What is the difference between Analytics metrics. What to put: Yandex Metric or Google Analytics? Tracking statistics on subdomains

Everyone who begins to engage in the promotion of the site on the Internet, sooner or later think about how to evaluate the results of their work: the return on the positions and requests, the behavior of users on the site, etc. The most affordable means for this is the attendance counter. On the this moment The most popular meters among the free - Google Analytics (GA) and Yandex.Mame. All of them determine the quantity and quality of attendance of the site, analyzing the behavior of users.

What kind of these systems choose? Professional in SEO response to this question will not be difficult. But how to be a newcomer in search engine optimization? What should I pay attention to the one who is just starting to understand the diversity of instruments to assess the results of their work?

In this master class, I will try to describe the distinguishing features of these meters, which are quite significant for analysis. In addition, I will tell you how to use Yandex.Metric and Google Analytics. Using the example of the most interesting tools of counters, allowing to evaluate the failures, analyze the payback of links in the Rookee service, view the actions of visitors to the site, track e-commerce transactions, etc.

Tracking user action

One of the main objectives of the installation of meters is to obtain information on what stage visitors lose interest in the site and close it. Having such data, you can modify the release pages and improve the statistics of the site.

1. Attendance when analyzing in Google Analytics

Google Analytics will provide good assistance in obtaining such information - for this there is a section of the "output pages". In this system you can analyze general statistics - see what pages users most often go:

In addition, you have the opportunity to see web statistics on each individual page. Added extra options filtration, for example, " Keyword"And" source ", we will be able to get information about the effectiveness of keywords:

Using the extended filter, you can select several parameters for which the report will be formed:

Accordingly, we also obtain information and payback to the references purchased in the Rookee system, and the transitions to the site:

Any report in GA can be unloaded in a convenient format:

It should be noted that in this regard, the meter provides almost unlimited possibilities: the main thing is to navigate in a huge number of filters.

2. Attendance in Yandex.metric Statistics

As for the holes, it is possible to estimate the release pages here by clicking on the first link in the main menu - "Attendance", and then select the "Failures" tab so that the statistics on them are displayed in the form of a chart:

This report can be edited, delete or add the necessary parameters in a special constructor of reports.

The indisputable advantage of the Yandex.Metric meter is the availability of technology "Web Delivery" - She writes the actions of the site visitors, allowing you to view them in the "Live Video" mode. Data is stored on all visits over the past 14 days. Using the "WebBur", you can not only identify the most popular output pages, but also to see exactly how the user who has come to a specific request from a specific search engine:

This data will significantly help in finding and correcting errors in the usability of the site, its structure and design, which will eventually have a positive effect on the conversion.

In order to connect the "WebBur", you need to check the box in the counter settings and set the code for all site pages:

Report "External sites" In the meter of Yandex.Metrica is also quite useful - it helps track which external LinksLocated on your resource, users left. It is possible if such links are lining customers, it is worth removing them at all. If the transition on them is one of the goals, then, on the contrary, to arrange them in the visibility zone.

A good tool for collecting statistics on the links on the site - "Link Map":

Also in pits there is such a wonderful report as "Map of Clicks". It collects statistics on clicks on all pages of the site, where the meter is installed:

To the number of holes, allowing to visually track the behavior of site visitors, applies and "Map of ways to site". It shows the transitions between pages, as well as the entry and output points on a specific page. At the same time, various types of traffic are taken into account: search, direct, external:

In addition, in the statistics of Yandex.Metrics available reports on the main socio-demographic characteristics of users. They are formed on the basis of data obtained using crypt technology. In this group of reports, you can see who is the target audience of the site:

Any report from pits can also be unloaded in different formats:

If you prefer not to simply receive data on attendance, but to analyze the behavior of users on your site, then the Yandex.Metric service is just necessary for you!

