Windows 10 does not load when the laptop is turned on. Windows does not load after installing updates

If Windows has stopped loading, then you can use standard utilities to restore correct operation.

One of the main nightmares of lovers computer technology- this is to face a situation where the device cannot be turned on. The operating system starts to load, but eventually displays a message like: "Failed to configure Windows updates, the changes are being canceled, do not turn off the computer." After that, nothing new happens - the software cannot recover, and the download stubbornly does not help. Best Antivirus for Windows 10 The best antivirus for Windows 10 Viruses and all kinds spyware are the most common causes of PC problems. We figure out how to defend. More details

System recovery tools

Before the release of Windows 7, this situation turned into numerous dances with a tambourine, and often completely reinstalling the operating system. Now everything is different, and often the problem is solved by standard tools from Microsoft, which do not even need to be specially installed. The task boils down to being, in principle, aware that such a toolkit exists, as well as to simply remembering it when something "irreparable" suddenly happened.

The trick is to have time to get into the advanced parameters of this boot itself, when you boot the computer, even before the Windows boot icons appear, where it will be possible to run diagnostics and, if necessary, perform a system restore to the selected checkpoint. In Windows 7, when loading, it was required to press function key F8, and then select the "Troubleshoot" option (although in rare cases the "Last Known Good Configuration" option saved).

Additional options boot Windows 7

Once in the "System Recovery Options" menu, in most cases one of the first two options became the salvation. "Startup recovery" could save the operating system in automatic mode, and System Restore required you to manually select a checkpoint to roll back to.

Recovery options Windows systems 7

Windows 10 backup Windows 10 backup In order to be able to restore it to its original state in the event of a malfunction of the operating system, you must make a recovery disc in advance. Read more Microsoft would change itself if with the update of its brainchild it would leave everything useful tools the old way. Restoring the Windows 10 system is carried out by pressing the "hot keys" Shift + F8, and, unlike the "seven", you need to press this combination very, very quickly, since the operating system itself began to load much faster.

Windows 10 boot options

Has undergone changes and appearance saving menu. Having chosen "Diagnostics", in the "Additional parameters" there are already familiar to us "System Restore" and "Startup Recovery" (only in a different order). There is also an option "Return to the previous build" if you upgraded to "ten" from one of the previous versions of Windows.

Extra options boot Windows 10

If automatic repair didn't work

Restoring a Windows system to one of the past checkpoints is not a difficult task. It is only important that these points themselves exist in the system, because sometimes users themselves manually disable their creation, at the same time deleting the existing ones. Indeed, it makes sense to clean up old checkpoints from time to time, since they take up a lot of space. But giving up recovery points altogether is a risky business. Safe Internet across DNS Safe Internet via DNS How can you navigate the Internet without catching viruses? Secure DNS servers will help. Learn more To make sure that restore points are automatically created for you or to make changes to the appropriate settings, you need to select the display of icons "Large icons" (or Small, but not Categories) in the "Options" window and select the "Recovery" item. There you already select "System Restore Settings", check whether protection is enabled and, if necessary, use the "Configure" button. Here you can manually create a point for subsequent recovery.

Recover your Windows 10 computer

Points Windows recovery 10

If we have restore points, then using the method described earlier, that is, using the built-in Windows tools to restore the system, you can quickly roll back to an earlier state of the computer without losing important files.

Create a Windows 10 recovery image

As a last resort, you will have to restore the system to its original state or according to a previously created system image. It is advisable to create the "System Image" and "System Recovery Disc" in a working state of the operating system, after you have installed all the applications you need. This is all done through the same "Control Panel" (aka "Options"), when browsing by "Categories", selecting "Backup and Restore (Windows 7)". Here you can restore operating system to the previously created image, if the computer is still booting, but has already stopped working as it should. Limiting Windows 10 Tracking Limiting Windows 10 Tracking With each release of the operating system, Microsoft asks more and more information from users. But you can moderate her appetites. More details

Restoring a laptop to factory settings

If standard means do not help, and you do not have a disk or USB device with a recovery image, laptop owners can use the "hot keys" to launch the built-in recovery utility. Some models may even have for these purposes separate key, for example, Lenovo's OneKey Recovery, but this is rather an exception. In other cases, it is important to know which " hotkey»For your laptop, as it tends to differ from manufacturers.

