Connect the TP LINK TL WR740N router. Setting up TP-LINK TL-WR740N, Internet connection and distribution Wi-Fi

TP-LINK TL-WR740N router is a device designed to provide joint access to the Internet. It is at the same time Wi-Fi router and a network switch for 4 ports. Thanks to the support of 802.11n technology, network speeds up to 150 Mbps and affordable price, this device may be an indispensable element when creating a network in an apartment, a private house or small office. But in order to use the possibilities of the router fully, you need to be able to configure it correctly. This will be discussed further.

Before starting the direct configuration of the router, it is necessary to prepare it for work. This will require:

After that, it remains to turn on the power of the router and proceed to its direct configuration.

Possible settings

To start setting TL-WR740N, you must connect to its web interface. To do this, you will need any browser and knowledge of the entry parameters. Usually this information is applied on the bottom of the device.

Attention! Today Domain No longer belongs to TP-LINK. You can connect to the router settings page at

If you cannot connect to the router on the address specified on the package, you can simply enter the device's IP address instead of it. According to the factory settings for TP-LINK devices, IP address is installed or Login and password - admin.

Entering all the necessary information, the user enters the main router settings menu.

Her appearance and the list of sections may differ slightly depending on the firmware version installed on the device.

Fast setting

For consumers who are not very tempted in the subtleties of adjustment of routers, or do not want to bother too, in the TP-LINK TL-WR740N firmware there is a quick setting function. To launch it, you need to go to the section with the same name and click on the button. "Further".

Further sequence of actions such:

On this, a quick setting of the router is completed. Immediately after the reboot, the Internet will appear and the possibility of connecting via Wi-Fi with the specified parameters.

Manual setup

Despite the quick setup option, many users prefer to configure the router manually. It requires a deeper to understand the functioning of the device and work computer networksHowever, it is also not a great difficulty. The main thing is not to change those settings, the purpose of which is incomprehensible, or unknown.

Configure Internet

To configure yourself the connection with the World Wide Web, you need to do the following:

Some providers other than the above parameters may require the registration of the router MAC. These settings can be viewed in the subsection "Cloning of MAC-Address". Usually there is nothing to change there.

Configuring a wireless connection

All Wi-Fi Connection Settings are installed in the section « Wireless mode» . You need to go there and then do the following:

In the remaining subsections to make any changes optional. It is only required to restart the device and make sure that the wireless network works as needed.

Additional features

The execution of the steps described above is usually enough to provide access to the Internet and distribute it to the device on the network. Therefore, many users on this end the configuration of the router. However, there are some more interesting features that are becoming increasingly popular. Consider them in more detail.

Access control

The TP-LINK TR-WR740N device allows you to highly adjust access to wireless network And to the Internet, which allows you to make the network that controlled them is more secure. The user is available to the following features:

In TL-WR740N there are other possibilities for managing access to the network, but they are less interesting for an ordinary user.

Dynamic DNS.

Customers who need to access computers in their network from the Internet can use the dynamic DNS function. Its configurations are devoted to a separate section in the TP-LINK TL-WR740N web configurator. In order to activate it, you must first register your domain name Supplier services DDNS. Then take the following steps:

  1. Find in the DDNS service supplier drop-down in the drop-down list and make registration data received from it to the appropriate fields.
  2. Enable dynamic DNS., noting checkbox in the relevant paragraph.
  3. Check for connecting by pressing the button "To come in" and "Go out".
  4. If the connection has passed successfully, save the created configuration.

After that, the user will be able to access computers on its network from the outside by using a registered domain name.

Parental control

Parental control is a function that is very popular with parents who want to control their child's access to the Internet. To customize it on TL-WR740N, you need to take such steps:

If you wish, the action of the created rule can be configured more flexibly by setting up a schedule in the section "Access control".

Wishing to use the function parental control It should be borne in mind that in TL-WR740N, it acts very peculiar. Enabling function divides all network devices on one controlling, having full access to the network and managed, having limited access According to the rules created. If the device is not attributed to any of these two categories - it will be impossible to exit it to the Internet. If this state of affairs does not suit the user, it is better to use third-party software to make parental control.


