Screens of documents. How to make a print screen using the PrtScr key

Have a problem? You are new? You need take a screenshot... This is essential when blogging. I will help you.

Screenshot or Screen comes from the English. screenshot - screenshot. In our case, this is a screenshot of the display (monitor) personal computer(PC). It is carried out by scanning ("photographing") the image of the screen area. It can be done different ways: by means of the operating system, special programs and even using a camera or camcorder.

If you need to do screenshot full screen , then just press the "PrtScr" button on the PC keyboard. The screen image is saved to the operating system (OS) clipboard, such as Windows. It can be copied from the clipboard to the Paint.NET graphics editor of Windows OS, edited and used at your discretion. For example, insert into text Word editor or an article on your blog.

I personally use the Snagi program t. According to many Snagit best program and I am subscribing to this opinion. It is paid. But she's worth it. You can find and free option, but I didn’t tell you about it, dear newcomers of Infobusiness! Snagit's functionality is even overloaded.

Snagit allows you to:
Scan a rectangular or arbitrary area of ​​the screen.
Scan one full window or a scrolling window (multiple windows).
Adjust the color gamut of both black-and-white and color images: from grayscale for a black-and-white image to adjusting brightness, contrast, and color saturation for a color image.
Set the ratio of the automatic enlargement (reduction) of the screenshot size, set the width and height of the screenshot with or without aspect ratio.
Add caption to image with the necessary information and anywhere along its borders.
Add a border for an image in 2 or 3 dimensions.
Add a watermark anywhere in the image.

After taking a screenshot, the program automatically switches to Snagit editor, which allows:
Insert text comments, specifying the font you need, its size and color.
Place lines and arrows on the image, choosing the desired design.
Draw using the Pencil tool, use the Fill and Eraser functionality.

Many more others useful functions has a Snagit program. For example, she may record video from the screen Your monitor. You can learn more about the Snagit program.

I am sure, my friend, that in the future you will master all the features of the Snagit program you need and thank me for the information you received today.

Screenshot of a multi-page (multi-window) document... Why is it needed? Sometimes the authors of sites prohibit copying the text (content). This screenshot will help you to get the necessary document in the form of an image. Do you want to keep your website content highly unique? Paste the excerpt from the borrowed source into your article as a screenshot. But, of course, you should definitely refer to the source of borrowing, so as not to violate copyright.

How to take a screenshot of a multi-page (multi-window) document

After reading the above, I am sure that at least you are new to the information business, you have already installed the Snagit program on your computer. Let's go into it. In the "Profiles" section, left-click on the "Window" icon. It will be highlighted in yellow. In the "Profile parameters" section, select the "Window" icon, left-click on the triangle in it, select "Scrolling" - "Scrolling window". The Window icon changes to a Scrolling Window icon. Click on the "Data collection" button.

A red border will appear on the document, and a tooltip will appear in the upper left corner:

  1. Click left button mouse in the middle of the window to start recording (scanning).
  2. Wait for the complete completion of the automatic scrolling of the window (more precisely, the document).

At the end of the operation, a Snagit editor with the scanned document.

Select the required fragment of the document (the fragment will be in a black dotted frame). Select the Image tab and click Crop To Selection. If necessary, you can select the design you need to display the picture on the "Image style" tab. Save the result using the "Save As" operation.

Here is a possible outcome of our work:

And this is the result of the work of the Snagit editor:
Examples of representation of the use of a borrowed document on a blog can be viewed.

It's never too late to learn. I am sure that after reading given content, You learned what it is screenshot and what is it for. Having done practical actions, you have learned not only how to do full screen screenshot your monitor, but also screenshot of a multi-page (multi-screen) document... Know how to use the program Snagit. You can edit the image using Snagit editor.

When creating abstracts or reports, you need to copy the screenshot into the document. This screen capture procedure is called a print screen ( Print Screen). Every computer user who is constantly dealing with the preparation of any documents should know how to make a print screen. The process is very simple and fast.

How to make a print screen of the screen

To take a picture of the screen, you need to perform only one simple action. It will be pressing a button on the keyboard called "Print Screen".

