How to change login in Skype if the old is tired? How to change login in Skype? What can be changed.

Buying a network combine or router, many do not know how to configure it. It happens that with the default settings, the network begins to work, and some users immediately operates an Internet connection. However, all this turns out to be true in exceptional, that is, very rare cases. In fact, to open the setup interface at least once will have to. The instruction printed by the manufacturer contains basic information, and on its pages there is a step-by-step adjustment of the router. We, in turn, will tell about what nuances need to know, configuring any router.

The meaning of the designation WAN, LAN

Usually, the steps to set up a network combine (router) look like this:

  • We connect the LAN port of the device to the PC network port using patch cord.
  • Turn on the power, we are waiting for one minute for which we have time to configure the network card.
  • After the PC receives the IP address from the router, you can go to the web interface through the browser.

This scheme, that is, the sequence of actions is correct and universal. But not everyone knows that "traveling" from the tab to the tab within the interface, you need to save the settings if they have been changed, or cancel changes. Let's say easier: if you save the parameters from two or more tabs at once, the equipment will fail. No wonder after making edits on the Web page, a warning inscription appears, where we are advised to keep saving immediately.

Access to the graphic interface

If, by performing a standard sequence of actions, you failed to see the authorization page in the browser, click "F5" (update). For some device models, this requirement will be required. Further see what address you use. The value of is common, but not the only right. Make sure that go to the right address by reading the value on the label:

Configure PC Network Card

Probably it makes no sense to tell here what is lAN card And how to configure it. Change the network card parameters from the "Properties" of the connection, but in this case We are talking about "connection on a local network", since the wire is used to communicate with the router. Open "Properties", go to the "TCP / IP Internet Protocol", and then click the "Properties" button:

How to set up a network card

We need automatically obtained values \u200b\u200b(IP and DNS). Setting the desired, click "OK".

If, after a minute, after performing the above, the exclamation mark on the icon will burn, they do this:

  1. You must open the wired connection settings again.
  2. In the settings window, instead of the "Get automatically" selector, select "Use the following IP address".
  3. The value of the PC address should be the same as the router is assigned, but the last digit should be different (without a difference, what it will be).
  4. "Mask" Set as follows:
  5. Finally, the main gateway is the router itself (set the value of the router address to the corresponding field).
  6. Change dNS settings No need, just click "OK".

As a result, you will see that the configuration interface through the browser can already be opened. Do not forget that this requires not to just type the value in the address bar and press "Enter", but also refresh the page (F5). If nothing happens, then most likely someone has already set up a router. Can be done hardware reset.

We update the page when opening

It is clear that resetting the settings is done by pressing Reset. Only usually makes the following errors: it is not withstanding the required time interval after turning on the device (1-2 minutes), or the RESET button is released earlier than you need.

Holding reset downstairs, see how light bulbs behave (should change the luminescence mode to another color). But in any case, it is impossible to keep the RESET button pressed longer than 20 seconds. And you can not turn on the power if this button is already pressed.

Guess the login and password

As mentioned above, the value of the login and password, which are required for authorization in the interface, will be indicated on the label. The standard value is the word "admin". Sometimes used empty password, and in routers zyxel Fastening a different value - 1234. If it fails to enter the interface using the login and password from the label, try to make the "hardware reset". Perhaps the router someone has already set up, but changed not the address, but only password or login. By the way, the administrator login in most devices cannot be changed (in any case, the word ADMIN remains).

Consider the most difficult question - the choice of the browser. Some router interface can only be opened through Internet Explorer.that immediately cancels the ability to work with a device through Linux (you can configure not so many options through Telnet). In general, there are several standard browsers:

Browser selection - a difficult task

Some everything works through Firefox, but then IE is also a suitable browser. Well, if there are no problems with such a program like Opera, then consider what you're lucky. This means that Firefox, and Chrome, and IE will be compatible with your router. But this is not always lucky.

Even at the authorization stage, Java support should be involved (there is an appropriate setting in the browser). However, it is required not for all routers, but it will not be superfluous. Java's inclusion instructions are here:

Most often, the "java" option is enabled in the browser after installation, but there may be "surprises" (some programs block this option, and "forget" to return everything as it was). Successful Routing!

Unhurriedly adjusting the ASUS router

Hi people! Today I have one person asked, and how to go to the router? I immediately realized that he had in mind the admin pater.

In this case, there are many nuances because of which you will not be able to enter the router, as well as in its settings. In order to find out the answer - read further. Nowadays, many offices and apartments have more than one computer. And to connect each of them to the Internet, you need a router. In some cases, there can be only one computer in the apartment (laptop), and the router is connected to not constantly with the Internet cable. Personally, I also have a Wi Fi router. And I have only one laptop, but I can calmly go to the balcony with a laptop and drink a cup of morning coffee, and also to see the news. In many cases, to connect the router, enter the connection settings from the provider. And here is the question - how to go to the router.

How to go to the router

In order to go to the admin panel of the router, you should enter the special address of the router in the address bar. Perhaps you will have a 651 error when connecting to the Internet, how to fix it by reference. IN standard cases These are such addresses as:

  • You now say that these addresses do not work for you? I am sure that you say) and all because someone has changed this address to your (if you bought a used router). But it is not necessary. In order to go to the router settings, you should shoot down all the default settings. To do this, you need to press a small button with a Reset inscription which can be on the rear panel panel, or below. Read more in the picture.

