Overview and Test Laptop ASUS N53SV. Second breathing n-series

The official announcement of processors with microarchitecture Sandy Bridge took place on January 3 of this year, which was displayed in detail on pages of our site. Compared to the predecessors, in Sandy Bridge there are no revolutionary changes, it is rather a serious refinement of the existing product by increasing the degree of integration of the processor crystal and a number of optimization. The trend of moving the components of the northern bridge to the processor began to be implemented for a long time: in the same Arrandale, in addition to integrated memory controllers and PCI Express bus, a built-in graphic core appeared, the truth implemented by a separate 45-nm crystal. Sandy Bridge puts the final point in this evolution: in desktop and mobile CPUs with a new microarchitecture in a single semiconductor crystal computing kernels, cache memory, memory controller, PCI Express bus controller and graphics core are collected. The placement density of the listed couple using innovation in the form of an annular bus allowed Intel engineers to achieve greater interaction efficiency between the Sandy Bridge modules. The graphic kernel now has direct access not only to the memory controller, but also to the remaining processor components, in particular, L3-cache. On the microarchctural level in the processors supported support for the new AVX vector instruction set (Advanced Vector Extensions). In general, all the revisions have been beneficial to the performance and efficiency of new processors. However, we still have been convinced of the example of desktop models, today we have to check how productive and economical there is a mobile Sandy Bridge.

Simultaneously with 32-nanometer processors, ten sets of system logic were presented, or rather, now only the southern bridges under the general name of Cougar Point are both for desktops (P67, H67, Q65, Q67 and B65) and mobile solutions ( QS67, QM67, HM67, HM65 and UM67). Tandem "Sandy Bridge and Cougar Point" in the mobile segment was called Huron River. Laptops on the new platform acquired congenital support for Bluetooth, but, unfortunately, it did not borrow your own USB 3.0 controller. In addition to the system logic and processor, the full Huron River kit includes the Lewisville wireless wiring network adapter and the Rainbow PEAK wireless WLAN module.

Today we have the opportunity to get acquainted with the trimmed (with "non-rigging" network and wifi adapters) by the version of the new platform represented in the face of the multimedia laptop asus N53SV.

In addition to the used Sandy Bridge processor and the system logic of the 6th generation, the N53SV is installed a new NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M graphics accelerator, tied with an integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 video adapter via Optimus technology: Depending on the load, one or another chip can be included in the operation.

Packaging and delivery package

ASUS N53SV packed in black color cardboard box with white bottom and large quantity Crossing blue and white lines on a black background. From above there is a plastic handle for convenience of transportation. The inscriptions "ASUS" and "SMART Notebook" talk about the inside inside only in general terms, to find out the specifically the model of the laptop can be from stickers on the end of the box. Another sticker talks about the Coupon with the code for the right to a trial playing in Starcraft II.

ASUS N53SV: Packing Box

Minus the most portable computer, a laconic minimum of the following content was found in the box: the battery with a capacity of 4400 mA * h (6-cell), an AC adapter, a pack of brochures, including a warranty card for two years and the user manual in Russian, screed for Wiring on Velcro and Disc "Driver & Utility Ver. 2.0 for N53SV series laptops.

ASUS N53SV: Supplies

On this, all, no pleasant trifles of the type of mouse or bags for the transfer was not attached.

Pre-installed software

The software picture is quite trivial. The laptop has a pre-installed 64-bit Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium. In case of serious problems associated with the operation of the operating system, the N53SV is laid down by the Recovery system, launched by the user in two ways: using the hidden partition of the hard disk (by pressing the "F9" key at the moment of inclusion of a portable computer) or using the package invested Disk resuscator. The recovery process from an optical medium takes quite a long time, restoring a hard disk is much faster.

There is also a third way to restore the system - independently created by the user Recovery disks recorded using the AI \u200b\u200bRecovery Burner utility, which allows you to create a backup copy of the current state of the operating system. The appetites of the program are prohibitively growing: for recording the resuscitation kit of the ASUS N53SV model, the application asks for as many as six DVD duals.

Ai Recovery Burner.

To work with the built-in aSUS webcam Applies two branded utilities: Lifeframe and SmartLogon. ASUS Lifeframe allows the joint and separate work of a webcam and microphone, with which you can spend video conferencing, shoot videos, take photos and record sound files. LifeFrame also has the function of automatic switching on shooting when motion is detected.

ASUS LifeFrame.

The program has a built-in graphic editor with very modest possibilities. ASUS LifeFrame has several shooting modes depending on the lighting. The range of photographic resolution is laid into the interval from 160x120 to 1600x1200, videos - up to 640x480, there are capabilities to change the extension of the created file (photo - "* .bmp", "* .jpg" or "* .gif", video - "* .asf" , "* .Wmv" or "* .avi"), its quality, timer installation (5-10 seconds) and continuous shooting mode (up to 15 frames). A rich set of special effects is laid in the utility, allowing you to put on the picture from the camera in real-time frames, filters or to seek all sorts of hats and other items.

The ASUS SmartLogon application is designed to recognize the user to face when entering the system. The weak point of this kind of utilities, and SmartLogon is no exception, is their dependence on the impact of external factors, in particular, the brightness of the lighting, the availability of the user's glasses or headdress. To prevent a completely probable failure of access to a computer, before starting the SmartLogon photo shoot requires you to create a password accountWith which the user can in any case be able to log in. After setting the password, the utility gives good to creating a photo of photos.

Asus Smartlogon.

As always, the power saving management of the laptop is assigned to the Power4Gear Hybrid program. For both types of power (network / battery), the application provides four modes of operation: "High Perfomance", "Entertainment", "Quiet Office" and "Battery Saving". In addition to typical manipulations of the type of screen brightness change, turning hard Disk or screen, processor performance restrictions with standard Windows power plans, the program allows you to disable web chamber and optical drive. The version of Power4Gear Hybrid used in the laptop is a bit trimmed and does not make it possible to brake with its help wireless adapters.

Power4Gear Hybrid.

As in all Asus laptops, the N53SV presents the ASUS SPLENDID Video Enhancement branded technology, which is responsible for managing color reproduction by choosing from predetermined modes that change the color saturation and color temperatures. In addition to the five-mode manufacturer laid by the manufacturer ("Normal", "Gamma", "Vivid", "Theater" and "Soft"), you can create your own. To do this, select the "My Profile" item in the Appendix, after which it is necessary to achieve the desired effect using the proposed settings. Switching the modes is carried out by combination of the "Fn" and "C" keys.

Select ASUS Splendid Video Enhancement

The ASUS Fast Boot application is created to speed up the starting load of the system and, according to the manufacturer, allows you to save up to 40% of the time when the computer is started.

ASUS Fast Boot

Adjusting the quality of the sound of embedded in portable computer Bang & Olufsen IcePower columns, plug-in headphones and external speakers, as well as the microphone sensitivity are standardly produced using the Realtek HD Manager.

Realtek HD Manager

You can achieve greater purity of the sound of branded speakers using ASUS SonicMaster. True, in order to notice the effect, you need to go to the outer acoustics, since the sound is built-in, whatever the ringing name it wore, still leaves much to be desired.

ASUS SonicMaster

To combat viruses and prevent various Internet attacks, ASUS offers a trial version of the Trend Micro Titanium program. The application scans incoming mail messages, detects and deletes spyware software, limits the user's access to sites containing, according to the creators of Trend Micro Titanium, dangerous to the computer.

Trend Micro Titanium.

Syncables Desktop SE is a program for synchronizing and exchanging photos, music records, video and other data between your laptop and other computers on which there is an installed Syncables Desktop SE.

Syncables Desktop SE

DVD Suite is a camouflaged under ASUS mediacombine to create and process CyberLink entries consisting of a whole set of programs.

DVD Suite.

The first, CyberLink Power2Go, is designed to work with optical carriers. The application allows you to copy discs and record files, music, videos and photos on disks of all formats, including Blu-ray (which in our case is irrelevant, since the playing Blu-Ray drive in a laptop is not). In addition to standard functions, Power2Go includes built-in composite tools that allow you to edit movies and personalize discs by providing them with menus and table of contents. Also, the program can work in an express version.

Cyberlink Power2Go.

Cyberlink LabelPrint is a specialized tool for creating, editing, printing covers and disc marking. The process of creating the label is stacked in four steps: Selecting a template type, making information about disk, placement of text and background image - and pressing the "Print" button.

Cyberlink labelprint

CyberLink PowerDirector is a tool for editing multimedia data and creating professional quality videos.

Cyberlink PowerDirector.

CyberLink Media Converter is a universal converter designed to quickly prepare any video file to view on any common device.

Cyberlink Media Converter.

As a DVD player in ASUS N53SV, the Cyberlink PowerDVD player is involved.

Cyberlink PowerDVD.

A counter use in all portable computers free app Adobe Reader. To work with the "* .pdf" format files, the laptop under study is equipped with the Nuance PDF Reader 6.0 application. The program supports reproduction of built-in flash animation and videos. In addition, Nuance PDF Reader has functions to fill and save the forms of the PDF file than the majority of similar utilities cannot boast.

Nuance PDF Reader 6.0

To work with other text documents, ASUS N53SV has Microsoft Office Starter 2010, which, if desired, can be upgraded to the level of full Microsoft Office 2010.

Microsoft Office Starter 2010

The Elan Smart-Pad application is designed to configure the touch panel of the laptop.

Elan Smart-Pad

Frequently attached software manufacturer carries almost zero semantic load. Asus FancyStart can be attributed to the number of such utilities, allowing you to choose a welcome image and musical accompaniment at the time of the laptop on.

ASUS FancyStart.

Among other software with a laptop, the Wireless Console 3 application is supplied, which contains a pair of "WLAN" and "Bluetooth" icons, which corresponds to wireless adapters available in ASUS N53SV, and allowing them to turn on and disconnect.

Wireless Console 3.

In addition to the listed, on the desktop of the laptop computer displayed icons:

Collection of casual games - "Game Pack" with laid demonstration samples;

Game Pack

Bank of Digital Content Asus @Vibe;


And free online data warehouse ASUS WebStorage (up to 500 GB of remote space).

ASUS Webstorage

The last of the Windows operating under Windows is the ASUS Live Update application, which allows you to automatically receive updates for all the branded software predefined on ASUS N53SV.

ASUS Live Update.

At the end of the preset software listing, you will shortly focus on ASUS Express Gate Cloud. We have repeatedly described this "quickly loadable" shell on the pages of our site dedicated to ASUS laptops. To run Express Gate, you must press the same button, the longest "fast" keys, the power of the Power4Gear Hybrid is selected when Windows is loaded with it. The Express Gate interface looks visually attractive, present in the last version of Internet pagers and music player They disappeared, but the support of the Trend Micro Instant Security program appeared, which prevents the penetration of viruses, added separate Facebook, YouTube pages and calendar. As before, there is a web browser, built-in online games and the simplest photo viewer with the possibility of running a slideshow. From the moment of clicking on the shell start button and before the inscription appears, an inscription that announcing the user about the input in the ASUS Express Gate Cloud, it takes no less than 10 seconds, and the full loading of the system is more than 20 seconds, which exceeds the output time of the laptop computer from the "sleep" state Windows OS - so the "fast" download can be called only in quotes.

