to copy the original file to the root system partition. For example, if this is a "C" disk, and the drive is "E", the team will have the following form:

  • E: \\ i386\u003e Copy NTLDR C: \\ (after copying the system will boot without problems).

Damaged or missing file Hal.dll

In the case when the computer turns on, but the operating system is not loaded in normal mode, the reason may consist in a damaged Hal.dll component (the corresponding notification can be shown on the screen).

In this situation, you need to upload the system in safe mode, call the command console and register in it such a string:

  • C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Restore \\ rstrui.exe (hereinafter presses the Enter key and restarts).

Instead of the result

Here is a brief and all that concerns solving the problem of the impossibility of starting the operating system. Naturally, there were no questions that the cause can be reduced food, CMOS battery failure, loosely fit of the loops, the presence of dust inside system Block or other malfunctions. But in the program plan, the above methods are working trouble-free.

The problem of failure when booting Windows is quite common, despite the fact that Windows 7 and Windows 10 are very reliable OS and rarely give failures. Of course, equipment that for home systems is very diverse, and budget decisions have a huge role, and budget solutions have a low fault tolerance.

In most cases, in errors in the OS boot errors, either the users themselves, which, for example, performed the incorrect PC shutdown or deleted a randomly system file, or a hard disk on which a failed area was formed on the boot sector.

Chip offers to use our advice to solve the Windows download problem and restore the system performance.

Let's try to start

Faced with the impossibility of downloading the Windows operating system, it is worth a couple of times to restart the computer, because the problem can be one-time character. If it did not help, then try to de-energize the computer for ten seconds, turning it off from the power grid. At the same time you need to de-energize the block uninterrupted powerIf such is connected, and if we are talking about a laptop, then remove the battery.

Does not prevent temporarily disconnect external equipment: mouse, keyboard, printer, removable discsModules wireless communication etc. If the reason lies precisely in external devices, the alternate connection of each of them will help calculate the culprit.

Of course, not always the problem can be solved by the simplest manipulations, and it means that you will have to start an error message to analyze the error message that appears during the launch of the computer.

The loader may be damaged

If you have seen a message with the text "BootMGR Is Missing" on the screen, then the Windows 7 operating system boot loader is damaged or missing. To solve the problem, you will need the Windows 7 installation disk.

Restart the PC and press the downloads in the first seconds function key For the opening of the BIOS. In different PCs, it can be different keys, for example ESC, F2 or F6. Pressing the F8 key in Windows 10 allows you to call the menu of special download options, including a secure mode. If it did not work when rebooting dozens, hold the SHIFT key.

So, if you managed to get into the BIOS, go to the "Boot Device Priority" section using the "+" or "PGUP" key assign the CD / DVD-drive. Then boot from the Windows installation disk and select the "System Restore" menu. From the list of installed operating systems (if such several) you need to select the desired and click the "Next" button.

In the "System Recovery Settings" window that appears, we are interested in two items: "Restore system startup" and "Command Line". The first option will automatically eliminate the problem with the launch of the operating system, and in the case of its failure will have to access the services of the second.

In the command prompt type:

"BootRec / RebuildBCD"

press "ENTER" and agree on making changes to the download configuration data, alternately by pressing the "Y" and "Enter" keys. After that, it remains only to create a new boot sector Using the BootRec / FixBoot command and restart the computer.

Did the boot disk detected?

The error message "No Bootable Device" and its numerous variations ("No Boot Device Found", "Invalid Boot Device", "Non System Disk Or Disk Error" and others) indicates that the computer did not even start launch operating system, since it does not see the boot sector or even a hard drive.

To understand, the problem lies on the program or hardware level, it is enough to go to the BIOS in the already familiar section "Boot Device Priority". If Winchester (HDD) can not be seen among the proposed options, it means that the problem is related to the equipment. Perhaps the power cable of the power supply or power supply of the hard disk, or the drive and removed its own.

