Real types of online earnings. Real earnings on the Internet - Methods for profit

What are the money on the Internet on the Internet in 2019? How to make money online and do not get into the paws of fraudsters? On which sites you can quickly earn the first profit?

Hello, dear reader. My name is Alexander Berezhov, I am the founder of the site of the hetic, where you are now.

On a personal example, I will show you how you can earn on the Internet from 500$ a month at the provision of services, our own website, in social networks and other ways. It is not as easy as it seems, but I will explain complex things on points and simple language. After examining the article to the end, you will immediately be able to introduce the knowledge gained and earn the first money on the network.

He himself started with a complete zero, and for 5 years he went to income in several thousand dollars a month!

Immediately I will say that the article turned out to be volumetric, so I recommend saving it in the bookmarks of your browser and read over several goals.

You are ready? Then we went!

1. Is it possible to earn on the Internet in 2019 or is it nonsense?

If for someone, the worldwide network today is only a hobby, part-time job or method necessary informationFor me it is the main source of income.

It allows me to keep your family with two children and help relatives.

This, of course, is good - you say, but what to do to me personally, where to start? Start with the study of experience of those who already have results, And follow their proven tips. In addition, you can pass additional training, for example, to create sites. The resource on which attentive teachers will be taught for free to create sites even from scratch and which I trust personally -.

And now - specifically and only personal experience.

Here 100% toolsWith which you can make money on the Internet:

  • your site (blog);
  • channel on YouTube;
  • partnership programs;
  • performing tasks and provision of services (freelance);
  • sale of information;
  • creating a service or application;
  • advertising different formats.

With the help of half of these tools, I now earn on the Internet, and the rest - use my friends. By the way, I also described the stories of my friends and acquaintances in this article.

Now I will show visually on what now earns our "hetic bober":

Below I present directions and screenshots of earnings.

1) contextual advertising

Screenshot of income by day from contextual advertising Yandex

Screenshot of income by day from contextual advertising Google Adsense

2) Affiliate Programs and Direct Advertisors (Articles, Banners, Links)

Screenshot of income from our webmoney's e-wallet

Screenshot of income by day Wallet Yandex.Money

Dear friend, as you can see, ours homemade Site really allows you to make money on the Internet, and we created it with my friend Vitaly from scratch, invested in it 1 500 rubles (25$ ) And your knowledge.

So, dear reader, I can help you with full responsibility that you can earn money on the network. At the same time, the amounts seem to be very significant: 500$ , 2 000$ , 5 000$ per month and even more.

For this level of income, some experience is needed, but you can start at all without investment and any knowledge. So I started and many of my friends who have now come for a good income.

2. How to start making money on the Internet more than on the main work (my experience)

How to change the boning office or other work on profitable activities on the Internet? Want to keep the "ass" warm, and make money as much or even more without leaving home?

How do you like this idea, interesting? - Then continue.

Typical workshop

Five years ago, I completely transferred my income to the Internet mode.

Example - Fire! :)

My experience: from the desire to the first money on the Internet ...

At 13, I began to master a computer program for designers Adobe Photoshop.. I practiced daily and already during school training and the institute could create collages, retouch photos and make designs to order for adults and young people.

First came to me friends and acquaintances. Later I began to earn a photo artist in one creative workshop of the city of Stavropol.

So I purchased the skills for which I began to pay. For student 300-400$ A month in a provincial city - it was a good money a few years ago.

Later I started practicing in writing articles, although writing in school did not really loved. After a year, I also mastered this skill.

So in 2012 my Internet entrepreneur career began. At that time, I got a remote employee to the municipal institution "Center for Work with Youth."

I created a site for this organization and led him himself. Work occupied 1-2 hours a day and brought from 5000 before 10 000 rubles. per month ( 150-250$ ), and my current business partner Vitaly helped me.

There was time, experience became more. People who needed help in creating an online project, design, writing texts began to contact us with Vitalik.

We performed working qualitatively, and pleased customers became us to recommend us to their friends. So gradually we began to fulfill orders for entrepreneurs not only from native Stavropol, but also from other cities and even countries.

After a year and a half after the start of such an Internet work, my income grew into 3-4 times. Improving the skills of design and writing texts, sometimes I managed to fulfill the project in a day and earn on this 15 000 rubles .

Such money in our city at the time people earned For the month at normal work . From now on, I did not even have to look for customers. Orders poured on all sides on recommendations. Some of them brought me 1000-2000 rubles , I did in a few hours, and on the larger 10 000-20 000 rubles I left for several days.

Here are examples of my real works as a designer and prices for them:

  • the design of a single-page for the training of Alex Yanovsky ().
    Cost of design: 180$
  • design of the selling site of the watch "Speedometer". ().
    Cost of design: 250$
  • landing Landing Watch Sacio G-Shock. ().
    Cost of design: 280$

As you can see, starting from scratch and simply developing certain skills, you will not only start making money on the Internet good money, but also make this income to become the main and exceeded the level of medium salary In your city.

So, the most faithful way to earnings in the network is as follows:

  1. Unlock Survived skill in the labor market and sell it remotely: design, writing texts, English learning, programming and others.
  2. Find Among their closest environments of the first customers and perform the work.
  3. Get Recommendations from satisfied customers and expand the client base due to the work of the portfolio from the finished works and their demonstration to future customers.

After taking these 3 steps consistently, you, like sometime I will make the Internet the main source of income.

More ways to make money on the Internet you will find on the affiliate site of our company - Only effective, proven and reliable options for generating income!

And at the end of this section, I urge you to familiarize yourself with the comparative advantage of earnings in the network in front of the "standard" job:

Criteria comparisonStandard work

(Office, production)

Earnings on the Internet

(Freilance, own business)

1 ScheduleRegulated (-)Free (+)
2 IncomeLimited (-)Rights rapidly with proper operation (+)
3 Potential income increaseLow (-)High (+)
4 Official designThere is, in the case of the conclusion of the employment contract (+)There is, in the case of registration of activities as IP or LLC) (+)
5 Dependence on the bossesThere is (±)No (±)
6 Income characterPredicted (±)Floating (±)
7 A responsibilityAverage (±)Predominantly high (±)
8 TicketingFor the process (in most situations salary) (±)For the result (almost always) (±)
9 The complexity of obtaining first DenengLow (+)High (-)
10 Ability to work from anywhere in the worldNot (-)There is (+)

3. Work schemes on the Internet 2019

Go to the schemes of earnings in the network for beginners.

They do not require primary investments and allow you to earn your first dollar right now.

Here are these schemes:

  1. Freilance. Sale of their skills, talents and skills in the form of services for customers.
  2. Your site blog. Creation and promotion of your information site (blog), channel on YouTube and Earnings on it (mainly on advertising).
  3. Internet service. Creating a service on the Internet to solve different user tasks ( method for advanced!)
  4. Mediation. Resale of goods and services on the Internet, for example with.
  5. Infobusiness. Sale of information in the form of trainings, training DVD courses, subscription bases.

Let's consider in more detail these schemes.

4. Popular ways to make money online without investments

The methods described herein are especially suitable for beginners and prove the reality of the earnings of the first money. For each of the options presented, I will write an exemplary level of possible income, as well as the ladies link to our articles that more fully disclose the topic of earnings in a certain way.

Will not wait to try? Then we went!

Method 1. Yandex.Tolok - Earnings on completing simple tasks

The service of simple tasks from Yandex allows you to make money without experience.

Among the tasks are the following:

  • updating data on organizations;
  • classification of photos about organizations;
  • evaluation of the correctness of the video;
  • assessment of accuracy of product recommendations;
  • check duplicate ads.

Screenshot of real tasks from Yandex Fat

The cost of tasks OT. 0,01 before 1 dollars . Millions on the "intelligence", of course, do not earn, but if the process of receiving the first money on the Internet is interesting, then this service is quite suitable.

Register and proceed to perform paid tasks.

I draw your attention that execution some tasks possibly exclusively from mobile phones. So if you have an iPhone or another modern smartphone, then you will be much easier to earn with this service.

Method 2. Earnings on clicks

Very popular destination for beginners -. There are services to help webmasters to promote their projects, and users to perform tasks and receive payment for this.

Among such sites can be noted "Old-timers":


Earnings on clicks are available on any of these sites. Means are displayed on e-wallets.

Method 3. Earnings on likes (classes)

For the promotion of their proposals and accounts of the company and entrepreneurs use the social activity of users.

Likes and classes help promote goods and services via the Internet, on this you will earn.

First, create accounts in popular social networks: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

Popular and proven sites for getting likes:


Perhaps Vktarget is the most interesting service of this kind. Quick verification of the task execution, output for 2 days, the minimum amount for the output is only 25 rubles. In fact, most of the money you will receive from entry into groups VK and OK or subscription to channels in YouTube.

I myself personally did not try to earn this way, but I know the guys who exactly got and brought their first 50-200 rubles.

Method 4. Earnings on advertising and video

For example, the QCCCOMMENT.RU service allows you to earn, performing tasks and including browsing the video.

Here is a relatively high payment.

1 rub. 70 kopecks Accrued for watching advertising. 3 rubles. 50 kopecks You will be paid together with the reposit. Such a task as a "subscription" is paid by price. 75 kop .

The income will be more if you register in contact and Facebook. Performing tasks using their social profiles is paid much higher.

Method 5. Earnings on writing reviews and comments

  1. Work directly with the customer. Such work is fully on sites like or, where people are looking for performers. There are many web projects that need comments.
  2. Work through special exchange comments. You are not looking for the customer, and immediately see tasks for commenting.

Here are the popular stock exchanges:

  • - perhaps the best exchange of comments. Huge selection of a variety of tasks. High rates and large selection of a suitable topic.
  • - To work with comments, select the "Publish Comment" in the list. Average payment - 5 rubles. For a comment, but you need to explore the account requirements: there are limits by age, the floor, the number of friends and other parameters.

Method 6. Earnings on polls

Paid surveys are a good way to receive income, answering questions from popular personal sites.

Questioning is carried out by sociological and marketing companies in order to study public opinion on goods, services or processes occurring in society. Answers to questions - this is also a job, and it must be paid.

Below I bring popular and reliable sites where you will earn up 100 rubles. For one completed questionnaire.


Cost of the filled questionnaire: 50-70 rubles

The site belongs to Global Data Serviss, which has offices around the world. When registering, you are charged a bonus in the amount of 10 rubles .

Also here all clients are offered a "daily survey", designed for 10 minutes and with payment 30 rubles . Participate in this survey daily, if you meet the criteria that are presented to participants directly on the day of the survey.