Exterior: Design and Ergonomics

In the manufacture of the ASUS N53SV housing, two materials are used: the usual plastic and aluminum coarse grinding with an eye-visible light texture. There are practically no glossy elements, so the laptop retains its elegance contrary to the inevitable touches and deprecation of dust. The strength of the materials used is beneficially affected by pressing on the back of the cover: no blurry spots appears on the screen. The corners of the housing have soft roundings used by black and gray colors are harmoniously combined, due to which, despite the rather big dimensions of the laptop computer, it looks like ASUS N53SV very elegant.

ASUS N53SV: Front view

The cover from the back has a strong bend towards the base, thereby highlighting the hinge hinges, which are by the continuation. The lock of the display is naturally not. Hinges hardly fix the cover under the necessary angle and in the lowered state. The laptop swallows about 130 degrees, further does not allow the design of the loop.

ASUS N53SV: disclosure angle

Inside the picture is similar from the outdoor: all black and gray. The wrist substrate has the same texture as the lid. Minus designers for an impractical glossy frame around the screen, such a fashionable trend lately. Raise and adjust the display angle of the display - casual manipulations, therefore, the appearance on the fingerprint frame cannot be avoided. An interesting elements of the portable computer decor can be attributed to the raised (against the background of recessed hinged blocks) part of the base from the back side, made of aluminum with a frequency fine holes, which is hidden by a pair of dynamics Bang & Olufsen ICEPOWER.

ASUS N53SV: in open

The built-in 2 megapixel webcam, located in the center of the upper part of the frame around the screen and the devoid of self-rotation, is equipped with an iris diaphragm. To activate the device, you must translate the slider to the "ON" position and turn on the camera, after which the green indicator lights up next to the lens. A pair of centimeters to the right is the opening of the built-in microphone.

ASUS N53SV: webcam

ASUS N53SV is equipped with a widescreen (with the aspect ratio of 16: 9) 15.6-inch matrix with a maximum resolution of 1366x768 points (there are also models with a resolution of 1920x1080). The surface of the screen is glossy, therefore, the brackets of glare and reflections are inevitable. In compensation for listed inconvenience, the user receives a greater juability and contrast of the image. Vertical viewing angles are not very high, thumping the cover back will take pictures in the negative, when looking at the screen on top of the picture white. With horizontal things are much better.

The number of degrees of brightness among the studied laptop computer is standard for laptops with ASUS logo - eleven. Even the lower levels do not make it difficult to work with the laptop. Brightness adjustment is performed by joint pressing the "Fn" and "F5" or "F6" keys.

The ASUS N53SV keypad has 102 black keys in its arsenal, contrary to fashionable trends, buttons are not detached. Pressing the soft and relatively quiet, the icon buttons are not detected, the moment of triggering is perfectly felt. What is unpleasant, the keyboard is pretty "breathing", mainly when pressed in the middle. There is no ergonomic drainage on the keys, from the side facing the user, a small chamfer was removed on each of the buttons.

ASUS N53SV: profile keys

Three of the four cursor keys are located in the same line with the lower side of the buttons, thereby increasing the risk random presses. In addition to their direct duties, "arrows", through the "Fn" key, perform the functions of the multimedia player keys. The function keys are strongly trimmed in height (due to the bevel on the front side and are becoming narrow at all) and a little in width, as well as the number of them to the right "PAUSE", "Print Screen", "Delete", located above the main keyboard, and " Home »," Page Up "," Page DOWN "and" END "- above the digital block, the finger is placed on them with difficulty. The coloring of letters and symbols is made not entirely in the style of Asus: the Latin layout is applied with white, Russian - greenish, but smaller kegle, usually pale blue keys working after pressing and holding "Fn", N53SV is also white.

ASUS N53SV: Keyboard

On the right, with a small gap from the main keyboard, which is slightly larger than the distance between the keys, the Num block is adjacent to it. The digital keyboard has standard four vertical columns of the buttons, however, with small flags: first, the right "arrow", inclusion in the block, occupies the legitimate half of the area of \u200b\u200bthe "0" key, secondly, the four "Home" keys, "Page Up "," Page DOWN "and" END "are located additional horizontal near From above over a numeric keypad. On addiction to such a layout, it is necessary for some time.

The transparent portable computer key with a mirror substrate is placed above the right edge of the keyboard and is highlighted by a white LED, the same as the indicators on the left of it, as part of which (from left to right):

ASUS N53SV: Power button and indicators

Numeric keypad indicator (Num Lock);
Top Register Fixation Indicator (CAPS LOCK);
The video mode mode indicator (lights blue when the built-in graphic adapter, white - discrete) is active.

Symmetric on the left are five "fast" laptop keys:

ASUS N53SV: Quick Keys

Twice as large as the remaining "ASUS Express Gate Cloud" key, loading an additional shell when the laptop is turned off and changing the Power4Gear Hybrid power modes when the Windows operating system is running;
Sound trip key;
Two keys to reduce / increase the volume;
And the play key / pause.

Sound buttons work in all applications, "play / pause" - only in Windows Media Center. Over the "fast" buttons, indicators and key switching on the laptop there are appropriate symbols.

The surface of the touch panel has a light roughness, under the surrounding surface, and a little drowiness. The response of the touchpad on the touch of the fingers is excellent. The touch panel supports the "Multitach" function, from which it follows that: the touch by one finger performs the standard functions of moving the cursor, pressing the left mouse button and input (fast double pressing), the use of simultaneously two fingers allows you to produce a vertical and horizontal scrolling, three - imitates pressing right Mouse buttons. There are also scaling functions, for which it is necessary to wash or breed the fingers, touching the panel, and turn the objects using the scroll of two diluted fingers on the touchpad surface. At the base of the device there is one, devoid of separator, black glossy (why?!) Key-swing with a short soft move and accompanied muffled with a click of the response. To achieve an adequate reaction from pressing the "mouse" keys, it is better to produce them further from the center of "Swing". Closer to the middle of a single button, the response becomes sluggish, and in the center and disappears at all.

ASUS N53SV: TouchPad

All remaining indicators of the system, with symbols above them, are made by the manufacturer on the front edge of the base before the touchpad (from left to right):

ASUS N53SV: System Indicators

Power indicator (on white lit, if the laptop is turned on; flashes in conjunction with the indicator on the power button, when the PC is in the "sleep" mode; when the computer is turned off the indicator does not burn);
Battery charging indicator (lit orange when the battery is charged; not lit - completely discharged; blinks orange if the battery charge is less than 10%, it burns green when the battery is charged by more than 95% and the laptop is on the outlet);
The activity indicator (shows the access of the computer to the hard disk or the optical drive, slugging at the time of treatment);
Wireless interface indicator.

The lowered upper cover completely hides the LEDs when looking at the laptop from above, the conditional notation is unallowed by any corner. To navigate the values \u200b\u200bof the last minute indicators when the laptop is closed, the user needs to know their name location.

The following components are made on the left end of ASUS N53SV (from left to right):

ASUS N53SV: Left view

HDMI connector for connecting external monitors and televisions;
Connector for connecting a laptop to local network (RJ-45);
Built-in 3-B-1 cardboard supporting standards memory cards: Memory Stick, Multi Media Card and Secure Digital;
USB 2.0 port;
USB port 3.0.

On the right side of the laptop computer, the following is available:

ASUS N53SV: View of the right

Standard 3.5 mm headphone socket combined with optical digital output S / PDIF;
Microphone connector;
Two uSB ports 2.0;
Optical drive with the activity indicator located on it, the recovery key of the CD and the emergency opening hole;
Mechanical switch wireless interfaces.

From the back side of the laptop, despite the specific design of the lid fold, there was a place:

ASUS N53SV: Rear view

Connector for connecting the power source;
15-pin D-SUB connector for connecting an external monitor;
Porto for Kensington Castle.

ASUS N53SV is equipped with a battery capacity of 4400 ma * h (6-cell). The battery is designed for a voltage of 10.8 V, which when transferring to Watt clock is 47 W * h.

ASUS N53SV: Rechargeable Battery

On the "bottom" of a laptop computer there are two rechargeable battery locks (spring and mechanical), a sticker with the operating system number, the compartment covers random access memory and hard disk, as well as the so-called service compartment.

ASUS N53SV: Lower

To get to the operational memory and hard disk compartment, it is necessary to remove the rubber legs located on the lid, as the pair of fastening screws is under them. Why all these contiguous difficulties, honestly, is incomprehensible.

Interior content

The basis of ASUS N53SV is a new Huron River platform, the head of which (in our case) is the Intel Core i5 2410m dual-core processor with a clock frequency of 2.30 GHz. The code name of the kernel is Sandy Bridge, it is produced by the technological process of 32 nm and has a third-level cache-memory kesh, combined for both cores. Typical heat generation Intel Core i5 2410m is 35 W. As mentioned earlier, in a single crystal Sandy Bridge assembled: computing kernels, cache, memory controller, PCI Express bus controller and graphics core.

Intel Core i5 2410m in two test power modes

The Intel Core I5 \u200b\u200bprocessors of the second generation support Energy Saving Technology Enhanced Intel SpeedStep (EIST), which allows you to reduce the multiplier and, accordingly, the operating frequency. On board there is an Intel Hyper-Threading support, "emulating" four-core processor - accordingly, four kernels will be visible in Windows Task Manager instead of two. Updated Intel Technology is also supported. Turbo Boost., allowing to increase the processor clock frequency in cases where only one of its kernel is loaded. For Intel Core i5 2410m Maximum frequency when working Turbo Boost is 2.9 GHz, changes to which can be visually traced in a special window on the desktop laptop.

On the above screenshots it is easy to note that a pair of two-scale dDR3 memory layers with a frequency of 1333 MHz is installed in a portable computer with a frequency of 1333 MHz (all the same slots are four!). Two identical modules allow RAM to work in the most productive two-channel mode. The established amount of memory can be doubled.

As a set of chips in ASUS N53SV, Intel Cougar Point HM65 is used. The thermal package of installed NMS is 3.9 W. The North Bridge of the Chipset, as well as the 5th generation of Calpella's NMS, is abolished, all its components have safely moved to the processor. The South Bridge supports interfaces: SATA (up to 6 ports), USB 2.0 (up to 12) and up to eight PCI EXPRESS 2.0 X1 lines. There is also an integrated audio core of Intel High Definition Audio.


Do not fit into the concept of the Huron River platform installed in the laptop wireless network adapter ATHEROS AR9285, supporting, according to technical characteristics asus N53SV, only low-speed data standards 802.11 b / g, and a regular wired adapter REALTEK RTL8168 / 8111. Also, due to the absence of the USB 3.0 controller in the 6th generation chip sets, there is an Fresco Logic USB 3.0 XHCI Controller in the laptop, so that the blue connector is banging on the left end.

The graphic subsystem of the laptop under study is built on a hybrid engine using NVIDIA Optimus technology. We also celebrated Optimus technology in action, but it was completely different.

As before, at the moments of the minimum load, ASUS N53SV uses a new Intel HD Graphics 3000 as a graphics accelerator as a graphics accelerator, made according to 32-nm technical process and functioning at a frequency up to 650 MHz. HD Graphics 3000 added support for Shader Model 4.1 and DirectX 10.1. Moreover, Intel even thought about the realization by the forces of his graphic nucleus of full-screen smoothing! Intel managed to implement the work of Enhanced Intel Speedstep and Turbo Boost technologies at the same time and independently for graphic and processor cores. As a result, the performance of integrated graphics has grown significantly and has become comparable to discrete video cards. initial level.