If the computer normally recognizes the hard disk, the reason is programmed and lies in the main boot record (MBR) - it is damaged or absent. Unlike discussed above this situation It is relevant at the same time for Windows 7 and XP, but it is solved extremely simple.

When booting from the installation disk, it is enough to perform only one command in the recovery console:

bootrec / fixmbr

Blue Death Screen: Driver Irql Not Less or Equal

Messages about critical windows errors which because of the background color is called "blue death screens" (BSOD, Blue Screen of Death), rather common problems not only in Windows 7 but also in Windows 10 (especially due to the installation of incorrect update). And in the top ten, this screen can be green and red. The reason for the appearance of a critical error may be incorrectly working equipment, for example, rAM or the absence of some system files.

Most often, BSOD messages at an early stage of load appear after updating device drivers and contain the text "driver_irql_not_less_or_equal" along with the file name with the SYS extension. To remove a problem driver in "Device Manager", you can try to run Windows in safe mode, because it uses only a minimum set of drivers. To do this, you need to press the F8 key during booting the OS and select the "Safe Mode" item.

If when loading in a secure mode, the blue screen of the death still appears, it is necessary to return to the previous version of the driver with which there were no problems. You can do this using the recovery point, if such created earlier.

In Windows 7, it is necessary to press the F8 key during booting the OS and select "Troubleshooting a computer" in the menu that appears. After that, we fall into exactly the same menu of "recovery parameters", as well as when using the Windows installation disk.

This time, we are interested in the "Restoration of the system", in which you can choose one of the available recovery points.

Return a copy of the system file

The absence of some important system files in the system, primarily drivers with SYS extension, are often found in Windows 7 and 10. The most effective method Solve the problem - return to the loss in place, looking for her copy on the installation windows diskBy borrowing on another computer with the same version of the OS or simply finding in the endless spaces of the Internet.

If there is no second computer at hand, then the search, download and copy files will need a LiveCD from the OS that does not require installation, for example, Kaspersky Rescue Disk 18.

One of their most convenient options is the Puppy Linux operating system, which will be ready for operation in less than a minute. This OS includes drivers for the most common models. network cards, So, it means to enter the Internet will not work.

Exception are files system registry: System, Software, SAM, Security and Default, which are stored in the "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Config" folder. Replace them with copies from another computer, of course, it will not work, so the only option remains a rollback to the recovery point if it was done at one time.

We restore the download of Windows 10

And for the Windows 10 Recovery Tool, you need to open the optional download methods menu (clicking after enabled F8) and go to the Troubleshooting section.

Chance to have time at this time Press the desired key (more precisely, the combination of F8 and SHIFT) is great if the system is installed on the MBR hard disk and the option is disabled. quickly launch. For quick systemic sSD Discs have to try to click quickly or need boot media.

In any case, you will need an installation disc with Windows 10. On our experience, Windows 10 disk disk often to help restore the system will not be able. It is worth considering that the image image must be the same bit that installed on your PC. In addition, if you use the boot lump, it must be necessary with the FAT32 file system.

As an alternative, you can use the MS DART 10 utility boot package (Microsoft Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset for Windows 10). You can download it from the official site of Microsoft. Windows images 10 Available for download from Microsoft.

Use the Windows 10 bootable media

Connect the media to the computer, reboot, set the BIOS settings and the first of this disk and boot from it. After downloading from it, select the system language. If Russian is selected, click "Next".

The following will be prompted to go to the installation or restoration of Windows. Click "System Restore". On the "Select Action" screen, click "Troubleshooting".

Parameters for restoring the launch "Tens"

In the Recovery Settings section (screen " Extra options") There are 5 subsections:

  • System Restore. When choosing this option starts standard utility rstrui.exe, the purpose of which is the system rollback to one of the stored checkpoints.
  • Restoring the image image. Runs Windows Deployment Wizard from a backup created by OS's own means.
  • Recovery when loading. Corrects errors of boot files and sections.
    Command line. Allows you to run various system utilities.
  • Return to the previous assembly. Performs a rollback to the previously installed version of the OS in the event that it has been updated to Windows 10.