Hotkeys for laptop manufacturers:

F3 - MSI; F4 - Samsung; F8 - Fujitsu Siemens; F8 - Toshiba; F9 - ASUS; F10 - Sony VAIO; F10 - Packard Bell; F11 - HP Pavilion; F11 - LG; F11 - Lenovo ThinkPad; Alt + F10 - Acer (before that select in BIOS - Disk-to-Disk (D2D)); Ctrl + F11 - Dell Inspiron; Clamp - Rover.

The factory utility will restore the device to its original state, as if it were fresh from the store. This will delete all programs with settings, all files, including your favorite photos, which just for such cases it makes sense to store in cloud services... However, the device will be able to work again, and in some cases this method will simply help to prepare the laptop for subsequent resale or transfer to relatives.

Five methods of Windows 10 system recovery (step by step guides)

Windows 10 as well as earlier OS can be affected, for example, virus attacks or system errors occur. As a result, Microsoft has provided Windows 10 with special built-in features so that you can perform a quick recovery of the operating system, allowing you to effectively return it to a working position. Among these tools, the new product includes, as well as the methods of reanimating the OS that have already been tested over the years, for example, using a previously created restore point or recording an image of the entire OS on an external medium, but some improved methods have also been introduced, such as USB creation specifically for the possibility of recovery.

This article describes in detail for Windows 10 five methods to ensure quick recovery from system failures. The first three methods should be used when not particularly difficult situations arise, and the last two will effectively help even in cases of impossibility to boot the system. The option of a clean installation of the system will not be considered here, since it already refers to the cardinal methods and even in its essence can no longer be called a recovery method, since the OS will be installed "from scratch" (with the formatting of the system partition hard disk).

Method 1: Using the Return Point to Healthy State

It is stipulated that in automatic mode Windows 10 like its previous versions at regular intervals creates points for the possibility of its recovery. But at any time, the user can always save such a point and in manual mode... For example, before making any important adjustments to the system, or before installing applications and special software.

The main advantage of method 1 is that after the procedure, all information in the user's computer is saved and only software installed later than the date of the restore point will be removed.

If the user is interested in the question: "How to restore the OS using 1 method?", Then the algorithm of actions is as follows:

Method 2: Rollback to factory state

The Top Ten now has a function that allows you to return your PC to factory settings. This method provides the ability to perform a total rollback of the system or without affecting the personal information of the owner stored in the computer.

How to restore the OS through the reset function? This requires the following sequential steps:

Method 3: Using the file backup function

In Windows 10 there is a convenient function "File History", with which the user can independently or by setting in the settings automatic execution, create backup copies of information stored in the PC. To do this, you just need to enable this setting and show what exactly needs to be backed up. The time interval after which you need to create copies of files is specified in the settings. This, in the event of failures or errors in the OS, will allow you to quickly and without investing much effort, return your information and resume full-fledged work with them.

Method 4: by creating a USB disk

In cases where the OS does not start at all, the first three methods will not be able to help. In this case, you will need to already use the recovery disk, which allows you to use additional features downloads.

The algorithm of actions consists of the following stages:

Method 5: using bootable media with Windows 10

In the absence of a previously created recovery disc and if it is impossible to boot the PC, you will need to use the bootable media with Windows 10 to restore the system. Bootable (installation) media is created on a USB flash drive or on a DVD drive.

The sequence of steps is as follows:

Windows 10 System Restore

  • 1 Create a snapshot
  • 2 Recovering
  • 3 If it does not load

Windows 10 is under continuous testing. This means that errors pop up from time to time. It's no wonder that restoring Windows 10 in such conditions is a necessary process. Problems arise due to the implementation of updates by developers. After all, this whole bunch of applications and equipment that exist on the market must be adapted to the requirements of the new operating system.

Create a snapshot

You can imagine that the return of a computer to its previous state is a leap in time. Windows 10, in addition to our desire, automatically photographs its configuration. Such fragments of memory have important files and drivers in working versions. So for Windows 10 it is very important to take a snapshot of itself before installing any software. The user can do such an operation on his own.

To do this, click on the Start menu and select Control Panel.

After that, you need to click on the System item.

Go to a new window and click on System Protection.

We check such a parameter as the partition for which Windows 10 recovery is enabled. Place the cursor on this section, select it and click Configure.

In the next window, you need to put a full stop opposite Turn on system protection. It is recommended to allocate around 15% for the storage of all our restore points. Next, you need to click OK.

After realizing that the restore point is being created on the C drive, we begin this process.

