Windows performance index or what "slows down" your computer? What does the Windows performance index mean Windows 7 performance index.

Productivity index is one of the main indicators to estimate the power of the computer and operating system, as well as their ability to cope with a specific task type. In the article, consider how to find out this index in Windows 7 and 10 operating systems.

What is the performance index

This is a special service integrated into the operating system. It allows you to evaluate the hardware features of the computer, as well as see how well the operating system works and consistently. The index is higher, the better. With it, you can more better decide which programs your computer will pull without problems, and which is not.

However, contrary to the hopes of employees of the company Microsoft Data The test did not become a universal determinant of the capabilities of the operating system. Many developers still prefer to specify the computer characteristics in the system requirements, almost always missing the system performance index. Based on this, Microsoft decided that later windows version (After the "seven") this index will not be equipped.

Calculation of productivity index

First you need to find out how this index calculates. It is calculated using the testing of individual components of the computer. Each of them is assigned its own index in the form of points. Minimum score - 1, and maximum 7.9. However, the overall assessment of the system performance is calculated not by the search for the medium-graded value, but along the weak link. For example, if the "Game Graphics" item is estimated by the 3.3 index system, and the "Processor" item is 6.3, then you will receive a total estimate of 3.3 points.

Consider in more detail what these points mean:

  • If you have received an estimate of the performance index of 1-2 points, it is a reason to think about the optimization of the system. Perhaps your computer is more or less able to maintain work with ordinary documents and surfing on the Internet, but it is not enough for more;
  • Computers that have been estimated at 3-4 points are capable of dealing with basic tasks, type of surfing and working with documents. Also without any problems will be supported by the transparent topic of AERO, high-definition video is played, easy games are run, etc;
  • Computers that have been evaluated in the area of \u200b\u200b4-5 points can easily maintain almost all windows features 7, 10. For example, here you can run more complex games, work with several monitors with support for translucent theme, perform more complex tasks with graphics and video;
  • PCs that have been evaluated in 6 or more points can confidently run any programs suitable for system requirements to the gland. There are no problems when interacting with heavy modern games, work with graphics and video. In any good computer The productivity index must be around 6 points.

We will also consider which indicators are evaluated when drawing up this index:

  • Ordinary graphics, that is, working with two-dimensional graphics;
  • Game graphics, productivity of three-dimensional graphics, affects not only performance in games, but also in software programs with 3D objects;
  • Power processor - shows the quality and number of operations performed per unit of time;
  • RAM - work efficiency random access memory, as well as the number of operations per unit of time;
  • Winchester - speed of drives and data exchange between them.

We learn the performance index in Windows 7

In the "seven", the performance index can easily find out using the graphical interface for this. In the system there are built-in tools that allow you to evaluate and show the results in a convenient form. The instructions for using them look like this:

  1. Click on the "Start" icon. Open there "Control Panel", using the appropriate section.

  2. Opposite the "View" parameter, set the "minor icons" or "large icons", as you will be more convenient.
  3. Find and click on the "Counters and Performance Means" item. For convenience, you can use the search string that is located in the upper right side of the window.

  4. The "Evaluation and Increase Computer Performance" window opens. Here will be displayed for each of the items discussed above, as well as a general rating for the operating system.

  5. Windows once in a definite amount of time spends automatic check Productivity index that you can see on the screen. However, the data from the moment could be outrage. To update them, use the inscription "Repeat Evaluation", which is located at the bottom of the window.

  6. Provided that the system monitoring has never been produced, there will be no performance index. In this case, you need to click on the "Rate Computer" button.

  7. The process of performance evaluation will be launched. Expect it completion.

You can perform a similar procedure through the "Command Line". In this case, you can get a more complete assessment of computer performance. The instruction looks like this:

  1. First you need to run the "command line". Click on "Start", and then "All Programs".

  2. Find and go to the "Standard" folder.

  3. Next, right-click on the "Command Line". Open the "Startup from the administrator" item from the context menu.

  4. Enter the command: WinSat Formal -restart Clean and press ENTER to use it.

  5. In the command line interface, computer will begin testing. The process may take a few minutes. During it, the computer screen can go out several times. Also, the computer may not respond at all at all to teams. This is normal.

