Where is the Xiaomi Mi5 GPS antenna. Problems with GPS on Xiaomi: solutions

IN modern world Without navigation system - nowhere. In everyday life, probably everyone uses in its smartphone GPS-positioning technology. If a few years ago this feature The phone was very cool and unusual, now see GPS in some gadget is no longer a strange or fantastic one. On Xiaomi smartphones, this technology works well and accurately defines not only your location, but also responsible for quick navigation on the roads of your city. Most often, GPS use taxi drivers or drivers of a big city, so the malfunction of this function is not some trivia, but a whole catastrophe.

On the Xiaomi Mi6, MI5 smartphone or other GPS devices, "falls off" quite often, and this is one of the most common faults according to Xiaomi service centers. To fix the navigation system, it is necessary:

  • tester
  • check the ability to enable and shut down;
  • find out possible problems;
  • check the contacts of the antenna;
  • understand the program part of the device.

How to enable GPS on the Xiaomi gadget if the module does not turn on manually because of some kind of malfunction? You will learn about all this by reading our detailed article.

Test connections

To find out if you really do not work GPS in the smartphone, you need to test the number of satellites found, and the number of satellites operating. For test, we will use the GPS Test application. It is free and you can download it in Google Play. MARKET. It does not require root rights, so warranty on phone Xiaomi. You will not fly. After downloading it needs to be launched. Pops up the pop-up window with permission to determine the location. Click "Yes" to enable the program to include on the Xiaomi GPS Tracker smartphone and start searching for satellites.

On the main window, everything is displayed as a statistical diagram. Green strips show the number of satellites that have the highest accuracy of data transmission about your location. But here you need to look at the number of satellites used. If, near the inscription "In View", the figure is 20, and near "IN USE" - 1-2, this means that the location tracker in the smartphone works incorrectly and need to either calibrate it, or clean the contacts, which we will talk later.

Abnormal situation

If nothing is displayed at all, make sure that GPS is on on your machine, and how to do it, let's figure it together! Also from the GPS test can be seen trial attempts to disconnect and inclusion.

Fully efficient GPS!

How to disable

It happens that the wrong operation of the Xiaomi GPS Tracker is associated with some kind of software error. Helps a simple shutdown and turn on the tracker. To disable GPS in the smartphone you need:

  • open a curtain or notification panel (swap with your finger 2 times);

  • find the icon with a card mark or just name GPS and click on it.

This is the easiest way to disconnect GPS. If there are no icons, how to turn off GPS on your smartphone? You need to click on the "Change" to "Change" and in the settings menu that opens, you need to find the "GPS" label and drag it into the display panel parameters. Thus, with the help of a curtain, you can disable the navigation system.

How to turn it on

Quite an interesting question: Where is the GPS on the Xiaomi smartphone turn on? The answer is intuitively simple and logical: where the location of the gadget owner is turned off. Open the curtain and click on "GPS". On this detailed instructions "How to enable GPS" can be called finished. If when you turn on the icon lights up and immediately turns off, this indicates possible problems with the navigation system, which we will talk about.

Possible problems

If you do not catch GPS in the Xiaomi smartphone, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with possible problemswhich may interfere with the search for satellites and normal operation of the navigation system.

  • Problem with the program part. There are any problems in firmware or system files;
  • GPS is not calibrated from the software side, the servers of the navigation system of your country are not entered, which is why the navigator disappears a signal;
  • the problem with the hardware, namely, with the clogged contacts of the antenna or with a non-working GPS module.

Talk about the first problem. Help B. this case can full reset phone to factory settings using the settings of the device or recovery mode. Note that all your files and data will be deleted, so make them backup so that nothing valuable and important is not lost. If it does not help, it is worth resorting to a more radical method of fixing problems with GPS - a gadget overpowing to the official global miui firmware 8 or 9, as well as on high-quality custom firmware (LineageOS, RR, etc. - look at 4pda).

The solution of the second problem will be in the next section. It consists in changing the GPS server file, but minus method: be sure to get root-rights (read in our instructions). After that, you can use the conductor or special utility From Google Play Store.

The third problem is to clean the contacts of the GPS module or replacing the module (you want to go to the service center). If you have GPS disappears, but you do not use them, it is better not to spend some manipulations with system files or disassemble the device to damage anything for you unnecessary functions.

Change system settings

To change system settings, you need to change the navigation system configuration file called GPS.conf. It is located on the next way: System / etc. Note: To find this file, you need to download custom ES Explorer Conductor and get root rights. After that, the user will have the opportunity to open and change the Android OS files.

Copy the above file to your computer as backup And delete old file From your device. Restart the gadget. You can download an additional utility, but it is not at all. From the most affordable, we note "Faster GPS", but we advise you to use the usual "notebook" on the PC. Open a copied file, and if you are in Russia, replace the file data to the following:

NTP_Server \u003d ru.pool.ntp.org.

You can find your country's servers on the Internet - they are available in accessible. After that, save the file and move it to your smartphone to the ETC folder. Restart the device. GPS settings will be updated, and the navigation system itself should work correctly.