We restore

So, let's say that something bad happened. For example, a virus got on the computer or a new program strongly affected its work. In this case, rollback to previous snapshots is applied.

Press the Restore button in the System Properties window.

See also: What's the catch in upgrading to Windows 10

Windows 10 will then prompt us to select any snapshot. For example, we can stop at the one that we created ourselves.

If it does not load

And if everything is really bad, and Windows 10 does not even boot, then you can try to restore it by first inserting the boot disk. Such a disc can be created from DVD media. For this purpose, the usual Windows tools will help us.

  • Press the Start button.
  • Then select Control Panel.
  • Next, we click on System and its maintenance.
  • Then we select Backup and Restore.

On the left side of this window there will be a command Create a system recovery disc. You just need to follow the instructions. Naturally, such operations must be done in advance, even before fatal computer problems begin. After you've managed to create a disc, you need to use it wisely.

  • We insert the disc into the DVD drive of the sick computer.
  • We reboot the machine using a special button on the case.
  • If boot from disk is not set, then we go to the BIOS and bring it up to the menu Boot boot from DVD.
  • In the menu that boots up, you need to select the recovery option and click Next.

That's all, as you can see, there is nothing to be afraid of computer failures. Exist as automatic saves and manual methods archiving the integrity of the software. If you do everything correctly, then you just need to click on several buttons a couple of times and roll back to the working one. Windows versions 10. Windows 10 recovery will always save us.

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Windows 10 recovery

Let's try to restore Windows 10 and deal with many options in ascending order of complexity. Actually, they have a lot in common: in all cases, without exception, except for the full recovery of Windows 10, we need a backup.

To begin with - the most important files and documents, and ideally - the entire system disk ... To ensure the reliability of the system, we need to secure the most important disk - the first one, the system one, as well as our user information, that is, documents. Restoring Windows 10 can be done in several ways:

  1. Resetting your computer to its original state
  2. Using File History
  3. Using restore points
  4. From the system image
  5. Using a recovery disc

How to restore Windows 10 to its original state

First of all, you need to pay attention when we want to restore Windows 10 to its original state, this is the "Restore" function. To do this, open Settings >> Update & Security >> Recovery and click the Get Started button.

Here we are offered two options for action. Return the computer to its original state. "Reset" the system with the deletion of all installed programs, with or without saving personal files. The last resort should only be used in an emergency ... and with a backup of all valuable information.

Special download options. Finally, other operations to restore the system can be done by restarting the computer in a special "recovery" mode - we will return to this later.

The last item on this menu offers a clean install of Windows using new program Refresh is the same reset, only with a subsequent reinstalling Windows 10 from the "distribution" automatically downloaded from the network. We will use this method only in those cases when the usual "reset" will be impossible.

In both cases, take care of backing up your documents and photos in advance - unless, of course, they are stored in the "cloud", as I advised you, and not on a separate disk. Remember: a system reset only affects the main, system drive; all other drives on your system remain safe.

Recovery disc

If the computer refused to start, then an installation disc or a recovery disc that we created earlier will come to our aid. See: How to create a Windows 10 recovery drive. To start from removable media, you need to make some settings. It is necessary to use the boot menu to install the boot from USB Flash Disk, only then will we boot from the recovery disk.

Once in the recovery environment, you will be presented with multiple tasks to restore the system, even rollback to the initial state if other methods do not help.

Windows 10 recovery mode

You can roll back to the previous "restore point" even if the computer does not boot at all. In such cases, after several boot failures, the computer automatically boots into special regime Windows 10 recovery, from where you can "get to the bottom" of any saved "snapshot".

How do I start recovery mode? Restart your computer and using special teams: Options >> Update & Restore >> Restore >> Special Boot Options. If you see this picture after restarting your computer, you can first try clicking on the first item and continue downloading as usual. If this did not work out, we have a direct road to the Troubleshooting section.

In this menu, we will find many useful commands that will help us in case of a failure. For example - loading in Safe Mode, with a minimum of commands and attachments. In Safe Mode, you only have to make do with standard drivers and programs ... but that's what we need! This mode can be used if the system "hangs" at the very last stage of loading, after the logo appears and disappears from the screen. Most often this happens due to problems with drivers or some programs in the Startup Menu - in safe mode they will not start, so you can, with some experience, catch them and remove them. But the most important section with recovery tools will open to you when you press the F10 key.