  6. You can see the test indicators in the deployment, if the "command line" interface scrolls is slightly higher.

  7. However, after closing the "command line" you can lose access to this data. They can be found in the folder on the next way: C: \\ Windows \\ Performance \\ Winsat \\ DataStore Copy it and paste in upper string "Explorer". Press ENTER to go.

  8. In the folder that opens, locate the file with the same name "(scanning date). (Scan code) .Formal.assessment (Recent) .winsat.xml. Open it.

  9. Most likely it will open in the browser. Performance can be found in the values \u200b\u200bthat are listed in special tags. Consider what this or that tag is responsible for:

    • SystemScore - basic evaluation;
    • Cpuscore - CPU;
    • Diskscore - Winchester;
    • MemoryScore - RAM;
    • GraphicsScore - general graphics;
    • GamingScore - game graphics.

Also here will be additional criteria for which it is also recommended to pay attention to:

  • CPUSUBAGGSCORE - additional parameter processor;
  • VideoNcodescore - processing of coded video;
  • Dx9subscore - parameter dx9;
  • DX10SUBScore - parameter dx10.

On this, the process of evaluating the performance index in Windows 7 can be considered completed.

Evaluation of the performance index in Windows 8, 10

Unfortunately, in these versions of Windows, it is possible to evaluate the performance index only from the "Command Line" interface. The thing is that Microsoft believes that this option Computer performance estimates are not entirely correct, therefore, it was removed from the new OS, but not completely.

However, in the new versions of the operating system, it is recommended to use the PowerShell interface instead of the familiar "command line". Differences from the standard "console" it does not have almost no. Instructions for implementing this method looks like this:

  1. Run PowerShell in any convenient way. For example, in Windows 10, you can right-click on the "Start" icon and select "PowerShell (on behalf of the administrator)" from the context menu.

  2. Next, you need to enter the command: WinSat Formal -restart Clean and press ENTER to use it.

  3. Will be launched "Evaluation Tool windows systems" The whole process takes about a minute-two.

  4. You can see the result in the "PowerShell" interface. You can also open a special file in the browser and save the result. This file Located on the way: C: \\ Windows \\ Performance \\ Winsat \\ DataStore. Copy it and insert it into the search string "Explorer".

  5. In the folder, locate the file that will have the following name "(scanning date). (Scan code) .Formal.assessment (Recent) .winsat.xml. Open it in some browser or notepad.

  6. Here you will see the cluster of the code and tags. Find Tag "WINSPR". For convenience, you can use the search, which is called the Ctrl + F key combination.

  7. There in special tags will indicate performance index values \u200b\u200bfor individual components of the computer. For which one or another tag is responsible to be addressed above.

As you can see, you can see the system performance index in Windows 7 without any problems. However, in more late versions The OS with this may have difficulty, so you will have to use only a way associated with the "command line" or PowerShell.

One of the most important criteria that characterizes computer systemis its performance. Let's figure out how to increase this basic desktop reference rate or laptop with Windows 7.

Before we proceed to the question, how to increase productivity, let's see what it represents and what, in fact, we are going to raise. In Windows 7 has such a system indicator as "Productivity index". It is based on the evaluation of individual PC nodes: processor, RAM, graphics, graphics for games and hard disk. The general index is exhibited by the weakest link. But for a number of reasons, this assessment cannot be called unambiguous and many specialists relate to it quite critically.

Undoubtedly, the power of the above components directly affects the performance of a PC, that is, on the volume of processes that the computer can process per unit of time. Next, we will consider in detail ways to increase the return on these components to increase the speed of the OS as a whole.

Method 1: Increased hard disk performance

One of important factors Enhance operating system performance is the hard disk optimization. Many users pay minor attention to this factor, considering that windows are important, first of all, the amount of RAM and processor power. And in vain, because the slow hard drive slows down the work of the computer as a whole, since the other components of the OS are constantly referring to it to process files and other objects located on it.

First of all, you can clean the hard disk from garbage and unnecessary filesWhat will speed up its work. This can be done both by the means of the system, and with the help of third-party specialized programs, such as CCleaner.

Increase a speed hDD worksSo, the performance of the system as a whole helps the operation of defragmentation of the hard drive. It can be performed using a special system utility or third-party defragmentation programs.