Customize goals

1. How to use Google Analytics goals. In GA as targets can be:

  • Transition by URL - Passed if the visitor looked through one of the pages of the site.
  • Accurate match- Casting to a specific page.
  • Correspondence of the header - The parameters at the end of the URL are ignored (meaning the coincidence of characters, starting from the first and completing the last sign in the specified line). For example, the URL of the page has the look http://www.site.ru/checkout.cgi?page\u003d1&id\u003d9982251615. In this case, each visitor corresponds to a separate ID ID. For this page, you can select the type of title matching target, specifying URL /Checkout.cgi?page\u003d1.
  • Compliance of regular expression - The coincidence of several criteria is determined when the base and / or end parameters are individual in different URLs for the same page. For example, when the site has sections of the Services, each of which has a price section: www.site.com/uslugi/uborka/price.htm, www.site.com/uslugi/moyka/price.htm, www.site.com /uslugi/syshka/price.htm, etc. Using as a target URL regular expression "USLUGI * Price \\ .htm $", we will be able to track the number of transitions throughout the lines of pages with prices for services.
  • Duration of stay on the site - Sets a certain amount of time that the visitor should spend on the site.
  • Pages / Visiting - The number of viewed pages for visiting is set.
  • Event - The goal can be a specially configured user action (watching a video, download file, click on the banner, etc.).

2. How to use goals in Yandex.Metric

It is all easier: the rules for which the goal is considered to be achieved. This may be visiting certain pages of your site, view the desired number of pages or a different kind of event (clicking on any link, banner or button on the site). For example, "Dogovor_DownLoad".

There is a very useful bonus in the holes: if you are interested, how many times from the site you download certain documents (price list, contract, etc.), then you do not need to set the goal for each document: you can use the "Download" report. It displays the data on which files and how many times you download from the site.

Tracking statistics on subdomains

While the Yandex.Metric meter to collect statistics on subdomains offers to place the individual counter code on each of them, the counter from Google Analytics has a ready-made solution for viewing individual reports for each subdomain. To do this, you need to create a separate profile for each of them, and then use the "Enable" filter so that the data is reflected in each profile only on a specific subdirectory:

Electronic commerce

For many online stores it will be useful, and some of them even indispens to be a module of Google Analytics, as "Tracking e-commerce transaction". It allows you to receive general data on sales, conversion, purchases and best selling products. With it, you can track trading transactions (completed orders), which are performed through a basket of goods on the site.

It should be noted that in the Yandex.Metric meter there is no e-commerce analogue.

This report looks like this:

In order for them to take advantage of, you need:

It should be noted that it is possible not to do this on all sites. If you have no possibility of moving the goods to the basket on the site, then, accordingly, there will be nothing to track.


Summing up, it is worth saying that each meter has its competitive advantages, and you can make a choice in favor of one of them, just working with each. Of course, within the framework of the Master Class, it is impossible to reflect all the differences and similarities between the two market leaders, but I tried to highlight all the most important features that would help you use and Google Analytics and Yandex.Metric in daily work. What I would like to allocate is free SMS-notifications about the availability of the site from Yandex.Metrics, as well as the statistics of the workability of the resource, which, in turn, is opposed to the speed of downloading pages in GA. Of course, Google Analytics is more professional and complicated, but I think it is worth dealing with it.

In any case, the right to choose a system of this or that system is yours. But there is another, in my opinion, a great solution - to install both meters on one site and as a result of obtaining an extensive database useful information For analytics!

You're in dottekes, if you do not know the audience of your site and do not track how "comes" by one or another text, as affected by the change in the structure and design of the site on its attendance, which channels and infoartners bring you the most traffic. The first step to the "enlightenment" should be the registration of the site in the services of web analytics. This is the basis for all further marketing activities.

Most important I. popular Services Collection of statistics on the site in RuNet - Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica, LiveInternet. However, it is absolutely optionally to install everything at once. I will explain a little further why.

1. How to install Google Analytics code

1.3. A page will open where you must specify the following parameters:

  • website or "Mobile application";
  • "Account name";
  • "Name of the site";
  • URL of the site;
  • industry;
  • timezone.