Ability to view digital television Via the Internet attracts more and more users. Therefore, in almost all modern routers, IPTV support is provided. It is not an exception to this rule and TL-WR740N. Configure this feature is very simple. The sequence of action is:

If you cannot configure the IPTV function, either such a partition is generally absent on the router settings page, you should update the firmware.

These are the main features tP-LINK router TL-WR740N. As can be seen from the review, despite the budget price, this device provides the user with a fairly wide range of opportunities for Internet access and protect its data.

In Russia WiFi Router TP-LINK TL-WR740N It was quite popular in the market. And its popularity is owned by its low price - this model was one of the cheapest. From here and complaints about poor quality of work, unstable connection And forever buggy WiFi.
At the same time, the TL-WR740N router setting is not particularly different from other Wi-Fi TP-Link routers. In this manual, we will show how to configure the TP-Link 740 router for connecting the Internet and television from Rostelecom, Beeline, and TTK.

Installing and connecting TP-LINK TL-WR740N

IP address tP-LINK routerused for local network, usually or, or. Also, access to the router settings is available both by symbolic address - or You can always clarify this on the sticker, which is from the bottom of the device case.

Login to log in to setting the Wi-Fi router - admin. and password - admin.. Only here there is one point - the password when you first configure the connection usually change to a more complex one. In this case, when through the username and password by default, you will have to do.

How to configure the Internet on TP-LINK TL-WR740N

The TL-WR740N router setup process usually begins with configuring it to connect it to the Internet. To do this, go to the menu Network \u003e\u003e\u003e WAN. So you can see - which connection parameters are used at that moment. At this stage, the main task is to choose correctly connection type. If you do not know which type it is necessary to choose to your operator - consult it technical support. Usually for the uses the PPPoe protocol, for biline - dynamic IP, Rostelecom usually uses PPPoE in most regions, but some can use dynamic IP.

PPPOE connection

In the WAN Connection Type list, select item PPPoE / Russia PPPoe. In this case, it is necessary in the fields below, to register a login and password to connect. They are usually attached to the contract so that the client does not lose.

Usually, besides this, nothing else in the Internet connection settings on the TP-LINK TL-WR740N router is not needed. Just check in order to "Connect Automatically" in the WAN Connection Mode. Press the "Save" button. Connect the provider cable to the router and you can check the Internet access.

Connection Dynamic IP.

If the provider uses the connection type Dynamic IP. (He can also be called DHCP.), then to configure it is enough just to choose this type of connection in the section Network \u003e\u003e\u003e WAN..

Nic additional parameters It is not necessary to prescribe! By the way, the new router from the box is already tuned to such a connection! It is enough just to connect the provider cable to it and it will be able to connect to the Internet itself. Click the Save button and check the Internet access.

WiFi Setup on TL-WR740N router

Setting up wireless wiFi networks TP-LINK TL-WR740N is performed in the following order. First you need to open the menu item Wireless Mode \u003e\u003e\u003e Settings:

In the "Network Name" field, specify the name of the wireless network - that is, here you will write what your wi-fi will be called. To do this, use any word or phrase in English.
"Region" is usually already installed correctly - "Russia".
WiFi channel width on TL-WR740N put 40 MHz. when needed high speed. If you need a large network coverage radius - Leave the value 20 MHz..
Click on the Save button.

Now you need to open the section Protection of wireless mode. Here the password is configured on WiFi at TL-WR740N:

Here, place the flag on the line WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK (recommended) And register these parameters:

Version - WPA2-PSK Encryption - AES Password PSK - Here enter a password for a length of at least 10 characters

Do not touch anything else and click on the "Save" button. After that, you need to connect a laptop or phone and check the availability of WiFi on TP-Link 740.

Comment: If there is a WPS section in the menu - be sure to go there and disconnect this feature, as it represents a very high network security threat.

How to configure IPTV television on TP-Link TL-WR740N

If you want to configure the digital TV on the TP-LINK TL-WR740N router, you will need to know in the technical support of the Provider settings for this service. Usually at, TTK and Beeline is quite simple separate one LAN port To connect the STB console. To do this go to the section \u003e\u003e\u003e iptv.