In addition, the HDD speed can be increased by producing it. proper setting in "Device Manager".

  1. Click "Start" And go to B. "Control Panel".
  2. Go to section "System and safety".
  3. In block "System" Click on the inscription "Device Manager".
  4. In the interface opened "Device Manager" Click on item "Disk devices".
  5. A list of physical PCs connected to PC hard disks. This can be both one device and several. Double-click the left mouse button ( LKM.) By the name of one of them.
  6. The window properties window opens. Move to the section "Politics".
  7. This indicates productivity policy. Hard disks from different manufacturers, items in this section may differ. But, based on the general logic, look for the position that should contribute to an increase in speed. For example, "Allow caching" or " Optimal performance ». Noting this item, press Ok in the current window.

Method 2: Increase the amount of RAM

Increase system performance can also be by increasing the size of RAM. The most elementary and at the same time effective method To achieve such a result is to purchase an additional or more voluminous RAM bar. But unfortunately, it is not always possible both on financial and technical considerations, because 32-bit windows 7 support the size of RAM not more than 4 GB. But it is possible to bypass this restriction.

In order to increase the scope of RAM without changing the hardware configuration, the paging file on the hard disk that generates, the so-called virtual memory is created. When the RAM resource lack, the system appeals to this selected area on the hard drive. Therefore, to increase PC performance, you must enable specified fileIf it is disabled.

  1. Click "Start"and then click right mouse button on item "A computer". In the menu that opens, choose "Properties".
  2. The OS properties window will start. In the left of it, press "Extra options…".
  3. In the shell opened, click on the button "Parameters…" In block "Speed".
  4. The speed parameter window opens. Turn to the section "Additionally".
  5. In block "Virtual Memory" Click on the button "Change ...".
  6. Virtual memory control window opens. In the upper part of it, you can install a tick near the parameter "Automatically choose ..." And the system itself will select the settings for the paging file.

    But we advise you to set the parameters manually. For this, first of all, remove the checkbox from Chekbox "Automatically choose ..."if it is installed there. Then, in the selection window, highlight the one logical diskWhere you want to locate the paging file. Below rearrange the switch to the position "Specify Size". After this field "Original Size" and "Maximum Size" will be active. Put the same value of the desired virtual memory value in megabytes. Then click on the button "Set" and Ok.

  7. In order for the entered settings to take effect, it is required to restart the computer.

It must be remembered that the swap file is too large should not be created. First, you, therefore, lose the workspace that could be used to store files. Secondly, the rate of appeal to hoody disk Much slower than to the hardware RAM. Therefore, with an increase in virtual memory, it is possible to handle a larger amount of processes at the same time, but the speed is reduced, which negatively affects the performance of the system as a whole. It's believed that optimal size is a value of one and a half times higher than the capacity of the PC hardware memory. We recommend setting the volume of the paging file based on this calculation. If you are already installed, we advise you to change its size on the optimal one.

Method 3: Disable graphic effects

It is no secret that graphic effects consume a significant part of the power of the video card, the processor and use a considerable amount of RAM. To free up the resources of these objects to perform other tasks and thereby increase the speed of the system as a whole, you can turn off some visual effects.

In addition, optimize resource consumption on the chart can also be using the video adapter control panel. The installation algorithm for the necessary parameters differs depending on the manufacturer and model of the video card, but the essence comes down to choose a performance between performance and quality or at least install the best balance for you between these two criteria.

Enhance the performance of the video adapter will also help the timely update of its drivers and the installation of special software designed to optimize the video card.

Method 4: Disable applications in autorun

Quite often, when installing the program, the programs are prescribed into autorun, thereby not only slowing the loading of the system, but also by consuming resources throughout the working session. But at the same time, the user does not always need these applications, that is, they often consume the resources of the OS. In this case, you need to remove such elements from the startup.

  1. Type a combination Win + R.. In the window that opened:

    Apply Pressing the button Ok.

  2. The system configuration editing window opens. Move in the section.
  3. The startup section opens. Further actions depend on whether you want to disable the automatic start of all elements or only some of them. The first action of actions will bring a greater effect, but it must be borne in mind that there are such programs that are preferable to leave in autoruns specifically to solve your tasks. So there is a solution for you.
  4. In the first case, just click on the button "Disable everything". After that, the marks opposite all the list items will be removed, then press "Apply" and Ok.