1.5. Going to the "Tracking Code" section, we obtain the tracking code to insert on all pages of the site in front of the HEAD closing tag.

2. How to install Yandex.metric code

Why can digits in Yandex.Metric and Google Analytics?

  1. Tracking code is not installed on all pages of the site.
  2. Invalid time zone settings.
  3. The same meter is installed on several sites.
  4. Installed different settings filters.

3. How to install LiveInternet code

LiveInternet - one of oldest systems Statistics Runet. The main advantage of the service is the simplicity of the interface, which bribes beginner webmasters. Despite this, I do not see any special reasons to use this system statistics. Google Analytics and Yandex Metric will allow you to receive a wider range of data for analytics. It is possible for a small LiveInternet site will be useful for monitoring content efficiency, but in the future it is better to use the Google Analytics bond + Yandex.Metrica.

3.1. To start installation, go to the registration page.

If the site provides advertising services, it is desirable to install an outdoor informer - a web analytics system counter that will be visible to users. Potential customers of advertising services can immediately see the site attendance and make an exemplary conclusion, whether the site will suit them for their purposes.

4. How to use Google Tag Manager

Use Google Tag Manager when adding tracking codes. First, it is convenient: you need to work with the service, you will not have to add Google Analytics codes, Yandex.Metrics and LiveInternet to each site page individually and each time alarming the programmer if you need to change something.

4.1. Create new account , Indicate its name.

4.4. For further convenience, you create a variable that will contain a tracking identifier. Go to the "Variables" section.

4.6. Indicate the name of the variable, for example, "uaid", and choose its type. IN this case - "Constant", since the value of the variable will not change.

4.8. We proceed to the creation of tags. Go to the "Tags" section and click "Create".

4.11. As a tracking identifier, we specify the previously created variable UAID.

4.12. Tracking type - "View Page".

4.13. In terms of activation, select "all pages", then click "Create a Tag".

4.14. The tag appears in the list.

4.15. Create a tag for Yandex.Metrics. Specify the name and select the "Custom HTML Tag" list.

4.16. In the HTML field, copy the tracking code from Yandex.Metrics and click "Next".

4.17. In terms of activation, we specify "all pages" and click "Create a Tag".

4.18. Install the GTM code on the site after the Body tag. 4.19. After creating tags, click "Publish Container".

4.20. Confirm the publication.

4.22. You can check the correctness of the GTM code setting on the site by going to the site and by going to the "Real-Time" section - "Review".


  1. If you do not engage in web analytics professionally, boldly add to the LiveInternet website. The service contains basic functions to assess the audience and analysis of traffic sources. For a more advanced data analytics, it is recommended to install Google Analytics + Yandex.Metrica.
  2. Add tracking codes more conveniently through Google Tag Manager. Then you do not have to manually publish the code on each page of the site.
  3. In the case of Google Analytics and Yandex.Metric I recommend this procedure: registration of the site in statistical systems - transfer data to Google Tag Manager - publish code on the site.

It's time not only to consider visits, but also to understand how many of them are targeted! Understand the traffic of the site and user behavior will help targets in the metric and Analitycs. We will calculate everything: how many who and when I viewed the Pages "Contacts", filled out forms and sent orders. detailed instructions What goals are needed and how to configure them from commercial sites.

Customize Yandex.Metric and Google.nalytics?

Yes, I advise you to customize goals and there, and there, regardless of which analytics system use more.

First, statistics affect the ranking of the site - the better behavioral factors On the site, the higher the PS will put it in extradition. Yes, of course, the dependence of the presence of a meter and goals in it with positions in the search is not direct, but how not to twist, it is useful to work on improving the conversion.

Secondly, there are sources of traffic that is better to evaluate in the metric - Direct, while others in Analytics - AdWords. Even if at the moment you do not have a source of traffic, it does not mean that it will not appear later.

Thirdly, two systems are always better than one. This allows you to check the data if necessary. No one is perfect, for example, the Kaspersky component "Protection from data collection" prevents the holes to collect information, and GA does not caulate.