Attention! If you have an IPTV item in the router configuration menu at all - update it with the firmware (below in the instructions we will tell you how to do it).

Activate IGMP Proxy mode. Below, in the "Mode" field, place the "Bridge" value and select the port for IPTV - "LAN4". Press the "Save" button. Now you need to connect a TV console to TL-WR740N and check the operation of the service.

There are cases when setup IPTV. On TL-WR740N implies the need to register the VLAN number on the router. Such a scheme is often used by Rostelecom). Then in the "Mode" row, put 802.1Q Tag VLAN.:

In the parameters below check the box Disable VLAN TAG for the Internet. In the "Multicast VLAN identifier for IPTV service" enter the number of the VLAN ID, which you learned technical support. In the line "Multicast VLAN priority for IPTV service, put the number" 4 ". At the bottom of the page, find the line "LAN4 port mode" and put the "IPTV" value in it.

How to open a port on TP-LINK TL-WR740N

In order to open ports on the TP-LINK-LINK TL-WR740N for playing or video surveillance (i.e., make the so-called port forward) to enter the menu section Forwarding \u003e\u003e\u003e Virtual Servers:

To add the port to the open port of the TP-LINK router - click on the Add button. This menu appears:

In the port of the service and in the "Internal Port" line, you need to register the port number to be opened on the TP-Link 740 router. Next, write the IP address of the computer to which the ports are made. In the line "Protocol" more optimally put the value of everything. Otherwise, you will have to separately open the port for the TCP protocol and for the UDP protocol. Click the Save button.

TP-LINK TL-WR740N firmware

If you endure the TP-Link 740 router and update software Router, first download last version According to the official website of the manufacturer. Download tP-LINK firmware TL-WR740N can be.
Once the file downloaded - unpack it from the archive if it has a ZIP or RAR format. Then in the web interface, open the menu item System Tools \u003e\u003e\u003e Update Built-in:

Click on the "Select File" button to show the device where the software file lies and click on the Update button. After that, the firmware of the TL-WR740N router will begin. This cannot be turned off or restart the router. The process itself takes about 2 to 10 minutes, after which the router will reboot. The settings are usually not reset.

Change Password Access to Settings

After adjusting the TL-WR740N router - do not forget to change its factory Admin password to some kind of one, more complex. This must be done to ensure the safety of its home network. To change the password of the TP-Link 740 router, open the menu section System Tools \u003e\u003e\u003e Password:

At the top of the window, you will write the username and password that is currently used. But below will need to specify a new password and its confirmation in the corresponding field. Save the router settings. After that it is advisable to restart it.

Distributing a huge number of devices capable of connecting to the Internet using wireless technology, led to the fact that the presence of Wi-Fi-coatings in the house or apartment ceased to be something special, and it became more likely to be needed. Laptops, smartphones and tablets are practically in every family, and all users of these devices need Wi-Fi. To date, create a wireless network in a small room is very simple, you will need a single device - a router. Below it will be about budget, but not only at the expense of this very popular model - TP-LINK TL-WR740N. Routher tuning will also be considered.


Before moving to the installation and configuration of the router, it should be stopped on the description of its main possibilities. This will not make mistakes in choosing a potential buyer of the device. TP-LINK Characteristics TL-WR740N in aggregate with a low cost allow this device to apply for the title of one of best decisions For use in an apartment or a small house. The device supports modern standards for transmitting information in Wi-Fi networks, including 802.11n 2.4 GHz at a speed of up to 150 Mbps, as well as widely used encryption protocols. Internet connection can be carried out using constant and dynamic IP addresses, as well as via PPPOE, PPTP and L2TP.

Additional functions

To optional useful features You should include IPTV support, as well as the ability to broadcast ports. Among other things, DMZ and UPNP are supported by the router. The TP-LINK TL-WR740N setting is quite simple, and even a novice user can understand with this question. Summarizing the foregoing, it is worth noting that this model can be recommended to create a network of 1-3 computers and several mobile devices, that is, for the usual medium-sized needs.