Thus, we get access to boot management - an unusually powerful tool that will come to your aid in case of various kinds of errors. Here the system will offer you to "reset" to a clean system state - either keeping your personal files and settings, or completely. Of course, this method is too radical for simple failures - it will fix the errors, it is undoubtedly, but in passing it will destroy all the programs installed on the computer. Well, let's leave this recipe as a last resort and click on the Additional link: there is one more in store for us "First aid kit".

This is much more interesting: for a start, we can try to fix boot problems (if any) - this will help us with Startup Repair. It does not affect our personal data or installed programs, checking the integrity system files and a number of drivers. Alas, in case of the most severe failures, this repairman will not help us, but it's worth at least trying.

The Windows 10 System Restore tool will allow you to roll back to a saved "restore point" (we will talk about them below). Let me remind you that such "points" with a snapshot of the registry and other important system files are created automatically when you install new programs ... But you can do it manually - say, some potentially dangerous software.

Finally, the Boot Options menu will allow you to restart in "safe mode" without launching most of the device drivers and startup programs. This can help you in case of problems with video card drivers or antivirus: potentially it is they who most often "freeze" the system at the start.

As you can see, the Boot Menu capabilities are large enough to fix most Windows 10 problems - although I sincerely hope you never have to see it on screen.

And at the same time, I will remind you of my favorite way of resurrecting a system from the dead during the most severe failures, up to a complete failure of a hard disk - restoring from an image, a backup saved on another hard disk (preferably an external one). I must say right away that Windows itself is able to create such "images", and it is not for nothing that the Restore Image command is included in the boot menu. But this is exactly the case when you should not hesitate to choose a separate program for the job, whether it's the free Rescue Kit on Paragon or the talented but hopelessly paid Acronis True Image.

Restoring Windows 10 from a system image

If we have a copy of the system image, when the time comes to make Windows recovery 10 from the image will not be difficult and we will be able to restore the computer in a few minutes without having to install all the programs. To perform recovery system partition from the image, you need to start the computer in the recovery environment: Options >> Update and recovery >> Recovery >> Special boot options.

After entering the password account, you will need to select the image from which the system distribution will be restored.

After simple manipulations, the system will warn you: All data on the recovered disks will be replaced with data from the system image. Click "Yes" and wait for the process to complete. After restarting your computer, you will see that the system looks the way you made it at the time of the imaging. See the article: How to create a Windows 10 image.

Recovery point

Creation of "restore points", that is, backup copies of configuration files and important system files. They take up little space, but they will allow you to reanimate the system in the vast majority of cases. Windows periodically (usually when new programs are installed) creates snapshots of the system state. And if you have several such “points” at your disposal, you can return the system “back to the past”. And not until the birth of life on your computer, but just a day or so ago, until the "glitch" appeared.

To do this, we need to go to the old System Restore menu of the Control Panel (System and Security section) - you already know that the easiest way to get to it is by typing the word "Recovery" in the search bar.

Click on the line "Start System Restore" - a "calendar" will open in front of us, which will list all the restore points. And at the same time - and the programs, before the installation of which they were created. And if you know for sure that your system was "damaged" by a video card driver, you just need to find its name in the list and roll back to the date before its installation.

One subtlety: By default, the "restore points" system in Windows 10 is disabled. And if you are going to use it, then even when you first start your computer with a "fresh" system, you need to enable and configure it. This is done in the System Restore Settings menu: please note that for each disk on your computer it is turned on separately (if there are several of them on your computer, I recommend limiting yourself to the system one). In addition, you can adjust the amount of disk space allocated for storing "points" - the more you allocate space, the more "points" the system will be able to store.

Using the same menu, you can create a Restore Point manually (although the configuration is automatically "backed up" by the system after installation important updates or programs, so you have to resort to this operation less and less). See article: Recovery point in Winows 10

The Windows 10 recovery procedure is reversible: in case of failure, you can easily return the system to a previous state

Using File History

It is better to store documents and photos from the very beginning in the "cloud", that is, not in folders on the Desktop, as we are used to, but in storages like Dropbox or OneDrive (if it is more convenient for you, create a shortcut for these folders on the Desktop) ... See How to use cloud storage.

If you do not trust the Network, store them in special folders of Documents, and enable Backup OneDrive in the system settings, and if you have a separate drive (for example, an external USB hard drive), use Back up using File History.

Unfortunately, this method only protects your information, but not system files; it will not help restore Windows 10 after a crash.