If the application requires a more productive graphical solution, and the modest capabilities of Intel HD Graphics 3000 is not enough, the computer independently switches to the discrete NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M, which signals the corresponding indicator on the laptop housing. The video sealer is based on the GF108 kernel, made by the process with compliance with the norms of 40 nm and functioning at a frequency of 672 MHz. The pixel shaders conveyor operates at a frequency of 1344 MHz, the memory DDR3 - 900 MHz. The memory bus has a 128-bit interface. GPU supports DirectX 11 and PhysX and CUDA technology. Removed using the GPU-Z program NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M, installed in ASUS N53SV, can be viewed on the screenshot below.

NVIDIA GeForce GT 540m

A seagate ST9500420AS 2.5 "form factor is installed in the portable computer with a spindle speed of 7200 rpm, SATA interface and 500 GB. Also, a laptop computer is equipped with a Matsushhita UJ8A0AsW DVD drive.

The following is a table with detailed technical characteristics of the test ASUS N53SV:

Testing technique

Before starting testing, the ASUS N53SV was formatted hard disk, then the Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate X64 operating system is installed (English version). Drivers were taken from the recovery disk invested and with laptop manufacturer website.

In the process of testing, the following parameters were set:

Screen Saver is disabled;
Windows Defender - disabled;
System Protection - disabled;
Windows Update - Disabled;
Disk defragment on schedule - disabled;
Displays files immediately after placing them in the basket;
Screen brightness is set to maximum;
The resolution of the liquid crystal matrix is \u200b\u200bthe maximum, 1366x768;
Aero interface - activated;
Desktop Theme - Windows 7;
Volume level - 10%.

Test package is divided into two parts:

Part 1: Tests for measuring performance as a system as a whole and separate components:

Synthetic tests for general performance (PCMark Vantage 1.0.2 and Sysmark 2007);
Performance tests in games (3DMARK 2006 1.2.0, 3DMark Vantage 1.0.2, 3DMark 2011 1.0.0, Resident Evil. 5, Far Cry 2, F1 2010, TOM CLANCY "S H.A.W.X., LOST PLANET 2, ENEMY TERRITORY: Quake Wars, World in Conflict, Mafia 2).

Part 2: Determination of the duration of the battery life of the portable computer from the battery, the measurements were performed using the MobileMark 2007 test application.

MobileMark 2007 contains three modes of operation:

Productivity mode - shock load on the system with long pauses;
Reading mode - Emulation of reading PDF file (in the "Read" test mode, pages turning out every 2 minutes);
DVD view mode (used roller supplied with MobileMark 2007).

For SYSMARK 2007 and MobileMark 2007 packages, used application manufacturer with appropriate names installed using the BAPCO-Autoconfig utility.

In addition to the above, 3DMark 2006 1.2.0 scenes were repeated on a laptop, after which, with the help of an infrared remote thermometer, the temperatures of the LCD panel, keyboard, lower surface, exhaust (on each surface, a point with a maximum temperature) and a processor (using CPUID HARDWARE MONITOR programs). This test was performed twice: when working on a solid smooth surface of a table and a soft porous fabric surface.

Testing productivity

Traditionally, opens testing the synthetic application Futuremark PcMark Vantage. The overall result of the test is calculated by the formula: PCMark Score \u003d 87 x (average geometric value of major tests)where the average geometric is (result 1 * result 2 * ...) ^ (1 / number of results). In the Vantage version, the results are presented with reference to typical work scenarios, and not to computer components:

The MEMORIES script is devoted to evaluating system performance when working with digital media archive, including amateur photos and home video.
In the TV and MOVIES test, playback and video recording of high resolution are used as a load.
Test "Gaming" measures the fitness of the platforms to work in the game 3D applications.
The "MUSIC" script is devoted mainly to the recoding of audio files of various formats.
In the "Communication" test, visiting web resources, work with email and using IP telephony.
"Productivity" is another simple scenario in which work with typical office applications;
And the last, "HDD", evaluates the work of only a hard disk.

In the PCMark Vantage ASUS N53SV test, as in other resource-intensive applications, the discrete graphics adapter uses. The results obtained even on the eye above the level of Arrandale processors. When changing nutrition on the battery, the indicators are reduced halfway due to the plug-in power saving technologies.

SYSMARK 2007 simulates the work of the user aimed at solving specific tasks in several of the most common applications. At the output, the package issues several indices showing system performance demonstrated in various activity scenarios, measuring system performance in real applications when solving specific tasks.

With a test package of SYSMARK 2007, focused mainly on the processor component of a laptop computer, the picture is very close to PCMark Vantage, as the Intel Core i5 2410m behaves in a similar way.

The 3DMark test program is a set of three-dimensional scenes on the basis of its own graphics engine loading with video specimen in various ways. In 3DMark 2006, the maximum screen resolution of 1366x768 was exhibited and the first test circle was launched, the second test was carried out under the same conditions, but with installed anisotropic filtering of 16x and full-screen smoothing 4x. In 3DMark Vantage and 3DMark 2011 laptop was tested only at the same level of "Entry" difficulty with a resolution of 1024x768 and 1024x600, respectively. 3DMark Vantage Feature tests had to be disconnected due to vertical resolution of less than 1000 pixels

Mobile Mobile NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M NVIDIA GEFORCE Map in 3DMark synthetic applications looks very worthy. Prior to the performance of top adapters, of course, far, but also from the broken models, the separation of substantial. Changing the power mode gives a small drop in indicators. In general, ASUS N53SV will allow its owner to use not only the powerful computational capabilities of the processor with the Sandy Bridge microarchitecture, but graphic, which will confirm the real figures in games.

For each game (Resident Evil 5, Far Cry 2, F1 2010, Tom Clancy "S Hawx, Lost Planet 2, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, World In Conflict, Mafia 2) several types of settings were installed: from mandatory maximum (enabled anisotropic filtering 16x and full-screen smoothing 4x, all other parameters are set to "High") to minimal (all parameters, if possible, set to "Low"). All games were tested only when eating from the network to show the greatest results without connecting energy saving systems. . The most difficult settings for the graphic subsystem were selected in order to compare the results of a portable computer with "desktop" video cards that we regularly test. Testing was carried out at the maximum laptop resolution (in our case 1366x768).

ASUS N53SV, of course, is not sharpened to the Gamer audience, but its level of performance is quite enough for many games. The user with not too high requests to the quality of graphics will be accurately satisfied with the capabilities of the test portable computer.

To compare with other laptopstested in our test laboratory, give a table with the same games at 1280x720 resolution maximum settings Quality graphics.

Battery life and temperature characteristics

The battery life is one of the key characteristics of a laptop computer, sometimes even more important than performance. Therefore, the measurement of this particular value is made separate from performance by the test block. Testing was performed using the MobileMark 2007 package. For test time, the laptop transitions to Standby and Hibernate state were disabled.

The first scenario (Productivity), which was involved in measuring the duration of the laptop from batteries, is based on modeling the user's work in typical office applications. Load is a non-permanent, you can even say, "torn", the user is that and it takes away from the performance of work. The second test is to measure the working time of the laptop when powering from the battery in the event of a simple text reading. Adobe Reader applied as a program that displays the document on the screen. The third and final scenario used in our "tests" simulated the application of a mobile computer to play DVD video using the Intervideo WinDVD player.

Regarding the battery charge, the ASUS N53SV battery has demonstrated a fairly good result for its class - a powerful laptop with discrete graphics - almost three hours when watching a film and more than 3.5 hours when reading a book.

At the end of the test, we give the discontinued laptop temperature indicators when idling and after half-hour launch of 3DMark 2006, on solid and soft surfaces. The temperature was measured by infrared thermometerThe point with the maximum temperature was searched on each of the surfaces. The processor heating measurement was performed using the CPUID HARDWARE Monitor utility. In the room at the time of testing there were 23 degrees Celsius.

The ASUS N53SV is heated very moderately, even with heavy loads remaining quiet enough. The placement of the laptop on a soft darous surface is minimally affected by heating both the housing and processor. The latter, although it shows the temperature of 65 degrees when running 3DMark 2006, still remains far from the critical maximum.

Advantages and disadvantages of ASUS N53SV


Attractive design and durable case through the use of aluminum with plastic;
A worthy level of productivity;
High-quality system restore operating system;
Good (on laptop standards) acoustics;
Four Slots of RAM;
Having a USB 3.0 port;
Reasonable value.


Glossy coating of the matrix and frame around it;
Poor visibility of status indicators with a lid lowered;
Poverty delivery set;
Difficulties with the opening of the operational memory compartment cover and hard disk;
Small screen resolution.


ASUS N53SV, based on the new Sandybridge microarchitecture, with the use of NVIDIA Optimus technology, was worthy and a very interesting representative of multimedia laptops with reasonable value. Ergonomic, elegant, productive - just a small part of epithets that apply to N53SV. A relatively powerful discrete schedule will allow a portable computer to use a laptop as a gaming solution, and automatically switching to an integrated video card with low loads provides more than three hours of autonomous work that the laptop of this class is a good result.

Refine the availability and cost of ASUS N53SV laptops "\u003e Refine availability and cost of laptops ASUS N53SV

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With the basis of this laptop - the chassis ASUS N53 - we are already well acquainted. Approximately six months ago, our guest visited the ASUS N53JF model - almost identical outwardly. However, the stuffing is very different: if the N53JF model was built on the Calpella platform, the N53SV, which will be discussed in this review, is based on the Huron River - the main element of which is the Intel Sandy Bridge processor family.

Despite the wonderful metamorphoses of the fillings that promise improving productivity and an increase in battery life, the laptop turned out to be also cheaper than the predecessor.

⇡ Design and Ergonomics

The laptop housing and the outer side of the cover are decorated with metal. The color of most panels is dark gray, almost black. The second part of the details received less dark color. Metallic parts of the laptop have a lighted chip, which manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent depending on the lighting.

If the body is entirely made of non-commercial matte plastic and metal, then the inner side of the cover is completely glossy. Frame, to become a display, made of smooth plastic, instantly covered dust and fingerprints.

In the ASUS N53JF protested instance, the island keyboard was installed. However, it seems that it was just a designer experiment - and the laptop series went with the classic keyboard. The same as used in this case.

The keyboard layout still causes complaints: the arrow key is inscribed into the digital block. Because of this, in particular, the "0" button is doubled by the usual one. This is the standard drawback of all ASUS keypads equipped with a dedicated digital keyboard.

But the second typical lack for ASUS is too flexible keyboard substrate - this laptop did not find it. It seems that in ASUS finally drew attention to this annoying defects and in new models began to get rid of it.

The touch panel has sufficiently large sizes and is made of the correct material - with a slightly rough surface, to which the finger does not stick. The only thing that can be frozen is to the fact that the touch panel buttons are made of glossy "chrome" plastic. Of course, he looks untidy after five minutes of active work.

The webcam still has the ability to physically shutdown. It is enough to move the lever, and the lens is closed with a curtain made in the form of an iris diaphragm. For those who fear unauthorized access to a webcam of any "third parties", it's just a find.

The set of connectors is pretty rich: USB ports are whole four pieces, in addition, one of them has support for USB 3.0.

Mostly useful elements are placed on the side sides of the case. But something designers managed to take on the back side - there is an analog output to the external display and power connector.