    Please note that you need to click on the button, but to hold it down for 5-10 seconds. To understand when you should speake it, you will see that the indication (light bulbs) on the router will go out and after it will start again.

    In some cases, the address of the admin of your router can be written on the sticker which is on the bottom of the router. It looks like this sticker like this

    As can be seen in the picture, it is not only an address with which you can go to the web interface of the router, and also login with a password that you will be requested to enter. By default, login and password to enter your router - admin. It happens just to enter only login, and you do not need to enter the password. In general, try friends!

    That's all, now you know how to go to the routeras well as on the web interface of the router. I advise you to even read how to strengthen the Wi Fi router signal in the house or office.

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    The procedure for setting up the router is rather simple. But many have a problem in finding a window where these settings are inserted. No special programswho would be an app to a new router. In this case, it would be enough to install them on the computer and then produce all actions through it. But unfortunately there is no such program. Therefore, often attempts to configure themselves lead to such a result that a computer specialist is called for a house, for whose work will need to be paid. There are only two ways to change the router settings.

    To begin with, it is necessary to determine what it is necessary to go to the router settings. Fortunately, many of many, it is most often only in two cases. When you just bought it and you need to commit initial setting When connected or when you decide to change the provider providing you with the use of the Internet. If in the first case there were no settings before and needed to enter them, then in the second case, the setup from the provider is simply becoming irrelevant and you must enter new data.

    Before starting to make settings, you must connect the router or computer correctly and be sure that the connection works correctly. To connect to all the rules, you will need a computer or which has a working network card, a router and a cable, which, as a rule, is included with the router. If there is no network cable, you can purchase it in any computer store. You will need a network cable with RJ-45 connector. Connect your computer with Wi-Fi using a cable. There is not one connector, but you need to connect through the "Ethernet" or "Internet" connector. Connect your router to the network through the power connector and click the "Enable" button.

    Now you need to perform some manipulations in your personal Computer. Actions are quite simple and do not require any additional knowledge. You need to bring the mouse to the lower right corner and find the monitor icon with the Internet connector, this icon is called the network status icon. Click on it with the right mouse button (in some computers you can just click on the left mouse button) and select the menu item "Network and common access" In the window that opens in the left side menu, select the "Change Adapter Settings" section.

    Find exactly the connection that is used to work your router in conjunction with the computer. Click on it right-click and in the menu that appears, select the "Properties" section. Opens separate window Properties of the connection you are interested in. Select the "Network" subsection. You will see a list of the noted used by this connection. You need to find only one item from the entire list: "Internet version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" protocol. " The Protocol Properties window of the requested version of the Internet opens. In it you need to put a tick opposite the item to get ai-pi address in automatic mode. In addition, to receive the DNS server address must also be automatically. So do not forget to put a tick and there. Next, click simply the "OK" key so that the changes in the settings have been saved.

    To go to the router settings, you can try to use any Internet browser installed on your computer. In this case, the router must be connected to a computer or laptop with a network cable. In the address bar, enter the IP of your router, which is specified in the instructions attached to it. Although different routers have various login nuances in the settings menu, but almost all manufacturers put addresses for the router are the same. For example:;;

    Next you need to enter a login and password. If you did not change these parameters, then all manufacturers are approximately as follows: Login - Admin, Password - admin; Login - Admin, Password - leave empty; Login - Admin (from the capital letter), Password - leave empty. Some models may have other data. They must be listed in the instructions for the router. If the login and password are correct, you will fall on main page Router where all the basic settings are made.

    If you do not have instructions for a router, then you can view the login and password on the router itself. On the bottom panel of most devices there is a special label with basic information. In addition to the number of the router model and the type of power, you will see the "Default Settings" item. These are data for standard settings, where the number of the IP address of the router, login and password data are specified. If the label is missing or removed, that is, another way to find out the information you need. You just need to go to the network connection information and find the item where the default IPv4 gateway is specified.

    You will need

    • A computer
    • Router
    • Internet browser
    • Keyboard


    In the address bar of the Internet browser, enter the IP - your routerand, which is listed in the instructions for routery As a rule, all manufacturers routerthese addresses are the same. For example:;;

    Enter and. If you did not change these parameters, then all manufacturers are approximately as follows: Login - Admin, Password - admin; Login - Admin, Password - leave empty; Login - Admin (with title), Password - leave empty. Some models may have other data. They should be listed in the instructions for routery If the login and password are true, you will get to the main page routerand where all the basic settings are made.

    Video on the topic


    • How to go to the router settings, how to enter the router settings

    You can configure or view its statistics and statistics using an ordinary Internet browser, such as Internet Explorer. To do this, enter the address routeras well as you enter the addresses of the Internet pages.


    Open the browser and enter the address in the address bar routera, it can be viewed in the instructions. For example, the common models have the following addresses:
    Beeline and Trendnet:

    In the window that opens, enter the username and password. Standard login and password are indicated in the instructions routerbut. The following standard settings are usually used:
    D-Link: Login - Admin, Password Leave empty
    ASUS, TRENNET and Beeline: Login - Admin, Password - Admin
    Zyxel: Login - Admin, Password - 1234
    NetGear: Username - Admin, Password - Password

    If the standard settings have been changed, then enter new login and password. If this data is unknown to you, then reset the settings routerand the RESET button, which is located near the antenna, and enter standard login and password.


    If you reset the RESET router with the RESET button, you will have to re-configure the Internet connection.


