Change Firefox cache storage location. Yandex browser cache transfer to another drive

How to transfer browser working data to another place on your computer? Even if the browser is initially set to another disk, for example, D or E, it is still in hidden folder user profile on disk with "APPDATA" (in modern versions Windows) web browser profile data will be located - cache, history, cookies, settings, extensions, etc. Many browsers provide for the possibility of transferring their cache with system Disc With another disc - another section or other device. True, this opportunity does not find a comfortable, striking option in the browser menu. The cache storage path shift function is usually placed in the hidden settings of web browsers. In this article, we will not deepen into the specifics of changing the cache path for each of the browsers. We do easier - consider universal way Transfer to web browser cache to another place. But we will carry not only the cache, but browser profiles entirely. And a small Junction Link Magic program will help us.

1. Why carry a browser profile to another place on the computer?

The need to transfer cache and other frequently rewritable browser data in rare cases can be caused by the approach approach to the SSD failure. More often, the transfer of certain system and third-party file files is carried out either on HDD due to the fact that on a 64-gigabyte SSD ends place or on the RAM disk - a cleaner disk created by excess random access memory and implemented by windows system Special type of programs. The transfer of cache and other browser data to the RAM disc can be at times speeding up the Internet, since the reading and writing speed and write minor files from RAM several thousand times more than that of HDD.

But the RAM disk can only solve the problem of slow speed hDD works. The RAM disk does not solve a question with a weak processor, nor the problem with a slow speed of the Internet connection. To understand whether there is an effect from the work of the browser in a bundle with the RAM disk, it is not necessary to immediately begin the transfer of the profile. Their interaction can be tested by placing on the RAM disk portable version any of the browsers. If the effect is obvious, then you can already begin to transfer to the RAM disk profiles of browsers installed in the Windows system.


Next, alternately create a connection point and transfer the contents of each of the Mozilla folders as part of the AppData to the destination disk, how this process is described in the previous paragraph of the article for google profile Chrome.

Similarly, we do the Opera browser. The latter inside the "APPDATA" folder creates two of its Opera Software folders - inside the "Local" and inside "Roaming".

6. Remove connection points

If the expected result is from windows optimization Due to the work of the RAM disk, it was not justified in practice, return all the settings carried out in the system, in particular, the transferred browser profiles can be kickback to the recovery point or backup. This method of one action will solve several previously conducted settings transactions. If the system works stably, and only the transferred browser profile is necessary, the Junction Link Magic program provides for the possibility of removing the connection points. The desired connection point may not be displayed in the program window, in this case, you need to scan the system. Click "Scan Now!"

As soon as the desired connection point is displayed in the Junction Link Magic window, we can cancel further scanning and delete this point.

Confirm the removal of the connection point.

After removing the point of the browser folder in the "APPDATA" will turn into conventional folderwhere it is necessary to place its contents, cutting it out of the corresponding folder on the destination disk.

It is designed to speed up the downloads of the pages you visit. It includes fragments of sites, and upon returning to them there is no need to re-download large volumes data, because they already have in the cache on the hard disk. Most browsers have automatic control of this storage with the goal so as not to overload the system resource. Thus, it will be allocated exactly so much memory as a computer can afford.

To speed up the browser, it makes sense to carry out the cache to another disk.

But sometimes in computers, not an HDD, but SSD, which is known to have a very limited recording / overwriting resource is used. And during the surfing, the browser constantly records information, replacing the old new on the exhaustion of the dedicated place. In this case, it makes sense to transfer the browser cache to another disk or in RAM (RAM).

Transfer to another hard drive

Cache transfer google browser Chrome on another disk is easiest performed as follows:

  • Find the folder on your computer where the cache is stored:
  1. To begin with, go to the AppData folder, which is on the disk with the system in the folder called the name of the user.
  2. On the AppData go to Local, then Google, Chrome, User Data, Default, and in it there will be the desired folder Cache.

