The explorer program restarts on the computer. File Explorer errors: what to do with constant restarts? Other Solutions

many computer users There is a known issue where the error "Explorer has stopped working" or restarting Explorer occurs. There are several reasons for this error to appear. The first is the incompatibility of a running program with your operating system. Windows system 7. Other possible reason, which, however, can only be applied if the video is launched - this is a problem with codecs.

Problem Solving Methods

If the explorer restarts in windows 7, then this can be fixed in several ways. There are undoubtedly more, but I will give three as an example. The first is to remove all programs on your computer system, or you can simply reinstall the system using. The next option is to edit Windows Registry, however, this can be fraught with consequences, therefore not the most advanced users it is better to refrain from this method. And, finally, the third possible plot is downloading a simple ShellExView program, but there is also a minus in it - an English-language interface.

As you already understood, we will talk about the ShellExView program, which I consider to be the most in an efficient way solving a problem with the Explorer. So, this utility is absolutely free, which, you see, is important. It does not take up much space on your computer, but it has the ability to organize the permissions of various programs that are built into your Windows 7 OS. Please note that two versions of this application are available for download: for 32 and 64-bit operating system.

After downloading ShellExView, unzip it, run it as administrator, after which such a window should appear.

Then click on the line "Company", disable all the explorer extensions configured earlier using the F7 key. By disabling all unnecessary extensions, .

If after that the File Explorer termination error no longer occurs, then you are lucky, the problem has been fixed. Now you can go back to ShellExView and enable any of the disabled components. Work like this for a few days, if the problem does not return, go back to the utility and add a few more removed extensions. Thus, by adding them little by little, you will see which of the disabled add-ons caused File Explorer to crash.

As you can see, ShellExView is easier to work with than reinstalling the entire system. I hope that with the help of this utility, the error of the "Explorer" will be eliminated by you forever.

When working with the Windows operating system, the user may experience an unexpected problem, which is the failure of the system explorer. Usually, the disappearance of icons from the desktop is observed, and the inscription “ File Explorer has stopped working". What caused such a nuisance and how to eliminate it?

Finding the cause of a system failure

We note right away that the main cause of this error is the presence of third-party software on the computer, which by its actions affects the correct operation of the system. A common misconception is that windows explorer (this is what the service is called) appears as a result of errors in the OS itself incorrectly, since the system itself cannot influence the behavior of processes during normal startup.

The main reasons for poor performance windows explorer can be called:

  • untimely installation of OS updates;
  • operation of an outdated or outdated version of the driver for the video card;
  • influence malware or a virus on the PC;
  • installed applications from an unknown vendor that may cause incorrect operation when launched windows explorer;
  • failure in work system registry, which is also a consequence of the influence of third-party software.

How to fix the problem?

Step 1: Scan your computer for malware

If you already have antivirus program, then you should update its databases, and then run a full system scan. Of course, verification can take a long time, however, it's worth it. By the way, if infected programs and suspicious objects are detected, it would be preferable to use their complete removal. At the same time, the antivirus will show the path to each file, so you should independently remove not only these files, but also all components of dangerous software.

Step 2: Update graphics card drivers

Older versions of drivers can significantly affect performance windows explorer, so it is worth updating them in a timely manner.

In order to update the drivers, you need to go to Task Manager and find the link Video adapters. Then we right-click on it and run the driver update. If everything is in order with your drivers, then this item can be skipped, however, to clear your conscience, it is still worth checking the integrity of all system files.

You can learn more about how to check the integrity of files. Please note that if the system has damaged files, troubleshooting may require installation disk With current version OS.

Step 3. Disabling programs from the context menu

If problems with windows explorer continue to annoy you, you should try disabling third-party program components in the context menu. This can be done using the utility.

When the program starts, sort the table by type and disable one by one all the elements that are in the line Context menu and are not a product of the company Microsoft. Then we reboot the system and, using the exception method, we detect the program that is causing the crash windows explorer.

The probability of solving the problem using this utility is quite high, however, if incorrect work Explorer continues, then the only correct option would be to reinstall the system itself. This should be done as a last resort, because it is not a fact that on a “clean” Windows, when you run one of the previously downloaded utilities, the user will not encounter problems again windows explorer.

Technological progress is constantly moving forward, and now the slogan "Computer in every home!" is no longer new. Today, this is rather a need, since all data has long been transferred to a new digital level. This solved a lot of problems and got rid of an incredible amount of paperwork, facilitated search and increased accessibility. information space. At the same time, as you might expect, other obstacles have appeared that you have to face and fight every day. For example, in July 2009, Windows platforms 7 an error occurred when the program "Explorer" is constantly restarting. Such an unlucky situation creates a lot of discomfort, because it becomes impossible to work at a computer.

"Explorer" Windows - a punishment or a signal?