    In the second case, remove the ticks near those elements that are going to remove from the startup, but do not touch the marks opposite the names of the programs left in the autorun. Further, like the previous time, press "Apply" and Ok.

  5. After that, the dialog box opens where the PC restarts will be prompted. Close all active programs and click.
  6. After restarting, the selected applications will be removed from the startup, which releases the resources of the system and will increase its speed.

Method 5: Disable Services

Various started services are also carried out on the system. At the same time, not all of them are needed to the user, but from the actions of some of these objects of negative consequences even more than positive. Such elements are desirable to disable for increasing PC performance. The principle of deactivation is about the same as the principle of removal of programs from autoload. But there is one important reservation: it is necessary to treat services more carefully, since the deactivation of an important element can lead to incorrect work Systems.

  1. Press "Start"go to B. "Control Panel".
  2. Next, go to "System and safety".
  3. Click "Administration".
  4. In the list that opens, choose "Services".
  5. Opens "Service Manager". Highlight the service that you want to deactivate, and then in the left side of the window, click "Stop".
  6. Deactivation procedure will be performed.
  7. After that, double click LKM. By the name of the same service.
  8. The window of the service properties opens. In the drop-down list "Startup type" Choose a position "Disabled". Then make a pressure on the buttons "Apply" and Ok.
  9. Return to the main window "Dispatcher"And the service itself will be completely deactivated. This will indicate the lack of status "Works" In column "Condition" opposite the element turned off, as well as status "Disabled" in a collumn "Startup type".

After performing the indicated manipulations on the disconnection of all unnecessary services The speed of the system should increase due to the release of resources. But, we repeat, feel carefully at what service is disconnected. Before performing the procedure, see our separate material in which it is described which services can be turned off without significant negative consequences for the OS.

Method 6: Cleaning the Registry

Another way to speed up the work of the PC is cleaning system registry from outdated and erroneous entries. Thus, the system will not refer to the specified elements, which will increase not only the speed of its operation, but also the correctness of operation. For these purposes, special-cleaner programs are applied. One of the most popular applications for performing the specified task is already familiar to us by Method 1

For desktop PCs, this method is particularly suitable, as it does not have almost no negative consequences. But if you use a laptop, you need to think if it is worth applying it, as it can significantly increase the battery discharge rate.

Method 8: processor acceleration

By default, the processor is not configured to use its maximum features. It always has a power supply, and therefore there are methods of this power to free up to increase the performance of the OS. As a rule, they are carried out using special software. But it is worth remembering that the processor's acceleration is a rather dangerous procedure that, with incorrect exercise, can lead to a PC output. In any case, the processor dispersal leads to an increase in its wear, and with incorrect actions even to failure in the shortest possible time.

As we see, increasing the performance of the system in Windows 7 is carried out mainly by reducing the load on individual components. At the same time, it is often necessary to choose that the speed of work or visual appearance is more important. Although there are such methods where such a dilemma is not worth it, for example, cleaning a PC from garbage. In this case, optimization has only a positive character with the condition that you do everything right.

A modern computer is a complex device, the total performance of which depends on the set of factors. Rigid disk speed, RAM, video card power often become more significant than clock frequency central processor. An intuitive assessment of the Windows system may approximately specify the problem, but accurately calculate the weak points and find a solution can only be a solution using the performance index.

What is the performance index

Microsoft for calculating the system performance indicators uses test tasks that extremely loading each computer component of the computer separately. In this way, five indexes are calculated: for a central processor, graphics, graphics for games, RAM and the main hard disk. Little of them is considered a basic index for the entire system. The scale begins with 1.0, the highest score - 7.9, but it rises as more productive hardware solutions appear.

The base index is close to the middle of the balanced universal computerSince all estimates in this configuration are approximately equal. For specialized hardware solutions, deviations are characterized. For example, in office computers Usually a weaker video card is established, and more speeds are important for multimedia solutions. hDD. In such cases, the overall computer index will be significantly lower than the average, since it is determined by the smallest value. From here, a simple rule should be: to increase the base index (and overall productivity Computer) It is necessary to increase the power of the weaker component.