  1. Run the command prompt, preferably on behalf of the administrator.
  2. Enter the command mklink, after a space: / d "entirely the original path" "whole new path".

All specified actions must be performed when closed Google Chrome.. To transfer google Cache Chrome on Ramdisk, you need to first create virtual disk In RAM using a special application, and then act as accuracy of the above instructions. The procedure for creating Ramdisk will be discussed below, since it is relevant to all Internet browsers.

ATTENTION. Transferring the Yandex browser cache is similar to the Google Chrome procedure. With the only difference that in the AppData folder you need to find the Yandex folder, and in it Yandex Browser and then the user Data, Default and Cache.

The opera action is performed similar to Yandex and Google Chrome:

  • APPDATA \\ Local is looking for Opera Software.
  • Opening Opera Stable, in it will be Cache.
  • Copy it to a new place, then click on the right button on the Opera label.
  • Slip in the "Object" line after Opera \\ launcher.exe exactly the same command as for Chrome.

IMPORTANT. If Opera is the default browser, it is also necessary to place symbolic links. You can do it from command lineAs described above.

Instructions for transferring browser cache files Mozilla Firefox. Signally different from the previous ones:


As mentioned earlier, sometimes it makes sense to transfer the browser cache is not easy to another disk, but in a virtual RAM disk. It can be created using one of the many special applications. Consider the transfer of cache to the RAM disk on the example rAM programs Disk:

After completing these actions, you can transfer the cache from any browser to the RAM disk by analogy with the above instructions. An important question here is how much space from its RAM is you willing to allocate under the cache. Agree to act at random is inconvenient and unreasonable. After all, there are other programs on the computer that need RAM, and their performance should not suffer.

Solves this dilemma Primo Ramdisk program. It allows you to create a dynamic RAM drive. The bottom line is that you determine only the maximum disk volume yourself, and the program itself decides how much you can give to the browser in currently Based on system indicators. The minus application is that it is paid.

Thus, the cache transfer algorithm is similar on all types of browsers. First you copy the data folder to a new place. After that, clarify the system and the program that the path has changed. Similarly, with the transfer to the RAM disk. Just prescribe a path to it in the settings. It is known that the RAM is reset after the computer is turned off. But in the case of virtual RAM, you can save the image for the power off time. Either not to save, then it turns out that your cache is automatically cleaned when it is completed. Leave your comments if you collided with the difficulties of changing the storage of cache data, and how they managed to solve.

Firefox continues to gain popularity - every year it is slow, but surely dismisses Internet Explorer. Territory in the browser market. However, nothing is perfect, and even Firefox has shortcomings.

One of the most annoying is to slow down work over time. After firefox installations just "flies", but, when active useIn 2-3 months he will become like a hippopotamus. Try, for example, after downloading the computer and start a browser to type some character in the address bar, and you will see how Firefox will hang for a few moments. This is due to the fact that the browser must view the huge list of visited sites and find the symbol entered on them.

Firefox log is stored in the database, which is on the hard disk in the catalog of your profile. Over time, it grows up to huge sizes and fragmented, and a slow hard drive also does not contribute to the acceleration of its work - all this leads to the fact that your favorite browser is unpleasant to slow down and hide in the most inappropriate moments.

You can optimize the database, memory consumption, or magazine, but the effect will be short-lived, and, with time, you will have to repeat these operations increasingly and more often. In this article, we will look at a more radical way to increase speed: transferring data to the Profile and Firefox cache to Ramdisk (a virtual device created in the computer's RAM). Firefox will work faster due to the fact that reading and writing data into memory occur several times faster than the same rigid disk operations.

To create a Ramdisk, we will use the Dataram Ramdisk program - it is free and supports everything. windows version. So that you are not confused, I will describe the whole process by steps:

Well, the virtual disk is created - now it remains only to transfer your profile and cache to it and make Firefox work with Ramdish.