    • Description of the settings of routers on the site Beeline

    With a local network, in which several devices will simultaneously access the Internet, it is better to use a router or router. Naturally, we are talking about a Wi-Fi router if you also need to connect laptops to it.

    You will need

    • - Wi-Fi router;
    • - network cable.


    First purchase a Wi-Fi router, which is suitable for working with your provider. Specify the availability of the WAN or DSL connector from this network device. Connect the router to the network alternating current And turn it on.

    Connect stationary computers with LAN connectors using network cables for this. Turn on one of these computers and run the browser. Open the Wi-Fi router instructions and find the standard IP address of this device in it. Specify the login and password values \u200b\u200bthat you want to enter access to the router settings.

    Enter the IP address in the browser field, fill in the Login and Password fields. Now configure the mode wi-Fi works Router. Open the WAN menu. Set the required values \u200b\u200bof the type of data transfer protocol, enter the data required for authorization on the provider server and select the DHCP function. Save the WAN menu options.

    Now open the Wireless Settings menu and configure the wireless network. Specify its name, select a reliable type of data encryption. Specify a specific type of radio signal if required.

    Now go to the optional settings. Activate Firewall and NAT features. Open the routing table and change the routes for some ports if necessary. Usually, ROUTE TABLE is configured independently only when it is necessary to provide access not only to the Internet, but also to the intranet resources of your provider.

    Save all settings changes Wi-Fi Router. Restart this device. Wait until the router connects to the Internet. Now turn on mobile computers and connect them to the created access point. Make sure that Internet access is present in both types of networks. Check the ability to exchange information between networks.

    If for any reason you stopped correctly performing your functions, you need to change the parameters of its operation. First you need to clarify the correctness specified parameters.

    You will need

    • - network cable.


    Sometimes after turning off the electricity or a sharp voltage jump in the network, some routers can stop working properly. This is due to a failure in their settings. Turn off any connected to the LAN connector. Run any - and open the settings menu routher.. To do this, enter its IP address in the browser URL.

    Go to the Status menu immediately. See the Connection Status with the server. The problem may not be in the settings routher.and in the properties of network adapters of computers. If the connection of network equipment with the provider is not installed, then go to the WAN menu.

    Look at the active parameters of this menu. Be sure to check the correctness of the data entered in the following items: Login, Password, DNS-Address. Make sure the DHCP function is active. Save the WAN menu options.

    Restart your. Wait until the device boots and connects to the provider server. Open the Web Interface of its settings and go to the Status menu. If the router got access to the Internet, and computers still cannot connect to external resources, then open the Route Table menu.

    Remove all routing table fields. Push the re-necessary gateways. Be sure to check the correctness of the specified parameters. Save settings Menu Route Table and restart the router again.

    If after its computers got access to, but between devices within the network, then go to the WAN menu. Check the activity of the NAT function. Specify the parameters of the Firewall function. Remember that it is sometimes easier to perform parameters routher. And this is anew this device, rather than detect the cause of the missing Internet connection or insenet resources.

    Video on the topic

    Wireless networks built using wi-Fi technologyCreate for merge mobile devices in a single group. Typically, such networks are created in public places, offices or homes.

    You will need

    • Wi-Fi adapter.


    To be able to connect to a wireless network, you need to have an internal Wi-Fi module or its external analog. Everything modern laptops Have built-in adapters. If you need to connect to Wi-Fi network stationary computer, Create an additional adapter that connects to the PCI slot system board or USB connector.

    Update Wi-Fi Drivers Module and turn this device. In some mobile computers There is a special key designed to control the wireless network adapter. If this button is missing, open the Device Manager menu. Usually access to it can be obtained from the "Properties" menu related to the "My Computer" item.

    Find the "Network Adapters" item and expand the list of installed modules. Right click on the name Wi-Fi adapter and select "Enable" or "Enable".

    Now open the Start menu and select "Network Connections" or " Net" Find the icon with the inscription "Wireless Network Connection", click on it right-click and select "Enable". Close this menu.

    Click to the left mouse button on the network connections icon located in the system tray. Select the desired wireless network. Click the "Update" button if the desired access point has not appeared in the list.

    Click on the name of the desired network and click the Connect button. If the network is password protected, then after a while, the input field will appear. Fill it with the desired characters. Click OK. Wait for the update of the parameters network adapter After the connection is completed with the access point. Check the network connection. To do this, open the browser window and go to an arbitrary Web page.

    Video on the topic

    Wi-Fi is becoming an increasingly preferred type of connection, both in a public place and at home or in the office. He has two essential advantages that many users allocate among others, namely the lack of wires and almost ubiquitous access.


    If you enter a computer or laptop to the wireless network coverage area and the availability of connectivity through Wi-Fi (at home, apartments, hotel, airport, cafe, park, etc.), he usually finds a network. You can understand this by activating the icon on the right side of the screen. He becomes brighter and slightly flickers.

    If, then the Internet Connects automatically. If this did not happen, try clicking on the icon and select "Wireless Networks" in the menu that opens. Usually, a small list is displayed. wireless networks, the source of which is located nearby. But most of them are protected by the access code, which tells the key icon opposite the name. If the access code is known to you, enter it, and the rest of the computer will do it yourself.

    If you assume that the network is free, and connections does not occur, then refer to the public space employee in which you are. As a rule, such problems arise at airports, train stations, cafes, restaurants and other crowded places.