Let's consider such an example. You, as an unsuspecting user, decided to do business or, say, play, but every time you try to open a particular folder, a message appears on the screen: "Explorer is restarting." It's fine if everything can be done with a simple closure, but if such an error occurs twice, thrice, and then again and again, then it is not surprising that most Windows users will begin to curse the day they had to contact this operating system at all. This absolutely does not give any opportunity to work adequately at the computer, and even at the tenth closing it starts to be wildly annoying, not to mention the fact that solving the problem itself takes a lot of time and there is no clear algorithm yet. Therefore, the problem of "Explorer" Windows 7 is one of the most heartbreaking problems at the moment.

So we're looking for a reason

To find a criminal, you need to think like a criminal. Therefore, if you have a situation in which how to deal with an error, she herself can tell. So before hitting the close icon for the hundredth time, read whatever the message says. First, you can check the error code and get a response from Windows itself about what caused it. This does not always give a complete picture of what is happening, but it is still worth trying.

In addition, you can always check this code with search engines, since there are tons of forums that explain each of them. In addition, pay attention to the offer posted in the signal window: there is also some information here that will help to understand the essence of the problem. It is understanding why File Explorer keeps restarting that helps you choose the right approach to solving the problem.

Highlighting the main points

In the reasons why the program "Explorer" restarts, it is customary in Windows 7 to highlight the following aspects:

  1. The problem is in the system registry or in the DLL.
  2. An incompatible application (program, utility, etc.) that loads your Explorer with updates, and it just starts running them again and again.
  3. Incompatible driver.
  4. Malicious file or virus attack.

Based on the above reasons, we can safely say that in the event that Explorer restarts, there is no problem with the operating system. Thus, when you once again shower curses on Windows programmers, then you should think about what this error appeared after.

The first three reasons are partly the work of you, since the failure is due to incorrect installation or software corruption, and not because of the system itself. At the same time, the probability that it is the virus that causes this epidemic of restarts is quite small, but it is worth considering. So think carefully about what you have installed on your device lately and what could have affected what is happening. If you managed to come to a conclusion about a particular program through deductive investigations and brainstorming, then you should completely get rid of it and see how the system behaves in this case.

Divide and rule

No, you won’t have to cut the computer into parts, but it’s still worth a try to work on the system. Test the performance of the computer under another account(if it doesn't exist, create it). If the Explorer program restarts constantly in this case, then the problem is more global than it seems. But if there is no such problem under another account, then you can start jumping for happiness, since the problem is local in nature, that is, it affects specifically your account. Therefore, you can simply delete it and work in a new one. This is one of the simplest methods of solving, and it costs little blood.

What are your options?

If the situation repeats, and Explorer constantly restarts, despite the fact that you are already using the system with a new account, you need to consider the option where the cause of the failure may be software or driver. The only way is to get rid of the corrupted application so that your system can work one hundred percent again. In this case, you have several options.

We do everything safely

Since the Explorer program is constantly restarting, you can try to make the computer safe boot. In this case, only important software components are downloaded, which are sufficient for the normal functioning of the system. However, other programs or drivers additional devices do not start. Thus, you boot a relatively "clean" system. This method allows you to determine how the "Explorer" will behave. Don't expect a magic arrow to appear to indicate a problem, it's more of a test attempt to determine how the error will show itself. If the "Explorer" works correctly, then the point is the software that you personally installed, and here the search for the cause should continue.

If the "Explorer" constantly reboots even with such a start, then the point is in the main core of the system. Here, either a system restore or, in extreme cases, a complete replacement can help.

Work without drivers

There is another way to download, which involves launching without checking the signature of the drivers. If the "Explorer" works adequately, the problem lies in the driver (and it should be noted that the driver is unsigned, which, by the way, simplifies the search task). The next step is to find and neutralize this driver and the program that brought it into the life of your system.

Everything must be "clean"

If the above steps do not bring results and answers to why the Explorer program is constantly restarting, then you can resort to a "clean" boot of your operating system. In fact, this is a pure autoload, in which there is nothing. This means that you boot the system and do not download any of the included programs. If the problem does not appear, then the reason is in the software hidden in the startup menu.

We act "on the forehead"

If the reason that the program "Explorer" constantly restarts is incorrectly installed application or the driver, you can resort to the good old system restore. You just need to select the time before the moment when such an error occurred. In general, this is one of the most effective and simple ways, and if you doubt your computer skills, then you can resort to it. The essence of this method is that you simply start the system in the previous state, where everything worked without failures, while not losing the rest of the data (this means that all created documents will not be erased, but deleted files- will not recover).

Extreme measures

If the failure has driven you to despair and all the methods proposed earlier have not been successful, you need to resort to the last and extreme measures. This is a full reinstall. system support, which is applicable when there is an error in the system kernel. Or, if you are a patient and curious person, you can try to figure out the very software that does not allow your computer to work quietly.