Cost of the filled questionnaire: 20-100 rubles

The website of the company "I am a profist" has been working since 2010. Here you also earn, filling the questionnaires and answering questions. In mid-2016, the outline was registered more than 45,000 respondents.

Earnings - Ot 20 before 100 rubles In just 15-20 minutes a day. Interesting topics and questions in the questionnaires.


Cost of the filled questionnaire: 15-500 rubles

On the questionnaire you earn from 15 rubles For small questionnaires and up 500 rubles For complex polls that sometimes last a third or half of the day. Bonus for you at registration are accrued 5 rubles .

The output of money - on e-wallets within 3 days from the date of application.

Method 7.

Online players earn up to $ 1000 per month

Many play online games, and some even manage to receive income on it.

  1. Money game. Just play money as in ordinary maps. Previously, tournaments were often held in computer clubs. They were a team or format 1 to 1. People discount in the "bank" of a certain amount of money, upon completion of the tournament, the bank gets the winning team or a player. In my youth, there were very popular games for money in Counter Strike, Warcraft or Starcraft.
  2. Sale of artifacts, heroes or levels in games for real money. If you have some kind of virtual valuable "thing" in a specific game, which makes you cool: speed, dexterity, power, sell such "letters" to other players for real money.
  3. Investment games. Surely one of you heard about earning "on eggs", "birds", "farms" and so on. The essence of this earnings is that you first start real money on the account balance in a specific game. Then they buy something, for example, birds that are "golden eggs". When new birds are hatched from these eggs, you sell them to other players at a higher price. That is, everything as in real life - become an edible farmer businessman.
  4. Creating video reviews, streams. Become a commentator of games and shoot the strims, getting money from the audience for it, which these strims will look. A similar way is to recording your games, reviews and their further laid out in YouTube. Earnings from video is formed from advertising. That is what the income of gamers receive their popular YouTube Channels dedicated to a certain game.
  5. Testing games for money. There are professions such as a film critic, a hotel critic and further by industry. In this case, the game developers offer you earn, becoming a gaming critic. That is, playing a certain game in order to receive feedback. If during testing you notice the obvious disadvantages, "bugs" or "jambs" of a particular game or its separate block, developers will be grateful to you and pay for this work.
  6. Assistance in mastering the game - Mentoring. Each professional has a coach in anything. No exception and computer games. If someone wants to learn to play some kind of game professionally, and even more so earn money on it, then why not offer such a person his help. Of course, such support will not be free - agree on the amount for which you will be ready to train the future star of cybersport.

Method 8. Earnings on file sharing

If you have files that other people need: Interesting e-books, abstracts, music, earn on it through file sharing.

To do this, register on one of the popular exchange sites and download your file there.

Per every thousand downloads Your file you will receive from 5 before 15 dollars . It seems this is a bit, but! If you actively advertise a link to the boiled file on your website either by a third-party forum, then easily launch hundreds and thousands of downloads for the month. Earnings will increase if you place more files.

What then do the exchange services themselves earn? - you ask. And they receive income on the provision of paid or speed "VIP" or "GOLD" of access. Another income on such services comes from the abundance of advertising on the page download page.

So users download your files, and you get money

List of popular and most profitable file sharing:


Register and make a profit!

Method 9. Earnings on photologists and photo banks

Photoshok. - This is the site on which photos and pictures for downloading in different directions are located: business, art, nature, cinema and others.

Popular photobank shutterstock

Photo Stoke performs an intermediary between the creator of the picture and the person she needs. Earnings on photos and photobanks - a great opportunity to receive additional income to designer or photographer.

How it works:

For example, I am a photographer, I drive around the world and make photociations of different cities.

In the Web every day, my photos are required by web publishing houses, magazines, designers, and all of them are ready to pay me a certain amount for a high-quality picture or photo.

So, if you made 100 shots in some city in Europe, you have the right to sell them, say for 3 dollars /Photo.

Similarly, things are concluded with drawings and "icons". Sell \u200b\u200bthem online an unlimited number of times. Z. and once done work, You will for months and years to receive income.

Your pictures are sold and during the day and night different people for different projects. At this time you get your own and engage in its buildup. Each picture or photo is a small and permanent stream of money in your pocket.

List of proven photo banks for earnings:


5. Methods of earnings on the Internet with minimal investments

Here are the ways without cash investments or almost without them.

You will need only your time and perseverance in work.

Method 1.

Everyone knows the ads board of Avito, but not everyone earn it with its help. This method also applies to Internet earnings, as the high attendance of this site will help you find those who are willing to pay money.

Cleaner or not? An example of the creative announcement on Avito

Avito features for earnings:

  1. Sale of unnecessary things, including things of other people for a commission percentage.
  2. Assistance in selling services of their friends per percentage.

Example of sales of other services per percentage through Avito:

I personally checked this method and it works!

You find some of your friends who qualitatively perform certain services, for example, create sites, repairs in apartments, install built-in furniture and so on.

Let the average cost of repairing apartments of your brigade make up 100 000 rubles , and site creation - 50 000 rubles .

Make an interest on sales of these performers if the client comes to them through you. Earnings from each client will be: from 10 000 rubles from one repair and from 5000 rubles from one ordered project.

To receive income, you need to make good ads, publish them on Avito and others electronic sites, Take calls and transmit contacts of potential customers to your performers.

Selling only 3-5 such services for the month, you will earn 20 000 before 100 000 rubles and more.

I have familiar, one name of Volodya, he is a master of repair of apartments, the other - Sasha, he creates websites under the order. With these guys, I periodically redirect customers per 10% From the cost of work, almost every month + 5-10 thousand rubles Just drips from above in addition to various Internet earnings.

I am not specifically looking for customers for these services, but I just send to Volodya and Sasha anyone who needs such services.

As you can see, simply applying such an intermediary scheme, you will get a good additional income.

For entrepreneurs, Avito has the opportunity to open a full-fledged online store. Start with small - these skills will definitely be useful to you in the future, when the scale of your business will grow and the standard functional will not be enough.

Ability to open an online store on Avito

Methodification 5. Purchase and sale of domains (cyberskvotting)

Domain - This is the name of the site on the Internet.

Earnings on resale domains can not be attributed to rapidly, but its value sometimes achieves truly space-scale in tens of thousands of percent per annum and more.

Surely you heard that the gold numbers of the phones, the form +7 999 707 77 77 cost quite expensive. And if the SIM card with a regular number you can buy for 200-500 rubles , then for the "gold" number will have to pay from 5000 before 1 000 000 rubles . Similarly, things are with the "coolest" car numbers. The principle is understandable.

So one, one American domain with materials for adults costs tens of millions of dollars. Domains of the species, and others are also very high in price, and once they could register anyone for symbolic money.

How it works:

You find loose and beautiful domain names And register them on yourself. The number of domains is not limited, register at least a thousand. Next, create groups on social networks or a separate site, where you propose to buy these domains on a more expensive price.

Another way to find a client for a domain - Create a page with contact information On this domain. On the same page, place other domain offers.

And if the purchase of the domain will cost you in 100-700 rubles then your customers will sometimes be ready to pay for such a domain 10 000-50 000 or even 500 000 rubles . Turns out that one successful deal On speculation domains can bring income compared to the amount of annual salary in the middle city of Russia.

We recently wanted to buy a domain, and the owner requested him 7000 Euro .

Reply to request for buying a domain

Check the employment of domains and take them on the popular domain recorder

Method 6. Earnings on sports betting

Sport rates - the popular theme of recent years. Here you can really earn a solid money without leaving home.

There are two ways to make profitable bets:

  1. Being a fan of sports events and follow all key sports games and sports stars. The method is reliable, but not everyone has the time and desire to "boil" in the world of sports events. Then it is worth going to another way.
  2. Use mathematical and probabilistic approaches to the results of sports games. This approach to earnings at rates is available to any person.

Here is an example:

Usually everyone put on the favorites of sports events, on the same football club "Chelsea", which almost always wins. However, your earnings with this win will be the maximum 5-10% from the amount of the bet.

On the contrary, if you think thoughtfully on the team, the chance of victory is small, and suddenly such a team "shoots", then you double, triple, otherwise it is a legitimate rate. This approach is called Value Betting - rates on undervalued events (teams, players).

We described these and other strategies in the article. " Be sure to read this article if you want a long time to receive a stable income from sports betting.

Method 7. Traffic arbitration

The traffic arbitration is earnings on resale traffic that you buy from various sources.

Source to attract customers:

  • teaser advertising;
  • advertising in social networks;
  • contextual advertising;
  • banner networks.

Example Page - Fake Blog Polina Gagarina

If you want to plunge into this topic of earnings, I recommend you an article about. From the article you will learn everything about earnings on traffic and where to start a newcomer.

6. Top 7 popular sites for earnings

Here I described several excellent sites for income.

On some of them you will receive a profit right today from a complete zero, while others are suitable for freelancers with basic knowledge and skills, such as design or copywriting.

1) - Reviews

Ozdovik is a popular and reliable web resource that consistently pays to everyone who leaves reviews on it. Payment is made for the number of reviewed reviews by site visitors. Ideal if your feedback will contain personal experience in the use of goods, services, services or companies. Big plus - high-quality photo and video.

For example, I saw a review, where the girl describes an elephant nursery on Sri Lanka. The review consists not only of interesting text - descriptions of all places, excursions and prices, but also their detailed photo report. The photo of the heroine of the excursion is walking with elephants and locals.

"Ozzovik" pays to 500 rub. for 1000 views Your feedback. Than more reviews Leave and the more good comments, views and likes on them, the more income will be.

2) - Internet service exchange service

Top reviews on this site also contain a large number of original photographs of the author.

After registration you are credited to the account 50 rubles , and for each viewing review 5 kopecks .

Important moment!

Choosing the subject of writing reviews directly affects the size of your income. The most popular topics for the women's audience will be: beauty, health, diets and weight loss, and for men - cars and equipment.

3) - Freelance Exchange in IT - the most famous site in RuNet for remote employees and freelancers. Here you will find dozens of destinations, within which you can provide services. By the way, we often apply to it if you are required to modernize "Beaver" or search for employees.

Experienced performers are sitting on this stock exchange and each of them has a rating that directly affects his chances of receiving an order. For example, when the customer chooses the artist for an expensive and serious project, he puts a tick "only with Pro -Aktkaount”.

An example of our tasks on the site

4) - Remote Work Exchange

Workille is great for earning the first money on making small orders for 200 , 500 or 1000 rubles .

The advantage of this service is a large number of tasks for beginners without experience: translation of audio into text, sorting goods for online stores, writing ordinary texts, call to the company.