If the hardware requirements for the installed software indicates the minimum value of the base index, then it means that it will work steadily on a computer with such or higher indicator value.

How to learn it

To see what kind of performance index from your computer, open the "Start", then the "Control Panel".

In the "All Elements of the Control Panel" locked in the big window, find the "Counters and Productivity Means" tab and go to it.

The same result is possible to achieve using a system search. Click "Start" and enter the word "counters" in the search bar.

Another way to immediately go to the desired window - Press the WIN key combination (with windows icon) and Pause / Break (the service key, usually located next to Print Screen).

The "Evaluation and Increasing Computer" window that opened a lot of information.

The central part occupy the current indexes of computer components with brief description. The overall rating is largely highlighted and is equipped with a comment on the calculation "determined by the smallest rating." Several buttons lead to reference materials: "What do these figures mean?", "Learn more about estimates and software (on the Internet) "," Recommendations for improving computer performance ". Windows 7 is trying to clearly explain the principles of the formation of estimates, and optimal methods for increasing the base index. This window is especially useful when updating the computer's hardware, since it stores indexes from previous testing. You can use a special button "Display and printing detailed information about computer performance and system" using current indicators, after which it is possible to hold a new test by clicking on the "Repeat Evaluation" button in the lower right corner.

The same button should be pressed to start the current check, which usually takes a few minutes. The computer at this time works at maximum power, the screen goes out several times and lights up again, which is a consequence of running tests and does not represent danger.

What the points mean

Possible maximum score

Although on this moment Windows announces the maximum score of 7.9 points, it is possible to achieve this value only in the maximum configuration using the most advanced processor, memory and graphics accelerators. The need for such powerful equipment usually occurs in computers intended for resource-intensive applications - games, systems virtual reality etc. For specialized solutions, lower base index indicators are considered normal.

Table: Points and performance description

Point Description
Up to 3.0Office packages, network work. Some graphic features of Windows 7 (corporate identity AERO) will not be available.
From 3.0 to 4.0Graphic windows interface 7 Available, however, can slow down or pick up when starting in Full HD mode, as well as on multiple monitors simultaneously. If the overall rating is low due to graphic parameters, the computer may not cope with streaming video, for example, when receiving high definition television.
From 4.0 to 6.0Windows 7 can work in full force, including in multitasking mode and using multiple monitors.
More than 6.0Powerful computers with high-speed hard disk. Can be used for three-dimensional games, high-definition streaming video, resource-intensive tasks.

Given the methodology for the formation of the index (by the smallest indicator), there are no clear boundaries between configurations. The same index value may be powerful computer With a slow hard disk, and at a balanced weak hardware solution.

How can I enhance the assessment

An obvious way to increase the overall performance of the computer is to update the weakest nodes. RAM can be replaced by a faster or simply increase quantitatively. The same applies to a hard disk. On the desktop you can also replace the video card or processor. The laptops have significantly smaller renewal. A more economical way is to configure the system and its individual components, allowing to eliminate some restrictions in their operation.

Setting graphics

Visual effects, a high resolution The screen, work with multiple connected monitors takes a significant part of the resources of the computer's graphic nodes. Therefore, reduce the load on this component and, accordingly, improve overall performance, you can disconnect some of the Windows 7 options or reduce the screen resolution.

To change the graphics settings, you need to press the right mouse button in the free area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop. In the open context menu, select the "Screen Resolution" string.

The "Screen Resolution" window that appears, also contains other parameters of connected monitors, for example, graphic design (Topics). Now we choose the drop-down list "Resolution".

From List possible options The permissions are chosen lower than the current one.

Hard disk care

Cleaning from unnecessary information and maintaining a sufficient amount of free disk space can significantly raise the speed of the drive. In addition, if not solid-state, but normal Disk, It is necessary to regularly conduct a defragmentation procedure. This operation combines the scattered parts of the stored files, collecting them together, thereby reducing the reading and write time. Your reading device needs to spend less effort to go from one part to the other if they are located in a row. In addition, the free space is combined, allowing new files to be recorded in a whole block.

Press the "Start" button and in the input row, type "Disk defragmentation", after which we select the tab that appears with the same name.