    It happens that the computer managed to successfully enter the Internet via Wi-Fi, but you still can't get to the desired email address. Try just start the browser. Perhaps a page with rates and payment methods will open. Check out them and contact the appropriate service to pay access. This practice is often used in hotels.

    Configuring the router is an integral procedure when starting and deploying a home LAN. In this material you will learn how to configure the router on your own and get acquainted with the key parameters of its interface.


    In the previous parts of the cycle of materials "Local Network with your own hands", we learned with you: from which components and devices are home computer networkWhat parts and characteristics first should be paid to your attention when choosing a router, as well as figured out the varieties of network cables and learned to make them independently.

    After all the necessary equipment is purchased and installed in its place, and cables (unless of course need) are laid and connected to proper devices, it is time to enter the network into operation. But in order for all of us all work, it is not necessary to simply correctly combine all the components of the network. In any case, you will have to configure the router using the built-in software.

    In this material, we will consider only the basic settings of routers that allow you to lead a home local network to the working condition. In fact, routers can have very wide functionality, and the number of settings in advanced models is too large, to consider them all within one article.

    Despite the fact that almost all modern routers have special modes "For teapots", allowing the installation of its basic parameters into several short steps, without certain knowledge and understanding of some terms, even in this form, the router configuration may be an unbearable task.

    Unfortunately, to tell specifically on the items on the universal method of configuring all types of routers will not work. Model rows these devices are very diverse, as well as various functionality. The situation is aggravated by the fact that different manufacturers use completely different software (firmware) in their products, which can be very different with each other user interface, fine tuning capabilities and other important aspects.

    Probably beginners in this matter, it's time to spread with their hands, but it is not worth the despair yet. No matter how programmers and manufacturers did not train, it is still possible to understand the main generally accepted terms, for which one or another option is responded in the router settings menu. So, having understood with the basic concepts used in the firmware of routers, you can easily correctly configure its basic parameters for specific objectives and tasks. Moreover, most errors are committed precisely due to the fact that the various options of the router are often customized without understanding the functions for which they respond.

    IP.-Pressing I.NAT.

    Before we begin to delve into various settings Router, let's make a small theoretical retreat, and will deal with how computers exchange data within the network.

    For moving information over the network meets special software, called network protocols that describe the rules for communication machines. To exchange data in the global Internet used tCP / IP Protocols Set TRANSMISSION CONTOCOL). I did not accidentally call it a set, since TCP / IP really consists of a variety of different protocols, among which the following can be distinguished:

    • HTTP - Hypertext data transfer protocol used by web servers and web browsers. It is with this protocol that you have the opportunity to view numerous sites on the network.
    • FTP is a protocol used to transfer files on the network.
    • SMTP - email protocol.
    • IP - data transfer protocol based on the network addressing on the network.

    On the last protocol, let's stop in more detail.

    In order to computers, routers and others electronic devices could exchange information on the Internet or within any network, they all should have their own unique personal number (identifier) \u200b\u200bor so-called IP address (Internet Protocol Address). At this address of the device identify each other and can determine where the request came from and where the data should be transmitted.

    To date, the fourth version of the IP protocol (IPv4) is used on the Internet for routing packets with data, in which the IP address is a 32-bit number. IN binary systemThis is used by computers, such a number consists of zeros and units, and has 32 characters. As you understand, perceive the addresses in this form, it is not easy for a person, so we, people, write it in a more convenient view for us, as four decimal numbers with a value from 0 to 255, separated by points. For example, the same IP address in the binary system will look like, and in the traditional decimal for us, as

    The total number of unique IP addresses using the IPv4 protocol is 4,220,250,625 (255 4). Despite the fact that this figure looks impressive, such a number of addresses is missing for all the participating devices of the global network. After all, today, the Internet connection can have not only computer devices, but also coffee makers, televisions, telephones and other diverse techniques.

    The global exhaustion of IPv4 addresses was predicted in advance, so today a number of technologies are already applied, allowing them to spend more economically. We will not consider them all, but we will dwell only on the mechanisms of use dynamic and private (internal) IP addressesThe understanding of which is important to configure any router.

    Unlike a static network address, which, as a rule, assigned to the device by the user itself, the dynamic IP address is assigned to the node automatically when connecting to a network to a limited period of time (for example, one session of the Internet connection). For the automatic distribution of IP addresses, the DHCP Special Protocol (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is responsible. Let's see how it works in practice.

    Imagine that the provider at its disposal has a pool of free IP addresses. If a device is connected to any device, a DHCP server from this list is issued a network address. After the user output from the network, the IP address returns back to the list and can be re-issued to another client. Thus, you can increase the efficiency of the address use and organize an Internet access from one address immediately by many devices, however, only alternately.

    Another one an important point In order to save address space, NAT technology (Network Address Translation), with which the transit transit package addresses can be transformed with data, and in particular Private (internal)IP addresses in public (external) network addresses. This mechanism is used in virtually any router and is the basis for organizing its own local network.

    Publishedor external The IP address is called if it can be used to exchange data directly as part of the Internet. Such an address has global uniqueness and can only be assigned to only one device to which you can access from anywhere worldwide cobweb. It is these addresses that are now in a large deficit and require particularly economical use.

    Private IP addresses are not assigned to the Internet and are designed to use only in local networks. Such addresses require uniqueness within a single network and can be assigned to several multiple devices located in different networks. That is, in different local networks, you can use the same internal IP addresses.