What goals need to configure?

View important pages of the site

  • "Contacts"
  • "About company"
  • "Requisites"

Users who asked your company wanted to find out the address or details are targeted.

How to configure?


Way: "Setup" -\u003e Target tab -\u003e "Add goal"
There are several options for compliance with the URL: coincides, contains, and regular expression begins. For purposes - visiting a specific page, I advise you to choose "contains". For example, for the page site.ru/contacts -\u003e choose the type " contains"And insert the value / Contacts.

Remember: Always choose understandable and speaking names for purposes, because If you have a lot of them, then you will be confused.


Path: "Administrator" -\u003e "Objectives" -\u003e "+ Goal" -\u003e "Own" -\u003e "Target Page"

Fully similar to Yandex - three options for conformity, for this purpose, select "begins" and add a value - / Contacts.. If you know the value of the goal (for example, each view of the contact page brings you 100 rubles) - use it.


  • "In garbage"
  • "To favorites"
  • "Comparing to"

There may be many different buttons. Clicks on such buttons - useful actions. Such goals can be configured through events and virtual pages.

How to configure?


In the interface Metrics To create such a goal, select the "JavaScript event", come up with the name of the target and the unique identifier - Namegoal.

Online The goal is configured through a JavaScript event: yacounterxxxxxx.reachgoal ('Namegoal')where XXXXXX is the meter ID, and NameGoal is the name (identifier) \u200b\u200bof your goal. The names of each goal must be unique. For example: yacounterxxxxxx.reachgoal ('ClickFeedBack').


In the interface Analytics The whole process is exactly the same as to create a page viewing goal. The only difference is that instead of the value of the real page - we substitute the value of the virtual page.

Online The goal is configured through sending a virtual page value - pageView.: GA ('Send', 'PageView', '/ Namegoal'), where instead of NameGoal is your virtual page, for example: GA ('Send', 'PageView', '/ ClickFeedBack').

Tracking code

Options for placing two: either through OnClick to the button itself, or to the JS file by event, for example, in JQury - the Click event.

1 option

1 2 3 < input type= "button" onclick= "yacounterxxxxxx.reachgoal); GA (" Send "," PageView "," / clickfeedback "); Return True;" Value \u003d "(! Lang: Feedback" > !}

Option 2

1 2 3 4 $ (". Class") .Click (function () (yacoundterxxxxxx.reachgoal ("ClickFeedback"); GA ("Send", "PageView", "/ ClickFeedBack");))

$ (". class"). Click (Function () (yacounterxxxxxx.reachgoal ("clickfeedback"); GA ("Send", "PageView", "/ ClickFeedback");))

Filling and sending forms

  • feedback
  • back call
  • order goods
  • applications for the service
  • review

This kind of goal is better to configure with the help of "composite purposes" (sales funnels)

  • caused \\ went to the page \\ passed to the basket
  • tried to send
  • successfully sent

Thus, you can see a funnel: how many users left from the first step, how much from the second, etc. If the form is posted directly on the page, then the first step can be omitted. Information on the fill form will allow you to control (add or remove) by the number of field fields based on site statistics, and not assumptions.

For example, funnel filling outform feedback in Yandex.Metric:

How to configure?


In the metric interface, select "Composite Purpose", come up with a name for purpose and for each step. The type of each step can be your own - both viewing page and JS event or their combinations. I brought an example, a goal that consists of two steps and each of them is an event.

The tracking code for such a goal on the site will consist of two JS events: yacounterxxxxxx.reachgoal ('NameGoal'). You need to place each event as already described above or in OnClick buttons, or into some JS event. The most important thing is the code should work out in right moments, successful shipment should only work after passing all validation (both JS and server), i.e. After actually sending a form.


In the Analytics interface and in this case nothing changes. In the main field of the target - you need to add a "target page" \\ "Virtual page" of the last step. Next include " Sequence", And already register all the steps, NOT Including the last step already added (it has already been added at the beginning).