The system shows all available drives in one window, allows you to analyze their condition and make immediate defragmentation.

For regular work, you can configure the appropriate schedule to, for example, run the utility at night.

Defragmentation takes considerable time if the hard drive is big, and there is little free space on it, so it is recommended to pre-remove not necessary information - It will speed up the work.

System Care

Timely update, replacing drivers on topical, use special programs To detect problems in software, the software is also important for the index. To update the driver of the selected device, you can use the system interface.

Press the "Start" button and in the input row, type "Driver Update". The system shows the search results, including the tab "Updating device drivers" tab, on which we turn.

The main window "Device Manager" contains a list of all hardware components installed on the computer. Choose the one whose driver we want to update, and click on its name the right mouse button.

Selecting the "Update Drivers ..." string from the context menu, run the process. The system in the next window will propose to choose one of two options: automatic search on the Internet or manual search on the computer.

An ordinary user rarely loads new drivers to the computer, so we choose " Automatic search... "And waiting for the update. Windows 7 checks the relevance of the installed driver and, if necessary, updates it. The same steps should be done for other devices from the "Device Manager" list.

There are also many free applications, including those who do not require installation that perform the process of checking and updating the drivers in semi-automatic mode. For example, DriverPack Solution first scans the computer and constitutes its own list of hardware components and drivers. The program refers to device manufacturers sites and checks the availability of updates, after which downloads and installs new drivers. The application has a simple and friendly interface designed for an entry user user.

Changing power settings

For more economical windows work 7 sometimes deliberately reduces performance. For example, it concerns power settings. You can donate part of autonomy (for a laptop) or energy savings, prohibiting Windows 7 to go to the appropriate modes. To do this, in the search bar, type "MOBILITY CENTER" and select the appropriate tab.

In the window that opens several settings. We are interested in the power parameters that choose high performance mode. It is necessary to take into account: the battery consumption will increase somewhat, which will reduce the battery life of the laptop.

Using the ReadyBoost function

Free space is not only on the rigid disk, but also on external media, including USB flash drives. ReadyBoost Allows you to reserve it some part for the needs of Windows 7. To enable the option, you must select a replacement media in the conductor and call the right mouse button context menuwhere to choose the option "Properties". Now it remains to go to the READYBOOST tab and set the size of the reserved space.

If performance estimate does not work or disappear

In some cases, the system refuses to evaluate performance due to considerations of savings or more serious obstacles.

It's time to look for malfunctions

Possible reasons for the fact that it was not possible to evaluate:

  • Evaluation is already running. The ability to update estimates is turned off at the time of operation of the test. You should either cancel the current process or wait for its completion to start it again.
  • No access rights. Sometimes the reason for the restriction of the user's rights to the specific account. You can log in on behalf of the administrator and try to spend an assessment again.
  • The laptop is disabled from the network. Since the calculation of indexes involves a significant consumption of energy, Windows 7 prohibits it to produce when the laptop is autonomous. You should enable the computer into the outlet.
  • Lack of disk space. To evaluate Windows 7, a certain amount of free space on the hard disk is required to which the test file is recorded. It should be cleaned as much as possible the drive, after which it again try to conduct an assessment.
  • No multimedia support. Windows 7 cannot assess the performance of computers that are not able to work with multimedia.
  • Outdated video driver. A defective or outdated video driver will not allow Windows 7 to check performance. Check out latest updates Systems and if necessary, establish topical versions of drivers or, on the contrary, return earlier. When installing drivers, it is better to use the official website of the manufacturer of your computer, and not, for example, video cards.
  • The work of antivirus. Sometimes the cause becomes active antivirus software. It follows to turn off their work on time and try to spend the test again.
  • Outdated BIOS. You should update the BIOS to the latest version.

Reinstall codecs for video

A frequent cause of the problem is damage or conflict codecs for video. These are files containing video unpacking algorithms, without which the computer will not be able to display the video on the screen. To analyze graphic performance windows components 7 uses some of the system codecs, so their damage or random deletion Makes an assessment impossible. Reinstallation will correct the situation.

Press the "Start" button and in the right column of the opened menu, select the "Control Panel" tab. In the large "All Control Panel" elements, select the "Programs and Components" tab.