    There are three range of private IP addresses:

    • From to
    • From to
    • From to

    As a rule, in domestic and small office networks uses addresses from before or OT before Each of which allows you to combine up to 254 devices.

    And now let's look at the example, how to broadcast private addresses in public. Imagine that you wanted to open any website and by typing its address in the browser, pressed the Enter key. At this moment, your computer sends a request to the router that taking it looks at the IP address of the destination. If this address is local, that is, it falls into the address range of your local network, the router immediately sends the package to the local device. In our case, this is not the case, which means that the request must be sent out to the global network.

    But the fact is that as reverse address The sender is listed local (private) address, which will not be available from the global network, because it cannot be used on the Internet. Therefore, the router changes the information in the package, substituting instead of a local address that the provider issued by the provider records the operation with this package into a special internal table and only after that sends it out. After the package returns with the answer, the router turns on with the table, finds the local address from which he went and sent it the desired device local network. Subsequently, when the client and the server end to share packets, the router erases recordings in itself in the table, freeing the place for the following operations.

    Thus, thanks to this mechanism, only one public address is used to enter the Internet, which is assigned to the external network interface of the router. This allows not only to significantly save external IP addresses, which are now on gold weight, but also provides a high level of confidentiality of data circulating inside the local network. After all, packets intended for internal devices are never sent outward, and the computer with an internal IP address cannot be accessed from the global web without the resolution of the router.

    Connect to router

    Now, understanding with IP addressing and some important definitions, go directly to the router settings. Obviously, to implement the router settings, you first need to connect to it. To do this, we need the usual network cable (patch cord), which, as a rule, always comes with a router. One of its end must be connected to a computer network card, and the other insert into any LAN port router.

    After turning on the router, you need to check in the settings of the connection properties on the local network, which is enabled automatically obtaining IP parameters (installed by default) and simultaneously find out the IP address of the internal network interface The router itself, which we need to connect to it. For this B. Control panels Select item Networks and Internet, then Network and Shared Access Control Center And then in the left column Change adapter settings. In the window that opens find the right Local connection connection And click on it twice. In the next window, press the button Properties.

    In the properties window local connection Choose Internet protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)and click again button Properties.

    In the window that opens, check that the parameter would be selected ReceiveIP address automatically. Next here and in the previous window click the button OK.

    Returning to the window Status - Local Network Connection Click on button Intelligence.

    In the window, we are primarily interested in the property value. Default gatewayIPv4.Since this IP address is the network address of the router LAN interface. After writing or remembering the gateway address (in our example, it is, open any browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, and so on) and type it in the address bar. If everything is done correctly, you must open the window with a login query (username) and password to enter the router settings menu.

    As a rule, the username and password (Password), installed by default at the manufacturer's factory, are indicated on the bottom of the router and / or in the instructions that are included with it. By the way, the IP address of the connection to the router is also indicated there, so it is not necessary to watch it in the network connection information. The most common version of login is admin., password - admin.or 1234 . The most common IP addresses for connectivity are or .

    Menu router

    To manage all the router settings, a web interface is used to open before you immediately after entering the correct username and password. At the same time, each of the developers, their own opinion, on how this mystery should look and what to have a hierarchy of the menu. Therefore, menu items behind which the same settings are hidden, various router manufacturers can be called completely differently and is located in different places. Nevertheless, in all this variety, it is still possible to find some general logic, so let's understand.

    In order for you better understand the general patterns, in this material, screenshots of user interfaces ASUS RT-N66U and ASUS WL-520GU routers, which are pluddly different from each other, both in design and menu language, will be used as exemplary illustrations.

    As a rule, all the main items of the router interface menu are located on the left in a separate column. By clicking on them, additional submenu can be disclosed, which are placed either by the list in the same column, or in a separate horizontal menu at the top of the screen. The central part of the window is discharged to configure the parameters of the menu items that you choose.

    After completing settings, any parameters should always be taken (Save) made changes. To do this, at the bottom of the window there is a button Save. (other options: Apply, FINISH, Save, Apply, Complete ). In many cases, to save new settings, you will need to restart the router, which will occur automatically.

    Connecting Internet connection

    To configure Internet access settings, you must select the appropriate menu item in the left column, which may be referred to as: Internet Setup, IP Config, Wan, Connection Setup, Network or in Russian - Internet, basic settings, Internet connection .

    In the Internet Connection Settings window, you must select A type WAN-connections (Wan Connection Type) from the drop-down menu. It is always based on the information provided to you by the provider - the Internet service provider. Depending on the type of connection, the settings field and the number of information entered will change.

    The main types of compound with which you may encounter look like this:

    Automatic. IP ( Dynamic IP, DHCP, automatic ) - The most simple user of the connection type that does not require any settings from it. In this case, you get a dynamic public network address from the provider, which is always assigned automatically and can change with time.

    Static. IP (Static) - The connection type, in which the provider allocates you a unique external address, which does not change over time. As a rule, such addresses have to pay additionally monthly subscription fee. Using a static public address is justified if you have the need to connect to the local network devices from any point of the global web, for example, in order to manage home household appliances from the office.

    To configure a connection with a static IP address, you will need to fill the following fields:

    • IP address (IP address) - a static public network address issued to you by the provider;
    • Subnet Mask (Subnet Mask)
    • Default Gateway (Main Gateway) - The address is reported to the provider;
    • DNS Server (DNS server) - the address of the server converting alphabet domain names in IP addresses and vice versa. Selects automatically or reported by the provider.