By the way, setting up the final goal to send shape through the plugin CONTACT FORM 7 for WP It is done elementary - so.

How did I do everything right?

In Yandex.Metric. To check the message about achieving the target, you can use the _ym_debug parameter with a value of 1. In this case, the browser console (call - Ctrl + Shift + J or right-click) will be displayed. For example, http: ///? _ym_debug \u003d 1

Google.analytics has mode " real-time"Where immediately earn the account of the goals.

Electronic Trade (if online store)

Detailed collection of information about orders and behavior of buyers on the online store. How to tune Extended e-trading I have already written.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in comments or search for answers in Yandex.Metric Help - and Google.nalytics -.

The first steps

First of all, you need to go to the service itself. It is located on this link . Here you need to enter your account. Of course, if you already have an account in Google, then there is no need to register. Dignity google services just that all of them can be used, having only one account for gmail mail.

So, after entering Google, it shows us what to do next. If we talk about installing the counter, then everything comes down to two steps - filling out some information about the site and further place the code on it.

Step 1 - Fill information

At the first stage you will need to fill a small form. In particular, you must somehow call the account and the site for which the counter is set. These names can be arbitrary, but the site URL indicate without errors.

Next, choose a branch and time zone. I hope you understand what it is. Oh yes, at the very top you can choose what exactly you want to track. But we, of course, we want to track the site and nothing more.

Javascript. Fast start

Explore the foundations of JavaScript on practical example on creating a web application

All other checkboxes are left as it is. All, now you can press the blue button to receive the counter, you also need to adopt an agreement with the service.

Stage 2 - We get the code and insert it

On the next page For you will be generated code that needs to be copied and pasted on all pages. To do this, insert it into the header or the basement. There will be even better to the basement, because the performance of the script does not deteriorate. You can insert somewhere in the range between the opening and closing part of the Footer.

By the way, if after registering a new meter, you did not put my code right away, then later it can be found in the top menu in the Administrator tab. There, click "Tracking Code. This is all you need to accomplish, although in addition you can perform some settings, which will affect the code.

By the way, in WordPress, insert the code is very simple, for this even it is not necessary to connect to files via FTP or enter the server control panel. Edit the desired file. Template, in our case, Footer.php, can be directly from the admin. To do this click Appearance - editor. And find the file you need. In it, find the closing Footer tag. Here you can and put our code, why not?

What to do next

At first, you will have everything at zeros, as I have in this case, because I installed the counter literally a second ago. Wait for some time to see the first results.

That's how we learned how to add a Google counter to the site. He also, like the metric, is ideal for analytics and work with this service can be studied at all for a very long time. Compared with the same LiveInternet, oriented on simple users, there are much more opportunities.

In addition, the installation of the meter from Google will allow you to link the site analytics with other services of the company. For example, with Adsense. This is a very useful bunch. What do you get from her? Analyzing the number of visits and the subject of your resource, ADSENCE will be able to tell you an approximate profit from advertising. To do this, tie accounts and wait literally 1 day while the service gets necessary information About traffic.

January 05, 2019

Working with various projects, Internet marketers have to face that they are not always the owners of sites initially put themselves both of these meters. According to the statistics of the portal ruward.ru. (for June 2016), 67% of Runet sites have only one installed system, and 20.72% put two systems on their website.

Runet counters

Moreover, the share of LiveInternet in 2016 was 27.28%, which is almost 3 times more than Google Analytics:

The popularity of counters

But if you go to w3techs.com. (Website analysis resource), we will see the following distribution:

Yandex.Metrica installed at 76% of Russian-speaking sites (November 2018)

Each of them has a number of advantages compared to the opponent. By reducing the research object to two units, we will try to make a detailed and objective analysis of these two tools in terms of convenience and functionality.

Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica. What do they have in common?

1. Classic approach - asynchronous loading of the counter code. Asynchronous code is called due to the fact that it is performed in parallel to all other scripts. What does it mean?

