Restoring the SmartBuy flash drive. Restoring USB flash drives Kingston download flash micro sit 8 gigs flash drive

A variety of problems with USB drives or flash drives is what each of their owner is faced with. The computer does not see the flash drive, the files are not deleted and the files are not recorded, Windows writes that the disk is protected, the amount of memory is incorrectly shown - this is not a complete list of such problems. It is possible if the computer simply does not define the drive, it will also help this guide: (3 ways to solve the problem). If the flash drive is determined and works, but it is necessary to restore the files from it, I recommend to get acquainted with the material.

If a various methods Create a USB drive error by manipulations with drivers, actions in "Drinks" Windows or using command line (DiskPart, Format, etc.) did not lead to positive results, you can try utilities and programs for repairing flash drives, provided by manufacturers, such as Kingston, Silicon Power and transcend and third-party developers.

The official website of Silicon Power in the "Support" section provides a program for repairing flash drives of this manufacturer - USB Flash. Drive Recovery. To download, you will need to enter the address. email (Not verified), then the UFD_RECOVER_TOOL ZIP archive is loaded, in which the SP Recovery Utility is located (requires the component .NET Framework 3.5 to work automatically, if necessary).

Similar to the previous program, to work SP Flash Drive Recovery, you need to connect to the Internet and the restoration of work occurs in several steps - determining the parameters of the USB drive, loading and unpacking the suitable utility for it, then automatic execution necessary actions.

Download Silicon Power SP Flash Drive Recovery Software Flashkef's repair program Free from the official site

If you are the owner of the Kingston Datatraveler Hyperx 3.0 drive, then on the official Kingston website you can find a utility for the repair of this lineup of flash drives, which will help format the drive and bring it to the state he had when purchasing.

Free download Kingston Format. Utility is from page


The ADATA manufacturer also has its own utility that will help correct flash drive errors, if you cannot read the contents of the flash drive, Windows reports that the disc is not formatted or you see other errors associated with the drive. To download the program you will need to enter serial number USB flash drives (to load exactly what is required) as in the screenshot below.

After downloading - run the downloaded utility and perform several simple steps By restoring the USB device.

The official page where you can download the ADATA USB Flash Drive Online Recovery and read about the use of the program - /ss/usbdiy/


For Apacer flash drives, several programs are available at once - different versions Apacer Repair Utility (which, however, cannot be found on the official website), as well as Apacer Flash Drive REPAIR TOOLavailable for download official Pages Some of the Apacer flash drives (look on the official website specifically your USB drive model and look into the download section at the bottom of the page).

Apparently, the program performs one of the two steps - a simple formatting of the drive (Format item) or low-level formatting (Restore item).

Formatter Silicon Power

Formatter Silicon Power is a free utility of low-level formatting of the flash drives, which, according to reviews (including in the comments to the current article), works for many other drives (but use it at their own risk), allowing you to restore their performance when no other Methods do not help.

On the official website SP utility is no longer available, so you have to use Google to download it (I do not give links to the unofficial locations) and do not forget to check the downloaded file, for example, on Virustotal before starting it.

SD Memory Card Formatter for repairing and formatting SD, SDHC and SDXC memory cards (including Micro SD)

The Association of SD Memory Card Manufacturers offers its own universal utility To format the appropriate memory cards when problems with them occur. At the same time, judging by the available information, it is compatible with almost all such drives.

The program itself is available in versions for Windows (there is support and Windows 10) and MacOS and quite simple to use (but the card reader will be required).

You can download SD Memory Card Formatter from the official site

D-Soft Flash Doctor program

The free D-Soft Flash Doctor program is not tied to any particular manufacturer and, judging by the reviews, can help fix problems with a flash drive by low-level formatting.

In addition, the program allows you to create an image of a flash drive for subsequent work no longer over the physical drive (to avoid further faults) - it can be useful if you need to get data from the flash disk. Unfortunately, the official site utility failed to find, but it is available on many resources with free programs.

How to find a program for repairing flash drives

In fact, this kind free utilities For the repair of flash drives much more than it is listed here: I tried to consider only about "universal" tools for USB drives of different manufacturers.

It is possible that none of the above utilities is suitable in order to restore the performance of your USB drive. In this case, you can take advantage of the following steps to find the desired program.

Optional: If all the described methods are repaired USB drive did not help, try.

Almost every person who, one way or another, is associated with computers, at least once, but came across the problem of faults of the flash card. It can be expressed in different ways: Windows does not see a flash drive, refuses to format it, failed when copying and moving files or the wrong memory is determined.

You can restore the Kingston drive using a special software.

Most of the simple cases can be cured by having a simple formatting of the flash drive tools by operating windows systems. To do this, you need to insert it into your computer and after it is determined to enter my computer, click right-click on the drive and choose to format. After successful formatting, the system will notify this.