Utilities for repair

The reason for almost all of the Windows download problems may be damaged sector hard Disk (Bad blocks). Even if with the help of one of the operating system considered in the manipulation article, it was possible to return to life, it does not place the operating condition of the hard drive.

You can do this using the free application MHDD (you can download), which can be run directly from the boot CD. In the program menu, you must select from the channel list to which the hard disk is connected to, indicating its number. You can then view the data S.A.A.R.T, a kind of "medical map" of the Winchester (key F8), or start scanning sectors for errors (F4 key), pre-allowing them to fix them - "Remap | ON. "

If there are a lot of problem sectors, then the procedure can delay the clock and even a day. Considering that the Bad blocks are usually concentrated at the beginning of the hard disk, it will be easier to move the partition from the OS away from the problem zone - the retreat of 2 GB will be quite enough.

For this purpose, the boot disk is suitable free editor Sections Minitool Partition Wizard Fe. The program menu needs to resort to the PARTITION | Move / Resize. "

As we have noted above, the cause of BSOD can be a RAM, which is not capable, for example, to work at elevated frequencies. In such cases on blue screen This text is possible: "Page_fault_in_nonpaged_area."

To spend the test of the RAM modules allows free app Memtest86. As with MHDD, you can work with MemTest86 from a bootable CD. The application does not require configuration and immediately after launch starts diagnostics using a number of tests. The "PASS" menu item displays the number of completed test cycles, while "errors" is the number of fixed errors.

Not rare users happen so that windows XP operating system is not loaded. As a rule, it does not understand why, because even recently the OS was loaded normally, and at the next moment there were problems.

There may be a lot of reasons for this, there are a number of the most common reasons for which the OS ceases to boot. Also, you should pay your attention to how it is not loaded, whether it does not load or stops loading after the new Windows XP logo appears with a progress rate.

In the event that the operating system does not load at all (the XP logo does not appear), then the probable sources of the problem may be 3.

Firstly: should check how well the HDD is connected to motherboardSince it does not rarely happen that the operating system ceases to boot because the computer simply sees the HDD. In this case, it is enough to simply adjust the HDD connection to the motherboard.

Secondly: You should make sure that HDD has no defects. You can check the HDD on the subject of broken sectors using special programsthat are loaded from BIOS. One of these programs is called Victoria, it allows you to check the HDD for broken sectors from the BIOS. In the event that there are broken sectors in HDD, we advise you to replace it, and what to restore the old data to contact a professional.

Thirdly: The problem may be in the default OS. Most often, OS is damaged due to viruses. To correct this problem, try to reinstall the OS. If you cannot reinstall the operating system, see the items described above. Also, if I could not determine the problem, we advise you, contact a professional for help - he will define the source of the problem as soon as possible and corrects it.

In the event that the operating system is loaded (the XP logo with a progress rate appears), then probable problems can be 2.

Firstly: The problem may be in defects in the computer. In this case, it is necessary to test the connections of all sorts of devices with the motherboard.

Secondly: The most common problem in this case is the default of the OS. This means that the operating system is damaged and for this reason can not boot. Initiated this problem most likely virus. In this case, there are 2 possible solutions, namely: try to restore the system or reinstall the OS.

The second option is more suitable, because even after the system is restored, the viruses can remain in the system and again initiate damage. The best solution in such cases is to appeal to a professional, which, in turn, is perfectly understood in this kind of matters and in the shortest possible time will help you solve the problem.

If the computer devices start normally, and the Windows XP operating system is likely to begin the troubleshooting process consisting of clarifying the causes of the faulty system load and eliminate them. Below are 10 tips for solving problems with the launch of Windows XP.

Using the Windows boot diskette

The first thing to contact when faults occurs during the system startup - boot diskette. It can help if the active section is damaged hard disk or files needed to download Windows.