Now you can use your favorite browser again. Saving and loading the profile is automated, you do not need to take any additional actions - just enjoy the "supersonic" Firefox.

If you have disk SSD. And you want to save a place on it, there are many different ways do it. As one of the options is the transfer of the browser cache on hDD. This is due to the fact that any browser during operation constantly records and deletes temporary files that can significantly affect the free space on the disk. Also, you can watch item on how to disable the built-in in.

So, for different browsers in order.

Google Chrome and all browsers on the chromium engine

The method is suitable for browsers Coolnovo., Rockmelt, Rambler Nichrome, Yandex.Browser, [email protected], as well as for Opera above 15 versions.

In order to change the cache storage path, you must slightly edit the shortcut from which you run your chrome.
To do this, click the right mouse button on the label and click "Properties". In the object "Object" you need to add the following:

Disk-cache-dir \u003d "path"

After.exe and through the gap!

Inspend<путь> We write the desired addressIt should turn out something like this:

By default, the cache is stored in the folder:

C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ Google \\ Chrome \\ User Data \\ Default \\ Cache \\

It must be deleted manually. This method will only work when starting from the shortcut in which you add this parameter.

Mozilla Firefox.

In order to change the cache locations in Firefox, you need to go to the hidden browser settings. To do this, enter the Firefox address string:

About: Config

press ENTER; If a window is issued, then agree with the "deprivation of warranty".

Right-click on the "Settings Name", select Create\u003e Row

1) Enter the parameter to change the path of the main cache folder:


and enter the value the desired folderFor example: D: \\ Cache \\ Firefox \\

2) Enter the parameter to change the path offline cache Firefox:


And we prescribe the same way as in the first parameter.

In this folder, Firefox will create the Cache folder and it will store cached files. You need to remove the folder with the old cashem manually. In Windows 7, the default it is located:

C: \\ Users \\<имя_пользователя>\\ AppData \\ Local \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ PROFILES \\ *****. Default \\


For example, Firefox, we need to enter the deep browser settings. To do this, you also type in the address bar:

In the list that opens, we are looking for:

And choose there:

By default, the path to the cache.

Good day, dear friends, readers, visitors and other individuals.

Today we will talk about such a useful thing as the transfer of the cache browsers to another disk. Why can it be needed? Well, for example: in order to optimize (in the case of transferred, say, on or on SSD), these most browsers are working, or in order to save a valuable place on the hard disk (for example, if some mythically, you have a little hard disk space ), Or maybe to extend the lifetime of what we wrote in a very recent article ..

In general, I think that everyone will find their own practical application to this issue, and we will still simply share a tool to implement this to reality. Moreover, we will touch almost all adequate modern browsersSo almost no one will be offended.

Let's start.

Transferring Mozilla Firefox Browser Kesha

Let's start with my favorite, namely from the FF browser. Personally, I transferred his profile + cache (and the distribution itself) on Ram -Disk, which I advise you.
Actually, this is what the sequence of actions we turn out:

With amendments within the system, perhaps everything. Now you need to explain the browser that we have transferred his profile and cache to another place.

In two words somehow so. Let us turn to other browsers.

Transferring Google Chrome Browser Kesha

It is performed almost similar to the transfer of Firefox's profile, only the little is faster and simpler:

As you can see, actually nothing complicated.
Well, for a snack, let's talk about a red browser.

Transfer of Kesha and Opera browser profile

For the "red" browser, everything is similar to the transfer of Google Chrome:

On sim all. That's how simple and fast.


These are the pies. I hope that this information was useful for you.
Well, and, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, - the use of everyone, I think, will find for himself.

As always, if there are some questions, additions and other things, then leave them in the comments to this entry.

PS: The default cache storage paths can change in various versions of the program.
PS2: Kesha's transfer to the method to assign the parameter label only when it starts through this shortcut, and the default path is used in other cases (