If, after the formatting of the problem, it remains or it is over fails, for example, operating system Gave an error - "Windows cannot complete formatting", then you need to try another method. For example, kingston company For its drives provides special means to restore their performance. The Kingston flash drive program is easily downloaded from the company's official website, in the Support section. After downloading, it must be unpaved and run. In the window that opens, select the desired drive and click Format. After formatting, a special method should earn a flash drive.

Another way to try is to use a low-level formatting program. Such a program, for example, D-Soft Flash Doctor or the like. It is not oriented under some particular drive or manufacturer, so it can format any flash drives and memory cards.

If all these actions have not led to anything, it means that serious problems with the controller have arisen.

Restoration of the Kingston flash drive using the firmware

You can restore the flash drive by using a special utility for the low-level firmware of its controller. But there are situations where the device really does not help anything other than physical intervention, such as soldering or connecting to special devices.

If the drive has the following vitality criteria, then there is still a chance to restore it:

  • Windows determines the USB flash drive when it is turned on into the computer port;
  • after inserting a flash drive in the connector, the system will automatically ask for formatting;
  • the drive identifies itself, visible in the system, when accessing it displays the message "Insert the disk ...";
  • systematic errors when copying or moving files to a flash drive;
  • slow speed of the drive in general.

Before restoring the Kingston flash drive, you need to find out the controller identifiers. They need two, the first - VID, contains the manufacturer identifier. The second is PID, indicates the product code. You need to determine them like a utility like Flash Drive Information Extractor. Having received them, you can write somewhere.

Search for recovery utility

Directly for the firmware will need special utilitycapable of flashing a flash drive controller at a low level. Such special programs Usually there are only manufacturers of equipment. With the help of them, they carry out the primary firmware, repair and testing devices. Sometimes these utilities fall into the network by chance, and sometimes manufacturers share them. But the problem is all that each manufacturer has its utility that can be different depending on the controller model and memory volume.

To search for the desired program, it is for a reanimated model and will need SID and PID. There is one service in the network, called, which stores thousands of firmware utilities various devices and gadgets.

In the SID and PID fields, you must substitute the numbers received and click Search. The service can immediately display several program options. You need to choose that in the description of which the corresponding volume of the recoverable drive is specified. Also, the list may contain utilities and other manufacturers. It must be remembered that you need to restore the Kingston flash drive, so it is selected as follows its suitable configuration from the list. The Utils field describes the name of the program. After finding the desired line in the list, you need to copy the name of the utility and go to the Files site FLASHBOOT.RU. In the search bar you need to insert a copied name and click Find.

After finding the utility, you need to download it on the computer and unpack. Sometimes there is a situation where there is no desired program in files. Then you can just search for it by name in any search engine.

Using a program to restore the Kingston flash drive

Using the utility is the simplest part of the operation. You just need to insert a USB flash drive, run the program and click on the Start button in the program. Of course, the design, localization and technique of operation of different utilities for different flash drives may be different, but the essence is one, and it is intuitive. After a successful firmware of the controller, the operating system can immediately propose to format the revived USB flash drive.

If nothing helped

If nothing helped or the utility was never found, it means that, most likely, some of the modules of the electrical drive of the drive are damaged physically. In such a situation, only the service center will be able to help. Specialists will be able to physically connect to the contacts of the flash drive and analyze or scan for damage. If the flash drive is repaired, then it will be repaired, if not, it will not help her already.

SmartBuy flash drive is a common removable drive, with great pleasure, many use modern users. Manufacturer has been successfully producing high-quality optical media over the years. Combined with an acceptable worth attention to this product increases several times.

Restoring the performance of the SmartBuy Flash-Drive forces by PC user.

In addition to acceptable value, such flash drives are accompanied by excellent quality, although it does not guarantee that during the operation of the carrier it is impossible to emerge unexpected situations. SmartBuy flash drives can also be out of order, but it should not say goodbye to them instantly, sending them to "Honored Leisure".

You can try to do some manipulations that allow you to restore the efficiency of the removable drive. In most cases, users manage to return the "life" to the drive, so it will be able to serve for a few more years and technically to justify their re-"resurrection."

If your digital drive has ceased to demonstrate the "signs of life", it means that circumstances hinder the normal functioning. Sometimes you yourself can act as a culprit of such troubles. This happens when you fully ignore the rules for extracting removable media. Also, such software failures can occur when the flash drive is actively using it by exposing it to constant records, reading and overwrite.

The flash drive can stop working if an unexpected guest penetrates it in the form of a virus and makes adjustments to its settings. Even a simple falling flash drive can provoke its premature failure, since in this case, mechanical damage to the removable drive is often observed. It is especially difficult to accept when the MicroSD SmartBuy ceases to function, on which numerous unique photos are preserved.