In order to create a Windows boot diskette, insert the floppy disk into the drive drive with a correctly operating and configured operating manner. windows system XP, open the My Computer window, click on the Disk icon and select from context menu Command "Format" (Format). In the Format dialog box (Format), do not change the default settings and click the Start button. Upon completion of formatting, close the window in order to return to "My Computer", double-click on the C drive shortcut and copy three files from its root directory on a floppy disk:


Now insert the created boot diskette into the computer floppy drive with a damaged system and press to restart the computer. When you start with this diskette, the system will try to boot, ignoring the active partition of the hard disk and boot files.

Using the Option "Loading Last Successful Configuration" (Last Known Good Configuration)

You can also try to start the system using the "Last Configuration Launch" option (Last Known Good Configuration), which will cancel any changes that caused problems in the CURRENTCONTROLSET registry key responsible for determining the values \u200b\u200bof the equipment parameters and installed drivers. Option "Loading the last successful configuration" will replace the contents of the specified registry key to the data from the backup, which were used in the last successful launch of the OS.

Restart the computer by clicking. When you see the message "Select the operating system to start" (Please SELECT THE operating System. to start) or hear single sound signal, Press the key to start the "Advanced Settings" menu (Windows Advanced Options). Select "Load the last good configuration" (Last Known Good Configuration) and click.

Note that you have only one attempt to restore the last successful configuration. In other words, if the option did not help eliminate the system loading problem, it means that backup copy Also damaged.

Using the System Restore Utility (System Restore)

Another useful tool To troubleshoot Windows XP downloads - System Restore Utility (System Restore). It works in the background as a service for a constant verification of the most important components of the system for changes. Before changing any parameter, the service immediately creates its backup and control point Recovery. In addition, by default, the control points are created every 24 hours.

In order to use the System Restore utility (System Restore), restart the computer by clicking. When you see a message "Select the operating system to start" (Please select the operating system to start) or hear a single beep, press the "Advanced Options" menu (Windows Advanced Options). Select "Safe Mode" ( Safe Mode.) and press .

After downloading Windows XP in a secure mode, press the Start button and go to the Programs tab. Standard | Service | System Recovery (All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | System Restore). In safe mode, only the option "Restore the earlier state of the computer" is available, since it is already selected by default, just click "Next". Then the recovery wizard will offer you to select a checkpoint and start the recovery procedure.

Use Recovery Console (Recovery Console)

Windows XP download problems are more complex require, respectively, a more serious approach. The Windows XP boot CD contains a useful tool for Recovery Console (Recovery Console).

To start the system from the Windows XP bootable CD, insert it in the CD-ROM and press to restart the computer. As soon as the download starts, simply follow the instructions that you will allow you to choose the basic files to start the setup program (SETUP). On the screen "Welcome to the installer" (Welcome to Setup), shown in the image A, press the R key to start the Recovery Console.

The recovery console menu screen appears (image B). A folder with the operating system files is displayed here and please select the operating system in which you want to enter. Press the appropriate key, and then enter the administrator password. Now you have access to the recovery console command line.

Fig. B.

Correction of a damaged boot.ini file

At the beginning of the Windows XP boot process, the NTLDR program uses the boot.ini file to determine the location of the operating system files and the availability of options available to continue. Therefore, in the event of damage to the boot.ini file, it is impossible to exercise correct windows startup XP.

If the system is not loaded due to the damaged boot.ini file, you can use the BootCFG Recovery Console tool. Of course, for this you have to start the system from the boot CD and use the recovery console, as described in paragraph 4.
To launch the BootCFG command, enter the management console in the command prompt:

BootCFG / Parameter.

Where / Parameter.- One of the options below.

Parameters and description

/ Add. - scans the disk for all installed versions Windows and allows you to add new OS identifiers to the boot.ini file.
/ Scan. - Scans the disk for all installed versions of Windows.
/ List. - Displays each entry in the boot.ini file.
/ DEFAULT. - Assigns the identifier given by default in the operating system boot menu as the main one.
/ Rebuild - Fully recreates the boot.ini file. The user has the opportunity to confirm every step.
/ Redirect. - Allows administrative mode without a monitor to redirect the execution of the download operation to a special port. It has two subparameters: | .
/ Disableredirect. - Disables redirection.