I specifically registered on this site to show it to you. There are quite high requirements for performers.

View Personal Cabinet Site

Exchange allows you to choose a specialization in which you want to provide services, such as "design", "texts" or so on.


When registering you will have to pay 340 rubles- registration fee , Confirm your contact details and go through several tests for knowledge of the rules of service.

This is what the list of tasks on the workls looks like

Some of my friends work exclusively on Varkzille, receiving from 10 000 before 40 000 rubles. per month. For some, it is just a part-time job on the Internet, for others - the main source of income.

5) - Content for sites

Content's exchange is one of the oldest and leaders in RuNet. Here they earn on writing texts (copywriting, rehyt). Among the customers there are both one-time and regular customers. If you like them, they will provide you with a constant flow of orders.

At the first stage, you can write articles here for interesting topics and set texts for sale. These articles will be sold by themselves, and the fee will be charged to you on the inner balance.

With the acquisition of experience, you will get one-time orders for a specific topic, and then, after working out the portfolio, get and constantly remotely managed in the field of copyrighting.

6) - Copywriting Exchange - another site for making money on writing texts. This Stock Exchange has copyright rating that pass. preliminary tests In Russian, as well as optimization of texts for search engines.

So potential customers will see that you are working on your professionalism, and will give you more expensive and volumetric orders.

It is on this exchange that we found many permanent authors for our site -

7. Freilance and remote work - Top 10 sought-after professions of 2019

Freilance - This is the performance of tasks for different customers via the Internet for remuneration.

Allows you to earn anyone who has certain skills and knowledge in demands in demand online directions: creating websites, advertising, technical and information services. I myself was engaged in freelance in the field of design and writing texts, and on its own estimates earned about it 500 000 rubles (10,000 dollars ).

Distant work - This is almost the same as Freilance, only here you work with one permanent employer, do not go to the office or on production, and all work takes place via the Internet.

Money earned with the help of remote work, you take on your electronic wallets or the current account in the event of an official registration of yourself as an individual entrepreneur.

Below, I described in detail the most popular and rectic directions of earnings on the Internet, submitting them in the form of 10 sought-after professions. For each profession indicated the level of income, the minimum plank of which is characteristic of newcomers in this matter, and the maximum - for professionals with experience in several years.

Remote work - isn't it cool?!

We turn to the review of popular Internet professions.

The profession "The Best". Internet marketer

I will, perhaps, with the most promising and high-paying profession of the 21st century on the Internet. This is an "internet marketer".

This specialist helps to promote and sell on the Internet. Goods, services and events (events)

This specialist receives on the market from 50 000 before 150 000 rubles And more as a regular employee according to the portals of and Moreover, you can work remotely from anywhere in the world.

I wrote that 50-150 tr. - This is the income of the staff member, that is, if you work for some company, it will be your salary, possibly with a premium part.

But there is another way to earn in this profession - to provide marketing services for companies and entrepreneurs on the Internet for a percentage of sales.

For example, you know how to find customers for events (concerts, trainings) via the Internet and then from each ticket from the organizers can ask their percentage.

If the sales of tickets through you passed on 1500 000 rubles You can negotiate from 25% of your commission. That in this case will be 375 000 rubles from one project.

How to learn this profession?

Dmitry has created a remote business promotion on the Internet, for 2 years I visited 32 countries and successfully develops your project with a team without binding to the place.

Want also? Start with learning this course and who knows, maybe in a couple of months or a year later you will open your own promotion company on the Internet.

Profession 1. Skype Tutor

Income level: 200-1500 rubles per hour

Popular profession for people with good knowledge in any of the in-demand areas and pedagogical abilities.

Example from my life

Alexey's friend with his wife Marina has been studying children and adult English for several years. The cost of the lesson varies from 500 before 800 rubles For one hour of full-time classes.

I cite them as an example, as I myself studied in them English from scratch and learned the language to a conversational level for 1 year. Here is the address of their project:

Therefore, if you are a teacher at school, institute or other educational institution, boldly install skype programBuy the camcorder for the computer and gain your disciples.

Being a specialist in any field, just advising people on Skype - it will become an excellent opportunity for you to make money on the Internet. Lawyers, accountants, business consultants - All these people Skype will help profitably sell their advice.

Another example of personal experience

Recently, a guy who was interested in the support of the "Beaver" support, which was interested in the topic of earnings on its website. He wrote that he was ready to pay me for consultation on Skype.

We agreed that for 2 hours of consultation he will pay me 2000 rubles , that is, by 1000 in an hour. Then they contacted, and I gave him comprehensive information, answered all his questions.

And know what the most interesting thing is that he offered me in a letter to advise himI have not searched for this client, he himself found me! My interlocutor remained very pleased with the quality of the information provided.

So you will be when you begin to dive professionally in any topic: people will find you and offer money.

Another of the popular Skype professions is a psychologist. These specialists advise people not only at a meeting in a psychological office, but also remotely.

Many psychologists are now looking for part-timeing on the Internet. In fact, it is easy, since the profession implies only communication with man. Look for customers with the help of a personal website-business card, describing our experience, services and prices on it.

An even simple way to declare yourself online - add information, reviews and portfolia to specialized catalog sites. The same, by the way, you can make tutors.

Or create a channel on YouTube and promote yourself as a specialist, telling interesting things and shooting your work on the video. Receive money for services to electronic systems or bank account if.

Consulting people on Skype or by organizing group training webinars via the Internet, a specialist in the field of psychological counseling will easily create additional income on the network or make it the main one.

Hour counseling psychologist worth 300 rubles And more depending on his experience and "promotion" on the professional market.

Profession 2. Copywriter

Copywriter is a specialist in writing texts. These people write texts for web portals and promotional materials. Work via the Internet as freelancers or remote employees of various projects: media, Internet portals, advertising agencies.

Good copywriters earn on the Internet more than 100,000 rubles. Usually begin with rewriting - rewriting other people's texts and selling them through content exchanges, such as the above described "Advego" and "ContentMonster".

Profession 3. Designer

Income level: $ 100-4000 per month

Since I do not like to know this profession, I will briefly tell you that it is necessary to master it, and as a beginner designer to increase earnings on the Internet, if it works in some company.

A few directions of work can be performed as a designer at home - the creation of 3D interiors, design for sites, advertising or retouching photos. Start exploring online lessons on such programs as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, 3D-MAX, Adobe Flash., Corel Draw.

Depending on your specialization, learn the necessary program (we), make several works for customers for free to dial the desired portfolio. After the portfolio is done, start massively advertise your services among friends, through social networks and services for remote employees. From these sites I recommend the same and

So gradually you will be taken from the category of an amateur designer with a small payment to the category of high-paying freelancer with constant high income. And then you can think about the opening of your design studio or creative agency.

Profession 4. Web developer

Income level: 500-5000 $ per month

The web developer is engaged in the development of Internet sites. Most often they mean a programmer or a vertellor. Sometimes web developers include almost all specialists in the field of creating and promoting projects on the Internet: designers, Internet marketers, SEO specialists and even copywriters.

If you want to become a professional web developer, start with the study of the basic foundations for creating sites: HTML hypertext markup language and cascade CSS styles.

It is also nice to know the adobe photography photoshop graphic editor and understand what a domain and hosting is.

Below I posted these free lessons From the popular author Evgeny Popov, who will help you master the basic web developer skills:

HTML and CSS lessons

Lessons on Adobe Photoshop, Domain and Hosting

Profession 5. Site Administrator (Project Manager)

Income level: 300-3000 $ per month

The site administrator is a specialist who is engaged in technical support, refuses its project functionality and corrects the emerging technical errors. Such a "techny" receives not too much, usually before 300-500$ per month. It can often work via the Internet in remote mode.

Another thing is a project manager. This is a specialist with advanced management skills. The project manager determines the strategy for the development of the site, manages the team, sets the tasks, follows the progress of their implementation.

It can be said that I am a manager of his kid, hetic, as I take part in the formation and management of the team, developing the further strategy of the project.

Therefore, if necessary, I can safely go work by the manager of a certain direction of a large Internet project or its head with the surveyed skills on Bobre.

Profession 6. Editor video

Income level: $ 100-2000 per month

On the Internet you can make money on the editing video. This includes the creation of video screensavers for various projects and goods, installation of a wedding video, creating promotional videos.

Start with simple programs, such as Windows Movie Maker, which is included in the list of standard programs for operating system Windows.

Your customers will have people who provide services for video filming of weddings, creative and advertising agencies, as well as video production studios.

On average, one qualitatively mounted roller duration of 1-10 minutes, the video editor receives from 2000 before 5000 rubles or 30-80 dollars .

Profession 7. Translator

Aladute English? Use your knowledge to translate texts. On the Internet sites for remote employees, you can easily find the first customers. Translate needs instructions for household appliances, texts with English-speaking resources, literary works and not only.

If you specialize in one topic - your skill will grow, and the client's circle is expanding.

An example of my friend:

One of my comrade, his name is Dmitry, the day works through three at the main job, and in his free time translates the texts of the technical orientation, earning several additional thousand to the main salary.

Profession 8. Call Center Specialist

Income level: 150-1000 $ per month

This specialist accepts incoming calls and makes outgoing, working on a specific company in the contact center. These centers have many organizations that sell something or work with customers: online shopping, cellular operators, Banks, airlines, travel agencies.

In order to reduce the cost of maintenance of the workplace, many companies are now transferring the work of their employees to mode " home Office". A telephone support specialist also has a specific work schedule, customer base and call plan. Only it works not from the office of the company, but from the house. What is very convenient for everyone.

I have 2 familiar girls Angela and Marina, who have a fairly large positive experience on the Internet from the house as a remote Call Center specialist.

The first count appeared 500 years ago :)

Profession 9. Directologist (contextual advertising specialist)

Income level: $ 150-2000 per month

Tens of thousands of entrepreneurs today promote their products and services online. How to attract clients to the site, preferably as quickly as possible?

The answer is simple - find a good directorologist. The name of this profession has gone from popular service contextual advertising Yandex.Direct.

The directorologist works not only with Yandex.Frequet, but also with advertising Google Edwards, being a highly specialized Internet marketer.

For training in this profession there are paid and free materials on the network and in particular in YouTube.

Profession 10. SMM specialist

Income level: $ 100-900 per month

The SMM specialist promotes companies, goods and services in social networks, creating groups, pages and events in contact, Facebook, Instagram, classmates and attracts an audience of various techniques on them.

Its responsibilities include the creation and publication of content: text, photo, video and analysis of the effectiveness of the results. The result is assessed by social and economic criteria: the number of likes, reposts, placed materials attracted visitors, the number of purchases and their average price.