By default, all JavaScript are executed sequentially, and if the first code has an error or an item that delaying the loading of other scripts, then an error can be played in tracking statistics of visits. Asynchronous code is performed parallel to the rest of the processes and the very first when loading the page. This provides its 100% triggering and accurate data collection.

2. Data storage - aggregated data and data in the form of tables

When you go to the site, you see in the reports aggregated data. The aggregation is the process of combining elements into one system. A data aggregation is the process of collecting, processing and presenting information in the final form. Data on users, pages, cities, etc. That is, some kind of total statistics for all users.

All data is also stored as tables. In essence, each report is a separate table with data, where the main key of the report (left part) is a metric.

In large projects with large amounts of data (petabytes - 10 in 15 bytes), not aggregated data is very common, where there is a much smaller number of tables, but longer, and make high-performance filters and groupings based on them. With the help of them, you can see the data on each occurrence, view, visit, etc.

Working with raw not aggregated data requires a high efficiency system, since all calculations need to be done at the time of the user request. This requires a column DBMS. With raw data, you can build complex funnels, custom attribution models, combine data from different sources through the API.

In addition, an approach to the data structure was revised in the metric 2.0. Previously, Yandex.Metrica has kept pre-associated data for a fixed set of reports. IN new version All data is stored in the raw form and reports are built on the fly using the Open Source developed in Yandex SlickHouse.. That is, you can take data from the API and download them to the CLICKHOUSE database.

SlickHouse applies in external projects, for example, to analyze metadata about events in the LHCB experiment in Cern. (about a billion events and 1000 parameters for each event), and as a repository in the project of Tinkoff Bank.

Google has a cloud database product highest speed Processing huge data arrays. it Google Big Query.. Data in both web analytics systems are presented in the form of tables. That is, each report has a key attribute for which information is displayed.

In small online stores and landing pages it is quite possible to do without clickhouse and Big Query. But when it comes to large number Data and hundreds of thousands of daily events, analysts go out for traditional Yandex.Metrics and Google Analytics. For example, it is advisable to use ClickHouse in the case of advertising networks, RTB, online analytics, when it is necessary to work with data sensors and monitoring various events, as well as telecom data, financial transactions and exchange analytics.

General - tabular view

3. Total Yandex.Metrics and Google Analytics is.

Settings (Dimensions) - This is an object property that can be measured. For example, the "city", from which a session was carried out, "Device Type" (PC, mobile devices or tablets), "Source or channel" traffic, URL site Page etc.

Indicators (Metrics) - These are quantitative values \u200b\u200bpresented in the form of a number. It can be:

  • sessions;
  • users;
  • transactions;
  • income;
  • etc.

4. Behavioral characteristics

In Yandex.Metric is a section called "Maps". It consists of 4 reports:

  • linking card (shows the following links on the links on the site);
  • clicks Map (Shows Statistics by clicks on the site);
  • scrolling map (shows how the attention of the site visitors to certain areas of page is distributed);
  • analytics of forms (shows how it is visitors to the site interact with forms);

In Google Analytics there are no similar tools, with the exception of a separate expansion for google browser Chrome called. One of the function of this plugin is just "Clicks Map" and "Clicks Map" in the form of highlighted thermal zones.

In a separate section, the metrics made segments that allow you to allocate the necessary data from the total statistical information.

Examples of Yandex.metric segments

Electronic commerce

On March 27, 2018, Yandex stopped supporting the outdated ecommerce data transmission method, which used a predetermined set of visits parameters.

He used to be transmitted like this:

Outdated E-Commerce Transmission Method

And the sending of the order was made using the ReachGoal method:

yacounterxxxxxx.reachgoal ('target_name', yaparams);

Now the formation and sending of the order look like this:

New E-Commerce Transmission Method

Reminds the design of Google Analytics? And it is she. Instead of setting variables through var. and send order by method rEACHGOAL Now the order formation occurs through the data level. dataLayer.Push () Now so that you have given data in Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica, you should install only one code for two counters. After the correct setting in the metric there will be a tab with e-commerce reports:

Reports "E-Commerce"

In July 2018, the developers presented a new report "Visitors". It collects anonymous and a detailed history of visits, all actions (hits) of each of them are compiled.