After pressing the button, the picture is copied to the clipboard. At this time, there are no visible changes in the operation of the computer: new windows do not appear, notifications are not displayed. From, you can insert your image into any program that supports the processing of graphic information. There are many programs that specialize in creating and editing print screens. These include HyperSnap and WinSnap.

But most often they use Microsoft Word, Rhotoshop or regular Paint.

How to make a print screen of a page

If you want to take a picture of not everything that is visible on the monitor, but only one open window, then you can do this using a combination of keys. To do this, hold down the key Alt, do Print Screen active window on the monitor. This function is very effective when you need to insert only a certain part of the monitor workspace into the document. The combination will save time editing pictures.

How to insert a Print Screen into a Microsoft Word document

If you want to insert a print screen into Word document, then you can simply press the key combination "Ctrl" + "Alt". Before inserting a snapshot, you must specify its location by placing the cursor on it. You can also insert a graphic by using context menu... To do this, right-click on the place where the print screen was inserted and select the "insert" function.

In the case when you need to change it before inserting a screenshot into the document, first insert it into any graphics editor and perform any operations on it.

How to insert a print screen into Paint

Program Paint present in any operating system as a standard graphical editor. Using this application, you can save Print Screen as a picture to your computer. To insert a screen photo into Paint, you need to carry out a number of simple steps:

How to work with Print Screen in Photoshop

  1. We open Adobe program Photoshop and create in it new document by executing the File and New commands.
  2. Now we take a screenshot of the active window, which will be in the clipboard.
  3. Using the Edit-Paste command, paste a snapshot from random access memory v working window Adobe photoshop.
  4. After completing all the necessary actions with the graphic object, we save it in any format to the computer memory.

You can also watch a video on the topic:

We all use text Microsoft editor Word for creating and formatting documents, both at home and at work. We know how to apply formatting to text, create a table or insert an image, etc. But, not all of us know that Word has a built-in tool that allows you to quickly take and insert a screenshot of any open in this moment windows on your computer into an editable document.

Undoubtedly, the standard screenshot function is built into most operating systems and tied to a specific key or key combinations on any keyboard. However, if you are already working on a document in text editor and want to add a screenshot of the currently open window or a clipping of a portion of the screen to it, you can save a few clicks by using the custom Word tool.

A snapshot of the window will be taken without enabling the Taskbar, only its active area. Separately - screen clipping, thanks to a second delay, will help to capture both part of the desktop content and an arbitrary area of ​​any active application, folder, document, website, etc.

Many will say that they are used to with the Print key Screen or in combination with the Alt key, then edit them in the image editor. And already finished image add to word-document through the menu for inserting pictures.

Agree, that's what most of us do! But in some cases, it will be more convenient to do in the following way... We'll use Word 2013 to demonstrate the process.


On the Toolbar, select the Insert tab. Find the "Snapshot" button, which is located under the "SmartArt" and "Chart" buttons, click on it. You will see a panel containing thumbnails of each window currently open on your PC.

As you might guess, clicking on any of the thumbnails will insert the corresponding snapshot into the document. The user will be available standard parameters markup and image editing.

If you want to capture a specific area on the screen, click on the "Screen Clipping" button below. The entire screen will become dim and you can draw a rectangle over the part you want to capture.

Remember, you have a second or two left to choose from. Once finished, the tool will immediately add the image to the document. Then you can edit it like any other drawing.

As you can see, you can quickly take and insert a screenshot while editing a document in such an unusual way. Write in the comments if you knew about it before or just now read it for the first time. Thanks for visiting our website, hopefully with helpful computer tips!

Screenshot (and if in Russian, screenshot) Is a great thing that will come in handy more than once or twice in your daily work. Illustrating an error in a program, composing sensible instructions for colleagues, or “taking a picture” of an image you like on the Internet, which you can't download in any way - all this without the ability to take screenshots is almost impossible.

Did you know that with the release of MS Office 2010 (and in all newer versions of Office), you can take screenshots directly from open document MS Word? Today I will teach you how to use this wonderful tool.

How to take a screenshot directly from a MS Word document

So, you have created a text document and you want to illustrate the text with a screenshot. Go to "Insert" tab, and, click on Snapshot button... Please note, a small panel will immediately appear with thumbnail images of all open in currently applications.