That is, the SMM specialist is a marketer in social promotion. It can work as a private way, finding direct customers and providing them with services through the same sites of remote work, and in SMM agencies remotely.

8. Earnings on social networks

1. Earnings on VKontakte

VKontakte allows you to earn, for example, on the creation of publics and their monetization. That is, you create a public page, add users, regularly place interesting content there. After a while, the effect of the "Snow Coma" is triggered, that is, now you can no longer try to attract people in a public, and they themselves connect to your page.

This is achieved at the expense of interesting and useful material, which users share, put the entries and "rep" records on their pages. Then, when in a public closer from 10,000 subscribersYou start accepting applications for advertising in it.

The cost of posts in popular public reaches 30 000 rubles for one placement. Imagine, if at least 1 time per day you have advertisers for such a cost! Here are already real earnings in million rubles per month!

Of course, such publics have hundreds of thousands and millions of subscribers, but everything ever started with a small one - perhaps a couple of years ago, these publishes took 200-300 rubles For placing an advertising post.


From 2017, VKontakte allows users open online store. Sell \u200b\u200bin this social networking products and services or conclude partnership agreements with suppliers or your friends, selling their proposals for a commission percentage.

Example of goods from online store VKontakte

2. Earnings on Twitter

Twitter 5 main ways to receive income:

  • on advertising;
  • on partner references;
  • launch of a commercial microblogging;
  • monetization of the profile picture;
  • creating backgrounds for account and plugins.

3. Earnings on Instagram

In Instagram, as in any other popular social network with a numerous audience, you can earn.

I allocated 7 basic ways:

  • advertising;
  • sale of own pictures;
  • sale of goods;
  • promotion of own services;
  • print photos of users;
  • partnership programs.

Let's tell you how Andrei, my friend, gets profit in Instagram:

He agreed with furniture workers on cooperation that produce wardrobes and kitchens to order. Cooperation is that my friend throws up the contacts of potential customers to its furniture partners and gets 10-15% from the cost in fact perfect order.

Before this, Andrei gathered many photos of the furniture of his contractors and posted them in instagram. Began to unwind the account and recruit subscribers.

He began to write people right in the comments to the photos that they want to order such furniture to themselves. He learned the phone and the name of the interested person, and then simply passed his contact with the manager of the furniture company.

And now the most interesting! The average cost of furniture order was 35,000 rubles . I.e 3500 rubles Our mediator received for his services after a certain time, which is required for the production and installation of this unit of furniture.

Given the fact that almost every day someone wrote to him that he wants to buy such a wardrobe or kitchen, my friend received daily from 3500 rubles . Now in his month he gets more 100 000 rubles . And it's just for attracting customers from Instagram.

By the same principle, you can become an intermediary in absolutely any market niche. It will only be left to choose a contractor and arrange with him about the percentage with your customers.

4. Earnings on classmates

Odnoklassniki are famous for their target audience. These are people for 30, with children, mostly women.

What do you think why some users create accounts with names like Marina and Anton Furniture? - Right! These enterprising guys earn some suggestions with the help of "their last name".

Here is a big scope for those who implement services and goods for such "mammies". In classmates, people are well earned, drawing portraits to order, making various kinds of crafts with their own hands, the so-called "Hand Made", and all those who do business "household" directivity.

Kitchens and wardrobes, cornices, curtains, apartment repairs. Surely you saw a lot of similar proposals in Odnoklassniki. But the cheeky auto tune or expensive hours are sold here much worse.

In classmates also earn on visited groups by advertising, on partners that allow you to get part of income from the sale of products of various brands and companies. Design and text wizards often receive income, drawing up groups and creating attractive descriptions of goods in this social network.

Now the "Stores" feature is also available in classmates.

Everyone can sell their goods and services here in a convenient way. To do this, you need to create a group in and there already find the "Create Store" button.

Earnings on the Internet without investments and deception. Sites, where you can really earn. Earnings on the Internet. Today, dear readers of the Coolinet website we have the topic, one way or another the exciting minds of all network users.

Today we will talk about how to earn money. How real is he real? How much can you earn? How to avoid deception? And, as well as the main thing where, to realize your potential and let it be not a fabulous amount in the form of mythical millions, and at least at first it is simply small, but permanent income.

Earnings on the Internet, small introduction

If you asked yourself, at least part of the questions mentioned above, then this article is for you. I want to warn at the very beginning. A certain magic way to earn money will not be described here. Miracle will not be specified with which, your online wallet, It will be happy to make a beautiful amount daily, and you will only have to think, where to spend the woven money.

Also, I will not paint, some regular "wonderful" super course, and at the end I will try to unobtrusively, you will get it. Nothing it will be. Only my personal experience and some results I could achieve. You draw conclusions.

Perhaps whether to make money on the Internet?

The answer to this question is definitely yes! Moreover, you can even earn a lot of money than some of themselves imagine. The Internet is truly a unique phenomenon. Well, suggestion, where today a person can realize so itself, not even a hundred, and for the whole thousand percent, and absolutely anyone, with any interests and any level of knowledge.

No branch offline will not even give a hint for such a prospect of growth, which provides the Internet, and absolutely free, just come, study, think, do and take the result, of course, expressed in the monetary equivalent.

On the network will be spinning billions, this is many understand. There are people, and firms that earn, very big money, just huge amounts and every year the amount of money is spinning on the network, increases with astronomical progress. But why, it turns out that it turns out to earn only in a small part, but the rest is only bitterness.

It's not earnings this deception

Let's figure out, firstly, 90 % 95 % All proposals for earnings in the network is the purest water to be deceived and kidalov. The elementary calculation is implemented here, on human nature. Well, a man works so that he wants to spend at least effort, and it is better to do nothing at all and get a maximum at the exit. But this does not happen by definition and fraudsters and the bruised by this successfully use, so it was always.

On the bait of such figures, there will not be only people who know how to include their heads. The rule here is only, one and it works by millennia, since the time, probably, the primitive system, nothing happens on free, so that something needs to be obtained, something to invest something, and the result at the exit will be equivalent to the number of resources spent on achieving the goal and It does not matter now what is the resource money, knowledge, or time.

Exchange or scam on the Internet

Therefore, we see another zamunduch type from 10 000 rubles On the day without investments, smile, wish good luck and pass by. I generally, I do not cease to be surprised at the number of people who are under such things, they enter registered spending their time, and then they write angry reviews: deception! Kidalovo! Fraudsters! Emao, and what was immediately incomprehensible! How should it look like? Sitting myself, a crazy rich uncle and thinks that I have nowhere to give me money, Daika I am now all the tests for the top ten ... who needs it?, Let's come!

I'm afraid to upset, there is no such number of rich and crazy. The remaining 5 % — 10 % Proposals where you will be offered to participate in some program, while free or even in this spirit in this spirit and sooner or later gently submit to what you need to buy something or invest money. Written without investments. Probably meant, without latter investments.

In all this mass, in fact, there are services where you can earn. In more detail, we will definitely discern more and detail. And so, if we speak as a whole there are resources (sites) where the Internet user does not even have special skills can earn.

For example, you can earn on a simple viewing of sites, reading news, joining various groups in social networks, writing feedback. As you can see anything complicated. At the same time, the earnings will be from 50 kopecks before 50 rubles. It is worth practicing it or not. Here as the selection of everyone says. It is possible to consider such types of earnings, such as auxiliary or as earnings, for those who just started to master the Internet, in terms of ability to work out. In any case, this is a certain experience that is already not bad.

Let's now understand with some species that are issued for earnings, but in fact are not.

Gambling.Casino, Star Poker, Roulette, slot machines.

Lottery and not earnings on the Internet

Separately, tackle, the themes of gambling. Proposals for any casino have a lot of mass, as well as sentences that are guaranteed a stable win. Therefore, many and call it, it is an earnings implying a constant stable income. Everything is simple and described by one old and simple phrase "Casino wins casino. And all, without options.

We decided to play, well, be prepared to part with money. Even if you are offered a free scheme that guarantees the game in a permanent plus, you just need to follow the link, congratulations, someone has already earned at you.

To such services, in no case cannot be treated, as the opportunity will enrich and earn money. No, of course, I do not argue, there are casinos in which you can win. Sometimes, even very large amounts. This is especially true of various foreign online casinos, which lead more honest policies towards players and periodically give them to win. But considering it as a way of constant income, to put it mildly, frivolously. It is rather how to consider as a kind of view of the rest and receiving a portion of adrenaline for which you need to pay.

The ruble came to get ten

It is still possible to attribute here, services offering to put some amount of money and through 10 minutes - 24 hours, Get either with interest, or get an enlarged amount several times. The minimum amount of money that will be offered to you depends on the arrogance of a specific such service, as well as the quantity and quality of the sauce under which it is all presented (examples of such messages you can see in the comments to this article). It may be from 10 rubles Before tens of thousands, and the first nesses are most likely to be returned, and with the promised interest, but only in order to "pin it" to the larger amount invested by you.

To attract as much as possible, users, as a rule, are used by loud words about "financial independence", "freedom", "do not work for uncle" and the like slogans, a mixture with beautiful pictures of villas, seas, beautiful cars, long-legged girls, Be sure to have a pack with bucks, shorter standard set.

Binary Options, Exchange, Forex

Binary Options, Exchange, Forex

Binary options . Very unambiguous theme. On the one hand, I am familiar with people who played on the stock exchange, and one of them lost 25 million rubles . (confirmed information), the second is less, but also solid. But then such a moment, since these people I knew personally, I can say that they themselves are very gambling comrades. Therefore, with a great deal I admit that they did not lose money, namely lost both in the casino.

To work with similar platforms, skills are needed, bright head and cold calculation. I will say honestly, I used to be very negatively related to trade on stock exchanges, binary options and similar types of earnings. But delving into this sphere I understand that negative reviews leave first of all people who want to get a momentum profit, that is, rely on good luck and understand 99 % Cases lose their money.

Forex - The first seminars on attracting future traders were spent 15 years ago, then there were no PCs that were not all, but the tablets and smartphones in general from the field of fiction. I remember even at that time visited one such seminar. Entrance ticket for the start of trading was 100 $ training 600 $ I sat down, listened to how spells came about contributions, and then earning many thousands of dollars, I got on skis and go. For some reason, I personally comrades from Forex are steadily associated with Jehovah's Witnesses. Probably for the fact that then they were also on every corner. In short, Forex has already nabelated everything, and waste time telling about him, I feel sorry for me.

Bookmakers and sports betting.