    PPTP, L2. TP. - Tunnel protocols used in virtual private network technology (VPN) to create secure connections between network nodes. This type Connections are very common among Russian providers "last mile", especially using the L2TP protocol. In this case, the external network interface of the router can be assigned as a dynamic public IP address (mainly) and static, but at the same time for connecting to the Internet you will have to enter the following additional parameters issued by the provider:

    • Username (User.Name orLogin)
    • Password (Password)
    • Address Server(Server IP / Name, VPN Server)

    The remaining settings in most cases are left by default, unless of course the provider does not specify the value definitely required for them.

    PPPoe - Network Tunnel Protocol channel levelUsed mainly in XDSL modems / routers to connect to the Internet with the help of telephone lines. It can also be used both dynamic and static public address. As additional parameters required input User name (User.Name orLogin) and Password (Password)which are issued by the Internet service provider. The remaining parameters are usually left by default.

    In many routers in the Internet Access Settings window, below there is a field called MAC address ( MAC. Address) . What it is? The MAC address (in Russian Mc address) is a unique physical address assigned to all computer network devices, including interfaces of routers and network cards. The own physical address of the router is indicated on the bottom of the case.

    Most providers use MAC addresses to identify computers, thereby eliminating the possibility of unauthorized access to their network from equipment that has not been registered. That is, in order to have any device to access the Internet, the provider must make its MAC address to a special list of allowed addresses.

    For example, at home, for a long time there was one computer, which was connected to the Internet through the provider cable and all network settings were performed automatically. But you decided to change the PC to a more modern model, but by connecting the network cable to the new acquisition, you discover that the Internet does not work, and the problem is not in the settings. The fact is that the network card of the new computer has another MAC address, which is not listed in the list of the provider and therefore it does not receive any access to the global network. The same, concerns the router. Put the router instead of a computer, and it will also not access the World Wide Web, as it has its own unique physical address. So what to do in this situation?

    Of course, you can call the provider and inform him the MAC address of the new equipment, in order to be entered into the resolving list, but you can change it yourself. If we are talking about a router, then here you can help the aforementioned field MAC address . Many models of modern routers allow you to clone the physical addresses of other devices. Thus, you can modify the real MAC address of the router on the program level to any other. We will learn the desired address in this field, and the router will begin to always substitute it in place of its own.

    In most cases, the above information will be sufficient for you to configure any type of Internet connection. It is possible that in certain situations there may be nuances that we did not mention here, but it is already particularly able to deal with you will always help you. technical support Internet service provider.

    After completing all the settings, do not forget to keep them, so that changes would take effect.

    Setting up a wireless networkWi-Fi

    For settings of the Wi-Fi network in the main menu of the router corresponds to the tab Wireless. or Wireless. Settings (other options: Wi-FI, Wireless Network, Wireless Setup, Settings wireless connection ). Note that here often the main tab may contain several secondary (submenu). We will not specify their names, as there may be weight options. Just, when you find the necessary parameters, do not forget about them.

    To create and run your own wireless network, you must fill in just a few key fields:

    Enable Wireless. - Enable / disable wireless network. This item is far from all models of routers.

    SSID (Network Name, Wireless. Network Name) - Arbitrary name of the wireless network that you are invent yourself.

    Security Mode ( Encryption, Security, Security Settings, Encryption, Authentication method) - Enable / disable and select the security mode of the wireless network. By default, the security mode is disabled, so we strongly recommend it to enable it to prevent unauthorized access to your local network. In fact, the choice of Wi-Fi network security mode is reduced to the selection of encryption type from the drop-down list:

    • WEP (Wired.EquivalentPrivacy) - Outdated encryption algorithm, whose application is not recommended to date.
    • WPAand WPA2. (Wi-Fi Protected Access) - modern technology Protection of wireless networks. Her simplified mode is used in home routers. Pre-Shared Key (WPA-PSK,WPA2PSK,WPA-Personal,WPA2Personal)Where to access the network you need to enter a password. Choose a type of encryption from these options. Preferred modes - WPA2,WPA2 /WPA or WPA-AUTO..

    Cipher Type (WPA Encryption, WPA Algorithms, WPA Encryption) - Encryption type used in WPA technology. Maybe two types: Tkip. and AES.. Tkip. It is an outdated version used in the WPA of the first version. Encryption is applied in a more protected WPA2 AES.. Based on this, the selection of this parameter is obvious: either AES.or more universal option TKIP + AES..

    WPA Pre- Shared. Key ( Network Key Password, Network Key, Key WPA) - Network key (codeword or password), which will need to be specified when connecting to a wireless network. Keyword It is invented independently from Latin letters and numbers and may include from 8 to 63 characters.

    All other parameters of the Wi-Fi network at the initial stage can be left unchanged. In most cases, their setup is hardly needed.

    Recently, there are increasing distribution by routers that can unfold wireless networks at once in two bands at the same time - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. These networks are configured each individually on the individual menu tabs, although the settings themselves themselves are identical and listed above.

    Setting the LAN settingsLan.

    For configuring the parameters of the wired local network in the router menu corresponds to the item LAN (Local Network, LAN). It can be located both in the main menu and in the submenu of the main settings of the network, adjacent to the WAN tab. As a rule, there is no particular need to configure the LAN interface, but some parameters still should draw your attention.

    IP address - The IP address of the internal network interface of the router, for which you can contact it and enter the settings menu. Also, this address is the main gateway through which data is exchanged between the external and local networks. As a rule, the default value or .