To do this, you should uninstall absolutely all programs and leave only the "bare" system. Then install one application each day and observe the behavior and response of Windows (this implies active use, not just updating the desktop). If File Explorer keeps restarting over and over again, then you have found the right program. Remember: even the fact that every manufacturer swears by all that is holy that their product is compatible with Windows does not give a 100% guarantee that its words are correct.

If the problem is pushed around by a virus

If a virus is the same software that, by simply loading the system, interrupts the normal operation of Explorer, then you need to check the data stored in the folder of Explorer itself. Changes in them lead to certain consequences, so if you are not confident in your abilities, then simply run the analysis with various antivirus programs.

Remember that there may not be a result the first time, because the problem of constantly restarting Explorer is very serious and requires a lot of attention. So be patient and take action!

If you encounter a problem with Explorer, then you need to understand that there may be reasons for the termination of its work. a large number of, so we will explore and find sources. So, you got the error " File Explorer has stopped working", What to do?

Option number 1 - Fix "Explorer has stopped working" with the ShellExView utility

This tool helps in most cases get rid of Explorer errors. You can download from this link:

  • After starting the program, click on the column type, so we sort the list;
  • V this column basically you need to look at the type context menu, also a column File Extensions opposite certain items should have an asterisk, we will need this today;
  • Items related to Microsoft we are not particularly interested, so we will cut down third-party ones. Select a parameter with the mouse or arrows and turn it off by pressing F7;
  • Disable one of the items first, and then restart the computer. We check the conductor. If an error appears, continue working.

As I said, this method often helps. In a special case, we proceed to the following methods.

Option number 2 - Run the explorer through safe mode

You need to go into safe mode and make sure the explorer is stable. Is everything working great? So the reason is in some application installed on the computer. Think back to what you were doing before the problem arose. Viruses can also be the cause, so you need to check your computer for their presence.

If the problem is in safe mode observed, then the reason is in the system files. Read the solution below.

Option number 3 - Checking system files for errors

A common way to solve many problems is. This is done using command line with elevated privileges. Open it and enter the command:

sfc /scannow

The result of the check may be positive, or a message will appear that some files could not be checked or restored. Then you need to look at the information in the logs. We go along this path and look: С:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log.

Option number 4 - The problem is in viruses

As I said, virus software is also the cause of many problems. Use the following resources to help:

Option number 5 - The reason is a system or driver update

If the system has been updated, or the driver, then the software could be installed raw with flaws, so it will have to be done in other ways. How to do this is written on the specified link.

Option number 6 - Ask the experts

If none of the above helped, then ask experienced specialists who can be found on various computer forums or write in the comments below.

In the next article, I will cover . I hope you were able to fix the "Explorer has stopped working" error.

A blank desktop appears on the computer screen: no shortcuts, no start menu, no taskbar. Only background image. Nice, but not good. This indicates a stop of one of the most important system processes. Let's take a look at how to fix the "Explorer is not responding" or "Explorer has stopped working" error in Windows 7.

Causes of the problem and solutions

The problem occurs mainly on pirated versions of Windows 7 and can be caused by a number of reasons. Consider everything possible methods error elimination.

Video driver update

The graphics adapter is responsible for all the visual interfaces displayed on the computer. File Explorer is no exception - it is the main application that requires a properly functioning video device to work.

In some cases, updating the driver does not solve the problem, so consider complete reinstallation video package:

Attention! Download files only from official sources! Otherwise, you risk infecting your PC with dangerous software.

Virus infection

Running dangerous or unwanted software on your computer causes performance issues system applications. Conductor is no exception. To scan Windows you need:

Checking and restoring system files

Corruption of the system files responsible for the launch and operation of Explorer also lead to the occurrence of such errors. To repair damage, do the following:

Lack of hardware resources

When the CPU, RAM and hard drive reaches 90-95%, the computer starts to work unstable and crashes any of the processes that it considers necessary. Among them may be the Explorer. To solve the problem, do the following:

This will unload the PC and ensure the stable operation of Windows.

Damaged media files

While downloading photos or videos from the Internet or portable device, some media files may become corrupted, causing the file thumbnail (thumbnail) to be displayed incorrectly. It is not known why, but this fact is the cause of crashes in Explorer.

To fix the error you need:

If the problem is in the thumbnails, the Explorer error will not bother you anymore.

Using cloud storage

Most modern cloud services offer to install special managers for easy file sharing and synchronization. But at the same time, applications make changes to the standard Explorer. They add folders to it that point to storage on the Internet. This can lead to errors in Explorer.

To solve it, you need to disable all cloud manager clients and observe the behavior of the Explorer. If the utility starts to work stably, remove the software from Google Drive, Dropbox, Cloud, etc.

Advice! To determine the "culprit", try disabling "cloud applications" one by one. If you find conflicting software, remove it, while keeping the rest.

This package of tips should completely save you from annoying system errors. Now you know how to fix File Explorer not responding error in Windows 7.