Bookmaker firms and sports rates

Sports rates. There is also such a kind of earnings, you probably heard, as advertising a huge number and including on television. I honestly, I did not try and not say anything to say, I will only say one thing that communicates with my friends who make bets, according to them you can earn.

As I understand it, you need to understand well in the sport, at least in one of his species, which would not be deepened, but it is calculated as the most likely, based on the experience and addition of many indirect factors. It seems to me without having such skills, this event is instantly turning into the lottery. I registered in one bookmaker office, I will test such a type of earnings, adhering to the advice of your friend.

Earnings on the Internet cryptocurrency

Earnings cryptocurrents

Cryptovaluta - It is digital, electronic or as elsewhere called virtual currency. This is a kind of alternative to real money, only it appeared on the Internet. It is not connected with any actually existing currencies, as well as, respectively, with any state. The cryptocurrency is protected from counterfeit, in general, the Kripto's prefix is \u200b\u200bjust taken from the word cryptography. The most famous and most common digital currency is Bitcoin (BitKoin) abbreviated BTC. There are also such currencies as, Litecoin, ZetaCoin, and many others. This is a lot of cryptocurrency called -.

With a lot without going into details, it is quite possible to purchase the goods for the cryptocurrency or exchanged real money or rubles for quite yourself. On the Internet you can try absolutely free to assemble cryptocurrency for example, the same well-known bitcoins (BitKoin) for the purpose of their accumulation, investing in what kind of project or to bid to specialized stock exchanges.

Free Earnings (Collection) Cryptovaly

Cloud mining cryptocurrency as earnings

Investment B. cloud Mining Very risky lesson. Especially disguised under the cloud mining services a huge amount. In fact, it's just Internet fraud. However, this kind of earnings as a cloud mining on the Internet exists and some of them are very successfully engaged. Therefore, in fact, I considered such earnings necessary, to highlight in this article.

In order for the information on the pages of this site, I was the most truthful and objective I as an experiment, now I test one of the services on the cloud mining and describe what it turns out, here in this. Who can be interested, while it turns out quite well.

The service of cloud mining service indicated in the article - Hashflare has existed for more than two years and survived many similar projects. Therefore, at the moment, it can be recommended for investment and earnings.


Hashflare service is currently frozen.

There are services that are just masked for real cloud mining. So-called Haip - projects.

Haip (from the English. Hyip - High Yield Investment Program, also hip, chi ipi) is a fraudulent project.

As a rule, such sites promise huge profits 200, 300, 400, 500% per annum. But among these projects rarely, but they come across those on which you can earn.

What can I really earn on the Internet?

Sites, services and programs where you can earn without skills

Now let's talk about the services for earnings that, let's say so proven and at least carry out fair policies in relation to their users. I will start a list of services where you can a little, but still earn, without any knowledge and skills and does not have your site, the promoted page of VKontakte or the popular account on Twitter or Fabuk.

The easiest earnings without special skills

First Site for earnings RUCAPTCHA (RUCAPTCHA (2CAPTCHA)) .

For employees from Russia with a reputation of 3 and more:
New tasks: posts in VK, paying from 2 to 50 rubles per post.

First service in the list of Earnings by Rusptcha, you can register on the official website


It can work and make money. Yes, small, but nevertheless you will be able to pick them up, transferring themselves to the electronic wallet.

In a nutshell, what is RucAPTCHA, this is an image recognition service. There are customers who need to recognize images, respectively, there are performers who do it and get money for it. Everything is simple and quite suitable for a small earnings at first.

The first site for earning RUSAPTCHA.

Periodically there are, these are the suggestions from Rusaptcha that allow you to earn even more.

The withdrawal of earned money from the site rusptcha

Here is a photo of the output of money earned from this service.

RUSAPTCHA Conclusion on WEBMONEY Wallet

Enrollment on WebMoney wallet.

WebMoney enrollment on a wallet with Rusaptcha

Second Site for earning vktarget. .

The second service that may be interesting to us in terms of work, this is a Vktarget service. If you at least once used any social network, I will easily understand what is the earnings in this service. If not, you will understand the same way.

In a nutshell, you pay for the fact that you enter into groups, put, in general, perform tasks on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter.

How and how much can you earn on vktarget?

You can make earned money with Vktarget in many ways, translations to Qiwi, Yandex money, Webmoney. Can be displayed directly to the account on mobile phone on the payment System PayPal and even at the account. Below you make screenshots and withdrawing one of your earnings in this service.

Withdrawal of money on the WebMoney payment system with Vktarget (traffic)

Another example of withdrawing money from Vktarget.

The withdrawal of funds on Webmoney wallet with Vktarget (traffic)

Receipt of money on WebMoney

Tip! In Vktarget, you can create several accounts and take turns to work on them. This will reduce the likelihood of a ban for excessive activity and will increase earnings.

Third site for earning SEO Sprint

The next service where you can earn SEO Sprint. You can click on the link. The principle of earning is very simple. You will be offered to view sites (site surfing), read letters, participate in polls and perform various tasks, nothing special, payment is respectively small. There is an option, earn more by attracting users (referrals), if you get it to make your earnings increase. When registering, in addition to mail, you must specify the phone number, it is necessary to obtain IDUs code.

Fourth Service it's not direct earnings but real savings

Secondvery interesting websiteand promising earnings on the /

Here, any person can find a job here, based on their knowledge and qualifications.

On the Work-Zilla.cmoM exchange, this is the update for people with disabilities. I think this is a very correct decision, to make it possible to earn money for this category of users. Indeed, in theline, as correctly noted below, the attitude towards such special people is very ambiguous. I will give below the message text entirely:

Earnings for people with disabilities Social program from the Exchange - Work-Zilla.

650 million people in the world are disabled according to the UN. This is almost 10% of the world's population. But the whole world lives as if it is uncameable. If an invalid officer appears in your office, then some of your colleagues will be avoided, the rest - to show awkward and inappropriate sympathy. But most likely the resume of the disabled is wrapped in the personnel department. This is true. We seem to be legally equal, but in fact, the head is more likely to smoke and put the questionnaire of a candidate-disabled in the bottom of the stack.

Knowing, with what difficulties disabled people are faced with employment, the founders of in 2014 launched a social service program: for performers with limited disability, the Commission is reduced by half and is 5%. But what would you think? For 3 years, only 134 people became participants in the program! Maybe we inform our users badly. Correct! Here is our social program.

P.S.If among your friends there are people with limited ability to work, tell them about, about other stock exchanges and the ability to remotely earn, without leaving home. Take responsibility to change your life for the better at least for one person! And together we can change a lot!

Earnings on copywriting exchanges, will need skill and ability to write texts (articles)

Earnings on copywriting exchanges

Earnings on the Exchange Exchange as the author . This type of earnings already requires some skills, you need to be able to write articles at least to write to absolutely any topics, of course, it is worth choosing the topic in which you understand, in this case, writing texts you will not cause special problems and take a lot of time. For example, students of educational institutions related to journalism, such a way of earnings is very common, in my opinion, an excellent option to hone their skills and at the same time earn. The stock exchange is quite a lot, I will indicate, only those with whom I personally dealt with.

First stock copywriting for earnings - ETXT

Etxt, many of it believe one of the best exchanges from those presented today. You can register by this link. At one time he worked with this service very tight, however, as a customer, acquired articles for one of his site. When working with this exchange, no jambs arose, so I can recommend it.

Second stock articles and Copywriting For Earnings - Copylancer

Copylancer, you can register by this link, another good stock exchange, where you can earn, relatively new, which is valuable because very flexible and loyal. You can also mark a very convenient and simple interface. Prices for customers, on this stock exchange, than on Etxt, that only in plus authors, you can earn more.

Third Birja content for earnings - Advego (Advego)

Also one of the most popular copywriting and reriting exchange on the Internet. A beginner author on this stock exchange will have a little more complicated than on the first two in mind no weak competition. However, to make money here more.

Infobusiness as earnings on the Internet

Type of earnings for the sale of various courses for example: "How to create your own site" or "Earnings on YouTube" and the like. The real boom in the sale of courses was a few years ago, although now it is still an up-to-date topic. By creating your course, you can earn it selling it. In principle, quite a real earnings, provided that you have done in fact high-quality and useful people product.

Here I am a mansion allocate so-called info-businessmen. There is such a thing, there is a small group of really very competent specialists, they do not have a sin, and learn, there is an opportunity to get a really powerful tool in the hands, with which you earn money online. As an example, Yevgeny Popov can be allocated, it is just treated with a category that provides a high-class product. Read information about it, you may be interested.

Buy or not buy such courses to solve you, everything is very simple. You either learn all the wisdom yourself and spend time, or pay, money and in a short time, get a formed, configured and ready for work, including for earnings, tool. There is money, buy and save time.

No money, we study themselves and spend time. Here everyone chooses from what he has in stock, time or money and what is ready to sacrifice.

Passive earnings on the machine

Separately let passive earnings on the Internet. There are sites that allow you to make money on the Internet on the machine, that is, absolutely without user participation.

First Site earnings on automatic - Surfearner.

This service allows you to earn little money will install in the browser you use, a special addition. Bole in detail, I told about this kind of earnings on the browser ,.

Really you can make money on your resource!

If the above methods of earnings on the Internet are listed above, you are not satisfied, and I want to approach the issue of earnings on the network, as they say on an adult, here I can advise only one thing. My hard view, you want to make money on the Internet, make yourself a website (blog), no matter what format it will be on which platform, now it's not about this.

If you think it is difficult to mistake, you can really make your blog, even a newcomer and moreover using free material to create it. Just count the time spent on useless classes and earning a penny amount, and if you spend it on the development of your personal resource? Even if you all get tired of you end up, although it may be bored with something that brings satisfaction from the work done in aggregate with constant income. So, even if you get bored, you will, in the end, you can sell your site and reveal yourself in the plus.

Why exactly the site? To today's optimal solution For earnings on the Internet with a competent approach, you will have your own personal Internet project bringing income. How to make money on your site, we will talk in a separate article that will be devoted to this issue.

In the presence of your Internet resource, the possibilities for earnings are opened by the true limitless and fantastic, the final limit does not exist. Yes, it will have to try to try, especially at the very beginning, and later when your site will be released for a minimum necessary for earnings, the turnover should not be reduced if you, of course want to earn acceptable amounts.

What is the minimum parameter for earnings on the site? Perhaps you can designate attendance from 200 300 man per day and TIC 10. , Such minimum requirements for which you can start earning.

How can you earn on your site?

The topic of earnings on the site is very extensive and as I said, I will try to devote a separate article.