Taking a screenshot without closing MS Word is not a problem since Office 2010.

Further, everything is even simpler - by left-clicking on the desired thumbnail, we take a snapshot of that very window, and right there, this snapshot is added to an open text document in the form of an image. Ready!

Screenshot added to text editor page

But the possibilities of MS Word have not yet exhausted themselves. As you already know, the Word is not just a word processor, but rather an entire publishing system, albeit an amateur one. And if so, then it offers not only text processing capabilities, but also image processing. Let's decorate our screenshot by focusing on the content.

Double-click on the inserted image on the sheet, and then top panel tools from "Insert" will switch to "Format"... Now, using the tool group Picture Styles, blur the edges of the picture a little. In my opinion, it turned out just fine! Using styles and preset settings for working with images, you can significantly increase its visual appeal and make it more understandable for those to whom your report was intended.

And let's decorate the screenshot with some effects. Beautiful!

How to take a screenshot of not everything, but only part of the screen?

Yes, it is no more difficult than "photographing" the entire active window. Go to "Insert" tab, and in the "Illustrations" toolset, Press Snapshot button, and look at the very bottom of the window that appears. Click on the button Screen Clipping, after which the text document will be automatically minimized, and the screen will be covered with "white fog".

Screen clipping is another MS Word tool that allows you to take screenshots, not only of the entire contents of the window, but of its selected part

Feel free to hold down the left mouse button, outline the area you want to place in the document, and release the button. A moment, and the document already flaunts the screenshot you just took of a part of the screen.

Select the area with the mouse and take a screenshot

The only thing that needs to be said is that after activating the clipping tool and folding the document, only the last viewed tab will appear on the screen. That is, if you have more than 1 application window open, and a screenshot needs to be taken from one specific window, it makes sense to first deploy the application that you are going to "screenshot", and then start MS Word and use its tools to capture a part of the screen ...

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Without resorting to help third party utilities... In this short article I will show you how to do this.
Departing a little from the topic, I repeat that it is easy to create a screenshot using standard tools and programs included in standard set Windows. In particular, I mean Paint. I will not go into details, because about this is written quite extensively in the article, the link to which is located above.

So, to take a screenshot and immediately place (paste) it into Word, you can simply press the PrtScr key on the keyboard, being in the exact place and window that you want, and then paste it hot Ctrl keys+ V to the desired location in the document.

Note: to take a screenshot of the active window (which is on top of all windows, for example, an error message or not in full size) so that the Start button, the taskbar and everything that you see in front of your eyes do not get caught in the screenshot, you need to press Alt + PrtScr

You can also select a tab directly in the Word itself Insert and there click on the arrow under the heading Snapshot, as a result of which all available and active windows should open, by selecting the one you need, you will insert the screenshot directly into Word:

Moreover, a screenshot of the active window will be inserted, as if you pressed Alt + PrtScr

There is one nuance in this method - in order to take a snapshot of the window, it must be maximized. As soon as you collapse it, it will immediately disappear from the available ones. This should be taken into account so that later the question "Where is the boring window available to me ???" does not arise.
To make everything correct and accessible, you first open the window you need, for example, even in the My Computer Explorer, then start Word without minimizing the Explorer, and then you will see that you can insert it.

The advantages of this method of creating a screenshot include the fact that you do not need to press the PrtScr key, as well as the fact that you can immediately take a screenshot of the exact fragment of the window you need directly in the Word (this often happens). To do this, you need to click on the "Screen Cut" button, which I highlighted in the screenshot above. This will open the last active open window slightly lightened and a cross, with which you select the desired fragment, and then immediately becomes the active Word in which the screenshot is already inserted. Well, right there, you can edit it a little using standard tools Vorda.

I do not urge you to use this particular method of creating a screenshot, but I just want you to know about it and someday this method will be useful to you. For example, if you are typing and working in a Word and needed to insert some kind of window.
By the way, if you want, you can save this picture as a picture by right-clicking on it and selecting "Save as Picture". Then it turns out that you created a screenshot without using the keys, but using only the mouse and Word =)