Report "Visitors"

Most visiting data is assembled by the Yandex.metric meter automatically. However, often there is a need to supplement the collected data from their own. For example, interest may submit statistics on orders for certain goods or information on authorized users.

Yandex.Metrica allows you to link an arbitrary set of data called the visiting parameters. These data can be displayed in reports, as well as used in grouping and segmentation. However, it is often of interest not to the statistics of visits of site visitors, but information about the visitors themselves. What does not change from entering an approach. For example, the city delivery.

Required fields

Last, I wanted to tell in the block Yandex.Metric - This is visualization of data. In mid-October 2018, Yandex presented his new Yandex Datalens service, which is part of Yandex.Roblak.

According to the statements of the company's specialists themselves, he will be a platform that will allow:

  • visualize data using various datasets that you download to Yandex.Robacheno;
  • developers publish their decisions on connectors (data sources) in the marketer) and make money on them;
  • to companies, agencies interested in data, other studies, buy ready-made third-party templates.

For example, I analyzed the fertility depending on the various factors (levels and lifestyle, women's employment in production, ecology, religion roles, etc.), and posted his research in Markeples. Companies that my data can be useful can be purchased, or if they have their own data, they can insert them according to certain rules in my template and get fast visualization.

The cost of using will depend on the number of requests that companies will do. The service supports data download from ClickHouse, Yandex.Metrics, BigQuery, MySQL and other sources.

Data sources Yandex Datalens

In addition, in Yandex.Datalens will be able to distribute various rights to its partners. For example, Yandex itself has more than 5,000 partners and more than 15,000 analysts and marketers who need any data. Thanks to the new Yandex service, you can create one dataset, and distribute certain rights to all participants.

The product interface is very simple and intuitive, as, however, all other products of the company. Yandex.datalens metrics stylistically reminded "Parameters" and "Indicators" in Google Analytics and Google Data Studio (blue and green colors).

Data visualization


In August 2018, Google began rebranding all marketing services, then Google AdWords. became Google Ads., Google Marketing Platform united DoubleClick. and Google Analytics 360 Suite, but Google AD Manager. - DoubleClick for Publishers. and DoubleClick AD Exchange..

Old and New Google Analytics Logo

Before that, Google made the following updates:

  • added buttons on three levels (account, resource and representation);

  • changed user management interface;

user management

  • updated the navigation menu;

Google Analytics navigation menu

  • introduced new option After the updated rules for processing personal data introduced on May 25 (GDPR);

Data storage

  • added a new report. With it, it is possible to estimate the likelihood with which the user will make conversion over the next 30 days;

Report "Probability of Conversion"

  • in the summer, for all users activated a function that allows you to track users on different devices.

Report series " Different devices»

Google Analytics has more than 90+ standard reports for all cases divided into different blocks - special reports, real-time, audience, sources of traffic, behavior and conversion.

One of the reports in Google Analytics

If we talk about the "chips" of Google Analytics compared to Yandex.Metric, I would have allocated the following:

  • Reports - very useful tool When testing new goals and events, when you are not sure whether conversions were configured correctly. And the sequential way to the site with a check and marked occasion will give you information for a few seconds.

In real time

  • Reports "Comparison" Are built on the basis of data on other sites in your industry, which provide users of the system. You just give Google access to information on your site, and instead you get the opportunity to compare indicators with similar projects from a large base of players presented in the market.