If short and very simplistic

If you succeed, make the site and it will be attendance indicated above 200 — 300 unique visitors. This is a minimum threshold that will allow you to earn some amounts. Ideally, of course, begin to monetize your site at the level of attendance in 500 — 800 unique visitors.

You can earn on the sale of advertising, including from Yandex and Google. About earnings on your website with advertising network Google I write in the article - "Earnings for the site in Google Adsense (Google Adsense)".

Earnings on your website with affiliate programs

If there is a unique visitors on the site, one of the most profitable doings are of course earnings on affiliate programs. Connecting a partner to your site you get a permanent passive income.

By participating in affiliate programs, writing and placement of promotional articles, banner advertising and so on. In fact, methods of mass and depending on the subject of your site they may differ. But I think so when you have at least a little promoted resource in your chosen niche, I think you will already tell me how to earn it better on it.

Some services that can be used to earn if you are the owner of the site

It is no secret that more than half of the Internet users can enter various sites from their mobile devices. Therefore, having an adapted for smartphones and tablets Website (this is already in fact mandatory requirement for the site) can be monetized by mobile traffic.

Service number 1. WAPMAXIMUM.RU - .

What you need to be ready if you decide to make money on the Internet

Solid decided to make money on the Internet? Get ready to work on the full program, do not even work, but live your project. Work, it is in schedule, from 9.00 to 18.00 with a break for lunch and two days off. Everything will be different here if you want to actually achieve outstanding results, you will have to plow with complete dedication, all your free time, especially at the first stage.

You need to be prepared that the first earnings appear only after a while. How much will it need, depends on how much how much you are in place. The first results will not be earlier than four months (it is very optimistic), or six, eight months (it is more likely), and may take several years, again everything depends on you, your desire and willingness to post 100% , plus as much from above.

Now you probably understand why successful people who managed to make money on the Internet are not so much, compared to the number of people who tried to do this and could not.

Sale of your services through the Internet

An excellent option to earn money on the network may be the sale of its services. Places for posting ads in order to know enough of you. Here are the most promoted, it is Avito and Yula. Consider several options.

  1. For example, you can give lessons: Russian, mathematics, guitar games, and so on.
  2. Sell \u200b\u200bvarious products made with your own hands. examples mass. People sell leather products made by personnel (wallets, belts, business card holders). Pictures that write themselves. Crafts for school, kindergarten. And much more.
  3. You can provide various services. For example, to advertise on the repair of computers and laptops.
  4. Of course you can earn money on the sale of things on the Internet. And not only their own, but also engage in buying sales. For example, find the supplier (it doesn't matter what is not about it now) and go through the advertisement board of products. Many of my acquaintances, they earn quite well.

Judge themselves with minimal investments, and other times without them without them, you can start earning in fact immediately after advertisement. To do this, you need to make presentable photos and make up competent description Goods or services you can offer. The first money can be earned almost instantly.

Earnings from 100, 200 rubles to tens of thousands

Here, in fact, all that I wanted to tell you today, if you decide to start making money online and go along the way to create your site, read the article. The first part of the article, this is a visual instruction how to do not need. In general, consider that at least one advantage you already have, before those who will not bring to read about my rakes that I caught a lot.

Selection of video materials on making money online

Video about fraud on the Internet

First video I will post about the types of Internet fraud and deception. It certainly does not apply to earnings, but still I strongly recommend it to view what would not lose my time and most importantly, trying to make money on the pseudo-earnings service. The most famous and common ways of deception of users in video: "22 types of fraud on the Internet". In my opinion, the video is very sensible and meaningful.

Video about earnings on the Internet on cloudy mining

As I wrote above, this ambiguous earnings on the Internet, but the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to have absolutely not superfluous. Especially in the video, it is told about the service that I am testing at the moment.

Video on earnings on the Internet. Simple earnings without special skills

Video Earnings on the Internet on RuSaptcha

Video Earnings on the Internet on Vktarget

Video Earnings on the Internet on SEO Sprint

Video Earnings on the Internet on Copywriting Exchange

The first overview video about copywriting exchanges, see before deciding which exchanges to you to earn texts. And even more correctly will choose several stock exchanges, try to work on them and allocate the most suitable for yourself.

Video Earnings on the Internet on your site

Video as you can earn on your site. In fact, in this video, the author has several controversial moments on the monetization of the site, in my opinion. But, nevertheless, for understanding the general picture of earnings on its website, this video can be viewed.

Your thoughts, questions and wishes, write in the comments I will definitely answer everyone.

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As you already, perhaps, you know, the composition of our company consists of more than 20 employees who fulfill the tasks set before them every day. The number of our employees is regularly increasing, because Information on the Internet every day less does not become less, which regularly entails the need to attract additional labor resources.

And this undoubtedly gives its results. A large number of positive feedback About the company "LookFreedom" suggests that we are not in vain put so much effort. Our checked methods of earnings are regularly in sales hits on the aggregator. And this means that more than 100,000 users regularly use techniques approved by our company.

Many years of experience and cooperation with leading info-businessmen and entrepreneurs helped us develop our own strategy for the management and development of their business. The material based on our blog is the standard of quality and professionalism. No site recommended by our organization has not been missed without careful recheck. Every time we offer to demonstrate one or another technique, our employees start work on the following scheme:

  1. Communication via Skype. At this stage, the author tells about his method online, demonstrates its results, talks about underwater stones and other nuances of work;
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  3. Each step is performed and each action described in the study course or training;
  4. Collective discussion is held. At this stage, senior managers summarize and decide;
  5. In case of issuing a positive conclusion, the course is set on the site, in the event of a negative - the author of this methodology is sent written recommendations for improving its material;
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This approach allows you to carefully filter the entire useful material on earmarking, which is now online. Relying on the experience of past years, we know exactly what method now can give a good push of beginners or users who have some experience in this area.

What should I do if I am a complete newcomer and do not know how?

First of all, you need to get acquainted with the section. The more articles from this category will be studied by you, the faster you will go from the status of "Full Newbie" to the status of "Newbie without work experience". Do not be afraid to admit that you have little knowledge. There is nothing shameful in this, because Almost all the most successful and respectable online entrepreneurs started scratch. However, you have 1 big advantage: you know where to take data that will great help you succeed.

We strongly recommend first to learn about who can touches you on the network. When you familiarize yourself with this information - find out about the Internet. Thus, you can noticeably expand your horizons and master useful knowledge in just 10 minutes of your free time!

Our blog earmark is ready to go to your meeting. If you are interested in any subject, or you just can't figure out something - boldly write to our corporate mail « [Email Protected]» Or use. We will be happy to develop any topic and find out what our visitors and subscribers are interested in.

Be sure to join our group on Facebook and Vkontakte. Subscribe to our newsletter and on the channel to "Yuotube". Learn all about earnings and fraud on the Internet along with the company "LookFreedom"!

Welcome! It's no secret that work in the World Wide Web is gaining increasingly popular. For such a method of part-time, many users are joined from different parts of not only the country, but also in the world, getting both additional profits and the main one. In the submitted article, we collected and offered to your attention the most common, interesting and advantageous methods of work, which will be relevant for both novice workers in the field of freelance and experienced specialists. You will learn about the diverse websites for earnings on the Internet offering interesting conditions and guaranteed paying money to all participants. As a result, you will choose the most convenient and appropriate options and be able to start making a profit while in a comfortable place for you and without making special efforts.

Basic requirements for earnings on the Internet

Internet work, like any other, requires a responsible approach. Despite the fact that you will work at home and independently generate your work schedule, you will need to perform certain requirements and give enough time to such a part-time job.

First of all, it is worth noting that online employment is two main species. Consider them in more detail:

  1. Part-time job without investments - The most appropriate option for beginners, as you can work without any risks for your own finance. Usually the essence is to perform simple tasks for which a very small payment is offered. However proper approach Even such a way can bring a very good income. Most of the resources provide the ability to earn without investing absolutely nothing but time.
  2. Online work with investments - An option that is suitable for more advanced users having. There are many sites that offer to earn, provided the investment of a certain amount of money, which will appear later and help you get a tangible profit. There are certain risks here, since there are many fraudsters and unfair employers. In any case, you should remember that all responsibility for invested money is completely at you.

As for the requirements, they are minimal for such activities. Primarily, you will need:

  • register mailboxwhich you will need only for business purposes, remember the password for it;
  • explore the list and create a personal wallet in one of them (and optimally in several);
  • carefully examine the list of best services for earnings, the proposed conditions, choose the most appropriate and favorable options;
  • complete standard registration on selected Internet sites;
  • divide work on average a couple of hours daily to evaluate the desired level of income as quickly as possible.

As you already understood, you will need a laptop or computer, as well as a stable Internet connection, since all employment will be implemented on the network. Next, you should familiarize yourself with the proven part-time methods, most of which do not require investments. You have the right to do what you are most suitable.

Sites for earning in passing polls

Paid surveys are profitable, and most importantly - a very interesting method to influence your opinion on the production of well-known products and be rewarded for it. Your actions here will be as follows: you register on the questionnaire, get invitations to available polls, respond to asked questions Regarding one or another mass use and receive your payment.

All questions usually provide leading manufacturers to learn the opinion of consumers about their products, improve the quality of products or services, to take into account the wishes of potential customers. So, you will be able to influence the production of goods that every day and for a long time enjoys a huge number of people, including you. In addition, this is an excellent opportunity to be informed about new products in the consumer market.

You must give answers based on his personal experience. You will need to indicate manufacturers whose products you use, as well as set an objective assessment of thirteses or other goods.

To receive invitations more often, you must first work in detail fill a personal profile, Enter all reliable information. It is also recommended to regularly check the data entered and update them.

By registering on such sites, you will manage to make money on the Internet as money that can be translated into wallet and bonuses that can be exchanged for a variety of gifts, certificates or discounts. In any case, the passage of the survey takes 15-30 minutes from you and will benefit, as well as financial benefits.

The best projects for such work are:

Writing articles - Profitable work

Such work will be suitable for everyone who has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe competent formulation of proposals, the structuring of the text, who can correctly and clearly retell information in their own words.

This method of work also provides some sites for earning, with which you can find orders for copywriting (writing articles), fulfill them and receive good payment for it. Such sites are on which many customers are registered, including those offering sufficiently high payment.

The algorithm of work is very simple:

  1. You find an order for the subject of interest to you, study all the terms of the task, getting acquainted with the requirements, if necessary, ask clarifying questions.
  2. Surfing on the network - looking for various materials on this topic, studying them, delve into the essence.
  3. We are developing the future structure of your article, think over the headline, subtitles, the plan of the upcoming work (what information in what order to submit, etc.).
  4. Highlight the information you want to describe in your article from the studied source articles, and rewrite it in your own words.