⇡ Specifications

CPU Intel Core i7-2720Qm: 2.2 GHz (up to 3.3 GHz in TURBO BOOST mode); 4x256 KBIT L2; 6 MB L3; Four computational nuclei
Set of microcircuits Intel HM65
Graphic controller Intel HD 3000 (1300 MHz) is integrated into the processor;
NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M (96 cores, 672 MHz), 1 GB GDDR3 (900 MHz);
Automatic switching between adapters - NVIDIA OPTIMUS
Screen 15.6 ", 1366x768;
glossy coating, LED illumination (Samsung LTN156AT02P09)
RAM 4 GB, DDR3-1333 (4 + 0 GB SAMSUNG)
HDD 500 GB, SATA Rev. 2, 7200 rpm / min
(Seagate ST9500420AS)
Optical drive BD-ROM / DVD-RW (Philips - Liteon DS-4E1S)
Flash Card Connector SD / MMC / MS / MS Pro
Interfaces 1 x USB 3.0
3 x USB 2.0
1 x VGA (D-Sub)
1 x HDMI
1 x RJ-45
1 x headphones access (mini-jack 3.5 mm)
1 x microphone input (mini-jack 3.5 mm)
Wi-Fi 802.11b / g / n (ATHEROS AR9002WB-1NG)
Bluetooth 3.0 + HS (ATHEROS AR9002WB-1NG)
Network adapter 10/100/1000 Mbps (Realtek)
Sound HDA; Two speakers, microphone
Food Battery Li-Ion, 6 elements, 47.5 W * h (4400 mA * h, 10.8 V)
Power supply 120 W (19 V; 6,32 a)
Other Keyboard with a digital block, metal trim and cover, webcam with the possibility of physical disconnection
Size, mm. 391x266x30-40
Mass, kg. 2,93
Operating system Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (64 Bit)
Official manufacturer's warranty 24 months
approximate price From 24,000 rubles. In the basic configuration.
In the tested configuration in Russia is not for sale

In the tested laptop, one of the most powerful Intel mobile processors was installed - quad-core Core i7-2720QM. In addition to highly high frequencies (nominal 2.2 GHz, in Turbo Boost mode up to 3.3 GHz), this processor is notable for the fact that in it, in contrast to the more popular i7-2630QM, support for the AES NI instruction set is disabled.

However, in this case, this processor can only be interesting to theoretically. The fact is that in the laptops sold on the Russian market, it is not installed. Instead, either dual-core CPU families of the Core i3 and i5 families are used, or the younger quad-core model Core i7-2630Qm.

Actually, laptops with the CORE I7-2720QM processor are generally extremely rare in the Russian retail. This chip can be detected mainly in mobile workstations. As well as in 15- and 17-inch "MacBooks" and some of the most expensive multimedia-pathos and gaming models. In a word, a laptop computer with 2720QM in Russia will cost no less than 50,000 rubles.

But for some reason, there were no RAM in the test copy of the test instance - only one 4 GB plank. Of course, DDR3-1333 is the maximum possible memory for this platform.

The ASUS N53SV graphics system consists of two adapters: integrated into the Intel HD 3000 processor, in this modification of a frequency operating at a frequency of 1300 MHz, and an external NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M. NVIDIA Optimus technology is responsible for automatic switching adapters.

⇡ Testing - Performance

Characteristics of compared laptops
Test Display CPU Memory Graphics Battery OS.
ASUS N53JF. 15.6 " Intel Core i5-540m: 2.53 (3.06) GHz, 3 MB L3, two cores 6 GB DDR3-1066. Switchable: Intel GMA HD + NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M, 1 GB GDDR3 48 W * h Win 7 Ultimate 64
ASUS G53SW. 15.6 " Intel Core i7-2630m: 2.0 (2.9) GHz, 6 MB L3, four kernels 8 GB DDR3-1333 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M, 1.5 GB GDDR5 75 W * h Win 7 Ultimate 64
ASUS K53TA. 15.6 " AMD A6-3400M: 1.4 (2.3) GHz, 4 MB L3, four cores 4 GB DDR3-1333 AMD RADEON 6720G2: 6520G + 6650M, 1 GB DDR3 56 W * h Win 7 Ultimate 64 SP1
ASUS N53SV. 15.6 " Intel Core i7-2720qm: 2.2 (3.3) GHz, 6 MB L3, four cores 4 GB DDR3-1333 Switchable: Intel HD 3000 + NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M, 1 GB DDR3 48 W * h Win 7 Ultimate 64 SP1

As mentioned above, laptops with such a configuration, like the tested, in (Russian) does not exist. So the results of the tests of the Core i7-2720QM processor tests, it is possible for something a little - after all, a really fast processor! But from a practical point of view, it is necessary to look at the results of the Core i7-2630Qm - it is this CPU that is installed in the top configurations of ASUS N53SV.

But the graphics in this model can only be one - exactly the same as in the tested instance. If you believe the test packages of the 3DMark family, the NVIDIA adapter turns out to be noticeably more interesting than the hybrid graphics used in the new AMD platform.

But if you look at the test results in alternative synthetics and games, then the situation is not like this: AMD Radeon 6720g shows noticeably higher productivity - and there are laptops based on this "hybrid" is noticeably cheaper.

GeForce GT 540m looked good at the beginning of the year. But over the past time, the situation has changed a little. Nowadays the decision of this level, NVIDIA's favorite competitor offers for the sulking pennies. It is time for the company to appoint something more powerful for laptops with the most chassis video adapter.

⇡ Testing - Mass, battery life

The tested instance of ASUS N53SV was equipped with a 6-element battery sufficiently modest capacity - about 48 W * h.

A complete power supply turned out to be 120-watt, very large and heavy - even without wires, he pulled on the shelf with a little. It can be assumed that this is a feature of this particular sample. Retail laptops with less powerful processors should have the usual 90-watt adapters, much more compact and lungs.

The laptop mass is quite high for a model with a display diagonal of 15.6 inches. However, this is still progress: compared to the Asus N53JF laptop - the same case, but last year's filling - the new model has become easier for about 150 grams. Nevertheless, I would like the ASUS laptops lose weight more intensively.

The only scenario that seriously worsens the battery life - the use of a laptop with maximum load on the most consuming components. Nevertheless, the processor is very fast here - and if it works, the battery will be empty in front. However, in this mode, laptops are used extremely rare.

⇡ Conclusions

In the configuration closest to the tested - with a BD-ROM drive, huge hard disk, 8 GB of memory and a quad-core Core i7-2630QM processor, - this laptop will cost quite decent money, about 34 thousand rubles. It may seem that it is expensive - but cheaper laptops with such a stuffing are simply not sold.

There are versions and simpler: with the Core i3 or I5 processor, this model can be bought for 24,000 rubles. True, Blu-ray You no longer find here, the hard disk will be one and a half or two times smaller volume, and the memory is 4 GB. But inexpensive.

In any case, you will get a laptop with elegant and representative appearance, good performance, good sound and quite a decent time of autonomous work. However, you still advise to look at computer games to look at the HP Pavilion DV6 - laptop from the same price category, but with a more powerful graphics adapter.

New middle class. With the new N53, if you believe ASUS, your disposal will receive exceptional opportunities for entertainment. After all, it has installed: Novekhonky quad-core Intel I7-2720QM processor, DirectX 11-video card NVIDIA GT 540M (Optimus) and Bang & Olufsen Icepower speakers. In our review you will learn what are the real possibilities of this attractive multimedia device, as well as what new Sandy Bridge processors are capable of Intel.

As it usually happens, Intel has released processors on a new architecture just after the new year, or rather to the CES exhibition, which began in Las Vegas Sixth January. It will demonstrate a number of processors, combined with the code name. Sandy Bridge.. Soon you should expect their appearance in new laptops from large manufacturers. In addition to a significant increase in productivity, users will first be able to use embedded graphics in quad-core processors. Of course, the question arises - why, because in high-performance laptops, in any case, the discrete video adapter will be used? However, using NVIDIA Optimus technology or similar solution from ATI, you can get a well-balanced laptop, which will combine the required performance when it is required, and in other cases it will work from the battery a little longer than your non-librid colleagues. It is such a feature that has our test model - ASUS N53SV. This compact and elegant 15-inch device is equipped with a powerful 4-core processor and can switch in the sense of graphics between the built-in HD Graphics 3000. and one of the newest video cards for NVIDIA middle range laptops, GT 540..

Despite the fact that our ASUS N53SV is declared as a prototype, and in such a form will not go on sale, it looks quite complete model.


The ASUS N53 case has long been familiar to us. It was used for various configurations N53J. Not at all changed and the laptop chassis, which immediately stands out from the total mass original transition To hinges and lid. The design of our test model is largely similar to that of ASUS N73, 17-inch fellow N53. Externally, wave-like transitions of the side faces and the covers on their junction and huge speakers look very and very interesting.

Another feature of the housing is the materials from which it is manufactured. In the Palmrest and the display of ASUS displays, decided to use aluminum inserts. Grinded, slightly textured surface very pleasant to the touch. Plastic components of the housing are also made very high quality, as a result of which we have a very durable and strong design. The matte surface of the surfaces prevent the appearance of dirt and fingerprints on them, so an excellent appearance does not deteriorate in any way with time. Even with a thorough examination, we did not find any uneven gaps or flams in the detail decoration.

The maximum opening angle of the lid is 130 °, but this is enough for most use options, including on the go. A pleasant moment is that the loops hold well the display regardless of how much it is thrown into.

If you want to access the replaceable components inside the case - you will have to unscrew two screws hidden under rubber legs for this. After that, you can remove the hatch, followed by a hard disk and all four connectors for RAM RAM.

Communication capabilities

This is not surprising at first glance, the disadvantage of our 15-inch apparatus is not a small set of interfaces, but their not the most good location. So, most of the connectors for connecting the periphery are located in the front of the side of the housing. On the back faces there was a place for the power connector for power and VGA exit. If you connect many devices to a laptop with a laptop (mouse, printer, external monitor, network cable, etc.), a bunch of cables will grind the workspace both on the left and right from the device. And if the right-handers can use two USB ports on the left side of the N53SV (and one of them is SuperSpeed \u200b\u200bUSB 3.0), then the left-handers will have to come to terms, because on their side there are HDMI and RJ45.

Multimedia lovers will delight combined with SPDIF headphone out on the right side of the laptop body. Owners of old external hard disks With USB 2.0 / ESATA interfaces, you will have to either transfer data through a slow USB 2.0, or replace your storage devices to more modern (with USB 3.0). Unfortunately, there was no place for ExpressCard in our test model.

Internet and network

To connect to quick computer networks in ASUS N53, Gigabit Ethernet module from Realtek (RTL8168 / 8111 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Adapter) is used, and ATHEROS AR9002WB-1N wireless wireless network adapter. This allows data to transmit data in appropriate conditions with the highest possible speed. Also in order to connect different kinds of periphery there is a Bluetooth module. As for the built-in UMTS, nothing is clear, but it seems to work in such networks will have to use an external USB modem.

Asus Express Gate.

As in many other laptops from ASUS, in the N53 installed by ASUS Express Gate. It is a miniature operating system Based on Linux installed in a pair with Windows. Its peculiarity is that due to strongly cut opportunities, it is loaded very quickly. In the case of the N53SV, the ExpressGate desktop appears about 5 seconds after clicking on the corresponding button.