Stable work of a computer or laptop the day before does not mean that the next launch will be without surprises. The most unpleasant and unexpected of them is that the OS does not boot. A blue or black screen with comments incomprehensible to the user makes you think about the worst, and frequent reboots are scary. In version 10, you can use Automatic System Restore or manually fix the problem. The first method can be used even by inexperienced users. We will figure out what to do if Windows 10 does not start, why it happens and how to prevent it.

Distinguish between software and hardware startup failures. More often than not, problems occur due to the first type of errors. There are several reasons:

  • files from unverified sources. Virus-infected software products damage PC system components;
  • the system was updated. If the process went wrong or was interrupted by the user, then after the update and restart the PC will not boot;
  • applications and programs are incorrectly installed;
  • experiments with hard drive partitions: compression, partitioning, formatting, etc. The next time you boot, a black screen with "Bootmgr is compressed" will appear.
  • disk cleaning with special software tools... A black screen with "Bootmgr is missing" will appear on boot;
  • the shutdown of the PC was performed incorrectly;
  • there are dubious applications in autorun. In this case, when the device is turned on, the system will start up according to the standard, but at the last stage (before loading the desktop) it will reboot. The procedure can be repeated several times.

Why software crashes cause problems

Suppose, the day before, a user installed updates or drivers on a laptop or PC. Their download and installation went wrong, that is, the files were not completely copied to the system disk. Therefore, the OS refers to the declared ones, but not installed drivers... Problems can also arise due to problems with RAM and as a result of changing bootable media in BIOS. In the latter case, the computer is looking for the required bootloader not on system disk... A hardware malfunction also makes it impossible to boot the OS.

The most "terrible" errors are INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE and CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED, followed by the request to restart Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. These are the most common types of blue screen errors. Software and hardware failures can cause an endless download or reboot. In any case, don't panic. You need to try to get into the OS recovery environment.

How to get into the recovery environment

Initially, Windows 10 will try to troubleshoot on its own and if it fails, it will signal the user with a blue screen.

Automatic recovery is often successful. In this case, OS Windows 10 takes a long time to load, but as a result it starts up.

  1. Whichever blue window pops up, to solve the problem, you need to select the Advanced Options menu. Going to the menu will automatically transfer the user to the system recovery environment.
  1. At the next step, you need to select a "rollback" point - the date and time before updating the system, experimenting with disks or downloading new programs.

Then click "Next" and "Finish". The process ends by rebooting the PC. In 4 out of 10 cases, the actions taken will help. More severe cases (black screen, unable to find the recovery environment) can be solved by reinstalling Windows 10. A bootable USB flash drive (DVD) will also help.

In the latter case, the x32 Bit or x64 Bit OS distribution must have already been written to an external medium. Everyone experienced user be sure to keep one at hand. It is called MSDart. When purchasing a licensed operating system, it is distributed free of charge.

You can also buy it on the official website or download it. The distribution contains the correct boot images the operating system you are using.

Important! When self-recording bootable flash drive or disk, you need to clarify the bitness of the installed system. It is for her and download MSDart. There are errors that can be fixed only by reinstalling the OS or using a flash drive (disk) with MSDart.

How to recover a system from a bootable USB flash drive

To start the procedure, you need to insert the media into your PC or laptop. Then reboot the device by pressing F2 or F8 at the time of reboot. This action will send the user to BIOS settings computer.

  1. Here you need to prioritize the bootable media that was connected to the PC.
  1. Press exit. The last point will save the changes and reboot from the installed external media. After rebooting, the first window will appear on the screen prompting you to select the boot language.

Important! The selection principle and the window for changing the boot priorities depends on the motherboard.

  1. Go to the "Next" button and perform the actions shown in the picture below.

Here we need the "System Restore" menu item. We pass to the new menu "Select action".

  1. We go to the list item "Troubleshooting". We get to the "Additional parameters" menu.
  1. The easiest way is to return to set point- that is, to that set of drivers, system files and other things, which gave 100% and correct loading of Windows 10. This option is provided by the "System Restore" list item. You need to click on it. In the new window, put down the date and time of the "point" that you want to use for the start.

The menu item cannot be used if the control points were not saved.

The second simplest option for OS recovery will be "System Image Restore"

The method will work only if the images were saved. Since only advanced users create backups of the operating system, it is most likely that this menu item will not be able to be applied.