However, you should not hang my nose, you can use already existing utilities that allow you to restore the SmartBuy flash drive, and also successfully restore the entire content that was stored on the drive earlier.

Let's compile all the above. Problems with the storage device under consideration. Information may arise due to the following reasons:

  • a large number of overwriting cycles;
  • incorrect extraction;
  • infection with viral software;
  • overheat;
  • software errors;
  • static voltage;
  • violation of the controller;
  • mechanical damage.

Based on the current practice, most of the problems are characterized by the refusal of the controller, which communicates between the flash drive itself and the interfaces of the computer.

Immediately it should be noted that, to great regret, hope for successful recovery of performance this carrier it is possible only if its inoperability is caused software problems, but not mechanical damage. Yes, of course, someone will say that even "mechanics" can be cured, but for this you need to have sufficient skills and specialized devices that are far from all.

In addition, the decision program errors Also requires certain knowledge, information search skills and work with specialized software.

The essence of the recovery of health is to flash the controller chip. The difficulty is that for each type of controllers you need a specific utility, errors when choosing which can completely level all attempts to return the flash drive and, more importantly, get the information stored on it.

Therefore, the first to try to save all possible files, and only then resort to radical measures.

Let us last for the restoration of the files and then back to the "revival" of the flash drive.

File Recovery Programs

If your flash drive does not give signs of life, use any program to restore the SmartBuy MicroSD flash drive. There are several such programs, so you can stop your choice on the variant maximum available for understanding.

You can try to use the CardRecovery utility. It works perfectly with removable emartbuy media, and the memory cards of mobile phones are greatly restored.

So, find the CardRecovery utility on the Internet, download it and put it out. After that, run the program, in the DRIVE Letter section, select a USB flash drive that you are going to restore, as well as to restore that content that was recorded on it.

Be sure to specify which file format you would like to restore. The program will request specify the folder in which the recovered files will be saved. You can create such a folder in advance, and then in the program to specify the path to it.

After such a pre-work, you can start clicking on the "Next" button. It remains to wait for the completion of the program, after which it is familiar with the list of all recovered files.

You can use some other similar program. For example, a modern and multifunctional PC Inspector Smart Recovery utility has well shown well. She will ask the user to specify the disk where the files that are now important to restore are stored. You can also use such programs as R-Studio, Easy Recovery and Flash Memory Toolkit.

Restoration of working capacity flash drive

If you have a slightly different task, rather than just restoration lost files, Then resuscitation actions can be different. In particular, if you have a non-working SmartBuy flash drive, a program to restore DiskInternals UNERASER will help to successfully solve such a problem.

Council. By the way, some experienced users argue that the SmartBuy flash drives there is one unique characteristic. You can simply put in the reliable place "released" with the installation of the USB flash drive and "forget" about it for several years.

After this decent term, the removable drive can itself begin to start functioning again, as if no system failure was. Of course, this option is unlikely to suit someone. Nobody wants to wait for several years, the more no one for one hundred percent information, when the term of such a "expectation" becomes exactly. It is for this reason that it is easier to use utilities that immediately help return the efficiency of removable media.

Working with the program diskinternals UNERASER is quite simple. After it starts, a dialog box opens in which the Recover parameter should be found in the top row of the menu. Next, the program will independently take care of the implementation of all necessary actions. You will have just just sit and quietly wait. The program will not only return to the flash drive, but will also offer to return the files important for you that have been removed during recovery, since the process involves formatting.

Refracting controller

Recovery files? Well, you can proceed to work with the controller.

Important moment! The target / repaired flash drive should be somehow defined by the system. If you insert the media, and in response silence (the indicator does not light up, the system does not publish a characteristic connection sound, "drive control" and file managers Do not see the device, the BIOS ignores the connection), then use this method will not work. Yes, and a similar outcome of events is extremely deplorable, as physical intervention is required here, with an appeal to the appropriate specialist.

Otherwise, if the USB flash drive is recognized, but simply refuses to work, do the following:

IMPORTANT. Pay special attention to matching values, since incorrectly selected can lead to the complete inoperability of the device.

If you doubt, try to use the program "Flash Drive Information Extractor", which will provide the most complete information about the selected device.

After the correspondence is confirmed, download the software offered and follow the recommendations of the utility. In most cases, you need to press only on the "Restore" button.


Experienced users recommend not to wait when the flash drive presents such an unpleasant surprise, and in a timely manner of preventive measures. In particular, when active use Removable media is recommended to make defragmentation, periodically make backup.

It is also important to remember that it is impossible to load the removable media completely, it is necessary that there always remains free space. Of course, it is very important to properly extract the media from the computer, not to drop it, not allow any mechanical damage.