The first thing that is required after the purchase of any router is to connect to the cable device from the provider, as well as the conjugation of the device from the PC using the Patch Cord, which is included with the router. Connecting TP-LINK TL-WR740N to configure it is desirable to be done through the cable, and not Wi-Fi, you should not forget about it. On the rear panel of the device there is five connectors, one of which is marked with blue (WAN). It is in this blue connector that the cable from the provider is connected. To connect to a PC or laptop, uses any of the yellow connectors (No. 1-4). After the network wires are connected and the router is powered by a power outlet 220 V, you need to press the power button located near the connectors, and you can move to configuration. By the way, the TP-LINK TL-WR740N scheme, according to which the router is connected to other devices, displayed on the box.

Installing an Internet connection

The main function of each router is the distribution of the Internet to other devices. Before implementing this featureYou must configure TP-LINK TL-WR740N to receive the Internet from the provider. To do this, you need to use the capabilities of the web interface of the router. Access to the settings is carried out at or, which is entered in the address bar of any Internet browser. After authorization (by default, the username and password correspond to the ADMIN value) the screen will open in which absolutely all parameters of the router are installed. Most. simple way Quickly connect the Internet to the router is the use of item " Fast setting" The transition to this item will launch a special wizard, following the instructions of which you need to determine the network parameters. For most users, the TP-LINK TL-WR740N setup in this variant is reduced to the selection of the country, city and provider in the first step of the work of the wizard.

Wireless settings

In addition to connecting to the Internet, the setup wizard described above allows you to configure the parameters of the wireless network, represented mainly by the last, password for access, encryption type. You can specify your own parameters, and you can leave the default values. By the way, the wireless network password installed by default is written on the sticker located below the device housing. Upon completion of the application of the required data, you must click the "Next" button on the settings screen, and in the next window the "Finish" button. After rebooting, the machine must connect to the Internet and start distributing traffic through a wireless network. If this happens, you have to double-check the correctness of settings by running the "fast setting" again.

Firmware update

Large manufacturers of network equipment, and the TP-LINK company here is no exception, constantly produce work on improving software, which underlies the work of their devices. To update the firmware, you must use the "Update Firmware" item in the System Tools menu of the router web interface. Reflash TP-LINK TL-WR740N in case of availability new version Firmware on the official website of the manufacturer is very desirable. In most cases, this procedure increases the stability of the router, and can also bring new features in the device.

Firmware procedure

So, to update the firmware, you need to use the above-described "Upgraded software" tool. But before proceeding to the procedure, you must upload the firmware file from the manufacturer's official website. When downloading the file, it is important to consider the hardware version of the router. Information on revision can be found on the box from the device, as well as on the label located below the router case. After the desired file is loaded to the PC disc, you need to go to the update tool screen, click the "Select File" button, specify the path to the firmware in the "Explorer" window, and then click the "Update" button. The process of rewriting the firmware will begin, and then the router will automatically restart.


As you can see, TL-WR740N is a router model that can be recommended to each user with low requests as a basis for creating a home network. At low cost, this solution seems almost perfect, in any case, for those who make the first steps in the world of computer networks either own small quantity Devices requiring Internet connection on Wi-Fi.

In order to get to the web interface of the router, you must open your internet browser and in the address bar dial 192. 168.1.1, Username - admin., Passwordadmin. (Provided that the router has factory settings, and its IP has not changed).

Changing the factory password

So that no one except you can enter the router settings, you must change the password to enter the settings.

To do this, select the left in the menu System tools (System Tools) - Password (Password) and enter the settings:

  1. Previous username: Old username, enter Admin
  2. Previous Password: old passwordintroduce admin
  3. New username: Enter a new username, you can leave Admin
  4. New password: We enter a new password
  5. Confirm new password: Confirm the new password

Connecting Internet Connection

In the router interface you need to go to the tab Net (Network), menu WAN. (Here you can add, edit and delete connections).

Configuring PPPOE Connection

  1. In field WAN Type Connection:choose PPPOE / RUSSIA PPPOE
  2. Username:your login under the contract
  3. Passwordand Password confirmation: Your password under the contract
  4. Auxiliary connection: Disabled
  5. Wan connection mode: Automatic connection
  6. Save. Internet is configured.