However, when using this mini OS, it is necessary to inform your requirements for the graphic component, as well as to functionality, otherwise you will be waiting for deep disappointment from the speed of work installed applications (Calendar, program for viewing images, browser, Facebook, YouTube and a few simple games). If you think that at the expense of this, high energy savings are achieved - you are mistaken. According to the results of our measurements, during the work of ExpressGate, the laptop consumed 17-26 watts, which is significantly larger than in Windows, working without load.


On the this moment It is not for sure that what guarantee will provide ASUS to your N53S. However, on a similar laptop N53J manufacturer gives 2 years warranty with the possibility of its extension to three years.

Input Devices


In our 15-inch ASUS model set a keyboard unit similar to the 17-inch N73 used. The only difference is to QWERTY-layout. However, it is explained by the fact that we had a pre-sale prototype on testing. A normal localized model will go on sale in each country.

Keyboard surprised us pretty soft and fuzzykeys. Due to the fact that the press is practically not felt, it is not very convenient to print on it. The fans of good keyboards may be disappointed if nothing changes on the way from our prototype to a commercial model. Also, some buttons are located to each other. too close, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shooter block. But in this 15-inch laptop there is a digital block that greatly simplifies the input of the speakers of numbers. Some game fans will also be added to additional buttons.


Above the left side of the keyboard is a few specialized buttons for controlling a laptop, such as the keys to increase and decrease the sound volume. Next there is a special key to control playback (PLAY / PAUSE). The left button allows you to select the power saving mode (high performance, office, energy saving, etc.). On the same strip on the right there is a power on and off button.


In our test model, the same touchpad is installed as in its older brother, N73. The touch panel supports a variety of multiplestone gestures. The touchpad is easy to distinguish from the surrounding area due to the fact that it is slightly immersed in it. His responsiveness and characteristics of sliding are at the middle level.


The ASUS N53 series presents configurations with HD and Full HD displays. Our test sample was equipped HD Display C. small resolutionequal to 1366 x 768 Points (Samsung SEC5441). Despite the fact that these displays are usually used in 15-inch laptops, the permissions are not enough for a normal desktop review. For example, when working with multiple applications simultaneously, you will almost certainly have to switch between windows, as you will arrange two full windows next to such a display. In addition, it will not be possible to fully enjoy FullHD - video with Blu-ray disk (if your configuration has an appropriate drive).

Let us turn to numerical indicators. Maximum brightnessthe display of our laptop was us fixed in the center of the screen and amounted to 225 kD / m 2. It slightly decreases towards the boundaries, and its smallest level for our test model is 165.2 kD / m 2. Thus, the uniformity of the illumination low- just 73%. The average brightness is 191.1 kD / m 2, so that according to this parameter, the display is at the level of average budget multimedia laptops.

cD / m²
cD / m²
cD / m²
cD / m²
cD / m²
cD / m²
cD / m²
cD / m²
cD / m²
Uniform illumination screen

According to measurements, the contrast of the display of our N53SV sample is also at an average level. The value of black is 1.31 kD / m 2, which leads to extremely average contrastequal 172:1 . With real use, this is noticeable, since the black color lacks clarity both in films and in games.

The display that installed ASUS into our test sample, also does not shine in relation to the transmitted color coverage. For example, it does not cover SRGB. About Adobe RGB can not even remember. For those who work professionally with images is unacceptable. However, the usual user with normal daily use laptop low gamma rates are hardly prevented.

Perhaps the main reason why ASUS N53SV is poorly suitable for use in the open air is a glossy screen coating. It causes unpleasant reflections when using a laptop in a bright environment, so even in the premises it makes sense to have its own workplace away from light sources.

For the viewing angles, the display also does not receive any points. They are not bad if deviate to the left or right in the horizontal axis, so that several people will want to watch a film - they will succeed. However, in the vertical axis, the slightest deviations from the perfect viewing angle lead to strong image distortions on the screen.


And now we go to the most interesting part of our review: to tests of a new mobile platform Huron River and processorfrom the family Sandy Bridge.from Intel. Before exposition technical information About new technologies, it should be noted that previously in compact 15-inch devices, powerful quad-core processors were extremely rare. It seems that now the situation has changed, which is very pleased.

The role of a graphic card increases over time. More and more applications make it possible to use the GPU computing potential, in addition to 3D games and editors. In the meantime, the key word in this regard is the word "game". ASUS decided to install graphic chip in N53SV last generation. More accurately, it is NVIDIA GT 540M.

System Information: ASUS N53SV

Among other things, our test sample ASUS N53SV has been equipped with 8 GB of RAM implemented using four planks of two gigabytes. Due to the presence of four connectors, with small attachments You can get a very powerful configuration at an attractive price.

Asus used as a storage device in our laptop hard 500 GB seagate disc. Despite the fact that it is produced by ordinary technology, it is one of the fastest disks in its class with 7200 rpm.

Processor performance

We give some information about the new Sandy Bridge processor.

Our N53SV is equipped with an I7-2720QM processor. By name it is clear that it is i7-720QM processor heir, that is, the mobile four-core processor of the entry level. In fact, it is in third place in terms of performance from the line of new Intel processors after I7-2820QM and i7-2920xm Extreme. In general, these three processors differ in the main clock frequency. Extreme version also has increased requirements for the efficiency of the cooling system, which will have to dispel 55 to heat. Thermal package ( TDP.) I7-2720QM is 45 Watt.What corresponds to modern quad-core processors on the Clarksfield core. By the way, our statement about the fact that in our test model, the initial level quader is installed not quite right. Intel plans announced the release of Mobile processors I7-2630QM and I7-2635QM. Both are 2720QM with low processor frequencies, memory controller and embedded adapter video.

The cost of 2720QM processor is 378 dollarsAt the same price, 740QM is now sold. Both 263xqm will certainly be cheaper, although we do not know exactly the exact cost.

Of all new details, most of all in the new quad-core processor on the architecture of Sandy Bridge from Intel, striking built-in graphics. Its productivity has grown to the level of video cards of the initial price range. TEMPROTSESSS decreased before 32 nanometer. Among other things, Turbo the function of the processor has been improved, "Cache of the Last Level"(Earlier, the L3 cache) became faster and now he is common. Also, the frequency of the built-in memory controller rose to 1600 MHz.

Early leakage shows that the performance of new processors is significantly higher than that of the predecessors. Next, we will describe in detail what has changed on the example of our test sample ASUS N53SV.

Superpi, WPRime

Let's start with classic processor performance tests, WPRIME and SUPERPI. WPRIME 1024M test Our system from ASUS has passed for 423.511 seconds. The processor installed in it in this test was overtaken by many mobile extreme models. However, by virtue of quite a large scatter, observed in these tests, we will not further consider this result. However, an interesting point: ASUS N53SV took 463.879 seconds to do the same amount of computation with active graphics from Intelwhat about 10% slower. Next, this trend is traced in almost all tests. This means that the processor cannot function at full capacity when the integrated graph is involved, which can be considered a disadvantage for systems without discrete graphics, which, however, requires maximum performance.

Our test specimen from ASUS took 647 seconds to calculate the number of pi with an accuracy of up to 32 million decimal in the test Superpi. (652 C active built-in graphics). Comparison of this result with our database puzzles: Intel i7-940xm, before that the most powerful processor for the totality of tests, managed to complete all calculations for 600 seconds. This corresponds to about 10% performance gain. However, more fair will compare the processor of our test model with i7-740qm. It takes an average of 816 seconds to pass Superpi. Do not believe you want nobut that means i7-2720qm more productive by 26%.


Cinebench test packets are also designed to evaluate processor performance. Also, they allow tests of only one nucleus, or all possible streams (8).

ASUS N53 with an I7-2720QM processor scored 5215 points in the test of one cinebench R10 (64-bit version). This result suggests that Intel Sandy Bridge processors do not leave any chance of all their predecessors. The best result in our database was recorded for the 640M processor in the XMG P500 Pro laptop and amounted to 4606 points. 940 xm As part of XMG8.C received 4479 points. The best result of the undectered 740QM was 3885 points, also as part of XMG8.c. In this way, performance growth is about 34%. Interesting detail: In the same test, ASUS N53 receives only 4204 points (-20%!) With an active embedded graph.

However B. multi-core test (64-bit version)The results are even more impressive. ASUS N53SV ranked the highest line in our table with a result in 19061 point. Previously, the first place was occupied by XMG8.C with Intel i7-740xm with 14120 points. As part of the same Intel I7-740QM device, only 11052 points can be dial. In this way, performance growth amounted to 72%. And again, with an active embedded graph, we see a significant difference: 15819 points, 17% less than when using GT 540m.

In the latest version Cinebench R11.5.there is also a processor performance test. Our test model has deserved an impressive assessment of 5.64. Intel 940xm As part of XMG8.C Ultra was able to dial only 4.1 points in it. The best result is 740QM and that below - 3.2 points (Sony F12Z). Performance growth: 76%! What is interesting, the switching of graphics has practically did not affect the results of this test: the laptop scored 5.6 points with the built-in intel graphics.

PcMark Vantage.

So, in synthetic computing tests, the processor performance is at an extremely high level, often higher than many workstations with chips on the Clarksfield architecture. However, as you know, a powerful system requires not only a productive processor. Therefore, we continue our testing using PCMark Vantage package. It loads all components of the system using a series of tests.

According to his results, ASUS N53SV also ranks first in our tables with overall results in 8737 points. Only devices similar to Alienware M17X or unusual office laptops are slightly ahead of our test model through the use of SSD drives. Detailed analysis Results shows that the high estimates of ASUS N53SV is not responsible for a not hard disk. 4110 points in the dough of the storage subsystem just correspond to the average result for this class Data storage devices. Even otherwise in categories: games, music, communication capabilities and performance - in those that are greatly dependent on the processor used.

When PCMark test passes with integrated Intel HD Graphics 3000 graphics, the total score slightly decreases to 8548 points (-2%). At the same time, the score in the gaming podesta (-15%) is quite noticeable, and for an incomprehensible reason, significantly increases in the TV subword (+ 40%).

The SEAGATE ST9500420AS hard drive installed in the laptop demonstrates good results for disks produced according to standard technology with a capacity of 500 GB and the spindle speed of 7200 rpm. A significant increase in the performance of the storage system can be obtained only when using a hybrid or SSD drive.

Graphic Performance - NVIDIA GeForce GT 540M

ASUS N53SV has intended two interesting video events united by nVIDIA technology Optimus. it built-in graphicsIntel Graphics 3000 whose capabilities are more than enough for ordinary office work. Its use allows you to unload the system, which will lead to a decrease in power consumption and heat dissipation. If you need high graphic performance, you can use the medium-sized discrete video card, NVIDIA GeForce GT 540m. An example of applications in which you will receive an explicit return from a specialized graphics adapter can be programs using computing using GPUs or a variety of 3D games.

Why do we say that this is a graphics card from the upper middle range? If you follow the commissioned order, then by the result 3DMark 2006 test(1280x1024), which is 8423 points, our video card is noticeably ahead of ATI Mobility Radeon HD5650 (about 6480 points) and GeForce GT 435M (7486 points). Especially this will delight the fans of computer games. In the latest version of 3DMark Vantage, our ASUS N53 scored 4458 points (Physx off). This corresponds to the level of fairly old GTX 260M and 9800M GTX, at one time representatives of the High End class. GT 435m As part of the Dell XPS 15 slightly lags behind with 3914 points, while ATI Mobility HD 5850 in Acer Aspire 7745g leads with a result of 4963 points.