Antenna contacts

Smartphones have separate communication modules. Usually they are connected to the motherboard using a coaxial cable or a loop. In some smartphones, they are wpaen motherboard. The contacts of the module must be touched on the contact sites on the case of the device. These sites and contacts themselves can oxidize. They need to be cleaned. To do this, disassemble your device and the usual eraser "Come to" around the courts and contacts. After that check the navigation operation. You can also use alcohol and cotton disks. Wipe the contacts with ordinary medical alcohol to clean the oxidized areas.

If the contacts are torn off, and the GPS module is not so simple to withdraw, then bring your device to the service center to reliable craftsmen. It is better to go to the store with the Xiaomi service center, which will replace the guarantee gadget.

It is now difficult to submit modern smartphone Without navigation function. It is widely used among drivers, travelers and people who accidentally found in someone else's city. Rule xiaomi smartphones Also has this useful option. However, there are situations that the GPS settings on Xiaomi are knocked down and the search for the location stops work.

Connection check

Before dealing with the cause of the failure, you need to make sure that the modules really have no connection with the phone. You can do this using GPS Status. The utility shows how many devices are conjugate with a smartphone and what quality there is a connection.

Each column, presented in the figure above, is a satellite that sees the phone. How many of them are shown in the window with the inscription "IN VIEW", and in "IN USE" - the number of gadgets seen. The connection quality is estimated by the column color:

  • The satellite is not used if the column is gray.
  • Communication is bad - a column of red or orange.
  • The connection is normal - the column is yellow.
  • The signal quality is excellent - Green Column.

The benefits of the program lies not only in analytics of space modules, but also in providing information on their finding and built-in compass.

How to access

The most common cause of location search failure is the lack of access. To submit it, perform a sequence of actions in the settings.

We pass the way:

1. Optional → Battery and Performance → Background Mode → Applications

2. Find an application that works incorrectly with the GPS system, provide access by removing all limitations.

Installing system settings

It happens when Xiami sees many satellites, but it works slowly and the position displays incorrectly. The case is not at all in the firmware, but in system file. To correct the situation, root rights are needed and the sequence of actions.

1. Download any conductor. For example, it can be Root Explorer or ES.

2. Go to the System / etc folder and find the GPS.config file there

3. Copy this fileTo warn with a possible failure in work after the work done.

4. Through any text editor open the file and at the very end with new String Write: #russia ntp_server \u003d ru.pool.ntp.org

5. After saving to restart.

6. It is advisable to reset the cache.

This method has passed successful testing on the Xiami Mi4 model. After the manipulations of the gadget managed to determine its location accurately with the error of only 2 meters.

Checking Mikey

The most unexpected solution to the problem can be the Mikey button. Users MIUI devices noticed that when the Mikey button is in the headphone connector, navigating stops working.

Such a phenomenon is simply explained. Under the case in this place the device is the receiver, which overlaps the plug.

Verification of antenna

If none of the above options have not eliminated the problem, then you should check the antenna contacts.

Important!! The method involves the analysis of the device and the end of the warranty due to mechanical intervention. Therefore, it is necessary for him only with full confidence in their capabilities.

All actions should be made as careful as possible to motherboard remained untouched.

1. Remove rear cover Smartphone.

2. Unscrew and remove the metal cover above the battery using a cruciform screwdriver.

3. Clean several springs on the "motherboard" (antenna contacts). To do this, you can use a small screwdriver or file. When the contact is bad, the signal level is low, as a result of which the phone cannot find a space module for a long time. It is not exactly known which one is responsible for the reception of the GPS signal, so it's all over.

4. From the inside of the lid to make the same manipulations.

5. Collect anew device and restart.

If this method did not help, then you can use the extreme option, which invented one American craftsman. He, on the contrary, bent on the outer side all the plates, as a result of which they provided their tight contact with the rear wall of the body of its device.

As can be seen from the article, the navigation adjustment in most cases takes several minutes. Therefore, you should not be afraid of breakdown, as it is easy to fix it.

What to do users who noticed that the GPS does not work on Xiaomi Mi5, Mi4, Mi3, Plus, Redmi Note 4, 3 Pro, 3x, 3s, Note 2? Why does it happen that the navigator does not work on Xiaomi? Instructions and repair with your own hands in this situation is not very effective, so we recommend contacting the support of the service center.

Instruction: Since in this situation there may be several reasons for the appearance of a breakdown, the variants of their liquidation will also be different:

  1. The GPS antenna was damaged, as a result, it is necessary to replace it.
  2. The GPS module (microcircuit) suffered from impact or voltage drop.
  3. The impunity of the module under consideration is faulty. It consists of a huge number of components, so only computer testing will detect defective.

Outcome: You can only cope with the problem only in 1 option, but if you have 2 or 3 options, then you need to go for help in the service center.

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Today, once again thought about the theme of bad reception of the GPS signal on my Chinese smartphone Jiayu G2. But, unexpectedly for me, the problem was solved literally in a couple of minutes - "Chinese" finds satellites within 20 seconds. And now everything is in order.