We delete video players, as well as codecs to them.

Press the on-screen button "Enable or disable Windows components" and go to the Windows Components window.

Find Windows Media. Player, taking a label near him, after which we leave the dialog box and reboot the computer. After the download is completed, the same way go to this window, return the mark on Windows Media Player and reboot again. We try to test again.

If the problem is not solved, the reason may be damage or the absence of the VC-1 codec required for testing. It can be installed with the free K-Lite package for the popular KMPlayer player.

Scan system files

Another reason may be the failed Windows 7 due to damage or delete some necessary system files. We press the combination of Win + R and in the input row that the "Run" window is typing the system scanning and updating the damaged SFC.EXE / SCANNOW files.

Installation of additional components

One of the reasons for the inability to determine the performance may be the absence on the MSVCR100.dll library computer. You can download it for free from the official Microsoft website with Package 2010:

  •\u003d5555 - x32, x86.
  •\u003d14632 - x64.

If Visual Studio 2010 is already installed, but when you try to define performance, the system reports problems with MSVCR100.dll, reinstall the package, previously removing its old version from the computer.

Video: All you need to know about the performance index of Windows 7

Focusing on the performance index of performance when buying a computer, it should be noted that the current estimate is stored on a computer in a non-protected form in the C: \\ Windows \\ Performance \\ WinSat \\ DataStore folder in the file, the name of which starts from the dates of testing, and ends ". Formal.assessment (initial) .winsat.xml. The unscrupulous seller can using the usual text editor Change the real numbers to the desired values. Therefore, you should conduct an actual test before purchasing.

Bought new laptop, installed Windows 7., everything works, but making an assessment performance Appears error And the assessment stops. On the Internet, a lot of information and ways to solve this issueBut unfortunately, having done them all the problem and remained.

I will give, in my opinion, examples of solving this problem that you will be able to help, but a little lower I will describe that all the same helped me.

So, let's begin:

Delete from the folder Windows \\ Performance \\ Winsat \\ Datastore \\ All files with extension .xml, Launch command line On behalf of the administrator(Start-to-enter in the Find CMD field, cmd.exe will be displayed in the search results, click on it with the right mouse button on the name of the administrator), enter and execute the following commands sequentially:

-sfc / scannow
-Secedit / Configure / CFG% WINDIR% \\ inf \\ defltbase.inf / db defltbase.sdb / verbose
-Winsat Formal

(True, after the command Secedit writes: an extended type error. The job is executed with an error. Details are recorded in the log of% windir% \\ Security \\ Logs \\ scesrv.log.)

Restart your computer, try to assess again.

-Winsat Formal Performing a formal productivity assessment of problems did not occur. Those, on the command line, the performance estimate was successful, and when it tried to evaluate through the properties of the computer, an error appeared anyway.

I found another solution option:

Good afternoon! Just decided this problem - snove all codecs, rearranged Windows Media Player (Go back - Control Panel - Programs and Components - Enable or Disable Windows Components, remove a mark with Windows Media Player, restart the computer. Open the components again, set the WMP mark and restart the computer)
The problem appeared after installations KMPlayer and Codetes of the USSR.

Also did not help the option. Codecs were not at all, but removing KMPlayer. I still did not solve the problem. Reinstalling Windows Also did not help. Moreover, as 32x, 64 bit tried.

Then I found information that such a mistake could cause Kaspersky Anti-Virus, but the error was on a clean system without software at all.

And one of possible solutions Problems:

The problem is that k-lite Ffdshow., or rather - Start - K-Lite Codec Pack - Configuration - FFDShow Video Decoder - and in the first section Codecs We are looking for VC-1, in his field will stand disabled., change on libavcodec. And OK, in general, everything \u003d)

But unfortunately it did not help it either!

A specific solution that helped me:

Laptop model on which this error was ASPIRE E1-572G.Downloaded driver for video card with works, but when evaluating an error to do not do.

Always download drivers not a separate device manufacturer, namely the driver from the laptop collector.

We go to the site

Choose search by laptop model. In the search results, we choose the necessary OS and the bit. As a result, we receive a list of all the necessary drivers that are optimized for the specific laptop.