    Based on the value of this IP address, the rank of your local network and the range of private IP addresses will be assigned to devices inside it. For example, if the IP address of the main gateway is, then all devices in this local network should have addresses in the range from to

    In principle, you are liberated to assign any address of your local network from three reserved ranges of private IP addresses (we talked above). But, as a rule, there is no special needs in changing the default values. After all, at home you are unlikely to create several subnets or use more than 254 devices within one network.

    DHCP server ( DHCP. Server) - A tool that allows the router to distribute the IP address devices to the local network in automatic mode. By default, the DHCP server is enabled and able to produce up to 253 addresses (from 2 to 254) within one local network. Note that when DHCP is disconnected, all nodes of your home or office network will have to prescribe IP addresses manually.

    Also, in the settings of the DHCP server, you can independently define the range (pool) of IP addresses that can be assigned to devices in automatic mode and set the network address lease time.


    Recently, Internet television has been developing rapidly. Today, almost any major provider, in order to provide Internet access, offers users the ability to view various television canals Using network technologies. This option in many cases becomes a good alternative to low-quality cable television or expensive satellite.

    No traditional IP addressing technology is used to organize television broadcasts, but group addressing technology Multicast.. Support for this technology local network - a necessary condition for work IPTV..

    In routers, IPTV support can be organized in two ways. In the first case, the router is endowed with the Multicast function and organizes multicast data to all LAN ports due to their own hardware and software. Check box responsible for switching on / disable option Multicast. streaming ( IPTV, IgMP, multicast routing) may be on completely different tabs starting from settings WAN. or LAN (LAN) And finishing Additional settings (Advanced) . So look for the method of extinguishing and read the instructions for your model.

    Unfortunately, many models of routers have not the most outstanding specifications and debugged software, which leads to failures with group addressing. This is especially true for the broadcast of high-definition television channels (HDTV), which can be demonstrated with highly noticeable distortions, scattering pictures on pixels and interrupts.

    But there is another way to transfer a multicast stream through a router to the devices of the local network. Some routers have the ability to change the functionality of one, or several LAN ports, making them through. That is, for certain ports, you can disable the transmission mechanism of IP addresses (NAT), making it possible to pass through the network stream through them without any conversion, as happens in the usual switch. If you connect a TV prefix to this port, then it will receive a "multicast" failover from the provider without changes. But, most importantly, the load on the router in this case is minimal, and it means that its hardware component almost ceases to influence the quality of the television picture.

    As in the previous version, the choice portov STB. IPTV. Can be carried out in completely different options of the router. And yet most often the setting of IPTV occurs in the parameters of the points of the main menu The local network ( LAN Network, home network), WAN. or Advanced ( Additional settings) On an additional tab IPTV. (other options: IP-Television , Advanced ).

    Depending on the router model, it can have or the MultiCast function, or the port destination function for IPTV (Bridge), or both of these functions at once, or not have them at all (such as ASUS WL-520GU). In some advanced multicast routers, the multicast data (Multicast) can be organized for wireless networks (such as ASUS RT-N66U).

    Update firmware

    The functionality of the router depends not only from its hardware component, but also from the software by which it is managed. Moreover, the quality of the firmware of the router affects the stability of this key device. Unsuccessful firmware It can make a useless piece of iron router even with the most advanced technical stuffing.

    Understanding this, the developers are trying to constantly improve firmware for routers, periodically releasing updated versions of firmware in which errors and "bugs" of previous editions are corrected. Just a newer firmware can increase the performance of the router and put it with new useful features. Therefore, from time to time, it is worth checking the availability of new software versions for your router model.

    The firmware update is carried out in two stages. First you download new firmware on computer. Then in the router menu we find item System. Setup. (other options: System, Administration, administration, Maintenance, maintenance, Tools. ) and inside it the option Firmware. Upgrade. (other options: Firmware update, software update, Firmware. Update. ). Next, in the window that opens, you must specify the path to the file with the new firmware and click the button. Upload. ( ).


    The developers have long strive to facilitate the setting of the router parameters, making it accessible even for novice users. In most cases, during the first login in the router menu, the wizard offering quickly step-by-step setting its main parameters. This option eliminates newbies from searches for the necessary options among numerous menu sections. If necessary, the installation wizard can be started manually using the item. Quick. Setup. (other options: Setup. Wizard, Installation Wizard, Fast Setup ).

    True, keep in mind that using the installation wizard, it is not always possible to properly configure the router, since in this case some important parameters are not always correctly correct. Also in certain situations, connecting to the Internet may require special settings, the possibility of entering which is simply missing in the wizard mode. Therefore, in many cases use manual mode Setting parameters can not be avoided.

    Thanks to the possibility of connecting via Wi-Fi, as well as with the help and network cable, the routers provide comfortable access to the Internet on various devices. But to start the router, the Internet connection is installed directly in the settings of the router itself.

    Connecting wires

    For the proper operation of the router, connecting the corresponding wires to its connectors is required. Nest data are on the back of the router and have one common standard, thanks to which the cable connection will not cause you difficulties.

    • The first thing to be done is to connect the power supply of the device.
    • the next step is to connect the cable that provides access to the Internet. The connector for it is called "Internet" and, as a rule, is highlighted by different color or is at some distance from the other inputs.
    • to fully access the router settings, you need to connect a computer using a wired connection. This requires an ordinary LAN cable, which goes complete with most routers. To connect the cable between the router and the computer, any of several LAN connectors designated on the router appropriate contractions are used.