It is important to keep the initial meaning here, do not miss any important nuances. However, at the output, you should get absolutely original author text with 100% unique. Almost all sites intended for earnings on articles require high unique texts and absolute literacy. Only, in this case, you can count on decent and guaranteed payment.

In addition, to make money on the Internet on writing articles is easy, if you clearly follow all customer requirements and comply with the deadlines allocated to work.

It is also worth distinguishing that writing articles is divided into two main types:

  • - implies the surface elaboration of one source with the rewriting of information in his own words; Often, customers provide an article for rewritten information from it;
  • - a more complex type of work implies a deep analysis of several sources with the preparation of its own unique text structure; Here you need to get acquainted with the top articles, allocate the most important fragments in them and present them in a new way, observing your author's style.

Present to your attention list of reliable and visited resourcesWith the help of which you can find many interesting orders:

- A very popular stock exchange, which during his work has repeatedly confirmed its reliability and reputation in the eyes of both performers and customers. As with all similar resources for copywriters, payment here is over 1000 characters without spaces. You can find out the number of characters using the Microsoft Word basic functionality.

On this site, the copywriter can earn from 30 to 150 or more rubles for 1000 copyright signs. Depending on your level, as well as professionalism, you can count on different payment. In general, the project offers enough profitable terms cooperation, timely payments.

- Another largest stock exchange, allowing you to take ready-made orders to work and put up for sale in the store already written earlier articles. However, it is important that these articles do not bought you and have not published anywhere. Remember that when selling material, all rights to it go to the buyer.

This resource is distinguished by a simple and affordable interface, a variety of variety of orders for different topics. To raise prices, it is enough to achieve a higher rating in the system.

- He has established itself as a reliable and consistently operating copywriting exchange. Not only tasks for writing articles are offered here, but many other simple types of work: writing comments, reviews, entry into groups, reposities and much more.

Not only newcomers, but will be able to find a task in the shower. The output of funds is available to all participants who managed to accumulate at least 5 euros.

Opportunity to make money on financial games

Recently, each user has the opportunity to register on special sites and earn some amount of money on games. They are special resources that make profits for the regular execution of the simplest tasks presented in the game form.

With minimal time spent on financial games, it turns out to earn good money. Users receive the greatest profit that initially invested their own funds in a particular game. However, in this case, you should remember possible risks and understand that all responsibility lies solely on you.

The essence of the work here is as follows:

  • you register on the website of the financial game you like;
  • performing the required conditions, accumulate points or bonus glasses;
  • having accumulated the right amount, exchange points for real money and take them on wallets in electronic payment systems.

In any case, remember: you can make good money and lose them. Therefore, with responsibility, in the investing finish and do not give as much as you are not ready to lose.

Before registering, it is necessary to explore the rules offered by one or another resource, familiarize yourself with the terms of payment and the withdrawal of funds. Only after that it is worth choosing a project, to cooperate with which you will be most interesting and profitable. We bring to your attention a list of reliable sites where you can earn, playing financial games:

- A fairly popular game, having managed to conquer the confidence of the numerous user audience. The number of participants registered in this project reaches more than one hundred thousand, which confirms its reliability and solvency.

Provides special fields to players for growing tea. Ripe tea sheets you can sell, and earned for this tools to withdraw on an electronic wallet.

- Modern investment game, allowing to make a profit by performing orders in the role of a virtual taxi driver. Money received as payment for the order performed, you can spend on the purchase of various improvements for your car.

In addition, it is possible here to perform other simple tasks. You can withdraw your profits on common payment services, including webmoney, Yandex Money and others.

Social networks - an interesting part-time job at home

Today there are many social networks that are intended not only for convenient and instant communications with friends and acquaintances, but also for the development of various areas of business. It is through social networks a lot of sales and successful transactions are committed. Therefore, with the help of such useful social sites, you can work well on the Internet, spending your free time with benefit.

Everyone can absolutely, because for this you only need to have an active page and connected to the network computer. Many projects provide the opportunity to earn, using a smartphone, which further facilitates the task.

Your task will be to perform simple tasks. At one such task, you spend literally a few seconds, having received less ruble. However, with the right approach, you can spend several hours a day, perform the same actions that you do daily, and at the same time earn a few hundred rubles. Usually projects support such tasks:

  • lyking various posts;
  • repost of records for your personal page (requirements for the region of living or the promotion of your page can be shifted here;
  • entry into a variety of public or adding to friends;
  • Commenting the records and so on.

Now we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most common projects. All of them are checked and repeatedly confirmed their solvency, so you in any way choose the appropriate option.

- Interesting and popular site for earnings on performing the simplest tasks. This is an excellent option for beginners who want to become freelancers. Here, in a few seconds you can get from 10 kopecks to two rubles.

- A young, but promising project, where you can also get a little payment for simple work. After registration, access to numerous tasks will open, among which is litding, reposting, commenting, adding as a friend, etc.

- Playground for work in social networks. Standard conditions for cooperation are offered. The service is characterized by a simple interface, a variety of tasks available and the numerous audience of participants. The payment level varies within 10-30 kopecks, depending on the complexity.

- Another popular project. It is quite real here to be rewarded. for such actions:

  • adding as friend;
  • like or repost;
  • entry into the community.

- Online resource, where it is possible to receive income not only in social networks, but also filling surveys, establishing programs on the phone or PC, etc. Due to the wide functionality, you can perform different types of tasks, increasing your income.

- An interesting site on which users make money, spending quite a bit of their personal time. A distinctive feature is the minimum amount for the output, component of 30 euros. If you work responsibly and regularly, it is possible to accumulate it for a short time.

- This is an exchange designed to promote all sorts of goods and services through social sites. It is here that you will be offered monetary remuneration for the simplest tasks. Advertisers will pay you for writing messages on the forums, drawing up tweets and so on.

Earnings on entering Caps

Surely you know that Capple is a special picture with encrypted symbols, designed to protect the online page from robotic intervention. Correctly decrypting such symbols, you confirm that you are a person, then you can use the functionality of a particular Internet resource.

There are many projects offering. By registering on them, you will see pictures with encrypted build-screen or digital symbols. Below is usually a free field for entering these characters. The faster you will disclose the captcha, the more money you will be able to earn on a particular site.

The cost of one correctly solid picture is usually varied from 1 to 10 kopecks. On its formation affects:

  • internet playground you are registered (some employers offer higher payment);
  • symbol language (letters on english layout are usually expected more expensive);
  • capper type (consisting of numbers or letters, a separate set of characters or readable words, or recapacha - set of pictures).

- A very popular online project, offering comfortable conditions for cooperation: the usual rate during the daytime (about 2-5 kopecks) and an increased rate for the breakdown of capping at night. The number of available pictures is almost limitless, you can decipher them at any time of the day.

It is from this project that many freelancers are beginning their way, who wish to fulfill a simple job for money, which will be enough for at least pocket expenses. As you understand, save a lot of money here will not be able, but for a small profit, with the right approach, you can count on.

- Another sought-after site, allowing you to make money on the Internet. Here you can solve both the usual captcha and recapacle (consists of several pictures, among which you need to choose related to one topic).

Accuming a certain amount, it will be possible to make its output to your wallet. The faster you dial the text on the keyboard, the more images will be able to solve per hour.

To understand all the features of the functioning of Hands, we recommend to familiarize yourself with the video instruction:

Receiving payment for feedback and comments

Technologies are developing so rapidly that today anyone can earn even writing feedback and comments. Today, many of us communicate on a variety of forums, leave opinions about the purchased goods, and they do it completely free. We invite you to familiarize yourself with this way of part-time and start receiving money for what you like to do.

In order to receive income, you will only need to enter the Internet and the ability to describe your personal experience. Your activity will come down to the following:

  1. You will familiarize yourself with a variety of sites on which people earn, making up real feedback, choose one or several resources you like.
  2. Completely a simple registration procedure on the selected online platform, read all the proposed conditions and requirements.
  3. Choose a product or service you used, and write your comment about it (any assessment should be supported by the facts and your real experience).
  4. If necessary, add photos, etc., publish it and you will expect until it dials a sufficient number of views.

The more people are viewed by your entry and find it useful, the greater the amount of funds will be credited to you. Concerning

14 Jul

Hello! In this article we will tell about how to make money on the Internet in 2018.

Today you will learn:

  • Where to make money on the Internet, if you don't know how you know anything;
  • As with medium investments, get a stable income on the network;
  • It is possible to fully work on the network and earn a lot.

What needs to be done before you start earning

Interest in earnings in the network in a narrow circle of people began in the early 2000s, when the first money came to the Internet, the first advertising of various goods and services appeared, and large companies began to be interested in programmers. In those days, there was no such thought that on the Internet you can earn.

To the loss and myths that are now going around earnings on the Internet, we are obliged to the annoying television advertising about forex traders. In them, a man with a laptop was lying on the beach and earned with a light movement of his hand. From the moment most people think that on the Internet earn or extremely easy, or it is just some kind of deception.

In fact, this is the same job, just without leaving home. And as in any other work, it should be properly prepared for it.

The first thing to make a person who wants to make money on the Internet is to open his wallet in several payment systems: Webmoney and Yandex money. The QIWI wallet will be less popular. It is easy enough to control, it does not need to enter a huge number of passwords, as in WebMoney, but not all customers prefer to be calculated in this system.

The next step will be a trip to the bank and the purchase of a bank card. Preferably to take bank card In large banks, such as Sberbank, Tinkoff. The opening of your card is necessary in order to be able to spend your electronic money, which will be calculated with you.

This is such a small preparation will allow you to work at most sites with almost all customers, and do not give up work due to the fact that your wallet is inconvenient to the customer.

Working methods Earn money without investment

At this point, we have collected all the ways of making money on the Internet without any investments that do not require training, special knowledge (with rare exceptions).

Method 1: Performing small orders

You do not need even any preparation.

There are two popular sites on which you can search for orders: Work-Zilla. And Youdo.

These services publish tasks People who either lack something to do something, or they are just too lazy, and much more convenient to pay for the routine work.

Examples of similar tasks: Edit text, dial text, leave a few comments, register on the site, make a presentation, find certain information on the Internet, fill the site, call customers, post an ad, etc.

Services are simple in mastering and fairly loyal to beginners, so working there at the beginning of your career online is a pleasure.

There is even a review about real earnings on Varkzille.

Method 2: Writing Articles

If you overcome the initial fear, gain experience and work the year or other, you can get a fairly popular and well-paid profession a copywriter.