If there is a backup copy in the window that appears, it is enough to indicate the location of its storage and go to "Next".

This command will cause all broken files will be automatically replaced with correct copies from the archive.

If the user installed an additional OS, accidentally performed formatting, compression and other manipulations with the boot files, then you need to go to the "Startup Recovery" item. In that menu, the bootloader will be restored and automatic start Windows 10. The procedure will take a long time.

Users of the licensed version of the OS can use the item "Return to the previous assembly". When the system is updated correctly, the old version files are saved to the Windows.OLD folder. This is a temporary help. The system operability will be maintained for 10-30 days. When using this solution to the problem, you need to come to terms with the fact that files created after updating the OS will be lost.

Hi everyone! In the last article, we learned how. In today's article, we will learn how to enter Windows 10 Safe Mode if the system does not boot due to any errors.

Friends, as a result of which our operating system usually stops loading? That's right, due to damaged system files and critical drivers, but most often Windows does not load because of the programs and drivers we have installed that are not designed to work in our operating system. Let me explain in a little more detail.

How to enter Windows 10 Safe Mode if the operating system won't load

Recently, one person contacted me, he successfully updated his Windows 7 to Windows 10, but after the update his drivers for the video card and TV tuner were lost. I updated the driver for the video card for him, but with the TV tuner it turned out to be more difficult, on the official website of the device only drivers for Windows 7 were posted, there were not even drivers for Windows 8.1. In support, I was told that there are no 100% working drivers on Win 10 yet, but there are beta drivers and they suit someone and who does not.

I downloaded and installed the drivers along with the software on the TV tuner without even creating a restore point just in case. The driver installed and asked for a reboot, after the reboot, the monitor appeared blue death(blue screen), several reboots led to the same effect - the system boot ended with a blue screen.

What happened. Blue screen death is a defensive reaction of Windows to an incorrectly working code, that is, the system was automatically protected by a blue screen, from a malfunctioning TV tuner driver. To remove the incorrect driver, I decided to use Safe Mode.

  • Note: everything would be easier if I had before installing the driver.

We all know that Safe Mode is specially designed to troubleshoot various operating system malfunctions. In Safe Mode, Windows 10 starts with a minimal set of Microsoft-owned and trusted processes. Therefore, we can use safe mode to remove incorrectly working drivers, or programs that led to a failure to boot Windows or its unstable operation.

All this is clear, but how to enter Safe Mode if Win 10 won't boot !?

In the initial window of the system installation, click keyboard shortcut Shift + F10.

A command prompt window will open, enter (suitable for any computers, including laptops with UEFI enabled and the Secure Boot option, the command:

bcdedit / set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true

the command will make a change to the boot store configuration (BCD) file.

The operation completed successfully.

Restart your computer, the Special Boot Options window will open.

Press the key F4 or 4 to enter safe mode, you can also use other special modes used when troubleshooting Windows 10.

If you want to enter the operating system in the usual way, then press Enter on the keyboard.

Here we are in Windows 10 Safe Mode.

We remove the incorrect driver or program in the usual way.

Drivers are usually installed into the operating system along with the software.

Open the Computer window and click Uninstall or change the program.

Find the name of the software that is not working properly and click Remove.

If you installed the driver manually without the installer, uninstall it directly in the Device Manager - right-click on it and select Uninstall.

If you want to remove the appearance of the Special Boot Parameters window at startup, then boot from a bootable Windows 10 USB stick into the recovery environment, run command line, enter the command:

bcdedit / deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions

This command will undo the previously made changes to the Boot Storage Configuration (BCD) file.

For insurance, before work, you can do.

One of the worst things that can happen to your computer is if it just refuses Windows 10 does not start or does not boot for a long time... If the system cannot even initialize, it can be difficult to pinpoint the source of the problem.

But don't despair. Even if it seems that things are very bad, there can be a lot of reasons, and it is worth trying the recipes for solving them before admitting that nothing will help. Windows 10 offers several methods for diagnosing the boot process that you can easily apply yourself. And with a bit of luck, this instruction will help you solve your download problems.

Windows 10 won't load or take a long time to load. Solution

Step 1. Checking the battery

If you have a laptop, the reason for the reluctance of the system to boot normally may be. Try using a different charging cable. Make sure the cable works by plugging it into another laptop. Take out the battery and connect the device to a power source.