Reports "Comparison"

  • Representation

In Google Analytics there are several levels of hierarchy account (Account). Account - resource - representation. Presentations are a set of data about the site, mobile application or devices. They allow you to determine how data will be shown from the parent resource. Thanks to them, you can solve a different kind of problem:

  • track all the Web Site data without the separation of statistics;
  • track data on a particular source (organic search, paid traffic, social networks etc.);
  • track data by device types (separately mobile, PCs and tablets);
  • track data on the domain and subdomain separately;
  • monitor data on a specific country or region, excluding all the others;

For example, the issue of excluding statistics on the transitions from the internal IP addresses of the Company is always relevant, so as not to take into account the test visits or visits of your employees. Or data collection only on a specific type of source. For example, a specialist in SEO is hardly interesting paid traffic with contextual advertising Google or Yandex. Or if you have several representative offices in other cities, you can create ideas for each region and provide access to each of them individually.


All these settings are implemented through filters at the presentation level. By default, Google Analytics creates the first representation. "All Web Site Data".

In Yandex.Metric there are no such access level. There you can add only to view or editing, and you can not hide part of statistics from reports.

  • Google Analytics allows you to allocate from the total traffic defined fragments, analyze, and use them as a basis when creating an audience for displaying advertising a specific audience.

  • Search queries

Google Analytics from Yandex.Metrics is distinguished too large quantity Encrypted search queries. That is, we are given less source data on how the user interacted with us from organic search. There is a separate report in the metric "Sources - Search queries"which defines well enough search phraseThrough which the user switched to our website. Analytics More than 80% of traffic adds to (not provided) and Other (depending on the report).

Search queries in Yandex.Metric and Google Analytics

None of the tools shows each other's requests. Google Analytics, for example, marks search queries Yandex like (not set). As additional means Wrestling can use Yandex.Vebmaster and Google Search Console. Read more about the problem of "not set" and "not provided" Let's talk just below.

  • contextual advertising

If you consider differences on the products of contextual advertising (Yandex.Direct and Google ADS) in the functionality, there are no specials. Tining Google Analytics with Google Advertisement, you will be available all account statistics. The same with Yandex.metric when you are in your advertising campaigns Yandex.Direct Add "Metric Counter" to the corresponding field. But in the number of reports provided for these two services there is a difference. Yandex.Metrica contains only 3 reports, while in Google Analytics them as many as 11 pieces:

Say that in Yandex.Direct there is a report wizard, which is enough to optimize advertising? Let's partly be right because it is about functional opportunities Yandex.Metrics and Google Analytics, not their brothers. In ADS, there is also a lot of interesting things.

  • Cross-device

To bind to different devices of one user in Google Analytics, there is a user ID function. It allows you to combine various sessions and actions during these sessions with a unique identifier. This tracking is also called cross-devices.

Previously, in the metric, as in Ga, it was possible to use this user ID, the system should know that the user is logged in on the site. But not all sites have authorization, and not all users at this point are authorized. A change in this approach in the metric came to the technology of "Crypt" machine learning. Demographic targeting, and interests, etc. Now the user ID does not need to define software, for us it makes the algorithm.

In Yandex.Metric to display data in the report requires the purpose or use of e-commerce. Report "Cross-Device" Available if more than 100 visitors have entered the site for the last week with two different devices.

Report "Cross-deva" in Yandex.metric

For the time being, only Yandex worked so much. With advent google functions Signals July 2018 and series reports "Different devices" Internet marketers have become easier to track users on different devices without creating any additional User ID views and determine the variable at the program level.

Reports "Different Devices" in Google Analytics

Summary Table

Let's summarize:

Google Analytics vs Yandek.metric

Personally, my opinion in this opposition the following is the greatest return on the application of web analytics tools can only be obtained in the case of using the possibilities of several services at the same time, since:

  • BUT - they complement each other;
  • B.- It is possible to progress, in the event of a malfunction of one of them;
  • C.- both are constantly updated and each new features appear;

I use the Google Analytics more often in my practice. All metrics, all reports, all hypotheses - all this is solved and is accepted on the basis of GA data. Yandex.Metrica for me is auxiliary tool. But sometimes projects come from which the Analytics counter is not installed. Either the site uses other services. Then you have to work with what is. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Google Analytics vs Yandex.Metrica: similarities and differences

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