You can find a job on copywriting exchanges: Etxt, Advego, Contentmonster, SlogOved, etc. (here).

Each of the stock has its own characteristics, but the general trend is approximately as follows: the more tasks completed behind the author, the more customers and the fee for one article.

The main misconception: To write articles to be either a philologist, or a journalist, or to this should be talent. This is completely wrong. Yes, in order to earn decent amounts (from 1-2 thousand rubles per article) You will need to gain experience and skills, but the initial entry threshold in the profession is rather low: it is enough to talk to the thoughts and use the services for testing spelling and punctuation (on the first Prases will come and a banal Word).

Method 3: audio and video transcription

Transcribed audio and video - Translation of text from sound format in writing. That is, in fact, you will simply rewrite what they speak on audio and video carriers. We allocated it in a separate block, because of all the freelance professions, it is easier to do this (after writing texts of course).

You will need good headphonesA small set of programs for slowing audio and video. Also not superfluous will be fast and blind print skills.

Idea 15: creating your own blog

Create your own blog - almost the same thing that the site is done is only somewhat easier. The site has more stringent requirements for the supply of material, its quality and overall filling, then the situation is somewhat different with the blog. In order to make your blog popular, often enough to write about what you are interested. The main thing is to write qualitatively.

Now blogs are less popular than 10-12 years ago, but nevertheless, you can still earn on them.

Idea 16: creating your own group of VKontakte

Groups on social networks are not only a place where there are funny pictures and interesting quotes. In fact, they are also created for earnings on advertising. And in connection with the wild popularity of social networks, you can earn up on a well-promoted group as a full-fledged site, while putting much less effort for its output to the top.

Create a group is much easier than a website or blog. And promotion requires much less resources - you can almost not use cash investments and then you will develop very slowly, gradually gaining subscribers, or spend money and in the shortest possible time to gain weight of people in order to work effectively with advertisers.

Idea 17. Earnings on TWITTER accounts, VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki

If you have a well-promoted account in one of the social networks, then you can easily monetize it. Each social. The network has its own characteristics, account requirements, but nevertheless general terms and Conditions Approximately as follows: a lot of active subscribers, a lot of visits, likes and in general activity on your page.

Earn on your account - almost the same as on a well-promoted group. You also attract advertisers and post advertising posts for a specific fee. Now the most popular social network, which is actively using advertising services from popular accounts (from 100 thousand living subscribers) is Instagram.

Idea 18: Earnings on YouTube

Method 39: Mobile Application Development

Market mobile applications It develops extremely fast. And the developers of mobile applications are now very high.

You can earn in the development of mobile applications in two ways:

  • Create your own applications;
  • Make them to order.

The first way is good because you do not have to fulfill the requirements and if you can create something truly popular and interesting users, you can get a good passive income.

Development of applications to order - a more stable way to profit. Interacting with large companies, you can create applications for their needs, and subsequently to serve them. This option is suitable for those who want to get a stable, well-paid job.

Method 40: Administration of online projects

Management of various online projects - a task not from the lungs. Everyone who wants to master this profession should know the features of programming languages, be able to fill the sites with content, move along search queries, set up advertising and know other subtleties, followed by which it should follow.

In essence, now online project administrators can share on those who independently perform all the functions and receives about 30-70% of the project's income, and a person who controls and sets the stability of all processes on the site, and then, he receives a fixed fee .

Become an administrator in any online project is extremely difficult. We need to search for vacancies, take place online interviews with potential employers and generally know many nuances on the work of each specific project.

But despite the fact that it is difficult to become an administrator, its tasks are often in the control of all processes, which implies availability large number free time. And payment of administrators is also often measured in hundreds of thousands.

Method 41: Mounting video

Mounting video is quite useful skill even in everyday life. Most people who like to love to shoot video, engaged in the installation of their creations. But some people do this professionally, getting big money for the installation of ready-made video.

Now one of the most sought-after skills is the installation of video from the Gopro cameras. The popularity of these cameras has increased the demand of the Montager profession - a person who can make a really high-quality picture from video trash.

The video installation orders can be easily found on freelance sites, in the thematic groups of VKontakte and in various forums.

Method 42: Text Translations

Transfers from different languages \u200b\u200bwere valued from the very beginning of the origin of freelance as a profession. But now, in view of the fact that most high-quality materials on highly specialized topics can be found only in English-speaking forums and sites, competent translators began to be valued even more.

You can work by the translator in two ways: Get a news or information company that leads your website, and translate them current materials, or to engage in freelance. Each of the options is good in its own way, but without any portfolio and experience, they rarely take into a large company, so it is recommended to dial a portfolio on freelance sites.

For those who only want to make translations, but not yet sure about the knowledge of the language, it is recommended to go on copywriting exchanges - there are not so many for transfers, but at the same time the quality and complexity of work is low.

Method 43: Advertising Setup

The popularity of online sales led to the fact that many people who start selling sales do not know how to competently adjust advertising their goods.

Of course, there are also paid tasks, which if you spend 4 hours a day you can earn 100-150 rubles. who do not want to do anything at all.

Website for earnings - sEOSPRINT..

Method 53: View video

The same thing as earnings on clicks, it is only distinguished by the fact that you need not to sit on the site, but watch the commercial. Most often it will be either popular advertising videos, or another advertisement "way to beat a casino."

On watching video you can earn a little more than on clicks - about 150 rubles in 2-3 hours of your time. The only positive is that when viewing the video, you can minimize the tab and do your affairs online or offline.

Method 54: Earnings on Capp Support

This method is more profitable than clicks and video viewing, but meanwhile and labor cost. For those who do not know, Caps are the symbols that are asked to enter as protection against robots. And certain sites that interact with the Bot programs provide them with the Capp Support Services.

The experience of people familiar to me shows that the captcha can earn from 100 rubles per hour, with due effort, but through some time the hands will begin to root, the eyes are closed and tired. This is not the best job, but at the same time, if there are no other options, for a small earnings suitable.

Method 55: Earnings on polls

Most sites say that if you register for 5-7 popular questionnaires can be obtained up to 5-7 thousand rubles per month, and this is an hour per day - in fact 20-25 hours per month, quite a decent amount.

But few says that in order to get into the category of respondents, you need to meet certain requirements, and no one says in advance what. And most of the questionnaires prefer to be treated with conclusions and block money for any occasion.

For those who decide to make money on questionnaires - a small lifehak. Most often, services are interested in moms aged 27-45 years old, housewives living in Tsfo or major cities.

Method 56: Earnings on File Share

Once it was quite relevant option, but now I went to the past. The essence of the following - you download the file to the exchanger and for a certain amount of downloads (more often for 1000) you charge the remuneration of 5-7 dollars.

Now even those who create unique programs are rarely filed by file hosting programs, preferring to give the opportunity to download for free and or voluntarily donate, or buy a VIP version of a fee. But somewhere on the backyards of the Internet file shares are still alive, so you can try happiness.

Method 57: Earnings on issues and answers

There are services that pay users for the right answers to questions of other people, but at the same time, the probability of payments is quite small, and the remuneration is often 1-10 rubles for a complete, deployed and current answer.

Nevertheless, for those who like to look for information and share it, such sites may be suitable.

Doubtful types of earnings

Here we have collected for you very risky making, which should not be made by the main income. They can be earned, and in most cases it will be really light money, but they are associated with great financial and moral risk.

Method 58: Forex

Method 60: Online Casino

It is not necessary to talk anything here. Everyone knows the stories about how the lucky people disappeared a big kush in a casino. But real life This is not a movie, which is why it is not necessary to hope for the fact that you will come and immediately take the bank.

Online casino is in the methods of earnings for one simple reason: at a distance if you make small and medium rates, you will always leave in minus, but if you control anything terrible will not happen. But when you still cut the bank, it will be much more significant than all the losses (although the total, you went out in minus).

Method 61: Financial Pyramids

Everyone remembers the legendary mmm. One of the largest financial pyramids of Russia, which left hundreds of thousands of depositors without money.

Now in Russia the financial pyramids have a much smaller scale, but at the same time, the scheme of work remained the same - the collection of investments, initial payments and prosperous "bankruptcy" after some time interval.

Financial pyramids in the list of earnings because. That they can still raise money if you know how and when they close. It is closed in most cases, such projects only for customers who have entered them, for others that are consistently sponsored by their new attractions of funds, everything is stable.

If you can attract people to financial pyramids for a long time, then your income will be consistently high throughout the official action period of the pyramid.

Method 62: Haip Projects

Highypes - an even more specific way to spend your money than the pyramid. These services that openly suggest that in a few months, the maximum in a year, they will close, that is why they pay those who invest money - fabulous interest - up to 30 per month.

But as well as financial pyramids, these projects are quickly closed. Nevertheless, there are people who are professional on this earn, and sites that help do it. But the method is extremely risky.

Alternative to Financial Pyramids and Haip projects - investments on the Internet.

Method 63: Money Output Games

Once it was a very popular myth. They say there are several games with the output of money, and it is enough just to play them and officially for game resources it will be possible to withdraw a real currency. And many people have led it, without thinking that the games themselves need to exist on something themselves and bring money.

There were only a few real projects that took the game currency for real money. But at the same time, these were so developed worlds that many players preferred to stay in them, and not to withdraw their money. And it was on this that the games lived on those who remained and lived, developing within this world.

Now there are no such projects left, about replacing came to change the projects that force players to buy in-game values, payback period from month to year, and after one or two payment periods are safely closed.

How much can you make money on the Internet

And now we will touch the most interesting question - how much really can earn a person without experience on the Internet.

Depending on the method, you can earn from 5 to 30 thousand rubles. Moreover, the minimum bar can be achieved, not even applying special efforts, but for everything that above 20 will have to work hard every day.

After 3-4 months of work, a set of decent experience and a client base, or the realization of their first projects, you can go on earnings of 30-70 thousand rubles per month. The only condition for such growth is continuous improvement and a lot of work. 3-4 hours a day and 20 hours a week - it will not go. For this level, earnings need a full-fledged working day and a decent load, then you can really get a stable high income.

Already after the year of work, the specialist consisted in many areas from the above can earn from 60 thousand rubles.

There is no restrictions on the Internet on the Internet - you can always establish a multi-billion dollar company on the network (as a real example - Amazon).

On the Internet there are really a lot of opportunities for earnings. It is enough to work, develop in their professions and after a short period of time you can consistently earn large amounts of money.

Infographics with ways to make money online

Here, found still infographics on the Internet:

And how do you earn on the Internet? Share your ideas and reviews in the comments!