In general, GT 540m promises quite good performance. Check it in gaming tests.

System Information: Graphics

Performance in games

The above results in synthetic tests are really impressive. However, how will it all look in practice, say, in games? Is the real level of performance in tests in tests, or is it possible to optimize the drivers for their more efficient passage?

Left 4 Dead.

Let's start with a couple of older games. GT 540m managed to issue an average of 107.6 frames per second at high quality settings (1024x768, High) in L4D. Even the built-in Intel Graphics 3000 provides a rather smooth gameplay with 69.3 FPS. The best result of the predecessor, GMA HD, in this test at similar settings amounted to 23 frames per second. The increase is about 200%. NVIDIA G310M in this game has proven itself much worse with 42 fps. Only GT330M manage to give out something similar - in the 70 FPS area.

Also, when playing in the embedded graph, the image for some reason was much darker than when playing on a discrete. In such conditions, L4D places becomes almost non-chamber. Let's hope in future versions of the driver this error will be corrected.

Farcry 2.

Farcry 2 adventure shooter is more demanding to the gland. In the appropriate GeForce GT 540m test, it was possible to issue an average of about 57.8 frames per second (1024x768, DX10, HIGH). Amazing Fact: GeForce GTX 280M in similar conditions was able to give about the same amount - 62 FPS. Apparently, here we see either a large influence of the central processor, or amazing optimization of the drivers.

Sims 3 rather makes sense to test with integrated Intel graphics. The game still did not lose his fans even after an envious supplement. For GT 540m, it does not constitute any problem - the video card allows you to play with 57.1 FPS even at high graphics settings (1280x1024, HIGH). However, in this test, our video adapter has not really justified expectations, since even ATI HD 4670 gives a little more - 62 FPS.

Anno 1404.

Anno 1404 still remains one of the most demanding economic strategies. Therefore, it is not surprising that even a powerful GeForce GT 540m begins to stumble at high graphics settings (1280x1024, Very High) with a result of 25.2 FPS. Intel HD Graphics 3000 woves far behind from 8.8 fps. In this test, the GT 540M has a set of results at the HD 5650 level.

Need for Speed: Shift

Racing from the NFS series have always been sufficiently demanding to the graphics subsystem. In our test at high quality settings (1366x768, High, 4x AA), GeForce GT 540m managed to issue an average of about 27.1 FPS, which is not very accompanied by a smooth gameplay. According to the results, GT 540M is located in our table somewhere between ATI HD 5730 (21 FPS) and GeForce GT 445M (32 FPS).

1366x768.aLL ON / HIGH, 4XAA, TRILINIARAF27.1 FPS.
1024x768.all ON / MED, 2XAA, TRILINIARAF36.4 FPS
800x600.all Off / Low, 0xaa, Triliniaraf59.8 FPS.


We will continue with the representative of the family of racing games. At high graphics quality settings (1366x768, High, 2XAA) GT 540m failed to issue a more or less impressive result, as it was enough for only 32.1 FPS, which corresponds to GT 445M and GTS 360M. In the built-in graphics of Intel Graphics 3000 demo version of the game did not even start by giving an error.

1360x768.HIGH PRESET, 2XAA32.1 FPS.
1024x768.MEDIUM PRESET, 0XAA70.1 FPS.
800x600.Low Present, 0xaa113 FPS.

Resident Evil 5.

In the appropriate test, our system has demonstrated the result of 34.9 FPS at high graphics settings (1366x768, DX10, HIGH). At the same time, you can easily enjoy a fairly smooth gameplay. If you compare this figure with the available in our database, the NVIDIA GT 420M is suitable closest to GT 540m.

Football fans prefer to play their favorite PC team as comfortable as possible. GT 540m easily can provide for them smooth gameplay (1366x768, high, 2x AA) with an average result in 129.5 FPS. In accordance with our database, only laptops equipped with GTX 460M give an approximately similar level of performance in this test. Apparently, high power of the processor strongly affects.

In this heiress of the famous gangster adventure game on our test system, it will be possible to play with an average frame change frequency in 34.8 FPS even at high quality settings (1366x768, High, 16 x AF). In this test, GT 540 is ahead of HD 5650, while at the same time with GT 435M and ATI HD 5730. Unfortunately, the Intel's built-in graphics also failed.


The BLIZZARD multiplayer strategy is very smoothly on ASUS N53SV even at high quality settings (1366 x 768, High) with an average frame change frequency equal to 34.9. Thus, GT 540M in this test catch up with GT 435M and leaves HD 5650 far behind.

Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2

The game laptop is simply obliged to reproduce COD normally with good quality settings. ASUS N53S copes with this task without any difficulty. On average, the frame rate of frames was in our test 40.8 FPS (1366x768, HIGH, 4X AA). This means that the performance reserve is very large. According to the results of our previous tests, perhaps only GT 335M made it possible to achieve approximately similar results, while HD 5650 again remained behind.

800x600.all Off / Low vsync Off, Low Textures, 0xaa133.9 FPS.

Battlefield Bad Company 2

BFBC2 is a game of the same genre. On our experience, she is more demanding than Call of Duty. In the event of our test system, we watched the same thing. N53S was able to issue 31.9 FPS with high detail (1366 x 768, High, 4x AF). This, in principle, is enough for a smooth game process on average, but no reserve for brief moments of high gaming activity remains. Approximately the same is observed on systems with HD 5650, the results of which in this game are similar to GT 540M.

Call of Duty - Black Ops

The Latest Edition of the Call of Duty Series Is About Par with Its Predcessor in Terms of Hardware Requirements. Our Benchmark Test Provides Smooth 52.4 Frames Per Second in High Graphic Details (1366x768, High 2x AA, 2x AF) And Pushes The GeForce GT 540m Clearly Above The Level of An ATI HD 5650 (40 FPS). HOWEVER, IT LAGS BEHIND THE GT 445M (57 FPS).

Call of Duty: Black Ops
1360x768.hIGH, 2XAA, 4XAF52.4 FPS.
1024x768.mEDIUM, 0XAA, 0XAF68.1 FPS.
800x600.low (All Off), 0xaa, 0xaf86.1 FPS.

Conclusion in performance in games

Our practical gaming tests confirmed what the synthetic test packets were told. ASUS N53SV puts new bar For compact multimedia laptopsnot least thanks to the Intel Huron River platform and powerful processor Sandy Bridge, as well as a new video card NVIDIA GeForce GT 540m. Also, our test system has influenced standards for product rating.

Video adapter GT 540m. usually Game tests show better performance than ATI HD 5650.. Its potential is quite enough for many modern games, which you can smoothly play even on your native HD permission with high graphics settings.

Due to the fact that the new quad-core processor Intel Sandy Bridge has exceptionally high performance - this should be considered when evaluating the written material, including tests. All devices with which our ASUS N53SV compared, were equipped with processors on the Clarksfield or Arrandale architecture.

min. environments high. max.
Far Cry 2 (2008) 133.2 57.8 fPS.
Left 4 Dead (2008) 151.7 107.6 fPS.
SIMS 3 (2009) 422.7 112.2 57.1 fPS.
Anno 1404 (2009) 173.1 25.4 fPS.
COLIN MCRAE: DIRT 2 (2009) 113 70.1 32.1 fPS.
NEED FOR SPEED SHIFT (2009) 59.8 36.4 27.1 fPS.
Resident Evil 5 (2009) 151.8 49.2 fPS.
COD MODERN WARFARE 2 (2009) 133.9 49.6 40.8 fPS.
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (2010) 44.8 31.9 fPS.
Starcraft 2 (2010) 47.4 fPS.
Mafia 2 (2010) 65 42.7 34.8 fPS.
FIFA 11 (2010) 408.9 204.9 129.5 fPS.
Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010) 86.1 68.1 52.4 fPS.

Noise level and temperature

System noise level

As for the noise level when working asus N53SV, I must say that our test model is planted a good ace in the sleeve: NVIDIA Optimus.. In the case when at the moment you do not need high graphic performance, the system uses the built-in Intel HD Graphics 3000 graphics. The user may not even notice the switch, if it does not include special tools for visual display of this event.

Thus, with undemanding office operation, the video card is completely excluded as a heat source, so the cooling system is only necessary to dispel 45 watts generated central processor. Among other things, Intel has built various energy-saving modes into Sandy Bridge processors, which allows them to reduce the clock frequency up to 800 MHz, when not needed high performance. Also, the 32-nanometer technological process of manufacturing chips also contributes its contribution. As a result, the amount of heat that needs to be scattered by the cooling system turns out to be very small. For undemanding office workor in a simple ASUS N53SV or completely disconnects the fan or the last works on low revs, when it is practically not heard. In this case, the main source of noise is a hard disk from 7200 rpm, which, when working there is quite loud sounds.

Under the load, the cooling system fan is significantly accelerated, but the noise level does not exceed any critical quantities, remaining within 38.2 dB (A). We managed to achieve the maximum volume of the cooling system only when stressing the components (100% loading of the processor and video card), and it was 41.3 dB (A). However, in real use, you hardly be able to bring your laptop to this state.

Noise level


32.8 / 32.8 / 34.7 dB

Noise from HDD. 33.1 DB
DVD-drive noise 38.4 / DB.
38.2 / 41.3 dB

30 db.

40 dB (a)

50 dB (a)

mIN:, MED:, MAX: VOLTCRAFT SL-300 (15 cm from noise source)


The temperature of the laptop surfaces during conventional office work is at a sufficiently low level and does not exceed 30 ° C. Moreover, when passing the stress test, the temperature also remains rather low. Maximum temperature top panel The base part of the housing was 34.3 ° C, and the bottom - 43.5 ° C.

During the stress load on the components of the laptop, we recorded the maximum temperature of the processor, which made 87 ° C. The GT 540M video card warmed up to 67 ° C, which is also not a reason for anxiety. However, with detailed consideration gPU kernel frequencies, obvious samples of frequency are noticeable compared with the standard, starting approximately an hour after the start. stress test.

However, the losses of performance can not be afraid, since the result of the 3DMark test, spent immediately after the end of the stress test, turned out to be almost equal to the result of a similar test on the cold system. So, apparently, the lowering of the frequency takes place only while simultaneously loading the processor and the video card is 100% - which is extremely rarely happening in practice.

34.3 ° C.32.5 ° C.29.7 ° C.
32.7 ° C.34 ° C.29.8 ° C.
30.1 ° C.31.7 ° C.27.8 ° C.
Maximum: 34.3 ° C
On average: 31.4 ° C
25.8 ° C.31.6 ° C.41.1 ° C.
27.2 ° C.36.1 ° C.43.5 ° C.
25.7 ° C.30.2 ° C.30.9 ° C.
Maximum: 43.5 ° C
On average: 32.5 ° C

Power Supply (Max) 42.3 ° C | Pace. air 21.5 ° C | Raytek Raynger St.

26.8 ° C.27.7 ° C.27.8 ° C.
27.3 ° C.27.3 ° C.26.8 ° C.
26.4 ° C.27.4 ° C.26.7 ° C.
Maximum: 27.8 ° C
On average: 27.1 ° C
27.1 ° C.27.9 ° C.28.2 ° C.
27.2 ° C.28.2 ° C.28.4 ° C.
26.2 ° C.26.6 ° C.28.1 ° C.
Maximum: 28.4 ° C
On average: 27.5 ° C

Notebooks N Laptops are the best that can offer ASUS demanding home user. They are inherent in typical attributes of middle-class consumer models: stylish corporate design, powerful, but inexpensive hardware components, high-quality built-in columns. What is interesting, the line includes laptops of several sizes - with a screen 14 ", 15.6", 17.3 "and even 18", however the lineup Updated infrequently and, as a rule, incomprehensible with the release of new hardware platforms. Nevertheless, despite the fairly high price, this is one of the most popular homemade series of laptops of the upper price range.