In October, I came Chinese telephone ordered on Aliexpress. The phone for such money is excellent, and everything would be perfect, but the GPS module found satellites very, for a very long time, about an hour, no faster. And this is when Wi-Fi is enabled and installed a-GPS ticks and GPS EPO Assistance. I was not at all happy and I had to remember a useful post in LiveJournal's blog, the tips from which I used configuring my first smartphone on Android. The essence came down to editing gPS.conf. auxiliary programs. The "Chinese friend" helped, but after the first (and while the last) discharge on the factory settings, GPS began to catch even worse - left for an hour outdoors in the search for satellites and no result. And today I started looking for the useful post in LiveJournal's blog and stumbled upon an update in the header of the post:

"Fiction!" I thought and moved without a delay by reference. Compared to the first post this time, even more specific actions were offered, namely, replace the contents of the file gPS.conf. (it can be found on the way /etc/gps.conf., must be root-Read) on the following settings:

NTP_Server \u003d ua.pool.ntp.org.
NTP_Server \u003d 0.ua.pool.ntp.org.
NTP_SERVER \u003d 1.UA.Pool.ntp.org.
NTP_SERVER \u003d 2.UA.Pool.ntp.org.
NTP_SERVER \u003d 3.UA.Pool.ntp.org.
NTP_Server \u003d europe.pool.ntp.org.
NTP_Server \u003d 0.europe.pool.ntp.org.
NTP_SERVER \u003d 1.Europe.pool.ntp.org.
NTP_Server \u003d 2.europe.pool.ntp.org.
NTP_Server \u003d 3.europe.pool.ntp.org.
Xtra_Server_1 \u003d / Data / Xtra.bin
AGPS \u003d http: //xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin
Xtra_Server_1 \u003d http: //xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin
Xtra_Server_2 \u003d http: //xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin
Xtra_Server_3 \u003d http: //xtra3.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin
Default_agps_enable \u003d True.
Default_user_plane \u003d True.
Report_position_use_supl_refloc \u003d 1.
Qos_accuracy \u003d 50.
Qos_time_out_standalone \u003d 60.
Qos_time_out_agps \u003d 89.
QoShorizontalthreshold \u003d 1000.
QoSverticalthReshold \u003d 500.
AssistmethodType \u003d 1.
Agpsuse \u003d 1.
AGPSMTCONF \u003d 0.
Agpsmtresponsetype \u003d 1.
AgpsServerType \u003d 1.
AgpsServerip \u003d 3232235555
Intermediate_pos \u003d 1.
C2K_HOST \u003d C2K.pde.com.
C2K_PORT \u003d 1234.
SUPL_HOST \u003d LBS.GEO.T-Mobile.com.
Supl_host \u003d supl.google.com.
SUPL_PORT \u003d 7276.
SUPL_Secure_Port \u003d 7275.
SUPL_NO_Secure_Port \u003d 3425.
Accuracy_thres \u003d 5000.
Current_carrier \u003d Common.

These settings are designed for residents of Ukraine, but for residents of Russia they are very easy to adapt the replacement ua.pool on the ru.pool..

From myself I can add that I use the GPS Status application and after rebooting when you first start the application, I made a cache data reset: in the program we call the menu, then choose Tools., there Manage A-GPS State and Zhmem. Reset., and then Download.

I remove the hat in front of the author of the original post, respected by Mechanicuss. His advice helped not only me, and can help many more suffering.

That's all. All clean sky and stable signal from space.

GPS is a positioning system in space that will allow you to find out where you are in the event that you have lost or do not know how to get to the right place. As a rule, all modern mobile devices are equipped with this module and if desired, it can be used. How to enable GPS on xiaomi smartphone?


First of all, we lower the curtain of notifications, fully unfold a list with quick buttons and looking for a GPS item. Depending on the firmware theme, the GSP icon on Xiaomi may differ.

In the event that the icon is missing, you must click on the lowest right icon, which opens the settings menu of this block, find the GPS icon and raise it on the list quick access.

However, this system has some settings. To get to them, you need to delay your finger on the GPS icon for a few seconds and wait for the opening of the menu.

In it, you should choose exactly how the system will determine the coordinates of your location:

  • only with GPS;
  • only with help GSM networks and wifi;
  • GPS + GSM and WiFi network.

The last option is quickly coping with the search for coordinates since each GSM tower instantly transmits its coordinates mobile device And in the bundle with the GPS module, positioning data will be the most accurate.

What is the GPS?

  1. Use a smartphone as a navigator while traveling and traveling to unfamiliar places using Google Card programs, maps.me and others.
  2. Share with friends and colleagues their location in social networks: Viber, WhatsApp, Instagram;
  3. Play modern games with augmented reality technology. The most popular from such games was Arcade Pokemon Go.

How to disable GPS on Xiaomi?

In order to disable GPS, you need to press the corresponding quick access icon in the notification curtain. It can be useful if there is no need for a navigator, and accumulator battery discharged. Turning off the GPS module will slow down the power consumption of the mobile device.