Removing the battery will help you understand which component is causing the problem, and whether the problem is in general. The main thing here is to check only one element at a time. If the system does not boot due to a power problem, it is important to understand what exactly needs to be replaced - the cable, the battery, or some other component.

We load into the command line

If your computer won't boot normally, there isn't much you can do with it. However, it is possible that it can boot into the command line, which will give you more tools to diagnose it, and even to solve the problem. To do this, you need Windows 10 on boot disk or .

To boot into the command line, start the system. While they are initializing, try to see the key combination for entering. It usually appears next to the supplier's logo.

Go to the tab Boot and set the first boot device to USB or DVD (depending on where your copy of Windows is located). In detail, this process may vary by different systems, so check the steps against the instructions on the screen. Next, insert the disc with copy of Windows into the system, save the configuration and restart the computer.

When prompted, indicate that you want to boot from disk. Enter the language and other requested parameters and on the next screen select Repair your computer. Next select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Command Prompt, and you will see a window for entering commands.

Using System Restore or Startup Repair

If you are already booting Windows with installation disk or a USB stick, it is worth trying a couple of utilities available in the process. When you boot according to the instructions above, you will have access to settings that can reanimate your computer. On the Advanced Options screen, look for links to System Restore and Boot Repair.

System Restore is a utility that allows you to roll back to a previous restore point while your computer was still operating normally. If the boot problems were not caused by the hardware, but by the changes you made, this may solve them.

Boot Repair is a tool specifically geared towards solving problems when Windows refuses to start. If you can't find the source of your boot problems, it's worth running this utility.

Reassign the drive letter

If multiple drives are installed in the system, it may cause boot problems for Windows users 10 if you accidentally assign a different letter to the partition where Windows is installed. However, this question will require minimal effort if you use the command line.

Boot into a command prompt as described above and enter the following command to launch the disk partitioning utility:

After that enter list volume to see options for all partitions on your system.

Use the commands hereselectandassign lettersto assign the correct letters to the sections you want. For example, if I want to assign the letterEsectionAudio CDin the picture above, I first enter “ select volume 0 " and then " assign letter = E ».

Be extremely careful when making any changes via the command line. Errors can cause new problems.

Bypassing the Windows 10 bootloader

If the problem occurs with a fresh install of Windows 10, the problem may be new version loader utilities. Sometimes it can simultaneously try to load an OS already installed on another disk.

Fortunately, there is a fairly simple way to deal with this. Boot into command line and enter the following command:

bcdedit / set (default) bootmenupolicy legacy

Restart your computer and you should see that the bootloader old version replaced the Windows 10 version. Now you should have no problems booting into Safe Mode or accessing an already installed OS.

We use a third-party utility

The hardest part about solving boot problems is figuring out what exactly is causing the problem. When the system does not even want to start, diagnosing the "disease" is not an easy task. This can help Boot utility Repair Disk.

Boot Repair Disk is an open source program that automatically searches for and fixes boot problems. It is very easy to use - you just need to choose which version of Windows you have installed, 32- or 64-bit. The further process of finding and fixing errors is completely automatic, although some settings are available.

When you already seem to have gone through all the options and nothing comes to mind, try Boot Repair Disk. It does not guarantee a cure, but it can pinpoint the source of the problem that has never been found.

In many cases, including when upgrading from an older version of Windows 7 or 8 to Windows 10, users experience an increase in the boot time of the operating system.

Symptoms of the error usually include a black screen after watching the Windows boot animation with the ability to move the cursor on the screen, and the inability to do anything else during this time. In some cases, this situation can last more than a minute.

In our tests, we used two laptops with this problem: Dell Inspiron 17 2013, and Acer Aspire V5, 2013. Acer added more than a minute to the initial boot time after installing Windows 10, while Dell added 25 seconds.

Fix Acer Aspire V5 Boot Speed ​​By Turning Off quick start systems.

Reference! Fast Startup is a feature included by default in Windows 10 that should reduce system (OS) startup time when it is not started from hard disk(HDD), and from the file hiberfile.sys. However, according to reports from many users, this feature causes problems to boot the OS.

The specified actions in case Acer laptop The Aspire V5 reduced the OS boot time at this stage by 80 seconds.

Disable processes with a high impact on OS startup

Certain processes that have a high impact on OS startup can be disabled (with the exception of security software) so as not to interfere with Windows 10 boot.

Step 1. Press Atl + Ctrl + Del on the keyboard at the same time. A functional menu will appear, where you need to select "Task Manager" with the mouse.