In our review will be considered a 15-inch model of the N53S series, built on the Intel Huron River platform and equipped with a switchable graphics (Discrete middle class video card). This laptop Available in several configuration options and has a wide range of prices. Our instance belongs to relatively affordable: it has a regular resolution screen, a junior processor, a GeForce GT 540M video card and an inexpensive hard disk.

We will compare N53SV with two direct analogues having a similar level of execution and price range. The first laptop is no less popular HP Pavilion DV6 series 6000, the second is less known with us, but the Dell XPS 15 / L502X is popular in the US.


Initially, the N53 series laptops were based on Intel Calpella, because they went to the market back in 2010, before the new Intel platform appears. Modernization has passed transparently, without bringing anything new in the design and functionality. The N53S series laptops are equipped with a 15.6 "screen, 2- or 4-core second-generation Core processor switched by NVIDIA Optimus video card, standard hard disk and optical drive. The main "china" of this series is the use of speakers developed with the participation of the famous company Bang & Olufsen.

Note several interesting detailsdistinguished by ASUS N53S from analogs. First, many configurations come with Full HD (1920 × 1080) (1920 × 1080), while HP, for example, as part of the Pavilion DV6 line, does not offer such screens. Secondly, the laptop Asus has four memory slots at once (usually two of them), which allows you to equip it with 16 GB of memory. True, it is possible only for 4-nuclear core processors I7 Series 2700, 2800 and 2900, the remaining Intel processors support only 8 GB of memory.

All N53S series laptops support NVIDIA Optimus technology. The activation of the discrete video card is performed by programmatically, in accordance with the settings for specific applications. At the same time, ASUS only has a LED indication of the type of graphics card operating at a particular point in time. The N53SV model participating in testing is equipped with a GeForce GT 540M video card, while the N53SN model is set to a more powerful GeForce GT 550M.

The functionality of the tested laptop is quite modest, without any interesting finds from the developers. According to the possibilities of connecting the periphery, it is inferior to its main competitors. The ASUS laptop has four USB ports, but only one matches the USB 3.0 specification, as well as two video output (VGA, HDMI). Standard 2-channel audio codec serves two analog ports and one digital output S / PDIF.

There is no ExpressCard slot from this model, ESATA and DisplayPort interfaces are not supported, it is impossible to connect multichannel acoustics with analog inputs. Yes, there are configurations with a built-in, not an external TV tuner, but they are rarely on sale.

Design, Design, Materials

From the point of view of the design of the model of the N53 series, almost flawlessly performed. The appearance of the housing is original, moderately strict, well recognizable. The feelings of cumbersome, heavyness inherent in 17-inch laptops N73, does not occur because the proportions are wicked successfully.

The thick durable cover is covered with a smooth sheet of steel aluminum with a matte lacquered surface and transverse polishing. The inner side of the glossy black cover, like all ASUS's consumer laptops.

The central part of the interior is a massive wide "thief" in the end of the housing, located in the recess behind the keyboard. Under the metal perforated steel panel, the dynamics of the laptop are located, the ends of the "outflow" are closed with simple glossy plastic.

The keyboard has a non-standard design with flat keys, bevented in front. It is made of high-quality dark gray plastic and framed by the same plastic on the sides. The wrist panel is a separate part of a dark gray lacquered metal with barely noticeable small polishing. A small grungy touchpad is equipped with a solid mirror button.

A thin mirror strip is located between the keyboard and the perforated speaker panel, into which four indicators are integrated, the power button, the power module key and the multimedia control button.

A wide flat body around the perimeter is covered by a plastic decorative frame under the color of the lid. In general, the laptop looks noble, expensive and solid, has many details of various textures, made of durable and very high-quality materials.

Many users appreciate the practicality and unpretentiousness of laptops. In the case of ASUS, a certain compromise between "glossy" appearance and practicality has been reached. It almost does not get a lid, but on the panel under the wrists of fingerprints and rubber shock absorbers of the cover with time appear. Well, the screen frame, understandable, requires constant care.

ASUS N53SV is one of the largest and most heavy laptops not only in its class, but also in its generation. It is very wide, quite thick and weighs as a mobile workstation. The design of the device has good, although not perfect rigidity, is practically not deformed in neither angles, nor around the keyboard. The lid has an excellent hinge, securely fixed in the open, and in the closed position. A large compartment on the bottom provides access to a hard disk and RAM, but not to the cooling system.

The quality of the performance and assembly of the body is very high. Only one traditional detail spoils the overall sense of reliability and quality - keyboard. It has a flexing substrate, which "walks the wave" when typing. Of course, with budget laptops there is a more sad situation, but N53 can not be called cheap.

Screen and sound

Our N53SV instance was equipped with a Samsung LCD matrix with a resolution of 1366x768 points, while the Full HD matrices are installed in more expensive configurations. The quality of the screen in this case is contradictory, but visually the picture is quite good.

Saturated, realistic colors in photos, viewing angles horizontally slightly above average, less pronounced than usual, coldness (only dark shades seem purple), normal contrast. The calibrator showed a good color coverage, almost exact gamut and effective compensation for color color illumination. The actual contrast is true, at the average level, and the vertical angle of review, as usual, is very small.

The dynamics of Bang & Olufsen provide an ASUS notebook clean, pleasant sound, and the Sonic Master settings brand panel adds expressiveness and volume (although minor distortion makes). There is some volume of volume, there are bass, let weak and shallow - still a low-frequency speaker would not hurt.

Keyboard and touchpad, indication, optional buttons

In many ASUS laptops, an island keyboard is used, however, in the N series models (as well as in budget "twins" of the series a and x), the keyboard design of the keyboard. Flat keys with gaps less than 1 mm have a characteristic bevel in front, square-shaped with straight corners, a pleasant, slightly rough surface. The keyboard mechanism is kind - moderately tight, with a mechanical clock and conventional movement (2 mm).

Two points deliver inconvenience when typing. First, when you complete the key, the key hits the edge or corners of the adjacent keys. Secondly, the base of the keyboard is greatly bent and springs almost all over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas. In the layout, too, there are nuances: the digital field is reduced by width, the cursor keys are integrated into the common field (and the "right" key is separated from the rest, as it enters into the digital field), the navigation keys are strongly reduced.

A positive impression produces, as usual, labeling keys - with original Latin font and contrasting green Cyrillic, understandable icons. Hot combinations quite a lot, because ASUS offers a whole set of utilities for setting up and control the screen, webcam, power consumption, speakers, etc.

The indication consists of two blocks. One, according to tradition, is placed under the touchpad and includes the power LEDs, battery charge, access to the disk and Wi-Fi. Lock indicators are placed in a mirror strip over the keyboard. Nearby there is a video card LED: when connecting discrete graphics, it lights up white, and when only the built-in graphics works, it acquires blue.

The ASUS laptop touchpad has relatively small dimensions (84x45 mm) and is located in the recess, to the left will slightly shift. The device is executed by ELAN, has a rough surface and high sensitivity. The software component is implemented not bad, especially in terms of multitouch: scrolling, scaling, rotation, page splitting work clearly and predictably.

Interfaces and ports

As we have already written above, the ASUS laptop is closer to the middle ports than to the top class. The location of the ports is traditional, although at the end of the case there is enough space to make most connectors there. On the left face, in front of a large ventilation grille, placed uSB ports 2.0 and USB 3.0, card reader, network socket and HDMI output. The ports are located close enough to each other, which can interfere with the connection of the periphery.

As I already wrote, at some point I had to get acquainted with the replacement of my traveling netbook Acer Aspire 1810T on something obviously more powerful. The netbook was simply excellent, it was a pity to sell, but I found out that if it was suitable for small trips, it's not better - a small, lightweight, excellent battery life, - then for full-fledged work away from the home computer park it is actually not It is suitable. Basically because of the small screen resolution (1366x768), the small size of the display (11.6 "), and not a particularly smart processor. I am at home - the Apple Cinema Monitor with FullHD resolution (1920x1080), and I am so accustomed to these vast Desktop's expanses, which even on displays from 1680x900, it's not particularly comfortable for me, and already 1366x768 - on such screens, my ordinary working applications are so easy to really fit. In addition, at some point, the importance of the factors of the duration of the battery is almost Due to the fact that I always drive the iPad with you, which provides ten hours of viewing video. The question of choosing and buying a handy of a powerful laptop, which would answer the following tasks.

  • Permission FullHD.
  • Display 15.5-17 "
  • Good processor
  • Relatively smart and rather hard drive
  • Silentness at work
  • At least three USB ports
  • Minimum 4 GB of Memory
  • Geeky
Weight, the duration of the battery did not have much importance. The price, in general, too, but I still wanted more or less optimal ratio of price and quality. As part of the selection of a suitable application, I "spoke" somewhere five models different manufacturers. For two of them, he wrote reviews - Sony VAIO VPC-F13S1R / B and EuroCom W86cu Couguar. Designation from Sony, in general, was not bad, but, as usual, dear, and besides, I am strongly annoyed by these Sony's playing with all sorts of protection, because of what I can't watch the original DVD on its drive, which includes the fifth zone . Well, and some more kosyachki, because of this, get out of all Sony Vaio, so it was not the main challenger for the victory. EuroCom I did not consider at all as an option - for many reasons set out in the review. At one time, leaning towards Samsung (there is a lot of interesting models) - just because I consider the laptops of this company the best in terms of price and quality ratio (I bought them to relatives and friends many times - I have never been disappointed anything), but there was one serious problem - Samsung has no appointments at all with FullHD, only 1680x900. I didn't want half-term - FullHD said, it means FullHD. Twicted ThinkPad - but as I originally understood that it was absolutely not mine, it was impressed and preserved. Also seriously considered the new top MacBook Pro, which stands as a plane, but I'm not going to move on MacOS in the near future I'm not exactly accurate (for many reasons you can write a separate article), and put on this laptop Windows 7 - stupid, yes And at the same time, he loses a significant part of its advantages (the duration of the battery, the speed of work, and so on). As a result, after considering the parameters of a number of well-known brands, I have only two options. Or ASUS N53SV series (there are several options for configuration), or new desktops from Acer, but Acer has new models delayed much, so I have almost left options. As a result, I went to twist in my hands and choose ASUS N53SV. There are generally offered three main models on the processors I3, I5 and I7 with a display of 15.6 ", which can be with a resolution of both 1366x768 and 1920x1080. Well, the rest of the configuration options may vary as pleased: memory, graphics, hard size disk drive. On I7, the memory was usually 6-8 GB and the laptop was completed with a Blu-ray-drive (writing or non-scratch), and 4 GB of memory and DVD-RW usually stood on I5. At the price, they were distributed in the following ranges: i3 - 25-30 thousand rubles (depending on the configuration); i5 - 30-35 thousand rubles (depending on the configuration); I7 - 40-45 thousand rubles (depending on the configuration). It is clear that I had a choice between models on I5 and I7. At first I wanted to just take a top version on I7, but then I thought that between i5 and i7 purely the difference would not be particularly big (I have a home computer on i5), 6-8 GB of memory I seem to be as you do not need, but Blu -Ray-drive, the more writing, I'm completely completely nothing, because I'm not going to watch Br-discs on this laptop. As a result, I stopped on the following ASUS N53SV configuration: Core i5 2410m 2.3 GHz / 15.6 "/ 1920x1080 / 4096MB / 500GB / DVD-RW / Wi-Fi / Win 7 HP. Cost this machine then in the area of \u200b\u200b35 thousand rubles that me It was quite satisfied. And now let's consider in more detail what this model represents, and I will share my impressions from working on it. Deskna ASUS N53SV..