Setting up L2TP connection

  1. A type Wan connections: Select L2TP / RUSSIA L2TP
  2. Username: Your login under the contract
  3. Passwordand Password confirmation: Your password under the contract
  4. Put the point on Dynamic IP.
  5. IP address / server name
  6. MTU MTU
  7. WAN connection mode - Connect automatically
  8. After the introduction of the above settings click Save. Internet is configured.

Setting up PPTP (VPN) with automatic receipt of the local IP address (DHCP)

  1. A type Wan connections: Select L2TP / RUSSIA L2TP
  2. Username: Your login under the contract
  3. Passwordand Password confirmation: Your password under the contract
  4. Put the point on Dynamic IP.
  5. IP address / server name - address or server name (indicated in the contract)
  6. MTU MTU - Change the value by 1450 or less
  7. WAN connection mode - Connect automatically
  8. After the introduction of the above settings click Save. Internet is configured.

Setting PPTP (VPN) with a static local IP address

  1. A type Wan connections: Select L2TP / RUSSIA L2TP
  2. Username: Your login under the contract
  3. Passwordand Password confirmation: Your password under the contract
  4. Put the point on Static IP.
  5. IP address / server name, IP address, subnet mask, main gateway, DNS - These data clarify your provider
  6. MTU MTU - Change the value by 1450 or less
  7. WAN connection mode - Connect automatically
  8. After the introduction of the above settings click Save. Internet is configured.

NAT with automatic receipt of IP address (DHCP)

  1. In field WAN Type Connection: Choose Dynamic IP.
  2. Press Save. Internet is configured.

Setting up Wi-Fi on the router

Configure Wi-Fi connection. In the side menu, go to Wireless (wireless mode). In the window that opens, enter the following settings:

  1. Network Name - Your Wireless Name
  2. Region - You can put Russia, and you can not choose anything. This is not critical.

Set up encryption Wi-Fi. In the side menu, go to Wireless Security (Wireless Protection):

  1. Select the type of encryption WPA-PSK / WPA2-PSK
  2. PSK Password (PSK Password): Enter the password on the Wi-Fi network. Password should not be less than 8 characters
  3. Press the Save button below. After saving the settings, the router will be prompted, ignore this requirement (red inscription below).

In this instruction, we will configure the TP-LINK TL-WR740N router. This is a very popular router that is in great demand due to small price and quality. Many of my acquaintances are installed that TP-Link TL-WR740N is installed, which perfectly copes with its task. And it is created exclusively for home use. And that if you have a lot of devices at home, and the house itself is large, then the TL-WR740N may not cope with its work. This is normal, because this is a budget router.

But, even despite his small price, it looks just fine. Beautiful design, Matte case, there is an opportunity to hang a router on the wall, all this is undoubtedly the pros. Of course I would also like to see the power on / off button, and the separate button to turn off Wi-Fi, but they are unfortunately not. The only problem is when when connected large number Devices, online games, when loading torrents, may disappear Internet. And the router will have to often reboot. Wrote about it. But this is quite normal for the budget model.

This model is produced for a very long time ago, there are 6 hardware versions, which means that it has already been modified six times and updated something (in terms of iron). This router received a lot of awards and won many contests. At the present folk model.

Now I will show how to configure TP-LINK TL-WR740N. It will be full instruction By setting up the Internet, Wi-Fi network, and install the password on the wireless network. Well, consider the process of connecting the router. It does not matter that you have a new router just with the store, or have already used them, the instruction will suit you. However, this instruction is suitable for TP-LINK TL-WR741ND.

If the router has already tried to set up, it would be nice make a reset TP-LINK TL-WR740N settings. To do this, turn on the power, and hold the button for 10 seconds. WPS / Reset.which is located on the back of the router.

You can look at the indicators, they must all light up. After that, you can release the button.

Connect the TP-LINK TL-WR740N router

Take the power adapter, and connect to the router. Connect it to the power grid. Further, B. WAN. Connector (it is blue) on the router connect the Internet. Network cable from the Internet provider. And if you have the Internet via an ADSL modem, then connect the TP-LINK TL-WR740N with the modem. On the router cable in the WAN connector, and on the modem in LAN.