And as soon as I installed the drivers VGA FOR. AMD Radeon. R7 M265 / R5 M240,restarted the laptop although the system did not ask for it. And the performance estimate immediately passed without problems!

I hope the material will be useful!

In Windows Vista, for the first time, such an interesting utility appeared as Productivity index. With it, you can see the Windows System Evaluation various criteria. Subsequently, this feature moved to Windows 7 and Windows 8, but then the developers decided that it is not needed and therefore in Windows 8.1 you will not be able to find it so simple. However, many users liked such a function, in part in order to face pussies to find out who is cooler. In this article, you will learn a little more about the Windows performance index, as well as Consider how you can still know it in new version Windows 8.1.

Performance Index (Windows Experience Index, WEI) - This is the assessment of the Windows system itself the main characteristics of the computer on which the OS is installed.

Main characteristics, it is:
Graphics for games
Disk subsystem

As you can see, he considers everything most important characteristicsnecessary for performance.

Each of this characteristic is given its index (number) which is calculated by the special formula. Minimum value 1 and the maximum depends on the version of the OS: in Windows Vista it 5.9 in windows 7 7.9 , and in windows 8 9.9

Of all these estimates, the minimum value is selected and indicated as the main estimate. Why did you do not know, perhaps that users tried to increase it, paying attention to the minimum value.

How to find out the rating (index) of performance in Windows 7 and 8

Click PKM P. My computer and choose Properties.
In this window, pay attention to Evaluation In category System:

click on the link Windows performance indexTo learn more detail.

We get this such picture in which everything is already painted:

It happens that the score has not yet been done then it will be necessary to do it. You can also double-check if something has changed in the system.

How to find out the rating (index) of performance in Windows 8.1

As I wrote above, in this version of the system you will not be able to find performance, but it is still there.

We go along the way (letter_disk_s_vinda): \\ Windows \\ Performance \\ Winsat \\ DataStore And in this folder we are looking for a file that contains the letters Formal.assessment.

(letter_disk_s_vinda) - It is usual C. . You can go on to folders along the path, or you can simply copy and paste into the address string of the conductor.

The file that we need starts with numbers. They mean the date and time of creation, as well as other "nonsense." About the name of him 2014-03-21 Formal.assessment (Recent) .winsat.xml
It opens through (usually Internet Explorer).
If there are several such files, it is better to open the latest by the date of creation.

An open file is the following form:

We need to pay attention to the characteristics that are between WinSPR tags.

I will decipher a little that as it is designated.

SystemScore. - overall productivity
MemoryScore. - Estimation RAM
CPUSCORE - Processor performance
GraphicsScore. - graph performance performance
Diskscore. - Disc score

There are a few more, but they are not needed. Can you translate yourself if you want.

If you think this option is unnecessarily time consuming, you can use and introduce into it
Get-CiminStance -ClassName Win32_Winsat
As a result, performance estimate will appear in Windows 8.1:

It happens that you will not be able to find this file or will not withclude an index. This may mean that he has not yet been held. If in Windows 7 and 8 it was simply declared, then in Windows 8.1 you will need to keep some commands to the command line from the administrator. Namely:

winsat Formal - factory overall system performance;
winsat Formal -V. - assessment of overall system performance, detailed conclusion;
winsat Formal -XML file.xml - output the result of the check in the specified XML file;
winsat Formal -restart Never - when re-inspection, to evaluate only new components;
winSat Formal -restArt Clean - When repeated check, to reset the history of inspections and complete checks.

It is better to use the first.

In course, the window will be like this:

There are also the same programs that will help check the performance index.

Chrispc Win Experience Index


I even liked the second, because it does not require installation, Russian-language, as well as shows another additional necessary information on the system and gland.

How to enlarge or improve the index (rating) of Windows performance.

The answer to this question will give you both the system itself and ordinary logic.

As a rule, everything consists in replacing the "spare parts" of the computer. If the small processor index is changed to a more powerful, if there are few RAM - increase.
It happens less often when everything seems to be fine, but the index is small. Then you need to produce.
If a small evaluation of the disk - we delete too much, we produce, etc.

That's it. On the one hand, the performance assessment is the desired thing, it helps to understand what you need to pay attention, based on the low index, and on the other it is not needed if you and so you know that your computer is weak or the disk space is little \u003d)