Operating system: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
CPU: Dual-core Intel Core i5-2410m (2.3 GHz) (Sandy Bridge)
Memory: DDR3-1066 / 1333 4 GB (expanding to 8 GB)
HDD: 500 GB S-ATA 7200 RPM
Drive unit: DVD-RW
Display: 15.6 "16: 9 / Full HD (1920x1080) LED Backlight Asus Splendid Video Intelligent Technology, Glossy
Network: Gigabit Ethernet, Wi-Fi 802.11b / g / n, Bluetooth
Webcam: 2 MPIX
Ports: Ethernet, three USB 2.0, one USB 3.0, VGA, HDMI, Line Out, Microphone
Slots: 3-in-1 Card Reader (SD / MS / MMC)
Battery: Li-Ion 5200 mA · h
Dimensions: 391 x 266 x 305 mm
Weight: 2.7 kWhto here more or less exotic? Yes, except for USB 3.0 - these ports just started to appear, and they are very useful, because there are already external disks with USB 3.0 support on the market, and they have five times higher than that of USB 2.0. in the rest of the configuration More or less common. The hard disk is 7,200 revolutions, and not 5400, as usual in laptops. But let's see if it will not lead to overheating. There is a glossy here that I don't like many users, but the matte display is now very difficult to find, and my gloss is not particularly annoying. Although I, like other users, I absolutely do not understand this fashion and do not understand why manufacturers refuse to release frosted displays, which, of course, are not so saturated colors, but they do not glare unlike glossy. We note that weight For such a model - relatively small: less than 3 kilograms. Appearance, Indicators and Management ASUS laptops always looked very decently, and this one is no exception. Silver aluminum lid, gray keyboard plastic, a pretty solution with the speaker panel, glossy black plastic front of the display - in general, quite a business laptop.

Back view

View from above

The touchpad is almost normal, but there is one long button here, which is distinguished by pressing on the left and right parts. As far as I remember, Apple applied first, but now they have abandoned the buttons that are now hidden under the touchpad field.


Below Touchpad - Indicators: operating mode, Battery, Hard disk, Wireless networks. The keyboard also goes a line of indicators / buttons. On the right side - Numlock, Capslock, the video system mode indicator (lights blue when the built-in graphics adapter works, when the discrete adapter works), the power button, it is the power indicator.

Indicators on the right

On the left on this line the buttons go: power saving mode (it is - turning on the simplified shell when loading), turn off the volume, decrease volume, increase the volume, play / pause.

Control buttons

The keyboard at this model is in my opinion, very good. The distance between the keys is literally in a millimeter (I do not like separately the standing keys, how to make Sony and Apple), the location of the keys - tolerant (here the main thing is the Ctrl the most left key, and not Fn, like some models) .NostBook is rather big, so There was a full-length keyboard with Numpad (digital part). Many users will grieve that it would be better instead of Numpada made all sorts useful keysBut they are actually there there is enough to press Numlock, and the digital part is replaced by cursors, pgp-pgdown, home-end and so on. In this mode, this part of the keyboard is convenient.


The key to the keys is not bad, soft, but many users do not like much that when printing, the entire bottom of the keyboard seems to seek, creating a feeling of harness and unreliability. I don't like it, on the one hand, also not very much, but on the other - my laptop plows two months in a very fast set of text for 14 hours a day - and nothing, the keyboard lives. Now we will go through the ports. They are located in the left, right and rear ends. Vesering end - meals, VGA-out, castle. Right - Headphones, Microphone, Two USB 2.0, DVD Drive, Enable / Disable Wireless Networks. Left end - grille of the cooler, HDMI, Ethernet, card reader, USB 2.0, USB 3.0.


The location of the ports is convenient, two USB on each side is generally excellent. But Esata and Firewire, but they do not need them completely. USB 3.0 - ESATA is calmly replaced, and I can use FireWire at all with something. In the top of the display there is a camera that is also closed by a special curtain. I don't know why it may need, it's easier, in my opinion, the camera simply does not include if it is not needed.


Device operation Here it looks like a desktop of the loaded textbook.


There are two specific gadgets: one to switch the maximum performance mode and battery saving mode, the other - with a demonstration of the TURBO Boost mode, it is an automatic increase in the processor's work frequency over the nominal (intelligent self-regulatory). First - standard from Windows 7. We get it.


Compare with Sony Vaio, which I overlooked.

Sony VAIO VPC-F13S1R / B

Sony has enough ordinary graphics. The rest is almost one in one, except that the performance of three-dimensional graphics and graphics for games here is slightly better. Create with my worker desktop.

Worker desktop

Well, with the previous netbook - just in order to understand what they changed. The difference is very noticeable, and almost in all respects.

Acer Aspire 1810t.

The tests of the processor and graphics were driven through the Cinebench program. It, however, compared the results with significantly more powerful processors and graphic chips.

Test processor

Test graphics

Programs and featuresFrom the management programs that are sitting in the notification area, the Realtek HD Manager, Wireles Console, ASUS Sonic Master.Realtekhd - Control of sound output modes.

Realtek HD.

Wireless Console - turn on-off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Wireless Console.

ASUS Sonic Master is an improvement in sound with special technologies.

ASUS Sonic Master

Of installed programs Detected as follows. Ai Recovery Burner. - Creation backup Installed system. By the way, the system restore can be run from the hard disk using the F9 key when rebooting or from the included DVD. ASUS Life, Frame - Work with a webcam and a simple editor. Removing video, photo, processing. There is a write mode when motion is detected.


Asus Smartlogon. - Recognition of the user to face when entering the system. It can store several images, knows how to let the password, if your face suddenly has changed unchanged. By the way, it is configured and works quite clearly. I specifically poking her face - nothing, more or less tracks. At the time of configuration, there are twenty of your photos, and the more diverse expressions you will demonstrate, the less likely the error probability.


ASUS FastBoot - in a convenient form manages downloads and services when starting the system.


Power4Gear Hybrid. - advanced nutrition management utility in various modes and using different profiles.

Power4Gear Hybrid.

- Thin setting of color reproduction.

ASUS SPLENDID Video Enhancement

Elan Smartpad. - An application that allows you to customize gestures on the touchpad. However, I do not use the touchpad, so I could not appreciate how convenient it is.

Elan Smartpad.

ASUS Videomagic. - A whole set of CyberLink utilities for working with video and images: view video, recording on DVD and CD various types of data, video processing and music, video conversion, creation of photo albums and so on.

ASUS Videomagic.

In general, the set is not bad. At least, the overwhelming majority of programs and utilities may well come in handy. Well, and more of the features, you can note the pretty icons of various modes that are populated on the screen when adjusting the sound, change the power mode, and so on.

Increase the volume of sound

Battery power transition

VideoHere are two subsystems video: Intel HD Graphics 3000 integrated graphics chipset and discrete NVIDIA GeForce GT 540m. In the usual mode, an integrated chipset operates (to save resources), and when its power is not enough, the system switches to the discrete 540m, and this is reflected in the special indicator that I wrote. Rigging FullHD is exactly what I need. Someone said what permission on the screen is 15.6 "- nonsense, because it will be too small. However, I work with such a resolution, setting the standard letter size (by default letters exhibited slightly enlarged, but I hate this option), and It is more than satisfied with me. Finally, everything is placed on the laptop on the screen! From the point of view of playing a video here, everything is in perfect order - a laptop reproduces any rollers up to 1080p. When showing FullHD in the "Matryoshka" container, the processor is loaded 40-43 percent.

Games do not interest me as a class, however, I looked around a couple to see how desknotes would pull them. It turned out that there were no discomfort here, "even heavy graphic toys N53SV pulls if not in the maximum, then in high quality quality without any brakes. SoundThis descoter is oriented, including various multimedia applications - it is noticeable, the sound is very very decent. At maximum volume, the level and sound quality is quite sufficient for several people to view the video from it, the speakers do not hoars and do not rattle. WebcamThe webcam works well, the image quality clearly corresponds to 2 megapixels.


ASUS EXPRES GATE CLOUD This is a special simplified mode of operation, which can be called when you turn on or restart the laptop with a special key. I first thought that at the same time there would be any media player, allowing you to view movies and listen to music, - otherwise why still do fast loading? However, it turned out that a system called Express Gate Cloud, with which you turn your advanced desktow in Some unfinished tablet without a touchscreen display.

Desktop Express Gate Cloud

What is characteristic, you can not see the video. But you can twist the photos, play some primitive toys, and most importantly - with the help of saved bookmarks, cause some sites in a primitive browser. Well, on the line, I ask you? Loading Operations on this laptop goes less than a minute, and why cause this stub, which can really know how? I better load a normal system. Autonomous work Autonomous work I usually test in three different modes.

    Reading mode without wireless networks. Office mode with wireless networks and active use of the Internet. Video viewing mode (TV series).
The brightness of the screen at the same time I exhibit on my usual comfortable level, but here the brightness was removed on the full - the display is not so bright. And what happened to me?
    Reading mode - 3.7 hours. Office work plus Internet - 3.5 hours. View video - 2.8 hours.
In my opinion, more than decently. For such components under 3.5 hours of active work with the Internet - very good, and the video on full brightness spinning almost three hours is great. Work practice and conclusions As I said, I now have this desktower now as the main working machine and I test it for almost two months in very dense mode. While I did not find any glitches and problems - everything works, as it should (pah-pah-pah), and I am satisfied with the machine. Sign, in general, enough, although in certain cases I still think that 6 or 8 Gigabytes would be clearly useful for me (the system is still 64-bit, and there are applications that bribe the memory), and a more powerful processor would not hurt either. So now, probably, I would still take the top model. However, this - not disappointed. For her money, she plows at least on the four, working on it comfortably and comfortably. Particularly I want to note the quiet work of the cooling system - for all the time I never heard the noise of the cooler. When the descent is actively loaded, hot air goes from the ventilation opening of the right end (it feels, if you bring the hand close enough), but nothing is noise. It's great, otherwise I remember that I was annoyed by almost constant howls of the included cooler on Sony VAIO TX3-XRP. How can I draw conclusions from all of the above? In my opinion, a very decent machine. Good equipment, a completely adequate price, and most importantly - in the work she showed itself even better than expected. Of course, the final conclusions can be done only after about the year of operation (by the way, it is given for 2 years on a branded guarantee), otherwise she's tragically liquefy, just like it in itself than it disappoints me, but at the moment - I satisfied. And what else do I need from myself? More. UPD: Still, the apparent climbiness of the keyboard turned out to be unchanged: a month later, one key began to seriously, one key began to seriously and more than two others. And this happened literally a couple of days after the publication of this review. So the machine is quite decent, but the keyboard there is an obvious sore place. Of course, I have a load on the keyboard - an order of magnitude more than that of ordinary users, but I lived five laptops for several years with periodically very active use.