So, if you carry out such simple preventive measures, a removable carrier will be able to last a sufficient period. If the trouble happens, and the flash drive will stop working, you can use utilities and professionally "inhales" in her new "life" forces.

Do you have an inoperable USB flash drive or other media and you think about what program to choose to restore?

We reviewed the most popular utilities. Which of the above programs will suit you and will restore the flash drive with 100% warranty?

Pull out all the data will help the only one in its kind Hetman Partition. Recovery.She is loved by both newcomers and pros for the convenience, speed of work and an advanced information recovery algorithm. Your files will be found and copied even when there is no access to the FS carrier or it is damaged.

Jetflash. Recovery Tool. - The branded utility that has the highest possible interface and support for working with TRANSCEND, JetFlash and A-Data drives. Management of only two buttons, it is clearly for you to do. You should not forget that the cleared data cannot be restored, therefore, the preliminary saving of information from the flash drive will not be superfluous.

If you have a need to constantly have a universal program that is convenient to apply as on home computerAnd outside of its limits, we advise D-Soft Flash Doctor, its platform does not imply a pre-installation, the launch is made instantly on any PC. Software Suitable for repair, unlocking,
restoration of the volume of the flash drive and its performance.

If you need to restore SD cards, we advise you to download F-Recovery SD, which has an effective set of simple options for working with damaged flash drives from digital cameras and other portable devices. From the point of view of a professional approach to Flash drives, it will be interesting to use Flash Memory Toolkit, the application contains a whole complex additional functionalitycapable of testing flash drives, in addition, the program works with any versions of the OS from Microsoft.

Recognize maximum number different types Flash Drive flash drives, among the above utilities, as well as quickly reanimate the performance of drives, can the formatting and restoration utility USB Disk Storage Format Tool, which has very understandable and convenient interface. Repair Program uSB flash drives Disk Storage will be able to quickly recover damaged partition data hard disk Even if the problems of flash drive firmware are detected.

If no flash drive program helped, we recommend checking the memory controller status using the ChipGenius utility. The program is working with USB, micro SD, SD, SDHC and YUSB-MPZ players of Kingston manufacturers, Silicon Power, Transcend, AdaTa, PQI. Further actions to correct errors, the restoration of lost data is appropriate only by Kli
The flash drive is determined in Chip Genius.

Kingston flash drives are distinguished by their reliability and for a long time Services, but they are also not protected from various failures. Sometimes the drive really "dies" and it is not possible to restore it. More often there are situations when the flash drive can be returned to life using a special firmware utility.

Most often broken flash drives Kingston DT100G2 and Datatraveler.

Is it possible to restore the flash drive

Signs that the drive can be restored:

  • When the flash drive is connected, a notification appears that a new device is detected.
  • The system proposes to format a removable disk.
  • The drive does not open, but is displayed in the conductor.
  • Errors occur when reading and writing data.

These problems are eliminated by the firmware of the controller or the formatting of the media, but if there are on the flash drive important information, Before performing any recovery procedures, you need to try to "pull out". Use to extract the recovery recovery program type or not to lose the desired files..

Search for a program for firmware controller

To restore you will need a special utility for the Kingston flash drive. In order not to make a mistake and download the correct program, you need to know the storage controller model.

Method 1

Look necessary information You can on the website in the IFLASH section, using VID and PID flash drives as a filter.

  1. Connect the drive to the computer.
  2. Open the Device Manager (right-click on the computer icon - control).
  3. Find a "USB storage device".
  4. Right-click and open properties.
  5. Go to the "Details" section and select the "Equipment ID" property.

Method 2

Another way to receive necessary information - Download flash program Drive Information Extractor and click the "Get Data" button. The report will be the lines "VID" and "PID"; Use their value to find the utility that can correctly recover the Kingston Datatraveler flash drive.

You can download the program in the "Files" section on If there are no utilities here, try to find it on other web resources.

Recovery utilities

You can find the desired program and without a controller model - it is enough to type in the search engine "Kingston Recovery Utility". In the results you will see several utilities, among which will necessarily have such programs as Phison Preformat, Alcormp AU698X RT, etc.

The problem is that the program to restore the Kingston flash drive work only if they are compatible with the controller installed in the accumulator. Therefore, if you download the first repair utility, it may not detect the connected media.

When the necessary program Found, you can proceed to its recovery. Be sure to look at the instruction that should be packaged in the archive along with the recovery utility - it is possible that the program has a special order of work. The general order of recovery looks like this:

You do not need anything else: the program will fix mistakes on your own and return the flash drive in workable condition. On this, the recovery of the Kingston flash drive is over; If the firmware of the controller did not help eliminate the problem, then the reason incorrect work It is worth looking for hardware faults.