    Turning on router

    To turn on the router, depending on the manufacturer and the model, the corresponding button or switch is used on the rear panel of the device. Some routers do not have such a key and turn on immediately after connecting the power wire.

    Actions how to go to the settings of the router Wi Fi

    All that is required to enter the settings menu of your router is a login and password. If you do not know them, manufacturers always indicate factory options on the back of the device: Login - according to the login to enter the menu, and Password is your password. In most cases, the word admin is used as a login, and the password or not using the login is similar. In addition to the name and password to enter the router parameters, the address of the router on the network also is also specified on the rear panel. In most routers, the address is or In order to enter the settings, you must open the browser and enter the specified address in the Address Line field. After that, you will go to the login page in the router menu on which you want to enter your username and password. Access to the router settings allows you to make changes to separate parameters, change the password for Wi-Fia as well as to access the router settings. As a rule, router settings are divided into relevant categories. Despite the fact that the interface of many routers is translated into Russian, there are some models for which only English is available.

    Login for D-Link

    The input of the router D LINK is practically no different from the ways to access the parameters of the routers of other manufacturers. The only difference is only the IP address of the router to access the settings menu, you must enter the address

    Login for asus

    The input to the settings of your router Asus is performed, as on other devices, the feature is the same values \u200b\u200bfor the login and password - admin.

    Login for TP-LINK

    How to enter the settings of the router TP LINK? Parameters to access TP-LINK router settings are identical to standard settings Routers company ASUS. Therefore, to access the interface, the address is entered and the Admin value is used for the Login Password Login fields.


    For cases where incorrect Internet settings were entered or you connect a router to another provider, it is possible to reset the router settings to the original option. Thus, you can get the router settings in the form in which they were when purchasing it. Users also often forget password access to settings after changing the factory password. Using the device reset, you can reset the settings and use standard passwords to access the router settings.

    There are two ways to reset the device to factory settings:

    • The first method involves resetting the settings to the programmatically, it is performed through the router web interface. Such a method will suit only users who have access to the device menu. If you need to throw a password, it is recommended to use the second method. Program reset router in english version The interface looks like "ResetFactoryDefaults", in the Russian version it is more common as "reset to the factory settings."

    For TP-Link routers, this parameter is in the "System Instruments" section. It is enough to select the "Factory Settings" parameter and click on the Restore button. After that, the router will reboot within a minute.

    To reset the ASUS router parameters, you must go to the "Administration" settings section and click on the "Restore" button next to the "Factory Settings". To restore the Router settings, you must reboot.

    The router settings from the manufacturer D-Link are reset to the original option using the Factory Settings feature in the System Interface section.

    • The second method involves the hardware reset of the device settings. The recovery of the settings is performed by pressing the special button "Reset", as a rule, located on the back of the router. The data of the buttons as on the other types of equipment are located in a special recess that protects the button from random presses. Therefore, to reset the settings you need a fountain or pencil, with which you need to hold the button for 6-15 seconds until the indicators on the front panel are lit or not blown. After downloading, the router settings parameters will be installed by default.

    Important! After resetting the settings, you will need to re-configure your Internet connection in the router parameters.

    Video: TP-LINK TL-WR743ND router setting as a wired router

    Installation of firmware

    The firmware of the router helps not only increase the functionality of the device, but also solve some problems in operation. It should be immediately mentioned that the unsuccessful flashing can lead to the complete output of the device. To reduce the possible risk, the firmware is performed only with a cable. There are many unofficial firmware for different models, but to avoid breakdowns of the router, it is recommended to install firmware provided only by the device manufacturer. Such unforeseen situations as shutdown light during the firmware of the router can also lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, during the firmware, connect the device and computer to the uninterruptible power supply.

    Photo: Firmware Update for Router

    To fulfill the flashing itself, you must perform a number of simple operations:

    • download, as well as check the new firmware for your device. Firmware of various versions are available for download on router manufacturers sites.
    • reset device settings to factory settings.
    • disconnect the Internet cable from the router.
    • open web interface and go to FirmwareUpdate update section.
    • some models have automatic search The firmware file, to update such a device, you only need to follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
    • if your device does not have this feature, then you will need to manually specify the location of the new firmware.

    During the firmware, in no case cannot be turned off or restart the device. After the event is completed, the successful firmware installation is required to restart the router.

    New password

    To change the access password, the device's web interface must be logged in to the router settings and select the corresponding category for TP-Link this section is called "System Tools". To change the password or login, you must enter the current password and click Save.

    Photo: Installing a new password for router

    To change the Wi-Fi password, you must go to the settings section. wi-Fi network (wireless network / WirelessNetwork mode). IN this section You can set a new password for Wi-Fi network, as well as select the type of protection. There are 3 options for encryption keys, each of which suggests its level of protection, the most recommended type is WPA / WPA2, which provides the highest degree of security of your router.

    How to get through the browser if you forgot the password? Unfortunately, to enter the settings menu, you need a login and password, to restore which is possible only in the case of preserved backup Routher settings. To view passwords from a backup, it is enough to download the RouterPassView program. There are several standard password options, perhaps one of them was installed for your router:

    • empty line,
    • "Password",
    • "12345"
    • "Admin".

    If you changed the password before and you can not remember it, then in this case the only solution is full reset Routher parameters to factory settings. After reset to enter the settings, you can use the standard login and password.