Step 2. The Task Manager dialog box appears. Click on the "Startup" tab and find out if there are unnecessary processes with a high "startup impact" (High) in the operating system.

Step 3. Right-click the process you want to disconnect, and click Disable. Carry out this procedure with all processes affecting the system startup. Then close (with a cross at the top) the window.

Disabling these processes should also reduce OS boot time.

Read also useful information with practical advice, in our new article -

Video card drivers

On Dell Inspiron 17 laptop, it turned out to be impossible to speed up Windows startup 10 methods listed above. Although the methods described below worked, it still didn't fix the laptop problem completely.

Presumably the black screen occurring during the boot phase of Windows 10 is a graphics driver issue that is especially severe on laptops switching between integrated (built-in) GPU Intel HD and a dedicated card from Nvidia or AMD.

An easy way to check this is to disable graphics driver AMD or Nvidia and restart your computer.

Step 1. Click the magnifying glass to the right of the Start button. Enter in the line that appears: "Device Manager" and click on the icon that appears at the top with the inscription "Device Manager".

Step 2. Select "Display Adapters" with the mouse and define the dedicated graphics card. It will be designated Nvidia, AMD Radeon, or ATI Radeon. Right click on the graphics card and click Disable (this may cause the screen to go blank for a while).

Turn off (without restarting, just turn off) the computer and turn it on again to make sure that the problem is fixed.

Important! If you are using only an Intel HD Display Adapter, you do not need to complete the steps above.

If your graphics adapter is causing the problem, you need to re-enable the disabled graphics card using the steps above and then download latest version video card driver from the website of its manufacturer: or by running its installation in the OS.

After downloading and installing the driver, turn off and on your computer to see if the problem is resolved.

Reference! If loading is still slow, it is worth checking to see if it would be an effective solution to disable Fast Startup in conjunction with new graphics card drivers.

Energy Saving AMD

If the laptop has AMD graphics card, there is one more step to try. To do this, you need to open the registry editor.

Step 1. Click the right mouse on the "Start" icon and left "Run".

Step 2. In the window that appears, type regedit and click "OK".

Step 3. In the "Registry Editor" window that opens, select "Edit" - "Find" with the mouse. Enter EnableULPS into the search box and click Find Next. After a short search, EnableULPS will be visible in the list of registry settings.

Step 4. Double click it and change the value from 1 to 0 in the Value Data by clicking OK.

This will disable the power saving feature, which turns off the dedicated graphics card when not needed. As a result, the laptop will consume more battery power, so it is necessary to do this only if the laptop is connected to the 220V network for a longer time.

If the listed solutions don't work

If none of the above solutions work, you can try resetting Windows 10 to its original state by deleting all files and programs. The advantage of this solution over OS reinstallation is the ability to keep personal files.

Step 1. Open the "Start" menu and click on the "Options" button.

Step 2. In the window that appears, select "Updates and Security".

Step 3. In the next pop-up window, select "Recovery". In the subsection "Return the computer to its original state" click the "Start" button.

Step 4. You will be prompted to save your personal files, or delete them. Select the option you want.

Step 5.

The Windows 10 "Reset" will begin. The PC will (possibly several times) reboot, and after completing the procedure, you will get a "clean" OS.

In the case of the Dell Inspiron 17 laptop, a complete "reset" of the OS was the only way to solve the problem with a slow booting Windows 10. Boot problems persist, but while Fast Startup is turned off, the black screen is no longer visible.

If your Windows 10 PC has old or corrupted drivers, your PC may also boot slowly. To correct the situation, you can update the device drivers.

Reference! In this case, you can save a significant amount of time if you use special programs driver updates such as Driver Easy.

Step 1. Download and install Driver Easy. Run the program and click the "Scan" button (Scan Now). Driver Easy will scan your computer and find "faulty" drivers.

Step 2. After finding the necessary drivers for updating, click the Update button next to the right driver, or the "Update All" button for all found drivers.

Step 3. Restart Windows 10 and check if it boots faster.

If the computer on which Windows 10 is installed is weak enough, you should pay attention to the antivirus used in the system. If you are using several such programs, it is recommended that you choose the most productive one and leave only it.

You can also use only the built-in Windows Defender, which in Windows 10, unlike Windows 7 and 8, has become a valuable assistant for everyday use, in general, reliably protecting your PC.

You can also perform a "clean" installation of the OS to permanently solve the indicated problem.