Correction of the damaged hard disk boot sector

The boot sector is a small partition of a hard disk where data is contained file System The operating system (NTFS or FAT32), as well as a very small program written in the language of machine codes, which helps in the OS load process.

If the system does not start due to the damaged boot sector, you can use the Recovery Console FixBoot tool. To do this, you will have to start the system from the boot CD and use the recovery console, as described in paragraph 4.
To start the FixBoot command, enter the management console in the command prompt:

Where - The letter of the disk you want to create a new boot partition.

Correction of the damaged main boot record (Master Boot Record)

The main boot record is the first sector of the rigid disk to start the Windows loading procedure. It contains a partition table and a small program called "Primary bootloader" (Master Boot Record), which is responsible for placing the active or boot sector in the partition table. After placing in the table, the boot sector starts starting Windows. If the main boot record is damaged, the active sector will not be able to start the system.

To troubleshoot this fault in the Recovery Console console, the FixMBr tool is provided. Run the system from the boot CD and activate the recovery console, as described in paragraph 4.
To start the FixMBr command, enter the management console in the command prompt:


Where - Composite disk name for which you want to create a new main boot record. For example, the composite name for the main boot disk C will look like this:

\\ Device \\ HardDisk0

Cancel automatic reboot

When when working in Windows XP, a critical error occurs, an automatic system restarts. If a failure occurs during the Windows XP startup process, the system is stuck in an infinite reboot cycle. In this case, turn off the automatic restart option when the system fails.

When the system starts to boot, and you will see a message "Select the operating system to start" (Please select the operating system to start) or hear a single beep, press the "Advanced Settings" menu (Windows Advanced Options). Then select "Turn off an automatic reboot when a system failure" (Disable The Automatic Restart On System Failure) and click. From now on, Windows XP during the download process will display an error message from which it will be possible to find out the cause of the fault.

Restore from backup

If you do not manage to establish windows download XP, you can try to restore the system from the backup (if available). The recovery algorithm depends on the utility used for reserve copywhich will provide all the necessary instructions.

"Upgrade in place" (In-Place Upgrade)

If it is not possible to establish Windows XP download and there is no backup, you can perform "Upgrade" (in-place upgrade). This operation is reinstalling the operating system to the same folder (as in the case of Windows version update to later) and can fix almost all Windows loading problems.

Insert the Windows XP boot CD into the drive and restart the computer. Upon completion of the preparatory stage, the screen will appear windows installations XP (shown earlier in Fig. A). Click to start the installation procedure. After a couple of moments, a page with license AgreementClick to confirm consent with the terms. Then the program will search for previously established versions of Windows XP, and after it finds one of them, the second Windows XP installation screen will open (Fig. C).

Fig. C.

To restore the selected version, click R, and to install a new copy of Windows XP -. IN this case, operation to restore the damaged version is identical to the "update in place", so press R. After that, the installation program will check hard drives For malfunctions, and then implements "update in place."

Note that "after updating on site" or restore damaged installation will have to reinstall all updates for Windows.


If the PC does not start in you, then the reasons can be both hardware and software. If the computer itself turns on, but not loading operating system, and on the monitor we see some kind of menu, do not be afraid. This means that your operating system has failed. Fix it can be easily reinstalling Windows.

If you do not want to reinstall for any reason, you can try to start restoring the system. Make it is simple enough: when you turn on the PC, press F8 and select "Download the last successful configuration" item or secure mode, and then run the system restore.

What if nothing helped?

You need to do a certain job with your system. We offer to do it with two useful programs.

1. Updating drivers with Driver Booster. It is really cool software that often helps. Updating old drivers to new - one of the key requirements for the normal functioning of games and programs on the computer.

You may think that Windows always notifies users about the presence of new updates. So, it shows alerts, but only for the availability of updates for Windows and video card. But, besides this, there are still many drivers that need to be updated regularly.