Now you need to determine from which device you will configure the router. If from a computer, or laptop, then I advise you to connect to the router on the cable that comes in the kit. Connect cable B. Lan. Connector (yellow), and on a computer in a network card connector.

And if you want to configure your TL-WR740N by Wi-Fi, then simply connect to its Wi-Fi network. If the router is new, then it will have a standard name. For example, I have this: "TP-LINK_9C00". And to connect, use the standard password, which is indicated from the bottom of the router on the sticker.

Just connect to the wireless network. If it is the status "without access to the Internet", then this is normal. This means that you just need to configure the connection to the provider. What we now will go.

TL-WR740N: Connecting Internet Connection (WAN)

If you want, you can update the firmware of the router before setting. We have a separate instruction for this model:

1. If you need to run to connect to the Internet high-speed connection, now it is not necessary. It can be deleted. This connection will set the router after setting.

2. If you already have the Internet on your computer through a router, without launching different connections, most likely you have a provider using a dynamic IP connection technology, and you do not need to configure the Internet connection. You can immediately move to the Wi-Fi network setting (see below).

We need to go to the control panel.

Log in to the TP-LINK TL-WR740N router settings

If you are already connected to the router, simply open any browser, enter the address in the address bar (on older versions can be, or http://tplinkwifi.netAnd go on it. Enter the username and password. If you did not change them, then admin. and admin.. Well, if they changed and forgotten, we will reset the settings.

You may still come in handy more detailed, and the Council to solve the problem when.

I have the settings in Russian. I think you also. If you have everything in English, and there is no Russian firmware on the TP-LINK website, then write in the comments, add the menu partition names in English.

Setting up PPPOE, L2TP, PPTP

You must know what type of connection uses your Internet provider. And all the necessary data for connectivity: username, password, IP (if necessary). This information can be clarified by the provider itself, or in the documents you received when connected.

Go to the settings to the tab NetWAN.. On the menu WAN Connection Type We need to choose the type of connection.

If you have a dynamic IP, we choose it and immediately press the button Save. There are no more parameters to set any parameters. Is that if your provider does (but it rarely happens). After that, the Internet should earn through the router.

And if you have PPPOE, PPTP, or L2TP, you will need to set the necessary parameters for the connection that the provider issued.

If this way you did not work out to configure the Internet, then go to the tab Fast settingand try set up everything with step by step instructions. There you can simply choose a country, provider, etc. It may be easier for you.

Go to setting up Wi-Fi is moving only when the Internet is already working through the router.

Setting up Wi-Fi and password on TP-LINK TL-WR740N

Go to configuring a wireless network and install the Wi-Fi password. In the Control Panel, open the tab Wireless mode.

Here we need to change the name Wi-Fi network, choose our region, and click on the button Save.

To set the password, go to the tab immediately Wireless modeProtection of wireless mode.

Here you need to highlight the item WPA / WPA2 - Personal (recommended), set the remaining parameters as I have in the screenshot below, and in the field Wireless password Come up and write a password to which your Wi-Fi will be protected. The password must be minimum of 8 characters. Click on the button Saveand you can immediately click on the link "Press here"to restart the router.

After rebooting, you will need to reinstate the devices that you connected via Wi-Fi. Already with a new password, and to the network with a new name, if you changed it.

Changing the Admin password to enter the settings

I advise you to go to the settings, and on the tab SystemPassword Change password that is used to enter the router settings with the standard Admin to some more complex. To do this, you will need to specify the old username and the old password, and ask new ones. You can leave the user name Admin, but the password will come up with another.

Write down the password to not forget it. And if you forget, it will be necessary, and configure everything again, as you can not get into the control panel.

TP-LINK TL-WR740N is not at all difficult. It is not more difficult than other models of this manufacturer. The main thing is that the Internet has earned through the router, and the computer has lost the status of "without access to the Internet", which I wrote about in the article.

You can configure both from a computer (No matter, Windows 10 You have, Windows 7, or another OS)and with mobile device (smartphone, tablet). And if you have a TL-WR740N hardware version 5 and above, you can use branded on to configure and control the router. Everything works, checked.

If you have any questions about setting up this router, then ask them in the comments.